tv ZDF Bauhaus Deutsche Welle March 29, 2021 5:30pm-6:30pm CEST
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colonialists. each artifact has blood on it from us that have yet to feel. what should be done with the stone or from africa. this is being hotly debated on both continents. the stolen sword on g.w. . life can be a hop skip and jump for the young. but as we get older we may need to invest a little more effort to stay fit physically and mentally and scientists want to help somebody have found a way to boost and a memory. all that's imo coming up welcome to tomorrow today the science show on a d w. a
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magic you potion for the mind well not quite but there is promising stuff in blood plasma the yellowish liquid part of the blood that can be separated in a lab from the blood cells. that's not contains lots of proteins divided into 2 classes l b humans and globules. among their functions transposing homeowners and enzymes and aiding the immune response. near our scientists and california have made some pretty astounding discovery. many of the ideas that have come out of silicon valley have changed our world. here a stanford university tony vickery from switzerland is doing research into aging and out simon's disease. is very genius the main risk factor for all time most of us are and that started me thinking about why we are. age. these so 'd.
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i was totally fascinated by that was what determines the lifespan of an organism. now can we understand that and then manipulated organisms this corey and his team began looking for a substance that could delay the aging process or even reverse it i rejuvenating sarah payne. and this is their great blood plasma. go home goes where we studied arose 2000 proteins in blood plasma. on the hobbit for us because we discovered that many of those proteins change as we age to feel or quite a lot of protein that you don't want to increase with age. while the others that are pretty good well lost as we get older so you know if you're fertile you're talking to. the scientists used to mice to test how the blood plasma
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proteins affect the aging process at 10 months these mice are already elderly like humans the older my showed signs of cognitive decline such as memory loss. in this test the mice have to find their way back to the hole that they can actually crawl inside. the scientists tested how young and old the mice performed in the test the young mouse here on the left finds the right tone in just over 20 seconds while the older mouse on the right takes nearly 4 times as long. the scientists then give the older mice blood plasma taken from the younger ones the effect is amazing. their memory has improved and the older mice now find their way back to the right told just as quickly as the young mice. there's even been a biological change that can be seen. as tests show the older mice have actually
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developed a new brain cells. so could this rejuvenating work on humans too in a pilot test 18 older patients in the early stages of alzheimer's were injected once a week with plasma taken from young people. after a few weeks the scientists tested whether the patients membranes had improved rice for parts and things that are very important for patients or activities like being able to button up your shirt and clean your teeth and it supports my daily activities of living as we say he's moving on and so that's what we measured and we discovered that there was indeed a significant effect if you think it does that as a patient to do see blood from young people displayed certain improvement doc it's a focus on it's like so what we're able to show is that changes related to aging can be pushed back through this process. which don't get picked up so
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indeed it's reversing the effects of aging to a certain extent so i'm curious and we can hear. the scientists are hoping to repeat these very promising results in largescale studies and they're also trying the method on another disease parkinson's. snail slime is said to do wonders for the skin like this action is a quick fix for the body. some people go to great lengths to stay young or at least looking. no injection that will halt aging in its tracks is living a long life just a matter of luck. some things we can't control other factors maybe. 5 tickets to longevity in the lottery of life 1st and foremost. genes.
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that basically get from our parents. it's often the case in families that the parents live to a great age so to their children. the right d.n.a. is a big. british researchers have discovered genes that are directly related to life expectancy. in one particular gene affect the immune system for example which can have a positive effect on how long someone lives. in general having the right genes can increase their life expectancy. it's estimated that 25 to 30 percent of the variation in human lifespan is down to d.n.a. . gender is the 2nd ticket for a long life. women
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have a higher life expectancy than men in germany they currently live almost 6 years longer on average. but when men and women lead the same lifestyle like monks and nuns in a convent the women's advantage. still runs in convents live nearly 2 years longer than monks. one explanation for this could be chromosomes. women have 2 identical x. chromosomes. men on the other hand have one x. and one y. chromosome this makes them more susceptible to genetic defects. and for men hormones like testosterone may be more likely to cause cardiovascular disease. and nutrition is the 3rd ticket to longevity.
