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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2021 2:00am-2:30am CEST

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you know for the. applicants population. and young people clearly have the solution. 77 percent. this is the. top story. israel's army says it's a force and the ground troops are carrying out attacks in the gaza strip it's a further escalation of the conflict that saying israel pounding targets in the palestinian territories and how must foreign rockets into israel violence has broken out in is ready cities and the death toll in both israel and the palestinian
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territories is rising. in the united states the 1st children have been receiving their vaccine shots this after the u.s. centers for disease control cleared the buy and take the vaccine for use on 12 to 15 year olds research a vaccine trials on children found temporary side effects similar to those observed in adults. india has recorded more than 4000 coded 19 deaths for a 2nd straight day of the situation has improved in many cities the virus is rampant in some areas where there's less testing concern is growing about the highly infectious variant that is driving cases in india and spreading worldwide. this is news from berlin you can find out much more on our website that's to be found at d.w. dot com.
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in the weeks since fighting erupted between hamas and israeli forces the weapon of choice has been missiles and rockets but not anymore from attacks by ear to attacks by fists arab and jewish mobs have taken to the streets of israeli cities some israeli leaders are now warning that this could end in a civil war will the world well that to happen so far the usual calls for a cease fire have fallen on deaf ears tonight u.s. and egyptian mediators are on their way to israel to start deescalation talks is it too early for talks or is it too late i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day. that the appeal of will sit in that because of his name it is very hard for us and
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the children they have become homeless now about in the off on saturday and the recent incidents that most of the continues to restock specifically the peace process because it's the only what. both sides desire to live in peace hoping to see this coming you conclusions. also coming up at the current pace everyone in the united states who wants a coded 19 shot will have it within the next 30 days but that will still leave millions unvaccinated tonight a report from the u.s. state with the greatest vaccine hesitancy mississippi we're fine in in the south that. a lot of conservative white. and then a lot of the. minority yond is not
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a good thing and we try to just give them one right education. but to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states into all of you around the world welcome we begin the day in search of a way to end the fighting and the hate this week of see the deadliest exchange of attacks by hamas and israeli forces in 7 years and on the streets of israeli cities mobs of israeli jews and israeli arabs have sent some areas into lockdown and into this violent escalation does not seem near and this will not make a deescalation any easier u.s. and egyptian mediators are now headed for israel to restart talks aimed at ending cross border fighting they'll arrive to find the israeli military preparing for a possible ground offensive against gaza while hamas is vowing not to let up with its barrage of rocket attacks aimed at israel to bring the israelis and the palestinians to the table both will want to somehow appear in
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a position of strain beside the bloodshed and the distrust there will have to be room for a new yet familiar narrative of coexistence and peace some say this is not possible but that is not the message that u.s. president biden had when he spoke with israeli prime minister netanyahu wednesday night and in that column course he would get aerated the right of israel of south to defend themselves you know in our view rocket attacks from attacks from hamas into civilian neighborhoods and is not self-defense so he certainly reiterated that but also reiterated the need to move to deescalate the situation on the ground his view and the view of our entire administration is that the loss of any life a civilian life any life is a tragedy and that's one of the reasons that we are so engaged behind the scenes in this effort. on my 1st guest tonight knows firsthand the challenges of conducting behind the scenes. negotiations between the israelis and the palestinians martin
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indyk served twice as u.s. ambassador to israel and from 2013 to 2014 he was u.s. special envoy for israeli palestinian peace talks ambassador it's good to have you on the program i'd like to ask you about international efforts to end this latest finding but let's talk 1st about the palestinians and the israelis what do you think hamas wants to achieve with this latest escalation of the conflict where its basic purpose was to try to extend its influence the barrel its at least roussillon where the violence as they stepped up. but also to the west that if a cat. be on that it like lifting the sage it was already sense the negotiating with the israelis for all of this out so i think that the deal that they had which was quiet quiet is something that they can they set to get let's
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they've demonstrated that they are siding for the coalition fighting features israel has conducted for elections in 2 years and still doesn't have a new government how difficult is it going to be to get movement on the israeli side given the lack of stability that we're seeing right now in the government. well israel does have a can't take it government i think that putting clusters in suspected i've forgiven . or go to a 5th election and that process is now being disrupted not some much by the rocket fire. and but more by. bob violence going on between just arabs and many cities across his. butt and that is that of the cohen group with that though she has but in the meantime as a kid take
