tv Quarks Deutsche Welle May 6, 2021 7:00am-7:46am CEST
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i want to be. true to himself into. this is deed of news live from the white house backs lifting coronavirus vaccine payton protections the move could prove pivotal but efforts to bolster the global vaccine supply but how fast could production realistically be wrapped up also coming up. for india's health system with hospitals and
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staff stretch far beyond their limits joins one doctor on his $27.00 r. shift. germany's top court rejected a key climate law as inadequate look at the countries of vicious new plan to reduce emissions. i'm told me a lot of both thanks for joining us we start with what could be a breakthrough in the drive to boost the world's coronavirus vaccine supply the white house has announced support for waiving vaccine payton protections of u.s. trade representative said the extraordinary circumstances of the pandemic made the move necessary the u.s. had previously resisted efforts at the world trade organization to suspend intellectual property protections now the biden administration says it will make
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goshi is the terms of the agreement with the w.t. oh oh. correspond stephan simons in washington d.c. joins us now and the staff and what exactly is president joe biden advocating. well the administration and the president himself for months now under heavy heavy pressure from into from the international community for many many countries around the world but also increasingly from democrats in congress to lift those protection intellectual protections finally gave in and what he's saying is now basically to everybody who came up with a vaccine that meets the institution slash companies who develop vaccines give up your secrets and basically like it like a chef give up your secret source a new secret recipe and share it with the world it's a monumental change for the administration to lobby for this now or to work on this
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now and practically what does this exactly mean this is nouns meant for global vaccine access. well that means that. we don't even have a text yet you know so there is no text of what this waiving of intellectual property rights actually means defacto also as you mentioned before the w t o a representative of the united states can tie has to be at the w t o and has to have the world trade organization and has to negotiate so this is going to be a process and you know this process this is the key this is not going all of it in another day or 2 and help you have more vaccine around the world available for example for india or in latin america or wherever vaccine is needed urgently this is going to take time jen psaki the secretary of the press secretary of the white house say it's something to that regard making sure everybody understands that this
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is a start the 1st right step in the right direction maybe we're really talking about the u.s. position as it relates to the. process right and that process will take a series of months and requires a unanimous point of view to move forward so what we are the consideration now is the u.s. position our objective overall as we look at this decision is how can we provide as much supply in the most cost effective way to the global community stuff and the head of the world health organization has called the move a monumental moment but we just had sucky mention it herself there's still a long way to go. yeah exactly yeah it is money mental because again as the u.s. was one of the countries who helped us all back there was no negotiating at the w g o about this whatsoever now this change however as you just heard this is
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a long process this is not going to go like just in one day and everybody is happy however sharing is caring here and that means that now what needs to happen follow the money you need to follow the money you need to have technology what is called technology transfer that means countries who have the knowledge who half the secret sauce of what the vaccine is built upon and to have to step through know how to put the axiom together they need to provide this now technology transfer as well as staff personnel to other countries who are still in the dark when it comes to vaccines however again this is going to take a long time there are other countries involved and the world trade organization emphasis on world there's a lot of people and there's a lot of opinions and to negotiation will take time. doubly correspondent stuff and simon's in washington d.c. thank you for bringing us up to speed with that development.
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covert 19 deaths in india have to yet another record high nearly 4000 the burden on the country's health care is becoming increasingly unsustainable as patients overwhelm hospitals in crucial supplies run short joined a young doctor fighting to save as many lives as possible. running low on sleep junior doctor. dresses in protective gear to begin a 27 hour long shift. he's only 26 years old and hasn't even finished his medical training. we had a friend who. wanted to destroy your brain or. believes he'll be much easier when you're not me but you know i was at this point a year before i. started thinking of my feet and i just want to be.