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well. a good and balanced diet plays an important role in staying healthy and can help us live longer. one good example is a mediterranean diet. of oil digestible zone salad along with whole grains can actually extend our lifespan swedish researchers have proven the life extending effects of such a diet. calories we consume also has an impact on our lifespan. those who keep their weight in check by eating in moderation can expect to live longer. positive attitude to life is ticket number for. you. personally as 979 researchers in the united states discovered that people who have
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a positive attitude towards aging live longer. in a long term study that lewis terman started with children in the 1920 s. surprising facts emerged years later about lifestyle in old age. and the study relaxing with golf in retirement didn't help but those who continued working after 65 lived significantly longer by an average of 4 years. so being active in old age prolongs life ringback. exercise is the 5th tickets. sports and exercise have a significant impact on our health and the way we age. job is for example see health gains. in old age to continue long after they've stopped jogging
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. research is one reason for this when they tested people who suddenly trained hard. after a few weeks they could see changes in cells that were triggered by training cells and body were fitter and better equipped for old age. 5 tickets to longevity genes and gender a look of the draw of die as a positive attitude and exercise we can all help to increase our life expectancy. a life without change which would be pretty dull. transforming your appearance might take some time and imagination but it can be done most of the time. what about tweaking the personality. the way you feel and behave oh that's a bit more difficult.
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it's said that we can change ourselves if we want to get hot which is not so sure about that he's in neurobiologist and he says the brain doesn't like to waste energy. as of brain he's greedy and expensive and in terms of energy is always working full out in order to change it needs a lot of energy for various reasons for change means the brain has to rewire itself brain simply generate the feeling why should i change why should i exert myself. anyone who wants to change the habits and traits they developed over the years 1st has to overcome some resistance. from our personal attributes only partially determined by our genetic makeup they do change over time in response to new experiences and then those. miro plasticity the capacity of neural
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networks in the brain to grow and reorganize making learning and change possible even in old age. but it would be naive to think we can change our ingrained habits of thinking feeling and behavior in short our personality just like that. our personality is shaped by prenatal and childhood influences those emotional and behavioral patterns a berry deep within our limbic system a primordial part of the brain that so many barely accessible to conscious intention. use the term. the senses which operate on a consciously do something very important they evaluate everything we perceive experience think feel and do when done and then they register but good do it again or that's bad painful and don't do it again for those less cool.
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since we tend to avoid painful feelings we usually remain true to our habits so deeply anchored behaviors often prevail even if we would like to shake them off. it's only when they cause us a high degree of distress that ng jaring changes will occur. people whose established personality repertoire causes them problems and who see no way forward might be ready to try to rewire their brain. is the group there has to be the prospect of some benefit the change will mean the distress we feel is gone or at least reduced the 3rd factor alongside reducing distress and the prospect of reward is patients. good lord. that means that has to
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be a ring even in the face of setbacks and coping with the uncomfortable feeling that our current reality doesn't match our dream another important question is whether we want to change for our own sake or to please other people. another precondition for change is the untapped resources we bring to the process get much won't saw that during his work with juvenile offenders in therapy some of the young people were able to make positive changes even though they'd been abused and neglected as children are bask up to i mean they had an attachment figure on call and to a teacher. or would use about someone who they told me gave them some stability and support. that relationship helped as well for the suffering that have been inflicted on them because we still lyndal that was an inner resources they brought
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to the table and the source of. those inner resources that spark of trust openness and empathy are an important wellspring for change. get hot who want runs a consulting business that offers change management for companies just like individuals businesses can be stuck in destructive patterns that's when holt tells them that real change takes time some refuse to play along here in the future the higher up you go in the management hierarchy this will be less the people who wield the real power to put it bluntly are willing to accept change. so lower and middle management are more receptive to those all whom one call higher ups are much more impervious this because change always means changes in who holds.
