tv Quarks Deutsche Welle April 28, 2021 5:30pm-6:15pm CEST
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you need to get. discovery to. subscribe to the documentary on you tube. i haven't invested in any yet myself i should cryptocurrency is a playing an increasingly important role in the economy companies like tesla accept a bad call as payment even some fund managers recommend investing in digital assets
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but how do they work what are their implications for everyday life cryptocurrency other worth the ride our topic today and made welcome. it was one of the hottest i.p.o.'s of the year driven by the cryptocurrency bull market calling base made a huge splash on wall street with many industry hopes pinned on the u.s. as biggest digital currency trading platform and bitcoin the world's most popular crypto currency seems unstoppable it's just reclaimed the $50000.00 mark recouping some of its losses following washington's plan to raise capital gains taxes for wealthy investors now i was a tiny set back but then bitcoin bounced back again ah cryptic currencies indestructible or just a fun gamble for those with money to burn mr schmidt to went to find out. i believe in because and i hope it will become the most important currency in the
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ruled nothing is more real than. ok we warrant being entirely serious there but belief and trust do play a role in this cancer viability let's consider the process of cons. i think the coin is revolutionary so there is no fear of inflation because there's a limit only $21000000.00 bit ones are allowed to be mined and people have a transparent process the whole time and it's safe and secure and it's cool i think . well most big corn is still sort of your chill for me it doesn't have any way to you basically it's all fear show and if you think it's like bubble yes admittedly in the 1st years after its launch in 2000 its value increased only gradually and its image was spent think about how many bit quiet strength actions were used for
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illegal for example drugs where all of the criminals use bitcoin but in the world something is changing countries like germany do force because it uses to verify themselves before they enter the big called world so it's not that anonymous as it used to be over the next few years confidence grew as bitcoin's technology proved stable and the price even hit $900.00 euro's monday crash was just around the corner at some point in price the cryptocurrency had been twined stolen several $1000000.00 euro swarthy was lost in a false on a trickle a tip but think about it if someone would steal your money take a look at your crouse coins were already a stolen in the post where is the guarantee that it will happen to your bit clients actually the infrastructure of has never been hacked so it's safe and we're talking
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about 12 years and some big guns have been stolen i agree but the reason it is those people do not care to have it in the safe place interest must prove that boosted after a few celebrities support the venture. rep i can hear west and think of force brothers. and it was the big question. first in the bitcoin isn't good for everyday purchases let's listen to my ex-pres. then if that ever happens it's still decades away hunt go wrong run to cryptocurrency consulting firms he has been following bitcoin for years. obviously there's the volatility of becoming to consider which discourages people from spending it. and there's always the question why should i spend money today when it may be worth more tomorrow it is time to get some help
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and some support it's going pretty well already. live out many just fund worth billions and he advises investing in bitcoin. i suspect that acceptance will grow in the next few years partly driven by greed because the prices are clearly going up and up that's when people say now i want in on this but also because it's simply becoming socially acceptable there was a months long period where the price of going soared due to investors discovering its potential as a financial investment. in terms of bitcoin i'm very much in the speculative realm of i see it as more of a security than a currency. my behind them on for a bit coin has also led to massive energy consumption to keep the system going just look at the server in china. one bit kind transaction releases as much to you and to as 100000 credit card payments.
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let's think about climate change and you said here are eco friendly but if you think about how much an artist consumptive to produce to keep the whole system of bitcoin alive it can be compared with the whole country oh you've got me ok maybe your argument most of the energy that is needed for the corn world is consumed in china or about 65 percent and they are shutting down companies. that work with coal power and they would like to have more companies using hydro power and would its value continue to rise because bitcoin is limited in quantity and there's a certain cap on the number of bitcoins that can ever be produced but the demand for bitcoin hasn't been met there are
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a lot of people who have not even invested in it yet it's likely big corn prices will continue to rise significantly over the next few years as more people become familiar with because. so now have i been able to convince my colleague of merits. not recognized by so many countries i think. it's more. more clear what is it about to be deported and in 1st gear and it's more. than it's more control in terms of criminal. the problem was the climate changes. then i'm like. but. i believe. we do not have to believe in the old common currency our parents did it so we have a new. super cool currency that's ok
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was what. i guess the last word and trip to currencies has yet to be spoken but in the meantime you can try your luck by investing in them bitcoin if area near well they can all be loaded onto your smartphone in exchange for local currency and you can use them to buy many things online there are thousands of such digital currency switch makes it hard to see the wood for the trees so it is a look at how they actually work. 100000000 .
