tv Auf den Punkt Deutsche Welle March 19, 2021 12:00am-12:46am CET
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join us for the 27th of my i think 30 pm. speak up for me. this is the news live from berlin europe's top medical regulator gives the astra zeneca coronavirus vaccine the go ahead again it's me. it's to protecting people from pubic 19 with these recent times july patients outweight the cost of the risks but questions still remain about the vaccine and blood
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clotting also coming out. verbal abuse and physical assaults members of new york's asian american community tell you how racism has surged during the pandemic . and hundreds of child sex abuse allegations in the german city of cologne on the field in a new report bishop accused of hiding the scandals may walk away free. a moment is a welcome to the show several european union countries say they are resuming astra zeneca vaccinations after the e m a the european medicines agency said the vaccine is safe and highly effective after a review that you may conclude that the vaccine was not associated with overall increase in the risk of blood clots more than a dozen european countries suspended astra zeneca backs the nation's after some
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recipients developed clots the a.m.a. says the benefits of the shot outweigh the risks but it will continue to investigate reports of rare clotting disorders. based on the evidence available and after days of in-depth analysis of lab results clinical reports autopsy reports and further information from the clinical trials we still cannot. definitively link between these cases and the vaccine the may has recommended european countries to restart inoculation with astra zeneca but has the damage to the vaccine already been done we put that question to our correspondent there regard. some experts say the there because now the trust into this special vaccine from a senate and in vaccination as such might be undermined there's some snap pose from germany although that say the vaccination efforts will not suffer because still 72 percent of the population want to get the shot and the even to date tried
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to do to curtail the damage. in the kook said if it were me i would get the shot tomorrow. now here in germany the government and public health authorities have been under fire for weeks now over the sluggish vaccination rollout the numbers are not good less than one in 10 people in germany has received the 1st dose of the vaccine some say the delays are damaging germany's reputation for efficiency. a widespread sigh of relief after the european medicines agency the clear the astra zeneca vaccine safe and effective german health minister yen spahn called it good news and then ounce the country would be resuming vaccinations with esther's anika. our joint goal of the federal government and all 16 states is to start vaccinating again in germany with astra zeneca tomorrow during the course of
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the day come. on said that you mazes assessment confirms that the german government was right to press pause on astra zeneca vaccines and await the outcome of the agency's investigations doctors will now have to inform patients about the possibility of rare blood clotting disorders said the head of germany's institute for vaccines this week the committee has found that the risk to benefit ratio is still favorable and therefore vaccinations can continue however there will be a warning on and it is important to us that it is a warning that draws attention to the particularly symptoms that can occur in very rare cases. the s resent it has shot is essential for the success of germany's vaccination plan the rollout has so far been sluggish especially compared to countries such as israel and the u.k. only 3.7 percent of germany's population has been fully vaccinated and the around
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8.4 percent has received a 1st shot. the government's strategy relies on the uptake of astra zeneca deliveries expected over the next few months up to almost $17000000.00 doses in the 2nd quarter of the year germany also wants to start vaccinating in doctors' offices by mid april a plan that is highly reliant on the astra zeneca shot being available the government will now also have to work to ensure that germans don't lose trust in the safety of the s resent vaccine a loss in trust could endanger chancellor angela merkel's pledge to have given all adults in germany the chance to get vaccinated by the end of summer. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. surging covert infections have forced some of france's most populous areas into a limited lockdown starting this weekend paris and the north of france have been the worst affected in the country's 3rd wave france recorded nearly 40000 new cases
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on thursday the government has ordered stores to close for a month. spanish lawmakers have voted to legalize physician assisted suicide and euthanasia the law applies to long suffering patients and those with incurable diseases spain is the 6th country in the world and the 4th in the e.u. to allow doctors to help terminally ill patients and their lives. as u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken said that china is threatening global stability he made his comments after arriving in alaska for talks with china's top to diplomats yang jiechi the pair are due to discuss problems and discuss issues including trade human rights abuses and the militarization of the south china sea. police are still searching for the motive of a gunman who killed 8 people in the u.s. state of georgia tuesday 21 year old was arrested after a shooting spree at