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there is a severe shortage of oxygen and ventilators at this hospital and others across delhi. many people come looking for a bed for a sick relative but these are also in very short supply patients and relatives crowd every available space in some cases people lying close enough for patients to touch. one man is in a storage room surrounded by bins of medical waste rule one says the sounds of his workplace haunt his sleep. that someone just because you know you can read yes even that you believe the b b. b b that funding it was enough you know the. patients rush from hospital to hospital hoping to find someone who will admit them many are turned away left to die on the street. oxygen supplies are transported by
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armed guard and crematoriums work around the clock. maybe you didn't see but would have to be. before they're going to there's a demo of this and if. they come they beat you with it maybe they pay you for that. after 27 hours in the e.r. . says he could sleep for 2 days but a friend with the sick father colds. and agrees to help knowing that in reality there's not much he can do. which. is making headlines around the. hong kong democracy activist just one has been sentenced to another 10 months in jail for participating in an unauthorized assembly attended a vigil commemorating the 1989 crackdown in beijing's tenements where he was
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sentenced together with 3 other activists along is already serving a prison sentence for illegal assembly convictions. have been fresh clashes between police and protesters in the colombian capital bogota is the latest violence highlighting days of protests against america economic inequality and police brutality at least 19 people have been killed in the unrest this past week. 29 jury and students abducted almost 2 months ago have been released released they were kidnapped in a forestry college in ca do not state on the 11th of march originally more were taken but some were released early on. spain has administered millions of vaccines in a bid to 5 a coronavirus pandemic with a focus on reaching priority groups like front line health care workers and senior citizens not elderly residents finally have a chance to get some outdoor activity after months of being stuck indoors. it's an
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outing this group of elderly residents in spain could have only dreamed of after months of living in isolation and cooped up in a nursing home it's finally become a reality around 50 residents and staff from the cost of their day care home a newly vaccinated. and now they embark on a journey afresh and and the wonders of madrid's zoo inhabitants. spain's 1st wave of the current of ours pandemic told through the country's care homes killing nearly $43000.00 elderly people last year many of the residents faced tough restrictions on movement and visiting rights authorities have since launched a nationwide camp. paying to inoculate all from playing well and the elderly. point is i mean it's good to leave to break the monotony of the nursing home especially as we've been confined there for so long it's nice to get outside so i decided to
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go out and see the world. a lot in america 1st off an excursion is meeting things the giant panda as he waits for lunch. that was. sitting in the next step flamingos gathering in their dozens. and an elephant getting his daily wash. myself. for residence and stuff the outing was a delightful change to what had long been the new normal only to see or. whatever it was clearly i mean i mean should i feel as if i was in my village many years ago in the middle of nature listening to the birds which i haven't heard for a long time so for me it's a great day. i'm a bit tired but it's compensated by the pleasure of seeing and hearing what's
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around us. on the other day was a very exciting day they were really looking forward to going out again to getting back to normality and to being able to do this activity in the open and enjoying nature the animals at the zoo it's really good today we had forgotten about paying us. well you know so much the reality is a lot of us. as spain looks to relax its knocked down moves some of the most vulnerable relish taking back their freedom and look forward to venturing out another day. the german government has announced plans for more ambitious cuts to carbon and missions the changes follow a constitutional court ruling that the country's current climate laws are insufficient but there are questions about whether the new goals are a real commitment to more action or simply an effort to gain more votes ahead of upcoming national elections. the climate change activists probably surprised
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themselves with what they achieved young environmentalists have long accused the government of not taking action fast enough on climate change and last week germany's highest court ruled they were right now politicians have to respond young people remind us that we have to slow rather than too quick we need to take action more quickly because of rules that according to our basic law are not just the freedoms of those living today has to be protected but also the freedom of future generations. to go get it that's the one thing the decision to speed up germany's transition to renewable energy has a lot to do with the upcoming national elections chancellor merkel's coalition government wants to finalize plans on how to move away from fossil fuels faster by next week finance minister all offshore said the cabinet was unanimous about the changes we have had the clean we reassessing our climate targets for
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2030 years we have to achieve more early on and we are formulating a plan to reduce emissions by 65 percent and we want to develop an intermediate plan to reduce emissions by 88 percent by 2040 and much quicker than previously discussed we want germany to become carbon neutral by 2045. 1000 from one for. with the new goals both coalition partners the conservatives and the social democrats are showing they don't want the green party to dominate the climate change debate is specially in an election year. brief look at the sports and champions league football where chelsea have beaten real madrid 2 nil to advance to the final to move and open the scoring for chelsea midway through the 1st half and mason mounts sealed the victory with only a few minutes left in the game chelsea will now face manchester city in an all
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english final on may 29. coming up next doc film japanese car industry powered by politics in the meantime you can keep up to date on our website d.w. dot com we're also on twitter and on instagram follow us it's at the news i'm talking a lot of boy for me on the team that's watching. you feel worried about the planets need to have a meal most of the on the grid phones podcasting and to me it's clear remains true . join me for a deep dive into the green transformation for me for you for the concept.
