tv FrauTV Deutsche Welle April 14, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST
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this is g w news live from berlin tonight ending america's longest war president biden set september 11th of this year as the deadline for all u.s. troops to leave afghanistan biden says the afghans have the right and responsibility to lead their country and that the u.s. withdrawal will be unconditional. and it's not just the americans who are getting else nato head in stoltenberg says the alliance will also withdraw its own troops beginning next month also coming up another vaccination setback in south africa
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where the use of the astra zeneca vaccine is already on hold now and this is spent in of the johnson and johnson vaccine makes another huge blow to the country in its fight against closing 19 and the tiny particles making a very big noise in the world of physics blew up its make matter but scientists say what really matters is that the way they move could help explain the biggest event ever. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world it's good to have you with us it is a day to end the one just war in u.s. history u.s. president joe biden has announced all american forces will be withdrawn from afghanistan by september 11th speaking at the white house president biden said the troop withdrawal would begin on may 1st and be. completed before the 20th
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anniversary of the $911.00 terror attacks he added that the withdraw would be done safely and info coordination with washington's ally it's one the move will mark the end of a 20 year conflict for the us the one guest in its history. we cannot continue the cycle of extending or expanding our military presence in afghanistan hoping to create ideal conditions for the drawl and expecting a different result i'm now the 4th united states president to preside over american troop presence in afghanistan to republicans to democrats i will not pass this responsibility on to a 5th after consulting closely with our allies and partners with our military leaders and intelligence personnel with our diplomats and our development experts with the congress and the vice president as well as with mr ghani and many others
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around the world i've concluded that is timed and america's longest war it's time for american troops to come home or more i want to pull in the john sifton he's asia advocacy director of human rights watch he joins us tonight from new york mr sifton is good to have you on the program what does all of this this withdrawal what does it mean for the people of afghanistan. well it's important to emphasize that while a lot of mistakes were made over the last 20 years as of late the united states and nato forces in afghanistan have not been directly directly protecting people against them what they do is protect the government instance the military gains from the town and they haven't even really been doing it that well over the last decade so what's going to happen people fear is that the taliban will make further gains on the battlefield and in the areas that they control. will implement
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policies that are worse for afghans that's the theory but the concept that you know needs to be emphasized here is that it isn't just withdraw in the abstract there are peace negotiations going on as soon as next week and they're going to be for their peace negotiations down there so it's very important now for the international community to focus on those issues on the political issues and the military result the military outcome of this is one matter but the political outcome is another and i think it's important now if you want to talk about protecting afghans talk about the political negotiations going forward and what will that mean especially for women in afghanistan you know as well as we do that women have earned very hard won gains in the past 20 years there is fear that there could be completely reversed once the americans and nato forces have left.
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well again if you only look at it from a military perspective and you predict that the taliban will make further gains then absolutely yes there will be negative further negative impacts for women there already women are in hell that is it will be more presumably the taliban made gains but that's why it's important for the international community to say to all the party just tell him and the republican then to any other people who. we are not going to fund this endeavor this government which continues to rely on us that support unless there are guarantees for women and girls and that's how it's going to have to be done because there is no military solution to this conflict and it's been very clear it is now up to the people to go she'd in the future about kynaston to figure out a way to protect women and the best way to do that for the international community is to make it contingent so their continued support and so what you're saying is
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it's going to be the power of the purse for western countries when it comes to ensuring that women's rights for example are protected once once the military is gone. that's exactly right it's as simple as that i don't think the european union and the united states and other donor countries are going to support a taliban dominated coalition government or future other government or any government that detracts that. declines when it comes to women and girls rights so that's that's the message that has to be made clear but we also have to remember that we no matter what have to continue. pressing for humanitarian assistance and emergency assistance for this country which is so dependent on outside assistance. we can't just as sad because the taliban is now going to be part of the political system the world needs to walk away that king because lucian. but again it's going to be
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a very complicated political set of negotiations we don't take a position on the ultimate outcome of human rights but we know that whatever happens women and girls rates and all human rights have to be protected and the only way to do that is to make sure that it's made clear to the parties that they won't get the support they need in the us that have been john sifton with human rights watch mr sifton as always we appreciate your time in your insights and i thank you. nato secretary-general un stoltenberg says alliance forces will also begin withdrawing from the country on may 1st alongside some 3000 u.s. soldiers there are about 7000 additional native troops serving in afghanistan here's a story big speaking a short while ago in brussels we have been closely consulting on our person snuffed on the song order last weeks and months. in the light of the u.s.
