tv Kick off Spezial Deutsche Welle March 30, 2021 6:30pm-7:00pm CEST
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what measures are being taken. what does the latest research say. information and context. the coronavirus of data the coded machine special monday to friday on. the. you're watching d.w. news coming up today india's annual holy festival could spread warrant and share with mass get togethers becoming potential super strength events in a country already facing a spike in kobe cases. plus the escalating crisis in myanmar with the military turning their guns on protesters we'll look at where things stand in as what more can the international community be doing.
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i'm melissa chan welcome to g.w. news asia in india hindus have marked the start of spring with their festival of colors known as holy most years millions of give ots across the country throw colored powder at each other in huge outdoor celebrations this is not most years at a time when corona virus infections in the country are spiking with a growing death toll and more than 60000 new cases a day officials have asked people to socially distance and stay home but they're not and health experts are worried that these unchecked celebrations could turn into covert super spreader events. dancing singing and screaming. thousands packed like sardines on the streets and inside ancient temples mosques play a performative role it's exactly what public health officials desperately wanted to
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avoid. that may depend to make that as claimed 860000 indian lives. by some of them look a little polish the festival of joy we throw colors on to each other we have such a good time together nobody gets upset all our problems are forgotten. not all the problems however the. it's a celebration of winter giving way to spring for many though it was when hard facts gave way to blind faith. covert is gone it will come back after holy. war it's a festival of joy and love we forget everything we forget that there is covert. it was a similar picture in towns and cities across the country as revelers threw caution and colored pigments to the wind. to look at your distancing the everyone is
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maintaining social distancing we're trying to keep up with the traditions of our family but by keeping everyone safe. in the capital delhi police took a harder line banning public festivities altogether. you'll be 1st people the festivals that are being celebrated now like last night's shabbat bharat and today's festival of holy these should not be celebrated in public instead it should be celebrated in homes in small gatherings so that the coronavirus does not spread i'm glad to say that these guidelines have been followed to a great extent and till now no violations have been reported. the widespread rule breaking comes over time of rising infection rates meaning indians may well face a prolonged hangover from holy celebrations that most of them never took part in. joining us is alarmed by an expert in global health and health policy he's based in
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bhopal india a man to put the celebration and people coming together in context what impact will the celebrations hath. thank you for having me so i think the body is that since you have a bone in the number of cases across many states and then. that that he said we can maybe actually at least in the basement there was a holy festival there was also shall be bought out and bomb sunday was. a lot of people were not social interactions happening many states. on them but i think in many places still people went out. of the city did not follow up because their posture and in many cases and that might lead to a potential split again unfortunate because already in some parts of here they have system is starting to. put. the number of pieces of at least i think. he's feel that authorities didn't do enough to try to prevent these gatherings. but in some states they did announce equipment far in there which
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is still in the senate babies by still within their families within their households and to north branch out in other places it seems that these precautionary warnings were not heeded and they have been a lot of visual share of ma celebrations and those as we know can often lead to you know a clustering of cases and i guess you don't have to track and see if that indeed holds true in the meantime you know this is a method that we need to really make sure that we're putting the brakes on the sped up infection like last summer we might have been had some pretty soon. let's put this a bit more in context as more than 1300000000 people in the country that's a lot of arms that need vaccine jabs at this rate how is it looking in are you worried particularly given the new more contagious strains of the corona virus.
