tv Markus Lanz Deutsche Welle May 8, 2021 5:30pm-6:30pm CEST
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in africa but also in japan as you go elsewhere as you see if you're born you hear . a little good is the word exist in order for the savage to exist she goes who are presumed to be savages must accept that this is indeed exactly what they are the late victim of. at the beginning of the 1890s the role of a human who's received in response to political objectives which would must be staged and orchestrated. moloko story is that of a survivor after months of humiliation she was able to return to his village and have people. 100 years later her descendants recalled the suffering of the exhibition people and
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shed light on the trauma. more nicole and her companions belong to the kenyan people 1000 years of guyana in 1902 more equal together with other people in his village left the banks of the moroni river and guyana accompanied by the sound of. 32 others hang on until the journey cierra. there's also no one there are more there the old people told us that there was a big party before the parcher. interpreter still remember a must read that the ship gradually disappeared over the horizon just get out of than we could still see what was happening valley but by the sheer beauty of the horizon there was silence there is no. the french explorer francois luvox sent by
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the military for colonies was able to convince the killing yet to head off into the unknown you offered the money in beautiful science and felt that they would be well treated. i think what it cost travel compay was were better for women and children for game voluntarily but were locked up in cages or what they were supposed to make pottery imperils up until dugouts instead they were forced to act as savages for the audience they were w. related in the process they were not accepted for who they were it was and they quickly realized that they are indeed regarded as savages. subjected to constant humiliation the killing her like all other people exhibited the time was subjected to racial a scientific studies. a at.
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the end of the exhibition of the telling you was a great success. in the public flocked to the shop on the came across from. the embodied to perfection but human savages wanted to be like. the winter disease and exhaustion rapidly caused the deaths of some members of the troop in paris the show continued nonetheless. of the original 32000000 year who travel to france only 10 returned to their village. more legal was one of them. please follow the go here on this part of the clean you know history is very distressing because the people could not mourn the loss of a fairly very viscous grief. something very important to various illegal people and
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even a century later it is still impossible to sort out. your fans who don't. care only a mother and daughter they are direct descendants of monocle. they have never seen these photos of monocle and her fellow companions of misfortune taken my long bonaparte. and i know that's monaco that was a great grandmother's 1st name she was called again and we don't know who the other one i want to be she said they were afraid when they reached france and guess what she said when she told me what happened and that is what i got him or when i feel sorry for them back then and what they mean but the men who are. in
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the camp if you feel set them. forward and when i look at these facts here we've got to. knock down the part i thought and never talked about his grandmother leaving him a beautiful i've never seen these fighters see your dreams but i can look at them. as you were covering the. unspoken trauma is something the descendants still struggle with today. and you know by anybody i don't think it was right or bill bennett what was the corner boy the way the white people made them do all this nonsense who said wait a minute what did they want with them. such behavior is mistreatment and marble money to buy if a white man takes them away he must treat them for. such treatment was simply not
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correct what i mean and you know joking and they wanted to force their will. but maybe they didn't obey them i'm maybe that's what happened. nobody really knows what happened back then no one gets. 2 the money really exist there is no textbook course about indigenous history. but how will you on today to know her story has dealt with this aspect of both until you get it is part of our identity said also a facet of history friends list 12 of the horse that's why we're going to rest it i just today we're told in. the exhibition of the colonial was an important 1st step towards the state it's protection of the colonized people for propaganda purposes. the ministry of
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colonies took control of human exhibitions oh private shows now needed it's all cries ation. the production spread across the atlantic america was now also getting involved of all the peoples exhibit is a monster down in terms of popularity 6 diminutive africans attracted everyone's attention they were backward pygmies from the belgian congo to the st louis anthropology department had financed an african expedition led by the explorer samuel fearnot to bring them to be presented exclusively if the exhibition. also bengal was one major 41 in holland this young man with the energy magic smile was soon to become the most popular among. samuel burner it was a mission explicitly to bring back paid me because it was
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a lean time that they were the least civilized people on the planet and the whole point of the st louis world's fair was to map human progress from the lowest to the highest where the pygmies said to represent the lowest form of humanity. since i was in 85 the congo had been the property of the building king leopold the 2nd his authority was unchallenged and his rule was particularly violent and hosh acts of brutality common place. say on the vine and self said how he kept all the paid news he wrote about how the people were crying as he was like loading these people on to the ships and. got away he also indicated how he had gone into villages with force he was
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armed and he had consent and the support of a good all regime to exercise his mission. of all the so called specimens presented at the exhibition the pygmies aroused the pleasures cheerios among the visitors. they represented absolute savagery. this small stature was due to move from logical adaptation to living in the equitorial rainforest. according to westerners it signified that there was subhuman . they saw in him a confirmation of man's descent from fights proof of darwin's famous theory of the missing link between man and animal. day after day out of bengal was treated to the american spoke and contained.
