tv Euromaxx Deutsche Welle April 4, 2021 8:30am-9:01am CEST
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of help let's see what else we have lined up for you today. why see we can taste amazingly like truffles and. how sweet a shot just under the of spanish that helps people relax with news stream the animation. scientific studies showed that lookin at plants can help people cope with major challenges in their lives it's because the plants make us feel more relaxed and optimistic the surroundings in which we live and work also impact our sense of wellbeing this is the philosophy behind the i could texture at the $24.00 maggie's centers in britain we went to visit the latest one to find out more. this is maggie's center in leeds england it's a place where cancer patients or their relatives can receive practical or emotional
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support during treatment it was built on the hospital campus but stands out in stark contrast to the other buildings around it the architecture and interior design with its soft curves are meant to be inviting to both patients and other visitors. when people come here to this big beautiful space they feel fairly say away from the clinical area for the hospital in fact one lady sots was how it feels like a wall full. of. the interior of the center contains natural materials soft lighting and numerous spaces designed to encourage social interaction. the wood used is sustainably forested spruce. the walls are made out of porous materials such as limestone which help ventilate the building naturally. as you come into the center obviously it's this big
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fire and we know that cancer has been shrouded in secrecy but this gives the impression that we can be open about that now and we can talk about cancer and we can talk about the thing that's happening to people as they come into the center but then we have much smaller spaces that have no corners so they envelop you go in so we've got really almost give you hope as you go into them. celia nights husband was recently diagnosed with leukemia maggie's center has helped her cope during his treatment. i have to bring my husband to the hospital he doesn't drive so. the center has been incredibly helpful to me as a comfortable place to wait while he's having his treatment. maggy center in leeds was completed in 2020 by british architect thomas heatherwick he based the design on oversized garden planters with the goal of enhancing the
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greenery around the building he says architecture plays an important role in our well being. this is really interesting for us because i think an issue of our time is how buildings affect us emotionally and many buildings has failed us in the last century or so emotionally they've made bad places and you couldn't get a more extreme need for something that connects with people's emotions and feelings then the cancer care center. famous architects have taken part in designing the center such as the. frank geary with the center and done to scotland norman foster and rem koolhaas with this center in glasgow scotland. executive director dame laura linney has been a part of the center since the very beginning 25 years ago. the 1st night the center came about the city a woman called maggie case that day maggie herself had
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a diagnosis of breast cancer and she made. aspects of care that were being provided with in our n.h.s. system here in the u.k. for the 1st center opened after maggie had made and when we were asked to work on other centers other hospital. her friends who have to be frank gehry richard rogers norman foster then offered to. help and who wanted to take part in providing a maggie center and different hospital. american architect daniel levy as cantor's working on the next maggie center in london making it the 25th in the u.k. it's been a really helpful place for me to come and i've found that it's been more helpful to get support. from my friends and family because i can see them as i would like to and covert time so this has been
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a really wonderful neutral space and very supportive for me. maggie center in leeds is just one example of how architecture can help in the healing process. anyone who is a fan of sushi knows you can eat sea wheat but the edible kinds are nothing like that slimy stuff you sometimes get between your toes when swimming in the sea well is that really true seaweed is incredibly good for you and it also tastes great but not just of salt and sea water it can even remind you of truffles we met up with 2 women who harvest a number of tasty seaweed pariah that is in the icy waters north of the arctic circle in norway. seaweed is known as the super food from the scene. on jenny to erickson and tamara singer harvests
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in water that is just 4 degrees celsius in temperature about 300 kilometers north of the arctic circle and seaweed is not just healthy. bush it's travels the route even though it looks a. little brown and bushy tastes like truffle it is amazing. how to build off of that it's really yummy traveling taste. good. there are thousands of writings of edible seem read. and truffle seaweed or brush tuft alkie grows especially well along the norwegian coast like here in the loft an island. and you need turn tomorrow running a small business and often see wheat they want to make widely popular again. while
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it has been largely forgotten in europe it's quite common in the asia pacific region. my family. and so i've grown up eating the same weight all my life it was really exciting when we would i moved to norway to see the potato there was here there is just sorry much the wait growing along the coastline the cape the coffee house and then to wage a tradition many people here live off what the sea provides the region is famous for its stock fish all when trying to call it which even the vikings ate as well listen read. and the more this rough and clean sea moves the better the sea we can develop a healthy new chance. they process the harvest in the small fishing from nature from that i'm sure. erickson often helped her father fish so she knows this coastal region very while. the perfect place to grow cold
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arctic. air water is going off the current is the 4th strongest in the world. after the seaweed is harvested its 1st test to dry they process 9 different types. 24 hours later the wheat is ready for consumption costing up to $500.00 euros per kilogram it can be served disaffection salad or dried and used as a salt seasoning in mechanician lab they create new seaweed recipes along with local chefs. french chefs danke muses truffle seaweed to add a special touch with stock fish. got on a ship called a flower cream with chips. does everything you can do basically with the great was that this your. creates a feast can cook meat in says. this was not much new world open to us.