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a dozen but prime minister is that it serves cats they're totally course in decision making and they are quite capable of deciding. to their ceasefire but that proposition turns out after last november's us election you wrote about what would be awaiting the new us president in the middle east and i'd like to share segment with our viewers you write with all the other pressing priorities for biden's administration the pandemic the economy china climate change iran's nuclear program except for a new initiative to restart israeli palestinian final status negotiations cannot be justified and yet biden is committed to keeping the concept of the 2 state solution alive because it remains the only way to end the conflict now when you compare the situation in 2014 with what it is now ambassador is international support for
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the 2 state solution is it stronger or is it weaker tonight. well i think what distinguishes i tried to tear in the bits that you quoted from twain the hope of the tubes that solution as opposed to the other like is the output of one states which one talk about. it's it's very important to keep the hope a lot and in particular coming out of this crisis to provide the palestinians with a political horizon a way that they can see that's credible that can get them. but there is a distinction between that and the goetia sion to achieve that or the conditions are not right for those funds those situations and i speak as somebody who was involved in the last round intended it wasn't 14 where the parties will sort or a part of the end of the procession when they were at the beginning of the end
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nothing has changed in terms of the latest ship on both sides if it doesn't go on the israeli side. with a bus on the palestinian side that would leave late president live who was there as vice president that i was during those negotiations now seems has happened that would lead him to go away ringback that there's a better chance at least tying together with the united states than ever to bridge the differences between them on the final status issues so i think that's the the heart of the there are things that the united states can promote when the sirens stops. to encourage a belief on both sides that case is cos i think that this conflict may make both sides recognize that peace is necessary but until we have a change of leadership on the fray that it's not going to be impossible to bring these 2 sides together and i'm talking about
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a change of vision on both sides you've recommended that the u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken that maybe he should show support for a resumption of direct peace talks but only if both sides accept the parameters of the 2 state solution laid out under president clinton how realistic do you think it is considering as you say we've still got the same political actors in place that we had in 2014. well 'd i think it's totally unrealistic a mouse wants a one state solution that involves in the nation of israel. once a 3 state solution a must rolling. well muslim in the west bank and in on clothes. so you know another mouse and himself is a man who is going to determine to go it is straight books as the person who refused to compromise on palestinian rights so the 2nd sense it's not there to get a meeting from their session and the very effort to try to do that is likely to
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increase conflict rather than take crews so i think i think that we've got to look at smaller steps incremental process that needs to be a process you know that there are a lot of that in the middle east if you're not if you're on a bicycle if you know pedaling forward you can avoid a lot of that because. what about the possibility of elections for the palestinians the palestinians are still waiting to hold elections they've been waiting for a long time how crucial is a successful fear in free election for the palestinians to peace talks with the israelis. that's precisely the kind of incremental step that i think is in core palestinians very excited about the idea that they would have a chance to vote chance or express themselves assisting even without an election and the registration is very hot but apple mustn't called off the elections he said
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it was because the israelis wouldn't give it the answer that. the palestinians could could vote but in fact it was because he didn't want hamas to win and his own party was that train was running 3 slates and proportional election so i think that something out of this by the ministration should push for the elections but according to what was provided for in the also a cool number one that is released and palestinians should be able to vote that's in the cloud of this all the what's his role should be the votes and i'm going to prove that only candidates forswear violet should be allowed to run and that makes to be applied in the way that it was an up to the if test an election before the cold calls let me ask you before we run out of time about jobs as we're talking about politicians and politics prime minister benjamin netanyahu he faces criminal charges and he has not been able to put together
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a working governing coalition after 4 elections even your opinion ambassador are the the chances for progress towards peace in the region are they better or worse if binge monette yahoo remains in a position of power. it depends very much on what kind of coalition. if he has that right wing religious television that he's been trying to put together in these last 4 elections will do so if he manages somehow to cobble together that kind of coalition shots some place somewhere between 0 and up if he's forced to go into a coalition with the center left parties which is done before then i think it may be possible to move the process forward but that doesn't look like a likely cross at the bottom. and messner martin indyk joining us tonight from