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a lot of bankers cheese or probably most responsible for the car renders experience he had in the united states because of his teeth which war shipped to points a very common practice in the congo this imagery of ality. his idea that he'd been a cannibal or as he was. this deception consummate his samuel venice success he received the st louis gold medal at the closing ceremony of the exhibition which attracted almost 20000000 visitors. to travel into the congo again the explorer finally took auto banqueting new york is american adventure had resumed behind us it was not you know 6 seminal event it
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was unable to provide for his pigmy so they loaned him to the head of the bronx zoo who put him in a monkey cage. he was made to play the savage with bow and arrows props in a few short years and more than 40000 people came to see him in the implosion he shared with a chimpanzee. his new partner with whom he performs more tricks. there's an outcry in the press and not just the african-american prosper increasingly in the mainstream press and this is so degrading and so contrary to what a civilized nation should be doing that so with orders together with some of the ministers in new york got work out arranged to have banker conveyed to an orphanage . now free in the can of a religious community also being the hope finally to be able to integrate into his
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adopted country the black ministers who took him in in 1910 gave him a western christian education he went to primary school and took english lessons subsequently he was sent to lynchburg virginia where he got to know and spencer a respected african-american poet and civil rights activist. she told him to write . protect. didn't supporters also going to try to live a normal life and go to work. as a congo pygmy he could not adapt to the country as the ku klux klan. or the end of the story 1st world war breaks out and it was clear to bangor that it's going to be very very difficult to get back to the congo have we don't know exactly what precipitated exaction but you know he takes his own life he. has a gun and leaves his residence shoots himself through the heart.
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is the time of his death toll views are asked to come to the united states it was the most famous savic in american showbusiness. his body was never claimed by the congress. and. the media are going to install the os is the need a lot of anger stories the story of racism the thousands of people who stared out of anger and fail to see if she was being if it's the one we can see how throughout history these men and women have been denied their humanity in order to justify the alleged superiority of white people in the us in the garage. i am.
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gamma the 1st world war reset attitudes towards exhibiting people and to colonial operations it's a great power as britain and france chose out of economic and military opportunism to enroll people from economies. they now believe they can be civilized and useful if they can be kept under supervision is today savages which days brave soldiers all indigenous workers. in the eyes of the countries they fight for they are now fighting an even more primitive savage. the germans. after victory was achieved afro caribbean hindu african american command african
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and asian soldiers from the french and the allied armies caray did on the show so loose a to the cheers of the crowds. this is the story line the forget the human exhibitions after 1800 different now they are no longer savages around a source they remain natives and are not already quite sick but they no longer live in darkness they're on the road to civilization and are portrayed as being at the service of the great close relations sellers they go on national going to the pacification of these territories the state in italy with the help of folklore exoticism it would be even a rada system if leaders of the result is a world that only functions due to the domination of the west just was the message remains the savior joram and we are the masters and they are the native son of god is assured. that. money is color we was 21 when he agreed to leave his new caledonian homeland to travel to
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paris with a 100 foot of k'nex. it was 1931 he trusted the french official who suggested he in the others present they connect culture at the colonial exhibition in paris. they were to return in 8 months some. 100 people agreed to undertake the journey into to teachers students customs officers fighters and seamen. little did they know that they would become the tragic heroes of one of the greatest humiliations in french history. in a shutdown akin littlejohn mario's was told he could not leave his enclosure unaccompanied to rest or pray. none of the promises made were kept he had been tricked it was if you had returned to the 19th century.
