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tv   Tomorrow Today  Deutsche Welle  April 30, 2021 10:30am-11:01am CEST

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and some great cultural memorials to boot. welcome to global 3000. heavy traffic polluted air soon a thing of the past in the colombian capital of bogota. from temples to brothels and age old tradition forces indian women into sex work. but 1st how life is being
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nurtured sneered japan's former nuclear reactor in fukushima. in many countries nuclear power is still seen as a safe cheap source of energy currently 443 nuclear reactors produce energy worldwide more than 100 nuclear power stations are under construction or in planning yet there's still no real solution for nuclear waste and it needs to be stored safely for up to a 1000000 years. since nuclear energy began being used peacefully in the 1950 s. there have been at least 12 major incidents worldwide 2 of them were catastrophic chernobyl in ukraine in 1986 and fukushima in japan in 2011 both involved coal melted accidents where reactors exploded contaminated. involves
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stereo's of. both places still bad deep scars local towns a ghostlike. life seemingly goes on the stone's throw from the fukushima nuclear power plant cattle here in or cooma have been through hell now the plan is to turn it into a paradise that's such a key tani's wish her animals are one big family money got here because here's my money as a calf she was totally emaciated she was the 2nd born here you can see the 1st 3rd 4th and 5th born after her either died of starvation or something else happened. i think that with that. only a handful of cows live on the phone the plan is for them to grow old in peace here or meat from the exclusion zone where almost no humans live. 3 of the cows
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survived the initial disaster fleeing to the hills where they nearly starved to death only to be reunited years later at the fun sets of peter built for. the night they immediately started moving and getting close enough to lick each other as if to say you survived was that. sets of kitani came from tokyo to help her work keeping the cows alive is financed through donations the animals in the desolate region with its invisible radiation generate neither jobs no profit so it's a kitani says the cows are doing well but people are only allowed into the exclusion zone for an hour at a time. from obama today i don't really think of myself 1st since i'm not really afraid it's been that way for a while i precisely calculate my own radiation dose right here fast there. is a ghost town before the disaster more than 10000 people lived here today it's less
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than 300. most people who returned to their homes are elderly. she gave his sato is different he's one of a humorous few newcomers and in his mid thirty's to him moving here was a wild adventure he is honest and blunt saying what most prefer to keep to themselves. or he. shouldn't try to lure people with so much taxpayer money just for the hell of it so what's the point always or go work with people. she gave his son to doesn't see people outside the gym here tends he does all his shopping online he thinks whoever comes here is food. he also says that building large greenhouses to grow strawberries was stupid regardless of the cost. but seltzer feels like an explorer the futility of the place appeals to him that's
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how he ended up at the strawberry farm even if he thinks it's senseless. but. there was nothing here before we took an effort to make all this whoever built this is a fool all the way most of all not all. the radiation is measured the strawberries are safe to eat but selling them outside the region is difficult as the area's reputation is also contaminated. there's no hiding what happened here rows and rows of bags storing contaminated radioactive material. before leaving the exclusion zone that's a key tunnies radiation must be measured. residents here will live this way for decades to come but. still tiny defies the naysayers who dismiss her as the crazy cow lady who. doesn't know yourself there are a few truths about me. i'm a newcomer i'm young foolish and i'm
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a woman. and i have no farming experience going to a good man. somebody. but being somewhat naive may help as breaking the mold can be difficult in japan a young woman from a far makes even more of an impact. history must not be forgotten so it's a kitani is writing a children's book and is now going over the final details with a co-author. she tells the story of her cow of a calf without a mother. and you can't even in this hopeless destitute place there are living beings that survived and after all these counts writing sickly miracles to get sick you know that's an international. miracles a stone's throw from a nuclear power plant it's house it's a kitani dreamed it would be. life continuing even if it may never be the
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same as it once was. prostitution is a global phenomenon if banned in a country it's simply goes underground if it's permitted it's just more visible it's hard to know how many sex workers there are worldwide estimates range between 13000000 and 40000000 sex work usually takes place on the edge of the law the united nations says more than half of all global human trafficking is related to it many women and girls allege into sexual slavery with false promises of a better life. this is the red light district of sangli in southwestern india sex workers here have up to 60 customers a night. in this region an old hindu religious practice is still widespread the devil the system. young girls are offered a marriage to a daisy and then
