tv Extra 3 Deutsche Welle April 14, 2021 10:30pm-11:16pm CEST
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synonym is kiss the children who have always been the way and that's you and those that will follow are part of a new kind of success. they could be the future of cologne a direct quote i'm. granting opportunities global news that matters d. w. made for mines. this year marks the 20th anniversary of the $911.00 terror attacks in the united states today president biden said that anniversary as the deadline to seize all military operations and to bring all u.s. troops home with time running out tonight we ask have the u.s. and its allies finished what they began in afghanistan the taliban are ready to move back in their expected to bring terror back to the afghan people will they bring terror back to us tonight ending america's longest war with flashes of vietnam from the past and warnings of china in the future i'm burned off in berlin
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this is the day. we will work very closely together in the weeks and months ahead. safe deliberate and coordinated to withdraw our forces from afghanistan. we've always said we go in together we go and together. the afghan government respects the decision of the united states on the woods draw all of its troops from afghanistan with the american presence hasn't for the for the us so it's better for them to leave. if the u.s. troops leave the country and their civil war or if the taliban takes power on is enough that no woman will be able to study your work. also coming up the shady side of the what should be liquor brand that's long been
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a favorite of china's communist party elite. after they came to power i think turned the factory into a state owned enterprise. so you could provide them with. you about i'm going to get procreated the factory. and the owner who refused to hand over reason because miss was executed. once of our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world welcome we begin the day with a deadline to end the longest war in u.s. history today u.s. president joe biden started the official count down for all u.s. forces to leave afghanistan the deadline september 11th 2021 the 20th anniversary of the 911 terror attacks in the u.s. which were planned in afghanistan the date which triggered the u.s. and its nato allies to attack and overthrow the taliban the goal at that time was to ensure that afghanistan would never again be
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a launching pad for terror today president biden said that goal has been achieved but a u.s. intelligence report made public yesterday warns of troubles to come intelligence officials writes the afghan government will struggle to hold to tell about it bay if the coalition withdrawal support kabul continues to face setbacks on the battlefield and the taliban is confident it can achieve military victory the report confirms that the terror threat from afghanistan in the near term is low but in the long term if any stand could once again become a nest for terrorists will this exit will it be permanent will the u.s. and its allies be forced to return here is what president biden said earlier today we cannot continue the cycle of extending or expanding our military presence in afghanistan hoping to create ideal conditions for the drawl and expecting a different result and now the 4th united states president to preside over american
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troop presence in afghanistan to republicans to democrats i will not pass this responsibility on to a 50. after consulting closely with our allies and partners with our military leaders and intelligence personnel with our diplomats and our development experts with the congress and the vice president as well as with mr donnelly and many others around the world i've concluded that it's timed and america's longest war it's time for american troops to come home we're not conducting hasty rush to the exit would do it we'll do it responsibly deliberately and safely and we will do it in full coordination with our allies and partners who now have more forces in afghanistan than we do in the taliban should know that if they attack us as we drawdown will defend ourselves and our partners of all the tools at our disposal
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we have complete coverage of america's plan to wind down all military operations in afghanistan and then exit by this coming september here at the big table with me is my colleagues and repeated months under a 1st reported on the war from afghanistan in early 2002 and has returned numerous times since teri schultz joins me from nato headquarters in brussels terry is a veteran nato reporter and was also in afghanistan to cover the war and from new york city is andrew one can senior analyst for afghanistan with crisis group and you lived and worked in afghanistan where he was with the u.n. assistance mission to all of you welcome what we now know when the united states plans to end its longest war in history who is cheering and who is upset and to let me start with you you're in the united states i've heard today too added one is that this withdrawal is long overdue the other is that this is another vietnam what