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change takes motivation the prospect of reward rizzle says and lots of patience shaking off unwanted habits can feel risky even painful but people who can cope with those uncomfortable feelings stand a much better chance of achieving lost in change. just lay back and stare at the sky let the mind wander reflect on the nature of the universe. and you might just stumble upon a question for science like aka onion as ego from gonna. like to know. the sky look the same from space as it does from earth. on a sunny day from our standpoint the sky is blue.
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hair composed of invisible gas molecules gives the sky this color. as sunlight possum's through air these molecules scattered the blue component of the spectrum of visible light in all directions. and that's why the sky looks blue but just to those of us on earth. the international space station hovers above earth's atmosphere when the astronauts look out the window they see our sky above. when they look directly down at the earth's surface without any clouds the astronauts can observe many glorious colors. in the atmosphere only appears as a thin blue line on the horizon. looking away from the earth into space which has no air they see a black sky. filled with stars the stars appear as tiny bright dots when it's night
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time on earth the sky is also black to us but earth's air causes the stars to 20 and it makes some rises into a colorful spectacles because the layers of air filter out different parts of light . in contrast in airless space sunlight is white. sometimes clouds darken our sky they block the light as clouds increase it gets darker on the ground. but seen from above clouds appear bright because the sun is shining on the. weather satellites have a wide view of earth. they study the air in different spectrums of light to detect different temperatures or to find if clouds have water or ice and how quickly they're moving. this data is used to predict if we can look forward to enjoying
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blue skies tomorrow. if outlook is right why are you out and. do you have a science post and you'd like us to answer. send it in as a video text. if we feature it on the show you'll get a little surprise from us as a thank you. come on just toss. and for more exciting stories about science check out our website or find us on twitter. on its recourses an exciting if not troubling report about trees. around the world forests have to put up with the launch values fending climate change. in germany. trees are under
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a special threat we head to the south of the country to meet some researchers who want to save them from a ruthless. forest in their lands hoot in bavaria these 2 men are after a killer that's been claiming a growing number of victims throughout germany and is proving relentless. right now i don't think we'll see any let up here for. the camera is a fungus that preys on ash trees. today christiane my heart and michelle feist are looking for some of the trees afflicted. i've been observing us trees in the area since 2005. the picture has changed massively. the speed at which it spread over the past few years is not
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a good development. yet the ash is considered a species that can cope well with climate change its word is a favorite of the forestry industry. the clandestine killer is hyman life 1st frank serious a fungus that grows on the forest floor and produces wars. they are then spread by the wind with some landing on actually swear they subsequently germinate. the fungus feeds on the tissue which slowly dies and the leaves with. from here the fungus spreads to the shoots and branches it works its way to the bark and trunk where it again leads to dead to own a critic to. once the fungus is in the wood the disease restricts the flow of water from the roots to the crown and the tree is weakened. if the tissue at the base of the trunk is attacked other pests can invade. all the our malaria fungus in the
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worst case the tree simply falls over. new see a monster like this wonderful huge ass tree. when the trees like. it makes you want to cry. when the roots are rotten even a tiny wind can topple an ash tree a potential danger for walkers that's why michelle pfeiffer 10 question mark marking angling trees they will be cut down in late fall when the bird's nesting season is over so how are things looking. trees here seem to be in good condition specially the one on the left little experts believe that about 5 percent of ash trees are only slightly impacted by the fungus they seem to be disease tolerant something researches want to take advantage of the tuna and
