tv Projekt Zukunft Deutsche Welle May 2, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm CEST
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none so it's not easy. and. it's because not enough facebook partnered with an outsourcing for some new york and. that firm found the employees to train them according to facebook's guidelines of his work. it was this outsourcing firm that actually handled the employee's. content i was a content moderator that question it is an alliance of the content to see if it was appropriate for the platform. on a typical day you arrive at the office go up stairs leaving all your personal items in a locker as
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a gift and then also like as and sitter to computer which isn't yours it's not often about the finale. then you spend some time reviewing the decisions made in previous days as an alternative rock and cornices your decisions are always monitored as it is after that you start moderating content all day long. when you arrive you clock in not with a badge but with your fingerprints on condition that. you. can pass in a few amount of moderation people do it facebook to parents on their pace in the time they've worked there. from one person to the next it varies between 30600 reviews a day says something you. in the murder
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suicide right there. domestic violence racism discrimination is bullying. for me the worst thing is. question the beheadings and the rape of babies. i think they're the worst fears that. it. seems it will come up and if you're still a bit naive or innocent chanel please don't take this childish don't do it. don't spoil that to which there are things you don't want to say that. it's not worth it for kenosis that once you've lost your innocence you can get back.
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my name is chris i'm from england originally and i lived a long time in asia and then i came back to ireland with my new wife and we needed to find work and this was the easiest job that i could find the job title is community operations analyst it doesn't say anything about facebook it doesn't really explain the job they tell you it's about analyzing trends and recognizing what's happening in the world and implementing standards and so forth it sounds very exciting but we're working in
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a fish facebook building where using the facebook systems i have a facebook id i have a documents for facebook that i have to sign it's you working for facebook but there's a gap. i think and it's just to protect facebook legally i think most of my work was related to content moderation so i was just looking at pornography or. material content that people have reported as pornography so mostly naked ladies it was a very nice my 1st month was a very pleasant month of work but then you would see some disgusting animal sex or children or something occasionally so it was a little bit of a shock and then later the priority for the u.k. team is hate speech bullying threats of violence you know nasty nasty stuff and i would spend 6 hours reading arguments between people or
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complaints about muslims or black people or english people or french people just nasty awful stuff all day. so when i started the job i was i was kind of excited i'm saving the world i'm here to protect the people who use facebook from the bad actors this is the name we have people whose actions are bad so you would just review the content and think about the rules. and after some time you notice maybe you're agreeing with the content or disagreeing and getting angry and then after a little bit more time. you're responding more to something bad is the you're all god not this again i hate this guy why do people do this and you start to. it's not
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immediately because you're already but over time it starts to just just 'd catch slap slap slap slap you start to feel the pain i think. it's there i can see every detail and it comes back it's it's it's deep in my mind it's buried in my head you know it's really really hard. i have several friends that i worked with before who are now on able to work or not working can't find a job. they're taking medication medication they're taking antidepression medication my doctor told me i'm depressed and i need to take sri sri prozac. because she thinks i'm depressed and. i don't believe in these diseases i don't i don't want to take medicines. but i'm not doing very well either
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i've had 3 jobs since i left facebook i can't keep a job i get into arguments with people about nothing. so. we need help we need. a professional person to spend some time with us and help us to understand. what problems we have and what we can do. the n.d.a. means i can't have this conversation. i can't talk to you i can't talk to my wife about the work that i did or did not and you're not allowed to discuss any details of anything related to facebook's operations or facebook's secret information or your you know working conditions or make covers everything it's an. accounting order. for life it's a life time agreement. somebody has to speak because we're here and was silent we
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are not allowed to have a voice because facebook wants to protect facebook facebook doesn't want to protect people that may be harmed. and was like a light in your head you just know our young this is the truth i should ask a lawyer if it's ok. initially i was contacted by chris who came to me and explained his work circumstances it was very easy for me to do the research to see what he was
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complaining about and to understand and empathize with his position it was also easy for me to understand his legal rights and how they were infringed by what has happened and that of course will form the basis of the case against facebook. from true chrisman to more people have come forward and both male and female and it's quite clear that a pattern emerged straight away of people who were hurt people who were injured as a result of what happened to them in their workplace and the many hours they spent doing what they had to do which unfortunately has led to their damage and will now lead to their vindication of their rights through the courts. i think if you listen to politicians nobody is aware of what's being dubbed what's happening. because politicians are all complaining about fake news and election integrity and the spread of extremism etc there's this problem that they see and they just shout we want