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is it. thanks for having me the truth is the situation is a bit of both. there are certainly echoes of vietnam and in particular the united states's attempts to exit to extricate itself from the war there the paris talks resemble in many ways the way that the united states has tried to negotiate with the taliban in what many critics deem not much more than a withdrawal plan not really a peace plan on the other hand there are plenty of critics not just in washington but around the country who say that enough time has passed and that it's very clear that the united states isn't really seeing returns on its investments. the fact is it's the afghan. and their reaction which shows
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much more alarm and concern i think is the focus for today. we're going to talk about that in just a 2nd terry let me go to you and ask you know about native nato announcing today that its forces are also planning to withdrawal from afghanistan along with the americans is there united about this earlier is there a sense of mission accomplished they are at all. well tonight we just heard from secretary general stilton berg flanked by u.s. secretary of state blinken and defense secretary austin and they very much had had this same script think in fact they echoed president biden's words and so they definitely are portraying this as mission accomplished but they're changing the goals that we've been hearing about in recent years and going back to the killing of bin laden for example and saying well that happened 10 years ago so you know we're ready to go they also point out that there hasn't been a major terror attack launched from afghanistan in the time since and they say well
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that was another of our goals but they're worth until until now there were 3 conditions placed on the taliban for u.s. and international troops to pull out and those conditions haven't been met so definitely the rhetoric has been changed along with the timeline you know it's a very interesting point soon for the u.s. president he spoke of the thousands of u.s. soldiers and their families who paid the ultimate price in these past 20 years we know that there were thousands more afghans who also perished in this war to the u.s. have an obligation to them i mean the estimated figure of civilian casualties there alone in afghanistan for the past 2 decades stands at it's an estimation at least 100000 i think that gives you. the figure the greedy indicates that we're looking at one of the bloodiest conflicts and it still continues to be that so i would argue yes the united states its nato partners they do have an obligation towards the afghan civilian population as well and ok so now we have heard today u.s.
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troops would be withdrawing latest by september 11th what does that mean in terms of diplomacy what does this mean in financial assistance if that then decreases as well one really has to feel. for what is going to happen in afghanistan the worst case scenario would be full blown civil war increasing violence. the best case scenario would possibly be a rather bloody road towards a political settlement but that is going to take years if you ask me president we remember when this war started the talk was you know stopping the terrorists in afghanistan but the u.s. military quickly found out that this was also about state building helping girls who weren't allowed to go to school building a civil society what is going to happen all of to all of that after september 11th 2021. if the country will be able to keep the constitution that it has now
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which obviously incorporates democratic principles nobody can really say because as of now the taliban haven't really edged out what they perceive to be the future state in afghanistan what kind of constitution they would in visit they say they want a more islamic system but what exactly does that mean when girls be allowed to go to school and if yes under what conditions will women continue to be allowed to work if yes under what conditions that is really something that we don't know and how do we get then the 1st place what would a possible political settlement look like i mean obviously we have these 2 blocs the taliban and the representatives of the islamic republic as it stands now but there are divisions in itself you know we're seeing militias really arming itself we see infighting within the afghan political elite and that again is pointing towards more bloodshed and afghanistan and i mean how do you trust the telly bund republicans in congress they're already criticizing this plan by the u.s.
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president to take a listen to what senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said earlier this evening. ministrations decided to abandon us efforts in afghanistan. which will help the radical islamic terrorism intra. and bizarrely they've decided to do so. up time or the 11 apparently were to help our adversaries running on their anniversary of the non 11 attacks by gift wrapping the country and i got right back to. andrew you're in the us me ask you is this true what mitch mcconnell is saying and does it even matter to americans who after 20 years are simply tired and fatigued with war. well the fact is afghans themselves are doing the majority of fighting in afghanistan and they have been since the drawdown of the majority of u.s.