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a servants are forced to offer sexual services. you know not what i do is wrong but i don't have a choice. every morning shopping paints a rangoli in front of her premises. supposed to bring wealth and good fortune. she spends much of her time in the 7 square metres she's been a sex worker here since she was a teenager. that if i left the system we would still. have to continue to seek loans i don't have any education and so the most i could and in a regular job would be about one euro a day. how could we get by on that it's nothing. shabnam doesn't know how old she is by 30 she says she has 2 daughters but doesn't know who their fathers are. under roona. shabnam doesn't remember when she became
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a devotee assy the system was outlawed 36 years ago but the ban is not enforced i'm told about 300 devotees in sangli were going to have a diocese used to perform important religious tasks and temples and enjoyed a high social status nowadays it's very different it almost always means a life of prostitution at the margins of society it. the last remnant of the system's former meaning a small shrine. to temple worship now was inducted as far away as are her parents she still supports them with a large part of her meager earnings it's a cruel system that oppresses women shop tells me about as she's a devil as well as a temple priest knowing that. when we started to serve tea we came here and ended up as prostitutes we've never liked having sex with clients but at least our parents are doing well and have something to eat then. shabnam listens closely
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talks about her life and their family. how do you feel when you hear her saying all that. it makes me sad i mean the same situation. the shop naaman are still support their families even though it was they who are to blame for their plight. shop now ms determined to see to it that her daughters will one day lead a better life. at midday she goes home to cook lunch for her children she lets me come along. i'm surprised to find a man there. what's what's your name. your name. right you're ok my name all over. raja shop and i was
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boyfriend they've been together for a year he was one of our clients now he wants her to stop being a sex worker. she should get out of the devil system i want her to i can earn the money and look after her. she can run the household and i'll do the rest if she's happy i'm happy little. shabnam does not share roger's vision of their future together as a happy family. i love whatever. it's all well and good that he wants me to give up prostitution and being a devotee. but who will look after my mother or ensure the future of my children and how much money can he save and give them. 20 euros a month won't be enough if i'm to marry off my daughters animal lover number. one positive aspect of their lives is the school which shabnam on her daughters all
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attend school for sex workers and their families. it was set up a few years ago by deepak and on our colleague. they teach reading and writing to adults and children several times a week for free yes. the women here may have been betrayed by their parents but they clearly want their children to lead happier and more fulfilled lives. there. then. the sex workers have spent their entire lives here we want to change that for their sons and daughters. they should be successful and when they're big be able to look after their mothers one. minute. that's what sapna is determined to do she also has her future mapped out. that bank i want to be a doctor when i grow up. but for now life
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remains tough and brutal many women start work as the sun goes down in the red light district. if you can get somebody you have an opportunity to film here at night we're going to hide our camera so the customers don't see it let's see what happens on my bus that i was on. about $5000.00 men come here each day the price of sex is $2.00 euro's 50 that's a lot more than the women could aren't in another job as a result they're left trapped in sex work. we humans take up a lot of space on our planet filling it with industrial areas highways houses shopping malls each year in germany alone an area the size of almost 80 football fields is turned into construction sites for housing and transport modern farming
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to with its monoculture has dominates rural areas truly wild areas are ever rarer yet desperately important for plants and animals. pristine nature mind open spaces and. heavy artillery. this area engulfing there was a big very unliterary training area more than a century ago now it's run by the u.s. army it covers almost 230 square kilometers. the terrain is a kind of noah's ark living alongside 12000 soldiers all representatives of 3000 species of animal and plant more than 800 of them are endangered. it's not to mention humans practiced killing in the training grounds poorly leave while for nature this is pure life it sounds paradoxical. but all the areas in
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between are just pulsating with life because here nobody used by using nature and given the not to do you can feel. good in light of the works for the very nature conservation organization when new buildings are planned he's often called in to identify bird species at potential risk. lunch often military training areas are the only large tracts of countryside apart from national parks where no pesticides are used most people don't realize that our farmland is sprayed several times a year with highly toxic substances it's feared not to leak and they kill off most of the small organisms and wild meadow flowers and insects is but these are the up get to it that. lytle spot something like the z. are look quite illegal it's got some pray on it by the ravens are over there you see at. the white tail the eagle is an apex predator at the top of its feet.
