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tv   Projekt Zukunft  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2021 7:03pm-7:30pm CEST

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what people want to hear but in fact ultimately that is exactly what his speech did do appeal to both patience and fortitude he addressed himself to both political leaders and citizens saying quote call yourselves together and he reserves particularly strong words for the political leaders acknowledging that mistakes have been made in testing in the vaccine rollout in digital solutions for example in schools and criticizing the ongoing tug of war between the federal government and regional political leaders over responsibility for imposing or lifting rules. i'd like us to listen to another clip and hear you think about that. we must all pull together my fellow germans we must give it everything we've got there's no use merely being outraged about others or about our leaders rather than constantly pointing out what doesn't work we should point out that things do work
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when everyone does their bit that is what i'm talking about when i talk about trust because ultimately trusting in a democracy means nothing other than trusting in ourselves. so well and trust seems to be the big challenge for steinmeier the one he thinks germans are needing to face why is that. well one reason is the nature of his constitutional role the federal president does not make policy what he do does is service a kind of moral compass for both citizens and for political leaders and he reinforces norms like trust and in fact germans trust has been very much undermined by those mistakes that i made in terms of the vaccine rollout in terms of testing strategies and corona restrictions and also by the often contradictory course that has been taken by the political leaders who essentially seem to be
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passing off responsibility for how much to tighten restrictions or how much to open the economy and trust of course is crucial for fighting the pandemic trust in political leaders decision making but also trust for example in fact scenes otherwise people won't get vaccinated and that's clearly a source of concern to the president ok and you just said you know steinmeier said vaccination is the most important step for ending the pandemic and he even said that he himself got vaccinated but how does that offer hope to people who are frustrated up at the slowness of the vaccine rollout who may want to be vaccinated but it's not happening. exactly germany is very much lagging behind other countries like the u.k. or the us still just about 11 percent of germans have received their 1st job and many are frustrated as you say however the president said in his speech and he
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closes with this message easter is a time of hope and there is hope out there the pace of vaccination is going to pick up significantly from now on everyone will have an opportunity to be vaccinated and then urged once again with the most enthusiastic that people must avail themselves of that offer and he mentioned as you say that he himself has been vaccinated and by the way that vaccination was with astra zeneca which has in fact been the topic of a lot of discussion here in germany but that's the one he got and he said he fully trust it ok chief political correspondent listen craned thanks for. staying in germany thousands of coronavirus skeptics are record against locked down restrictions supporters of the so-called lateral thinkers movement are marching in the southern city of stood guard participants range from anti vaccines to elements
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from the far right violence has flared at similar gatherings in several german cities many of those marching in stuttgart are ignoring social distancing rules. and let's bring in a benjamin alvarez group political correspondent who is standing by at those protests benjamin what's the situation like now. organizers have just said that this really is finished we're still listening to music there are some speakers a lot of people have left the area already more than 10000 people are believed to have taken part in several protests in the city of today and you mentioned already even police admit that the vast majority of protesters did not wear masks and they do not hold on to the to the social distancing it was a protest at 11 am in the morning and police said in a statement that the already opened an investigation against the organizers because people did not follow this rules this buy that the police did not intervene even
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after we had some difficulty to asians there is an attack there was an attack on a journalist as well police said they are investigating this event and another one is the one of a crew of german public media of idea who had to cancel a large show because stones were stones were thrown at them at the moment and these attacks on the media seemed to be a recurring event occurred chorale east. can you tell me quite apart from the hostility to the media what these protesters want if indeed there is any set of demands. it's right it's definitely a hostile environment for the media also from the speakers a lot of them were attacking the press for the call for it the organizers to clear the movement this lateral thinking movement there asking for immediate lifting of restrictions that they see as a violation of their basic rights they say that the effect of the lock on and off