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and i must it was terrible they had to perform from morning till night about it the women had to breastfeed in public they had to build dug out and danced all day. it is a skill or they were slaves i think that violates human dignity is even though nobody died people should not treat other people like that of the presumed of. some of the trip went to germany while twice a week the others performed at the colonial exhibition in paris. the organizers exhibited them as natives from new caledonia as part of the colonies official presentation. unlike in the limiters
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throne they were not presented to savages but as bono natives of the empire. france was to showcase the scope of an empire which was at its peak with a population of $100000000.00 and an area twice that of the roman empire. most of it is was a colonial exhibition was 2 to 3 times the size of disneyland in paris and it took place not outside but in the center of paris in former workers districts that had been completely redesigned at the time the cinema was still in its infancy sound film had just been invented and here an entire colonial empire was now being recreated in orbit it was like hollywood it will still be. the exhibition was inaugurated by the president just all the men and mashallah otay joined by the
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undersecretary of state for the colonies blaise. in just a few months 33000000 tickets were sold. in school i don't see the. suffolk 931 as the peak of the motor should do for a long period is not to say that a real decline was starting. it was important to show that france's history which had cost a lot of money was calculus parliamentary debates had finally paid off to disappear and the promise of educating inferior people to a level not too far removed from the nation standards had been achieved over. all over the world forces will be getting to denounce human seems for the 1st time an enormous vandeleur opted in france the human rights league the communists and even former communists of new caledonia were protesting all agreed that such
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displays were unacceptable you could not glorify the civilizing mission of colonize sation and at the same time exhibit fake savages. the connects being exhibited in germany also started rebelling and were less and less willing to play the game. the protests prompted the minister of. colonies to order the shot are the thing to strong to close the it's a bishop and to bring back part of the troop in germany at heart and. at stake was the honor of the french republic which could not be seen to be condoning such productions. the authorities decided to repatriate the troops the connects arrived home in july 1932.
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mario scalloway did not wish to return he saw his future in france and refused to board the ship in ma say and returned to the woman he loved she was french her name was juliet gabrielle fafsa and meeting her was the only good luck it had in france . a few weeks later the couple married in border. you know when you're in the field what is surprising is that the marriage contract here says the future wife wishes to keep her french nationality out the venison a difference is basically because converts were considered to be foreign is even though they came from a french colony. sylvette was born one year later she was only a few months old when mario died in a tram accident. her family always hid the fact that her father was
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a canary. only in her old age she discovered her origins thanks to a journalist friend. today some bet has returned to the zoological gardens where her father was exhibited. there are also insolvent. it's a french but also new caledonian story is in their own i'm proud because it was my father but the way he was treated is shocking. about the song it's not a very nice story especially as i never got to know him. this place touches me so i think it shows i have the feeling that these people are always present here. this feel. that arranged for marius his remains to be returned to new caledonia in 2006. today
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he rests among his people in national cemetery on the island of leave. your going on back to when i'm newly returned by ship and took him to the tri they prepared food to the children everyone spoke about his story he has returned his back home. the exhibition of the k'nex was one of the last in europe the scandal was so great that such shows were no longer possible. in the decade prior to the 2nd world war humans zoos and colonial exhibitions gradually ceased.
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the last of such exhibitions took place at the end of the decade in britain portugal germany and italy there were no longer profitable public was tired of them only a few diehards hung on but their productions were so blatantly mediocre that visitors shunned them. at. the end of him and sues the start of revolts heralding decolonization wars to abandon the zeus was to abandon colonial domination a new era had begun but one of conflict and suffering. of the next 20 years from 942916 would be the darkest and most violent of the 20th
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century the 2nd world war to colonize session the revolts against segregation in the united states away from a violent struggle swept all over the world. this long chapter of history really only concluded when the colonies won their independence from the mid 19 fifties through the mid 1970 s. . from there onwards. the west will try by any means to raise this shameful past. this is what is required to lupul do it all for the history of the human zoo this forgotten because it belongs to the history of folk culture not to the great colonial history that is our goals were sold the researchers of the fifty's to a guess about this phenomenon completely irrelevant governor is actually today we're beginning to rediscover all this and ask ourselves the simple question of how could people in the west believe that human beings on the other side of the ocean were all savages really so that. in the mid
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1900 scientists a museum directors began to open the cranks search the archives and even to exist remains. in tampa all of it is important to study the past in order to understand what is happening in the present soon or it can point to qualia for example if you want to understand why racism exists in our societies you only have to look at the human zoos through the history of colonization and slavery for immediate or more only then will you understand why the rest in a claim for a superior domination today in. the latest past to wrest the body must rest in peace. one day send home the bodies of the exhibited as we did in the past the tambo. will we one day write down moloko story
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into the history books of guyana and also france all that of mario's colorway to overcome the conflicting memories that persist not wasted new caledonia what can we do so that one day the body of autumn banda is reclaimed by the congo and written into the country's history. it is now the duty of a generation to rescue these stories from oblivion. only by creating and in life and culture of remembrance coming finally close the chapter on human soon.
