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tv   Arts.21  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2021 9:30am-10:01am CEST

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so you never do it again the 2nd crisis. in flint sponte w. w's crime fighters are back again to africa's most successful radio drama series continues to end up all of us odes are available online course you can share and discuss on w africa's facebook page and other social media platforms crime fighter to me now. than.
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i was this christmas it's because this profession gives you such tremendous feelings of happiness it carries you from one way of energy to the next. oh. yeah. naples seen so much when she 20 looked old chevy to carefree idleness almost completely mask after a devastating spring coronavirus infections have decreased significantly the telly ins a getting out and about again. i'm on my way to meet your last come from one of the best 10 years in the whoa. some say the best we meeting at the opera house here in
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naples. was for the e.c. ok but 1st he needs a fresh shirt it's 36 degrees celsius outside oh oh. humans are they say opera was invented here is that funny combination of theater and music. music you know or yeah this is this is the done and said he barks and that's the real cd box they all received their own seats for performance it was fitted with a good bottle. of water is australia. was . probably the most sought after tenor in the world today and you've come down from they smelled to limp as of singing to talk to us here in naples in the beautiful
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tetris on carlo maybe mount a limp is a bit of a cliche do you feel at home here since it evoked so how was a. and what matters in your career is how long you stay at the top if that's not whether you get there sooner or later. the quicker you are sent to the faster your descent and the less solid your footing and foundation a far less experience you collect on the way. or the more slowly you rise to the top the more you know how to appreciate what you find there before and if you make that climb more slowly you get to sniff that mountain air and see how strong the headwinds are out there and doesn't let him know all that really helps make you feel at home up there don't build a house for holes or to for. i think. dean at the pinnacle for quite some time on these lonely heights how does it feel is it permanent at least. yeah it has its downsides for sure because you also have to
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deliver this it's not like you can rest on your laurels and get whatever you will do will sell so to speak people will just i had all felt as if that's not how it works. but that's all peanuts compared to the opportunities you have peanuts in things that's. in the mouth. i. think he's singing for you know like joel hard work event to help and if i were to
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say that everything's so effortless you hardly even notice it i'd be lying if. i was that enjoyed it this music in parts has the tendency to make the audience think that you know even you of the singer think it's all happening without any effort at all. but the moment you stop for a breathers of off you realize just how much it takes out of you a worn out you are. that's when you notice how strenuous it really helps you feel i'm staying at this i can still face but because this profession gives you such tremendous feelings of happiness it carries you from one wave of energy to the next and you get to feeling everything just happens effortlessly on top this but there are worse things. you are not even a young as caliph man didn't come into the world a fully fledged tena how did you build that relationship with your voice when did
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you find your voice and think that the hey i can do something with this i mean come on boss man that's he said i know it's like entering into an arranged marriage. and it's an instrument that i can't leave it on no matter where i go day or night you know bed whenever i always have it with me and i have to take into consideration to some extent his name. but it's very important to still live your life to take joy in daily life even though you're always carrying your voice with you so to speak otherwise you can't play the characters on stage that you want to because you don't know yourself what life is about. sleeping highs. your nurse kathman grew up in a pretty regular family his father worked for an insurance company his mother was a kindergarten teacher they weren't musicians but they did love music coffman became interested in singing at an early age and later studied in munich a global career wasn't really on the cards. as a student he was
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a happy go lucky guy he had a 1000 different interests sports and cooking and of course music and technique and so on. he wasn't an extraordinarily diligent or industrious student in other words . his 1st engagements were in sabra can shoot got and heidelberg early on health money embodied the operatic hero and was also idolized in real life. at the zoo or a corporate house from 2001 to 2009 formative. his work began to take him around the world melana new york london. and to the big festivals including the iconic by with lohengrin. am. was.
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and to salzburg of course with the daily oh you want to come from and took on the great tenor roles and was internationally celebrated. feat so he's incredibly versatile in terms of his repertoire. few singers are as adept in german french and italian repartee. and whether it's opera or leader he's just as versatile stylistically confident and musically vivacious in everything he does. who else. is good to finish school or common of us vietnam there's so many levels to pass through to arrive at what we call singing. and at the end of the day and that's the essence of it the singing has to become 2nd nature it has to be one of those things we do without giving it
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a 2nd thought face we speak without thinking about it we breathe without giving it any thought of singing as to become equally automatic but this was a good also and when it does you have the freedom to go on stage and without thinking about technique you just interpret and inhabit the road. it's early evening in naples final preparations for the opening a concert are underway naples music lovers gather on the square near the tay actress son carlo. you know stuff money's backstage kind of the last chat with friends and colleagues before the performance. it's one of the signature roles the egyptian commander rather miss from aida. her.
