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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 18, 2021 10:00am-10:15am CEST

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you're watching to give you news live from berlin honoring lives lost to the pandemic germany is holding morial services today for the nearly 80000 people who've died from cope and 19 as the country firmly in the grip of a 3rd wave that toll is mounting every day also coming up. britain's prince phillip is laid to rest close family and friends join queen elizabeth at windsor castle near london in a socially distance funeral service. and in the bundesliga fire nick
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brushed aside bowls bird but coach hansie flick drops a bombshell announcing he wants to leave the club. next by sir welcome to the program. germany is honoring those lost to the coronavirus today top officials including german chancellor angela merkel and president frank walter steinmeier are gathering in berlin for the ceremony tens of thousands of people have had to say a premature goodbye to their loved ones those who died often did so alone with relatives kept away by coronavirus restrictions old age homes were especially hard hit by the pandemic a senior citizens and caregivers were unable to protect themselves even as vaccinations increased in germany today's events are meant to provide
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a moment to reflect on the 79914 who have died since the pandemic hit the country. that keeps memories of his mother and not to a life in this photo album. my mother was a person who liked to be around others who like to be with friends like to socialize. if she hadn't caught the virus the nearly 80 year old would probably still be a life like a god who was also a victim of the pandemic when we thought all was good sergeant my mother was an exceptionally strong person who put a lot of energy into the family and also kept the family together. she was the heart and soul of the family for everyone and it was. the 93 year what was fighting fit before she was transferred to disc clinic after catching the virus in the care facility where she lived but her son doesn't blame anyone for her death. we had
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just spent those beautiful summer months when you know you had the feeling that life could go back to normal. so i can't blame anyone kind of for. what he looking back knowing what i do today they could perhaps have stricter measures and play it wasn't easy to start. the months before his mother and not his death were particularly difficult for death to few cops she was in a retirement home because she suffered from dementia and due to a strict lockdown in spring no one was allowed to see her for months that's why. it was difficult because my mother couldn't be reached by telephone due to her dementia she often didn't respond to phone calls of telephone so those 3 months were very hard for us relatives so i thought it tied.
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in the some a dead letter jack ups was finally able to see his mother again but then she was infected with the virus and had to be quarantined when her situation worsened and her children desperately wanted to visit her it was too late. during the pandemic many people like her passed away in extremely lonely circumstances. son could not be with her when she died that's why i'm i'm fine in my case it wasn't possible because i have a sick family member at home might have to protect i was very concerned that i might bring the virus home with me i couldn't do. enough to jack ups was a florist and always very close to nature she wanted to be buried in the forest thankfully that was able to grant his mother her last wish. her course so many stories like that in our political correspondent had spread in berlin city center outside the cars or vilhelm memorial church where service for
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the victims of covert 19 is underway now and as we've been saying around 80000 people almost 80000 now have died across germany how is the country remembering the victims today. well the day starts with this memorial service in the church just behind me where the chancellor angela merkel the president funk and various other top leaders of germany have just arrived for the service it's going to be a religious service conducted mainly in a christian manner about they are also muslim and jewish religious leaders who are participating in this and after the religious service the people will move from here to another position in central berlin where the official state memorial will take place where also some relatives of certain victims will be participating that will be later in about 3 hours' time. but this is of course
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a day of mourning but of course many people are also asking questions how did germany and up with these high numbers of infections and death when it had so well managed in previous waves of the pandemic compared to other countries. i think one has to say that in comparison to other countries in europe germany has still done reasonably well but of course 80000 deaths is a shocking shockingly high number here in germany and part of the reason is that there has been very little consensus among the various regional leaders in germany on how to find this epidemic and how to impose lockdowns what restrictions are reasonable and what restrictions are not reasonable they have never really been properly locked on as in germany has never been a curfew except in various regional centers so there's been very a lot of dispute about how to find and one has to say the more infectious. than the variance of the virus especially the british variant have caused
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a lot more infections than one had expected previously and of course a lot of people that have become very very sick. and it has what are the chances of there being the short end shart sharp lock down that anglo merkel has said she's wanted but been able to sort of achieve for weeks now. yes she's been pushing for about in fact. possible that a law will be pasta in the coming week that should make those possible but again not to we'll need some sort of agreement from the leaders of these 16 federal states and then again i'm not really agreeing on what kind of lock on should be imposed what kind of measures are necessary and especially a curfew a 9 time coup for you which is something that's been pushing for that's something the regional leaders are refusing to accept at the moment so it's possible that they will be locked on measures agreed to but a coup through seems unlikely to be agreed to all right thank you for that detail
