tv Euromaxx Deutsche Welle March 28, 2021 8:30am-9:01am CEST
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it has blood on it from the blooms that have yet to heal. what should be done with the stone or from africa. this is being hotly debated on both continents. stolen sort of on t.w. . people. they say there's nothing better than a friend unless it is a friend with chocolates more on that tasty treat later on in the show. everyone is welcome to another edition of your own x. with me your host meghan lee here's a look at what we've got coming up on today's program. we'll see how one artist
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uses the fish in her expressive works. to move and we raise alongside one of europe's faxes buno cyclists and she breaks records. but we start off the show with folk songs which are making an unusual comeback now have you ever heard of sea shanties these folk ballads were sung by sailors who during their work at sea now you're probably familiar with this one. what shall we do with the drunken sailor one young scotsman decided to revive these centuries old tunes during lockdown in the coronavirus pandemic what the again as a way to pass time for nathan evans has turned into a runaway success and has even landed him a record deal. see
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there. was a simple rhythm and a centuries old melody has changed nathan evans live forever. well a man is a sea shanty evans rendition of this maritime work song has earned the scotsman a spot at the top of europe's pop charts. i mean isn't a dream come true. i'm just we hope. that's because until recently nathan evans was a postman in the town of airdrie new glasgow in his free time he'd uploaded videos of itself performing pop all folk songs to tick talk at his followers request he started covering sea shanties like we've heard johnny will we do.
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pining. evans landed a surprise hits when his version of the new zealand whaling song soon made the. thought. of a good. move on to the next song. that i expect it would go great. i saw the charts and all of. this song made a big splash and soon the internet was flooded with people singing during the corona pandemic the sea shanty clearly touched a nerve as it tells of the money said see. when the time is. special. everyone is stockholm. everybody.
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and everybody. if. you can please. show. yes just i thank you everybody involved in. the sea shanties have been putting a smile on people's faces since the 15th century when sailors would be out at sea for months on end so. chosen to leave the singing. songs. and the rest of the crew saying the response. in the digital age the internet community has taken the place of abode using tick tocks function virtual sailors courses have sprung up all across the globe. even prominent musicians like us violinist lindsey sterling and british guitarist brian may have gotten swept up in this craze.
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i was speechless when i. seen all these people. it's just incredible. that. with a recording contract in his pocket nathan evans quit delivering mail to concentrate on his musical career he's currently working on his 1st album and eventually hopes to go on to. run aground. again him. i would i would do the opposite and take that as an experience and take
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it with me and. that's the only thing that also makes no difference to me it still may find evidence has cost of his safety net and is seizing his chance he's now one step closer to his dream of being able to live from his music one even if the man is done. and sticking with a maritime theme this next piece is all about the surreal fashion created by the artist van narrow. this headband is just one example of her conceptual art but others involve actual fish and as you'll see soon she incorporates them into her masks and costumes to express or even hide her inner feelings now we met up with the artist in moscow to find out more. can raw fish be a fashion accessory. that's how russian armenian artist veneer of
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her sorrow the stages for a model at a photo shoot in moscow. the fashion designers unusual combinations have garnered her international acclaim. i haven't the materials and. i can combine the paper with. ways of creation because. i want to write the diary but for me it's for making a mask. to her masks are works of art and a means of self-expression. the new yorker's sorrow that has been working on her mask series since 2009 she's already made around 100 fanciful face coverings ever since she finished her degree in fashion design in moscow masks have played an important role in her creations are a mask i cover my. real face and eat me for the no child
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protection maybe and they. kind of are a future for me because i wanted to show my real emotions. on the face marmar phrase but i show my emotions through the textures the technique and the material things of. the new yorker saw over designs costumes and props for theater productions like this one in the russian city of perm in 2020. 3 years before she worked on the fish project at moscow's gorky park. and in 2018 she contributed to the moscow staging of book land. time and again the designer mixes materials that don't seem to go together. her current series fish and flowers is no exception because sorrow is inspired by fairy tales and surrealism fish are recurring symbols in her work ones that are meant to
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cause people to stop and reflect. that. this dress with and always thought beautiful combined with flowers and. white paper it's very beautiful but and it's kind of ok. to live in warrens. and. it's kind of a. while and you will because it's on her way to nikolai gogol house a museum in the russian capital she was invited to take part in a group exhibition here entitled the islands each participant was given a room and free reign to show off their creativity. the new york installation features paper flowers printed with images of neat here too she makes
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a connection between pretty plants and dead animals. paper is one of her favorite materials to work with. the trunks mean paper. there's nothing more for a white sheet of paper. paper also plays an important role in her latest photo shoot. i never thought it was quiet. and that makes me. again i'm always looking for perfection. because sorrow stage is so real dreamer. that unmask her passion for the absurd.