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decision to withdraw all foreign and defense ministers of nato discuss the way forward today. i decided that we will start that would draw all of may to receive support mission forces by may 1st. all were drilled on will be orderly coordinate that deliberate 3 planned to compete there would drop all 4 all over troops within a few months and the toll of on the tracks all no troops during this period will be met with a forceful response. or for more now i'm going to go to our very own teri schultz she is at nato headquarters in brussels good evening to you terry shortly after president biden's speech today we heard from the nato secretary general that nato forces will also begin leaving the country in so is this withdrawal we're going to see coalition troops and u.s. troops leaving together in tandem is that how we should invasion this
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yeah that's how it has to go because basically while there are many more american troops in afghanistan now they are dependent on what are called enablers and those are provided by the united states infrastructure air protection a lot of capabilities that no other countries possess and so basically nato forces other than the u.s. didn't have a choice but to leave when the americans left is there a sense there nato with the americans saying it's time to leave and nato forces also leaving of mission accomplished. i'm not sure that's how people feel we had secretary blinken and secretary austin flanking nato secretary general stolzenberg today and they were asked many questions about how you know up until now there were 3 major conditions the taliban had to meet and they didn't meet them and so why all of
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a sudden do these conditions no longer matter they didn't have a lot of good answers to that they simply said that we have decided that a longer military presence by the international forces is not going to help the situation and while they maintain that they will continue to support the afghan government support civil society support women's rights there's going to be a lot fewer people there to keep an eye on this along with you know not being able to protect the united nations and other bodies that are in there doing that kind of work now the u.s. president in his speech today also said that the u.s. needs to prepare for the challenges of the 21st century and he mentioned china was he speaking to nato there is because we know nato was worried right now about an aggressive russia but it should also be preparing to confront china well confronting china on a military in a military stance is a lot different than confronting china in other ways and as you know nato has just
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in the last couple of years started to really put china on the radar of being a strategic competitor and possibly a threat in some ways china has bought up a lot of a lot of really key real estate should we say ports and airports and landing strips in europe and that's something that does worry nato and that's something that it will be turning more attention to but i think in pulling out of afghanistan they simply believe that they will now have the resources to put in places that may be a bigger threat and you know may still have a chance of winning all right teri schultz with the latest in brussels terry will be talking with you at the bottom of the hour when our coverage continues on the day thank you. our let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world the minnesota police officer who shot and killed the unarmed black man dante wright has been arrested prosecutors plan to charge kimberly potter with 2nd degree manslaughter she faces up to 10 years in prison if convicted the incident has prompted 3 nights of unrest near the city of minneapolis south korea has condemned
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neighboring japan's plan to release treated radioactive water from the fukushima nuclear plant in 2 years' time seoul has asked officials to explore possible international litigation against japan but soucie who says disposing of the water into the pacific ocean is safe and central in order to decommission fukushima at least 20 children were killed in a fire at a primary school in the western african state of new zeer numerous other children were injured most of them were still attending preschool the fire destroyed several classrooms and blocked exits its cause is still unknown authorities have launched an investigation. the rollout of the johnson and johnson bank scene has been paused in the u.s. much of europe and south africa after reports of rare blood clotting in a very small number of people health authorities said they are halting the use of the shot while they investigate the case the suspension has dealt another huge blow
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to south africa's vaccination rollout in february the country already stopped the use of the astra zeneca back soon after it showed low efficacy against an aggressive local viral variant by an take fazer j. obs are only due to arrive in the country next month and experts have warned of a looming 3rd wave of infections. the situation in hospitals is already spiralling out of control for patients and for health care workers in our next report we meet a doctor who's had enough of what she says are unsafe working conditions. doctor so little was it from but is wary of vaccines 9 years ago when she was 21 she became ill with tuberculosis despite having been inoculated against it before corona virus vaccines reached south africa she resigned from her post in a public hospital because she didn't feel safe anymore. oh ok 6 of us still adds
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the cameras as they were when i checked it. takes you top you know which i feel is a huge problem. and shows that after all these years you know the lives of some of us a former colleague made this video of support here she is wearing full personal protective equipment but she says that in the hospital where she worked it was either not available or inadequate sifaka worked in intensive care and as a midwife she's been at home since she left at the end of the year even though she feels guilty about leaving she believes she did the right thing. medical staff are badly needed but her life has to come 1st. hundreds of doctors and nurses in south africa have already died from cope at 19. i really felt as though i was working in a system that didn't really care about my own life and with i was going to make it