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washington d.c. ambassador it's good talking with you we appreciate your time and we appreciate your valuable insights especially at these very very trying times thank you thanks for having me. the united states has made great strides in its campaign to vaccinate people against. more than 35 percent of the population is now fully immunized but to be had to really be the pandemic it needs to reach herd immunity and the experts say that goal could be out of reach in the u.s. in part due to persistent back seen hesitancy. traveled to the southern state of mississippi currently in last place for vaccinations she wanted to find out more about what's stopping people from getting their shot. but. there are over 30 vaccination sites in jackson mississippi a city of 160000 residents one of the locations is at the state university site
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empty chairs and in a waiting staff state the see they have 250 doses of the vaccine available today sometimes we have to waste and that's a shame because we know that there are many more people that need to be vaccinated the mississippi is last in the united states and cope with 1000 vaccinations only 26 percent of the state's population is fully vaccinated some have changed their mind but a vaccine hesitancy still poses a major problem i was a very. everything kind of prayed about it and. i feel like this was the most responsible thing to do we say for my family and people around me and i were going on a lot of patients every days of. attacks on his health center dr chapman and her team offer daily vaccines for free with no apartment required but also at this site
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the traffic of patients remain slow we find in the self that. a lot of conservative white. and then a lot of the minority young is not. and we tried to just give them more and more education. even some health workers are hesitant like patrick who eventually was convinced would you like them up there on the fire or to. move as a health worker she was offered the vaccine in january but didn't want to be the 1st in line for one day and. it was not there are those into you know backs of nature but now has a to was because i want to see what are all those will be factors. with every shot of the vaccine the risk of the spread to returning dramatically decreases but this is still not enough the city of jackson has decided that if people don't
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attend the vaccination centers they are going to bring the vaccines into their communities. in a mobile clinic packed with vaccines and supplies the health workers strike 4 to 5 times a week to the suburbs the goal is to make it as convenient as possible for people to get their vaccine or hair. today it's a church after 2 hours only 2 members of the community come in to get their shots. i work at night. where we come in the community in a big show i can come in and take. this time there 100 vaccine doses available a much needed to all and wanted around the globe but demand here is quite low some are still has to bear some who are barriers like transportation we don't require a form so it makes it more coming. but has it in see is not only about come fenians
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maybe they're trying to use people of color to get the bad thing to really do some research. that's one of the things even opt out 1st. facts and statistics convinced her that this is the only way to return to normal also in their church. for more now we want to bring in dr william schaffner professor of preventive medicine infectious diseases at vanderbilt university medical center in the state of tennessee doctors good to see you again let's start with news coming in the good news today the centers for disease control saying that fully vaccinated people can basically throw away their masks i mean this speaks to the success of the vaccination drives in the united states would you say well i think it's very exciting brand because people will welcome this it then vaccinated and they ask very frequently what they do now that i couldn't before i was
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vaccinated and now the c.d.c. is telling them basically they can go on the best unless you're one of those people who are immunocompromised then you should be continue to be careful and the numbers show is that about a 3rd of the population in the u.s. is fully vaccinated that means the u.s. is not close to reaching herd immunity is it. i'm afraid it's not bred and it varies across the country in mississippi as you've just heard and in my state of tennessee we're at the low end of acceptance there are other states the more northern states and in the west where acceptance has been much more risky but in all parts of the country we still have many areas particularly in the rural areas where people are really quite reluctant to receive the vaccine we have to reach out more and more to them to persuade them that they're comfortable and
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reassured that getting a vaccine is a good thing and it is what we know we do so in the report the we just aired a vaccine hesitancy is very high in mississippi but that hesitancy seems to be highest over the u.s. sales why is that. well in the south we have more conservative people and of course there are still some political overtones over this remember it wasn't so long ago that we heard this virus was just going to disappear of course that's not the case and so we're going to have to persuade those people to come in and detax a native there the folks and who live in the more rural areas who are more self-sufficient and independent perhaps they don't think so much of protecting others because they're relatively isolated we're going to have to convince them. and what about the entire united states start to shift how much of the population