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it's only cause for concern only under less than 4 percent of india's population has received one of those of the marks in the number of people who have received more dollars as is under one percent of the population so as you can see there is still a significant section of the population which need to be got work and this includes those were most at risk you know not everyone who's elderly or not everyone who's calling us for mobility has yet been vaccinated. interest in getting vaccinated has been low in some parts of the country and i think that reinforces the importance for more community engagement and outreach to try to get our coverage straight again you know vaccination is only one of the but we need to also ensure that there is if you get into public health the parsons and the kind of you know critique that you see in this aspect is something where you are. now india is a global powerhouse when it comes to vaccine manufacturing i'm a little chariots are we seeing any vaccine nationalism there the way we've seen it
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elsewhere are are people asking why are we exporting all these vaccines when our citizens need them as much. it's been certainly there been some oysters to what's that but you know to invest that i think india has stepped forward and you know actively exported back seems to many countries say that's a cool act ought to do that india has the company manufacturing axioms and then to have done and the government types in the day after that that having been said as the already saw there is a big gap in dumps of number of people who need to be vaccinated in india and the government has indicated that they might have put on topics on. you know domestic need. in income brackets and to allowing explode so we might see at these for the next short quite some beginning of the next sports and mending pleasing focus on their domestic exploration needs but i am hopeful that endeavor to continue showing its leadership in depth of sharing maxime's with other parts of the way especially at the north in the country. and then spawn thank you so much for joining us.
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nearly 2 months since the military seized power in myanmar the protest movement shows no signs of slowing down this weekend saw the deadliest day of violence since the coup began with at least 107 people including children killed demonstrations are intensifying with the military increasingly willing to take lives in their attempt to maintain power on monday pro-democracy protesters in yangon clashed with security forces a group assistance association for political prisoners says 14 people were killed across the country bringing the total death toll to more than $500.00 thousands more have been detained those who can are considering leaving me and maher and the instability. joining us is a man time to until very recently was in myanmar covering the coup and protests
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from day one but is now in bangkok a you decided to leave for your own safety since journalists have been targeted how difficult was it logistically to exit. so there's a few difficulties in trying to exit the 1st is simply cost flights right now commercial flights to near are and from there are pretty much stopped right now and that's pretty much just really flights which not only pirate the nationals of the nations that they go into but also tend to cost a little bit more than normal commercial flights and there's only a few flights out every day and of course you're not the only one making this decision tell us more about what's happening who is trying to leave and is the government trying to stop some people from leaving. so use your scene number of people leaving especially the big cities not everyone is going abroad quite a lot of people have gone back to what either their ancestral village is or back to more rural areas where they either have families or friends or some sort of other
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tie because we are seeing a lot of the violence concentrated in major cities like mandalay and young girl and you also see people crossing into india thailand about 3000 people have recently thailand from myanmar in terms of going abroad and what you're seeing is a cohort of people who are definitely more privileged people who had a past or to begin with which is not easy in myanmar especially if you're not considered sort of one of the indigenous races or if you have multi multi racial background and it can be quite difficult to get a passport so you're seeing a lot of journalists who have been working for international organizations as well as staff from i and you know those and just other people who has kind of ties to the international community in some way well let's pivot to the international community and what it can or should do on monday the u.s. announced it would suspend all trade with myanmar to something like that matter. it
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can't but you know i think since the very beginning people have criticized sanctions the past for being too general for hurting the general myanmar population and you know you really saw people trying to have targeted sanctions against individuals and against specific companies but something like the sort of broad banning of trade it could mean that the average for most of the service being more hurt than the sort of military and the interests that are really trying behind this could. i think that's also complicated by the fact that most of them are straight is with. countries in the region so r.c.n. as well as countries like china and india where a lot of agricultural products as well as resources of minerals go out and so you know it can make a difference and it will hurt but it won't have that much of an effect at it
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and then the u.n. security council is meeting on wednesday does it matter if they issue a statement condemning what's happening in myanmar. they could but that also has to balance with the fact that. representatives from russia and china both of whom are on the u.n. security council attended the parades and celebrations on armed forces day on saturday where over 100 people were killed so you know and a statement should one come out will feel quite hollow especially since russia on saturday as people were getting massacred in the streets so that they were looking to strengthen ties with them remember so will really seem like you know maybe they capitulated russia and china did to sort of this global pressure but on the ground they might not act in a way that is in line with those words. and thank you so much for joining us.
