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tv   Markus Lanz  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2021 5:30pm-6:30pm CEST

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method research is going to tank whether families digital habits are influencing their interactions with their babies and can evaluate the consequences on their later language development. on harvard that when infants hear very few spoken words their language learning is different as our research demonstrates so similarly the parents who are absorbed with electronic devices tend to spend less time talking to their babysitter therefore digital habits do have consequences to get taller mia their accent consequence. but this study on growing up in the digital world has only just begun. to confirm that the only presence of screens affects language acquisition even cognitive development we must wait until all these children under study have reached talking age. you know when. we're hearing programs that disrupt attention spans screen suspected of harming parent child relationships of hindering language learning.
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irrefutable proof is still lacking to condemn digital devices definitively but scientists have found nothing key factor. the brains of children under the age of 2 you cannot analyze what is happening on a screen. one thing that we really need to consider is that it's very hard for children to navigate between the 2 d. in the 3 d. world it is hard for them to transfer and formation and to understand that things that are on the screen at the same out in the real world. in france difficulty with screens was revealed in experiments conducted by dr georgie. a psychology professor at vanderbilt university in tennessee. having a look here is one of her experiments outline and to each take. professor chance
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at hunt a stuffed toy in a room as the child watches her do things on a monitor. the child is told to go find it in the room which he has never seen before in real life we locate the toys easily as if he had not watched the scene on the monitor. the answer has no it's very difficult for them to learn it's more difficult than a face to face interaction and this difficulty with found is about 50 percent less learning from a screen then from a live interaction and this difference is being called the transfer deficit. for each to you and nothing if you don't a screen can be direct. he transposed to real life. to find the neurological source of this difficulty professor rachel bonds team is
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now investigating using cutting edge technology. ergo filling the brain right in the middle of a deficit transfer. in this experiment klara age 4 must learn viral video janet how to position a toy robots articulated arms and legs. to me when i show you this one in the rain and the us think. yes. when the demonstration is run using a screen just like with a stuffed toy experiment most often the children fail but this time brain activity is being measured joining the exam. apparently exchange virus screen does
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not stimulate the brain's learning center the same way that face to face interaction does there is more activation in the frontal prattle cortex when a baby is learning from a live interaction than when they are copying from a video chat and we think that that's it's only preliminary but we think it's really exciting because it suggests that what the information that you're processing deficit and this could passionately account for this transfer deficit this difficulty in picking up information. once you brain street virtual action differently from real action this remains a mystery. however scientists have found a way to palliate this difficulty. when a parent accompanies a child and takes pains to put words to the action on the screen the learning hurdle diminishes but only someone. were to.
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ever come. on screen action remains less stimulating for young brains than real life facts and . therefore any time a little one spend in front of screens is essentially wasted time for them. an awful moment was on a child under 3 years little wiggy thought so this time or to be used for developing cognitive and social skills and this way i keep the toddlers of old was let's avoid screens altogether for children under 3 just as we avoid putting steak in baby bottles clearly a baby stomach cannot digest solids or its brain cannot digest screens.