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a massage massage parlors in the atlanta area most of the victims were women of asian descent and the suspect has been charged with their murders. rights groups say the killings are part of a surge in n.t. asian hate crimes in the u.s. police say they have not ruled out charging the suspect with a hate crime but say that he told them that a sex obsession led him to the violence best in heartache reports from new york. every day esther also gets sun makes her way from her workplace to the post office to the west village indoor manhattan usually considered a safe area in new york city but one day about a year ago she experienced something that she hasn't been able to forget. right about here as i was on the phone someone was so close from behind me. came from here and then just started spinning at will at the time cases of cold 19 were surging in new york city then president donald trump was pushing and asian rhetoric
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calling it the china virus making people of asian descent people like esther a target for racist attackers and just yelling why would you do this why would you do this right at this time and he yelled at me because you're sick. for weeks she says she couldn't walk the streets without constantly looking over her shoulder and even now there are some scars from that day that haven't healed. it's the feeling of violence being violated that that feeling of. not being alone. in the feeling of this those 3 things are kind of hard to. erase i guess from my memory and asian hate crimes have surged all over the united states in the past year in new york city alone their number has increased more than 8 fold activists say that's just the tip of the iceberg many victims often don't want to come forward don't want to speak to the police new york police department
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has set up a specific task force to reach out to the asian american community. a lot of them don't speak the language a lot of them are undocumented they're afraid of coming to the police a lot of the want to cooperate is they don't want to miss work they also fear retaliation this task force builds a bridge to that community of victims we convince someone game a cooperation we tell them the benefits of cooperating we have. officers who speak their language have some of heritage a step in the right direction but for many new york's asian american community not nearly enough to tackle a problem that's plagued them since the very beginning manhattan's chinatown is one of the oldest chinese ethnic enclaves the 1st chinese migrants settled down here back in the 850 s. and the recent increase in anti asian hate crimes is just the latest flare up in a long history of anti asian sentiment which is just as old as the migration from asia to the united states itself especially in times of national crisis like now
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during the pandemic americans of asian descent have repeatedly been made the scapegoat for their country's plight and are known as a warmers rep permanent or you can be here for many many generations and there's always that option because well it was rare you where you were anything right and there was. nobody believed you so i think it's easy to. victimize people that you don't and that you don't want to that's. the race. despite what she's experienced as to but also your son still considers the u.s. her home she's been here for more than 20 years and she hasn't given up hope that things will one day get better for people who educate themselves they end up being more informed than the being kinder. helping them hold true against
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other races would eventually stop but for now many asian americans remain vigilant as every new attack further fans the fear among their community. a report by the catholic church has uncovered hundreds of allegations of child sex abuse sexual abuse in the city of cologne germany is largest diocese study found more than 300 victims going back to 1075 more than half were under 14 investigation cleared colognes archbishop rayner maria veliki of a breach of duty is under pressure to resign accused of hiding the allegations. we hear now from a man who was abused as a boy and says and has spent much of his adult life seeking justice. can make a good. nation and i remember sitting in a cell in the bathroom area next to the sleeping quarters overlooking the courtyard
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lick of of the enclosed i was crying to myself and calling for my mother or i was just 11. i kept crying i can't anyone hear me. mr guy now carl how clear was a boarder at a catholic school where a priest abused him for years how his still haunted by terrible memories several years ago he felt so overwhelmed that he tried to kill himself it was only later that he realized that he wasn't alone what had happened to him had happened to others but the church state silent. in 222 on. the list of the 2 to instruct on arms a church is an institution that speaks and acts from a highly moral standpoint. so it meeting wrongdoing like this is very difficult anyone can see that. but our accusation is that the burden of the church silencer
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falls on the victims. because. fresh of course and. not. your for over a full. how could i and other survivors to cope earlier this year when the cologne archdiocese announced that it would publish a report naming those responsible for abuse but things turned out differently the archdiocese changed its mind it told the victims that the report was unreliable and poorly done survivors felt browbeaten into accepting that the finding stay secret door and. they needed us as a kind of seal of approval to justify this decision to suppress the results do userspace rosa's still did work for their g.p.'s and no one from the archdiocese wanted to go on camera to comment meanwhile traumatized all over again the
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suffering both physically and emotionally but often avoid annoyed or notes mention the victims have been exploited once again people who were damaged in the past by priests have been damaged it again to protect the institution or when i finally understood what was going on all the crimes that happened thanks then back to me being. support. seen. pokus s. that he's lost his faith and the church once and for all next up news africa with any michael jr but 1st we'll leave you with a sampling of the 1st nor riyadh festival where more than 60 local and international artists are displaying interactive like creations a mommy is a thanks for watching.