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if fish and other fish eating them. pets now live here that's great news for conservationists. another valuable feature of cars and vans other wide expanses of open terrain. there aren't many such areas left $7000.00 did crazy in that maybe vent any forest from emerging but this kind of landscape is home to animals and pets that don't thrive among trees. such as. this can be a noisy place but the animals don't mind says who but on top of germany's federal forests administration. we hear shooting in the background all the time we might find it unpleasant you can't ask the animals but our observations suggest they
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don't react to the noise so you know he's we see no evidence that they do we often see deer near or right on the shooting ranges on land where shells could land and they just don't flinch when it gets really loud you see the same with the eagles neither the shooting nor the drones bother them with drones motors and made a very unpleasant high pitched sound. was. you know belly toads like this one also seem relaxed they spawn in the deep tracks in the mud made by all the heavy vehicles. when the babies grow up they'll spend the rest of their lives on land. but we've seen this this is pretty much in. elderado for amphibians creatures that need both water and land. some lots of places to live in water meadows along the rivers
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steamin until the rivers are straight out now their habitats are mainly in military training areas and quarries. but what about the spent munition lying around that contains traces of heavy metals the us army garrison environmental division checks for pollution across the base stefan hatsell is one of its employees on the i will speak again these are many tools to extend this system in place to monitor the impact of munition residues on the trains on them it was developed in cooperation with the bavarian authorities samples are regularly taken from streams underground water across the training area of music in the on the there on lies and the results go to the district administration of the state water authority. on the sea so be they evaluate the findings and take action if required as. before humans intervened
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much of europe was covered in trees. forest fires were common phenomena. is. quite normal a lightning strike during a hot summer would might catch far so good. now a days firefighters rushed to the scene and put it all out but here if a shell hits and trees go up in flames nobody comes and extinguishes the fire straight away. that's often not possible. so we have extensive forest fires just as they would occur in a natural landscape but yet media is well it just and exposed and beetles in the traps he set up he's found species that actually need trees to burn in order to survive. elsewhere they are rare.
