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tv   Fit gesund  Deutsche Welle  May 10, 2021 7:03pm-7:31pm CEST

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temple mount as it's known to jewish people. in the mosque and on the compound and also to withdraw their forces here where i'm standing from the shakes area this is the area where full family is under threat of addiction right so i know teammates and delivered and have responded what have a say. well we haven't heard yet official responses to that but that is certainly a major escalation because what's going on right now is that there are rockets being fired in the south from the gaza strip to work communities. and this is a major escalation israel has trained in the area and they also have reportedly. traffic so we are expecting of course now
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a harsh response from the israeli side it says this is definitely a serious escalation here and just before the rocket attack there was a planned march by israeli nationalists through the muslim quarter of the old city which was 1st rerouted a man a council done that was in response to so much of today's violence. absolutely this isn't by the government to 1st say to the root this very contentious march which happens actually every year and where the nationalist marches are israeli said usually take part celebrates you know the capture of east jerusalem from 967 it's a celebration on this very site it's not a celebration for palestinians of 1st i decided at the very last minute you have to say to we were to march and then actually the organizers of the march have said they're not going to want to go ahead because in protest that they couldn't go
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through damascus gate and through the potentially to through the palestinian neighborhoods and you can see here is also again we are seeing here now in this area the police is now coming together you know the tensions are running high in most here in this neighborhood again thank you for that time your time your crime in jerusalem. once more of today's stories now starting in miramar where the country's deposed leader aung san suu kyi has been ordered to appear in court in person this month she faces a number of charges the most serious of which could see her jailed for 14 years this will be the 1st time she's been seen in public since the military coup on the 1st of february. germany's breaking with johnson and johnson one shot corona virus vaccine available to all adults however the country's vaccine commission is still
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recommending it only for those over 60 because of rare blood clots seen in some of the moves expected to help speed the country the country's vaccination program. turkey is currently under a nationwide to coronavirus lockdown with people under orders to stay home for 3 weeks until the 17th of may and the rules apply to everyone except foreign tourists bearing set from the curfew and free to walk the streets and see the sights as though they were on holiday you reports. this is eastern balls most visited tourist attraction but hardly anyone is here these days. there is a very relaxed atmosphere instead of the usual crowds of thousands. it's not only like this at the hardiest sophia but everywhere in the city the few tourists who are here right now pretty much have to themselves. this is.
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there's a good time to be tourists we don't have many travel in the 1st 2 just from the crane at the moment and istanbul and turkey is one of the many countries that are open for us that's why we decided to come here after like a year. to lock down is a great time to visit istanbul the city is much calmer now under normal circumstances it's very crowded but it is tough. but while those on the cation are happy many locals are annoyed they have to adhere to a strict curfew until mid may. they can only leave their homes for grocery shopping and other essential needs and going to work requires a special permit. it's unfair my kids are asking why are the tourists allowed to be outside while we are stuck at home. he stayed
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here the tourists know that we are a high risk country i'm fine with them coming because they know the coronavirus situation here. we are threatened with have to fines if we leave our homes but the tourists can walk around freely that's not fair but there is nothing we can do about it. turkey has one of the highest coronavirus infection rates in europe and that's why many people here support a strict lockdown they just don't understand why tourists are exempt but the government is trying everything to keep turkey attractive as a holiday destination because the economy urgently needs a successful summit season. bringing down the number of infections without driving foreign visitors the way many of those who earn their living from tourism think that's a good strategy. like the 70th is sofia who have barely earned anything for
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months. this is. the pandemic has ruined the tourism industry here but as long as there are still some visitors there is hope at the moment there are just a few but we are happy about every single one is stand bull can accommodate many guests but 90 percent of the city's capacity is not being used right now. none of the sellers here expects a holiday season like before the pandemic. but many are hoping that a bit more life returns to the hobby as sophia once the lockdown is over. i'm not asteroid probates due to begin its journey back to earth today the space agency says the osiris rex will take. years to make it home is carrying a precious. material sucked up from the asteroid surface scientists hope the cosmic rubble bill provides more clues about the origins of life here on earth.
