tv Expedition in die Heimat Deutsche Welle March 30, 2021 3:30pm-4:16pm CEST
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honestly i just want my job to confront good speeches on policies and development to put the spotlight on issues that matter most to congo food security question martian isolation. a notch has been achieved so much more needs to be jobs and i think people have to be at the top solutions my name is a massage she's on and i work hard to deal. if you're watching t.w. news asia coming up today india's annual holy festival could spread war and cheer with mass get togethers becoming potential super spreader events in a country already facing a spike in kobe cases. plus the escalating crisis in myanmar with the military turning their guns on protesters we'll look at where things stand as what more can
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the international community be doing. i'm melissa chan welcome to news asia in india hindus have marked the start of spring with their festival of colors known as holy most years of give ots across the country throw colored powder at each other in huge outdoor celebrations this is not most years at a time when corona virus infections in the country are spiking with a growing death toll and more than 60000 new cases a day officials have asked people to socially distance and stay home but they're not and health experts are worried that these unchecked celebrations could turn into covert super spreader events. dancing singing and screaming. thousands packed like sardines
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on the streets and inside ancient temples mosques play a performative role it's exactly what public health officials desperately wanted to avoid. that may depend to make that has claimed 860000 indian lives. the lives of them look a little polish the festival of joy we throw colors on to each other we have such a good time together nobody gets upset all our problems are forgotten. not all the problems however the. it's a celebration of winter giving way to spring for many though it was when hard facts gave way to blind faith. covert is gone it will come back after holy. war it's a festival of joy and love we forget everything we forget that there is covert. it was a similar picture in towns and cities across the country as revelers threw caution
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and colored pigments to the wind. to look at your distancing the everyone is maintaining social distancing we are trying to keep up with the traditions of our family but by keeping everyone safe. in the capital delhi police took a harder line banning public festivities altogether. you will be predictable the festivals that are being celebrated now like last night's shabbat bharat and today's festival of holy these should not be celebrated in public instead it should be celebrated in homes in small gatherings so that the corona virus does not spread i'm glad to say that these guidelines have been followed to a great extent and till now no violations have been reporting. the widespread rule breaking comes over time of rising infection rates meaning indians may well face a prolonged hangover from holy celebrations that most of them never took part in.
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joining us is alarmed by an expert in global health and health policy he's based in bhopal india a man to put the celebration and people coming together in context what impact will these celebrations hath. thank you for having me so i think the body is that since you have a bone in the number of pieces across many states and then. that that he said we can maybe actually at least in the basement there was a holy there was also somebody bought out and bomb sunday was. a lot of people more social interactions happening many states that try to work up on them but i think in many places still people went out. of the city did not follow up because the pashtuns in many cases and that might lead to a potential split again unfortunate because already in some parts of me they had system is starting to. put out that the number of pieces of at least
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i think. do you feel that authorities did do enough to try to prevent these gatherings. but in some states they did announce equipment far in there which is still in the senate babies festivals within their families within their households and to north branch out in other places it seems that these requests many warnings were not heeded and they have been a lot of visual share of ma celebrations and those as we know can often lead to you know a clustering of cases and i guess you don't have to track and see if that indeed holds true in the meantime you know this is a message that we need to really make sure that we're putting the brakes on the sped up infection like last summer we might have been had some pretty soon. let's put this a bit more in context as more than 1300000000 people in the country that's a lot of arms that need vaccine jabs at this rate how is it looking in are you
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worried particularly given the new more contagious strains of the corona virus. it's certainly cause for concern only under less than 4 percent of india's population has received one of those of the vaccine the number of people who have received more doors is under one percent of the population so as you can see there's still a significant section of the population which need to be covered and this includes those were most at risk you know not everyone who's elite or not everyone who's calling us for mobility has yet been vaccinated. interest in getting vaccinated has been more in some parts of the country and i think that reinforces the importance for more community engagement and outreach to try to get our coverage straight again you know action is only one of the but we need to also ensure that there is a ticket into public health parsons and the kind of you know critique that you see in this aspect is something where you. now india is
