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tv   Europe in Concert  Deutsche Welle  April 4, 2021 5:15am-6:01am CEST

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restoration in the laboratory before finally going on display in there at home. you're watching news reporter on location looking at the last chance afforded asylum of churches don't forget there's always more on our website it's deja dot com and claridge's and relit from the whole team except for watching. for the. former. drunk with the most well god yes. the industry is controlling your thoughts the great books of the 20th century. present day hoaxes. of recent
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memory. stores may 3rd. day of today don't miss our highlights. new program online w dot com highlights. pastor gertrude martin's gives blessings in farsi the language of iran his church is open to among others refugees slated for deportation this may be their last chance for the ira from iran and of afghanistan as christians they were persecuted in their own countries and even face the death penalty they are to be allowed to stay in germany says pastor martens for years he's acted in defiance of
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the german courts of i'm not worried about that in the least then they should just send me to prison. when berlin's church of the holy trinity was built a century or so ago the basement was meant to be used as a fellowship hall but now it's become home to refugees most of them from iran and afghanistan protestant pastor dr godfried martins has granted them church sanctuary the immigration authority and the police don't get past the door. now we're entering an area that at the present not even the church members are allowed into so we can maintain the security of. reasonable price and also here in this area there's a quarantine room for newcomers. when they come to us they have to go into
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quarantine for 14 days before they can live in the community or with the others. that someone is in there now oh no he's done that and another one of them only one person has just been released and now the other one goes. you know. the big fellowship area only a little spaces left. on this side we have the sleeping quarters where our church refugees can spend the night. nothing conan does you know this is a room with a kitchenette a little fellowship room it's a kind of a living room for the refugees from the increase in. the rooms generally housed 10 min or so they are all slated for deportation and only allowed to remain in germany until their data arrives most of them profess a christian faith and actively practice it. that means they pronounced
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a slam and act punishable by death in iran the right comes from tehran knows he cannot return to iran he's trying to adjust to life in germany and learn the language we feel forced to leave. the east the wall is the. belief. that you know. in iran i wasn't allowed to profess christianity officially learn more about christianity that your thora tease would have arrested or killed me. he's just the only opportunity i had to be active in it it was through the internet and my own research and i was a member of a home congregation. commander and i would hear you so much when it all came out that i received threats and my family came under pressure they intimidated me.
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more sure that you should what was. in the church thereat has gained a reputation for his delicious soup. when he fled iran he passed to bulgaria and romania and eventually arrived in germany. could put of course. he knocked on the church door and pastor martens let him in. than i was a really. big if i told a hungry person jesus loves you and then sent them away without giving them something to eat so if i saw someone whose life was in danger and didn't take action. if i did that i'd completely destroy my own credibility. even in germany christian converts often live dangerously in the refugee shelters
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there are radical muslims who see converts as a past hate and fidel's and threaten the course this is what happened to alice a lot of afghanistan. are most of those i had a roommate at the refugee shelter who is a muslim. who started when he saw me wearing a cross. it was disrespectful to me and threatens me that on the mic i reported it to the shelters managers and they warned him that the threats didn't stop and. even trying to throw me out the window on the 5th floor. over the past 15 years well over a 1000 refugees have found sanctuary with pastor martens now they make up the majority of his congregation most of the german members are getting on in years many of them help out the refugees with learning german for example often converts
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the pastor to baptize them 1st they have to attend a preparation course regularly among the topics of the christian doctrine and differences to islam at this session they discuss the church position on divorce the neophytes complete the course with an exam. well this is kinds a this is no a guaranteed pass. i've had some courses where over half the students fail and it's only when these people have commented to me beyond any doubt that they seriously desire to become christians and that they understand why they want to become christians and i baptize them if somebody were just to say i want to become a christian because i think islam is silly that's not reason enough for me to baptize them been so tall for their rock and elissa law both attend the preparation course at the church regularly they hope to be ready for their baptism by easter night the principal church service before the resurrection of christ.
