tv Kulturzeit Deutsche Welle April 23, 2021 6:30pm-7:00pm CEST
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300 people are seeking. answers. because no one should have to flee. make up your own mind. w. . for minds. this is the news coming up in the desperate fight against corporate banking. on the phones losing their fight every day indios funeral services go into overdrive to cope with the devastating 2nd wave that strikes the country's health infrastructure to breaking point. and finding a way out of the me and prices. as i said to me 2000 didn't show up over the weekend so what can we really expect. as.
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i'm british manager welcome to news. india is experiencing its most serious health crisis in yaz patients sick over 19 are struggling to get hospital beds drugs and treatment supplies of medical oxygen are running no and hospitals in the capital delhi and elsewhere are issuing regular appeals for supplies it's a human catastrophe with many causes a more infectious vitamin variant supposed to events like election rallies and religious festivals and complacency the result is evident in india as burial grounds and crime authority. the funeral pyres are burning nonstop in delhi as the city grapples with the coronavirus
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crime atory are working around the clock at 100 percent capacity. a makeshift facilities have been set up in places like door car parks to cope. children who were 5 years old 15 years old 25 years old i've been cremated newlyweds i've been cremated my heart filled with so much grief seeing such small children so many small children dying from the coronavirus or from the tradition of a survivor. workers say the deaths already far i've number the peak of the 1st wave last year and with new infections breaking daily record the situation certain to get even worse relatives are often forced to search for hours for a space to criminal their loved ones.
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adding to the suffering a myth their bereavement. in many other parts of india funeral services are also struggling with the rapidly growing death toll. even if it is night and even try to finish the last by the father day because you know much of you still keep the body full that is the reason if you want to finish although then go home. across the country the virus is making its impact felt leaving behind stories of grief. and you can find all the latest developing over 1000 situation in india on our website at. myanmar's one time leader senior general min on theone who deposed the country's elected government by force is expected to be in jakarta on saturday for a special meeting the 10 member regional grouping is gathering to consider ways to
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restore peace in myanmar the general's attendance has been questioned by human rights groups who say any participation by the hunter legit allies is quote the genocidal slaughter being committed by the military regime activists say more than 700 people have died in the military and police crackdown on protesters demanding out of town to democracy in myanmar u.n. secretary general antonio good turner says arcee on has a crucial role to play to end the crisis a crisis which plays out on the streets of the country every day. they still have to leave in the en mass democracy. crushing the 3 finger salute a symbol of resistance citizens have been protesting since the february 1st coup. but the demonstrations have often been met with lethal force. it's
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a crisis that looms over the region and the united nations hopes this weekend as the a meeting could help bring a resolution. as in his role as mark crucial than ever as the region face is an urgent crisis in myanmar i urge regional actors to leverage that influence the brilliant further deterioration and ultimately find the peaceful way out of this catastrophe but so far the response from the regional actors has been divided. indonesia has taken on an active role it says it has been pursuing a solution for dialogue and is hosting the meeting. jakarta also sent its foreign minister to thailand for the 1st international face to face with the junta government after the coup. yes if he and well even if i conveyed that the safety and well being of the people of myanmar is the number
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one priority. we asked all parties to exercise restraint and not use violence to avoid casualties and bloodshed at. malaysia singapore and the philippines have also voiced similar concerns others such as cambodia a more reserved leader huntsman has refused to comment on the situation in myanmar saying it's an internal affair. and then there is thailand despite feeling what it called gravely troubled by the casualties of the crisis the country has been criticized for turning refugees away. we have spoken to those who entered thailand and asked them if they had any problems in their area if they say they had no problem we just asked them to return we ask we did not use any force. similar criticism has also hit india
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a nonmember of ours in but a close neighbor of myanmar. it field is north eastern border after a steady stream of people who try to flee into the state of missouri. according to you and at least 250000 people have already been displaced by the junta's crackdown this year. evonne luxman are is a political scientist and senior researcher of the center for strategic and international studies in jakarta and joins me from their welcome mr luxmore indonesia has been pushing for this special leaders' meeting for some time now and now that it's happening what can be expect from it well the best case scenario would be for the leaders to agree on a commitment to do one to do 2 things one is to ensure that there is an us and let mechanism to address the crisis in men mara number 2 that mechanism should include
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a framework to end the violence currently to deliver humanitarian aid and to potentially facilitate a myanmar lead and the myanmar on dialogue process among all the stakeholders not human rights groups overturned by talking to cool leader general mean on hearing is illegitimacy in his government to these people have a point i think what is happening right now is a recognition of reality not legitimacy legitimacy is something the people of myanmar has to decide for themselves what ason is doing right now is recognizing that currently the main goal of the summit is to end the violence and the one that's doing the violence is the military so therefore we called the military to the summit to get them to stop the violence you also said earlier that it's important that all stakeholders in myanmar sit down and talk speaking of those 3
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callers were talking about the ouster of democratic government would it not have been better to invite them as well to this r.c.m. leaders meeting. again the goal of the summit as it stands right now is to end the violence 1st and foremost the goal of the summit is not to negotiate a settlement just yet because for such dialogue to be taking place we have the 1st and the violence and the live version many terry 8 which was necessary to create the space that would allow such a dialogue to take place so it should be very in mind that the summit or the meeting tomorrow is not a venue to nikos shaped settlement just yet it is about ending the violence that can lead to debt settlement down the line how united adda also on member nations in their approach to myanmar mean the leaders of thailand in the philippines on tendering and thailand is also a major treat bata for me in modern you also have our skin border and vietnam which