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of. a source of national pride in germany cars stand for freedom status and german engineering of the voyage to our prosperity today is inseparable without the car and without the cars of all our prosperity tomorrow it will not be possible to start. a car is the engine of the german economy an industry that employs millions of car makers have long enjoyed a special relationship with politicians and the message is the car stands for germany it must be protected. sacrifices are made in the interests of the auto industry marj corporations influence politics in germany and in europe the german cause history has traditionally been very colorful imbeciles they take disproportionate interest control and in influence with the biggest fraud scandal
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in recent history has tested the. cozy relationship between car makers and politicians. is but i'm streaming. the mood is shifting many are calling for fundamental change at the same time new competitors are entering the market especially from china. we were told we could be for doing the same old stuff still wake up in a world where germany is no longer an industrialized country. in the middle of dealing with this credibility crisis the auto industry is dealt another heavy blow coated 19. have slumped assembly lines are at a standstill the outlook is poor without firm political backing the industry could be headed toward an uncertain future is the era of the german automobile coming to an end.
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one of the most important automotive hubs in germany. here people have long depended on local car makers and their suppliers for their livelihoods but past successes aren't worth much today as dieter such a warrant shortly before stepping down as c.e.o. of dime or no door of nature says payment will exist for a few. moments it's as bad or believes the consequences would be devastating he's the district manager of the german metal workers union i.g. matal in baton burton back on november 22nd 2019 the union rallies to protest recently announced job cuts. a fair bit today i stopped her instant caught looking out of the 15000 metal workers who are saying boss this is not the way to do it.
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4 months before the coronavirus pandemic shuts down europe many employees already fear for their for. which are. more than 500000 people work in the automotive industry in budden burden back. into these accounts it's a whole system that's affected full supply prefab development and so cannot doesn't include the because of the butcher job ahead of the returning us and the list goes on and on it's clear that without these industries the police will go out to those . car manufacturers and suppliers are in a difficult position. their business model is shaky many companies have few answers to the myriad challenges of the future. job cuts are one way to reduce costs. it's like now they're saying we'll get rid of some employees now i might need new people elsewhere in reality it's about cutting costs in science as i'm no
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longer doing this here and jobs me i'm doing it elsewhere to the workers not only blame auto executives for failing to find innovative solutions they also hold politicians responsible he pointed to delegations are reacting far too late they always support the automakers who are actually responsible for the problems i think they should be ensuring our jobs are say i don't like the auto industry employees are often weighed down by insecurity and existential fears germany the nation of cars is also plagued by self-doubt. the germans and the automobile share a long emotional history. at the end of the 19th century karl benson got leap dimer laid the foundations of what would become the automotive era. the internal combustion engine is the flagship of german engineering following the 2nd world war cars are mass produced. and it's it was of the years of hunger
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deprivation and war there was this opportunity you could go or if you want. when you could afford to do it was the your own cause and so suddenly the world was over . politicians commit fully to nurturing the auto industry. building roads was cheaper than expanding public transport in the 1950 s. there was so much faith in technology and the future that people said we're going to rebuilt the city. on a made this car oriented city with wide roads easy access for cars all these torn down neighborhoods to do it as. the whole country is rebuilt with cars in mind when problems arise politicians stepped in to help during the 2008 financial crisis the government introduces an environmental bonus to help the industry. in the 1st you have a hands full here the liver is everything up to 20 vehicles for. 5000000000
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euros exclusively for the auto industry the relationship between car makers and politicians is a close one and fostered by former german chancellor's. who had practiced and for decades being a car country has been part of germany and that drivers have freedom on the roads that car companies do their business here this idea has actually grown in importance over time. in 29000 more than 800000 people were directly employed by the auto industry but the mechanical engineering metalworking and textile sectors all benefit from the high volume of orders from car makers to an estimated 2000000 people depend on the auto industry for work that's nearly one in 20 of germany's working population this globe is clear why the car plays such a central role for us. when it comes to politics automakers have long enjoyed
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a special status. if you don't want some of the industries this. she close to my house. in terms of industrial policy it's perfectly clear the automobile is the lifeblood of germany in bavaria it was in this job for the auto industry is key in germany we have a great responsibility for the many jobs that depend on it and. for years political decisions that benefit the auto industry have been made not only at the federal level but also in the e.u. parliament. the environmental organization transport and environment campaigns for sustainable transportation in europe. you only a policy over advisors parliamentarians for the organization she sees the effects of the auto lobbies influence on a daily basis i think for many many years what we have seen working here in brussels is that there is really a lot of protectionism on behalf of the german government towards that industry
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protecting the auto industry often comes at the expense of the environment in 1909 the e.u. wants to require manufacturers to take back obsolete vehicles germany's environment minister green party call the titian you're going to a team supports the plan however it would be very costly for the car makers car chancellor gerhard schroder intervenes in a turn about 13 abstains from the vote in brussels to. the motion fails. we are the main target to the auto industry here but none talk. is in the arguments before the automotive industry or if such great importance for the chance of his chinese position so i know it's going to cause its own for the moment sometimes it really feels that the government is in the pockets of the german manufacturer and a lot of the time the german government has intervened and really supported the
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business interests all of them in effect for us here in brussels in. e.u. decision making. cristina dec 5th at work sport lobby control an organization investigating the influence of the auto industry on the german government the idea that this is the d.d.a. the german association of the automotive industry is one of the most powerful lobbies right here in the government district it's a stone's throw to the chancellor's office which means easy access to politician was. the major german automakers also position themselves close to the blunders talk to german parliament b.m.w. . and the vdare. and of course dimer. a short walk from the german parliament is the folks walk in group forum.