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that's a failure and i'm already looking forward to the exam because i can get baptized afterwards i can be born again into a new eternal life so i'm really looking forward to it the situation. now. i don't think i'm exam would be hard for me so they wouldn't even know my thoughts are completely focused on the baptism that i'll be born again and i'll receive the peace i have always sought after in my life but even if they do convince the pastor that they quite seriously desire to become christian that means little to earth or it is their decision on asylum applications is made on a case by case basis and is often anything but transparent one is again and again i'm just stunned that this arrogance the decision makers and judges display when they say things like yes the pastor overlooked it for years but within
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just 2 or 3 hours we figured out that something wasn't right here to me. the assumption is that refugees are just pretending to be christians to get asylum. or the german immigration authorities may see it that way. but to me that's what's most important is that in my heart i'm a christian. i'm not alone with my christian faith us so i've already experienced that back in iran. and i was. but too often that fails to impress the authorities and the asylum seekers often hear cynical arguments as to why they are to be sent back to their home countries that's a good idea let's just last week i read a transcript of a hearing where at the end of the decision maker said these are you say that you believe in eternal life then it shouldn't be any problem for you to go back to iran
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and actually been sentenced to death because then you get eternal life and that you should aspire to it to the book common wish to be. so we read stuff like that week after week. that was a direct quote the cynicism and unfairness only served to spur pastor martens on in his efforts as a rule germany tolerates the churches granting sanctuary to asylum seekers to save them from deportation currently that totals about 500 people in germany even so time and again legal action has been taken against clergy who offer sanctuary in their churches. i'm not worried about that in the least then they should just send me to prison a good thing compared to what's in store for our people in iran and afghanistan even a prison in germany is still a luxury. pastor
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martin visits id in an iranian who was paralyzed in an accident. i didn't can't come to the church so the pastor administers communion to him at home. 35 year old i.d.n. had already come in contact with the christian faith in iran but that drew the attention of the authorities to him the muslim clergy have openly stated that they see the biggest threat to iran's internal security in underground christian communities meanwhile more and more iranians are taking ideas view of islam and the state religion. the world is in iraq because by that the relationship will be my good and we can't leave to be to give the form because you should marry is. it's not cool if
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you are muslim and change your religion it's very very never. a service at the church of the holy trinity the refugees have come up from below to join in but because of the pandemic only a very few worshippers who registered in advance are allowed to take part. ringback dollars 58 year old pastor martens preaches and farsi it's become routine for him he's taught it to himself over the years he has no family of his own he's devoted his life entirely to working for his congregation . the next step for elisa law and paradis baptism. our eye on them are you so much about a moment my future lies in the wholeness of jesus christ more than at that he'll
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have a good plan for my life i can work for trusting that. man 2000 a year i've had problems to deal with since my early childhood but yeah. but when i look back now i know that jesus christ has always helped me. oh arthur from the south by way of the baptism i want to be with him always on the town for the one way for us and that's a kosher. tsotsi in the meantime both have passed their baptism exam if the pandemic allows they'll be baptized into the christian face on easter night but whether that will convince the authorities to grant them asylum is another matter. oh. if.
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time for take on. 6 the time comes oh. oh where look behind the scenes of sky drive. the 1st test flight towards an airborne future. next on d w. in good shape. recess. this is median it's better for both animals and higher men but does that mean it's healthier without milk and meat to terry and even if you can sniff a healthy life and listen no longer meet our new meet that's a question. good shit. 30 minutes to talk you.
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got some tips for your bucket list. corner. spot for some. and some great cultural memorials to boot. the double trouble we go. i promise. we are living during the most extraordinary time for st. francis ford coppola for the electric. metadata. red the also admitted it. has you know the dreamed of being
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a pilot of flying your own com possibly go to aa to get people who've been to sort of all of the books you've got to know that music i mean it's just that in itself a little bit. maybe your dream is to be james bond or at least drive his car. well i'm not james bond and i'm sure that i will drive a lot faster than james bond does i think we both will as we are better drivers and all. his dream is to build cars that you've never seen before you play ball ball and you can probably very few more beautiful home help help i'm on the call you made it loud to go told me i'll have money to buy completely out of the 102 minutes between you. and what's your drink.