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to tomorrow not you know especially seeing all the how it's dying the tributes online going up a think that's going to be unix. those fears are justified only a few $100000.00 people in south africa have been vaccinated there aren't enough doses to go around at the current rate it would take 16 years to vaccinate the whole population south africa would like to manufacture its own vaccines but the patents are all registered overseas. the only way i'd go back is if i'd be able to control you know my exposure to illnesses you know and if i am exposed to illnesses make sure that i have the correct effective p.p. . system to also needs to be vaccinated but while she's no longer working as a doctor she doesn't mind waiting. to hear some other developments in the pandemic by on take fines or will provide the european union with an extra 50000000 doses in
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the 2nd quarter of this year this is on top of the 200000000000 already earmarked for the e.u. denmark will stop using the astra zeneca bank scene completely because of its possible link to rare cases of blood clots this could delay didn't marks vaccination rollout by up to a month and south korea has reported its highest daily jump in new infections in 3 months health experts are blaming increased travel which they say shows public vigilance is falling physicists are excited and they say this could be a major breakthrough in our understanding of the universe it all has to do with the behavior of subatomic particles called neurons and experiments had a lab any of the u.s. city of chicago have shown that new ones move at a rate that's faster than expected potentially unlocking the secrets of a previously undiscovered 5th force of nature. this could be the door to
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a whole new world of physics for years researchers have been using this ring made of super conducting magnets to accelerate the tiniest building blocks of matter called nuance until they're almost as fast as the speed of light that's when they can observe how myans interact with other forces and particles. and the results show that beyond actually behave completely different to how current theory says they should up until now something called the standard model explained all subatomic particles and their characteristics such as charge mass and lifespan but scientists have observed that the behavior of these meon suggest particles and forces exist outside of the theory. everything that we can see in our universe everything around us can be explained by a few building blocks these blocks describe the standard model of particle physics
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. one group of these particles makes up matter. and the other's transfer force this theory can explain 3 of these forces but the full force of gravity can't be explained in this way this is the force that keeps planets in their orbits and bad affects everything that has mass. when the universe was created by the big bang these 4 forces combined that's why the standard model can't explain what exactly happened at the beginning of time. in the myans experiments could help us plug these fundamental gaps in our scientific knowledge and help us solve mysteries that have been confusing astrophysicists for decades. but 1st more exact
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measurements and testing needs to be carried out to make sure the myans unexplained behavior really can be attribute it to a known particles or forces. are the mystery of them you want to talk about then i'm joined now by alex of r c a research associate in the department of physics and astronomy at the university of manchester in the u.k. it's good to have you on the program so how excited are you about this discovery. well i think it's fair to say that where politically excited we've taken a very very precise measurement of the behavior of new orleans as you explained in your intro and done a very very precise calculation of what that behavior should boehm we found that they don't agree and what they say is that they could be new policy forces contributing to the way the mule behaved to the rest of the universe i mean i say plausibly excited because we measure this from the from the fast talk about 20 years ago and statistically there's about one of the 40000 child this could be
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a fluke that this could be you know messed up on the gulf down that we said it buys 1.3.4 in 3500000000 that's not the the stand that we want to set and as we go forward with the experiment that we will hopefully great judge we heard in that report that this could be proof you know a plausible proof that this could we could have a unknown force there are unknown particles so explain to the layman here among us what exactly does that mean. what it means is that by comparing this very precise measurement with this very post office size calculation is that we've shown to an extreme likelihood that they something about the fundamental structure of the universe that we really don't understand and if that new measurement and this discrepancy between the 2 would stand up and would stand the test of time it would be proof that there's something missing in the model of all building blocks of what universe is made of and now this could be a new false like you said in the intro it could be a new posco but it will in general influence the universe around us and of its
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contents including the ones and in that sense we define a new paradigm in how we know what the universe is made of could it possibly help explain some of the biggest mysteries in the universe. yes there are several big mysteries that most physicists agree the are present and we can explain there for the largest being that we don't you know what 95 percent of our universe is made of and we know that 70 percent of it is made of something called dark energy which is what we used to explain why the universe is expanding accelerating right and there's also the other 25 percent is dark matter and we know that the dark matter has to be there because it influences parts physical parts of the universe when we look out the stars but we don't know what that dark matter is and it could be that should this this result in the me and you want to experiment chicago be proved to be a new physics discovery that it could be that source of dark matter that as of yet