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chefs and delicatessens across the globe from angele to erick's and then tomorrow. they practice careful and sustainable harvesting allowing the seaweed to grow back again and they see it as the future of the future particularly as it is so healthy well it really is a superferry it's so full of vitamins and minerals it fire or it is a big tiriel it's got more nutrients pure graham in any other plant on this planet and it's just grown. and so i'm jelly to erikson and some are a signal to the water almost every day to supply the world with this healthy super food from. the coronavirus lock down and the fact that most people spend a lot more time working from home mean that
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a lot of us are looking for new ways to stay fit but what do you do if you can't go to the gym well there is an alternative you can work out using your own body weight and without needing an indoor gym or fancy equipment our very own keep fit and foozie asst yours a few good tried out for herself. i wouldn't say that i'm not a but when i look at these gals and guys respect what you see here is called calisthenics and to find out what that is exactly let a professional. going to something tell us the next is a form of progress of strength training that uses your own body weight progressive in the sense that we don't just pay attention to how many repetitions or sets we do or how much weight we lift when we work with weights instead we see how far our
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bodies are prepared to go to learn new skills so calisthenics is very specific and it's very much based on gymnastics poorman i'm going to. 40 year old and his speech is a form of competitive gym ness in 2013 he laid the foundation for britain's 1st calisthenics community but street workouts involving colors that makes the forms in public spaces have been practiced in the u.s. russia and eastern europe for you here's something i sometimes feel like i discovered calisthenics as a child because i come from russia and the soviet era there were no finished studios and i mean none there was only al doory quitman similar to this with gold bars climbing bars and so forth and there are generations of people just went outside and worked out. in your ancient greek memorial these exercises to toughen up their bodies and the term calisthenics is made out of the greek roots and steve meaning beautiful strength. it is definitely nice to look at but now for the
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tough part it's time for me to flex my muscles so didn't say one exercises are right for a beginner like me and what do i have to watch out for. don't do any sports without warming up and we always start with basic exercises this includes pushups and rows . lower bars making appalling movement. of course there are exercises to activate your legs as well. there are basically 5 of these cracks or sizes and will go through them today. after a warm up around it's time to get started with the really athletic part if you are a few exercises remind me off the times i spent at the playground over 20 years ago it may look fun but it's really tough. but the invigorating sensation is worth it. anyone who wants to give these moments ago
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both young and old can do it here are the great thing is that it's freely accessible and you have various options with this equipment to travel many different things and started your love. the most impressive exercise is the human flesh the out i'm a feat of strength in this scene it's definitely not for beginners. as. the human flag is the 1st thing is that your wrists you always need to be positioned one over the other. about when you raise yourself into the flag you don't start turning them. over to destruction your arms you have to completely extend your lower and present were to pull with your upper arm. and with these contrasts to move myself use the strength of your arms to pivot your body into the correct position. and what's the aim that's my home you do it to show off of course. many people dream of
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floating above the ground like this no wonder then it's becoming increasingly worldwide and millions of people now swear by it. and we say in germany you know for the healing properties what's the best since knight was sworn to. 100 years ago and was often referred to as the walk to dr beg them lots of famous people including the pope all look to him for help if you want to find out what it is like to take a cannot cure then bats varun his whole often in bavaria is the ideal place to head for your amass report ahead like melling check in there to try out the kinetic experience for himself. i'm still fast asleep when it's time for my 1st night treatment of the day
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a pill filled with hate is placed under my neck. ok just be healthy to be woken up at 5 o'clock in the morning. when i get to rest for another hour the southern german town of never saw is slowly coming to life. this is where priest the best and cannot develop his famous water therapies in the 19th century. rise and shine in the present collapse philosophy is based on 5 basic principles exercise nutrition herbs inner balance and the healing power of water so let's see how that works. hello good morning before breakfast it's time for my 1st session of the day cannot therapist catches him and his head due to demonstrate the effects of various water treatments. first
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up my upper body. followed by my face and arms. about some can i've developed over 100 different hydrotherapy methods designed to trigger the nerves in different parts of the body just generally feeling. i'm surprised how simple yet effective deception seems to me because i believe that yes this is very simple that's the foundation of type theory it's simple but effective. and very pleasant the cold water certainly has a vitalizing effect. though it's absolutely freezing. the idea is always to stimulate the patient's blood flow. that's the. blood flow promotes healing in the body when you are basically telling your body to focus on and address certain problem areas that's the stimulating effect of the
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water on your body. after and of course healthy breakfast i set out to learn more about sebastian. can i have served as a confessor at this convent from 855 during a visit to the knight museum to a god car inventing tells me you cured himself from tuberculosis through the healing properties of water he later began treating others too through lectures and books snipes holistic natural therapies eventually grew world famous. i encounter the 5 pillars of this concept throughout the town like here in the herb garden of the spa park the healing power of plots against me on sr don't maintain a certain order as we would call it today it was like a religion to him the mind body and soul should be in harmony he said that only