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get ready for some great means i'm christine one glass on the eyes on the edge of my country with a brand new developing news africa this show that tackles the issues changing the cost of the car with more time to off bought into the cost of all of the time stuff caught up to you what is making the hittites and what's behind the way on the streets to give you the end of reforms on the insides d.w. news africa. becomes nothing lives for w. .
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it's an ongoing quest for a bit of churn. the arab spring began in 2000 little of the. people. stood up against corrupt rulers and dictatorship. all these moments. have left deep banks in my memory. they have hoped for more security more freedom more dignity. have their hopes been fulfilled. 10 years after the arab spring now rebellion starts june 7th on t.w. .
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glad. this is g.w. news live from berlin. once be a magic bullet in the cold i was fun to make it hell the 2nd day of talks to not pushing the u.s. for a concrete plan india's prime minister joins them via video link to the lives of our correspondents at the summit on indeed also coming up. for the 1st time in officials of recorded more than for thousands of the nines and that's an important day although it is getting through as fans feel things could get worse before they get better. by any minute crowned does he got champions in the record 9 straight german title i've since lost don't call me names no one
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i'll catch by. i imagine my kids you know and you are welcome to the program the european union and india have agreed to restart stalled trade talks the e.u. is calling there was a mission of negotiations on. new job you observe relations with the sub continent this have been holding a summit in the plot against it's your call to indian prime minister there on that on what do you joined by video link the meetin has been dominated by e.u.'s proposal to waive his rights and call the 19 vaccines the idea is strongly supported by india bought a post by a larger e.u. states which rather wants to run a vaccine production the summits has also focused on the deepening over $1000.00 crisis in india you again council president shall michelle says you will do all
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it's can to help the european union thanks in front of you there is within the hour at this critical time we always be prepared to make in and we are ready to provide for the support tribute each their greatest challenge everything in generations only through even though. we have some team coverage here have used brussels grilled cheese aleksandar phenomena in porto portugal and did have used delhi bureau chief on research ema following the story for us starting with you alexandra what's where some key moments from the summit. i think it was for a significant today that the european union and india announced that they are ready to cooperate closely in the future and they're ready to. relations in particular they announced today that they are going to restart talks
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on trade and investment. in both in the block and in india and this 16 is significant because such talks were frozen 8 years ago over differences including india's tariffs on the european products and the restricted access for indian workers to the european union so both sides are showing today that there are determined to seize this growing momentum for title relations as both are. concerned about the rising might of china also on the agenda of course to cover its 19 pandemic and both sides work to work closely together in this area as well however the european union once again stressed that they don't think that lifting intellectual property rights on vaccines are going to salt
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a problem because it's going to take months to do that so there are suggesting it's more important to work together to increase production and they are calling on all western nations to export more with scenes. how important is all this to help keep the pandemic under control. the question of vaccine will is really really important but india if you remember that india was the country along with south africa which put in this proposal for a waiver of the would create organization last year and there's really key that it goes ahead and president joe biden's support for this proposal is a big boost for india and south africa and many of the countries that support it as alexander mentioned that any kind of really even a 1st gun to what would happen very anytime soon and it wouldn't have a direct impact on controlling the pandemic right now but you know many other reasons for india that there's not a very significant moment this e.u.