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from at 3 am. to did the. red bull make your dreams come true. or not. i was flying. past. this is amazing. fancy flying taxi to whisk you to your office for your next appointment these prototypes carry the promise of the new era in mobility my name is because the andrew bolt and i'm ready for takeoff. just time travel into the future some experts say flying cars will reduce traffic jams in urban areas lower pollution and say travel today or get exclusive
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access to one of the developing companies and to find out more about their technology in 2020 this single seater prototype had its 1st pilot test flight staying up for about 4 minutes at 10 meters above ground not long but that could change soon the makers of sky drive want their beagle to be market ready by 2023 as an air taxi across japan's mean island on shoes. when i think of flying cars i think of back to the future disney's meet the robinsons and my childhood cartoon the jetsons these movies and t.v. shows kind of shape an employer and what i think a flying car would look like and how it will be operated i can't believe that our side magination is now becoming a reality my team and i are on our way to sky drive we've had to sign
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a non-disclosure agreement about the tech me you're about to see and even the secret location of the research facility. is just one of about 80 companies around the world working feverishly on t.v. . or electric vertical and take off landing aircraft that includes global players and the automobile and aviation industries the service giants such as birth and smaller startups like japan sky drive or germany's copter supporters say that they can help solve the traffic problems of today and future megacities at the lower environmental and financial cost and helicopters critics argue that the technology and necessary infrastructure are practically on affordable that flying cars in the end will be only for the elite it's about 4 hours by train in card from tokyo i find myself in the mountainous countryside in prefecture no sign of high tech robots and flying cars yet but i'm secretly hoping i get to take off today.
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who coming up here was already quite in the venture but right now i'm standing in front of the are in the center of sky drive and the location is top secret the air mobility startup was founded in 2012 and is backed up by toyota and behind these doors is where the magic happens so let's go in and take off. and here it is sky drives prototype unlike helicopters it has 8 small plates distribute it over 4 axis which is supposed to be quieter with a smaller turning circle skydive c.e.o. showed me around i soon found out no pilot's license test flight for me. air travel is available but still inconvenient so our goal is to create a compact and quiet aircraft that allows people to use the sky on a daily basis because of that. if all goes according to plan sky drive will use its
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flying cars as taxis in towards them and medical rescue but many technical hurdles remain. current prototype as 8 motors. with 8 motors even if one fails the other ones can still carry the aircraft. more motors provide more safety. however if you increase the number of motors you also have to build a much bigger. goal is to figure out the right number of motors needed to ensure a safety of the same time keep the aircraft as compact as possible. in china and japan expectations that air taxis will be quite spread in the near future are growing but is it just tight for example aviation laws require
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aircraft to have a reserve flight time at least 30 minutes that's beyond the reach of current prototypes which manage around 20 minutes that's because current battery technology can not deliver enough power over such a long period and because batteries means more weight to keep airborne. another potential opponent is the weather such aircraft cannot fly in windy or very rainy conditions. but i think that safety is a big part since this is an aircraft that can only be flown with approval by the ministry of land infrastructure transport and tourism under the civil aeronautics act. in order to obtain this approval we need to achieve the same level of safety as passenger planes made by companies such as air bus or boeing you know. and. then there is the question of how to integrate each aircraft into conventional air traffic one approach is clear defined paths from a to b.
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with designated landing pads for example on skyscrapers this would of course require intense cooperation with regional aviation authorities not to mention complex tech infrastructure that requires a high level of automation. with remote driving there's no need for a pilot so it's very close to automated driving and eventually it will become fully automated and the aircraft will fly by itself i'd like to turn that into reality in about 5 years from the start of the service and when i read it it's going to look. the optimism is infectious even though i missed out on a test flight i'm already dreaming of crossing tokyo in a flying car in the next couple of years. also told me as a 2 seater in the works. this has been quite a journey i learned a lot about flying cars and i even got to warn but let's be
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clear the ultimate goal for these is autonomy and until that happens there are a number of times. and even more importantly these projects depend heavily on public perceptions and the dream of flying carefree about the traffic is getting closer but i do wonder in these concept aircrafts. reach the mass market and actually fix urban gridlock as for the here and now my way back to tokyo is still pretty fast on the sheen concept so you now. feel. sure that i would drive a lot faster than james bond. different to you maybe james holmes every day like.