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a global powerhouse when it comes to vaccine manufacturing i'm a little curious are we seeing any vaccine nationalism there the way we've seen it elsewhere are are people asking why are we exporting all these vaccines when our citizens need them as much. it seems certainly there's been some oysters towards that but you know to investigate it i think india has stepped forward and you know actively exported back seems to many countries that's a cool act so it's a little that india has the company manufacturing accidents and then to have done and the government had just in the day after that that having been said as the author he saw there is a big gap in dumps of number of people who need to be vaccinated in india and the government has indicated that they might have that amp up its own. you know domestic needs. in income brackets and to allowing exports of we might see at these for the next short quite some beginning of the next what's and i think an easing focus on india's domestic explanation needs but i am hopeful that endeavor to
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continue showing its leadership in depth of sharing maxime's with other parts of the word especially as annoyed with the country. and i thank you so much for joining us. nearly 2 months since the military seized power in myanmar the protest movement shows no signs of slowing down this weekend saw the deadliest day of violence since the coup began with at least 107 people including children killed demonstrations are intensifying with the military increasingly willing to take lives in their attempt to maintain power on monday pro-democracy protesters in yangon clashed with security forces and groups assistance association for political prisoners says 14 people were killed across the country bringing the total death toll to more than $500.00 thousands more have been detained those who can are considering leaving
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myanmar and the instability. joining us is a man time to until very recently was in myanmar covering the coup and protests from day one but is now in bangkok a you decided to leave for your own safety since journalists have been targeted how difficult was it logistically to exit so there's a few difficulties in trying to exit the 1st simply cost flights right now commercial flights to and from there are pretty much stopped right now and it's pretty much just really flights which not only pirate the nationals of the nations that they go into but also tend to cost a little bit more than normal commercial flights and there's only a few flights out every day and of course you're not the only one making this decision tell us more about what's happening who is trying to leave and is the government trying to stop some people from leaving. so use your seem number of people leaving especially the big cities not everyone is going abroad quite
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a lot of people have gone back to either their ancestral villages or back to more rural areas where they either have families or friends or some sort of other tie because we are seeing a lot of the violence concentrated in major cities like mandalay and young girl and you also see people crossing into india thailand about 30000 people have recently and to thailand from myanmar in terms of going abroad and what you're seeing is a cohort of people who are definitely more privileged people who had a house or to begin with which is not easy in myanmar especially if you're not considered sort of one of the indigenous races or if you have multi multi racial background and it can be quite difficult to get a passport so you're seeing a lot of journalists who have been working for international organizations as well as staff from those and just other people who has kind of ties to the international community in some way well let's pivot to the international community and what it
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can or should do on monday the u.s. announced it would suspend all trade with myanmar to something like that matter. it can't but you know i think since the very beginning people have criticized sanctions the past for being too general for hurting the general myanmar population and you know you really saw people trying to have targeted sanctions against individuals and against specific companies but something like the sort of broad banning of trade it could mean that the average for most of the service being more hurt than the sort of military and the interests that are really trying behind this could. i think that's also complicated by the fact that most of them are straight is with. countries in the region so r.c.n. as well as countries like china and india where a lot of agricultural products as well as resources of minerals go out and so you
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know it can make a difference and it will hurt but. it won't have that much of an effect at it and then the u.n. security council is meeting on wednesday does it matter if they issue a statement condemning what's happening in myanmar. it could but that also has to balance with the fact that. representatives from russia and china both of whom are on the u.n. security council attend their parades and celebrations on armed forces day on saturday where over 100 people were killed so you know and a statement should one come out will feel quite hollow especially since russia on saturday as people were getting massacred in the streets so that they are looking to strengthen ties with the new my military so it will really seem like you know maybe they capitulate they have russia and china dead to sort of this global
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pressure but on the ground they might not act in a way that is in line with those words. and thank you so much for joining us. that's it for today thank you for watching we're back tomorrow see you then and goodbye. to. the fight against the corona virus endemic. as the rate of infection in developing what does the latest research say. information and context the coronavirus update 19 special. on t.w. . grappling with such. expressed feeling.