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and in just summit for example you know just before the summit started the plan isn't really there more the end his aborted use counterpart georgian up in the describe this as a profound moment of geopolitical significance and they talk to mike rebalancing the relationship of the e.u. in the into the safe it so put all the various reasons that alexander also mentioned the tree trade agreement that they have resumed talks and that the many many issues on which they don't agree and they have 20 shows like patents is just one of them there is market access data security and the right of indian professionals to work in the e.u. but the very fact that they've decided to resume this free trade agreement discussion is a major breakthrough and then they've also decided they want to start talks on an investment protection agreement so there are many reasons that converge their interests have converged at various levels of the strong message coming out from this summit was that the 2 sides want to deepen their relationship and partnership
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and move it further and that's a very important message for india i'm very touchy delhi india and i stand there are phenomena important portico thank you. eventually came in there reported its highest daily death toll is a beginning of the pandemic registering more than $4000.00 that's 19 in 24 hours but critics warned that the official guess on the counts to fall extent of the crisis. in some places in india it is hard to believe the country isn't crisis in the southern city of hit or about muslim celebrating the end of ramadan are out shopping some feeling lax about safety rules. before forcing regular citizens to comply with covert $1000.00 guidelines national leaders on lawmakers need to follow health safety measures them selves then the common people will also follow them. i got public shopping got to happen it would give you. many
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mosques remain shut over corona bars fears the spite that weakens islamic college days and preparations for the i festival still others ignored official warnings unless people gather for prayer in large numbers. gatherings like these are driving india's 2nd coronavirus wave it has been much more infectious partly due to new variance off the virus as the number of those testing positive surges so dust the death count relatives are desperate to get help for the infected loved ones in time . since this morning i've been trying to get an oxygen cylinder for my father the government says there is no oxygen shortage but look at the number of people waiting here in 2 hours you will see that the 2 or 3 people believe in tears. sites incriminatory arms are overwhelmed many are enough for is to bring the bodies
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to makeshift cremation sites instead. for now india continues to count its losses to depend demick and more fire and smoke. other developments in the pandemic the e.u. has struck a deal would cover 19 vaccine produce a biotech pfizer to buy up to $1800000000.00 for the next few years german residents who are considered fully immune to the virus will no longer be subject to nightly care if used or quarantines beginning sunday that applies to anyone who has had both those as of the vaccine or recovered after falling ill with a virus artist on has received its best of 1200000 as an act of us induces it's called vox quota the global program for vides vaccines may need to develop in countries. some other stories making headlines around the world at least 30 people have been killed on the dozens injured in an explosion in the girls' school
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gunderson's capital kabul an interior ministry spokesman said i mean where she falls between 11 and 15 years old no good immediately clear whose possibility for the attack. hundreds of palestinians have clashed with israeli riot police outside the flashpoint sites in jerusalem at least 50 worshippers were injured me at the last easter i need least fired rubber bullets stun grenades tensions are growing us some palestinian families they've been on land also claimed by jewish that this piece of actions on. colombia's president yvonne dukie has called for an end to the mosque and to governments demonstrations group in the country is due to hold for talks with the this at least 26 people have died in the rest stemming from living conditions heavily on that.