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the it's a mixture of science fiction and science back to excite people and maybe surprise people as well. sebastian faulks will make a good james bond. is just one thing i need. a 4 time world champion on the tail of her majesty's most famous secret agent. for years aston martin has supplied james bond's cars now the british luxury brand is trying its hand at formula one again a new car was presented by drive his land strong and sebastian 1st of all i don't think man who plays bond on screen here's a word from paul james. daniel craig yeah i just want to send a massive congratulations to all of us for motion for getting back on to the f one group the 1st time since 1960 on water going from troy sebastian vettel for example
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champion out of to view his james bond. will both be put that way but we both know them like double 07 hi matt well i think it's likely that there's a lot of button does the machine guns on the side of the shot say that women in the competition the big differences from the previous cars that i drove and i think it's new for this you know all the buttons inside the cockpit. put down those 7 aston martin d b 5 kitted out with machine guns smoke machines and growth plates. all the things an agent needs to shake off his rivals. if you guys made its cinema debut in 1964 in goldfinger it was the start of a beautiful friendship. has written several books on the relationship between james
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bond's cars and he was so much of industry. i think that without james bond aston martin would have gone under when the 1st film came out the car had a sensational effect it was the ultimate men's toy and suddenly they had so many orders they couldn't keep up with the sammy davis jr wrote a blank check and said give me that card i have to have it pops the many pop stars and celebrities immediately ordered an aston martin paul mccartney bought one called mick jagger bought one and get called. james bond driving his aston martin d b 5 always got away no matter who was chasing him. until 994 that is when a red ferrari showed up in the rearview mirror in golden eye. the production company had decided to build the italian measuring legend into its storylines. to
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bake a me or we discuss the use of the crowd it was in the james bond style about the not then generous with a nice room in the gutters and forth from. still a crucial adjustment was needed to win over ferrari to the idea. of. a woman protagonist over ferrari and over takes him as well and so she won and that was good for us. you don't want to do was even an aston martin doesn't overtake a ferrari. in this formula one season sebastian vettel is determined to break that convention. confident we can overtake him more than one ferrari next this season so yes let's see how we get on but you know i'm not too bothered about ferrari i'm not i think
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much more i'm looking on our side that we are able to extract the maximum potential so working together closely with a team trying to improve the car looking you know being obsessed about trying to find a detail that helps us to improve. going into one cause a changing all the time to keep up with technological developments. these modern racing cars are at the cutting edge so we're james bond is cars in fleming who created the character made sure of that. how can fleming had a thing for cars and technology and he was happy to get expert advice what's possible today and what might be possible in the future and one of the ideas was a radar tracker i need to be involved. because what a forerunner to a modern navigation system. sometimes
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briefly swaps his old aston martin classic for modern day car usually when futuristic technology is with quiet. he wants try the b.m.w. by remote control in a high speed car chase around a parking garage. when there's still no such thing as a remote controlled car operated by cell phone doesn't but the idea is there is this is it theoretically possible it's a mixture of. science fiction and science fact could it work yes let's take the idea a little bit further. and this sneak with shaped notices spree came in handy when bonnie needed a cop that could go under. the . design of the production designer happened to see this car parked on the studio grounds and said if we need
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a submarine car i can make something of that one that is reminded of a good. once just once james bond issue technology and slammed it in a rented 2 c.v. for you i 70. 3 members showed this to me feel a bit like james bond myself. but it's not as if james bond was on his own and. first it was his partner molina which i won't. be able. to make but you got the feeling that the car could handle all sorts of terrain. even off road and the. deficit that was part of the idea to get rivals the slip with the 2 c.v. on typical terrain for a gun fight it was
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a one off not exactly typical james bond 01 of the new troopers are pretty dense on . what is typical bunk is that the films have served as launch pads for other aston martin models or testing ground swell pressure types the d 'd b 10 was specially developed by aston martins engineer as well spec to. now that it's back to measure racing in which the british brand has a. around history numerous victories in the lamont 24 hour race testified to that. in the late 1950 s. aston martin also spent 2 seasons in formula one. now it's back again. people are very excited obviously bringing out of martin back to formula one after 61 years is great but you know the team is based in the u.k. in england so obviously all the british people are very excited about the return
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what obviously is this great heritage in the brand of us the math and it's very british and obviously james bond works for the. for the queen. reason enough for james bond never to drive a ferrari. where the bond goes the aston martin d b 5 is never far away for example they were 10 d.b. fives at the set of no time to dine in the italian city of. bond has always been faithful to his aston martin. but i mean he's got nothing else to love him because all his personal relationships ended or died over the years he's a widower. for he has no luck with women. women have no luck with him all or because there is one thing he loves till death do us
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part as it were and that's his aston martin d b 5 might be referring. to beloved aston martin gets put to the test again in the latest film. action is the key to bond success at the box office. and the most spectacular car chases down to the stuntman they take over from daniel craig when the going gets tough runs the stunt men are the unsung heroes of the james bond franchise without them james. bond films would never have been what they are one film and the. sebastian fan so drives his as to monson himself no matter what the conditions is it just a matter of time until his formula one kong thing aston martin and a.m.r. 21 makes its 1st appearance in a james bond film. well i don't know i think there's a new film outstanding for last year was postponed to this year so i don't know if
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probably it will be in the next one. just doesn't make sense the idea of a james bond film is that he's put under pressure he gets into tricky situations and has to defend himself i can't think of anything more boring than a formula one car in a james bond film this long finding this at home on some engines one from. it all depends on the formula one calls a role in the movie. the old james bond and i'm sure that i would drive a lot faster than james bond does i think we both will as we are better drivers than james bond. no question about that yes it's about jim fassel is likely to drive the aston martin faster than anyone else before him whether he can steal the show from james bond that's another story.
