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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2021 12:15am-12:31am CEST

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it's jesus is really more than jesus and that is why he was a person who wanted to teach people how to behave towards each other to love one another and when it's hard. it's violence is no solution as it divides can and you have to draw the good out of people's this and not simply hope for the best souls and people have to stand up and do something themselves and the people don't understand that dimension is touched on if they're stupid. when somebody slaps us in the face we're supposed to tolerate it. here a lot you. know they're. still cool isn't system the act is imagine how they can relate to thinks and feels this involves dealing with religious issues. based if it is if you are really interested in what were portraying here and that includes an interest in religion then you can be part of it in many of the discussions we've had here of course i've noticed that he brings a different perspective
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a muslim perspectives to the last supper and other things he has a genuine interest in the production of the truck. if you do go to lead them the people will rise and will drive the wretched romans from our land . you do not be afraid of the romans do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul whether it be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body love your enemies. i need a course in 100 most most of course when you have one of the big roles you have to approach it differently it was possible and i must say i found a completely new understanding through the passion play and by portraying jesus. i think about the themes and jesus' message it's quite differently. and i have to say i developed a new enthusiasm for the themes from it i view it as a great gift to be. able to think about these issues so intensely insincere the
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myth otherwise you can perhaps only do this as a student of the ology we have the opportunity to think about them intensely every 10 years and i'm going to say it's. never not often after years assistance if i thought of all counts i often used to think that jesus is arrogant when he says i am the way but i think he means it differently so i am the way to god to show you i'll tell you if you do this and be like this decision if this is side in which we live would be better and jesus is often quite pragmatic and straightforward matters and he says if somebody is hungry give him something to eat and when somebody is naked even close to scott's and when
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he's a stranger give them shelter that's very simple. and that's what makes me think of so i jesus is like a compass as a device he knows what's good and what's bad is of you to mention actually everyone knows intuitively what's good and what's bad the uses for in jesus challenges us to follow that inner voice and say do what's good and don't do what's bad to listen for that's very simple that's consonant on orientate you on god not in what's better in the world what sort of and what's more just best service in the event of us to face this event and to stop. he's a he's a poacher and i think that churches have sometimes forgotten how to bring this message across. they often focus on whether it's right to let divorcees who remarried go to communion in the bishop so suddenly important. but jesus was definitely with the people. by dimension he broke bread with judas people nobody's perfect and so you have to be able to forgive and he shared bread with
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somebody maybe did something wrong like this human. life was i think jesus wouldn't think about it for a 2nd but then you see from that we went off thinking they've been stuck in my skin than marriages can crash and sometimes it happens like this is fights but when somebody finds a new partner he shouldn't be excluded off of the he also just wasn't going to haha then if you think this is a. test you should not have. had. time to make sure. the mafia it's. on its it was loopy this is my 4th production and i remember when i was 25 and directed the passion play for the 1st time the actor playing jesus had to take a lot from me because i was
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a young rebel so jesus had to be rebellious too it was very important to me that jesus was rebellious. but one grows older and suddenly in 2010 i thought it's not important to me at all whether he's loud. and suddenly i discovered places in the gospels that said i will not cry out and one will not hear my voice in the streets he wasn't somebody who got ahead through a noise and rebelliousness but resolutely and it's really interesting that you discover jesus a new every 10 years makes. yes that's what's on for the 2020 production the context stubbornly became much more important to me that all the refugees and people on the margins of society are treated. it's the i discovered the social jesus much more strongly and i thought it's crazy that there were similar social issues 2000 years ago. i was a stranger and you didn't give me shelter if i was poor and you didn't give me
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anything to eat in that then if you look in that direction you're 70 find that jesus gives very clear answers as to how we treat foreigners and refugees or people on the margins of society we shouldn't treat them as we do it's not what jesus intended. oberammergau in the group of be sure called even though there haven't been the usual heavy snowfalls this year the passion play theater is the largest building in the village and was constructed in 898 is specially to stage the play some other musical and theatrical performances also take place here but it's 1st and foremost the passion play theatre. it is. the full rehearsals are held in freezing temperatures for the 1st time in the