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want. so what can you buy with that perhaps a piece of art but forget about buying a traditional painting or sculpture something that you can perhaps. at hold on the wall or display in your garden come on it is so yesterday in today's online well it's investing in artists also ditch a toe welcome to the world of and if t. s.
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that's fungible tokens which are also stored via block chains and of course you can use crypto currencies to buy them now is this the future of the world or just a passing fad you decide. the mona lisa says you know in the mood for perhaps the most famous painting in the world worth around $700000000.00. this is a mona lisa of the digital world a 10 2nd clip sold for 6600000 that anyone can watch free online the cap mean you've seen before downloaded millions of times and sold for 600 $1000.00 this image sold to 0.5 feet or about $650.00 at the time just a short time later it was worth another $1000.00 think that this song well welcome to the world of end of cheese digital objects talked with cryptocurrency. and to the oh well even christie's has now joined the game putting the 1st of the
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f.t.l. football action. but hold on why would anyone pay that sum for a cat name that they can share and download pretty is it over scouting or is this the future of the world and if t.v. stands but not on fungible to know not refundable when something is known fungible it means it's not easily interchangeable because it's unique or scads take a dollar note if you have a $1.00 note you don't mind trading it with someone else's 1 dollar no kid makes no difference. the mona lisa on the other hand is the make. a piece of digital all to use fungible it's not unique or scarce because it can be downloaded and copied infinitely. but when you create an f.t.p. for it a process called tonight single minting it becomes just the trace of legal center and unique. how to put it simply and then have to contains a specific set of data counts this information is stored on the token about to be
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created the content for how much it was sold and who the owner is that way the token represents a certificate of ownership. technology ensures that all that info is unchangeable and for. pray for so long the digital object may still be all over the internet find the f.c.c. you buy the city if you can take ownership for it. so who is buying these things. energy market right now it's really nice tara think a lot of people who are buying. other programs really early on they have a lot of it they don't want to cash in. just a way but. i do think that the energy market in general has a lot more in common. are so sneakers trading cards the market may be small but in the digital not wild something and if pieces are revolutionary tool allowing digital artists to authenticate their work easily and in
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a foolproof way for the 1st time and also anticipating. the actual work itself even the physical presence isn't necessarily where it was held so you may have the most valuable out work in the world who are now being able to a friend's case it. can potentially have a value of 0 or some collectors may value it but generally speaking you're not going to be able to get it into a tree house likes of abuse or something like the technology also allows artists to collect a percentage of their revenue every time that. that's not the case in the traditional markets and they can sell there are more direct. any artist with a computer and photoshop and dream can get on and start making money from their off and start benefiting from it and it really doesn't power the individual and empower the masses to get involved with the art world in a way that has never really been done before when it comes to the n.f.t.
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market as a whole many involved and watching it caution they warn if the potential forward on the markets in the high environmental costs of benefit takings because that now that creation and transactions consume a lot. amounts of energy plan some predict the sky high sums currently paid for certain items are a bubble waiting to. understand the concept of earning their true assets more and more i think we'll just see this grow as a generation of people coming generation is going to grow up and they're going to be much more interested in buying something that's digital buying something physical activities are still pretty neat collected and that they could become a global trend and gain a wider appeal as an investor. and i'm moving on to perhaps more pressing issues what could a covert 900 test have to do with crypto currency or the verification of
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a vaccination certificate quite a lot actually there are a lot of instances where this technology that seems abstract to the average consumer is already at play in our everyday life so take a look. the day begins as it does for many others in germany with a coronavirus test. the pandemic is part of everyday life you need to take a test to go shopping see family or go to work if it's negative you have a sudden if temporary sense of freedom here it is the cover test result negative fortunately but is such a certificate really trustworthy. can such documents be faked yes they can a quick search online soon reveals there's a flourishing market for fake negative test results it's not all that surprising it's easy to scan a test report tweak it with image editing software such as photoshop printed out
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and write in any name you like another photoshop expert but that even i can do. you purchase a start up in cologne devoted to ensuring data security and integrity its c.e.o. stefano la. can you open it and we start with a little surprise. you syria negative test result. you could you make it secure absolute can absolutely that's why we've developed our technology in a case like this we would attach a q.r. code to the result is a digital seal of off intensity. you can think of it as a kind of digital notarization as soon as the test comes out of the machine a micro certificate is generated and digitally signed by the lab. if you then present the results somewhere else they can all be checked and verified.