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who doesn't like a nice creamy bar of chocolate well the swiss are masters when it comes to making it so what better place to head than switzerland for a lesson in our food series food secrets we explore what goes into european specialties that everyone knows and enjoys so for a glimpse into the secrets behind milk chocolate we met up with experts in the kitchen and in the field. whenever i go on vacation i always bring chocolate along always. without cocoa there's no chocolate no way around it.
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there are the only swiss chocolate is a kind of milk chocolate and we produce a dark milk chocolate which contains 56 percent cocoa how. i'm laura shockley. i'm a co-founder of the floor chocolate factory people and we produce chocolate by hand . how thing in the end the main ingredients for chocolate include 1st of all sugar. then then we add cocoa butter which is the fat crust from the cocoa bean from the board. next is the milk powder if we're making a milk chocolate it's just as. you cocoa beans are the most important ingredient for making good swiss chocolate. go regional coco
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de mer from south america and then i came to central america and eventually to africa. my name is christian venice i'm originally from colombia where i run a cocoa plantations and i chose cocoa because i've always wanted to do something that connects my 2 countries of origin of switzerland and colombia in the. bible that my food name the cocoa tree grows up to 5 metres tall grow on the trunk and multiple branches like normal food still pretty thin. no but i wanted to take the cocoa apart and cut it open and you find the beans inside the fruit you place these fruits in wooden boxes and cover them with banana lives but on this introduces you stand back in syria which initiate fermentation then 48 hours later you turn them over this process takes 5 to 6 days in all and you have to keep turning the fruit to different intervals and depending on when you turn them you can bring out certain flavors because medicare medicaid. are going to get.
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to as the 1st thing we do know is our window that means to remove the skins and i don't have to when you will know them you peel the skins off and you end up with. even the pieces of the beans and this is where recipe starts fact i think the calorie. needs to really lay the cocoa out on these baking sheet and then we roast them in the oven. each recipe requires a different kind of roast and it would the. fish are made fresh milk has more and more don't go together well so we can't work with fresh milk we always have to use milk powder. and. i think it did here i have the roasted nips nips and this is a stone grinder that may do such but i mean i'm sure that this one has 2 granite
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stones and they in the kettle turn the keep that in it which causes friction and now i'll pour in the cocoa nice and slow so you know i'm. but this time for the sugar. free comes a long time in my poor that and gradually as well i'm going to be when it's created a paste i can add in the melted cocoa butter cow both of these molds. they're made on the grinder works as a conscious at the same time you. she didn't pass that the show conscious means stirring the cocoa paste to mix air and to improve on those which reduces the acidity me tell you know that's what gives our chocolate this was very fine a sweet taste they think i'm spine and. fish was. the middle of the shaking table gets out all the air bubbles still trapped on the
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chocolate we don't want to be bubbles on the chocolate bars. but i think we can make a lot of people happy with our chocolate and that's why this is my dream job. yummy and if you would like to see more reports about mouthwatering specialties from all over europe and make sure to check out our you tube channel d.w. food. galaxy's. stories. to ze as a place to smell amazing the best chefs with their best tips from meat dishes to deacon diet and all the recipes secrets while consummate while europe's
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diversity is a smorgasbord of my list audio. subscribe and enjoy deep w. food. biking through town or on trails is tricky enough on 2 wheels especially when you pick up speed so you can imagine how hard it might be when and navigating on only one wheel now the producers of the show went to a lot of trouble to bring in a unicycle into the studio and this is where i could probably demonstrate for you but instead of breaking my neck i will leave it up to a young german woman who is breaking records on her unicycle. so you. can can make up to 40 kilometers an hour.