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you. 2 if you want more check out our you tube channel if you want regular feature is about new cars and car culture and about mobility around the world can make you very happy. and teach classics and future attack are just some of the exciting. content waiting for you subscribe to us at you tube slash have and you'll always be up to speed. this pastel yellow been to car is a tribute to 1938 model when swiss designer can actually builds a car he wants to make people dream. i've always been motivated and enthusiastic about individual mobility in my entire life
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it's my passion to be able vehicles that look different. to me that means looking a little out of the box and being a bit crazy for me. i want to be seen for who. is the head of the swiss company when speed nears ceric it's known for technological innovations in the automotive industry and turns heads with its unusual concept cars. like the 2007 x. asus created by experimenting with new materials. the axis this is the only transparent glass well actually plastic vehicle in the world. every year when speed launches a prototype meant to provide new impetus for the automotive industry. i want to spread ideas and impulses and try to motivate and stir positive emotions our
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standard is actually part of the company name meaning speed fast thinking ahead. for. the company car lovers attention in 1996 with its yellow tie which combined in astrology and futuristic elements at the time the focus was on extravagant design but later on extraordinary functions like with the m.t.v.'s vehicle splash which used to cross the english channel in record time in 2006. my driving force was a dream from my youth that i'd been seized by to drive across the english channel in my own car. i believed in my dream i didn't give up and that really spurred me on in life. would. it help to make another dream come true in 2008 when the enthusiastic diver builds a car that can also drive underwater in the scuba the 1st car in the world that can
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dive into connect and his employees move around like fish in lake zurich. water temperatures of around 3 degrees celsius so it's really cold. when you're sat inside you're so full of adrenaline and everyone expected it not to work. everything worked out well. from all the cars the scuba has remained iconic it just shows how emotional mobility can be. over the last decade and a connex prototypes have mostly been visions of mobility of the future the vehicles in his snap series are modular systems which can be easily transformed from driving passenger cars to cargo vehicles. sustainable designs environmentally friendly. has this crazy inventor become
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a realist. crazy doesn't exclude sustainability we're still trying to be both in this and so i enjoy being called crazy as in german that also means i get things moving. into connex inventions are a unique chapter in the history of cars. in the past 25 years the world has changed my cars have changed and i myself have changed. each vehicle was a sign of the times and they were all important cars of course i would construct all 26 of them differently today all right they're all the circumstances i'm just by. and enthusiastic slow world over are eagerly waiting to see what franklin a connex next concept car will look like.
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we leave you with some iconic james bond images join us again also now you tube channel d.w. read. the book.
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in good shape. the racists oh this is me and it's better for both animals can hire men but does that mean it's healthy without milk and meat to terry and said even if you couldn't sniff a healthy life and they made from dog or meat are no meat that's a question. good shit. coming up on w. missing berlin nichole flu this shows us things that we can still
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do despite corona and the pandemic sells off to the underground discover incredible architecture in the german capitals brand new subway stations and when you see as the dealers close again what exactly does berlin have to offer so there is even now a lot to discover. in 30 met. him at home many polish old loves us thrown out in the world right now climb a tree different off the store. fish his wife leslie when form just one week. how much wealth can really do. we still have time to our ongoing.
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success. to subscribe and more likely. more than 1000 years ago europe witnesses a huge construction boom. with christianity firmly established there is a greater demand for houses of worship. and both religious and secular. leaders are eager to display their power so churches become palaces. the race begins who can create the tallest biggest. stone masons builders and the architects compete with each other to build things and build into the projects. this is home massive
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churches with towers that pierce the clouds like skyscrapers are created. contest of the cathedrals starts people 12th on t w. this is news and these are our top stories jordan's a former crown prince has said he is under house arrest and a video passed on to the b.b.c. prince homes have been hussein accuses the country's leaders of corruption and says anybody who criticizes them risks our arrest jordan's top general denied prince hamza had been arrested but said he was asked to halt actions targeting the country's quote security and stability. and german present.


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