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we haven't found well let's say that the numbers are in your favor and that this discovery turns out to be real are we going to have to rewrite the physics books for. yes and no i mean the standard model the as described in show works very very well describes a lot of the universe around us and we can do tests and show those to be correct but it's still true that if this result was to stand up it will be something very fundamental about the structural universe the structure of the universe that we haven't yet. and clearly there's something missing given what we see when we look out the stars and i would accept this that if we discover a new force or only posco we will open up a new era in attempting to understand what constitutes you know the matter all around us alex of ours the whole thing of understand the mystery of the moons is fascinating alex thank you. bernie made all the infamous architect of
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a ponzi scheme that burned thousands of investors outfoxed regulators and earned him a 150 year prison term died behind bars early on wednesday the former chairman of the nasdaq stock exchange reportedly died of natural causes he'd been suffering from chronic kidney failure and several other medical ailments for a number of years here's a look back at one of the biggest wolves and con artists of wall street. bernard madoff better known as bernie was so disliked at the time of his trial that he had to wear a bulletproof vest to court every day. the man behind the largest known ponzi scheme in history wiped out people's fortunes ruined charities and foundations he defrauded thousands including a host of big name movie stars and even the new york mets baseball team for decades madoff enjoyed an image of
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a self-made financial guru whose golden touch defied markets operating out of these downtown new york offices he attracted a devoted following of investment clients who trusted him completely he was brilliant at convincing people his schemes was safe his regulatory environment it's virtually impossible to violate rules but this is something that the public really doesn't understand and then you if you read things in the newspaper and this is somebody you know violate the rule is it well you know they're always doing this but. it's impossible to go on that for a violation go undetected so or considerable period of course those words eventually caught up with bernie his investment advisory business was exposed as a fraud in 2008 and in march 2009 madoff pleaded guilty and was convicted on 11 counts for crimes that spanned more than 20 years. madoff was forced to leave his
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7000000 dollar manhattan penthouse apartment and was taken to prison to serve 150 years behind by. madoff died at the federal medical center in button a north carolina he was 82 years old or 2 years after the fire at notre dame cathedral in paris the blaze is said to be the subject of a documentary series for netflix and they've big budget drama oscar winning director john jack the man who brought the name of the rose will tell the story of the 24 desperate hours in which the disaster unfolded. a group of tourists rushing out of a cathedral this scene is not in the french capital but in psalms north central france some 120 kilometers from paris. french filmmaker jacques annoy is making a new feature film about the fire at notre dame in paris using the cathedral of
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songs as one of the sets the film to for release in 2022 will combine file footage with acted scenes from this shouldn't be seen still i said to myself it's incredible it's incredibly spectacular touching the depths of the soul of and then there is this beauty there is the symbol that's disappearing with the whole world crying 3 days later i was right and you know. he does it illegally to you. inside the cathedral $120.00 extras and actors wait for instructions. be careful the cameras will be close to your faces no one is smiling we are not in for anything funny. they're recreating the last moments at the cathedral 2 years ago before the fire started and the alarms went off. as for the filming location the cathedral in saul's built in 1130 was largely inspired by know to put out. the fire is being reenacted in a studio near paris. art here's
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a reminder of that top story we're following for you he was president joe biden has confirmed the united states military will leave afghanistan on september 11th of this year after 2 decades of war biden says only the afghans themselves have the right and responsibility to lead their country neighborhood in stone back says that the allies will match the u.s. troop withdrawal at the same time. you want to be w.'s wife from berlin after a short break i'll be back to take you through the day will have complete coverage of the countdown to end america's longest war will be right back.
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and they share private footage with us that has never been seen before. back channel starts april 28th on t w. the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. how has the rate of infection been developing. what measures are being taken. what does the latest research say. information and context. the coronavirus of the coast of spain special monday to friday on t.w. . find his want to start families to become farmers or engineers every one of them has a plan that didn't. send ending his kiss up to children who have always been the
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only and those that will follow are part of a new kind of success that they could be the future. of. granting opportunities global news that matters d. w. made for mines. this year marks the 20th anniversary of the $911.00 terror attacks in the united states today president biden said that anniversary as the deadline to seize all military operations and to bring all u.s. troops home with time running out tonight we ask have the u.s. and its allies finished what they began in afghanistan the taliban are ready to move back in their expected to bring terror back to the afghan people will they bring terror back to us tonight ending america's longest war with flashes of vietnam from the past and warnings.
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