tv REV Deutsche Welle April 17, 2021 8:30am-9:00am CEST
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also for the electorate. that. read the auto and mobility show. mobility is all about diversity finding the best means of transport for everyone. whether for children and their parents. for car lovers and fans of the gas pedal. what it's for and what it's fiction or for musicians longing for freedom and adventure you can. get the feeling i get a few no like i want a law for it's like. saying join red in search of new forms of mobility. right now.
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i mean i have a bit of a feeling that i can is becoming europe silicon valley. we have all skills and ability to really save the world. and the nice thing about working at i can university is that we can be visionaries we have to miss an. affluent technical university for our w t h scientists are working flat out on a new kind of environmentally friendly mobility. leading the charge is going to shoot a man with big ideas. i would like to save the world my whole team would like to save the world we're already doing it by talking about climate change in the environment not by bans will save the world through innovation.
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going to shoot began his journey in 2010 he started with street scooters then kidded out the german postal service with electric delivery trucks but the automobile industry took little notice of him. his next dream was an electric car that everyone can afford but the big car makers still weren't interested so in 2017 she founded the company eco and built his own factory overnight the scientist became a car maker. ingenue about how many years don't have the privilege of conducting research only with the aim of gaining new insights unlike other disciplines we're obliged to carry out research according to its relevance we take it very seriously here it often university so whatever we dedicate our resources to researching it has to be of use to society. and you also have to be strong enough to fight for.
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things you think will be good for society even if the establishment doesn't want them. to she went ego revolutionize the german automobile market now finally the big car makers have taken notice and responded by bringing out their own budget vehicles. from established companies can't be as innovative as they would actually like to be and they can't take as many risks. they can't design a completely different chassis or use a new space frame concept with the panel if you know. what they actually need harkat rockets like this. which are really agile and push the boundaries. so i see myself as a trailblazer for the established companies. trailblazer success is inspiring his colleagues at aspen university to realize their own ambitions for them he's a pioneer that opens doors for others to go through this with my grandmother who
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would always say you researches are academics you will sit in ivory towers he broke the stereotype he showed that universities can also bring new products to market successfully bring new products to market and we profit from that of course. over 30 years ago it's showing the way for all of the issues surrounding mobility. we have very happy that he is here in our can and that he is helping even if just subconsciously take us all to another level in my opinion without going to shoe and ego we would not have secured the funding for this project and for over. to be as mine actually has an innovative project with its roots in outer space in order to connect the cabin of an electric bass to an overhead cable a highly complex clamping device was developed from satellite technology by passing traffic jams from above that's the vision under the direction of professor. they have come up with a new pope. incept that has really taken off. because it's over it as i am now of
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the opinion that we have found the key to what mobility might look like in the future. because we have solved so many problems by lifting transport above the ground we freed up the space below and can return of the game to the people who came. to me as my notes can call on the help and expertise of the neighboring faculty often university's institute for flight system dynamics. system this is our new flyer we call the big bird it's very big and from an aerodynamic point of view very exciting. it opens up possibilities that we never dreamed of just go upstairs and you can find whatever kind of expert you made. the sky is the limit someone and his team are looking into the future of drones from delivering parcels of medicine to remote regions of the world to gathering and
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delivering important data on injured people every day they are discovering new uses for their unmanned drones. you know debated us is trying to find the right solutions for the future their visions and the nice thing about working at our university is that we can be visionaries we have to the it's part of our job. to build a vision you need to dream team and that's why to be as mine are also calls on going to shoes company ego it's hoped the people mover will be at the center of my notes cable project the small electric buses the latest innovation from going to shoot manufactured right here in austin sharing expertise and pooling resources is proving a recipe for success when you're researching it is important to know how much time i need to clarify whether this technology for this application for these costs is in this combination works here we can do it like this. before you ought to have a bit of a feeling without being arrogant that action is becoming europe silicon valley and
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obviously we want to help contribute to walk and showing the way for your. role models or steve jobs in iran musk musk. if you are in the heart of gold today we are proud to say that apart from tesla we are the only ones in the western hemisphere out of all those startups who have actually produced a roadworthy car for a book review of the fossil record mom and now they're shifting up a gear the people mover has made the cut and is slated to become the star of the cable bus project and it will be driverless for that reason to be as mine it is meeting with his colleagues from the institute for automotive engineering at awesome university they're at the forefront of research into autonomy striving. the researchers are testing the concept in one of the most modern simulators in the world. here they're looking into how the movements of a driverless bus impact the senses of its passengers.
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this prototype called speedy has already passed through the simulation process kit it out with the latest technology it aims to provide a driving experience for the future. just as a team will be a. coach . it's about improving mobility not restricting it and making it environmentally friendly my job is not only to make that happen but to try it out and to test it with my young team so that they are excited about this journey and then want to pursue with their whole lives. i want to do you know how many people i've helped pass through here over 350 students have completed their doctorate with me to now carry this d.n.a. around with them in your view how they say we have the skills and ability to really
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save the world it won't be saved by banning things but through innovation. in technical university pushing the boundaries of both minds and machines. what is truth what is fiction who can you believe a rich car tester maybe we live in a world where reality and fantasy forest close together as never before i'm going to show you some of the incredible features of the car but please bear in mind not everything you're going to see is real it's for you to judge what is fair and what is fiction my name is not on the brinks of what you're about to see years beyond belief.