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and nato troops in 2014 and afghan officials themselves will tell you that something close to 98 percent of all combat operations are carried out by afghans and afghans alone and indeed u.s. and nato support has grown extremely limited in the past years so it's not clear to me that a troop withdrawal actually is handing the country over either to the taliban or anyone else it's not that dramatic of a change what would be dramatic and will be vital to afghanistan's future is to what degree the financial assistance and supports continues to flow from the united states and other european donors and partners the afghan state is incredibly poor and is dependent on the donations of foreign states most of them western this is really what is going to make or break the future of the afghan government as they've been carrying the burden of the war for
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a long time and we know that there had been a lot on money from the european union an injury you testified earlier this year to the european parliament's delegation for relations with afghanistan and you told lawmakers that the taliban are the aggressors in the conflict that we're seeing today and that they stand in the way of a lasting peace in afghanistan what response did you get. i. didn't get much of a response from the parliamentarians that day but i suppose that's emblematic of the position that the european union and many european states of found themselves in the the structure of the nato mission in afghanistan like many missions elsewhere around the world is that the united states and the security umbrella it provides is really essential to the continuation of the mission and so not just militarily in terms of nato troops but politically as well many european states have felt themselves playing catch up with what the united states decides and how
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it is trying to move forward not only in the u.s. withdrawal but in a scramble of different u.s. efforts to set up some sort of a peace process europe still finds itself i think this week scrambling to sort out and make sense of not only how to continue its mission and support but as we said. to help the afghan government in its continued fight against taliban that is deportee brings me back to you terry the u.s. president mentioned today that the u.s. and its allies have to prepare for the 21st century challenges such as a rising china was bite was he speaking to nato when he said that we know nato was worried about an aggressive russia. well i think that he was trying to justify returning some resources to the united states to turn them in
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another direction because they have decided i mean this is justifying his is conclusion that this war is not winnable and so the united states has spent a fortune on the war in afghanistan and it believes that there are some other challenges that it really does need to turn its attention to but i also wanted to return to the point of the previous guest and point out that that when they're talking when nato is promising to continue funding civil society and helping the afghan government reform those tasks are only possible under the security umbrella that is provided by these troops when they pull out how are you going to protect your embassies how are you going to protect the united nations compound there are a lot of services that will be provided that are now being provided to the afghan government and the afghan people will be severely affected by the pullout of troops even if they're not in a military mission and we've heard today from several people that you may be
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leaving but you're going to come back so look in your crystal ball will the americans will be at some point be forced to return to afghanistan i mean week we contrast it that. the government is collapsing that we will return to full blown civil war in the country probably with foreign spoilers there are a lot of snow players that have a keen interest in what is happening in afghanistan and so the power of vacuum that was once there could easily be fooled again by terror outfits not just the taliban or remnants of al qaeda remnants of the islamic state there could be threats that we don't even know about yet and also i mean just keeping in mind that the very north east of afghanistan is bordering china it brings the big compare. as perceived by the united states also into into the view much more than it might have been in the past do you see that as something that could happen the us president he
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implied today that the challenge could come from china can you imagine the us going back into afghanistan not necessarily defy the taliban but to contain china in the african theater probably not i think the 1st choice would maybe be the south china sea but you cannot rule anything out because right now we just don't know what will happen to afghanistan the likely scenario if you need today is that we would see much more bloodshed and that puts the question to what kind of legacy are we going to leave behind in afghanistan especially for the civilian population that ballots general for the united states many did and nato allies and european partners do you feel like this afghanistan is another vietnam remains to be seen. i sort of dutch that answer for tonight because a lot will depend on like n.g.o.s pointed out on how much diplomatic and financial
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aid will continue to go towards afghanistan how big the leverage will be to really initiate and then keep momentum for a peace process which is really stored at the moment i heard from people in the united states saying we haven't learned the lessons from vietnam is the withdrawal from afghanistan is the proof of their. i think the withdraw from afghanistan though it does tie into lessons learned from vietnam it also is drawing from lessons from the last 20 years itself as sundra just noted that there is a question of legacy here the united states has been deployed in afghanistan longer than anywhere else including its war in vietnam and what we have here seems to be an admission by the biden and ministration that the legacy of u.s. involvement was itself already perhaps not for the better what we heard
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in biden's speech and the remarks of other senior officials is is less about. giving up any hope of being able to provide more for the afghans in the future or to lead to better results either on the battlefield or the peace table and it sounded more like an added knowledge months that that hadn't been accomplished thus far and the question was baghdad if not after 20 years then how much longer. yeah that's the question excellent analysis from all of you sandra peterson here at the big table with me teri schultz in brussels and andrew watkins in new york to all of you thank you. well it's now just $100.00 days until the summer olympic games in tokyo which were postponed from last year due to the pandemic host nation japan itself