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open to find out that the group representation is located upstairs that's really the lobbying office so they exert influence on the government from here if mr steak former government spokesman for both shorter and macro who works here michelle young hasn't had the office he used to head merkel's office you can see the relationship between politics and the current lobbyist very close. longstanding relationships give auto lobbyists special access to government personnel. the auto industry people go in and out of government offices there on a 1st name basis they have a tight relationship closer than almost any other industry here. top politicians regularly move on to jobs in the auto industry. one prominent example this month. he was a former federal transport minister for the center right christian democrats and
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a member of parliament for more than 30 years after leaving parliament he became the chief lobbyist. for the b.d.a. his letters to the chancellor begin with. maximillian formerly the press spokesman for the christian social union now the chief lobbyist at b.m.w. and echoed fun claydon a member of the christian democrats federal executive committee. in 2006 he was the party's federal treasurer. in september 23rd teen fun claydon was serving as minister of state in the chancellor's office 2 months later he became the chief lobbyist at di martin. caught in fact that frankly i got from clayton signed his employment contract with tyler while he was still working in the chancellor's office you have to ask was interests already lie with his future employer or is he still making decisions for the common good which is the job of
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a politician and political system. lobbying is a permitted part of the german democratic tradition what is unusual about the auto lobby is that it's consistently staffed by high ranking ex politicians hildegard miller the v.d.'s current president is no exception as under the americans former minister of state she's well connected to the chancellor's office shortly before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic she is seen as a beacon of hope someone to lead the auto industry out of the crisis her annual salary at the v.a. more than 1000000 europe's. top politicians demand high salaries and only the large corporations can afford that hardly any environmental association can afford a top politician as its chief lobbyist i often question. our environmental and societal interests falling by the wayside who is politics for. at the
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federal transport ministry in berlin parliamentary state secretary. steffen builder tries answering the question. there are various legitimate interests that includes employees in the automotive industry as well as residents who want clean air ministry one has a ministry were of course tasked with reconciling all of these different legitimate interests and that's bad is what we are trying to do here day in and day out as was . and what of environmental interests in the transport ministry in 2019 german transport minister andrea scheuer 11 times with representatives from the automotive industry despite requests he did not meet once with environmental groups does this and this is a huge imbalance and shows what mr scheuer stands for he stands for protecting the german car industry minister not the environment and consumers and so that's. you know a lot of real government support has shaped german industry policy for many years.
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since the late 1990 s. parliamentarians have discussed stricter limits on c o 2 emissions but instead of concrete rules they decide voluntary measures are enough. the former environment minister defends the decision. is this a voluntary commitment tainted to reasonable goal is not bad simply because it's voluntary the question is if the goal will be achieved and if it is there is no need to bring out the most talk just tools of persuasion and. it quickly becomes clear that the industry is falling far short of it c o 2 reduction targets. the car industry the car sector in europe for example is one of the biggest contributors to c o 2 emissions so we have to go faster and the car industry has to go faster but instead of preparing on time investing and rolling out technology they prioritized profits in the good vs the u.s.