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after addressing patients so listed his treatments promptly physical ailments for a. time for some exercise i had down the forest path there are some 250 kilometers of hiking pops around. there are plenty of opportunities for classic. wading through a freezing cold stream. finally i get to relax and focus on me in a calm. i was a bit skeptical in the beginning i have to admit that's the point of walking around in the water a little bit but i have to admit all the elements of the cannot post program work perfectly together and even after one day i feel totally relaxed. i'm not surprised that hendrick really needed that help cure because he is always
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taken things to the extreme in our europe to the max serious he has more. see europe from its extreme sides in europe to the max you're much supporting hendrick belling takes you to one of a kind places in your at. the highest volcano the biggest stadium. the iciest hotel. breathtaking. stunning. record breaking. it was amazing it was like the realest thing i've ever done. what chicks treat gripping moments now on i you tube channel. and we have a brand new book to accompany our europe to the max reports featuring the $111.00 extreme places in europe that you shouldn't miss if you would like copied and to our viewers draw just go to our website for all the details do you
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sometimes feel stressed after you spend hours at the computer i've just got antidote for you and it's not a poll no my remedy is to look at some relaxing animations the ones that swedish designer vanished that polls online i guarantee to help you on vine so lean back and enjoy. geometric shapes move and roll as elements combine effortlessly in endless movements. friction and the law of gravity seem to be suspended here. these creations are the brainchild of swedish motion graphics artist andreas varnished 8 he uses a special computer program to give his fascination for shapes. the good things
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would 3 d. software is nowadays is that they make it very easy to mimic physics fizzing behaviors like like a camera you can capture lights in a way that almost look photo realistic would. be animations are only a few seconds long they seem endless the trick is to edit them together into immediate succession. the swedish artist has already programmed over 150 such digital works of art drawing on 20 years of experience as a graphic designer and 3 d. artist. when i have an idea you should live make some basic elements in my 3 to software like. like a cube or fear just to get a sense of the the the volume of the objects i have in mind. even sketches out his idea over the course of days sometimes weeks. i try to base my
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work on. simple objects and simple shapes and try to keep my minimalistic as possible and to focus on the movements and on the and the feeling of the movements and the pattern the motion patterns using his cinema 4 d. software it takes hundreds vanished less than a day to program his digital creations it is important to him to share his are on line and receive feedback about what users like and dislike. the funniest thing about this is a lot of people think that i'm actually building physical models of physical sculptures and everything i create is digital. everything i do is done in my 3 decipher but i still get email is pretty much every day from people who wants to buy them and the things that are actually building this he posted his 1st animation
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on instagram in 2016. over the years he's amassed over 650000 followers. drinks vanished days works are hugely popular. i didn't expect it at all i was pretty surprised. when i start to do this it was pretty crazy like one day i received 50000 followers in one day only and there are many people saying his animations have a soothing effect and reduce stress levels. loops or even claim to help treat some psychological illnesses. german psychiatrist and stress researcher. explains why. it's because. when people it's common for us to immerse ourselves in rhythms like the ones we've seen this complex animation. complex it is satisfying for us to see something function smoothly as we can see demonstrated
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here in all its complexity by the one that is soothing for. which is exactly what andreas mohnish state is out to do. he's guided his perfectly smooth animations bring some calm to the social media world. you really have to find your own style and find something that. that the audience have interest in and no. i've been i've been stronger working towards my satisfying animations used to trigger these kinds of feelings. with the 3 d. artist has created something new in the digital world. 3 dimensional and not again to mention the same time for our souls. and that is all we have time for but don't forget to follow us on social media and
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you knew anything about it i'm sarah was on exactly one year ago i was here we're standing on this we are singing don't think i'm playing i want to be with the musicians on the bottom lyceum orchestra are musicians and she was coping with the coronavirus crisis one year after the joint project mozart 1000000 mom. march 20th and. 30 minutes later.
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they were to be made into a nameless mass their bodies near tools the history of the slave trade is africa's history it describes how the group for power and profit plummeted an entire continent into chaos and violence. between century and its rebellions the new frontiers of slavery the last part of our series of slavery routes. in 75 minutes w. . bored bored bored bored. they wanted to know what makes the dentist who you just joined and loved and banning the way from. unlike the other north my own caught up and everyone with lead a holes in everything. get it are you ready to meet the servants then join me right just do it under a w. of
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this is news why from girl land jordan's former crown prince says he's under house arrest prince chooses jordanian leaders of corruption and incompetence the military has warned him to stop damaging the country's stability also coming up. steps up security on sunday 2 years after the worst terror attack in the country's history alaska security analyst why no one has been brought to justice. plus the showdown between the buddhist lee goes to top clubs financial leipzig.
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