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no screens before age 2 or 3 and that's the official recommendation of most scientific and medical academies worldwide. up to age 56 they advise a limit of one hour per day preferably accompanying the child. meal times and bedtime should be screen free. what about later that year at age 61055 with age the dish becomes more complex in addition to cartoon shows or a video games cell phones social networks so what precautions and needed for be kids. we're in a residential area of tulsa oklahoma the local max home. owners
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are having. here as in most american homes life sentence around the t.v. . no meals at the table even homework is done in front of the t.v. . miranda the mother makes the meals and spends the rest of her time policing their screen you see each. thank you. concerning there's enough room for everybody here but this is the best meal that's the best fairly hard. as there is no there is not is this what you're watching we're not changing that you know why why were eating ok. screen time rolls and limits are no big deal with trevor and anthony they know the roles and they pretty well stick to their roles and it's their grateful that they get. to have screen time with the little ones. on the
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screen time is definitely a topic of arguments. danny age 8 and charlie age 6 have grown up with console's and cell phones getting up off the couch is always negotiated with video game time. i mean yards. away for an hour ok so it's $512.00 at $612.00 your time is up. 12. why can't i still like strafed the game before the 10 strikes yes all i have to wait for this to leave. ok but time starts ok. that's part of playing the game i'm sorry it's fine you'll be fine. in the usa kids under 12 spend an average 4 hours and 14 minutes per day with
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screens past age 13 the daily average climbs to 6 hours and 40 minutes watching videos remains the main activity but we must also add time spent on social networks video games surfing the internet. in one school a teenager spends more time in front of the t.v. and cellphone than in front of teachers. this craze for screens ranges from fortnight to you tube instagram tip top 20 some apps are not fix what's up and is on team. is any of the suitable for adolescents a critical period of brain development. is already ready to go. or about to leave. trinity are you ready. this morning trinity age 11 and trevor 12 have a special meeting they've been participating for a year and
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a half now in the lotus study ever conducted on teenage brain development are you signing up for. every 3 months the siblings go to the tulsa brain research institute to undergo a battery of tests. the a.b.c. study is closer to a 1000 children across the country in $21.00 centers there is portland los angeles san diego salt lake city then there is st louis and then there's obviously tulsa and it's the largest of its kind. first stage in the day for traffic is to give a detailed report of a daily digital habits. for a day when you say you text on a cell phone tablet computer i pod or other electronic devices or i want to time per day in social media which is not her facebook where it's going to.
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how often do you play mature rated video games a call of duty and the daughter or sister you can play video games need to watch or stream movies or t.v. shows such as netflix or amazon buy during summer holidays 2 hours 2 or 3 months awesome. practices on human rights are a means to identify those that my create problems for developing fundable young brains. and 2nd decade of life you will see dramatic changes in the brain and what happens is that the brain continues to mature during that period and really. transforms from a child brain to an adult brain the brain develops the neurons kind of move around and shift we see all of those kind of changes particularly in the areas that we
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think about our personality so impulse control decision making emotional regulation all of that happens really critically during this period of life. along with travel and chain of gene functions of teenagers in the study regularly get brain scans. paradoxically to prevent them from fidgeting during the exams think it to watch a country. the study has only just begun but it has already led to a 1st discovery the brains of children who pay lots of video games have particular features. what i'm showing here are differences for kids who spend a lot of their times playing a video games rather than other types of screen media what we found in our 1st analysis is in the front of the brain or the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for emotional development decisionmaking things like that it's developed a little bit faster than their peers.
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we don't know if that's a good or bad thing we don't know if video games cause that earth it just happens to be that kids who have a slightly more developed brain happen to like video games more. on this question is the goal for a 2nd section of the a.b.c. to study. memory capacity concentration emotionalism psychological balance. that's 1000 petitions we see individual psychological evaluations at this stage i would say. as long as you're aware of what your child is doing and as long as you don't see significant problems either at school at home with peers i would not worry about it we don't really have good evidence at this point that there are significant problems if you notice that there are problems because the kid has problems at
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school maybe is so it feels particularly anxious why has temper trant 10 drums that's when i would look at it more closely. lady cd studies broad conclusions will be reached by the time traveler a young adults in other words not before 2027. there is never the next one issue that these scientists need to address promptly and it is on the minds of parents in every nation with this level of consumption is the new generation slipping into screen addiction. and which is behind screens strange hypnotic power.