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that's it for today thank you for watching we're back tomorrow see you then and goodbye. to. my 1st vice mosul sewing machine. where i come from women are bones by this ocean for. something as simple as learning how to write a bicep of isn't. since i was a little girl i wanted to have a bicycle off my but it took me miss them until. finally they gave up and went on buying young guys like that but returned because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for those than writing advice and now i want to meet those
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women back home who are both by them and social norms and inform them of old dead basic rights my name is them out of the home and i work see them. coming up on arts and culture. we're youth in beijing create a scene where they can be themselves or whoever they want to be. and later on the show sculptor aureole schley zinger explores what it means to be jewish in germany 7 decades after the holocaust. but 1st fresh fears of censorship in hong kong as beijing imposes tough new restrictions to
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control the island's politics. it appears that mainland china's power is even being felt in the arts and in television for the 1st time since 1969 a local hong kong t.v. station says it won't be broadcasting the oscar ceremony but t.v. b. channel says it's a purely commercial decision that speculation is rife that it's actually a case of censorship or self-censorship under pressure from beijing so which is it for more i'm going to pull in my colleague scott roxboro who reports on the global film market scott thanks for coming on why would hong kong television cancel its broadcast of the oscars. yes that's a really good question i mean the broadcast themselves claim that this is the city and they just say. you were are interested in watching the oscars will seems a little bit particularly this year because there are 2 nominees. in the.
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better days which is not needed in the future category and then you a short documentary as well. that documentary which is called do not split. it's a very. busy don't ration on point and it's critical . but if you want to look at the real reason behind. me. is directed actually at the project for this year's oscars which is normally. a chinese director and it's always out and. you have. a government and a she told. me earlier today outflanking have you or it's. only coverage of it and not cover the ceremony why. this channel in hong kong but
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it is the oscars. i mean when interests and seen as. so could be the real reason behind this ok but scott of cory's our does when the oscar wouldn't that be a triumph for china. yes i think i mean she's has a chance the 1st chinese director to win best picture. and initially it looked like beijing was going to really. cheerleader for she won best picture and best director. and the child was all over. social media in china. interviews. where she said some things that some people interpreted as being. shy or critical of china and there was a huge. against it and against her i think this needs and what we've seen happen which is china going to china is trying to.
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sort of market pressure to to influence and maybe even censor. china's some are it's the 1st or 2nd largest city in the world and if the chinese government lots of us will be nice and china. hundreds of millions dollars it. isn't a huge amount of leverage and it seems that the chinese government is often using it maybe even this case is using it. in order to only have chinese stories made by chinese directors. thanks so much for your insights scott rocks. well meanwhile in mainland china one subculture is having a moment bogeying a style of dance that developed in new york's marginalized black and latino gay and trans communities and the 1970 s. well being is back and in china where homosexuality was classified as a mental illness until 20 years ago voting is
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a space where queer youth can finally express themselves. armed with glitter glamour and high heels hundreds of young l.g.b. t. chinese gather for the 1st large scale booking. drag queens and other performers hit the runway to compete in various categories though there are prizes at stake the focus is on community and belonging. what we want to do is to clearly serve the needs of minority groups that are in our community. this is our core goal to create a safe space for them to express themselves. and about a family. who identifies as non-binary is among the contestants performers belong to houses that provide support and are often a replacement for birth families after an unhappy childhood what has finally found the home they've longed for. goal achieved i'm so happy
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i can tell my housemother joe say that i got perfect scores for voting old way i feel i've proved myself in a small way it feels like i'm saying test me test me test me let me pass the bill. while voting polls are on the verge of going mainstream in china most people in the country keep a low profile due to conservative social norms but for a while while voting has provided a sense of freedom and creative expression. i think i can dance for the rest of my life i can probably downs wacking and folk in old way. until i'm 60 or 70 it's already become a part of my life so even when i go to the toilet or drink water every day or those i don't walk normally but in a vogue in kalak style not really. from its beginnings voting has had a radical sensibility people here hope it's growing popularity will tell its subversive and liberating
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a. gowalla so how much is identity and to an artist's work that's the question that's come up over and over as publishers in various countries grapple with translating the hill we climb the poem recited by american poet amanda gorman at the inauguration of president joe biden well the german translation is now finally out done by 3 women of different ethnicities this comes after controversies including in the netherlands over translators who were not women of color like the poet herself some more culture news now the museum in paris is digitized and uploaded more than 3 quarters of its collection now anyone with an internet connection can view high resolution images of more than 480000 works of art including many that are kept in the museum storage. and in london people who've lost loved ones to the coronavirus have started
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painting a mural to commemorate their deaths when the work is finished it will stretch about a kilometer in the length and contain 150000 hearts one for each covered $1000.00 deaths in the u.k. . lazing or sculpture at frankfurt's jewish museum as a kind of mirror image reflected between life and death tragedy and hope an image that embodies the history of germany's jewish communities the artist's work explores what it means to be jewish in germany 76 years after the holocaust. this gold journey standing outside frankfurt's jewish museum weighs 1.8 tons measures 11 meters tall and cost some 350000 euros to create in 2019 it made israeli artist ariel world famous.
