tv World Stories Deutsche Welle March 22, 2021 5:15am-5:31am CET
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they're singing this song in kitsch walk. the next morning the reporters set out again canoes are usually the only way to travel long distances deep in the rain forest. it takes 2 days to travel from sajjad coup to the pastas a river on the border with. the destination is the remote village of washer pos. the government also wants to drill for oil here. the region is home to the people and they've been finding oil extraction projects for 5 years like the other indigenous peoples in this part of ecuador they believe that drilling will damage the environment and their way of life. their
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fears are justified in many places the pipelines used to transport the oil have rusted and broken open like here in the north of ecuador. the region's hot and humid climate causes many pipes to deteriorate. the oil that leaks out poisons the forests and rivers and it's almost impossible to clean it up. the radio reporters talk to local residents about how to prevent this kind of damage. yes whatever the living i believe that's what i guess whenever people talk about fighting back against the oil companies they bring up salary achoo the people that proved that you can protect your region against
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exploitation that was a major event and such a great example for all indigenous peoples in that it. the women of washer pass have not yet developed the kind of self-confidence that helped create the opposition movement inside a yahoo. at 1st some of the villagers are wary of the women radio reporters so he honed in marianna trying to get to know them and win their trust that includes playing with the children in the schoolyard. who have been the only where governor ever had been the other great thing about these kinds of visits is that you always learn something me now i must go on the example when the kids play tag here one is a jag and the other's
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a day at the jag you is trying to catch that of these people are so creative we've had lots of fun the stuff the name the end of that that the cañon. now that the ice has been broken the reporters can start making recordings for their broadcast. and the southwest 7 of them they capture the details of every day life in the village making ceramic artworks working in the fields and putting the children to bed. yes i did in the medical establishment and. the local women often talk about the importance of the rain forest. in almost all aspects of their lives they take their cue from nature. that throughout the villagers existence and their outlook on life is shaped largely by their spirituality and by their dreams and visions and this concept extends even to daily chores like harvesting kasama plants.
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for he who and the other members of the community because saba represents more than just food in that of. us. but as we women sing the song to the mother plants the lyrics go like this i plant the seeds with the purity of my hands and you give me a bountiful harvest we sing this song to protect the kosoff of seats and to ask for a big crop out of the christ. the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted ecuador's economy as a result the government has come under more and more pressure to step up the exploitation of the oil resources in the rain forest that's made life more difficult for indigenous people. the people of this community work together to achieve common goals like building
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a house they take the same collective approach to fighting government efforts to drill for oil in the rain forest. the people follow a traditional division of labor the men not only build houses they're also responsible for weaving the baskets that women used to harvest the casaba roots. review. in the evening the reporters interview the village elder donkey tow. at one point in the conversation he describes the day that the 1st christian missionaries arrived in this part of the country. when the then the n.b.a.'s use i knew i was 10 years old at the time. i remember that one of the missionaries was father luis from italy and we said. you have to get it they may have been the
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1st of the villagers were suspicious of these people and we tried to drive them away and we were warriors after all. but after a lot of negotiating the situation calmed down you know when our village chief invited the missionaries to drink why use that tea with us. and then it just sort of happened anything we converted to christianity and that and we've been following the word of god ever since but he got left but i think yours. that the ceremony that involves the drinking of why you said tea always takes place at dawn. literally remembers this ritual from her childhood. where you have said is that. when we drink or use a tea together it's a time for parents especially mothers to give advice to their children as. we also make plans together for the coming day and for the future. and we describe our
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dreams because if you've had a bad dream you want to find out why. the eldest then tell us what the dream means and what we should do about it gets to the day it's for. the people who live in the rainforest here believe that their environment is filled with symbols that represent the spiritual world. here don tito leads the 3 radio reporters to a sacred place where they'll take part in a purified. haitian ceremony. this waterfall is the home of god. is our companion and advisor. when we need his help we come here when the moon is full. the 1st step in the ritual is to inhale some tobacco extract.
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then the reporters step under the waterfall. suddenly a mass in fact they look at combat visit to the waterfall with donkey joe was one of the highlights of our trip. but always remember the wonderful conversations that we had with the women of the amazon villagers. that gave me a lot of spiritual strength but far less. than the most just costs. yana the student from germany
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a company of the reporters throughout their travels in the rain forest she says it's been a real learning experience. except that in mind i've. got to live i've seen a lot of the natural environment during my trip from various river basins to remote parts of the amazon rain forest and when i think about the possibility of all this being destroyed in a few years it just makes me sick we need new policies to show people that they can't disrupt the environment that we have to live in harmony with nature if we don't know. from this plan it will no longer be possible that they are. marianna he horn in rupiah have organized a meeting of the women of wash air parts. of the radio reporters want to find out what they plan to do about efforts to drill for oil and the region that might face
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the villagers say they're worried about the possible impact on children and young people is that he said he. did it in p.s. let's hope it is a slightly less once the company builds a road the young people with the. go to the city to any money in both got it about that there aren't many jobs that what often happens is that many end up involved in sex with. their dream of owning money turns into a nightmare you'll see it go take a kid in the public eye why he's in your yacht the reporters want to use their radio program to raise awareness about these dangers 'd and to help the people of the rain forest protect their rights and their environment and that only combat of the em live experience or that it would say years of those but 1000 people then we told a woman here how the people in sorry you can stood up to the oil companies of whom there were many who were very interested yes and asked us for advice on what they could do themselves but there are little.
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now it's time for marianna he horn in rupiah to return home when they've spent 2 weeks talking to local residents most of them women. and now they have lots of new material for their broadcasts they can all see the movie though of the who had the i'm going back to shoe project that month. the reporters have found a unique way to call attention to the problems that the people of the rain forest now face a mc looting the ruthless exploitation of nature by big business and outdated roles assigned to women and these traditional societies unless their experience is limited to lana and. the reporters are convinced that for the amazon rain forest to survive the voices
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of the women of this region must be heard and they will be through their broadcasts . on nothing looking down both can never tell move your legs. to get this trip has given us a lot to work with including the wonderful songs and the traditional games that the children play we all learned a lot from each other and now we're ready to tell the world about these people with our radio program and who kept. playing. the ball.
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thoughts. today. next on d w. y 2050 more than half the world will be living with limited water resources we haven't had to think about our water or worry about. i think that era is over this is the crisis of our time it's a financial problem like any other financial front of the world is changing the most important commodity in paris called the free slave lords of water necessity or commodity. in 45 minutes on d. w. . look closely. listen carefully. don't know the soup she needs to be
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a good. match. discover the world. subscribe to the documentary on youtube. they are part of every society yet their needs are often overlooked. worldwide there are more than 1000000000 people with a physical or mental disability. what scientific developments might improve their lives. we're taking a look in this edition of tomorrow today the science show on t.w.
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