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2 and a half liter engine delivers 294 kilowatts 400 horsepower and even more torque 480 and you can meters that's impressive. it was no freeview arias q 3 could make the dash from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in 4.5 seconds another thing you probably didn't know about the audi hour askew 3 is it has the ability to change its color depending on the weather and the temperature outside the color changes gets lighter it gets darker i think that's a really cool feature. one thing you probably didn't know about me is i can steer the car without using my hands i am somewhat of a psychic and i use spy in mind to choose where the car should go.
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this is cool isn't there. another being the already can do is by the time. it gets really really silent while driving almost like an electric car and you won't notice when it's approaching. responsible for getting the power on to the. 7 speeds do a clutch transmission and you don't even notice it's shifting. the thing that really surprised me when i learned about the audi is it is somewhat of a shape shifter by the press of the r s mode but it changes it's so it gets more aerodynamic and then you can put the pedal to the battle really cool thanks.
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that's all time is quickly running out let me sum up which of the facts you heard today were real and which were made up by me the 1st claim i made was about the 400 horsepower 480 new meters of this car you probably think that's way too much but no this is what the car has on the hood my next claim was that the audi can go super silent let me tell you he can't especially not with the optional exhaust system what about the color changing ability of the audi depending on the weather. you think this is not true then you're right the audi can't but let me tell you such pains exist but you just don't get them at audie's another claim i made was i am able to drive the car with just my thoughts of course i can and the audi on the
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other hand he can drive alone as long as the driver stood there and alert when i was talking to you about 7 speech to a clutch transmission you probably thought he speaks. generating but i was not this is exactly what you can find on that little last but not least i told you that the r.s. q 3 could change its shape by the press of a button of course accounts but that's only half the truth because this car is available either as our askew 3 in regular or as we drove it in a sport. now that we've cleared all that up we can check out the pros and cons of the r.'s q 3 while a manual goes for a spin around a frozen lake and enjoys it stripping capabilities and in case anyone is not put off by the cars rather poor eco performance prices for the audi r s q 3 started around $63500.00 euros that is a fact. schools
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out in berlin the kids can't wait to try out their new wheels. this is what's going to continue to stand including one path to disclose to nicholas if and how the family gave him for being called a palm family. a couple of years ago the school run here was dominated by cain who's willing those sure rons alhambra us into iraq. now parents are trading in the family chariots in favor of trendy family friendly s.u.v.s these meet real people movers are redefining the market as we sit on the cusp of the post gasoline e. one seen as a nisha excess are in for off road posers the sports utility vehicle is now dominating the day to day. but the s.u.v. is also moving with the times some are going electric and 4 wheel drive is increasingly only an optional extra and it's getting smaller too so small that even
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cars like the polo or twingo are feeling the pinch our 5 models are top sellers in germany are on the small side as far as s.u.v.s go but that doesn't mean that space is limited take the volvo x e 40 for. example the swedes are proud of this car and want to fly the flag like all volvo's the styling is restrained maybe even subdued but it's proving popular. the interior is simple and up to date thick carpets lined the door wells and panels feature a map of gotham berg the home of. volvo's have always played up their compact size at least in american terms as the set from the 1970 s. shows. which we do face to carry the kid for our groceries but that doesn't mean we have to lug around a lot of time and enough space in a volvo wagon to fill who are fridge raters full of groceries yet the home away again is easy to park and maneuvers above 0 sedan because you think that leader
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saying fact i. know you want to get mobilized if we can even get out of the parking or. the volvo has been around the block a few times like the fia $500.00 x. it's a throwback to the good old days. but it has brought the famous chink which ain't there from the 1960 s. bang up to date. so be a but you're not it is not us together better to. get out of the party then let's go to. the. doc he spots a bit but the. feet. it could be not that it's you and. 500 shares many components with the jeep renegade the platform and the engines are the
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same they're even made on the same production line in milf in south italy. but the g. feels like its own car. one of a kind. and 4 wheel drive is an optional extra. say. next you immediately think of off road adventures but keep on dreaming. the car is derived from the merida meaning it's an s.u.v. the soul of a minivan it's one of the 1st models to appear from under the new owner's p.s.a. . a cargo hole in tradition dating back to the 1950 s. in germany back then there mover was called the caravan and was intended purely for commercial use no one imagined using it privately. kona will do anything to stand out from the crowd the headlights flank the front
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grill tough plastics inspire the driver to explore the great outdoors. so this model also comes with 4 wheel drive. on the inside. with easy to use control. this u.v.'s have a high loading lid a downside of all cars in this section to get a season view we spoke to helmet law company classical music site the vote. it's a massive collection of vintage and classic cars hellmuth is skeptical of all the buzz around s.u.v.s but he says it's surprisingly good for his business view most closely to him. as a dealers in classic cars or you're getting a lot of people coming to us and using it's you things as they every day cars but then they say oh i like the look of these days old cab relays for more today everyone talks about the different design concept so much look at this it's an s.u.v. that is a station wagon and that is