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institute up in brandenburg scientists francisco past and ben planted cuttings of ash trees they think are tolerant then they infected them with the fungus or other trees showing any effect. because we hope to see nothing although that could also mean the trusted work that's always a risk. hopefully we'll see a couple of places where there is something to see and a couple more where there is nothing. small wood chips infected with the fungus were inserted into the bark of the tree the to research is a sign school is from one to 51 means the tree shows no signs of damage find means its dead. cutting gets a warm fuzzy here's where we put in the word. it just fell out. no infection is a no black lesions kind. of us. so far there are no traces of the fungus on the
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cuttings but then. a classic case. it's really sad but luckily it goes slightly i noticed in the green jungle but of course it's a bit alarming when you have to take one out from the middle all swearing was the experiment still a success the masters and most don't shows it's just a few that do as we expected. to save the trees further research is being conducted on the tolerant ash trees using state of the art technology. the genes of these trees will now be studied because it seems tolerance can be inherited in addition the researches want to understand the disease better and obtain the most tolerant seeds possible. that hope. that we can preserve that as an important economic and ecological tree species and forestry purposes and
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that it doesn't become a marginal species if you work. here at the tune and institute small ash cuttings are already being propagated and grown indoors but for now creating the perfectly resistant ash tree in the lab remains the stuff of science fiction. back in the forest in bavaria. it's ordinary people don't necessarily see what safety risks least partially. because of this there's always criticism. criticism of cutting down trees but safety comes 1st even if this ash cannot be replaced the forestry experts will still have to look for alternative species and there is a chance. because research can accomplish anything but we'd be the 1st to welcome it. still hope that something can be done. and his last.
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. you know in germany with w. at any time any place you see news video novellas yeah i don't like the beatles quite so nice to sing along to see this to come from soup but. for. interactive exercises. everything is online most vile and interactive then germans are free with the w o. they require. an endless loop guiding any of that that was there for. the us or by the al gore 1st i am open to go off on this.
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those are still the newsline from berlin free at last the strad no container ship that's been blocking the suez canal for almost a week is finally on the most engineers reflow the 400 metre long vessel that's been holding up $9000000000.00 worth of global trade each day letting shipping traffic now resume also coming up. it's being called a referendum on american justice the murder trial into the death of black man george floyd gets underway the accused a wife of former police officer pleads not guilty plus germany's chancellor warns
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that existing coronavirus restrictions may not be tough and not americal says if the country's states don't fall into line she may tough to intervene stricter measures like curfews could be on the table. and nickel for good to have you with us the colossal container ship stuck in the suez canal for nearly a week has been set free egyptian authorities say the bow of the skyscraper sized ever given was wrenched by tug boats in the canal sandy bank where it had been stuck since last tuesday it's now back in its normal position in the middle of the waterway this ends up crisis that had brought traffic along one of the world's busiest shipping routes to an expensive halt now let's bring in economist vincent
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from kill institute for world economy welcome to do w. mr 1st off this operation has been watched nervously around the globe why did it take so long to dislodge this vessel. first of all they do much mammy it indeed took a lot a long time and partly the reason for that is the sheer size of the container ship the container ship in question is round file he was long and hence much longer than that now it's quite so was actually lost in both with the start of the ship and that just made it so much our affiliate now the suez canal is part of the one of the busiest trade routes on the globe do we know yet what the extent of that damage from having a block for this long will be. unfortunately we can't just quite yet quantify the exact damages the hurt the bigger that you know in large volume of goods every day regularly passes this is going up but we don't quite know what the effect of that
