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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  March 26, 2021 8:30pm-9:01pm CET

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artifact has blood on it from the wounds that have yet to heal. what should be done with the stone or from africa. this is being hotly debated on both continents. for stolen soul on t.w. . welcome to echo off the environment program brought to you from the large area uganda and jam the us always take a look at some of the ideas out there for protecting the environment both in europe and in africa i'm krista lem's in lagos nigeria but 1st a for a while well count why go post some. high k.'s and hello everybody young sundra to
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you know get here in kampala uganda and yes a week of alone to install for you to do stay tuned and enjoy the show here's a quick preview of what is coming up shortly. simple marcus modest we see how it bends in kenya he's protecting both and the fonts on the forest. we meet an artist in ghana he's bringing a new life into the glass of recycling. and thinking be how young and to bring us here in uganda a town in the ideas into the reality. laws of floating on water are unlovely sight bought of what declines can be something of a pissed when they turn up in the wrong places we've caught a few reports on the trouble what a hyacinths have caused some communities now on lake and also income on the local residents of course of a chanst buckland with another invested species that is causing
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a host of problems there. paddling through lake also has become more of a struggle since the savini a plant's altered his ecosystem sees richard and goalie a fisherman who grew up in a small community on the shores of the lake the fast growing weed blocks sunlight and depletes oxygen from the water suffocating aquatic life. really nice to have a mound 7 years giving us a lot of trouble. it has affected my fishing activity long in the past when i went out to fish i would have a good catch for me and my family and me and i thought now it's become really hard for. this morning a group of local residents from design we have come together to clear the invasive plants from the main entrance to the lake the villages are worried it will spread
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to other sections that have not yet been affected lake also is cameron's largest natural lake with a total surface area of nearly 40 square kilometers but it's now infested with water malls or salvia nearly 40 percent of its surface is called that i think proliferates the plant also threatens the locals livelihoods. a local marine mammal conservation organization i'm cool regularly organizes the cleanups for 5 years now the team has been striving hard to protect the link from their grass of wheat to find a more efficient solution and receipts to coo cam has set up a research site in the village he wants to find out if they can use a biological weapon to destroy the water most on a large scale you have a political. ticker. this small bug feeds on salvini and tests from last year showed that it can completely eliminate plant
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cover in a matter of months i'm cool is already negotiating its deployment with the commute government but they have been concerns in the community due to fears the bug also eats their crops. biological can crow using this salvia weaver has been used in many countries around the world in creating in 15 concrete is in africa and the best example is that of santa god they were able to get rid of their sort of e-mail within a year using the biological control and the way this weaver works is that if it's specific on this sardinia what happened after the eating salvia just died because they have not arrested twice a month the researcher makes the trip from cameroon capital young to work at the lick accompanied by colleagues and students i'm cool also collects details on the african manatee the least studied large mammal in africa they're shy by nature and
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activity night society needs a rig in order to detect the creatures location and movements to kuka muses specialised equipment including. the information gained is critical for the conservation of the graceful animals so the reason my team and i working so hard is because we want to save the african american which is being threatened by portraying which is illegal haunting of this species and also creating by accident capture in a fishing net their population over or raising and even especially here like also where these trade offs are of being combined into the home thing making the population trading the trees crossed the conservation group regularly sends out volunteers to speak to the local community the purpose is to inform villages about the importance of. the leak and all its natural resources including the manatees
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they too are struggling to survive. when a manatee gets caught in the net it eats up all the fish even if it's $100.00. the problem is due to the fact that manatees don't have access to enough sea grass chucked out by the survey near survey trish. many of these community members have lost their source of income because of. local fishermen have plenty of incentive to do all they can to remove the alien plants and prevent its break and they hope that aristide. will soon get the go ahead to introduce the tiny bug that will save the leak by devouring its pesky surface cover for. what an interesting project we know to pay a visit to the sun relatives of the money the elephants look at all. elephants are
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amazing. to me because they. can't even destroy the entire. forest. let's take a look. here in the fence and other wildlife are home free without posing a threat to farmers and their livestock living nearby but because they are separated by an electric fence just of. a conservation. human they just the fence and oversaw its construction it's solar powered and has proved to be very reliable of such as of the great rift valley. we did about 43.3 kilometers and it's done now. and now with their walk we're doing now is now me. and also the sensitization to the
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community so that they can be able to do all it must citizen is a forest beekeeper one of many here they belong to the a good community which has practiced beekeeping for hundreds of years the bees are kept in traditional wooden hives and the honey is extracted by hand beekeeping is still allowed in the forest dropping down trees and hunting are not. now i am not sure. if we took care of well animals in the same way they must look after their cattle or other communities into their livestock crops so we live over honey and bush meat and live here in the knowledge that this was like off on a quiet night you were near to do this and you can call from a fairly. lot of order to protect the forest the indigenous community has been given land and access to water outside it. has now turned to tomato farming.