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a ceremony to mark the countdown with organizers unveiling the olympic rings at the top of mount. west of tokyo the international olympic committee says the games will go ahead despite concerns about the coronavirus it says it has taken measures such as banning international spectators to prevent any surge in infections organizers are also keen to proceed despite calls to postpone the global of it yet again. at the swimming and diving venue the high tech starting blocks for the tokyo games and the starting gun stand idle as though they were paused after the on your marks set a bit of a starter's commands but 100 days out as the so-called test events continue to iron out possible wrinkles an event organization it appears the olympics are back on line. pandemic precaution will be a priority and only domestic fans will be permitted to attend now but there will be
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competition. and i think he killed each of the arguments in there having discussions you know so personally as much as possible i want the athletes to really feel that we're prepared to host these olympic games in japan i'm. going to go all these discussions here have demonstrated that we are putting safety 1st. not every japanese is happy the olympics are scheduled to go ahead in fact pollsters say 70 to 80 percent believe it's a bad idea to hold the games with the pandemic still raging in the country. even event volunteers at this online training session have concerns. good luck yet again what i'm worried about is what will happen with the new variants and how will they spread you can. the japanese have invested more than
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$15000000000.00 to host the tokyo 2020 olympic and paralympic games as they will still officially be called. but $100.00 days from the opening ceremony when excitement is normally reaching fever pitch cold at 19 and its variants have washed much of that excitement away. it is the liquor of chinese elite and powerful mal thai that famous brand of chinese distilled spirits it is the preferred drink for high powered communist party officials and features regularly in private gatherings and that closeness to the party elite gives the company advantages when it comes to expanding its business interests. follows a chinese journalist who's investigating mail ties alleged violations of the wall. new york will normally expose this crime and corruption cases now the investigative
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journalist is on his way to china's most famous author to be. doing you know you can already smell the alcohol here at. the southern chinese town of multis also the name of the liquor produced here the maltese tillery is china's most valuable company worth more than the country's biggest bank china's political elite is partial to it and us some of the bottles cost several 100 euros you says they are the perfect gift to greeks that we think a judge has corrupt officials prefer multiroom because they only drink the most expensive brands and this alcohol is the most expensive and their love for it lets the prices rise even more jaguars a week there was. a factory takes up large swaths of multi-ton and many more trying to profit from the big name within sight of the state owned giant is the distillery a family business. customers and people in the industry know that there's
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a limit to the production capacity of matai that's where we come in the government lets us follow the lead of the mt i company and profit from them that brings in some wealth to us people here. of what. his company uses the same distilling techniques grain is fermented in earth pits that pits give it a pungent aroma him innocent of soy sauce many people outside of china find hard to swallow. the mashes fermented in a dry state during the distillation process steam passes through the mash and releases the. woolen says the liquor mostly to individuals as well as companies that produce special editions for weddings and company and inverse reasons. intimate relationship between china's communists and the spicy liquor began in the 1930 s. when communist troops hid in the area from their nationalist inverse riis. after
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they came to power they turned the factory into a state owned enterprise so it could provide them with liquor. and gadgets procreated the factory. and the owner who refused to hand over his business was executed. these close links to the ready lead have called whose attention he's been tipped off that multifocal also produces in a neighboring town a violation of the rule was on geographic origin so when he goes to take a look. he finds the company is constructing vast production facilities there. near england and nobody cares what they do here and it's as if the government agencies which should control him don't exist. it's another piece of evidence for the book he is planning to write on china's most
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it's not easy to spot i'm saying one thing and industry is saying another. the great books of the 20th century. present day hoaxes. and who's behind the. news manufacturing ignorance starts may 3rd on d. w. l. and. as our favorite. and therefore cutting out the back to live with. the us at. first but as i walk up and go up from us.
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this is the w. news line from berlin tonight ending america's longest war president biden said september 11th of this year as the deadline for all u.s. troops to leave afghanistan by says the afghans have the right and responsibility to lead their country and that the u.s. withdrawal will be unconditional and final and it's not just the americans who are getting else nato's had been stolen back says the alliance will also withdraw its own troops beginning next month plus the end of one of the original wolves and con men of wall street bernie made all the infamous architect of an epic ponzi scheme
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that burned thousands of investors outfoxed regulators and earns him a 150 year prison term as done at the age of $82.00. i'm bring it off it's good to have you with us it is a date to end the longest war in u.s. history u.s. president joe biden has announced all the american forces will be withdrawn from afghanistan by september 11th speaking at the white house president biden said the troop withdrawal begin on may 1st and be completed before the 20th anniversary of the 911 terror attacks yet if that the withdrawal will be done safely and in full coordination with washington's. one the move will mark the end of a 20 year conflict for the u.s.