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if it's to lay out its delays are. there certainly will be millions worth of damages to the shipping companies that have lost still have to pay operating costs for ships that are waiting for the exact damages to supply chains it's been for you too early to tell exactly the canal is also a huge moneymaker for egypt of course what has this meant for the country. well you're right i mean the egyptians day egyptians day to receive a lot of the revenue from this mess canal and a lot of that has been essentially lost in the last must be at least postponed because actually how much of the revenues lost will depend on how many ships have chosen to sail around africa instead of using this was going up. again it is hard to quantify also the economy if you know it costs or egypt. but there will be some
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loss of revenue for the egyptian economy now this whole debacle has really highlighted one of the major weaknesses of our globalized economy will this have any consequences in your opinion on the way the shipping industry currently operates. i mean we we always regarded supply chains are somewhat robust and grew in a crisis and the crisis in this is going to have told us that there are some risks associated with just in time for example and now we're a small selection of goods that the property is correct and we should evaluate the stability also played chains or a few goods you know these are the weaknesses of supply chains that would be remiss to not mention that they're also a low strength or of the global economy and especially germany as an economy that is very open to global trade we benefit from global supply chains so we shouldn't just renationalise supply chains just because of the accident and this
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was can all speak economist and stomach thank you very much for your analysis thank you. now let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world the u.s. has suspended a trade pact with me on mario's countries across the world look for ways to respond to the little military crackdown against protesters there more than 100 people including children were killed this past weekend alone the. islamist terrorist group islamic state has claimed responsibility for attacks and siege on mozambique's strategic coastal town of palma dozens of civilians died in the attacks and many survivors walked for days to escape the violence hama is a hub for international gas projects worth some $60000000000.00. a former minneapolis police officer has gone on trial in the u.s. over the death of george floyd last year derek show and faces charges of
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unintentional 2nd degree murder 3rd degree murder and manslaughter george floyd's family's attorney says the trial will be a test of how far america lives up to its own standards today. a live book. that would be a riffle widow or hope for america has could. where for equality it justice. the killing of george floyd a black man by a wind police officer ignited a wave of protests in the u.s. and around the world all go live to our studio in washington d.c. in a moment but 1st this report on the case. you know this video shocked america and the world the death last may have george floyd an unarmed black man pleading i can't
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bring him as a white police officer notes on his neck. the killing spot weeks of violent protests nationwide setting off a wave of global demonstrations as part of the black lives matter movement. the city of minneapolis has since set a lawsuit with a payment of $27000000.00 to george floyd's family. with derrick chauvin sitting here on the right is the white police officer involved. he's now on trial accused of murder and manslaughter. the trial finally began after weeks of legal wrangling over the selection of an impartial jury in such a highly charged case when the judge rejected a request from the defense the trial should be moved. children's lawyers said media coverage and the financial settlement would make it impossible to hold a fair trial in minneapolis for
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a change of venue. i do not think that would give the defendant any kind of a fair trial what we're doing here. i don't think there's any place. been subjected. stream of. the hearing is expected to last around a month the trial of derek chauvin is being called one of the most important in american history. let's bring in the w's stefan simons who is covering the story for us stefan all eyes are on this trial a lot of hopes pinned on it give us a sense of just how significant it is for people in the u.s. . it's hugely significant for the united states for people here in the u.s. for the african-american communities all around this country it is particularly.
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important and a landmark trial for sure why is that because of course race is here on the docket with this trial race relations are and the justice system because this is about this trial is about how the justice system is now hopefully able to hold police accountable so then we're talking about police accountability it is not that easy to find a police officer guilty of anything in court here live alone murder 2nd degree or 3rd degree what have you brought making gardner those cases there was video to police officers with their wrists with a slap on the wrist or with no consequence as a whole at all criminal these criminal justice at least so yes eyes are on this on this landmark trial for this very reason today the jury and the world for that matter heard opening statements from the prosecution and defense what were the main