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is refusing to get shots. well refusing is pretty small hesitant is much larger and these are people who have a variety of questions that they need answered we have to listen to them and enter their questions that's 30 or 40 percent of the population. here in europe reports of side effects and some fatalities linked to the astra zeneca vaccine that resulted we've seen some countries dropping the vaccine completely the reports like that do they have a negative overall effect on how willing people are to be vaccinated. surely those reports raise questions and of course our j. and j. vaccine which is licensed for use which was very popular also had this rare blood clotting defect associated with it i emphasize rare and we haven't been able to pick up steam with that one seen as we had before that it was very popular
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because it was one and done it only required one injection. studies have done and you're probably aware that some states are offering money savings bonds or even free tuition to college if people get vaccinated as a medical professional what do you make of having to to bribe if you will bribe the public to do something that benefits everyone to get lifesaving shots. if you may i call it a reward but in any event positive motivation for what ever reason i hope will help get more people vaccinated it does appear extraordinary because the self evident benefits of the protection you get from the vaccine and that there are very safe ought to be convincing all by themselves so as opposed. to special i'm kind of confused about all that well said banks in asia i've got about 30
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seconds here dr sevier should vaccinations should it be compulsory so we're not going there this is still too controversial print for making it compulsory although some private institutions colleges are telling their students when they come back in the fall they must be gotten laid that's a good way to get their shots in those arms for sure dr william schaffner of the vanderbilt university school of medicine in nashville tennessee dr schaeffer's always good talking with you we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you enough and. we're here in germany the drive to vaccinate people against kobe 19 is exhilarating but there are still long lists of people waiting to get their 1st shot vulnerable people often find themselves at the back of the line but public health leaders are trying to change that. finally a chance to get a job at this homeless shelter in bonn and around 60 of the 90 people who have
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found refuge here have signed up production mission today it's a special vaccine campaign by the city authorities an effort to reach those who might otherwise fall to look lax in the system. i think it's great i don't think i would have been able to sort this out myself so i think it's quite good. going through. apart from difficulties they face making a doctor's appointment there are other obstacles to homeless people getting vaccinated but. most of the people are not so healthy they've had a hard life of experience homelessness extreme poverty drug addiction. they've had to take a lot of medication and it's just comforting to know that they will no longer be at risk of getting the severe covered 19 infection we will. go to so far germany has vaccinated a 3rd of its population with their 1st dose but there still aren't enough doses to
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go around this while all that and particularly vulnerable groups are being prioritized for the homeless and people in drug programs the city has reserved even 100 doses of the johnson and johnson vaccine which only needs to be given once and the people seem willing to get the job. that argument yes i'm going to be vaccinated today at 1 pm that's when they start and i will be there imo remove one dose then everything's done. but i'm happy with it you know me too freely i have side effects i have the service for one day but otherwise i'm fine. a war. we would. have a good lawyer i think it's going pretty well but it took too long to giving but typically german. always take longer to keep things off but now it's going well. germany's vaccination program is coming along and like one other cities are also
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trying to reach out to more vulnerable parts of the population so that nobody is left behind. period finally who doesn't love a wood fired pizza but what about one cooked to perfection atop a smoldering bowl taina well that's what one chef is doing in guatemala taking advantage of conditions on the erupting a khaya volcano the streams of molten lava mean perfect conditions for this mountain pizzeria but with temperatures reaching over a 1000 degrees celsius don't try this at home that is if your home happens to be next to a volcano. the day is almost done the conversation continues online to find us on twitter either due to the news you can follow me at british t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see that everybody.
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here comes god to make up. new stations and health clinics. to has often been in short supply. now it is flowing from tops across the country.
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africa. w. 5. he says from behind the iron curtain. a radio program became a weapon during the cold war this is monday morning for 25 years citizens of east germany wrote their grievances to the b.b.c. . and ended up in the crosshairs of the secret service for. 45 minutes on d w. it's an ongoing quest story at the. arab spring began in 2000
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lebanese. people stood up against corrupt and dictatorship. true more security more freedom and more dignity have their hopes been fulfilled. 10 years of after the arab spring. now rebellion starts june 7th on d w. hello everybody and welcome to cooperate it's great to have you with us i'm krista lem's in lagos nigeria as always welcome both of interesting news stories barmaid.


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