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comes. thank. you but what a performance how was it for you here. really hot it was so hot performing up to be honest i just i guess we got into it and at the end we just drank and sweat and drank and sweat it was pretty i mean like a visit to the sauna and they operate the same time ah you know because i still feel swept away due to you in new york or you just lost your lover you died yourself. what. makes the next week another will come along. that's just the
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way it is i'm incredibly into it incredibly involved emotionally but view the moment it's over it's over and it was 5 years for. just one more. about what happens if singing is no longer possible ready experienced a situation where you had to take a break for several months because your voice needed a rest how did you deal with that on why did you worry that you'd have to stop that your voice would never come back to me and hearing this is need i'm for clubbish it's never easy to overcome a vocal crisis or vocal difficulties unscathed especially unscathed at the psychological are that. because you're so deeply connected to your voice. and because you need a huge amount of confidence to be able to draw on your voice in front of thousands of spectators in tight in the moment you lose trust in your voice when it becomes
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very difficult to stay relaxed and you perform with easy ocean view they. want a militia. and this is very unpleasant but because you want to sing out this closet practically promised your fans you would. mind my love performing i love being in front of an audience or that makes it all the more frustrating when you have to wait out but you also know that if you're patient sooner or later you will be able to perform again and it would you'll have your voice back just as before coming on hobbit installment want to follow that. as the old eunice caliph money again on stage after the vocal crisis looking out as i remember that i sang that 1st performance as i always say with the handbrake on that's how you took $2.00 or 3 performances before i had my confidence down thank goodness knock on wood or as the italians say talk of pharaoh it's working just fine again from today
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it's not try i only. try time. i. know you're going to try to. avoid dish was a cold us wish. was here. wasn't enough. for you just was it was. oprah is often such great drama and you also a kind of drama queen in your personal life and i've been labelled calvinist as is this course of the comedy i wouldn't say that i love drama. i like to have time for myself and often i find myself running late because i still had something to do
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here or there somewhere or another. able to switch between my professional and private life very easily enough to. assume as a performance is over i feel totally free and that helps me come down from the high born of all this and say that of all the opera singers i'm one of the less complicated once i did open sing on the skipped. this is also hell his friend unfoldment teach a helmet do each sees it is a pianist and professor who's known caliph month fullest 30 years. as i've often admired him he has incredible discipline. he's invited by friends who've bought a really rare and excellent wine just for him he'll apologize and say that he can't drink because he's singing the next day. and he really won't.
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be someone who when he has a certain job to do it will stick by the rules he set for himself no matter what temptation might come along the way that's crucial if you want a career like his. good opera is considered elitist some say why put so much into opera when we have a climate catastrophe the pandemic and war why do we need opera. you know i think of us to go. well i wouldn't say that it's more important than putting bread on the table it. is elitist it does cost a lot of money. it's not a form of art it's created one segment is available forever and you know like the visual arts. at the same time it's such a fascinating art form. otherwise it wouldn't have lasted over the centuries. and allows you to dream yourself into a whole nother world was the music has an emotional impact or and that's
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something really fascinating and moving it was there for us in the end isn't this what i'm. going to specially in today's society which is rather call life focused on achievement but in profit. and very banal forms of recreation. if you even want to call it that. i defend opera because like so many others i've been fired up by a passion and a fascination for the beauty of this are. you sure. i love. it's so much that i can't imagine a world without that kind of aid or does he it's ok so i can fish i might have a class there or theme little dramas along the way like in midland at les carlos the way you sang nessun dorma and somehow it didn't go to plan a clapped out there. was
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. i as this one city still does well we're all only human and not machines. of a whole i know for myself that i can't always everywhere be at the very top of my game both physically and mentally. or even when i am completely focused i can get mixed up or be distracted for a couple of seconds but have something else on my mind. and suddenly i realize the wrong words are coming out of my mouth told not not in touch and texts indicating. i
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feel. i. 7 7 was i. thought i could hear my thoughts sometimes i ask myself how you do it doesn't it get boring at some point to perform the same roles at the same places acting as though it's all new well maybe it really does feel that way noir belva it's been gorgeous and if it's a guns i feel i've sung in more than 42. opera's altogether. at the moment there are about 15 or 20 in my repertoire coleman's inspiration. of course if you're always doing the same things with the same colleagues under the same circumstances it can become rather routine if. the experience of everything being new and exciting can turn into the nightmare of everything being always the same. but i'm
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very lucky because i do get to enjoy a lot of variety in what i say. was. my. time was. your own younus kalf meant to be quieter and outgoing for example if the rehearsal isn't going the way he wants but this is the same man who can perform the final scene of common in a way where you think all he has to do is perform he doesn't even have to sing and it would still be wonderful. but i think that's part of who he is that enormous temperament he. was.