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the apologist have discovered the fossil remains of 9 young men in a cave near rome italy's college submits she says the oldest could date back 100000 years. the closest and since relatives of humans. now and. then again there's nothing new about munich when in the bundestag a title as either one saw it coming it's among. the titles that i wrote lives it's lost means no one can. look back on how they got here. was unable to repeat by a prolific trophy haul from the past season and an apparent rift with his superiors likely brought his time at the club to a premature end. but on the pitch it was business as usual by and demolished child to 8 no in the opening game of the season. robert evangelist he proved once again
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his nose for goals he's well on his way to set a new one to see gold record. and get so much about this season was unusual the coronavirus pandemic meant that most games were played without spectators played just so and there was nothing normal about by and losing $41.00 to hoffenheim early in the season the champions responded however in typical fashion by going to 12 games unbeaten and it would be january before the next defeat at mentioned. was looking their form was never quite as imperious as in the 1st half of the season but they won when it mattered a one note victory at like 6 in the early april all but put an end to the hopes of the closest challenger has just tasted the to even click surprise announcement that he would leave didn't dentist pay is winning mentality and once again they wrap things up with games to spout. off like it's out he doesn't buy on and with the
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position of national coach soon to be vacant could it be couldn't top germany. joining me. title in a row as moch. once again by and have done it. no in a word. therefore has been patchy than usual this season maybe but as this happens so often when they've presented other teams. this season with a chance with a chink of light to catch them they've failed they've lost their nerve dortmund has done in previous seasons leipzig has done it this season perhaps fitting that by or not actually won the league without having to kick a ball today with slipping up against dortmund again. they've got the best squad in the league we saw some of those players there robert live and by far the best goalscorer in germany for the record of the season and quite
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a story if you could achieve so with him up front. you're going to you're going to win more games and you lose is the beginning to sound like broken records constantly every 2nd by i have won the league title but. after such a fantastic season. he's not going to be the next season more like a bit feeling is it could be i could see it being bittersweet for him it might also be very satisfying for him there might be a little bit of schadenfreude in there for him too because he's won 7 titles and in just over 18 months at the helm including the champions league and it's an incredible trophy hole and to be leaving the club basically because he's so upset with the way that the hierarchy has dealt with them and doesn't sail up for the internal workings of a maybe he's going to say ok of one of the league title again going to move on at
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the end of the season maybe take the germany job. the next month. well looking ahead to next season by an obviously would want to win and not a tied so who's going to replace the coach. the rb leipzig coach is the he's the new man and very young man. but highly rated manager previously with hoffenheim done well with rb leipzig the question for him is can he handle the the nominations and county handle a dressing room full of superstars. he stars in the past. but this is a new level the likes of live in the. manuel neuer county and those egos they've paid to managers in the past and he needs to be wary of as well. thank you. well you're watching the news. is that
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a profile of want. to be. in the game about our media market you're watching. my 1st. machine. where i come from women are by this. something as simple as learning how to write them by psychos isn't. since i was a little girl i want. my home and it took me as the one. finally in the game. and returned because sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for goes than writing a. woman back home. and social rules and. hold the basic rights my name is them out of the home and i wore
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thomas moore that is one of a comic book he does on the pitch looks so simple but it's ingenious the perfect run with the puck type i look at the school time it doesn't matter what the school is himself quite he says. he's one of the most successful players there has ever been and yet no fan really has him on their radar as a superstar maybe because he's dribbles don't look like little miss. maybe because you never know for sure whether it's just luck or skill. and the thing is. i'm going to move the mclucas can and. at 1st glance his game looks on spectacular
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in-style. was able for him but it's only when you take a closer look that you appreciate his unique abilities but there is a world cup winner 2 time champions league and 9 time in this league champion no german player has won so many trophies played so many champions league games and assisted so many in this league goals like no one else he is always in the right place at the right time in germany he's known as the round away to an english. couple so what's his around oyster and why is miller one of the most on the rights of players in the world let's take a look. there is simply no one like miller in the football world a rare one club man who has been wearing the buy new jersey for 21. yes. 'd and there's one thing he's always had in his d.n.a.