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create the tallest biggest and the most beautiful structures. stone masons builders and architects compete with each other. this is how massive churches are created. a. contest of the fields starts to slow t.w. . this as did up in years africa coming up on the program tanzania is mourning the death of president a model fully the government says he succumbed to house complications on wednesday but what legacy has he left behind of the plane down the effects of the colon up. bios from demi. also coming up. we'll meet a woman in the central african republic who is risking it all to educate children
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in their country talk. i m f you mike a junior welcome to the program tributes have been pouring in from world leaders mourns the death of president john michael fully is 8 c. the 61 year old died of heart failure but tanzania's main opposition leader alleges that his death was a result of the kohen of virus michael fully hadn't been seen in public for several weeks and he had previously played down the risk of covert 19. many had been speculating that tanzania's president john mega fully was in bad health because he'd been absent from public life and nearly 3 weeks. it was vice president sami a saloon who the woman who will replace him who confirmed to make a fully would not protect. her new multi. futile
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arrangements are being made. and you will be notifying. the country mourning period of 14 days. when the flags fly at half. mega fully suffered heart complications for over 10 years the popular leader was elected in 2015 and made a name for himself as a corruption busting man of the people he support has expressed dismay that his days. i feel very sad and i am suffering because we had our leader our president we loved him and he loved us. hit us hard the whole of tanzania as a nation has been hit hard but for me personally i am deeply affected. it was
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only last year that magath really was reelected after the polls opposition figures accused him of cracking down understanding voices most recent criticism was focused on his handling of the corona virus pandemic he drastically downplayed the effects of the virus calling on people to use prayer instead of masks. in government no one wears a mask including me. proves there is no coronavirus and god loves this nation nothing is impossible for god. one more of his political wishes will be granted that some media salute tanzania's 1st female vice president will become the nation's 1st female president to talk as we are joined by a child journalist in tanzania hello charles thanks for joining us you've been in touch with people on the ground what are the mixed reactions to his death. thank
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you eddie 1st of 4000000 people are mourning the death of president john emotionally and the majority of the majority of gamers. are talking over. this statement that was announced yesterday by the place president of tanzania dr michael fully was 1st taken to the hospital on the 6th of march so all of. those rumors that were previously. social media and that my family was was ill the government has for the altera dismissed accusations so many people saying why was the government tied in truth about he's his health status so some of the people seemed to maybe be the government will provide enough it's about well you know after that monthly maybe did the acceptance of the news will be will be when he did it maybe not that much that like what happened
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yesterday is not what you really think because that's really what my next question was going to be because tanzanians had the right to know about the health condition so really why wasn't the government open about it until his passing. we cannot tell what made the government remain quiet about health for them to join him fully because all their leaders especially those top leaders like i mean as of tanzania to see much and you know a. few weeks ago i can say one week ago on friday he said that he talked to president to join him about fully and the president was healthy and continuing with he's well but later we are told the president was seen as. much to see a soul we cannot really tell what was behind you know he's information i mean. ok now what legacy house left behind
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both for his country and africa. in tanzania i would say that my. legacy is an outstanding and a president. especially by punishing those who seem to to to to to this. to be in the united. states. does corrupt really does as well as assume office who started. what we say the discipline in the government fully will be uninstalled leading to. an african east because our for all the people. he's never went abroad so he remained here in tanzania and saying he was. ruling the country well in the country so all that matters most and in terms i was fighting with them while in the
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country not going to travel i mean i wrote ok that's pretty interesting so what next how does tanzania move on from here according to the times i have a constitution that when the president is dying has died the vice president who is . who is my son your son will be sworn in in a period of not more not longer than $25.00. and 55 hours so we're waiting to see you president. will be the 1st president of tanzania to i woman to lead the country and i think what we're waiting it out is will go through and be waiting to see what how government will be in in the near future for. almost 5 years. so quickly before you go charles what kind of approach do you think governments will take in tackling the covert ones in pandemic. because of some yes aloha sun.