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i am not very creative yet but i would love to be considered an artist one day looking for new perspectives. to help not to be replaced but with the camera doing things differently. come to a place where we reflect on society on. the total. so far very few children have become seriously ill with covert 19 to the point of being hospitalized about a 3rd of them have a preexisting condition made worse by covert such as a lung disease the other 2 thirds of premature babies or children with down syndrome. and a sauce close to infection can also trigger the so-called pediatric inflammatory
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multisystem syndrome p i.m.'s a disease that attacks various organs in children whether they have severe mild or even no codes and. i'm sad all which makes you wonder shouldn't children be higher up on the priority list in fighting the pandemic. welcome to a copy of $900.00 special i want to get johnsonville and good to have you with us and we all tend to associate old age with frailty and illness right so when it comes to prioritizing covered $900.00 vaccination we all say the old and vulnerable should come 1st but what about the young and vulnerable is the struggle of a family that feels abandoned by society and so there. is a loving partner to her husband where suffered from spastic paralysis since. she also looks after her son felix the family could really do with some outside help but
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that's a risky prospect in times of covert you can you go up. to scrutiny 'd or. it is very difficult for me to where you do not because if we catch it it will be very bad for the boy and for me to. prove to. the family has been living in almost complete isolation for a year catching covert would most likely be fatal for the boy and his stepfather getting vaccinated would change all of that but it's been 3 months since the vaccination rollout in germany and the family is still waiting. yeah understandably that right now the pandemic clearly shows where the rights of the severely disabled and not exercised seen at all or at which point the un disability rights convention is once again just on paper what the published.
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felix shows us has for him he suffers from chronic muscle weakness so he has to be artificially ventilated when he sleeps his mother looks after him around the clock every night is the night shift she tells us. so how is it sleeping with the ventilator is that all right. and mostly it's difficult for him to fall asleep if he gets to sleep then it's not a problem. for the past year felix has taken all of his classes online his parents would like to have him vaccinated so he can go back to school once the lockdown is eased it would be a so-called off label vaccination because the vaccine has not been approved for children but says they can't find any support for that either.
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there's no one out there who says please contact us now we will take care of it for you you have been in the safe michael hunt. mr kuchma also hopes that the needs of people with disabilities be put in focus more. on hope i hope this interview will make us be more visible to everyone very prove who don't we clear. that up until that happens the family will continue best struggle. and professor marcus north is director of the clinic for children and adolescents and he is dr haast mclean again in responding good to have you with us as a pediatric intensive is still critical care physician and in fact yalit just would you say the children have received enough attention so find this pandemic. so far the focus of the pandemic has been on the air dually especially those older
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people always years of age and particular risk of fatal causes and that's why the. and demick is a pandemic of the elderly let's say overall children do not have a very high risk of becoming seriously ill and that's probably the explanation for the fact that the children are not in the middle of the activities around depend in the fight against the pandemic a process worldwide so transfer your question. with one sound and no children do not have received enough attention during this pandemic process yes specially now with the new variants we see a rise in infections among children but why is that. well. we we do not really know what happens if children are in touch with 2
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and the mutations so probably. the previously introductory virus is more or less similar to a corona virus which is more or less frequent and look show them population. mutations are something new for the immune system and that's probably one reason why the numbers are going up but it's not good honest there's not a good understanding of how how this this works so do we then know whether all children equally at risk right now or especially those with special precondition. well good news is that most of the children do not have a very high risk to to become seriously ill means but. there are
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also complicated. some complications especially in those should in which our risk goes through them and your bones or creech on infants or those was underlying. diseases for example country under the hot efficiency or unit efficiencies as well as those children which were treated with immunocompromised any medications. in terms of hemet on corruption of diseases and so on there is a relevant number of children with a high risk and one prominent. group of diseases that the down syndrome those children of very high risk falls sivia and fatal outcome. to suster to children with let's say. in bone era of metabolisms or assume drums for example at euro sgouros some of us