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history of the passion play each actor is registered at electronic li attendance at rehearsals is compulsory another reason to check attendance even actors playing minor roles received some financial compensation. the men under c.s. to my practice the 1st rehearsals in the passion play theatre give you a wonderful feeling. before that is a song to rehearsed in a little theater that's implied that you have it here you have the feeling that these people are people you've hardly seen for 10 years in the minds of the so. only the village gathers and stands together on the stage in the future and there are many wonderful people among them soon south of the scene you come to the passion play theatre for the 1st time aged 4 or 6 or 7 then 10 years later you're a teenager and you recognise that it's a great experience. the village has a great time putting on this production with an audience of people develop an
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emotional connection to the passion play the very young kids as a child or as a teenager that's the office you know after the youngest have just as much right to be on stage as the oldest people over 90 and it's a great experience for all of them and wonderful times too and it's. this year of the shattered by alarming reports of a life threatening virus on march the 11th the world health organization tippett kind of that 19 pandemic could apply still be stanched the. with just 3 months to go before the 1st performance unfinished props and scattered around the world tory and. the police suspect the passion play is part of our d.n.a. we need it as you get that feeling at rehearsals i have it now when i call a rehearsal for 450 kids they come straight away it was for the bottom isn't going to form little groups run around and shout big that i bailout or shout softly
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sabriel sheep then goats kick up our racket partners with a lot of the. the that's the orchestra pit watch out it's over with up this week i always say that's why the passion play has survived so long because it's our biggest social event. everyone meets up from every section of society women men children and teenagers old and young or if you do it simply out. the biggest social event and everybody wants to take part is. one that. was. they thought i'll start this to colusa hands on to rick to help. for all the after the august low well guess both have it was the fox dr who had that
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was right there right. there afaik had it shocked out i don't think the chunk of off of. much 92028. flags at the entrance to a cow at the time of the great event but a shadow who's forum on the production this year the village council which even embellishes its current yvonne's with the passion play has cooled to press conference the play has to be canceled you said the critics because i overcome ago has of course become economically dependent on the passion play and this will probably hit lots of people hard. what we've seen very clearly at rehearsals during the past few weeks is that the residents of oberammergau are totally committed to their passion play and everybody sorry it won't take place now you want to have the moment at that moment i felt almost relieved but the actors were also standing around the square other people who i knew were crushed by the decision they take an
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unpaid vacation or dropped out of university for a term used to. be for her almost every evening for months on end. all of them did the month it looked as if i was a it was like a bubble burst a little bit with and i also feel deflated to. be able to talk to people it's. not the opposite when they cancelled the play lots of people were depressed so was i it was like somebody calling the rug out from under your feet all my plans for next year were turned upside down it's not all it was decided yesterday evening that we won't cancel the passion play so it's postponed until may 21st 2022 for achievement. it's i want to call that the threat of a pandemic what's made ober-ammergau famous for 400 years has now temporarily
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closed the village. to portrayal of christ suffering and death which the residents of ober-ammergau vowed to perform when their village was struck by the plague in 1633 famously ends with christ's resurrection that message of hope is part of a program a gas legacy is china and the actors will just have to wait another 2 years to proclaim it to start certainly christiane sticklers said everyone will play the same parts will all come together in 2 years let's hope in good health you know i'm already looking forward to it.
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though my health. so currently healthy. so. i'll be. checking health. this. main thing is to stay healthy my. girl said. next to.
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missing berlin macoun this shows us things that we can still do despite corona and the pandemic sell off to the underground discover incredible architecture in the german capital some brand new subway stations and when you see years of dealers close again what exactly does berlin have to offer you still there is even now a lot to discover. in 60 minutes. old. slick. carefully. don't know who sued. me to do good. and. discover who.
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subscribe to the documentary to. read a book about the. little. there is definitely no way i could do that but it does the trick by the way it just made the right technique and plenty of muscle power if only i had known more on that later in this show but 1st a very warm welcome to.


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