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professor offered to wrap a california state university in front of him to analyze how brains apprehend social networks. and he's here in these how to cations are optimized to confiscate his time and attention. in face to face almost daily interactions we get several dozen sophie awards per day but on social media we have the same thing on a much larger scale as opposed to getting a few taps on the shoulder a few nice words being said to us we have. andras sometimes thousands of friends that communicate with us and provide us which we ward such as likes such as commenting on our posts such as repose thing our opinions and so on and that makes us really feel good. thanks to brain imaging professor to ram has even identified the mechanism the social networks deploy to hijack our new rounds as
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with most addictive behaviors the room would say what is involved. the rewards and time these are rebooting pasted in the corner of our brains it can show sensations of pleasure. it lights up when we eat when we make love and when we use drugs. our research showed that it fires up also when we are exposed to images of social media and certainly when we see likes on social media so he teaches our brain to want more feet and over time the system can become very sensitized so it responds almost automatically to any cues that relate to social media and by automatically i mean you cannot even control the behavior because it's too fast your brain just as you i want that you do that we thought every day opportunity to reflect and say to us if a stop for
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a 2nd. then for their own circuits going twain is tough why social networks to monopolize our attention. but the mechanics involved a moving issue still because the likes can get any moment. for our brains and they often unpredictable random words. and asked professor skin i say to these famous pigeon experiment it's the best way to set off compulsive behavior. and what he has demonstrated. if we expose p. just with fixed schedule for the ward by giving them food every fixed number of times they pick let's say 5 times a day repeat the b.s. you're bothered to not go crazy about it in contrast when you expose them to a viable schedule for wards now it is not fixed maybe after 5 packs they get over the food maybe after 10 sometimes after 20 packs then the pages would go crazy they
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would seek their reward more often they would pick more and they would continue packing even after the reward is terminated. only in this hour of random rewards for behavior is a constant in the animal well it. works in rats in monkeys and even more so in humans the game industry has long prospered by targeting this psychological fun ability social networks are merely recycling the recipe in order to better capture our time and our attention. have we then unwittingly become the internet's pigeons. as the world become one gigantic skinner box where we wander about searching for small rewards scouted by the giants of the way. the
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pigeon experiment mange or smiles but the underlying issue is serious. the digital industry strategies for capturing attention a full steam at work. we pick up our cellphones $200.00 times per day on average. and 50 a game as the phenomenon is even more impressive. for some game is the practice buddhism drug addiction. an officially recognized pro. i'm in the medical field since june 20. 3rd there where the president requested a recovery and. that's a little bit going to default but like ok. this is a. big bear. everybody who indulges in giving from banks but doesn't have these disorders in fact it's only a minority of people who game who receptus for the great deal of you forgiving
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disorder and that is a need and demand for people rent from many of eden's the good for. the w.h.o. stipulates that the diagnosis applies to play as who's lack of control in gaming as how they social and family lives their schooling or professional lives for 12 months at least. the center is dedicated to this new type of addiction popping up around europe. even if the reality in video game addiction remains a debatable subject in the scientific and medical wells the additional industries techniques for keeping gamers riveted to their screens are now being blamed in some places around the wild. disparage games are often those that involve killing a maximum of enemies popping up everywhere orange ones they are called 1st person
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shooter games and can be very violent paradoxically take days these action games actually improve certain brain scales. the. unexpected discovery made in this the bar chain. one of the 1st to become interested in what goes on inside gamers brain is. it all started in the 2 thousands when a student at the lab a big video game player himself measured his only tension skills with a test that he had just developed. it was task was programming an attention test on the computer. and he kept thinking there was a bug in his computer code because he was perfectly doing the task he didn't have any lapse in attention he was 100 percent correct all the time which according to