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where they didn't have any regulations to meet. meanwhile the issue of climate change grows more. serious every year in 2007 until america now chancellor of germany speaks out in favor of ambitious e.u. climate targets but in 2013 when political groups in the european parliament agree to drastic cuts in c o 2 emissions from passenger cars medical intervenes to. become a stranger many some of the larger manufacturers were not happy with the agreement so merican came to brussels with a mission to weaken and adjust the regulation to that meets with the text of the new law has already been approved by member states the vote should be a mere formality. unio policy going over is there when at the last minute the plan is stopped in its tracks to all get called up by the council to say we're very sorry but they agree meant no longer holds we have to renegotiate and there was an
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open for oil in the room members of the same but this is unprecedented we just a greek you gave us your word and so there was a real scandal in european decision making. after tough negotiations a compromise is reached car manufacturers can count especially fuel efficient vehicles several times toward their overall balance using so-called super credits the strict limits have been eams until america is pleased with her success but that's why the term super credit has a super meaning if i may add. this in a tradition and we're a country where cars are manufactured and that's not the case in all the e.u. states and you can see from the boats at the european level that there are different approaches as they stand how each end history ashamed but the idea that we are somehow putting on the brakes is wrong as far as. protecting the interests of the one's own industry is a legitimate political goal but has it gone too far in germany in 2015 the u.s.
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environmental protection. unsee discovers illegal software in v.w. diesel cars the software manipulates data related to the emissions of nitrogen oxides which are especially hazardous to health it's the biggest fraud scandal in germany's recent economic history and all the major manufacturers are implicated in the auto industry apparently feels very secure in germany the government hardly intervenes and always shields them from consequences so that creates the breeding ground for something like the invasion scatter. the diesel scandal plunges the auto industry into crisis and prompts environmental protests the mood shifts if i'm extremely angry before it's volkswagen is parting ways with us from pushed these prosecutors are investigating in the diesels can't prosecute just say there is danger of collusion. a turning point for the entire industry.
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journalist and consultant don don lemon has been covering the automotive industry for many years. and often he would sleep don't forget not only the german government but all of us the taxpayers funded research in the automotive industry that would if you gave a lot of money was invested in the development of hydrogen fuel and electro mobility over the last 10 years and nothing came of it so politicians got angry and put it that they felt they were duped. but politicians also shoulder some blame the german car industry slept through important innovations being made elsewhere in the world for years economic interests were prioritized over the environment and public health it's a high price to pay road traffic today accounts for about one 5th of all c o 2 emissions in germany to leave for the federal government has never been
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interested in sustainable mobility. car summits were not a place where that was celebrated its instead. it was about safeguarding what already existed in the street. what kind of industrial policy can reconcile the needs of the environment and the economy it's a question that's of existential importance for a place like stuttgart. the city's former green party mayor fritz kuhn has unique insight into the conflict between these interests. the government's job is to determine emissions limits to nitrogen oxides and so on . and the automotive industries job on the economic side is to provide the best vehicle on top of the best doesn't just mean the fastest and biggest it also means environmentally friendly vehicles. for decades made in germany stood for innovative manufacturing. that put more than 5 years after the diesel scandal the
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transport ministry is reviewing its policies with a critical eye. since the opportunities for innovation have been missed sometimes by politicians but also by car makers often in-house now it's up to them to bring these innovative vehicles to market to. the i.a.e.a. international motor show september 29th. the automotive industries message is clear car companies are turning over a new leaf folks bargain plans to switch entirely to battery powered vehicles by 2040 dimer and b.m.w. are also focusing on battery powered vehicles but they promise to develop other driving technologies as well but change takes time dimer estimates that its fleet of new passenger cars will not be completely c o 2 neutral for another 2 decades this think that may sound like
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a long time but in fact it's only 3 product lifecycle so feeble and it's not much time when you consider what a huge transformation. it is for us just. many have long since lost confidence in the car companies outside the halls of the i.a.e.a. 25000 people demonstrate for change they want a mobility revolution that cuts out fossil fuels and the influence of big corporations. the diesel struggle cost the star comic product the car in a completely different life like that. and it intensified people's awareness of environmental issues like the guy who is climate change things it's not jug it has to be taken seriously that one day we'll look back on this period and understand it was a time of pop culture change because. amid this transformation disturbing news about a new virus in china starts to circulate. we now have