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identifying open spaces even when they're not yet visible to most. always knows unlike some of his opponents where to move and where the bullet will end up. what makes him special here is one could say wright who steps i have. in the summer of 2020 miller explained to the foreign press exactly what his round voice of position means my biggest quality is maybe the game without the ball to get them the right space to the right time maybe this space. in classic miller style he coined the round to work himself. some players especially they have been transported. through special show awareness on the field they recognize and their surroundings pretty well they we begin with those of
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a player. or. his parents or you know like. or anything like this. or is that intelligent. ishmael tyree and stats form analyze focal matches around the world and it fights top clubs such as liverpool and ac milan they were called in to analyze and visualize thousands of thomas malisse passes shots and runs. you can see all of malicious passes which let's was shocked on the hands flick in this example from match against braman you can see that miller has moved out wide in order to create a chance for his teammates. plus what i would think there is basically. a wide range of creates art spaces. if i can i'll be he takes. his mother who's actually playing as a central midfielder slides into space on the right which opens up through the
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middle. looking at the match for th miller's movements and eventual cross doesn't result in a goal. but a similar move sawmiller thank you mabry combined for a goal in sight match. it's one reason why miller has made more assists than anyone else in this league history. he has not struck 163 in germany more than a sister king one giggs in the premier league all entirely at maestro francesco totty only little messi has assisted more. mother burst onto the scene at just 19 under his mentor louis van holland in 2009 he was brought in to complement its hemolysis stars this time we had the big playmakers with. in the middle and. our famous robbery of the robin on the wings they had
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a lot of the time the ball in their feet they needed a player to attack the spaces then then they can use that as their quality in dribbling or in passing he made an immediate impact as a creative force but look also stands out in front of goal why because his awareness allows him to pick the perfect moment to take shots. the shot selection is represented here by different colors red means a high scoring chance blue represents a lower chance. for what we see here is used position where if it's very few shots it is expected cost for shot is world class. very few shots like the conversion where. one of the best players in the world. well it doesn't. to take a lot of shots to score a goal like other players he's extremely effective he's often in
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a position west distinctly he can be the most dangerous it sounds pretty simple but it's not something that comes naturally to every player. does anything intuitive pussy and on those designed for. those in fortunes you win by i think i'm condone what he's done is in theirs and there is more but i don't know if my. husband is the man that's installed by the v.m. mining option over to or. around the she's the boss and. then this used. before and of which prominent most important on both finest. as it is in the middle is on. top of that is the round voice but all the others who have similar skills marcel sockets are from the likes of perhaps or jose calif longtime feeling tina maybe delhi from tottenham in any case none of them cover the round though it's a role as good as mother when you look at these pictures you definitely don't think of a football superstar but mother has been playing consistently at the highest level
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for more than 11 years and he's won almost every trophy there is to win the game. he's also remain fairly grounded some players would have capitalized on the round though it's a brand new marketing ploy but the boy from a small bavarian town is still playing football simply for the love of the game. like. he works a lot for 90 minutes plus. this long as rob has grown so. this is what is known as a player radar records the 10 most important key figures for any football for example the average gold probability shot the blue area shows an average player in the top 5 leagues read this thomas miller in a house of 10 values he is above average and in these fires. areas he's performing at the top international level so world class hardly any other play in the world
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has such a broad range of quality. very good. friends of. both youth also the fans of style. and dance of all a lot like is proto regains are very high. this makes him special. looking at the data one thing is very clear the combination of his strengths makes 1000000 unique and one of the most effective players in football and he's been doing it for years but not everyone has appreciated knowledge skill sets in the summer of 2019 buying coach nico kovacs wants to build his team around philly who arrived on loan from barcelona. i came in a squad player the gamble didn't end well. after an embarrassing 51 defeat so i try frank for kovacs was sacked successor hansie flick immediately brought me back into the fold at the end of the season could see me overturns
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a barcelona as millar started by trouble winning season. miller was also underestimated in the germany national team in 2019 coach yorkie love wanted a fresh start and call time on miller's international career his love affair with germany was cut short one of the sure from the blitz vision. on this post but in most. of the flicks since then germany have fallen from one embarrassing defeat to the next. one is in a mature sorry that you feel is not the yards. in some ways it may have helped him along he's gone from strength to strength and is continue to develop his game he used to focus purely on attack terrorizing defenders mainly from the right here we can see that under flick mother drops the cup and spreads across. and tracked back into. his issues. on the beach.
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the conflict now with more time to off on in-depth still talk to all the times about i'll talk to you what's making the hittites and what's behind the way on the streets to give you in-depth reports on the insights d.w. news in africa. t w. she stood up against human trafficking i will never have any regrets that. nigerian journalist to bora bora went undercover as a sense of order she made a big impact with her research. now she's being honored for her commitment with a d w freedom of speech award i am still on the 77 per cent of the 60 it's on d w. in the height of climate change. conference most of. what's in store for. months to come for the future comes. w.
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com we're going to go to city hall to get insight. into. this as d.w. news africa coming up on the program shedding light on my journey as a good soul sex mafia i was. india. prostitution and you forced me into it and i think that i was rolled up my. i was young. i was traumatized i will be spared. we hear their harrowing tales all traffic to women and ask what needs to hop in to prevent young woman from being .
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