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the restrictions that are in place to prevent the spread of there called it of 19 of the coronavirus are way worse than the effect of the virus there was a speaker today who said that a leading politicians and scientists even should be put on trial for their actions during this pandemic they have been rallying it's important. remember that this quitting movement started in this city in the city of. last year in april and as you as you said it already they are called it 1000 didn't are also vaccines skeptics people that don't believe that this pandemic is even real and that's exactly why the office for the protection of constitution off the federal state that we all right now have put them under surveillance and just really quickly if you don't mind when you stand there counter protest as well happening in stuttgart what can you tell us. is rather work on to protest this which fights the try to prevent the people to reach the syria because the protests in the morning started
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close to the city center but they did not achieve the police also put them on a side there where 10 protests happening here today some counter protests as well but we haven't seen clashes like the ones that we saw in the city of weeks ago where counter protesters clashed with protesters all right use of benjamin l. there is a group or in stuttgart thanks for that. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. italy has launched a 3 day nationwide lockdown all regions are now classified as red zones with almost all shops closed and restaurants open only for takeout workers around 70000 police members are being deployed to enforce the stricter measures. women's rights activists have converged on parliament square in london to call for improve safety and to condemn sexual aggression a month ago 33 year old sarah ever are was kidnapped and murdered a police officer has been charged in the case. at least 5 people have been killed
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on the outskirts of bangkok after it 3 story building collapsed several others were injured building caught fire on saturday morning it was extinguished about an hour later the victims included one resident and 4 rescue workers. according to. i want has released on bail a construction manager allegedly responsible for a deadly train crash at least 51 people were killed and many more injured when the packed train smashed into a construction truck inside a tunnel accident happened during a holiday weekend which sees thousands of families return to their hometowns. the start of a long recovery process cranes have now cleared to rid of carriages from friday's crash site but it will take about a week to clear 6 others still mangled inside the tunnel where rescuers expect to find more bodies. the front 1st carriage had the most serious injuries and
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greatest number of deaths. the carriage was open and bodies washed piled on top of each other. as the train was packed with nearly 500 people many of whom were crammed into the aisles without a seat just as it entered a tunnel the train slammed into a truck tearing the front carriages apart authorities allege the truck slid onto the tracks from a nearby construction site after the break was not engaged prosecutors sought to detain the construction site manager who was later released on bail meanwhile taiwan's president visited dozens of survivors being treated in hospital. we heard the sound of a collision as we had the collision over passengers on the train with turned upside down. relatives of the victims visited the crash site on saturday to hold ceremonies for their loved ones and investigation into the catastrophe is ongoing.
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today we tend to reserve a generation for film stars athletes or musical acts but in ancient rome celebrity status was given to the strongest fighters gladiators brought crowds to their feet as they battle both man and beast to the death of a new exhibition in italy is now paying homage to their history and their let's. on the big screen they alone heroes fighting for justice in reality plenty of us fought for fame money on their own freedom. this exhibition at the national archaeological museum in naples shows their history on display here. helmets and their weapons paintings of gladiators risking their lives. it is mostly came from the fathers reaches of the empire or they were captured
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slaves other times they were exogenous but they could also be free men who decided to pursue this career and they were. most gladiators for twice a year at most and yet very few made it past the age of 30. their deadly shows in the irina were in some ways not so different from big football matches today. 32 were able to fit all of the formula there were many styles outside the amphitheater selling takeaway food. it was also very noisy and there would be music marking the various performances. there's no doubt that gladiators were at the center of ancient romans entertainment industry visitors can now see the part they played in roman society on the museum's website and when italy's coleridge restrictions are lifted in person as well. and now we leave you
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with what can all be called exile and images of easter celebrations around your. the little guys this is the 77 percent stuff but what is true to the speech issues . you know what it. looks like to. talk to. young people today have the solutions to the future. 77 percent now include games on d w. w's crime fighter are back africa's most successful