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the literature should not have been possible and then we work together and we discovered it was not a bug in his in this computer program it was really about in his brain because he was a video game player at the time. since then scientists are fairly well confirmed this unexpected discovery gamers who practice these 1st person shooter games. got the highest test scores for attention. to the 1st thing to know is that we're going to measure your attention span for that we need you to look straight ahead so i'm going to ask you to put your chin in the small device. ok i'm sure that is i'll give you instructions from this room but what you see on the screen is a certain number of new smileys and a certain number of yellow smileys the blue ones will become yellow by the end one of them will have
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a question mark on it and i'll ask you to tell me if it was blue or yellow at the start of the test ok. most people can do this whether they are gamers or not if there are 3 blue dots at the start they're relatively easy to track with for the job slightly harder with 5 we tend to lose a good number of non gamers there was 6 only diehard game is can pull it off some of these attentional task have been linked to improvement in everyday life such as for example being less likely to have accidents especially in elderly population greater attention means better at billy at both focusing on the driving the road ahead but also detecting like you know the dog that may be coming by or the kid with a balloon that may be coming from the side the. stickers and most interesting aspect is getting people who aren't initially gamers to play action
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video games or without action so when we do that and we train them for several days a week what we see is that those who played action games are able to move up from 3 dots to 4 dots. however those who haven't played action games stay in the skill range of 4 blue dots. it was quite inspiring to some we see something as mundane as playing 1st or 3rd person shooter games have a rather. expected effect positive an expected effect on core attentional function top down attention is resists ability to serve your volition. so it's something very common to very self driven and so that suddenly having a tool to and that aspect of attention seemed really interesting for
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a number of therapeutic applications. as. a video game as treat. the apparently crazy idea has never been less given birth to a game developed in a west coast the bar chain in the usa. it was designed to treat attention disorder is. my main goals are to both respond to only the red aliens by collecting them which involves a button press and to ignore all the others so that's a selective attention decision. at 1st glance you might think it is a platform game but the list of functions to perform the complexity the pacing and the generation calibrated to push the brain to its limits and specifically to reinforce attention skills. are at play for a long time. about the best there are people that are but i'm pretty good out of.
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the target and. clinical study evaluation of the games efficiency against a placebo the tests carried out on $350.00 with attention deficit it's revealed significant improvements in the concentration capacities. as with any medicine the prescribed dose each must be respected and can deliver the experience. with pace that the intervention requires and the mid to use to 30 minutes per day there are many macan isms where you can actually control. the intake like the diet of the use you can make sure that the may. character are getting tired after a certain number of minutes and then it will not be rewarding to play. for if american health officials approve it as an effective medical treatment either will
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become the very 1st medical video game on the market. tree is already working on new digital therapies. virtual reality may soon become another treatment for memory disorders. while paradoxical from all appearances videogames in medicine testifying to the multiple uses of digital devices. neither intrinsically good nor bad it all depends on who uses them for how long and above all in watch way. according to experts at high doses screens do hinde the children's development so for the sake of caution no screams ever before age 3 and on to 3 accompanied if possible. research on teenagers is still underway but screens addictive power makes the most vulnerable among teens more fragile they also make existing problems worse. given
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the already exorbitant place that screens now hold in our lives moderation is advisable the spread of 5 g. networks is short if you will global believe me at all things digital. are you ready for some great news i'm christine one blonde i already like the problem you did i offered. michel that's how close the issues change with the hot car with more time to off auckland a little talk to all the friends about the talk to you what's making the hittites and what's behind the way on the streets to give you the end of reporters on the
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inside d.w. news africa. 13 it's on d w. we have important numerous. smoking is healthy post decides are good for the beans global warming doesn't exist. don't believe us well not yet come to me you have degraded my mind. the industry is controlling your thoughts here tends to me seeking new detail science it's not easy to spot. the great books of the 20th century. present day hoaxes. and who's behind the.