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are essentially one party states so i'm wondering how united is this grouping it is certainly not all united i thing a different members have different urgency to the crisis they certainly have different interests and stake with the crisis right now so it is certainly not unified as it stands right now which is why i think the process of convening this meeting took several months since the coup it hasn't been easy but i think we are at the precipice of a potential breakthrough if all the negotiations leading up that is summit goes well you belong to a think that does the years a lot with the indonesian government and indonesia has been one of the promoters if i can call it off there is also a meeting trying to get everybody together especially the indonesia malaysia singapore grouping what exactly is indonesia's game plan. well our hope is is obviously that any kind of solution to the myanmar crisis should
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take place within an os and framework because i think this allows some acceptability played a part is in man mark and that we can hopefully solve this without external parties but of course the ideal goal of getting there would require that the violence to be ended and we can deliver aid to that effect and we've done this before so this is not our 1st stance which is why we always try to make sure that our 1st option is to try to solve this within the aasan family framework one last question so no throughout its history also member states of germany tended to focus on economic cooperation more than political issues is this a pivotal moment for the role that ends up playing here i think it is certainly the case that the meeting itself is not scheduled that this is not a normal asan calendar year the fact that indian president has to call for
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a special meeting shows you the gravity of the situation so it is certainly on the one hand not our 1st stance in terms of dealing with problems for myanmar but also the gravity of the situation makes it unprecedented so which is why i think we should have to see what happens tomorrow. everyone looks upon a pleasure talking to you thank you so much for this and give her having me. and before we go this weekend a rare painting by a chinese artist sure is expected to fetch the highest price ever on our. slave and lion we'll go under the hammer on saturday in hong kong inspired by us the story from roman my father the oil on canvas painting is viewed as one of the most important in chinese history the artwork was painted not in asia but here in berlin in $1024.00 it could call for as much as $16000000.00 u.s. dollars.
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that's it for this week be sure to check out other stories on the. asia on facebook and twitter we are back on monday of the same time the entire team thanks for watching and see you next week but. i'm scared that the they work that hard and in the end it's a me you're not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers would lie and say. what's your story. ready ready and what numbers of women especially in victims of violence. take part and send us your story you are trained all with understand this new
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culture. are not even a turn nothing yet you want to become sitting. in for migrants your platform for reliable information. it's that time again and film buffs are primed as we head into oscars weekend with many things of note this year including the most diverse group of nominees in history more on that in a moment and also coming up. scandal in germany after a group of actors staged an online campaign criticizing the government for their tightening of corona restriction sarcastic and cynical videos have largely backfired. and in honor of world book day it's time once again to share our love of
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reading with another landmark german novel the hunger angel by nobel prize winning author tom miller. welcome to the show well it's quite a thing to have an academy award ceremony in the middle of a pandemic and especially strange to think that because of continuing lockdowns most of those films involved have never even made it to a movie theater well streaming services have largely come to the rescue both as viewing platforms and as creative engines for some high class cinema here's an overview of the nominees. manc with 10 nominations is technically the front runner at this yes i ask us david finch is black and white on march to the golden age of hollywood is up for best film and best director gary oldman could take home his 2nd best acting oscar for his performance of the alcoholic screenwriter helen manc mankiewicz the man who wrote citizen kane. any distraction eliminated every.
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fellow oscar winner viola davis is a favorite for best actress for her performance and the music drama or a nice black bottom playing the 1st black female blues artist tree caught the professional i. think it is my assumption i'm playing her because she had to know her because it was either knowing your worth or guy. dying under the weight of the culture. didn't understand you were. also nominated from maher rainey's black bottom is a bio a vicious costar chadwick boseman who recently died of cancer but his final performance as a blues trumpeter to determine to make it to the top could earn him a posthumous academy award for best actor i read all the chicago supporters would
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be a. bit overrated to be working with 6 nominations aaron sorkin's the trial of the she coude was 7 is one of this year's most political contenders a group of activists protesting the vietnam war face a kangaroo court and this real life drama sasha baron cohen as activist every huffman has a good shot at the oscar for best supporting actor i heard of you judas and the black messiah and now the sixty's said drama has to supporting actor nominees daniel as black panther leader fred thompson. and like keith it stands for years as the informant who betrayed him to the f.b.i. this year's oscars are the most diverse ever 9 non white actors are nominated. including steven ewan he's the 1st asian american to receive an oscar nomination for best actor for his performance in me natty as a korean immigrant who moved the family to arkansas to become
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a farmer. there is something confident about its own point of view. wire another. part in regina be juxtaposed to you know. the true front runner this year considered a shoo in for best film and best director is no mental end the poignant road movie from china spawn director chloe frances mcdormand plays a van living modern day known that no. i'm just. not the same thing right now. no matter and explores a life lived off the great frances mcdormand has a good shot at her 3rd oscar for best actress appear on the stage of the 2018 academy awards for more diversity among nominees is already coming to. take.