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and these children what they react differently mostly to the virus than adults who are elderly with with inflammatory reactions and various organs i mean how worried should we be about the so-called g.i. mess or and i.s.p. . yeah this implement tory multi system sundram is. it's not very common so we do half also asians of the syndrome and hospitals especially in my hospital as well but of the muscle our overall overall the muscle and oh so there is not really a mandatory it i'm on this but at least there are some sure don't which are affected by these m.s. and there is an assumption but genetical lead to a mind. to billet he is responsible for all of these cases so this means
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it's not random child abstracts it's a prescribed by. and genetical determined a supped ability to profess a canoe for them thank you so much for your time. so step by step we learn more about kobe 1000 and children and about school with 19 in general it's time for your questions now over to our science correspondent williams. do the different vaccines protect people from the long term effects of covert 19. many patients who contract coded 19 become what are known as the long haul or as or people who have long covert there's currently no way to predict who that might affect although there isn't really an accepted definition for it having long
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coded basically means you don't return to your previous levels of health even months after sars kopi to falls below detectable levels in your body it's affected millions of people who have a wide spectrum of longer term symptoms with with chronic fatigue for example a really regular complaint there are 2 big theories for for what might be causing it one is that long coded happens when the body can't clear out all of the virus or viral fragments left after infection that basically the virus is able to hide in some people somehow and then the body goes into a kind of of of trench warfare mode the 2nd hypothesis is that long tube it is an unchecked auto immune response so so an off the rails immune system in some patients experts say it could be
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a combination of both but there's no doubt that for people suffering long coated symptoms the prospect of getting vaccinated must be pretty terrifying i mean could getting the shot actually make you feel morse well although i emphasize that we still can't say anything for certain there. are a growing number of anecdotal reports that getting vaccinated appears to be actually helping at least some people with long overdue we don't know why. one small study and peer review also at least indicates that more long haul worse feel better than feel worse after being vaccinated the problem is to find out more we would have to conduct trials where so long haul words get posted 19 back scenes and and others get placebos masquerading as covert 19 back since i don't think
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that's going to happen to be honest in the current climate right now i can only say that the general consensus seems to be that long haul ors should also be vaccinated and some anecdotal reports say it might help with some things. derek williams then he'll be back on some more a few questions tomorrow that's all for now thanks for watching stacy.
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special and kick off. 90 minutes from d w. more than a 1000 years ago europe witnesses a huge construction boom. christianity from established itself. both religious and secular leaders or eager to display their power. to trace begins. who can create the tallest biggest and most beautiful structures. stonemasons builders and architects compete with each other. this is how massive churches are created. a.
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contest of the cathedrals for. a whole 12th on d w. this is a 15 year old girl. being gang raped. the state's. there is beating a board for talking back and class. for the rest of the class watches. i'm sure is told her husband could buy his mother a break from the collapse. was charles street from the streets because you're probably through on. your own why. pushes a teenager over the edge. just because you can see violence it comes to children those memos and there are make them visible visible. violence or comes children.
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to look at it. this is g.w. news live from berlin and several german states and cities are again suspends the astra zeneca corona virus vaccine this time for under 16 that follows new reports of unusual blood clots the country's medical regulator now recommends the vaccine for over sixty's only german leaders will discuss the vaccine it leader today also coming up on the show china tightens its grip on hong kong beijing imposes fresh
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reforms that restrict who can run for the city's parliament saying it wants to see key trips governing talk critics see the changes as a final blow to democracy. the un urges the international community to pledge aid for the millions of syrians and during starvation. but there's disagreement over how the money should be spent. and a reckoning for racial injustice in the united states the former police officer accused of killing george floyd goes on trial. hello i'm claire richards and welcome to the show well the german cities of berlin and munich have suspended the use of the astra zeneca corona virus vaccine for people under the age of 60 authorities say there is new data on the vaccine