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she has been in the government since 2015 and also she experienced the face wave of coffee 19 in the last year and of course the 2nd one that is believed to be this year. i know maybe she'll come up with different approach because the. government that was led by because it. is its own unique approach compared to any country in the world like in for size and. to to use the local remedies especially stimulation maybe she'll bring about a mission to come to call this beautiful good 19 is there a sense that she could take it a bit more seriously i think she may take into consideration the seriousness of the disease because it has taken a lot of lives of people hint underneath that well that bunch maybe she will come
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up with approach that will be more serious compared to what people have already been. taken was then taken that he sees as just a moment. too many deaths. ok giles can be a journalist in tanzania thanks for your time. now let's go meet a very dedicated woman who against all odds pushes for children to have a better chance in the central african republic for more than 20 years the country has been in constant conflicts and i geraghty of children has been left stranded deprived of education so this must change says john at some t.v. . genet santilli wanted to help the children of the central african republic who because of ongoing war were missing out on education so the restaurant owner decided to set up a school in be more in the eastern suburbs of the capital bangui. generate
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invest that one savings to get to school up and running and to make education available to those who would not have it otherwise she feels a deep sense of responsibility towards the children even if they are not on. nevertheless she saw the border. she feels like. to see my mother used to run all kinds of businesses to provide for us she never went to school as such herself but what she did was so much more than just work hard for us my parents instilled values in me and my siblings we adopted them this is why we have to provide the basics for these children and the basics start with education education will enable the children to prepare for their future. and in doing so they will be preparing for the future of our country the central african republic.
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the central african republic one of the poorest educational systems in the world for over 30 years it has been plagued by on raised and repeated. schools suffer from a lack of material on human resources on ensuring the children's ongoing education is extremely difficult due to insecurity. and precarious living conditions schools are closed in most parts of the country where prince harry 15 year old pupil who attends and it's school knows but even when it seems all hope lost a bit of future can still take shape i am i love that war and coronavirus forced us to flee from the democratic republic of congo and find refuge here we didn't go to school there but i feel good about this school it's my future i am determined to succeed in life i want to become a school principal i came to school to prepare for a future which will enable me to take care of my parents this by the pupils determination to study the survival of the school like so many of us in the central
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african republic depend entirely on the goodwill of individuals people like months pregnant schoolteacher bernardin. most of these children here their parents don't have money to pay for their tuition. even me i teach these children for free there are very few trained teachers in the country but once the children are in class i can't abandon them war has interrupted their education terribly they start to study then war breaks out so they return home later when the fighting stops they return to school here you will have the children of the central african republic already so far from years we don't. if conflict in the region continues it will continue to be casualties of. that's it for now we leave you with pictures from king goodwill as well a team east policy in south africa where this fight over 1000 restrictions many came to bid the king farewell became passed away last week i feel now about.