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a solution. but they don't know anything about the world. they're not talking about . you know how can we do this or just pointing to the social media companies and saying this is your fault but they're not they're not engaged with how do you do this because to write the rules is really really difficult to create a system that enables us to protect you your children somebody is bullying your kid i have to deal with that somebody is suppressing hateful ideology i have to deal with it i try to think about this as if i'm mark zuckerberg how do you solve this problem. and it's not his problem his problem is that he has to make money for his shareholders. it's a legal requirement in america he has to make the maximum profit so he's not interested in content moderation unless it makes more money. and i never heard
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automatic processes and algorithms that work everywhere was a simple if you could get isn't going to win very often these tasks are done by hand that she's getting c.n.n. on the do to the thing to make workers believe that what they are doing is not real work they call it a job a gig i'm sure so it's transitory ephemeral and will eventually disappear if they have moved on but despite they must do something of all things to his approach they avoid paying for a work it's true value yes i just got it and they avoid providing any kind of social security to the potential seattle. seal of god if we look only at the workers we overlook the fact that these workers also produce data for these little and this data is used to produce automation the ability for example says workers are geo located equally to all this geo location data is collected by the platform he saw saying on the platform he uses this data
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on the one hand to make it service work but also and this is the most worrying thing in the long run is using the data to create automatic processes. he says you know include good easy to her drivers it's a question of using this data to train autonomy because the legal order of water delivery drivers we see it on platforms like amazon to train delivery robots all believe the employer were preparing for automation by using this mass of data produced by these click workers sick i get people. who are easy it will be the record you have certain if you screw up one just be you to outsource today to put people to work or less well paid whose rights are less respected there's no need to open a factory in another country they should be consumptive all of the lazy on but for the if suddenly he said quite simply
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a matter of attracting people from other countries or average wages are lower than the platform's countries of origin to work for your platform to be doing he does not assume that a platform so he could do she could do i see made. this type of logic of economic and political asymmetry we do need some would even call it neocolonialism it because also applied by platforms locally in their own country will get it from i mean again it is that the american platforms ruthlessly exploit micro workers and click workers in the us most of the platform call ses in france french platforms don't hesitate to pay very little to french micro workers that you call same building society truthy why is this something that points to a kind of global impoverishment and exploitation both in the north sea and the south don't you know that would be nice.
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to see. it's really interesting times who you know is faced with the most extreme situations of subordination exploitation and surveillance all you need workers who will help raise collective awareness is the just pretty the flood the city will need whistleblowers who will speak out against a situation that is unjust or suggestion and must be protested use of suggestion of like it for some. it is a get can get. should be preacher of those who true christian if i were you and i realize that be working for example when i signed the contract and read the clause saying i'm criminally responsible under irish law if i divulge anything to anyone about this or a. historic. searingly
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positiveness all sorts of serious not artificial intelligence loose with zoho yoga of the so called machine learning is done by humans to target. switches all this so-called artificial intelligence is just people feeding the machine continuously a constant source of vast was when job more onerous feeding the machine. on a 1st day in cork what they call induction day we were told we were going to work to improve series precision so they explained we'd wear headphones and listen to recordings all day i'd suspected for some time there was some kind of espionage element in bed and in this type of device by a 3rd when you accept the terms and conditions of use you know you don't know what data is being collected don't worry you secretive to accuse us. of question.
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from our youth i had no idea that we'd listen to people all the time that. is of value microphones an apple devices are always on and recordings are triggered drowned in a record. so all day long we listened to people talking about their private lives discussing very intimate things. for reponse to the idea was to listen to people dictating the message were talking to serious physical points of what was the principle. but in fact there were lots and lots of recordings when the voice assistant triggered itself closer because it was so so no these recordings were stored either on the i phone look on some server straw or silver or york from super office should this little thought it was because i decided to talk about it because it makes me so much to see that we are completely unaware of the degree to which these companies interfere in our lives too so you can bring it on even people who want nothing to do with a lot of our richer. music
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video being posted when you've misread this is up to i thought we should keep track of all this. so when i decided to leave i risked everything and started taking screenshots of whatever i could be and then i plugged a memory stick into the computer usually could be a different day i got new screenshots. here learned later and frankly i was scared that one of the strictest instructions was not telling anyone so use it even among ourselves in our open plan office we weren't supposed to discuss what we heard this with no one was home and we were really not supposed to talk to journalists people outside apple will not just. point us are jobs all the courses are poor over by taking these screenshots i had