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a name for the disease it is called weed 19 and i will spell it to see all the deep hyphen one night. but it will still take time to understand just how hard this virus will hit the world why in stuttgart in february 2020 the threat is not yet felt at dime our management and engineers are working hard to make up for lost time. c.e.o. . is steering the company through a difficult time to. do is to tell us what's on offer be the transformation of the auto industry is causing a lot of internal people which affects our company to normal between we're investing huge amounts in electoral mobility digital technologies new business models neuer shifts at the same time with their order to be able to finance these new assessments we have to significantly improve our cost efficiency is $1.00 of
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the nazi on soko for. the company plans to unveil. asked more than 10000000000 euros in the development of new vehicles. but di miller is still struggling with the fallout from the diesel scandal litigation costs fines penalties product recalls all these go on the balance sheet in the negative column. in order to be as cost efficient as possible cuts are made to personnel. we've outlined a plan and set clear targets for not cutting with a lawnmower as it were spreading cuts intelligently in different areas in our goal by the end of 2022 is to save 1400000000 and personnel costs us all costs of course . 1.4000000000 euros even before the pandemic as many as 15000 jobs are at stake. and major suppliers also want to cut thousands of
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jobs past mistakes are taking their toll on. the dog show it will be in history for many years the german automotive industry did not take the environmental movement seriously enough times be they have their quarterly reports on the stock exchange dick but they were not sustainable in an ecological sense vons now about coming back to bite them because the electric car that people always talk about isn't really here yet. in fact the race for new driving technologies is taking place primarily outside germany in china subsidies and purchase premiums drive technical innovation. in 2016 the chinese government makes a decision with far reaching implications china wants to force or to make is to make a production quotas a. failure to comply could result in heavy penalties this puts pressure on
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german manufacturers for them china is the most important market nearly one in 3 cars is sold there. the germans were once the industry's pioneers now they find themselves on the sidelines other players are making the rules. they have the students than them the key who runs the world markets like china and china has made a clear decision in favor of electric mobility. if we don't check and if we keep doing the same old stuff we'll wake up in a world what germany is no longer an industrialized country. china is on the rise just days before the coronavirus brings the country to a standstill people here are confident. nearly 500 electric car manufacturers are registered in china in 29 teams. and one of them is neo in who say.
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thousands of electric vehicles roll off the assembly line here every month the automaker is building s.u.v.s for the premium market vehicles designed to compete with dimler and b.m.w. so it's hard to copy the wiseass tradition though yes we swallow 100 years of history they have a committed a lot so battery cars still is a little bit and less complicated from credit was the oil that it gave us a chance. so you see what is coming from that pano on the 2nd the platform. victor grew heads production at neo he says the company success would have been impossible without political support. they are supporting off to adopt the charges stations because these charges station you actually use the one of the key factor across the market shoots between the
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traditional all your car or a battery for. victor cruz says china's targeted promotion of electro mobility could be decisive in the end. german friends should think about when it will focus on that otherwise china will verify asked. that. i think. by 2017 china already has 190000 public immobility charging stations in germany at the same time there are just 9500. the fact that alternative driving systems have been ignored for so long in the birthplace of the automobile frustrates even some german developers china welcomes them with open arms. the former b.m.w. executive daniel keshet co-founded his own car brand in 2017 bitin electric
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vehicles for the premium class but. i think germany has spent a long time trying to diesel cause a flood and that's the question do you see changes a threat or an opportunity it was a stall stall we of course see a huge opportunity in this kind of charges if we can basically start from scratch with a blank sheet of the back up here. a pioneering spirit full of optimism the former giants of the industry have some catching up to do. vincy fluids and if you're leaving with a kayak and making good money and a successful car and then you don't feel any pressure going on for if i remember myself up 345 years ago we were in absolute to nadal electrum ability with moscow productive i think people had gotten a bit too comfortable with their own success we would often identify. dannielle
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kitchen as believes the future of electro mobility is here. here in china. this is due in large part to chinese industry policies. that's the accurate of the lot who built this clones here and i 18 months you know usually as i like to say the chinese speak with a lot of support from the local government and see these affairs simply a determination hits a drive this change forward quickly and speed is crucial because the competition is face book if you really want to seize an opportunity you have to be fast fans you have to get him during the short window of time and carve out the spots and you know. in january just before the coronavirus knock down 340 robots stand ready and waiting for their 1st shift some 300000 vehicles are expected to roll off the production line here each year german engineering made in china she not and is
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