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suspected side effects and are calling this a precautionary measure there have now been a 31 cases of cerebral from bosis in germany likely to have occurred after administering the astra zeneca vaccine and 9 of those cases it did result in the death of patients germany's health minister yes sean will meet with his regional counterparts to discuss the use of astra zeneca vaccine later on tuesday. well then that's crossed straight over to tobias kurtz he is an epidemiologist at the shower it's a hospital here in berlin he's also director of the institute for public health thank you so much for joining us so can you explain exactly what was behind the shares his decision and who exactly does this apply to. well the shiny 2 and has seen the new data on the board of directors together with other colleagues from other university hospital centers have to cite it to true hold city seneca vaccination for women and the age of 55 which was then followed by the decision
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today of the senate of bill in to hold a vaccination for people under the age of 60 and so this is obviously a precaution to not put people on necessary on risk and we have to wait until the agencies have officially looked at the data and have made their recommendations and this recommendation is a for certain group specially anyone hoping to get a vaccine and considering whether they should get vaccinated with astra zeneca is going to feel very uncomfortable hearing this news and how safe is the astra zeneca vaccine really. yes of course people are concerned hearing this news and i think it's also is somewhat unfortunate that there are several age cut points and whether only women or everyone is discussed in the public before you official agencies have made their decision if the drac as far as we know has decided fact it is very
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very rare but it is there it is more likely down what you we normally would observe but the european medicine agencies so far called the truck safe and very beneficial and said the outs way of the benefits still outweigh the risks so the drug is overall more beneficial nevertheless as a precaution there are too many cases and that's why these decisions have been made today we say that it is a very rare side effect and that this was done out of an abundance of caution as you said the european medicines agency just last week said this vaccine was safe what does this then do to public trust in the vaccine. it's obviously very difficult to trust in the vaccine where you have consistently being reporting. to to have a side effect or to have a potential effect in certain age groups or not having an effect in certain age groups so public trust is certainly very effective here under specific and direct
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yes to seneca truck it is not very important that we find a solution for this that we have enough vaccines available and continue to vaccine people as this is really really to most important thing to do in this 3rd wave of dependent make thank you. all of us at the sheraton a hospital here in berlin thank you for having me. and turn our attention now to the united states which is one of the world's leading nations when it comes to covert $1000.00 vaccinations and washington ordered a large number of doses early on and the biden administration has ramped up distribution since the start of the year of course the u.s. is a large country but already 20 percent of all adults are now fully vaccinated that's more than $52000000.00 people among them nearly half of americans over the age of $65.00 so to give you a comparison across the european union only 5.3 percent of adults have received both shots from president joe biden expects to have enough vaccine doses for all
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adults in the u.s. by the end of may his administration says americans will be inoculated 1st before the country shares that shots with others to use all of his al it has more. had a university campus in los angeles u.s. army soldiers are now fighting an invisible enemy their weapons of choice syringes loaded with the bio and take pfizer vaccine. below. the site to vaccines or do you have a little card id so just for fun. debbie share is about to receive her 2nd child to go on and. she is now one of her own 50000000 fully vaccinated americans makes me feel very grateful that we here i mean of course we had the worst response really initially and now we're
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having the best vaccine response but i feel so bad for the people in europe right now that i hope that they can get go rolling out the way we are here. the vaccination site at california state university is one of the largest in the u.s. sergeant lewis herrera and his comrades who have been deployed to overseas missions like afghanistan are administering up. a 1000 shots per day all right all the time i'm very proud to be selected as a member to come out here and do this because at the end of the day we volunteer to protect our country to protect the people within it so if it includes administering vaccines and providing medical care that's what we do more here to accomplish that mission at the united states have come a long way in this pandemic from the world's hardest hit country to one of the fastest nations in administering the vaccine a pragmatic rollout is one reason a new kind of vaccine nationalism is another one president biden vald that at this
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pace there could be enough vaccines for every american by the end of may a little bit about what. the federal emergency management agency takes pride in this new cooperation between the u.s. army national guard and her own authority it is very historic because the federal government f.e.m.a. has never done a vaccination site so this is a truly whole government approach we're working to get our partnership to make sure that this runs as smoothly as possible that people get in and out when they come here that they're not waiting a very long time and their experience is a good one. while the speedy rollout brings relief for many americans critics say the lack of exports to developing countries might cause new problems in the fight against cold with 19. and let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world more than a dozen people fleeing violence in myanmar have received medical treatment across
