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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  March 25, 2021 1:45pm-2:00pm CET

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to the to the unanimous report on the clearly mentioned who are behind and getting done. when it comes to our know when it comes when it comes to our commitment to protecting them i think every every action of small or big action of our security forces are to protect the citizens of afghanistan the afghans and i think those good though those those journalists those doctors those civil society activists they are part of this and you know and rights groups they're looking at the situation and the approach of your government and saying that it appears that investigations are either not happening or the government is sharing very little information that there have been you know very little support to help mitigate the risks the afghan journalist safety committee calls the failure to offer meaningful information on the killings reprehensible on the part of your government is this a lack of will or lack of capacity. no i think it's it's none of them
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but i think you have to look at the complexity of the situation. when when we. are asked. our security forces to assume. active defense posture i think that has been clearly misused and abused by the taliban who have also agreed to that so instead of in gauging in large scale attacks i think that's what they tend to do so these are for them they are soft targets and it's just a headline headline but we're talking grabbing incidents and they will continue continue to engage in that we're talking about the efforts of your government so let's focus on that the president issued a decree more than 3 months ago to create a joint commission for the protection of human rights defenders amnesty international says the following no practical steps have been taken to make it effective to make it an effective protection mechanism to protect your civilians
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a lack of information on any plan or strategy to address the escalating threat has has been presented they say that this delay that this has cost lives in the country so you set up a commission instead of really doing something. but i think the commission is set up for a purpose and i think it takes time that until. until that commission is fully fully operational laws and i think and then the list again i think to look at the reality on the ground i think you can. buy many of your civilian who don't have those people it's time that many of your civilians don't have that 700 of your civilians didn't have well i again i think you you are engaging the security forces. are doing the job of the 150000 international troops they were doing prior to 2000 and. 15 i think that's the job of.
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fighting taliban plus more than 20 other internationally recognized mr ambassador groups in afghanistan so it's not about i gain i'm not saying that they shouldn't be protected they should be protected it's. it's a work in progress the commission has been just set up so it takes time but again. and again i think if if if if the other side which is the taliban and they continue to target them. i would write that there might not be an incidence so tell us then about corruption in your efforts in that regard this is one of the biggest campaign pledges of dani promise to stamp out corruption which has been described as in demick in your country and influencing security as well very much so the u.s. says that you only take action when donors are engaged in that you are often making
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just quote paper reforms such as drafting regulations or holding meetings and that's indeed what we saw ahead of the donor's conference in geneva in the fall president ghani after years of promising at finally introduced and establish an independent anti corruption commission did you only set this up because your donors forced you to. well i think again. there are a number of security deforms in the security sector in afghanistan and. the main idea behind those. reforms word that our forces are not only. able to protect our city's citizens but also work on about corruption here mr raised on an international i'm coming to that. corruption that has been described as in demick in your country has been subscribed by a u.n. report as metastasize as
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a cancer in the country even if from the inside what i think i'm not saying that that it doesn't exist i think. that again i think you need to be formed in order to get rid of that corruption whether it's in the government institution or anywhere else in the country and i think all. if you look at what we have presented in geneva conference was. it was a mutually agreed document. that the approach to to to look to who to take off on a stone to to a for gold what you're presenting mr ambassador it's not lining up with what you're delivering again i mentioned earlier that the special inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction in the us so that you've taken limited steps on this is
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that there are thousands of cases they they have found that have not even been evaluated you know one of the cases where your president made a very big promise he said that there would be meaningful action on recovering the funds for the kabul bank case the theft of almost $1000000000.00 from the largest bank in the country that led to the fiscal crisis in 2010 this was one of his biggest promises of the beginning of his presidency the us says that more than half of the money has not been recovered where is the money where is the justice. well i think having. working with president rouhani when he 1st started the national unity government in late 2014 i think i personally witnessed how difficult this task was and i did also to witness that how strong president is resolved in tackling the problem world i think i would say that.
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those funds have been. again. never stone sitting in prison when you look at the top brass from the kabul bank for example the former c.e.o. only 196000000 according to the head of the kabul bank recovery department he's paid 14000000 to the department nearly a fraction the late founder also in 272000000 what you need to look at this i think is the difficult circumstances and the complexity of dealing with an issue like kabul bank case because of the too many stakeholders in the point mr ambassador is that this has been described as part of a bigger trend of trend and i'm quoting here from the u.s. report of impunity of powerful afghans as an ongoing issue people that are politically connected politically connected to your government the u.s. inspector general spoke out said the following and i'd like to read this for you he
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said little progress if any made in combat in corruption is critical oxygen to the insurgency so we're talking also about a security issue here the taliban other terrorist groups they point to the warlords points to corrupt officials the fact that there's immunity if you're a high official in afghanistan you ain't going to jail. no i think that's that's not the case i think. the if you look at the government i think from the top level there is. a strong well to in the culture of impunity from day one of. this government and i think you can you can see that number of the ministers a number of the putin ministers generals all have been deferred to the. attorney general's office and i think again that i just might use that as
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a viewer and we also need a number of the before and i just like to ask you before we go there's signs of fragmentation in your government for example you failed to complete your cabinet you have had as of the beginning of march 7 ministers that have not been confirmed by parliament you have just last week the interior minister sacked. and we have developed a list saying the following about that move saying the decision is against the interests of the country it's unacceptable it's without consultation without justifiable reason. you know if you can't even work together in the current government structure if this is what the dynamic is how do you expect to take on the taliban. well i think these are 2 different issues i think or the mystical ear i think. any replacement or changing of. authorities or ministers i think it's within the.
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jurisdiction of the president i think. given by the constitution and him and i think these are. normal and i think. you need to see who best fits the job and i think that that's you know but what's the point is that that the president and the chief executive in a so-called unity government are displaying anything but well i i think unity government doesn't mean that there won't be any any issues of difference i think. it's again it's normal it's healthy and i think. this is what i get we'll continue to have to see to see it so ambassador not easy for this allies that we have to leave it there thank you for joining us on conflicts on. thank you.
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2:00 pm
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