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takeaways for you. the main take great is that all went as expected the prosecution went 1st and said to tried to introduce the jury to a long list of witnesses which the prosecution will call and which will all make the case for the prosecution and that is that there was no reason no calls for derek shelf in the police officer to put his knee on george floyd snack and there was no reason for him to do so to do this action this kind of action to subdue george floyd because it was not confirming to the police policies for the rest and to his training the defense will war try to water this down they will throw a lot off so we'll throw a lot of smoke bombs and they were tried doing this why how why because they have to deflate the case of the prosecution and how do they do this by mentioning that
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george floyd residues of drugs in his system that the corona. autopsy report is not clearly say that it was the need of their shuffling of the action of their shoving who was responsible for the passing of george floyd but other circumstances so this will be going on for some weeks now 4 weeks expected maybe a little longer if this takes a turn here or twist there we'll find out but so far everything is expected all right we don't have much time but tell me what can we expect from these 4 weeks will we hear from sheldon himself. good question i don't have the answer for this if i was the defense i wouldn't put him on the stand but true i stand to surprised if this happens if so. no it will be a long long long list of experts with the jury has to take notes and then has to at
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some point deliver a verdict and this will be interesting again 4 weeks is the is the time days a lot of for this could go also a little bit longer it's going to be very very interesting for weeks at least for us and you will be covering them for us stefan simons in washington thank you very much german chancellor angela merkel has lashed out at the country's regional leaders for not reversing plans to ease lockdown restrictions in the face of rising infections in a rare t.v. interview she warned that the federal government may override state premiers in a bid to curb a 3rd wave of the pandemic. chancellor angela merkel may have backtracked last week on her plan to shut down germany over easter but she isn't backtracking on her idea that more action is needed to stop the rise in covert 1000 cases and our goals we now have to employ the appropriate measures with a great deal of seriousness and some states are doing that others aren't yet. the chancellor and the regional state premiers had agreed to reverse openings if there
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are too many new cases but with numbers rising states are hesitating to do so medical says she won't sit around and wait for a case number 60 growing the government could push for parliament to change the law to decrease the premier's influence. in the move as one possibility is to modify the infection protection act again and to say very specifically what has to happen when we are obliged by the law to contain the incidence of infection and right now the containment is not there c.d.u. leader there's also one of the premiers being criticised by america he's conceded leaders are at an impasse it's come not go on like this so the fact that the premiers and half of the federal government are sitting in front of screens for hours every word is being leaked is not appropriate for the crisis. and that's why we are suppose that the next conference should take place in person in
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stocked for the opposition greens more measures are needed to curb the 3rd wave in infections they think the chancellor should be more proactive in tackling the crisis. the federal government has an overall responsibility here it's not a matter of staying the states or the municipalities don't have one and everyone has a responsibility but the federal government can best accord may come a new meeting to decide on next steps won't take place before easter in the meantime america will be looking at ways to reassert her author already. and. watching to the news here's a reminder of our top story at this hour and mayors have succeeded in setting free a container ship that had been blocking the suez canal for nearly a week authorities say shipping traffic has found zones stuck bessel have been holding up $9000000000.00 worth of global trade and day. 4 and that's coming up with my colleague wants and the business news do make sure to
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stay tuned for that. and i'll be back with a news update at the top of the hour hope to see that. the. little guys this is the subject the 7 percent stuff but for the cost is true to just leave his shoes his charity. you know for this i don't really look for it's attachment delicate topic africa's population.
