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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  April 11, 2021 6:30pm-7:00pm CEST

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what secrets lie behind small. discover new adventures in a 360 degree. and explore world heritage site. w world heritage 316 get to know. your. good. one welcome to this week's episode of our environmental show off because i am sunda to be nobody here in compliment uganda you don't know this show is a coproduction of chinese t.v. image area in germany and t.v. here in uganda but i don't know said law and i am with my co-host greece and hello chris i sound draw a big hello to all of us from me in lagos nigeria it's good to have you with us for
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another edition of vironment show with a focus on africa now here are some topics coming up today. why biker plus an exhibit we're begin to see. new venture that's fucking up south africa's beaches. and a spanish audience send some leaves from a dream she gets captcha is. but 1st we head to west and offer west songbirds from your rope like to spend the winter now millions of them migrate to senegal mauritania and for the south the landlocked walk in a fossil while the hobbits it's in prison early on the threats from intensive farming steal the number of calls ovation they stood doing what they can to ensure migratory birds can still find a winter home in sub-saharan africa. with.
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the fruits of the kodiak trees. tamari needs and a good place for revenues. they've a diversity of trees in coverage tumbi national park in south and book in a fossil office favorable living conditions for many species of bugs. nevertheless but conservationists are concerned migratory birds from western europe such as the kingfisher are becoming increasingly rare the woman with other girls as well and so all of the and i grew to me bugs are indicators of the health of an environment today we can see there are fewer and fewer migratory birds here and this is clearly due to their determination of the nature of the hobby to a large degree that's still not true then there are. just a few kilometers away from the conservation area where davis is a thing of the past only show trees as far as the eye can see there was medics
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industry task for she is driving up and farmers like this none are profiting from meat booking a fossil is the wall 2nd biggest exporter of shia nuts which i used to make cooking oil and skin products for the idea of the inner shia is very profitable for us sometimes i see elements but it on more with a bottle. but awareness is leading to a shift in practices now the farmers are starting to restore they destroyed the veracity and that begins with creating him to sort of i'm a jew must run walk for a dutch engine which is going on with the survival of migratory birds he shows the farmers how to make compost from biological west including col dung on easy as that is to place official for the lies as which came in sets an important ford source for the buds. for secure pornography regarded as our goal is the protection of drugs but unless the pharmacy direct financial benefits they aren't interested
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that's why we walked business aspects in the project. business bound up with a. maze farm on franken on e. a regular enough for the 1st time for some time to get them about how can i save a lot of money every year on the shelf and the food is much more. and we are old much healthier. the n.c.o. convinced him that it will be better to live through this time being in his fields he now knows that in heavy rains that doesn't wash away so easily the roots of the comments will tree hold the soil will. they want to send the water care a lot under their proper water for my mom because i used to remove all their wishes and young trees on my fields now i practice what is called assisted natural wrist to ration it simple you cut back week branches to help the struggle ones grow
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quickly into a tree then it can flower for bees and other insects truck buyers about the. whole lot up with and of all the. movies modern. that's the idea behind mangy or a freak box complaint to teach farmers about keeping the shell farm are. also on extra money from that many she already has to be the keeping experiences but is happy to have a fresher which how does $1.00 use a small car to come to when is it time to harvest the honey nearly patted 1000 farmers have had training in the last year the all. the new printer object to fly fast objective is on an environmental level to create biodiversity because bees pollinate fruit trees and trees in general so this pollination will help the trees and in particular it will help if she had to really
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look at it in. d.c. i noticed that the she had reproduced more fruit gangsters from pollination i'm really happy to have the ability to do one. people will continue to plan she'll trees in the future they're more likely to leave other trees time allowing more nature to develop and trade. it's a prediction we'll keep hearing shocking every time experts have calculated that by 2050 plus the oceans will outweigh fish that is correct please if you are qualifying 1st but aren't as if the effects of debris on marine life work but did not come with artists in the u.k. looking into that in the micro plastics would already be having on that one help let's take a look. what's on the menu plastic. bottle cap dim sum. or maybe some lego sushi sounds strange but that is roughly
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equivalent to the amount of microscopic pieces of plastic that we in just over the course of a month 20 kilograms over the course of a lifetime. we do this by simply reading and drinking water and eating fish the oceans and rivers in particular are full of my crap lastic says malcolm hudson a professor of environmental science he conducts research on the marine pollution from plastic particles those plastic particles if you like a little time bombs way things are break down smaller after brain absorbed by wildlife or by people and then potentially have harmful consequences. because plastic does not biodegrade it turns up everywhere flooding the beaches and choking marine for now i'm flora plastic production has risen sharply over the past 50 years there are now over $400000000.00 tons worldwide per year smaller and smaller particles are created by wind and waves friction and sunlight does so small that