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the asteroid named benon gives researchers a window into the past. it's about 500 meters wide and composed of the same material that shaped our planet earth. and that's what makes been to such a great find. every 6 years its orbital path brings it close to earth. even a small change in its flight path could result in a collision course. asteroids have changed earth's development about 4000000000 years ago they rained down on the young planets asteroids actually brought things like water and organic chemistry the chemistry that were based on to earth of the 1st place so when you go out and you see what this was like billions of years ago is that going to give us a better window into how how we got here how life started on earth are some of the chemicals in your body some of the water in your body today did they originally get
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delivered to earth through asteroids. in the space probe set out to answer these questions after landing on the asteroid it spent 500 days mapping the surface of the probe also researched its inner structure. the data showed how different pockets of warm air on the surface influenced bennett was flightpath this was vital information in case the asteroid ever threatened to crash into earth. a robotic arm was designed especially for the probe it was installed in october 2020 . last year the probe edged close enough to bend to allow the arm to be shot a half meter into the asteroid surface pressurized nitrogen gas was set free and half matter was shaken up that the probe was able to catch pebbles and dust after churning up the material it was vacuumed up by the spacecraft getaway
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thruster the robotic arm placed this collection in a special capsule then in april the probe sent photos documenting the location of the sample collection now the probe is returning to earth when it gets close it will drop the capsule researchers around the world look forward to examining the contents. the perfect kind of mission of this coverage that many of us have dreamt of i mean we saw apollo in the the men walking on the moon returning samples but doing this all robotically in a place that would be very hard to send woman or man kind of makes it all very real the precious cargo is set to land in utah in september 2023. 1000 people have flocked to a volcano in iceland to watch its all inspiring eruptions even though the country's under pasha locked out of time to foreign tourists amongst the sights says the volcano so one steady flow has changed to
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a spectacular gazer it's now visible from the capital reykjavik around 60 kilometers away. lover spurts out of fishes in the fog or does she act volcanic system fountains of molten rock. in the olden days the icelandic people told tales of the craters being the footprints of giants and of dragons scorching the earth ice and is the real land of fire and ice. fractures in the earth's crust might be the gates of hell where troll women carried out their mischief this is a smaller option by icelandic standards there are more than 30 actors volcanic systems under the island country in the north atlantic ocean and they've been erupting since time began. here the lava moves slowly and there are no settlements in its path there's little danger for now if you keep a safe distance spectators hike to the area to witness the power of mother earth.
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it's amazing all war it is and it will it for so many it is a way from here to the psalms it's very it's a pretty intense experience the colors the war the salt everything combined it's just the end of the book actually. i feel. they're small. and yet at this hour. but i'm not scared of the the lover ever i just waited for the bomb. the north american and your asian tectonic plates a pulling away from each other under iceland. scientists say this or option may continue for years and warn that with volcanic forces as with the mythical dragons the unexpected could happen at any moment. that sitch or up to
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date solemn or world news at the top of the hour due to cope with 19. special is next i'm looking out the away the coronavirus is now overwhelming the point with. the fight against the corona virus pandemic. has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. information and context the coronavirus update 19 special. on t w. w's crime fighters are back africa's most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate
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speech color of prevention and sustainable charcoal production all of a sow's are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters tune in now. india's outbreak is spreading neighboring the pole is now recording $57.00 times more daily cases than last month. both infection and death rates are at record highs. the coronavirus is overwhelming the poll hospitals have to have enough beds stuff have to treat patients outside own realities hoary racing on to buy nice was fierce coming true as a nationwide service
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a few saxon's is. still to the brink of collapse. the red cross warns of a human catastrophe in nepal. welcome to the show one bad for us all and millions of polys work in india but many are returning home due to the lock downs and lack of work a lot are also bringing in i don't want to present for families and friends with them covert 19 cases have exploded in border towns in the capital gap and 200 kilometers from the border crimmin tory i'm running out of space bodies are being burnt on pies in public places we checked in with b.j. acharya from the johns hopkins university school of medicine asking who's to blame all the pollies returning home from india or india itself. i think of having me i don't think it's a blame game to be honest because the corridor circulating in the window valley
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we're beyond i could never actually was under control the same way it was in india i think it was easier to sort of blame it on the porous border and sort of differ on the responsibility of the government and the authority. that is what i think was frankly going on because political rallies were going on religious festivals are allowed marriages big marriages with hundreds of people were allowed for since numbers like started to playing last year and even up to like to last 3 weeks or so people are still gathering for engagement party is like weddings 2 big rallies were happening the political parties were really going out in full force so i think it's feared like blame on some of the people just going back for us from india and you talking about the situation in nepal where rallies were going on and political rallies and gatherings and events. yes and in kind of alley where the numbers
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actually never went down there were always like people having covered they were going to the hospitals just not the skill of. rate of patients down but you know went down and the political leaders including her prime minister never actually address the core issues as you know just a couple of weeks ago he was saying if you could. leave and guard live coverage go away a national t.v. wow so we can turn back time but what's the government doing now has it changed its tune is a taking a different tack is it clamping down they have initiated a law. and try to like stem the flow of people but. like last year they made a rash decision saying our everyone. should lock down and that what that lead is people from villages and far away places they had to like leave government to because they wouldn't have a place to earn like to make