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hubert's just worked on the certification of test results in the healthcare sector now it's developing a fake proof official german lexa nation certificate in corporations and i.b.m. using technology from the foundation of cryptocurrency developer based on building . you know to go to is a readily accessible public block chain that fulfills all requirements. it's been built for precisely the kind of things we do namely the internet of things measurement data and such rather than transactions involving value. it's about the persistence of data. that means the availability of unchanged data over a long period of time. is a co-founder and develop this technology given a little surprise to. very convincing negative. of course he was joking so we both take another at that coronavirus test. and just like with block change we verify
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each of us result. that's been confirmed by both parties trust has been established. as probably the problem is that i can't trust the systems currently in place. i can't trust this piece of paper because the signature could have been faked. i can't verify that the text is legitimate. or not the same problem exists in the virtual world. the foundation's mission is to make data and the digital trust with. 'd any health should enable the secure sharing of medical data that was 1st authenticated by responsible authority or doctor encryption ensures that they can't be tampered with control of the access would be in the hands of the individual. however this only works if the data is actually authentic. as we've seen with photoshop you can easily change
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a test report on paper. you can also manipulate data in the virtual world. change a couple of bytes and all of a sudden you have a negative test result even though you in fact tested positive. the aim of our technology is to encrypt and secure data so it can't be changed. and. authenticating and securing sensitive data doesn't sound very exciting but it's incredibly important in health care and in the burgeoning internet of things. now own encrypted currency is turning many people's lives upside down just imagine you own hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bitcoin but then you lose the password to access your account your try everything but every password you enter is wrong eventually axis will be denied for good your money gong sounds like
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a film script but it really happened and to insult to injury to a computer programmer in our last report for today we share the stories off to coin owners and how bitcoin changed their lifes. i got to a point where i was at my absolute and. and i hit rock bottom. and all that place the euro and other currencies it's the sound choices stay away from the other crop for now. the value of bitcoin has been rising rapidly for months. and for a long time they've made a lot of money entrepreneurs invest as they're being taken most seriously in but then i met a pioneer it's the same the owner of the legendary bitcoin 77 cents 2011 you've been able to pay for bagus and beer here with big. 53
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years old and i'm the one who turned the bar into a big point home and. are standing in front of the 1st venue in the world where bitcoin was accepted. to the bar got a certain amount of fame and cult status with. bitcoin and when i discovered bitcoin known among bitcoin is as the bitcoin moment. my god it's finally here. it's time it is to be now we've got digital cash. for me was logical to say ok we want to accept this payment here to be a bit corny put up a sign we accept big point here. and then back then no one knew what it was there were maybe one or 2 berliners online also interested so i met up with one of them here then he paid for his burger and beer and bitcoin and wow that was an incredible feeling. i didn't realize at the time but it was also an historic moment
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because it was the 1st time that i knew what i would use to pay for something physical and a bricks and mortar store. became a meeting place for a big point fans from. another well known 1st generation. tomas. he lives in the u.s. but his story is tragic he lost the possibility he's digital bitcoin one it's and can he learn to access usenet less of me and. it was it was i didn't know what to do but as a developer and a tech person of course i thought about ways to restore the data there are all kinds of recovery options. i spent the next 2 to 3 weeks 24 hours a day trying out different possibilities even hard disk recovery in the end i realized it probably wasn't going to work. now he has just 2 more possible good attempts ative already been used it's about 7002 because.