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and young people clearly have the solutions to the future. 77 percent now. on d w o. 8 free to all move a giant container vessel that was blocking the suez canal the other given being already floated about to deal with the backlog of hundreds of ships from spent days . waiting to pass. the distribution of coronavirus vaccines is causing frustration in many parts of the world while europe grapples with its sluggish rollout look at what is or isn't being done to supply chlorination. and amazon has been frequently criticized for its treatment of its employees that's why staff and now
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considering unionizing will find out more. this is due to be business some robots in berlin welcome to the program shipping traffic has resumed on the suez canal after the mega freight ever given which became wedged across it last week was finally refloated after dredging excavation work over the weekend rescue and salvage work has succeeded in getting the ship straight again at least 369 vessels have been waiting to get passed though it could take up to 3 days to clear the backlog but shipping group mask says the knock on disruption to global shipping could take weeks or months to sort out. well naturally investors have been watching developments in the suez canal very closely over recent days as our correspondent at the frankfurt stock exchange buson on investor reaction as it became clear the canal would soon be open again. immediately after trading started this monday morning the german dax jumped to
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a new record high i think we can call this a sigh of relief investors are really happy that the deadlock in the swiss will not last forever if we only take the container ship traffic between china and europe 98 percent of this goes via the suez canal taking a detour here around africa would be very costly and it would add another 13000 kilometers to the trip or 10 extra travel days how much of a damage has been made due to the event is not easy to say the german insurance company. says that a blockage like this could cost global trade between 5 and 9000000000 euros what does not say is how high the insurance claims are that the owners of the ship are now facing. color of business frank now it's by no means the worst affected continent but nevertheless over 4000000 cases of corona virus have been recorded on
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the african continent so far observers however assume the unrecorded toll is much higher a key hope for many african countries is the world health organizations kovacs initiative which aims to secure vaccines for poorer nations so far 28 countries have received 16000000 shots nigeria has had the most followed by democratic republic of congo and angola south africa is hoping to secure $12000000.00 in total now some african states by straight from the produces or receive donations from individual countries china is supplying its own sign of vaccine to the likes of zimbabwe and the media meanwhile india has donated its domestically licensed physician of astra zeneca vaccine but there's still an awful long way to go africa's center for disease control and prevention says some 24000000 people have been given japs on the continent but that's just 1.7 percent of the population
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let's discuss the issues facing african countries and the pharmaceutical companies aiming to supply them with our correspondent in nairobi joy during beera and natalie mole from the european federation of pharmaceutical industries and associations welcome to you both i'm going to start with joy doreen farah who's in nairobi and what's the feeling in sub-saharan africa towards the vaccine rollout is there a sense that poorer nations and not getting that fashion. well there is that notion that were countries are not getting a fair share this is last. week the wealthier countries that were ordering these vaccines in the last dooms is always a large number is and that less the low income countries would last as well and so they had to go through the coal that's the silly tea to order for the vaccine and to be delivered to the countries and the other option for them has been to spread
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it out so they ordered ask is anika and some countries also order make which is the russian that's. what i want to bring in natalie mole from new york pan federation of pharmaceutical industries an association which represents fauna for. what extends to pharmaceutical firms same role what is their role in making sure these back scenes that vaccines do get to poorer nations. and so we know this is really a global pandemic and so nobody is safe until everybody is safe and we shouldn't very we share really the responsibility of the urgency to ensure that we can have that scene's everybody that's it it's quick it's possible around the world that's what we our partner back to a site of called x. we believe the facility is certainly. an incredible tool to manage to reach those $2000000000.00 targets for 2021 which is what we have as a target for kovacs we've already shipped as as was mentioned $32000000.00 covered
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19 back to 60 countries already and we've never seen such a quick sprint that students were arriving in abidjan akron talk here at the same time about just a few weeks after the show provable of course it's a work in progress of course the 1st weeks and months since the approvals and of course feel you have a handful of vaccines true so far but we hope to increase the number of vaccines approved of course the production back. you know the real feeling in africa the numbers need to improve joy tureen just tell us what ideas the leaders in africa in having because there's a lot of support behind the idea of scrapping the patents on the vaccines. right so the south african in kenya leaders have been advocating for the manufacturing of the vaccine using more affordable means to allow for the vaccine to be manufactured