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manufacturing ignorance starts may 3rd on d. w. . this is deja news live from berlin sinking under a 2nd wave t.v.'s hospitals collapse under the weight of a cool last 2nd surge of corona virus infections the capital delhi is counting one trophic related death every 5 minutes as people struggle to find help also coming up a. little so. for survivors as the indonesian navy says it has recovered items at sea for the deeds to be from its last submarine the navy's chief says they are now considering it a sunken vessel belief. and
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a warm welcome to our viewers around the world i'm michael local hospitals in india are launching desperate appeals for help as the health system crumbles grown a virus infection rates continue to break global records the government has given top priority to the transport of lifesaving oxygen but hospitals are so overwhelmed that many people can't even get inside the situation is particularly dire in the capital delhi where oxygen supplies are running out. fighting for breath these patients outside a covert 900 hospital in delhi are among the fortunate ones. the clinic is overwhelmed and lacks 3 beds but at least it still has oxygen to administer to the most gravely ill among the steady flow of new arrivals. visitors and right now here
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is really what it was too good to go and do all the full control of. the stuff is really going to differ but due to the order well for the whole meanwhile on the walking casualty it is different they're deployed in equal treatment to all divisions and that's right it is a high gear if you didn't trade. the scenes are no exception across the country hospitals are full and turning stricken patients away many are critically low on oxygen supplies as india 2nd wave sets global records for new daily infections social media are flooded with stories of people desperately trying to secure oxygen for loved ones. that's right out the other. side of the curve never. to speed up deliveries indian railways has launched an oxygen express service ferrying supplies directly from production plants like
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a beacon of hope the 1st train arrives in maharashtra one of the hardest hit states where more than 62000 people have lost their lives to the virus yet inside clinics grieving families blame medical staff while outside crematoriums and cemeteries struggle to accommodate bodies this graveyard expects to run out of space in a matter of days. i think the 2nd wave is more dangerous and deadly. this time it's not even sparingly. at the delhi hospital a group of men heaved their brother out of a rickshaw they tried to get him admitted earlier but were sent home now they learned it's too late to save him. the father of 5 is dead on arrival since he wasn't admitted to the hospital or taken to it's more of his death is unlikely to be counted in the city swiftly rising official toll.
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as we heard in the report indians have been turning to social media for help in desperate times he. has been following that story for us i mean what kinds of things are people asking for hospital beds for one what we've seen time and time again on social media like twitter or what is people who live in hotspots like delhi mumbai or ahmed a bad in the west asking if anybody knows if there's a hospital where they could send a patient with 19 so we see this tweet here somebody is asking specifically for a hospital bed with a ventilator obviously a severe case of copan 1000 there you know the thing we see is. calls for oxygen at hospitals that do have beds so even if you get a hospital bed in a lot of hospitals especially in the delhi area where there really is so many people with kovan 1000 going to hospitals they're running out of oxygen so we've also seen pleas from hospitals for oxygen it in areas where they have
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just way too many patients so essentially the internet are straining into a sort of essential hub for communication about what the needs are interesting so what have you seen any evidence at this point that their pleas are actually being heard one tweet that did stand out to me was from the hospital itself this was from max health care company in there were representing a hospital they put out a plea for oxygen in this tweet they ask for oxygen it's an s.o.s. they say they only have 2 hours of oxygen left and this is a hospital in group a group that's near delhi and they tagged along a number of local and federal officials including the prime minister and this one did have a twist they posted an update about 4 hours later saying that we've got we received our oxygen supplies came in on a truck one of these trucks that's being brought that's bringing oxygen from areas
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in india that have more oxygen it's not clear if it's because of their tweed or because they got lucky but you can see that these pleas are being heard there's many responses responses from local officials saying we're trying our best and a lot of the tweets i'm that's direct tag them in the tweets so that is a happy ending there but you can't really oversee we can't overstate how much social media is helping because i think it's more a story of how desperate people are becoming for a system that seems to have broken down they don't know where else to turn to use that they're just putting the police out there the best if you only have about 20 seconds but i do want to ask you what steps the government is taking to answer some of these please mention this cord or so they are trying to make it easier to get oxygen from places like an easter. in india where they have a surplus of oxygen to the west or to places like delhi mumbai and also the military the air force planes are bringing in oxygen by plane to these hospitals that's one of the most serious concerns is getting oxygen to immunise it's thanks