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the border in thailand it comes as activists say thailand is sending sending back thousands of people who are fleeing and are silent has detained denied the reports and says it has no policy of turning away refugees. and brazilian president also naro has carried out a large cabinet reshuffle amid a slide in his popularity over his handling of the pandemic foreign minister and nestor show is among the ministers leaving the government and he's been widely criticized for damaging brazil's international ties and aggravating the pandemic by alienating vaccine suppliers. well the united nations is urging the international community to donate $10000000000.00 in aid to help the millions of syrians and during poverty and starvation a 2 day video conference hosted by the un and the european union is underway in brussels germany has pledged $2000000000.00 but there's disagreement over how funds
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should be spent. a bowl of cabbage for a family of 7 the daily ration for the mood family in this refugee camp in homes more than 12000000 syrians a starving food prices have risen nearly 5 fold and 9 in 10 people live in poverty they need help from abroad. the money is needed for b.c. cuba meets especially inside syria access to water to. health care and other fundamental basic needs. the united nations has said over 10000000000 in aid is needed germany is planning to contribute 1700000000 euros every day we have to turn now funds have been used only for emergency relief and aid organizations are now insisting that money also needs to be spent on reconstruction which is north not bearing long term we
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need health centers they need to be rebuilt we need schools and cancer centers $2.00 and a half 1000000 children can't go to school in syria so humanitarian aid should be used for development to. diplomats from the e.u. in the german government disagree reconstruction they say would benefit the assad regime. we fix this really number one priority is to ensure the survival of the people in syria and the 6000000 refugees in neighboring state leave the child only after that can we discuss rebuilding doesn't excuse the hood to sprawl we doth ball the 3 in. the peace process is stalled humanitarian aid helps people survive but has no lasting impact the during a conference does at least keep the crisis in syria on the agenda. and joining me now is a live demo she is a member of the left in the european parliament and a critic of the eves role in the syrian war so we just heard in our report about
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concerns that funding syria's reconstruction could benefit asset but not actually the people in your view what should the e.u. be doing. first of all when we talk about syria we talk about a brutal proxy war so we should stop this war for our battle to stop stop also the sanctions which are. bringing people also we have all our software. can you hear me i can hear you just fine if we do alleviate sanctions does that not just mean that you are leaving the country to its fate in the hands of president bashar al assad 1st of all say what this function is are about the so-called caesar act as a sanction which that all business all people who are getting are all companies which are in business with the assad regime can be attacked or affected by the
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sanctions just means but the reality for the people that there are now in a situation that they are. they don't have hospitals they don't have schools they have no no purse practive for daylight and i think the. military war in syria has not been and it's showing that now the regime change politics should continue in the other great economic ray and i don't accept that because it's politics on the expense of the people in syria it's politics on the expense of the children in syria and those should stop if the e.u. wants to do really something against this war want to do something for the people in syria you should help to. track country. really for the people to get her spectacle and their country but the focus
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and to hold out the people the refugees out of the european union and this is not ok for me and maybe one other point that the e.u. is selling arms exports. well for example in this region and for example to turkey especially the government sells. our export didn't stop we know that turkey is also in this war which is not acceptable and there are a lot of this and they can't buy the s.t.'s by this here and democratic forces and the city were in democratic forces to bring back foreign citizens who joined the war of. the dietician to their countries and the european member states and other member states do it that are more than 10000 people who are jihadist who wants to continue with this war and are not broke out of this
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country and are not in jail for their walk like this is also not acceptable as the mother of general a member of the left in the european parliament thank you so much for joining us with that assessment thank you. and meanwhile hong kong's electoral system is getting a sweeping overhaul seen by many as another nail in the coffin for the pro-democracy movement lawmakers in beijing approves of the reforms which will see elected seats to hong kong's legislative council slashed and the number of beijing approved officials increased a vetting committee has also been set up to monitor candidates to ensure they are loyal to the mainland the measures are seen as the most significant attempt to rein in hong kong opposition since the territory was handed over to china from britain in 1907. and the chinese ministry of foreign affairs gave a statement about the electoral reforms a short while ago. the purpose of improving the electoral system is to gradually
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