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they could be absorbed into our blood through the stomach researchers see this as a danger to humans experiments with celko. has already shown that large amounts of numbing particles can be toxic. what we can so i think with some certainty is if we carry on at the moment as we're going producing more and more plastic not managing the waste very well eventually where weeks levels where our thresholds exceeded and there are harmful effects on the environment and potentially even on ourselves. the total impact on humans is not yet clear experts fear that the tiny particles could trigger immune reactions overly toxic substances into the body just one more good argument to put an end to our love affair with plastic. that all sounds very worrying plastic can really mess up the world it is bad for the animals and for what's that i'm scared we won't be getting rid of meat anytime
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soon fortunately the looks of people coming up will be trusting solutions to talk of the problem one of them comes from to the public and it is a pretty cool idea is that a regional way of getting rid of the micro plastics is what always out on the beaches. there's nothin this knows you can't go. no item of plastic can escape the jaws of this giant vacuum tina crisscrosses using what's called the enviro buggy to collect rubbish in the train cape town's beaches because a vacation is to works with the organization. which developed the prototype a couple of years ago every day an estimated 100000 tonnes of plastic a found in south africa's may need the cheese that's about to clean up according to
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crisscross the beach cleaner can even suck up her stick particles just one minute he says small a special seed system separates the sun from the past even with 100 people on the branch we weren't really making we weren't making as much of an impact as we could regarding the micro plastics so our 1st came about trying to make the micro plaster collection a lot more efficient and quicker palsson these n.g.o.s recently joined forces with a local recycling company on the outskirts of cape town. to follow us sort out various items interest cyclable material some 20 people on shift every day given the rubbish not classified as recyclable can be put to good use. this is a make or break here so it's all the plastics that cannot be real used to research purposes to recycle go into one of these. compressed as best they can and
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used as a building material in local building projects and around the community. other initiatives start it's an early stage they concentrate on rivers the community of marine adama is funded to see resolved nets with different sizes to catch plastic along waterways before it gets to the oh shoot. peter ryan a married mastic researcher at the university of cape town estimates that between 60 percent and 90 percent of marine plastic on the beaches there's a arrived via waterways like this one just standing here we can see all of this rubbish coming down the canal here this is the major source of letter that we're concerned about in an urban setting in south africa so poorly managed waste on land getting into waste water systems and being carried down into the sea and initiatives like this where we're actually intercepting this letter before it gets into the sea or starting to make
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a significant difference. for the north in the township outside johannesburg these volunteers are unemployed locals they're removing plastic wastes from literature apps positioned in the head office river. did man in charge explains that mountains of plastic that accumulates in the space of just 2 weeks. to start with the mates when they're in the rainy season drying stock exchange at the ranch and in fact in the winter a lot of stuff gets. put up dumps in countries that sort of stuff it's washed down rain sleet and so it keeps on the whole summer but if it were struck it's going to be trying to stop it. not only is the engineer working to be the hang ups of waste is looking into some of the main contributors off the pollution and back at the ocean the knish if see the bigger picture encourages young people to get involved
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studies in south africa have shown that on a clean up the nearly 90 percent of the plastic leech in the bee cheese can be collected still even that is only a 1st step once we can teach them the dangers of many in plastics and they all think that they kill where they live and we'll try to stop that spade at the source . so instead of throwing things on the road or outside on the beach we'll actually be allowed to dispose of everything properly. crisscrossed and his team currently operating the enviro body it's been already do the work of about 30 people the plan is to start mass producing the machine and ultimately return south africa's beaches so the once pristine condition. while those images remind us that we really need to keep up the fight against plastic what should we all tend to throw
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we all too much stuff that can actually be excited. you're absolutely right sandra kahlil silva from cape verde. has come up with a clever way off for use in cooking or. in case very day one entrepreneur is seeking to clean up the environment one bar of soap at a time. tear of a day is an ecological soul which karla silver makes using vegetable oils green clay flour and other ingredients. he tries to source most of the ingredients locally. 8 years ago i started out producing soap from cooking oil. could be used to wash dishes and later i began making this eco soap for people to use in the.