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so much i mean as a look now at other stories making headlines around the world at this hour officials in germany say the country will soon announce restrictions on incoming passengers from india only german citizens will be allowed in under the measures a new double mutation of the krona virus detected in india has been causing concern with over 2 dozen cases detected in germany so far. and angular merkel the chancellor here is defending tougher measures against the 3rd wave of the virus in germany tidal lock downs have just gone into effect in areas with high infection rates they include night time curfew and retail store closures critics say the measures restrict people's freedoms too much. a new crew of 4 has joined the international space station the astronauts were the 1st to be carried
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into orbit by a recycled capsule lawn must see space x. craft docked with the above the indian ocean. hopes reusable vehicles will eventually carry people to the moon not to the end options station once again we've enjoyed well navy officials in indonesia say they have found items from the submarine that went missing last wednesday crushing hopes of the crews survival the submarine disappeared in this area off the island of bali during training exercises and was classified as missing but indonesia's navy says now it is officially declaring it a sunken vessel several countries had sent warships and aircraft to help with the search. silent witnesses take a r i 9 garland's final die. pipe fragments a grease bottle even a prayer mat. items fished out of the water that have led the indonesian navy to
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conclude that submarine is lost. with authentic evidence believed to be from the chaos. at the moment we have raised the status from missing sunk. the vessel had been missing since wednesday. navy ships have fanned out to search the area neighboring countries and the u.s. sent help including this specialized u.s. reconnaissance aircraft. but it was always a race against time the submarines air supply would have run out on saturday but the navy believes the $53.00 sailors on board met their fate even earlier the indications are that the vessel sank to depths beyond its limits water pressure eventually crushing its hold it remains unclear why the crew lost control over the 40 year old german built sub but with much of indonesia's fleet obsolete the last
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of the k r n one gala was an accident waiting to happen. military commander has been attending feiss talks with regional leaders in indonesia the r.c.n. bloc says the regime must restore democracy and end violence against its opponents the leaders want political prisoners and miramar to be released and they plan to point a special envoy to find a solution to the bloodshed. it's the 1st time general men on long has left me an ma since the army seized power from the civilian government at the beginning of february other nations in southeast asia one myanmar's army to end the brutal repression of its opponents. would be done outside the summit in the indonesians capital jakarta protesters gathered to reinforce those demands the united nations says the underestimate me and mark is a security risk for the whole region and it wants members of the asio and bloc of
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countries to lead the way. as a result is more crucial than ever as a result faces an urgent crisis in myanmar the situation requires a robust international response grown leave on a unified regional effort more than 700 people have been killed in the crackdown on opponents of the military regime in myanmar. the deposed civilian leader unsung suchi remains in detention along with thousands of political prisoners rounded up by police opposition groups and ethnic minorities have joined forces to form a new national unity government. our main job is to and does the military dictatorship once fault and to restore democracy in the freedom for the people of myanmar. as expected the summit in jakarta did not produce any immediate
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breakthrough the leaders agreed on a 5 point plan to resolve the crisis including an end to violence restoration of democracy and the release of political prisoners. meanwhile in myanmar itself and he could demonstrate as of carried on their daily protests staging marches and a motorbike rally to insist on the return of the deposed civilian government. armenians are commemorating the hundreds of thousands of victims who died under the rule of the ottoman turks u.s. president joe biden has just joined around 30 other nations informally recognizing the massacre as genocide thousands of people have been remembering those who died at an official memorial in armenians capital. historians regard the mass killings which began in 1915 as the 1st genocide of the 20th century victims died during massacres deportations and forced marches turkey rejects the term genocide.
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every april armenians march through the capital year of on to remember those who died more than a 100 years ago the killings of the defining event of their shared history. in 915 a 1000000 armenians were brutally murdered by autumn and turks many more were deported and sent on death marches to the syrian desert. armenians have long campaigned for the crimes against their people to be recognized as genocide. turkey all gears that there was no systematic attempt to wipe out armenians and no such order from the ottoman or thirty's. but nearly 30 countries have recognized the atrocities as genocide the german parliament has also voted to adopt the.