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when you have one of his own we don't depend on this is us anymore it used to be the kiss but a busy time of the you wouldn't see any greenery here more than the ground would be patched it would mean so. anybody's one of the biggest changes are going to test. now it's green everywhere then bottom end has really changed there you member of a meeting place and claim that these things are supposed to protect key areas of forest where in full feeds going as rivers the product which receives support from government agencies charitable foundations and the corporate sector has proved a great success and now it is of mountain woodland in other parts of the country are being fenced as well. i know me if you. do see. forest being. spared for the animals and for and firemen so and i'm quite happy to see such an electric fence set up to protect the sound was from
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going outside to the community. and that in turn has protected the community from damage caused by wondering why life. fences are giving big forests the animals living here in the nearby communities to feed them to florence . we know in town to confession to our own we still hope just today glad to know and after learning the technique in new and interesting ghana now creates all sorts of new to feel things in his workshop. just right sundra us is there is no professional glass recycling assortment gonna find a way of clearing off some of the waste by turning it into other useful objects here is this week's doing your bits.
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one what are all your shelves for a few. more hardy. the materials used to make this glowing molten blob came from the garbage. well there were. a lot. nicer glass. gonna doesn't have a formal system for collecting and recycling waste glass so a lot ends up in landfills the only certified glass blower in west africa michael taytay works exclusively with recycled glass his craft requires a lot of patience and experience let down grow a little. look a bit off. the mark who should know that some of. the world's groove numerous steps are required to complete each unique object which takes a makes you know why variety of colors hatton's shapes and sizes is i catching
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creations is sold in a gallery around 11 year olds each. piece is made you can give them a new design in a specification and he will make its on the color for you also his products and me and we like the fact that he's telling the waste into usable artifacts and to ensure that sustainable glassblowing has a few cheering ghana michael taytay also teaches this traditional craft to young people in his workshop passing on his sustainable methods to the next generation of artists. and how about you if you're also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website forbes and there's a tweet. after doing your bit. sharing your story. pretty much the world over
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these are known to be industrious creatures in english we've been used to chair busy bees but like really other insects they are under threats others are for ticks or still overbought region of kosovo is sold in your rope their cars official is still working to protect the unique not through a habit with important pollinators plea a key role. it's usually men who wear this kind of outfit in kosovo they are hardly any female beekeepers in the country sheepish allah is one of them the beekeeping season might be over but she still checks on her charges. regularly. and electric fence protects her hives from the bears that still roam this area near priestman kosovo's 2nd largest city. the shar manton's national park just to the self is
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a refuge for balkan links this species of wild cat is critically endangered there are only a few dozen of them left. sheepish has 150 beehives she's the boss and her husband works for her that's quite an unusual set up but it works for them. the all we like to do things systematically. i start from one and. my husband starts from the other. we like to compete. it's kind of a game to see who can check more beehives. today it looks like a tie once the inspections are done charlotte takes care to extinguish the coal in her smoker which is used to come the bees a forest fire could have disastrous consequences. she doesn't have any trouble
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finding buyers for her organic honey. it sells for twice the price of the honey sold at street side markets be keeping sheep breeding and she's making are an important part of the economy in kosovo the youngest and smallest nation in the balkans. shallow went abroad to study organic farming methods. nowadays environmental activists come to see her to learn how she applies organic methods to be keeping. the aim is to raise awareness across kossovo of eco friendly farming practices. i attended a workshop in germany i learned a lot about animal welfare which nobody here knows anything about i'm now giving courses to pass on this knowledge i hope people will come to realise we have to protect. and that includes being as they are so important for the environment.
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nature conservation can be an uphill battle. in kosovo and neighboring albania hydro power plants are still widely considered an eco friendly way to generate electricity but building more of them alongside illegal timber felling would further shrink the habitats of endangered species such as bears lynx and wolves. sheepish alice says most of the people don't realise what is going on they're just not aware of the issues but she wants to change that. we have to pay more attention to our natural environment especially in the national park this also affects my business. if forest clearance and everything that goes along with it is allowed to go on i will eventually lose my. because if they gained independence in 2008 it's only natural she says that it will take a while for such
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a young country to sort things out she fish for one remains optimistic. back to africa now to meet a man here in the large area who believes that farming should be both sustainable and profitable something or bully has declared war on the concept of soft cisterns farming where farmers plant a small plot of land and just about make ends meet a few years ago he launched a training campaign aimed at revolutionizing small scale farming with hydroponic agriculture. samson or bullis sees agribusiness as the root of sustainable development and job creation the head trainer at farm lab in no good state southwestern nigeria believes agriculture must be business minded technology driven and climate smart the 38 year old is also keen to pass on his knowledge to others.