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the longest in its history. we cannot continue the cycle of extending or expanding our military presence in afghanistan hoping to create ideal conditions for the drawl and expecting a different result i'm now the 4th united states president to preside over american troop presence in afghanistan 2 republicans 2 democrats i will not pass this responsibility on to a 5th after consulting closely with our allies and partners with our military leaders and intelligence personnel with our diplomats and our development experts with the congress and the vice president as well as with mr ghani and many others around the world i've concluded that it's time to and america's longest war it's time for american troops to have more i want to pull in the john sifton he's asia advocacy director of human rights watch he joins us tonight from new york mr sifton
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is good to have you on the program what does all of this this withdrawal what does it mean for the people of afghanistan. well it's important to emphasize that while a lot of mistakes were made over the last 20 years as of late the united states and nato forces in afghanistan have not been directly directly protecting people against them what they do is protect the government in from military gains from the town and they haven't even really been doing it that well over the last decade so what's going to happen people fear is that the taliban will make further gains on the battlefield and in the areas that they control. will implement policies that are worse for afghans that's the theory but the concept that you know needs to be emphasized here is that it isn't just withdraw in the abstract there are peace negotiations going on as soon as next week and they're going to be for their peace
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negotiations down there so it's very important now for the international community to focus on those issues on the political issues and the military result the military outcome of this is one matter but the political outcome is another and i think it's important now if you want to talk about protecting afghans talk about the political negotiations going forward and what will that mean especially for women in afghanistan you know as well as we do that women have earned very hard won gains in the past 20 years there is fear that there could be completely reversed once the americans and nato forces have left. well again if you only look at it from a military perspective and you predict that the taliban will make for that against an absolutely yes there will be negative further negative impacts for women there already women in hell that is it will be more presumably the taliban made gains but
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that's why it's important for the international community to say to all the parties to tell hand to the republicans in a stand to any other people involved and we are not going to fund this endeavor this government which continues to rely on us that support unless there are guarantees for women and girls and that's how it's going to have to be done because there is no military solution to this conflict and it's been very clear it is now up to the people to go she'd in the future but kynaston to figure out a way to protect women and girls in the best way to do that for the international community is to make it contingent so their continued support and so what you're saying is it's going to be the power of the purse for western countries when it comes to ensuring that women's rights for example are protected once once the military is gone. that's exactly right it's as simple as that i don't
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think the european union and the united states and other donor countries are going to support a taliban dominated coalition government or future other government or any government that detract that. declines when it comes to women and girls rights so that's that's the message that has to be made clear but we also have to remember that we no matter what have to continue. pressing for humanitarian assistance and emergency assistance for this country which is so dependent on outside assistance. we can't just as sad because the taliban is now going to be part of the political system the world needs to walk away that can be the solution. but again it's going to be a very complicated political set of negotiations we don't take a position on iraq and that outcome of the human rights group but we know that whatever happens women and girls rates and all human rights have to be protected
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and the only way to do that is to make sure that it's made clear to the parties that they won't get the support they need in this that. john sifton with human rights watch mr sifton as always we appreciate your time in your insights and i think you may have secretary-general u.n. stoltenberg says alliance forces will also begin withdrawing from afghanistan on may 1st alongside some 3000 u.s. soldiers there are about 7000 nato troops serving in afghanistan here's speaking a short while ago in brussels we have been closely consulting on our presence and off gone the song or the last weeks and months. in the light of the u.s. decision to withdraw all foreign and defense ministers of nato discuss the way forward today i decided that we will start that would draw all of may to receive support mission forces by may 1st. all were drilled on will be
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or coordinate that deliberate free plan to complete the would drop zone for all owed troops within a few months. any tall it on attacks on our troops during this period will be met with a forceful response or from want to go to our very own teri schultz she is at new headquarters in brussels good evening to you terry shortly after president biden's speech today we heard from the nato secretary general that nato forces will also begin leaving the country is so is this withdrawal we're going to see coalition troops and u.s. troops leaving together in tandem is that how we should invasion this yeah that's how it has to go because basically while there are many more american troops in afghanistan now they are dependent on what are called enablers and those are provided by the united states infrastructure air protection