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this kid doesn't know who this is also doesn't so there's still a chance that i'll get access just have to wait and see. but i'm trying not to get my hopes up too much so that i'm not devastated later if it doesn't work. i don't think it was random. low points the fact that i had such a low point gave me a lot of motivation and clarity about what i want to achieve in life. to give i take every opportunity to talk about bitcoin you know about financial access to let more people participate in the financial system. i'm grateful for this platform. yeah it doesn't reveal whether he stole. that 1000000 demond is a big point ex-pats for young still need guys who drive lamborghinis that's a narrative that i find completely on interesting to me well that means having enough and that doesn't have to be a cost
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a little not to be allowed for gaining numbers i don't need to have more than others what's so important with bitcoin it's not that individuals get rich but that everyone becomes better off than a year i. don't know dozens owns i investigate. this it's closed. because i mean as a new system that's what he believes and. what wrong isn't personal responsibility is a huge topic which many understandably also shy away from. because they say a banker has always looked after my money and i was insured and i was supposed to do it myself. and i can understand why people say that's stupid under the law to be middle other people like me think that some topic is something you should deal with . quite simply that the sooner the better when you've got time for. and that's all for this hopefully not too cryptic cryptocurrency edition of made
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was the program when 200000 people have. crossed india as the country continues to see daily rises in infections and deaths medical aid from the international community is now arriving as hospital struggled to cope with shortages of staff and supplies including oxygen many overwhelmed medical centers have had to turn away the sick. outside the physical limits of a healthy person. or someone sick with cover 19 it can be a death sentence. hospital beds an oxygen unattainable for desperate patients and his health care system is failing. a
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new variant has taken hold. but there is a new what it has noted. how women are now star used. to understand more but it seems there is this barrier as well as the capacitor potential. humans are so easily dr obviously. a big factor and that's what he thought was a shot and walked out. on able to keep up with the daily death toll city parks have been turned in the crematoriums scientists are pinning the blame squarely on the country's leaders. more power political and religious leaders have been telling us that the b.m.i. has gone down this was the key here from december janet what do you think you are saying that we have conquered being infection on top of that the i think has
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backfired. many indians are left to fend for themselves through all they can to care for loved ones. some drive for hours in search of oxygen. i don't know man or woman living have come from very far to collect oxygen from my father i'm scared that although oxygen is available today well we do have it's not available tomorrow. until help arrives on a larger scale and if people in india are left gasping for air. straight to do w.'s delhi bureau chief amrita cheema welcome unreason let's start with a situation where you are in the indian capital. i feel the situation is still remains very grim the number of cases has been rising that the death toll is at a record high and hospitals are treated to capacity it's not just hospital oxygen
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supply some of the larger hospitals have now to the supply of oxygen but some of the smaller hospitals are still sending out distress signals sitting at their running out of supplies and such as oxygen not beds are running out medical staff is running out of medical staff is testing could be positive so they can come to what is a very grim situation. and so what are the options for people when they know the hospitals are full but their loved ones a number less seriously ill will be meeting doctors encouraging people to stay at home and this their patients are really critical and this is 99 percent of the people who have poor it and not critically ill but now given that delhi has a population of rocky 20000001 percent of 20000000 is still a threat number of people and of course when people have plans who are in a critical condition because against hope and they rush towards hospitals some tend
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to just to get in and get languishing at outside the hospital hoping they'll get some medical attention someone knocking that most are not and can even lose their lives just reading ahead. critics say that this crisis out was avoidable avoidable is the indian government taking responsibility for a situation that appears to be out of control. the indian government says it's doing all it can prime minister not even the all these has several high powered meetings the last few days he's announced the setting up of some 500 oxen generating plants the local government in delhi has also announced small events will be available in a couple of weeks which are the beatles were right in the eye of the storm at the moment all of this comes too late and he said critics feel that this 2nd wave the government completely unprepared that it did not use to line up the 1st wave to bolster capacity to strengthen the infrastructure the health infrastructure and now
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we're in a situation where the ask roundly for measures which are coming forward to lead this in a lot is still there or by vaccination and as off today everybody over the age of 18 can't register to get vaccinated from the 1st of many authorities believe and cool that this really has break the chain of transmission and do it a number of cases and take the street off the head into structure so it was a given that. in the future is a failing that the best crisis is peaking or authorities expect certain words to come well i think what the medical prettiness he's saying they're expecting this to make the 2nd rate to peak sometime by the end of the 1st week of me on the middle of may and it only started raining in the fields by june and july still i think a hard days ahead before we see any improvement in the situation. i'm as
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a chamber in delhi thank you so much. take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world you lawmakers have voted overwhelmingly to ratify opposed trade and cooperation agreement $660.00 in favor only 5 against it's a final step in the ratification process of a deal that sets out the framework for the u.k. snoo relationship with the e.u. 5 years after britain voted to leave the bloc. british prime minister barak jones is facing a formal investigation into the costs of refurbishing his official apartment to downing street he has denied any wrongdoing insisting he paid for the renovations himself the country's electoral commission says it has reasonable grounds to suspect an offense has been committed. a u.s. navy ship fired warning shots that he may be military vessels in the persian gulf on monday 3 iranian boats came within 100 meters of 2 u.s. warships iran's currently negotiating with world powers for return to the terms of
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the nuclear deal struck in 2050. or un secretary general antonio good terrorist is holding meetings in geneva with the leaders of the divided island of cyprus to try and find common ground between the 2 sides the island has been split along ethnic lines between greek and turkish cypriots for decades the hope is to use this summit as a springboard to resume peace talks that have been stalled since 2017. time seems to have come to a standstill and for russia it's largely greek population fled during turkey's invasion of cyprus in 1974 the once popular tourist destination has been stripped of life ever since. in a nearby village. east out a living from the arid landscape the farmer is disappointed that peace talks between the turkish and greek parts of cyprus have been unsuccessful elisi years.