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by virus similar manufacturers this in an effort to make sure that there are more vaccines reaching the african continent as already there is a shortage of the vaccine on the continent and so the idea behind it really is for more affordable that seems to be able to get down to the people and asking the pharmaceutical companies to put people's needs all the profit and that's pretty much the idea behind it well that's a good point massimo i mean what is the pharmaceutical companies view on that peyton's being scrapped well the issue with the scale up of production is not really to do with patents there are more than $256.00 deals already been made licenses already being made to run the world to increase the production and the scale of the issue is a technical know how and the actual capacities of the vats that have to produce these biological products and that is what we're looking for having to actually
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build and create so when a company gets in touch with another company and produce a manufacturer in order to produce and scale up the vaccines there's a whole technical know how transfer that has to happen you know it's a make sure that we can produce those vaccines at the mts we need the amounts we need but with the safety and efficiency that they have to have so it's much more than just intellectual property it's really the whole package and at the moment he has not been an obstacle to that it's actually the facilities and finding the partners who can do that incredibly complex work with just biological production at that scale. just really briefly if you can ask. your representatives the former industry are meeting in brussels with officials there what are they think of the idea of the e.u. blocking export. well what we've understood there was the heads of state meeting at the end of last week and a lot of discussion around the importance of supporting little supply chain because
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vaccines are made of hundreds of components and no one country could produce its own backs and in fact components come off through through more than 20 different countries and then there was a a very clear understanding of the importance to to support these global supply chains because that any any interruption to that global trade by any kind of export block it would really cause a backlog and production scale up to be very dangerous to the rest ok so keep the interference to a minimum not lemole from the european but a ration of pharmaceutical industries and associations and our correspondents in nairobi joy during berra thank you both for joining us on do business now some of the other business stories making the news german exporters are increasingly optimistic that they'll benefit from economic recoveries in asia and the u.s. a survey by the e-file economic institute shows their expectations in march rose to the highest value since january 20th 11 it was optimism in nearly all sectors.
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play make a boeing says u.s. low cost carrier southwest airlines has ordered $177.00 max aircraft a $12500000000.00 deal increases southwest max commitment to more than $600.00 planes it's also the largest order since the model was approved to fly again at the end of 2020. and that is streaming site billy billy sank 6 percent on its 1st day of trading in hong kong as did shares in the chinese search engine baidu which debuted in hong kong last week chinese tech shares are suffering after u.s. regulators announced plans to force firms from china to observe u.s. order to. now in the us amazon is the 2nd largest employer its founder is the richest man in the world and yet the company is often criticized for how it treats workers further down the ladder that's why amazon workers in the u.s. have been holding a ballot on whether to unionize today is the last day for employees to.
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protest during pandemic times only a few dozen workers have shown up but even with social distancing they're passionate and they're not alone in their fight for workers' rights at amazon one of the country's most prominent voices is with them. what do you say to mr faisal's why when you have so much money more money that can be spent in a 1000000 lifetimes why are you spending millions trying to defeat and effort on the part of workers here who want nothing more than decent wages decent benefits decent working conditions you are in pesos the mega rich founder and c.e.o. of amazon has always fought unionizing at his company while striving for the highly efficient work environment that may be profitable but comes at the cost of workers' rights if you lay
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a minute. 15 minute be automatic on to our way from you. i want to lay our work for a while take our. amazon has organized its own campaign trying to convince workers to vote against the union with flyers and text messages and some in the company site with their employer saying things aren't as bad as they seem if all this negativity and all this these horrible things and all the stories were all true then they're 5800 idiots working inside the building where i work. and i don't work with a single idiot and i'm not an idiot. today is the last day for workers to vote for or against unionizing any decision is likely to be seen as a bellwether for other amazon warehouses. so for i'm in the business team
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in berlin for more to check out our website to be a dot com slash business you know the latest on the refloating of the ever given in the suez canal there are much more you can also follow us on the social media world trade center so next time you buy. my 1st boss a moses sewing machine. where i come from women are bound by this notion for. something as simple as learning how to write a bicep those isn't. since i was a little girl i wanted to have a bicycle of my home but it took me years to been there. finally gave up invented by a young bicyclist but returned because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for goes than writing i'm biased. i want to meet. women back home who are bound by
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their duties and social rules and informed them for dead basic rights my name is the amount of the home and i work. you're watching news asia coming up today we take a closer look at india and pakistan improved relations what's driving it how genuine is it and for how long will it hold especially given the tensions over the past 2 years. plus if you paint it purple they will come south koreans with no overseas travel opportunities because of the pandemic has found a.
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