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a lot of capabilities that no other countries to zap us and so basically nato forces other than the u.s. didn't have a choice but to leave when the americans left is there a sense there nato with the americans saying it's time to leave and nato forces also leaving of mission accomplished. i'm not sure that's how people feel we had secretary blinken and secretary austin flanking nato secretary general stolzenberg today and they were asked many questions about how you know up until now there were 3 major conditions the taliban had to meet and they didn't meet them and so why all of a sudden do these conditions no longer matter they didn't have a lot of good answers to that they simply said that we have decided that a longer military presence by the international forces is not going to help the situation and while they maintain that they will continue to support the afghan
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government support civil society support women's rights there's going to be a lot fewer people there to keep an eye on this along with you know not being able to protect the united nations and other bodies that are in there doing that kind of work now the u.s. president in his speech today also said that the u.s. needs to prepare for the challenges of the 21st century and he mentioned china was he speaking to nato there is because we know nato was worried right now about an aggressive russia but it should also be preparing to confront china. well confronting china on a military in a military stance is a lot different than confronting china in other ways and as you know nato has just in the last couple of years started to really put china on the radar of being a strategic competitor and possibly a threat in some ways china has bought up a lot of a lot of really key real estate should we say ports and airports and landing strips in europe and that's something that does worry nato and that's something that it
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will be turning more attention to but i think in pulling out of afghanistan they simply believe that they will now have the resources to put in places that may be a bigger threat and you know may still have a chance of winning. and that was defused teri schultz at nato headquarters in brussels or at least take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world the minnesota police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man named auntie wright has been arrested prosecutors plan to charge kimberly partner with 2nd degree manslaughter she faces of the 10 years in prison if convicted the incident has prompted 3 nights of unrest near the city of minneapolis south korea has condemned neighboring japan's plan to release treated radioactive water from the fukushima nuclear plant in 2 years' time seoul has asked officials to explore possible international litigation against japan but tokyo says disposing of the water into the pacific ocean is safe and essential in order to decommission
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fukushima. at least 20 children were killed in a fire at a primary school in the western african state of new 0 numerous other children were injured most of them were still attending preschool the fire destroyed several classrooms and blocked exits its calls is still unknown authorities have launched an investigation. bertie made off the infamous architect of a ponzi scheme that burned thousands of investors outfoxed regulators and earned him a 150 year prison sentence he died behind bars early on wednesday the former chairman of the nasdaq stock exchange reportedly died of natural causes he had been suffering from chronic kidney failure and several other medical ailments for a number of years here's a look back at one of the biggest wolves of wall street. bernie madoff better known as bernie was so disliked at the time of his trial that he had to wear a bulletproof vest to court every day. the man behind the largest known ponzi
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scheme in history wiped out people's fortunes ruined charities and foundations he defrauded thousands including a host of big name movie stars and even the new york mets baseball team for decades madoff enjoyed an image of a self-made financial guru whose golden touch defied markets operating out of these downtown new york offices he attracted a devoted following of investment clients who trusted him completely he was brilliant at convincing people his schemes was safe. regulatory it's virtually impossible to. win this is something that the public really doesn't. if you read things in the newspaper. you know violate the rule is there always doing this . it's impossible to go on for a violation go on the. period of. those words eventually
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caught up with bernie his investment advisory business was exposed as a fraud in 2008 and in march 2009 madoff pleaded guilty and was convicted on 11 counts for crimes that spanned more than 20 years madoff was forced to leave his 7000000 dollar manhattan penthouse apartment and was taken to prison to serve 150 years behind bars madoff died at the federal medical center in butner north carolina he was 82 years old. there's a sports news in the champions league quarter finals manchester city have beaten dortmund 2 to one to advance to the next round jude belling i'm open the scoring for dortmund after 15 minutes but in the 2nd half riad mara's fired in a penalty for city and still photo netted their 2nd dortmund were the last german team left in the tournament also on wednesday real madrid held at liverpool to
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a goal is draw the result means ryall go through to the semifinals after their win in the 1st leg you're watching the w. news live from berlin rob what's up next with the business news stay with us we'll be right back. i'm sure that it was. going in a certain. degree of luck. until i was front of my dignity 77 percent takes on modern slavery shooting.
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