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advantage of the week let's bring in scott ross perot for his expertise on the 2021 oscar is great to see you scott so this is really quite something of course because the oscars are looking to be the 1st host pandemic in person award ceremony tell us a little bit about how this is going to happen this year. yeah you know it's completely unique could still be an oscar ceremony like we've never seen before and as you say it's a it's going to be in person i mean they're going to hold a live ceremony at the dolby theater in los angeles and also this is going to be something to see at union station which is the main train station in downtown los angeles most of the nominees will be there in person to be a limited number of them and they're also of course have to be tested in fact the nominees will have to have 3 p.c.r. negative p.c.r. tests before the ceremony for nominees who can't make it who are coming from
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outside the country some of them will be piped in by a video link satellite link so it can be a huge technical challenge it'll be really interesting to see i mean it might be a really amazing show it could also be a complete disaster but will definitely be something to watch ok very briefly your tip on where we might see a surprise on some i think the one to go to look at we could see it upset is best actress carey mulligan who's in a promising young woman i think she could be the upset could maybe be theola davis in that category but will be neck and neck. we will see ok well thanks very much for that scott and i'd ask you to just stay with me for a moment because of course here in germany another story from the acting world has not only overshadowed any oscar suspense but it's also provoked quite an amount of huge outrage on thursday night over 50 well known actors posted videos on you tube in which they delivered by turns snide and sarcastic statements mocking or directly
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criticizing the german government under the hash tag i was dished which basically means shut everything down they were a sensible response to tighter nationwide restrictions but in no time the campaign backfired. i mean i think. these i'm stressed it's not. been the fear that i just outlined. in the baby's immortal life. very. good clip from your short legs pregnant looked at me i. wasn't. going to. dunk
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a median. i'm totems for the class room doctors on this note to him dance dance dance corner. or maybe not back over to you scott those are quite some performances there can you tell us a little bit about the reactions. yeah well the internet is essentially exploded i mean that's all the german twitter is is talking about right now and. the reaction i mean was immediate most of the media in germany but also most of these actors german colleagues immediately condemned these these videos and said they were they were stupid they were cynical and maybe even dangerous and dizzy maybe how dangerous they are or could be you can look at the people who really like them online i'm including a lot of far right politicians including members of the f.t.
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the far right party in the german parliament who who applauded this action and say these videos show support for their actions against german lockdown policies right ok well that's obviously not a very well thought through campaign and somewhat of a of a huge embarrassment what kind of consequences do you think this might this kind of thing might haue yeah. yeah i mean basically everyone's backpedaling now i mean after this reaction a lot of the actors who are in these videos have come out and apologized they said they do not want to be associated with the far right that was not their intention in making these videos and the company that produced these videos has taken them off their main site of course they are still available online are still circulating but they've essentially everyone he's backpedaling it's just one huge mess all the more shocking perhaps when you think that just 2 days ago we were talking about health film and television were actually booming here in germany and so all of these particular actors are certainly doing pretty well thanks very much for the
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lowdown on this unfortunate story thanks very much scott and do enjoy the oscars i'll see you on monday see a monday. well when she won the nobel prize for literature in 2009 house was 56 years old the remaining born german had just celebrated her greatest international success with a story that describes the fate of many ethnic germans in transylvania after world war 2 well a swedish academy praised the hunger angel for its artful fusion of poetry and prose in its depiction of the landscape of the dispossessed have you ever stolen something for your mouth in german there's a word for it called mouth robber. was hungry would you have to be to start stealing other people's food. was.
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17 year old leo is consumed by hunger and by homesickness and had some of those novel the hunger in jail it's $945.00 in romania the soviets are sending tens of thousands of ethnic germans into labor camps as punishment for world war 2 leo is one of them wanted to be slowed because of the suit the last of my hunger crouched in front of the boat like a ravenous dog. the author's own mother survived years in soviet gulags we had someone who won the nobel prize american and british media asked who they aren't asking that anymore. and that's a tough one for sure but of course a timely recommendation for world book day finally til lindemann best known as the
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lead singer of german heavy metal band comes to mind is always good for a surprise and he's posted a brand new video of himself singing. in flawless russian all the song newbie negro twitch translates roughly as beloved city is part of the soundtrack for v. to escape from hell that's an upcoming film by the russian cousin actor director timor bekmambetov well no doubt liniments fans particularly in russia will certainly appreciate this rendition and so we'll leave you with some strains from that melody and without dusted anya from us and until we meet again i just go to.
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plane. this is you have a news line from berlin knife attack a police employee stand up to death at a police station in paris officer shoot and kill the assailant france's prime minister iran is at the scene calling it a terrorist attack also coming up a covert catastrophe india has ever worsening coronavirus crisis sets another global record for.
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