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to the point strong opinions clear positions of international perspectives. the arctic ice cap is melting away making it easier to exploit the region's huge reserves of natural resources 3 major powers the us china and russia vying for the biggest possible shadow of the cake so how explosive is their rivalry. to the point
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. of being 16. they want to know what makes the devil. and everyone with nato holding everything. are you ready to meet the defense then join the rapist do it under you. plans to build more offices across the u.s. as the economy recovers what signal does that send about the future of work we'll talk to our correspondent in new york. also on the show new year new outlook for transatlantic trade u.s. and german firms say they're pretty optimistic but not everything is rosy. and
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amsterdam stock exchange takes a bite out of london's business after a break that euro next now has its sights set on other rivals. lower welcome to the show i'm seeing beardsley in berlin it's good to have you with us google has announced plans to invest $7000000000.00 on new offices and data centers across the u.s. saying it wants to be part of the nation's economic recovery c.e.o. sundar pichai made the announcement in a blog post it's the latest signal that tech firms like more traditional corporations see what working as a necessity of the pandemic and not a long term strategy google now expects employees will return to offices in the fall but has said they'll still be allowed to work 2 days a week at home. and here's what c.e.o. p. chai had to say about the importance of being at the office coming together in person to collaborate and build community is core to google's culture he said and it will be an important part of our future
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and let's go over to our financial correspondent in yes in new york and korea for more yes that seems like a pretty clear signal there from google's boss if you want to go up you probably need to be in the office what about the future of remote work that we all talked about about a year ago. now well i mean quite obviously working from an office says not entirely vanished and if you look at the tech companies it's interesting google was one of the 1st big tech firms a year ago or in the summer to tell their employees they can work from home at least for a year if not a lot longer and all of their one of the 1st big tech firms to even invest into office work or well especially the big tech companies so they have been the winners from the pen demick sold they have the money to invest and then also if you look at commercial real estate prices they have dropped quite a bit so it might be
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a good opportunity actually to get those spaces so what i believe we might see is some kind of a hybrid that some people will come back to work some will work from home maybe 23 days a week and then come to the office but having that said ford the car maker just on wednesday actually told the 30000 global employees who are working remotely they can continue to work still so we won't be fully back to where we were before the pandemic i guess some kind of a hybrid model that's going to be the new norm but then also especially here in the united states is the service industries so you will have person to person business and for those people it's not even a question if they're working from home they actually have to go out if they want to or not you know what about there in manhattan where you are in the financial district are you seeing people start to return to the office as vaccinations are picking up. yeah i mean people do come to the offices but actually just in very small groups and i guess one of the biggest best indicators is if you
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look in the subways before the pandemic on an average weekday you had about 5 and a half 1000000 riders each day and now we are at about $2000000.00 so that's much better than what we've seen let's say a year ago but it's far away from those highs that the saw before and then also if you look at a lot of offices there's still closed when i go up to my office the elevators are empty usually there are lines in the morning and now you are basically the only person in new york it will take quite some time to really go back to the levels we've been before and that's also hurting business of just talk to someone yesterday who used to work in a place in grand central and that place had to shut down because all the lunch people they have not returned to the city and so finally the place had to shut for good all right yes quarter in new york thank you so much. is that a biden bump or hopes for economic recovery
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a new survey by the american chamber of commerce in germany shows businesses in both countries have a more positive outlook about trade compared to last year the group's members said they wanted president biden to focus on trade and climate issues with international partners a survey also found that u.s. companies in germany had weathered the economic impact of covert better than german companies in the u.s. some old men it is vice president of the american chamber of commerce in germany so it's good to have you on the show in many ways this outlook this year was bound to be more positive than the one from last year i would think where you had the big beginning of the pandemic and then you had of course an election year with trump still being a wild card are there any surprises in this outlook. yeah there are some so i think all our members from m.g.m. germany looking positively into the new relationship with the buying that ministration and they think and that should not be a surprise there should be a more reliable. bullet political relationship especially when we're talking about
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the trade relationship which our members look at focus more than anything else on the other hand there is a bet surprise and that is since 92018 when the u.s. company said it germany is 1001 percent of the u.s. company set germany is a good of very good location not only 63 percent said that so we lost 10 percent every year so i think there is really a call for action for the german government and the new german administration to do something but there is a window of a unity what's behind that loss. that is said taxation that is digital infrastructure that is cost of energy and cost of labor so how has a different government began to resolve some of those are $1.00 of the most critical. in my opinion and i think in the opinion of our members it is the digital
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infrastructure so there is too much paperwork and know no easy way to transmit data there's no standard between the e.u. or germany to transmit data so for all new businesses we need reliable and good standard to stansfield data and have a good interest option and that is not yet given we need investments here in germany in that area small you mention the trade tensions of course seem to have eased we saw the setting aside of those punitive tariffs to the boeing airbus to spirits at the same time it doesn't seem like the 2 sides are getting any closer to the beginning of a trade deal what's the outlook there i wouldn't expect it to be. one and all trait agreements coming now because we have we will
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have a new administration in autumn so i think there are unfortunately we have a standstill for a period of time and we need small signals and working and quietly working with the e.u. where the e.u. can say we will not have that terrorists in the next month we will not increase terrorists so that is a good positive signal to the u.s. administration writes among men a vice president of the american chamber of commerce in germany thank you so much thank you stephen was a pleasure now to some of the other global business stories making headlines. and we begin with a growing point of contention and transatlantic relations the u.s. government has warned workers and companies involved in the north stream to pipeline and to deliver russian gas to germany to abandon their work immediately or face sanctions u.s. has said the project gives russia too much leverage in europe. air france is testing a digital health past in the form of a q.r.