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that resolution sparked angry reaction in turkey president added one saying germany should be the last nation on earth to accuse others of genocide. a century on the horrors of the past still have the power to divide. well the early saturday games in the bundesliga have finished so let's take a look at the score so far on match day 31 might speak byron munich to stop them from clinching the title dortmund down voles when you're in berlin defeated braman freiburg shared the spoils with hoffenheim on friday cologne snuck past. kicking off soon leverkusen versus frankfurt and sunday leipzig take on stuttgart and
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battle and as a result of her birth ends covert quarantine their clash with shaka is now a spot. next up sports lines if we take a look at why england's national soccer team has never regained its form from 1960 cents or news in an hour i'm like you. can you hear me now oh yes we're going to tell you in her last years german chancellor will bring you i'm going to man call and you never can tell surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical really what moves her and want. to talk to people who follow along the way maurice and critics alike join us from eccles last stop. in mexico many portions of lunch i'll turn out in the world climate change a different office story this is my place in
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a way from just one week. how much work can really get. we still have time to work i'm going. with. the current crop of england players are desperate to end along because which all started following the story. the 966 world cup triumph is england's sole major tournament victory you can't go far in england without seeing a clip of jeff 1st strike is repeated constantly. i want to find out
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why such a proud footballing nation with the richest league in the world the inventors. of the game have been so bad at international football since that day when really. has there been too much pressure after such a long trophy drought a world cups and euros the too few english players play regularly for their clubs and are many of them frankly just not skilled enough. to have club rivalries in the premier league devalued the english national team. england football fans like me have been in agony for decades every 2 years it's the same could this be the moment but deep down we although it will end in failure let's have a look at how in this manner fared at some major told words since $966.00.
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despite heroics from bobby moore in 1970 and gordon banks england's title defense ended in the quarters terrible seventy's pitches led to technical shortcomings and england didn't qualify again for a world cup until. 982 we saw england with this pit and kevin keegan's head. but that was as good as it got under less said about the euros or the era the better. gary lineker at least ended up as a top scorer in $86.00 in mexico but arguably the failings of keeper peter shilton on the big stage and the utter cheek of diego maradona are closer to sheer brilliance dumped into and out in the last 8. bobby robson was still in charge for $990.00 in italy a world cup fondly remembered by the english because of john bond's rapping on the official world in motion songs. because they reached a semi final with west germany. paul gascoigne's tears were
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iconic as they cracked under the pressure of their 1st major panel. the shootouts which would become a recurring and extrusion dating fim. include lost to franz beckenbauer as eventual winners ex england player allan hudson shared their pain. are a lottery. and sometimes go go go go the other way it just happens that german not better than we did it change a lot of we had a very confident squad at that time. and it was again it was it was it was touching. and it is went through to 9066 didn't go through. euro 96 was on home soil and hopes were high among fans the famous song 3 lions was born but in the end football wasn't coming home. we went out to the germans in the
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semi's current coach care of south gate with another dreaded shootout miss fan trouble followed the exit another recurring envious trait. terry venables left out the coming so close. it would have been something else if we could have pulled out and we had the best manager and try regrettable and he'd pay the difference but saying venables was the best buy and they want you now can't. the misery continued so by 2001 england had their 1st foreign manager send your an ericsson previously had success in italy and his 1st 2 tournaments showed promise but the british tabloids devalued his personal life. the 2006 world cup was meant to be england's time the golden generation with rooney and general but the wives and girlfriends all wags including to pop stars were allowed at the camp if it came to much of
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a media circus and the pressure on the team was again too intense. destiny think the unity never looked more. like should i think that's important to them looking like an american terrorist a tough millionaire. look and i think the hero was probably the most extreme example of where that just went just completely ridiculous. it was a painful penalty shootout defeat in the quarters to portugal and eriksson left next up with steve mclaren who earned the nickname the wally with the brawley after failing to reach euro 2008 in pitiful fashion another foreign manager was then brought in suppose a tougher tally and fabio capello i'm very proud owner of. to be the england manager. this job for a long time. this english was never quite up to scratch which hardly help with
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communicating with his players his football was bad as well germany fresh england for one in the 2010 world cup last 16 and this time the germans didn't even need penalties. look small to mco followed until your own 96 fall guy carragher southgate took over waistcoats an old head of the 2018 world cup. the tournament in russia so how he came to help england finish 4th even and his death penalty shootout beating colombia in the last 16 as part of their revival. the relief of fans was palpable in the previously going out of 6 major tournaments in sport ok. so can sound continue england's new dawn all the same problems the english national team can change jersey designs all you like
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fundamental problems remain let's examine for reasons why england normally follow. having gone so long without success the psychological gooden on the england team is arguably higher than any other nation so much failure can really weigh on the minds of players but is it beginning to change. thank. you. any generation who were born in the eighty's they mark a lot that baggage 5 think that's because expectations still quite hard they're not say the generation that sort of hopes it's all been said southgate generation the one that's currently playing him i'm the one that 20 and say well i don't think i feel a lot of the expectation being with you so i'm just a cloud over the years england can look to another big football nation for spain and enjoy decades of so before winning euro 2008 the 2010 world cup.