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radio drama series continues in the all of us are woods are available online course you can share and discuss on w africa's facebook page and other social media platforms crime fighter to me and now. according to my fitness i've already taken 2628 steps today and i got 7 hours of deep sleep that's about average this devise can even determine my mood seriously but is that really a good thing how healthy is self optimization autopsy today on shift. do it get enough exercise to eat the right food have i had enough water today am i
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relaxed enough according to a recent survey about 33 percent of the global population has already tried out digital health trackers the market for fitness wearables has tripled since 2017 and it looks set to grow much more say experts why are we so obsessed with self-improvement and is there something wrong with this not according to a psychologist. you would have. zip principle and self optimization is a part of our developing further which is one of the humans fundamental needs it's part of all of us but there is a difference when we talk about self optimization this entails reaching optimum capacity or reaching a certain and this is often linked to self value and status. we try to get fitter and it's better to improve our bodies but what about our minds well also apps and gadgets that contract mental well being and in these times of
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crisis many are starting to use such trackers but how do they work i took a closer look. no question in the world. it's also what i've been asking myself for days now i've been using delio to track my mood in the morning at midday and in the evening i can choose from 5 emotions this morning i would say that i'm good. i tell delio what i'm doing how i'm feeling and translates into statistics. the riot trick is available online they are almost like digital diaries a place to record and a cavity. evaluate this information and draw conclusions about psychological health . can't really analyze a uses. a person can have so many different emotions
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feelings are very complex and these apps can simplify complex matters in such a way that they might end up being not useful. delio can only track my mood when i'm using it actively it doesn't know what happens in between and that information doesn't turn up in the statistics. i don't think was that used. well for me personally but it could be helpful to record one's daily activity in order to recognize certain patterns but to do so you already have to know yourself quite well that. the take other factors into account quite a bit. now that i'm in the office it's time for the next test field wristbands can measure the sweat on the user's skin this information will be linked to mood related data. i will input my mood into the app now that's a joyous because i get to see my colleagues the respond wanted to some biometric
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data on my blood pressure for example and translates them into emotional patterns i will recognize them when i'm joyous in the future. i don't know how precise these measurements are but on the basis of my responses to questions about concrete situations poles certain mindfulness exercises. all kinds of variables such as these on the market now some claim that they can recognize or use emotions through their voice others detect and measure brain activity all these headbands wristbands rings measure physical data and give advice on how to improve mental health some even say that they can help people to overcome depression but you did most of have some warning worse in this regard. we should remember that we should never transfer responsibility for our own life to the psychological well being of our health to a digital app it can be helpful to use them but it's very important not to use them responsibly and to be aware of the risks. after work i like
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to switch off and this muse had been says it can help according to the makers use a 7 sensors to detect the brain's electrical activity which it then transforms into understandable experiences so the user can wind down and meditate if i'm not calm i will hear sounds of a storm which will remind. me to concentrate on my breathing if i'm feeling calm i will hear light summer rain. i can hear some very light rain and some wind. and from time to time the earth chirping that indicates that i'm really relaxed for a bit over. what i'm talking the wind is getting everywhere in the interior real truth so i think a better concentrated. i would say that new trick is going to help people to go about their everyday life in a more mindful way but it is important to not relinquish full control and to not
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take them and the exercises they prescribe too seriously i doubt that such gadgets can really have uses with serious mental health issues for now people can still decide themselves whether they want to use these quantified self apps and devices but what if they didn't have a choice what if their employers ordered them to use a move tracker. lots of work multitasking and difficult exercises this is daily life that tiny start up based in munich the founders vision of the future is one where employees only receive as much work as they can actually carry out the idea is that software should a lot there were loads automatically so that the software can do this always have to wear a device that measures the polls all the time and there's a camera there films their faces the idea is to measure the stress levels and emotional states and then the workload can be calculated. it is one of the developers he says he's not interested in surveillance or storing data flow.