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abuse political correspondent handsome brant reporting for us from outside the kaiser vilhelm morial church in berlin where service recovered $1000.00 victims is currently under way. and will of course be bringing you more coverage of that service to commemorate germany's coated 19 victims throughout the day here on t.v. . let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. scientists say one of the world's largest icebergs has melted away the so-called a 68 iceberg had a surface area of nearly 6000 square kilometers and weighed approximately 1000000000 tons after it broke away from that article in 2017 but satellites show the formation is virtually gone now broken into countless small fragments. the czech republic has announced it is expelling 18 russian diplomats the move comes over suspicions that russian intelligence services were involved in an
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explosion at an ammunition depot in 2014 that killed 2 people moscow in turn has accused prague of engaging in tricks as it calls them and says there will be diplomatic consequences. doctors for jailed russian descent alexander valley say he could be close to death based on medical tests received from his representatives the 44 year old is on hunger strike he says authorities aren't letting his doctors treat him for back pain and numbness in his legs. prince philip queen elizabeth's husband for more than 7 decades has been laid to rest he died last week at the age of 99 the ceremony took place under strict social distancing rules at windsor castle near london the prince himself helped plan the funeral and reflected his lifelong ties with the armed forces. a funeral for a man who gave almost a century of service to his country and to solve room. for
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loops coffin was carried to st george's chapel in windsor castle draped by his personal standards and adorned with his naval cap and sword. only 30 close friends and family members could attend to 2 coronavirus restrictions . it was philip's devotion to service the provider to theme to the funeral ceremony . we have been inspired by his on wavering loyalty to our queen. by his service to the nation and the commonwealth. by his courage fortitude and face. listening to the service with their head bowed the widowed british monarch queen elizabeth the 2nd the ceremony was steeped in military tradition in line with prince philip's personal instructions and included
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a rendition of the last post sounded by buglers from the royal marines and humanise he. that i am. members of the public had been asked not to gather outside windsor castle but many felt the need to be there and pay their respects. i think everyone straining over it some but today. yeah so you should be sadly missed you know since he's died we've only still come to terms with what an amazing person he really was because we're hearing all these stories about the things that he did in the people that he influenced i've been absolutely amazed with the extraordinary number of things that he was involved in. it really the amount of work that he put in but he always had that little bit of a sparkle didn't he. inside the chapel the queen looked on as philip's coffin was
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lowered into the crypt and he's. in the heavenly jerusalem. and then a roaring funeral like no other drew to a close reduced in scale due to the coronavirus but an exceptional tribute to a long life of military and public service. very moving pictures there from windsor outside of london and we turn to sports some big news now from the been this leak out where byron munich beat berg but the champions coach hansie flick shocked fans after the match by saying he wants to leave at the end of the season flick has enjoyed a successful 18 months with the club winning 6 trophies including last summer's champions league but reports of
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a rift between flick and byron sporting director have persisted now flick has confirmed that he wants to be released from his contract which could set him up to take the role of german national coach. flick said he told his players before the match that he wanted to go but that didn't seem to affect their form as they disposed of a stubborn will spark side. of the light cigs goalless draw on friday by own players knew a win involved would significantly boost their title chances and they already knew of coach on the flicks designed to leave the club. on the quarter hour mark 18 year old jamal opened the scoring for the visitors. cohen castillo's not covering himself in glory as the youngsters effets slipped by him and eventually crossed the goal line. cast ales then again made things easier than they should be palming the bulls straight into the path of striker erik max into
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promoting as brian where once more for the time and space while attacking down their left flank. hit back through leading scorer of very cool steve who was set up by the ever lively zaba shrug of his 19th of the season but just 2 minutes later cialis sealed his brace to put by and 3 want to head. thomas miller it was a 17th assist of the season but it was not a routine victory in the 2nd half by an took left foot off the gas and the hosts revved up shortening the lead through maximillian philip far too easily for manuel neuer as liking. the wolves have the better chances but couldn't make up for their keepers 1st off mistakes by an hour now 7 points clear at the top of the table as holmes a flake kicks off what looks like his farewell tour by ending full sporks unbeaten
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home record. and you're watching deja vue news up next our documentary $10.00 death trip inside the fence until crisis don't forget you can get all the latest news and headlines and website the state of utah caught on exposure thanks for watching. and you hear me now here's we're going to do in the past years gentlemen sauce and i want to bring you an angle a man called and you've never had to have surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical really what moves and want. to talk to people and follow along the way maurice and critics alike join us from ethel's la stuffs.


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