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we want the same opportunities that the e.u. and the rest of the world offer the greek cypriots the sanctions against us should be lifted and we should be recognized as an independent state. president of turkish controlled northern cyprus arison tar and turkey's president. both want a 2 state solution that would formalize the depression of the island the un and the e.u. favor a federal solution with 2 states under a central government. to. take a different position. and position based on a 2 state solution. we have been negotiating. but leftist groups recently took to the streets to demonstrate for a federal system they want to see cyprus united and ankara sway over the island
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curbed the turkish cypriots and the north are divided. the few border crossings between the north and the south are closed because of the coronavirus pandemic un peacekeepers have patrolled the ceasefire line for decades . anger over deadlock negotiations is also evident in the greek part of the island. the current government has. from corruption to environmental destruction to. peace talks then. people on both sides of the divide are united in their frustration with their leaders. this is and of course this is disillusionment has grown over the past years and expectations are extremely low a few people expect the cyprus dispute to be resolved many don't even know that talks are being held. but those talks will have to be successful for life to return
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to the abandoned streets of the russia. in football the european super league debacle caused a huge uproar amongst fans especially in a england where 6 premier league clubs announced they were joining the break widely and then change their minds to try and prevent any future defections the english premier league is looking at some major reforms and the manner of greater manchester is packing a model that is used here in germany u.w. correspondent charlotte shells and pill reports. could this set the ball to english it will be jets the united of manchester is used to kind of make it right that training for a club doing things differently. that's the united at both owned and run by the fans. who are just ordinary people. who actually love football and i've got a passion for football it's not a business all of the monies my goes back into the football club back into the community. in order that we can try and you know climb the leaks. and
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continue to make a statement to say there's a different way if the united was set up in 2005 in protest against the takeover of premier league club manchester united by an american billionaire then now seeing a surge of interest upping their membership by roughly 20 percent over the last week alone it's driven in large part by the actions of 2 clubs just a few miles away manchester united and manchester city are among 6 english clubs who last week signed up to a new european super league which abruptly collapsed on to outrage from fans for many it's a watershed moment. terrible idea just the money grabbing a time by billionaires who know nothing of the game don't care for the fans don't care about grassroots football in the u.k. to demise is pretty nice to be out of and is pretty terrible but falls along kind of. excessive incremental. vulture
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capitalism i suppose become a business today's arness for a long time. so it's not trying to do in terms of football style of the sport but we just never know when subsaharan is where you know they data haven't got the clubs at best it's all about the money for. the super league debacle has supercharged calls for change here with everything from the ownership structure of clubs like manchester united to regulation now being publicly debated and many are looking to germany as a model there's a growing chorus of voices calling for english football to emulate germany's 50 plus one model that would give fans the majority voting right giving them the final say is now transcending football and gaining political traction it's the supporters over generations that have built weeks clubs the german model car recognizes and holds them in trust for generations beyond the current generations the constant need to build those clubs whereas here i think what's been brought over to us in
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the last week is that these great clubs could be taken from us in a heartbeat the result no power to stop it the government is now running a family review into english football with the german model among the reforms being discussed but the skepticism meaningful change is possible in the meantime fun and clubs like at sea united of forging their own path proof that an appetite for fun that tickles growing i think it's. time for change. the events of the last week of just demonstrate it and spites me fortunately we were more than 50 plus $100.00. and i think there is an opportunity now for the supporters groups to continue to do the right a large gap like so many in england the idea of being for the fans can feel like a thing of the past to see united it's a model for the future. and that's it you're up to date on
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