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was. really happens in our if you experience the coronavirus this time of in full silence. it's been a tradition that your vision is it of course i was in a very fortunate situation. i don't always have a house but when i lived there with my family we have a big garden. so having to stay at home really felt like a holiday fruit. shop that's right and i'm also doubly fortunate in that i've had another baby my baby with my 2nd wife which is
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a wonderful addition to our family. so this time of turning my focus inward this and it forced contemplation because it also had a very positive side for me. but many of my colleagues in different fields have been hit very hard by this forced down time want to and they're still suffering its impact on the want to live they are going to get disproportionately hard in this entire situation we found ourselves in these income. for your loss comes money and hellmuth deutsch and in 1st break during the pandemic provided time to finally do some recording. or our lease is the 1st album 90 down but however enjoyable a project shared between 2 old friends a studio recording contra place a live performance. there and slowly the return to the stage finally came in vienna in the full
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despite rising infection rates in the city having been declared a risk area. held his 1st opera appearance since the coronavirus outbreak very nice don't carlos at the vienna state opera. i. was. one has a special relationship with the austrian capital and he's just recorded an album in
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vienna this seems that just as he does the us he enters a city i've grown to live. there's no other place in the world where more composers are left and there's so much music about the city but these are still has its positive and its negative sides so much as we laugh and joke about it we're sarcastic about it but in the end it's clear that everyone loves this city and many have paid tribute to it already in so many different arias and melodies so i picked a few of them the hypothetical and also i could offer. was. i was. it was. i was. was. i a low.
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was i. was. let's go up to the pinnacle i one more time and in the saying i'll ignore the pits of operatic tennis how long do you hope to stay up there in the hay yet. i have come to realize how much i enjoy just living my life. and during this time under the coronavirus act if i have also seen how many lovely things there. you can spend your time doing. so perhaps i will end up performing less each seasons it was raining but i'm far from saying that i'm going to stop altogether. white stuff and i do think that there will come a time when i leave the stage but that's a good way in the future when i does it for the next 10 years at least i imagine
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i'll continue along the same course. and then i might end up doing something else for a few years intentionally i will quit. because i can't imagine being on stage until i'm 90. and it's inevitable at some point if i'm calm to continuing on would only serve to undo everything you've accomplished over the us i start fresh beauty but also be sad because you'd show that you didn't know any other kind of life but the stage yet that's my kind i don't want that to be said of me and on. your own thanks very much they have you're very welcome. i'm your man. yeah. yeah yeah. ok. i was told. now it's finally time for an italian dinner as the sun
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goes down over naples. you. gold a bit of lightheartedness hurdling times. you could say oh god. oh. my. gosh.
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the from a. good . $10.00 trip. the drug fentanyl is easy to get but it's also highly addictive and in many cases even deadly. those affected by it can be found on the streets of vancouver the victim's family the dealers for my bro and the survivors will
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never do it again the sentiment of crisis. 50 on d w. i i was robbed of my dignity 77 percent jakes on modern slavery shutting the light on the feet of men in a journey and women in the middle being obscene that's what men where trade. on the saucepans of prostitution their stories told her it was you forced me into 677 percent. and 90 minutes on d w. 1986 . it's their story their very own personal trauma.
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the people who survived the catastrophe remember. and they share private footage with us that has never been seen before. in chernobyl starts people 20 minutes on d.w. . we have important news. smoking news healthy post decides are good for the b.b.c. global warming doesn't exist. don't believe us well not yet completed you have read my mind. industry is controlling your thoughts here are 10 silly. e-mail scientists it's not easy to spot. the great bluffs of the 20th century. present day hoaxes.
10:00 am
and who's behind the. manufacturing ignorance starts may 3rd on d w. you're watching deja vue news live from berlin honoring lives lost to the pandemic. german . it's holding morial services today for the nearly 80000 people who've died from covert 19 was the country firmly in the grip of a 3rd wave that toll is mounting every day also coming up.
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britain's prince phillip is laid to rest close family and friends join queen elizabeth at windsor castle near london in a socially distance.


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