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and euro 2012. spain success leads us to another problem for england unlike the spanish english players have been viewed as not a skilful despite the f.a. spending millions on a new performance center. but crippling fear of making a mistake has often led players to take a safe option rather than trying that killer pass sometimes a little planning which leak but when i go up a notch to international level it is simply not good enough and the manager is a big arch of going for that cup in a great little. kid my only dilute chelsea when we used to go around the well don't . countries are technically better than us. the likes of jayden san show maybe changing that image club academies have made a big difference teaching young english players skills from an early age son show
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even left home at 12 to border to school attached to what cademy do then they don't i'm not just a sitting. in all the time i've been watching england they've been very few players to match the skills of sam show but the fact he had to go to dortmund to get 1st team football sums up the next issue. the mega rich premier league has recruited more technically gifted stars from across the globe giving homegrown players less chance to shine the influx means some england players have not been regulars for their clubs in the 2920 season only 35.6 percent of players starting in the premier league well if you will for england the lowest in europe's top 5 leagues in spain it was 60 percent. the good news for england is that the 35.6 percent was over 5 percent more than the season
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before skilful foreigners are also giving off on young english talent like manchester city's creative midfielder phil. become so i think it's england's biggest problem some players and many fans would much rather their club side won a big title than the english national team. for such a small country england is very tribal when it comes to football a working class newcastle fan would often say they have little in common with a well off chelsea supporter liverpool the manchester may be very close but liverpool the manchester united stars in the 2 thousands would snap each other on england duty such was their rivalry not good for team spirit. at their own tables when you consider having lunch and dinner or whatever it. was bad and spoke. during training because
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a complex levels at that time so it's all in. the gas was so intense in the premier league chelsea. with the current england teams clearly get on better than them a 4th in 2018 while the women were 3rd and 4th in their last 2 world cups more technical players are playing more regularly with bricks in the coronavirus boosting those stats even more plus this england team is more like a ball. star pretty good joe. sort of bringing the team down to earth and i think that's really going to help them in some of their relationship with the press i don't think the relationship between you and semen in the media. i think is good and i think generally from an image point of view and from a p.r. point they're much better now than they have been. in recent history
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when it comes to the 2022 world cup there are 2 more reasons for optimism the november starting qatar in the middle of the english league season should help england without a winter break like say in germany england players are normally too knackered by the time a june tournament rolls around what's more there are 5 big european football nations italy one in 2006 spain 2010 germany 2014 and france 2018 don't you think it's endless time in 2022. as for the euros we've had some unexpected winners searchers can knock greece and portugal i think england have it in them to finally prove the doubters wrong and lift a no for trophy. are you ready for some great news i'm pristine one glass on the eye on the edge of my
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country with a brand new wus africa to show that tackles the issues that she wants now with more time to offer our in-depth look at all the time stuff i'll talk to you what's making the heat times and what's behind the way on the streets to give you enough reporters on the inside to do w. news africa. g w. whatever you want to their dance style it's your statement about africa 77 percent of the fashion know how. african green fabrics have been used to send a strong pan african message style yourself happy to. be poised to see my. sunday service. to 60. days places
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in europe for smashing a french. speaking tour trencher. the treasure map for modern globe trotters to discover some of the record breaking sites. and you know also in book form. this is d w news africa on the program today could be a dream to turn chat into africa's next libya the strong match up to say hello is gone killed on the frontline just as he won re-election off to 3 decades in power. and nigeria's jegede elsehow we go to ogoni that when the people want global oil to pay its bills and clean up the message see if.


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