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is that this can be described as the perfect state between the feeling of being under challenge to board and the opposite which is being stressed and swamped that place in between when someone is challenged can cope with the task in hand have been used for flow. but do we really want a world in which software can get such a deep insight into an employee's emotional state the absolute select from the german research center for artificial intelligence things not. when they. don't want a situation in which such software leads to the surveillance of employees with the result that someone might be fired if they don't perform adequately or if they're going through a rough patch personally and the system detects that it's with subsequent negative consequences this has to be prevented. at this munich startup employees have to actively agree to be tracked but will this always be the case
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these systems force people to share intimate information how is the data used and by whom. of course apps must collect data to quantify progress for example in health related research apple has collaborated with academics and published a variety of studies based on data collected by volunteers and their smart watches it might sound like a win win situation but i'm not so sure about giving that bunch of personal information to a private company. health ops and as trackers collected data when users are sleeping eating and exercising but they also gather other information for example regarding location users often have no idea what is done with their data benedict book now is a lawyer who says the terms of peace are frequently formulated in a very vague way. and many companies are just connecting information and don't even know what they want to do with it but sooner or later there will be some kind of
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commercial use for the data right now data is already being sold for targeted advertising directed at certain groups and individuals health insurance companies are also very interested in such data some of them are already offering cheaper rates to policyholders who agree to track their own health related data the system for this is great for those who are healthy it's not so great for those who are not in the end it leads to people being selected according to their risk. users should think very carefully about the amount of personal information they're willing to divulge to some shops data protection is obviously a big issue but do the apps even do what they say they will now all kinds of new fitness apps and gadgets flooding the market they're supposed to encourage users to exercise more without a trainer but do they really work. defense motion there's a wealth of research into the question of whether it makes a difference if
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a person uses an app and tracks their activity or not and so far what it's shown is that it makes a huge difference to people's motivation many are more likely to commit themselves to their health and stick to it if they track their activity and see visible progress but it is not yet been proven that this actually makes an impact on health and whether users really do more exercise we just don't know that yet. let's listen in. addition some fitness apps can actually increase the risk of physical damage artificial intelligence and instructions in years can help people tailor physical activity to their own needs so that people are more likely to hurt themselves if they do the exercises wrongly and can't ask a real life instructor for advice. if a user wants to do something right there is a lot of work involved a good trainer will happen so it's an experience that. so trainers made of flesh
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and blood still have an important role to play. and that doesn't just go for fitness apps even small devices can have huge drawbacks a friend of mine wanted to track all the stages obviously to optimize his sleeping pattern but he got so stressed out by the whole process that in the end he couldn't sleep at all and at might be helpful for some but not for others it's very important to find the one that's right for you this is what the expert says. one teacher in is unique and not even the best can map all the highly individualized elements that make a person and help them to develop an app make suggestions based on aggregated data so it can never be tailored precisely to just one individual basically no user should ever follow is just blindly but always ask whether it really makes sense for
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them personally. however for a person in crisis any kind of support is better than none at all so even if it would make more sense to talk to a professional and out with at least give an indication of the direction somebody wants to move in and how they might want to develop so i would say use the apps but make sure you always question their advice. about the amount of hard. what about you have you used fitness apps and have they helped you reach your goals. on social media on d w dot com if you want to find out more about these gadgets check out our you tube channel for now and.
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they shan't want to dream to stump you not for young migrants in sicily to make if they like anything else was good to brisk they'd sort of think what i went through . is not really wanting to you know give you 25 petal to survive and you cannot survive on not coming here you come here you are running from the world you are running from. the 77 percent living next d.w. . described as simple as it seeks. to understand the world better we need to take a closer. experience not to morrow to. 60.
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in the light of climate change. for cosmic. what's in store for the commish morning news to come for the future of the book. club cricket megacities to the multimedia insights. culture. well guys it's always a pleasure to be with you welcome to another edition of the 77 percent the. this is the platform for africa's youth i'm your host michel jr. today show will focus on migration so leave your country or not to leave that is the question let's check out what's coming up.


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