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it seems that the military doesn't have to be the enemy of nature. and virt is the largest us training area outside the united states and also a treasure trove of nature. 'd 'd in this week's global idea as we look at a problem well known to city as well as around the world the seemingly endless traffic of rush hour. in colombia's capital bogota people are finding creative ways out of the jams a building for both residents and the planet's. no good time is a big dirty and noisy city air pollution kills about 2000 people here every year the air quality in the colombian capital is often so bad that environmental state of emergency has to be declared. greenhouse gas emissions linked to the transporting of goods by road contribute significantly to the problem but that
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isn't to change. in part thanks to people such as daniel sanchez he used to be part of the problem now he's part of the solution a pioneer of change on the streets of bogota. i used to drive a truck there were always 2 of us. everything took a long time because the traffic was and having to look for a place to park. your was really tiring. now he drives an electric delivery tries to go this is the cross docking station at the edge of the city center goods are transferred here from large trucks to the small he calls for delivery into downtown. the project was launched. by the municipality since last year the green alliance has headed the city government for the 1st time. what
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a comedy this young boy has of that i thought that was what i most transport is responsible for about 79 percent articulate on missions here in the us embassy on it and 39 percent of that amount results from transporting goods by road. by switching to these new vehicles we can cut emissions by 16 metric tons a day when it so the impact will be huge. this. the world bank has made $300000.00 available to the project. it's still early days. during the current pilot phase the fleet of small electric delivery vehicles numbers just 15. they're the work of a startup in met a year. but the model of design for that city needs to be adapted to conditions in bogota. he says you're going to because it's just it's a very different from. retailers are concentrated in one district and my
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distance is covered are much larger that so the wear and tear on the electric components is greater. out of the need to innovate and start working on improving the motor and the battery so we can provide the companies in the project but an efficient solution to. the lola cargo try sickles can carry one cubic meter of goods that's about 18th the volume of a standard delivery truck. daniel sanchez's destinations today are small shops and pharmacies. he works on commission so for him time is money and he zips from one customer to the next. he maneuvers his electric bike through traffic jams. he's glad to be rid of his truck. one of but i love my own traffic it's just the best thing. i can go bike lanes and sidewalks anywhere i can take shortcuts knowing. i can get to any point really fast the
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moment it's much better than before. not being stuck in traffic not having to look for a parking place makes delivering goods more efficient. several companies have signed up to the project they not only want to cut their harmful emissions but also sink time and money doing so the. new train is a major manufacturer of processed and convenience foods it's an ideal candidate for taking part in the pilot phase of the project in colombia most of its products are sold in small corner shops and by street vendors. if a lot of. the pilot phase has been running for just one month but the results are already very significant and very positive i think 6 other companies in the city have also joined the project and i hope many more will to be. using sustainable
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methods of transport has many advantages. for people's quality of life the environment and the development of open logistics. it's too soon to evaluate the pilot project as a whole but duncan sanchez for one hopes it will prove a success and set a precedent he says his work days are 3rd shorter now and his earnings higher he also enjoys the attention passers by are fascinated. what i learned the real emotion about people ask me is that your bike. and i say sadly no it's not. a charity they find it really cool and think it's a good idea no exhaust nothing that harms the environment maybe i feel i'm promoting change because. he still takes the bus home but he's saving up to buy
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a good bike and then he will contribute even more to the greening of bogo time. that's all from us at global 3000 this week thanks for joining us and do send us your thoughts on the program write to global 3000 at d w dot com and visit our facebook page to d.w. global ideas see you next week take cash.
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the. story of producer propaganda. they were called the rhineland bastards. their mothers were germans living in the occupied drying land their fathers are soldiers from the french colonies. they can apply to the. good graces of. the children of shane. in 15 minutes on t w. how does a virus spread. why do we panic and when we'll all be. just through the technical cover and we couldn't read your blog. if you would like and in for me
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. on the krona lara's or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast if you get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at. science. india's coronavirus prices i d w news special will look at the drastic situation in delhi and the impact of the triple mutation on the country how can the rest of the well how well can be done for the people and how can india bring the situation under control a special edition of d.w. news on the coronavirus crisis in india starts today at 11 news you see on d w. in many countries education is still a privilege poverty is one of the main causes some young children working mind trusts instead of going to close under can attend classes only to be finished
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looking. at millions of children all over the world who can't go to school. we ask why. because education makes the world more just. to make up your own mind. g.w. made for mind. training trades. that you will have few want to extrude you don't feel it's glittering glitter glitter. the fighting against prejudice i don't hold cable like i did nothing and just getting up and form gripping. your little stores all good grades speech. to
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kids starts my. should continue to. play. the ball. this is the news live from berlin and dozens are dead many more critically injured in a stampede at a jewish festival in israel saturday. somebody we're looking at here is one of the country's deadliest civilian disasters it happened at the 1st big religious gathering to be held since israel lifted.


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