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a birthright but inside these statements stand out designs are really lacking for me. let's check back in with the kids mom demanded normally drives the little ones around in a folks not invent but today she's trying out the volvo x c 4 how does it compare. so if it is. one of the. only scrubs i understand that goes out and qantas understand us again the nerves. have distilled down. to. one. and look. well as s.u.v. really stands for sport utility vehicle we also want to see how sporty our 5 test cars are time to put them through their paces on the slalom course. with all of
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their on board driving age they're a safe is for tops. their stability control systems intervene if things get out of hand. the volvo is a bit of a scare you can get just a little bit out of shape and their seat belt poles tight. s.u.v.s aren't known for their engaging driving. experience if you're looking for real drivers car it would have to be the human does with its low center of gravity and punchy $130.00 kilowatt gasoline engine it's the most fun here. in jeep squeeze a kilowatt out of their one liter engines a lively 3 cylinder unit likes to be revved. time for the verdict while the renegade seems a bit of a beast with its high seating position and bulging hood the feel 500 x. makes better use of its space. it's not any smaller than the jeep but it doesn't
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feel such a handful. the all around abilities of the opal grand lennix really come to the forefront h 2 leader diesel engine puts out 130 kilometers that combined with its 8 speed automatic gearbox mean there's always power when you need it. the chassis also doesn't disappoint it's the perfect all rounder. it all comes down to what floats your boat there's something for everyone in the s.u.v. segment from the volvo exceed 40 which in top trim is pushing nearly $60000.00 euros to the $500.00 x. which can be yours for merely 20000. for the little one there can only be one winner.
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for me. when you need a holiday but still have work to do just do it the boxes are way fall. you just finished the album and we want to go on holiday for the record label said no you need to get it through your video prep 1st it just went to us out of this with the money of the label with the money. over to somebody else pays the bill paying. not just any old time a light blue. raises the temperature in that video. and that's why we got an old timer to take the balancing us. on a road trip. we didn't find a fault in palin we got this special from 9066 once license in front
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of a state of the automatic power steering and 6 cylinder engine. to tell me they wanted an old cars with character their video. was the only old time all months are ok however driving around wasn't as comfortable as driving all of dodge. we almost had accidents and a few for you but the ct you know the old one cuz the steering wheel it only responded like sometimes so sometimes you would just go off the road and you couldn't do anything about it so what happened i drove really slowly we just got lucky but that one had an aerobatic actually it was like the stomach of a cow that got blown up. why didn't you put that in your video anyway phoebus delete saying. to me it describes the feeling you get when you've
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got too much going on and just want to escape the voice don't agree with me. get if you are going to be positive or negative you know like a lot for it's like. saying it's actually about a girl i don't really like because it's like but then sometimes i do like her you know i tend to fall for her and it's like that contradiction just cut to another contradiction is to dry. no time out while that's raised awareness on climate change after this interview it's on me to. point out picked out for this cause you asked me if i cared about climate hell well you do you care about climate actually with it one eco trip we call it and it was to berlin in the summer to play a festival but we took a train but i missed the train so i took to. the. turing often feels like a road trip the band tells me and that it can get quite boring just like in months
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or ot where they shot one scene over and over again during the afternoon they always trust us like you guys should talk but we were like we've been in the studio for a couple of months so we didn't have anything to talk about and much so we talked about napkins all of the time. so when we recreated the scene in valinor into action he told me he prefers cock some kids. well keep on moving and see you next week on rab.
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they want to race. you know water is never far away. water and will and what the people of all the book made of it that's going to be the coming beam for my tour of the city today and it's always have a lot on my list and no tour would be complete without a trip to oaks books free news marionette theater chicken. in
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30 minutes on jet blue. emergency clean cook clean a. cio engineering. climate system intervention. researchers. working on radical new ideas. who are who bring. fine tuning the claims. in 75 cities home to. how does a virus spread. why do we panic and when we'll all miss them. just 3 of the topics covered and the weekly radio. if you would like and new information on the coronavirus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us
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and dot com slash science. we have important news. smoking news healthy. post decides are good for the beams global warming doesn't exist. don't believe those. will not. yes. you have a great in my mind. the industry is controlling your thoughts there are times seeking. it's not easy to spot i'm saying one thing and history is saying another. the great bluffs of the 20th century. present day hoaxes. and who's behind
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the. news manufacturing ignorance starts may 3rd on d w. you're watching you give you news live from berlin honoring a life of public service. britain prepares for the funeral of prince philip so late husband of queen elizabeth will be laid to rest this afternoon in a small private ceremony at windsor castle also coming up a cry for help from germany's intensive care workers rising coronavirus cases.
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