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remember if you practice agriculture you will be poor practice business you're on the on the road to wealth so what is. grandfather and. how rich was your grandpa. how rich. you know if they are not well how can the systemic you reach. over the past 7 years has trained over 10000 young nigerians for him agriculture is no way to make a quick buck and requires a hands on approach. a lot of people retire and i realize not everybody has the amounts to pay for training now you don't want to do going to agriculture without being properly trained if not they would waste money time with the resources so i figure out front i am setting up more farms what if i give people the opportunity to walk. at the same time so instead of looking for money to
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pay for your lesson fee for your land if we own all of that. for free and actually set up a farm farmers like gloria oil lobby you hope to scale up their agribusiness using the hydroponic method this uses water rich in nutrients instead of soil this makes planting and harvesting possible regardless of season. why because it's less than us and to. almost accurately not accurately almost accurately. call only if and i say. students built this growing patch during a one week program they learned how to set up a soil a sterile planet from nutrients laden mist nourishes the plants which makes maximum
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use of area and fertilizer. from an opposite principle farming if you follow the principle you can apply to many plants you want to develop on your farm so for the trust system you are where you want to set up the trial for the plant. and you all is great about the way for workers to. samson og and his family have team are convinced solace farming could be a blueprint for sub-saharan african countries to feed themselves sustainably and profitably. with the number of students increasing daily plans to grow his training programs across nigeria. whoa amazing what they're doing on that report is also about training young people 1st time not far from where you all sundra in kampala what's going on there well the program is
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meant to show how business opportunities and jobs can be created while on the same time protecting our planet and its resources we've visited london cab that encourages young people to turn divisions between reality and we met some pretty inspiring entropy. our house collapsed only to be able to when mother died from the injuries to suffer and so i turned my opinion food past into a motivation i never knew that's what i'm doing and this big to me and to do environment. i fought and i thought discriminated because of my often falling sick from malaria i am now part of the solution in my country to people each of the vision joy another got produces wouldn't send that prepares mosquitoes according to the un every 2 minutes a child under the age of 5 dies of malaria. even if i mean i'm saving all the kids
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that are suffering great now i am saving their ones that i can join may recover maya is a founder and director of the green business apps like africa which builds houses out of recycled plastic bottle has come from another guy graduates of the social innovation academy for short. it's located in the town of m.p.g. about 40 kilometers south of uganda's capital kampala here young people including orphans and street kids learn how to develop their ideas into successful businesses due to the coffin 1000 pandemic only a few students are currently able to attend classes on campus especially in uganda people are not prepared to work together to present themselves to ask critical questions. and we are learning that. and that's why often not everybody will become an entrepreneur but many of us. have found jobs.
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one of the solutions latest to come paula we're plastic questions a huge problem $350000.00 tons of trash accumulate in the ugandan capital every year and only half of it is disposed towards. much of the plastic lands on these trash dump recycling isn't common here john may recover mark pays young trash collectors to gather both to use that he can use to build houses. every time i come here and. give some money to other people for example with locally all keeping our environment to give me a lot of hope that even the future then that is what will inhibit the whole of the planet that we we have done or we have protected from plastic with. is pressed into plastic produce to make bricks many women work for governments
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business giving them the chance to on here own money. cover must say as their house is a cool inside even on hold days his business has already constructed more than 100 buildings using over 3000000 plastic bottles in the process. due to the coronavirus pandemic commissions of slowing but there is funding coming in from abroad we are revising different solutions on the. company. so people who support us for example. some funding for. that decided it was not. so another big i was brought up a few bars of soap one of the women who supply how with the land grabs a key ingredient in our product. before the coffee $1000.00 prices no regard charge to artists on hold. but now that they are hardly any tourists she has expanded
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our business online i have a vision to make my. case i have made africa instead of running away from it to make it a better place. for my mother huppenthal. i know it will be productive. i'm sure she would it is good to be reminded that looking out to the environment you shouldn't be so well that's a wee hunt for you today thank you oprah cheney guess send long for me sunday to be nobody here in kampala until next time. but for now sun dress always it was a pleasure host of the show with you at 12 you also out there remember you can find out more vault of vironment of protection on sawston ability on our social media platforms i'm chris 11 signing off from lagos see you again next week.
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dum. dum. dum. dum. dum.
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dum. dum. and you hear me now i guess we don't need you and i last 2 years just man starts now we'll bring you i'm glad i'm out and you never caught our surprise yourself with what disposable who is medical really want to lose and want to. talk to people who follow along the way maurice. and critics like telling us the metal saw stocks
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. got some hot tips for your bucket list. the magic corner tricks. for some chips and some great culture memorials to boot. the trouble free go. go into an official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. already. i'd return to vast land. visit friends just i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. witness global news that matters to make finds.
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something. all we can be the generation that ends it good malaria must die so millions can live.
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this is you don't reduce life from girl land said back in the suez canal operators fail in their latest bit to refloat a stranded cargo ship diggers of dread jurors and tug boats have been trying to free the vessel for days under-served ships are now stuck in a maritime traffic jam causing a major headache for global trade also coming up tragedy on the tracks at least 32 people are killed and over 100 more injured in a high speed train collision in egypt plus the war.


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