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proof that there were millions and millions of recording south africa on the porter goss' on it for example for the i pads when i took the screenshots there were 14 different countries involved all want to cure looked supporter if you. if these work projects contain 600-0021 point 2000000 recordings for a total of 1000 hours per country. on average there are 8 to 12000000 recordings for each of these projects which make up one time on a very long scrolling minute strongmen edition on q. 30th little. fish will be pursued barbato production should be pursued i feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of it. but the size of these companies sort of we learned also by the economic and political stakes behind the government could be a need to produce teachers you know you know but it's not that complicated to refuse to take part in the film for. more than when you
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said like to show my face as i hope others will follow suit. your it is already a 1st step. to defend oneself. to this form and then to counter attack. on us by what we're led to believe it's not normal and it's not normal and it's not a given. and it but shouldn't be based on what. that's. a lot of the young. bloods say yeah defo showing today the resistance is starting to take place in the short clip workers are organizing because it is always your gun. unions are
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reaching out to these new populations of workers to defend their rights to organize them a little while. we're going to see if. it's too much so we voted to get paid by the hour orders don't get an order you still get paid just a little it's work. only doesn't when you're going to be if you were on call like firefighters but they get paid so we're not paid when we're on call we're connected and ready to deliver but we're not paid to do so i think it's only logical to be paid once you're connected to the app it's a minute it's going to. get. rid of each. division now you know what i've been into liver driver for 7 months. and i work part time. mostly union rep in the c g t's job security committee if you could just
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mentor for the past few weeks we've been trying to get organized against the companies we work for. to put from point can play short. and we're trying to raise awareness and show and deliver route that they can't do whatever they want us to vote. because they've tried to set up to start a school in recent years as an hour just because widespread. it is the workers want to have a say in things because. you can just. sit in the central pacific so if it's going to missing pretty soon i'm going to assume. the good news goes on follow you through it that's on the look cover you. the party forms invite their workers to be self-employed skinny joyce i want to do at least this is an extremely individualistic and capitalistic vision of the present is the color use of color you could use paradoxically enough more and more workers are saying i'll be responsible for myself. i'll take charge of my own destiny but i'll do it
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collectively what. we see for example workers for creating a cooperative would be a look i'll give that. money . there were demonstrations against delivery. i worked for them with other colleagues over the course of time we started to realize that the working conditions they proposed with hospice traffic was light and that is we all saw them to improve said the famous. people mountain but. together we decided to start to projects we set up a co-operative we saw it to refute the idea that you must go with the flow and that there is a model for the future because most of them so we want to prove that technology can also be ethical which is not incompatible with the way
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a co-operative works but it can be democratic not one of them is the. this or does not owe your mom. because we have contracts should pay the paid vacations pay slips. there's going to be a god organization is horizontal vertical or a pyramid where you know there's no hierarchy. of workers without exception have exactly the same rights and the same salary but it's not. company is a nonprofit corporate of it's very fair all the money we make is reinvested in the corporate affairs and better for us to be able but i mean. at the moment there are about 30 of us. something i'm very confident as far as the future of mensa test is concerned we have to keep moving forwards. for us on the one
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hand but also to prove on a more general level there is an alternative. to expose. our model is starting to be exported to guns you are going to get under similar projects are emerging in other cities in madrid a colleague founded upon a harley artist which works as a co-operative and doesn't take care of the case elsewhere in europe the money is going to be less people are starting quarter to start we're born into a similar struggle as you and there are some in belgium in france so you can see again. and i think that's little by little it's
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a model but we grow our stuff. and that out and out and none of us know what we need to generate it's a large scale social worry yourself what's going on. it's a true technology makes our lives easier instigators yes air and lots easier ways of consuming won't disappear on the internet. which we have to be aware of the consequences that they can have. that being in the swim here is that. every time we consume a product we have to ask ourselves when it comes from times i guess it's time for the working class to step forward. i propose alternatives and that's i got don't get organized to defend your rights no one go do it for a son examiners up without we have to make our voices heard so things can change it and you know it's you know our embassy in britain.
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ok it was all me also the next leave was accusing his remark of the machines and also. did you know now the result on there was a kid that got. 11 d. that we can guess and what we all saw on the city at manoa coming to the church once you got crucified have gotten they get all that's new for a song written up again it is. a. take into.
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in the cars malls. 30 minutes on. board. we have an important news. smoking news healthy post decides. are good for the being. global warming doesn't exist. don't believe those will not yet come to. my mind. the industry is controlling your thoughts they are tense really speaking to the rail scientists it's not easy to spot. the great books of the 20th century. present day hoaxes. and who's behind the.
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manufacturing ignorance starts may 3rd on d. w. . this is news the life of a problem but as the current virus and gulf india accusations of much that the government ignored scientists warnings about a new and more dangerous variant a variant that's now being blamed for a devastating surge of infections and deaths also coming up funerals resume in israel for victim.
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