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my intention with this work with the tree that is alive that is growing from the ground that this is rooted. in the ground holding above him a tree similar to him in size and shape that it was somehow went through some trauma so that the relationship is kind of what happened to the jewish culture here in germany. saying i 1st went looking for the perfect tree and found it in italy a 60 year old fig tree. instead of cutting it down he went to a great deal of trouble to make molds of various parts of it to use for his sculpture. he then cast those parts in aluminum to be later welded together. and then it's always interesting to look too. breeze because they always change
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just like people it's always different because you're all different. i realize lazing a has been living among the turkish and arab populations and remains a vibrant no i credit district since 2006 it reminds him of his home town jerusalem it has its grungy and chaotic sides he's got his studio here to me this is where he can let loose and let the inspiration come. fire plays a role in many of his works the 41 year old sculptor stokes the flames to create works in paper or carpeting. i enjoy the process i enjoy the unexpected. consequences i always was. fascinated by fire. i was actually kicked out of a high school because i set. my. class on fire but that's
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a different story. alienating familiar objects presenting them in pairs and evoking associations are the motifs common to aria shlaes inger's works jewishness only rarely has any part to play in them an exception is his installation dyna he was inspired by the project at the same title by german artist demick it was conceived as a kind of memorial to the victims of the nazi regime among them of course chameleons of jews. placing i spotted the stumbling stones in berlin sidewalks on his 1st trip to germany in 2001 i think it was one of the 1st thing i noticed or and i came to berlin and it was one of the 1st thing that made me feel like i'm jewish believing in berlin or jewish and even. in germany.
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has great grandparents numbered among the jewish victims of naziism now he's a mortal eyes their names inside his sculpture but they're visible from the outside it stands for both remembrance and reconciliation me doing this work your being jewish in germany is anything special for me it's actually quite natural. to create in germany and to to show my work in germany those kind of contribution to my home. this year germany is marking 1700 years of jewish life in the country join us to meet more jewish artists in germany in the days to come well that's almost it for this edition of arts and culture i'll leave you now with the latest by italian farmer and artist daddio gambaccini used his tractor to create a tribute to shove left the head of the poets would be 200th birthday see you next
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he's a master of the art of confrontation this is rough measure of furball combat doesn't mean you're going to see god's flying leap undisputed champion of tough political talk trying to frighten people you know there's a fire everybody understands it except you through the conflict zone and join tim sebastian. passionate drama competition wife marketing numbers atmosphere fight that's hype and childish fights money. fans friends fire stamps and funds only get the full. list because we love football. because. kick off on you tube joining us. good news. of the morning.
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this is g.w. news the wire from berlin germany holds on emergency meeting after fresh concerns emerged over the astra zeneca coronavirus vaccine several german regions again suspended the astra zeneca job this time for under 16 it follows a new reports of blood clots in a rare instances the same time germany's medical regulator now recommends the vaccine for over 16 only chancellor merkel is meeting with regional leaders over what steps to take also coming up on the south china to.
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