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silvas desire to help the environment motivation to move to producing ecologically sustainable cosmetic products. everything we use ends up in the sewer which will then contaminate the rivers oceans and groundwater. silver has now was a major parts of the production process. the machines he uses are made from recycled materials. he can now produce more cars in much less time. but if used to take me a town has to make a batch now it's only 3 a lot of the steps are automated now. carlos silva hopes to sell his terra vader's soap on the international markets soon. then how about you if you're also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website
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or send us a tweet. ashtray doing your bit. sharing your story. on the report comes from spain there lorenzo's mongrel to run creates delicate sculptures that combine this passion for arts. that you also take walks and that's when he collects the materials that serve us is converse it turns them into intricate pieces of arts that expresses love of nature i'll sit back alleges selby's pyatt. they so much to discover in a single tiny leaf. these filigree most to pieces were handmade by spanish artist load and so money waited on. he kept them into leaves harvested from
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trees and bushes. for mr bush this. one mr bush when i go into the forest even more than anything it's just i'm looking for peace and quiet. this is where my creativity really gets flowing doesn't move you in a good mood. in spring money where to go searching through the forests of his home province. for just the right. the perfect leaf doesn't exist. grow in nature they've undergone a process of evolution. but it's precisely their imperfection that in my view makes them perfect. these works give
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little hint of the time effort and dedication that's gone into them. didn't press as the fresh leaves and lets them drive for a few days. the leaves have to be dry enough that cuts discolor and yet most enough not to crumble. is attached to the leaf with fixative then he carefully works his way around with a scalpel cut by cut. i was inspired when i watched a caterpillar getting its way through a leaf. yeah but i gave me the idea to cut my own designs into leaves. over time i learned more and more and developed my own technique. depending on the design it can take lorenzo did on several days to finish the cussing he enjoys the almost meditative work. for him his has been a journey of self-expression. there's
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a scene one side a belief is turned to the light. in the other stays in shape you know they're not there's a similarity there to us humans on the. one side of us is visible the other is not just a hard thing when i work on a leaf i'm in touch with a side of me that isn't visible. his works also in demand with companies for green media campaigns leaves cleanse the air of carbon dioxide and produce oxygen making them an ideal symbol for a healthy environment put it on sustainability and green ethics are very important . as can last but short i want to express is that human beings original bond with nature . today we've lost this sense of connection. so not only if we humans manage to see ourselves as
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a part of nature that we can learn to respect our environment again. if they carefully preserved his outputs can survive 10 years or more but it's like nature itself they too trance a tree. there is no mistaking the artist betsy. beauty has to be preserved which is also the theme of the next report that comes from kenya except it creates about the rewards of looking after the environment. the way. a community best approach to. pain go for both the people and. the. conservancy in central kenya is a paradise for animals and animal lovers. the 250 square kilometers are home to thousands of giraffes elephants lions rhinos and many other species.
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used to be part of a cattle ranch owned by a british farmer. in the 1980 s. when poaching was decimating the black rhino population the family turned the land into a sanctuary today around 170 black rhino live in the conservancy. they're protected by 123 rangers a pack of specially trained dogs and a high tech surveillance system most of the rangers are locals. but they were conservancy says that working closely with local communities is an effective strategy in the fight against poachers. community is playing a critical role in terms of conservation with don't look putting them in board you're not winning in terms of cost of vision and that's why now we're focusing in terms of putting a lot of programs outside of the community so we can really win that community to
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get a lot of information and a police they're going to be i thought an e.s.l. for us if the local people notice anything suspicious they reported to the ranger purity one more you she grew up here and knows almost everybody in the area but i just know we are fighting just at the moment how in the past right wasn't played in 20 tell these consultants he means everything to. the little wildlife conservancy invests about 7 percent of its earnings in programs benefiting local communities. pauline owns a small farm but for many years lack financial resources but in 2017 conservancy program helped her secure a micro credit. card i did a lot with the money. i plant seeds to plant and i also bought 2 pigs. there are many benefits for example they bring in trainers who teach us about many
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issues that have to do with health and how we can help ourselves as women. 1800 women have so far received microcredit there are also classes on business the environment and practical skills previously women. so that. they have become to. be mute they do trainings we link up with maybe specially is the kind of us expect to be less so but these farmers can benefit to the best in the lead to take in. and produce. and for them. the programs have helped improve the standard of living in neighboring communities . working closely with the local government conservancy supports for clinics
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and runs one of its own local people receive free medical care including medicine and vaccines. setting up these clinics was to provide a much needed primary health care he says to communities that leaves are all in the consultancy monthly. $800.00 people the efforts made by the wildlife conservancy not only to protect wild animals but also to support local communities have found international recognition since 2014 it's been included in the prestigious i.u.c.n. green list of protected areas. the seal of approval is a huge boost to the project. it helps us in terms of marketing strategies it helps but helps us in terms of fundraising i have to hold. you can be
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a model for us to emulate for others to come on line from us. it's not for the it's for the stage it's for the global head it is for the community headed to. the labor wildlife conservancy shows that protecting wildlife is compatible with the needs of local communities with the right strategies both can flourish side by side. what a great initiative hopefully it will inspire you and others to take responsibility on the environment to not come to the end of this week's episode of equal africa and we look forward to having your company again next week i am somebody no good signing up from compiler in uganda. sandra in the meantime you can stay in touch with us on social media is to grow richer and stay safe.
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and see you soon chris celebs signing off large area.
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going to. have a. car bomb an architecture firm in the netherlands is experimented with letters. making words on film and facades into a trap. look. at the 2 little.
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19. their story their very own personal trauma. people survived the chesterfield remember the fog and they share private footage with us that has never been seen before. sun. up back and channel stories of people 26 on t w. we have important numerous. smoking healthy.
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songs are good for the be. global warming doesn't exist. well not yet. but. we have a great in my mind. industry just controlling with your thoughts. they are intentionally. not easy to spot i would say one thing. the great books of the 20th century. present day hoaxes this is food and who's behind. this kind of behavior is unacceptable and will not be allowed menus treasuring ignorance starts to make good on g.w. .
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this is d. w. news that live from berlin the battle to replace angela merkel had stopped 2 men declare themselves ready to lead the conservatives in germany's upcoming election we find out who's got the best chance of winning also coming up. printing a resolution activists in myanmar are putting pen to paper to get their message out amid an internet shutdown.


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