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code on a number of flights from paris to quote a loop martinique and the us one scan the certificate allows officials to verify a negative covert test and the flight information the trial will run for a month. or frankfurt is again among the world's top 10 financial hubs thanks to brags that in the ranking of the global financial centers index frankfurt is a 9th place at of circ paris and luxembourg another brags that when or at least in the financial sector is amsterdam barbara faisal reports for them sometimes new business district so he does he's dooming enough to fin to companies start to dream locating from the u.k. last year trade is now following in their wake. fortunately the united kingdom has left the european union and therefore is not able to to to continue business on the same way out of the european market as they were before and now and is taking over the parts that are specifically related to trading this is the oldest stucky
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change in the world through a number of merges over the last few years it turned into europe next it has now taken the 1st phrase share trading from the city of london in december 2020 london had over 17000000000 trades pretty amsterdam 2600000000. this picture changed dramatically in generally 21 amsterdam saw a steep rise with a 4 fold increase in trade dealing more than 9000000000 shares but has this huge amount of trade come from london to state that all depends on equivalence being granted or more at the moments i think that john's is not as i understand it also from regulators that john's very big that that will happen. so yeah in the meantime i think of course we should as a netherlands stay competitive also in our regulatory climate dutch traders fear
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the introduction of the financial transaction tax and other european regulation and of course the market here might become more fragmented i think we have of quite a good starting position barrister's more focus on our own banks. i think frankfurt also has a good good starting position but let's let's see how that develops but can amsterdam really topple london as the leading financial market amsterdam is good at in specific knishes so for example high frequency trading payment systems but of course it's a much smaller and i think what is a relative really important for the financial industry it's a concentration of human capital mind you if bracks it has really a bad effect on the u.k. u.k. economy and that will of course you know that will be a metaphor of yes then you might well see shift or financial industry also
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amorphous financial industry towards the continent still at the moment the mood and amsterdam's financial markets is altogether rather bullish. that's it for me and the business team here brillant as always you can find out more about these and other business stories online dot com slash business teacher salafist which works well. it's watch. the new you may know years yes we can hear you and how last year's german chancellor will bring you an angle our mascot as you've never heard her before surprised yourself with what is possible who is medical freak what moves her and want. to talk to people who followed her along the way admirers and critics alike
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how is the world's most powerful woman shaping her legacy joining us from eccles law stops. children to come to terms. one giant trouble i'm unwilling to acknowledge the seen a picture. of the changes in a fuel economy. how will climate change affect us and our children our. e.w. dot com slash water. people in trucks injured when trying to flee the city center more and more refugees are being turned away or it. seems to me. please click on the screen the demonstrators. the extreme groups.
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do. more than 300 people are seeking. because no one should have to flee. make up your own mind. w. made for mind. coming up on arts and culture the art market takes a beating but one galleries crisis is another's opportunity and later on the show the artistry of florence's paper making families techniques to go back centuries. well it's a scary time to be an art dealer last year the global art market shrank by more
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than 20 percent but it also shifted with galleries closed due to the pandemic more and more collectors bought their art online and some galleries see that as an opportunity like johan kearney and berlin cronies is known internationally for his success as a nearly blind art dealer in other words someone who can overcome a challenge. after an almost 4 month absence this is hers are finally allowed back at the year one kurdish gallery in berlin despite the lock down the gallery says it's doing quite well. it was a very successful year we were able to develop new formats that allow us to sell in a cost neutral and c o 2 mutuals way. for example this installation by japanese artist she hired was sold to a client in asia trade taking place almost exclusively digitally is not
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