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a living and they are left early 500000 people left in the day and i wonder how many of them were like us and dramatic carriers so they're like taking cover from all all across the country now and within 2 weeks we have seen more than you know like $100000.00 cases going up the death rate has climbed more than like 250 percent 2 3rd of the country is like high or higher risk of coverage right now so it is actually like i think that is a bigger super spreader event in my opinion this situation sounds a lot of is that how you describe it. it is it is very dire i've been talking to my friends and colleagues physicians doctors like other activists and people are burned out they're frustrated. just and it is to me the prime minister had it interview with c.n.n. where he blamed people for being negligent which is kind of giving up
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a responsibility as a leader and saying like this is how we're going to come out of this and he basically in situations under control and it is telling not under control so what are people doing to cope and how are people coping how can they cope so a lot of young volunteers have risen up to this moment gives me i didn't have a feeling of what happened after the earthquake in 2015 where india was also under crisis and we had to come up with like solutions right away there are different faces groups which are active connecting people there's a group of people who are running a website called liquid connect. where you can request housing food because you need a caretaker for your family member to be in the hospital but then they don't have a place for the caretaker to stay because of covert lockdown so people are cooking meals at home they're like supplying meals to the local hospitals we're all across
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the world diaspora is like raising money trying to get oxygen concentrator in the foundation that i work with american upon medical foundation we just raise $100000.00 to staff a mass isolation center and a clinic clinical care center along with the government and the army so you know all of us are like trying to pitch in but we need to have like a central authority who's like directing all of these like fragmented some word services and i think that is what is lacking. in my opinion let's see if they can get their act together i hope so b.j. italia joining us from the johns hopkins university school of medicine thank you very much thank you for and thank you for having me. and then you just in complicating the political situation in nepal or maybe even improving it a prime minister has lost a vote of confidence in polland fighting to show he has enough support to stay in office well the coronavirus meantime matches on managing to invade every corner of the globe even the world's highest mountain everest as tourists gear up to make the
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world's most famous climb and you danger that awaits them last year the pandemic devastated nepal's tourism industry so this year authorities have eased quarantine rules and issued more than $400.00 climbing permits a new record that maybe allowing the virus to spread uncontained on everest to try to stop this climbers are not allowed to socialize before they start their absent and customary religious ceremonies to pray for say fix the dishes are now smaller more private affair. but the local sherpas guides and cooks who depend on tourism and climbing for their livelihoods are worried. we're working here cities and we're making sure we follow all protocols so that we can save ourselves from cold at 19 and it's on you know. although you know we try not to
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mingle we used to have a lot of fun at base camp we would sing and dance. but we don't have any of that now we keep to ourselves and speak only within our teams to do simple stuff and some of the good on the west. health professionals at everest base camp say they do not have the capacity to test for the disease dozens of people have been flown off base camp in recent weeks and at least 2 tested positive afterwards yet the government has yet to confirm a single official coated case on everest. overside making it to the top of the world there is something else climbers could do in a poll has asked trick is to bring back their empty oxygen tanks which they usually abandon on the slopes let's see if they'll take on the extra load meantime a team of mountaineering guides is setting up a separation line at the peak before climbers attempt to reach the summit from the
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chinese side or come in contact with anyone or anything from the nepalese side. in other news germany is making a johnson and johnson one shot vaccine available to all adults it'd only been recommended for people over 60 because of blood clots in younger recipients the government is now adopting the same approach as with the astra zeneca shot in a move to get more people in 08 it germany has managed to get the 3rd wave under control in recent days and is trying to wrap up its vaccination rollout. time to answer more of your questions now over to our science correspondent there williams. what proposals are there to finance production and distribution of vaccines to countries not able to afford them. the central proposal to do this is what's called the kovacs initiative it was set up around a year ago by a coalition of different agencies among them the world health organization to help
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ensure access even for the world's poorest countries to the tools that they need to fight covert 19 including vaccines that have been authorized by the w.h.o. kovacs is being funded by a number of wealthy countries as well as private institutions like the bill and melinda gates foundation back in february gano was the 1st country to receive vaccines sponsored by the initiative a couple of months on the kovacs is still far from living up to its promise for a number of reasons the primary one is that in a market where vaccines remain in short supply money talks and the countries that pledged to help provide access to poorer nations have snapped up almost all the vaccine being made straight off of production lines so far around half of the
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available doses have gone into arms in those wealthier country. for instance in germany over 30000000 doses have been distributed until now that's around 2 and a half percent of all vaccinations given so far worldwide in the democratic republic of congo on the other hand which has a larger population fewer than $5000.00 doses have been getting so kovacs is still falling far short of the initiatives stated goals even though practically every expert healthier says that in a globalized world leaving less wealthy nations out now could end up costing us some or even all of the progress that we've made so far. eric williams that i'm been fizzling thanks for watching stay safe and see you again soon.
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i'm secure in that volume or not hard and in the end this i mean you're not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. are you familiar with this. with the smugglers what alliances. what's your story ready. i mean when i was a women especially in victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are
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trying always to understand this new culture. you are not a villain turn other guests you want to become a citizen. in for migrants your platform for reliable information. much of our. faces did of the news of asia coming up today myanmar is 100 days under the military's pull. the marshall dong with hundreds of civilians killed and elected leaders in detention cut off and taking photos making a difference for women for answers plus. fear and uncertainty you know donna song after the bombing near a girls' school in kabul a look at why young people think their freedoms baby of state after the u.s. withdraws from the country. turned fear taught in academic times how a group of japanese artists are the.


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