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coming up the combination of speed balance and the high risk is what fascinates me the most. just days riding high in the saddle. can keep so concentration. on the road. could presents an obstacle to. talk it's one and. i do have a handlebar but it's mostly so i can lean into the wind and not for support on bicycles you can hold on to the handlebars the unicycle doesn't have anything to stabilize you so you have to find your center and learn to build speed and confidence without using your hands. it takes years of practice to learn to ride with this kind of speed and skill even as a little girl. to begin a new cycle and began taking part in competitions. hasn't always been well appreciated on the contrary. as
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a kid i get in trouble for tipping my chair up on one leg a nursery school and rocking back and forth while. they told my parents they suspected i had a movement disorder. my father was sure that wasn't true and he got me into sports that was the best decision he could have made and i'm very grateful to him for it. 20 she's collected medals and prizes the world at the $28.00. championships in south korea she churned out 5 world champion titles in various disciplines. finally in 2020 she broke the world for the longest distance covered in one. over 33 kilometers on her unicycle she even beat the men's record. in fear in many of the physically demanding sports that's just unthinkable that was
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another huge step forward and it's really special to me. yana 10 in baghdad was born in the french border region frys book now she lives in berlin and hopes to study lol she set up a little workshop in her room in the apartment she shares she owns 15 unicycles to various purposes one even has started tires for off roading. as often as she can she takes off to go riding cross-country another discipline that yana 10 a bag and holds a world champion title pool. and the only one she's at the injured herself doing. there's been more than back of a mountain biker hit my unicycle from behind in a mud hole and my leg got caught in between his crank and my shin bone. i finished the race and won but afterwards i had to go to the medic. was pretty swollen up but that's the worst that's happened to me outdoors so far. in comparison the ride home
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through both means rush hour traffic is like a walk in the pock a unicycle in town may be an unusual sight but it's quite legal and it helps keep you on a 10 i'm back in in shape for the challenges yet to come back to my one hour world record leave some room for improvement i'd say there's also a 24 hour world record in a cycle writing i'd like to go for that one too you can sit on the cycle for a long time you just need to practice. bag and decide she's practiced enough for one day and treats to a gentle stroll into the sunset. in this digital age we would expect that most anna mae. are done on the computer but some artist prefer methods that stand the test of time such as stop motion animation this technique of filming characters in movement has been around for a couple of decades and it is
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a popular way of entertaining the masses well i caught up with one stop motion director in paris who showed me more. this is american actor leonardo dicaprio in a way you've never seen him before in stop motion animation action. this is the work of french director victor who makes animation films and adds in his paris studio. i really like stop motion animation because it's something very tangible again you can touch it you really feel what you are doing i mean with your hands. and also i cannot draw and i cannot use subjects we wanted to make stop motion and i think this is the best way to make it a mission. because been creating stop motion animation for 13 years he taught himself how to do it after stunning film in the czech capital prague mission any
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mission is a very long process you put the puppets in the position you make little movements you take a picture you make it as a movement you take a picture and so try to redo original movie you have in. this 5 2nd clip took 2 hours to make. his animations cover a wide range of schemes including this film featuring a 3 d. superhero. other clips are simple loops made for fun for instagram. this animation highlights actor tom cruise's stunts from his movie mission impossible. and victor's bear often makes
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other popular appearances on social media. but it isn't just for fun the artist. and his money with animated ads for big international companies. 3 years ago i decided to. put all my work on instagram and to publish. the mated loops every weeks. it meets a lot of success it was very unexpected but now i have more than 300 followers. and i get a lot of commission directly via instagram. picture trying to find a sense of humor in his every day surroundings this is where he gathers ideas the challenge lies in bringing ideas back to the studio and turning them into mini works of art the finished product isn't always what he expects when it's done i'm
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very happy to look at it frame by frame because. while i was in the mating i was focused on what i was doing so sometimes i didn't notice i did so move was a move and after or destroy i'm i keep surprising myself. and victor continues to surprise his fans as well with his unique and unusual classic form of animated photography. and with that we come to the end of the show but don't forget to log on to our website for this week's drop as always from me and the rest of the crew here in berlin thanks for tuning in and we'll see.
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a nameless mass of their bodies mere tools. the history of the slave trade is africa's history it describes how the move for power and cost it plummets into an entire continent into chaos and violence the brutality of the rich revealed from sugar to rebellion our series of slavery around. in 75. w. . and you you may know yes yes we can hear you and how last year's judgment starts now we bring you an angle a man called and you've never had to have before surprise yourself with what disposable who is magical really what movie star and want to call someone who talks to people who follows her along the way admirers and critics alike and how is the
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world's most powerful woman shaping her legacy joining us from eccles last stop for . more than a 1000 years ago you're a witness is a huge construction. christianity from established itself. both religious and secular leaders want to display their power . to trace me against. concrete the tallest biggest and most beautiful structures. stone masons builders architects compete with each other. this is how massive churches are created. a. contest of the feel good story. of g.w. .
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this is data of a new news live from the world leaders condemning the bloodshed in man military forces there kill schools of papal name clothing children as they crackdown on dissent in the deadliest day since they save our last month also coming out hundreds of thousands of driven from their homes in mozambique has so suspected islam is militants sings the town but time to make a energy project. plus anger on the streets of istanbul thousands of women rallying against the turkish government's decision to pull out of a domestic front.
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