tv Check-in Deutsche Welle May 14, 2021 2:30am-3:01am CEST
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calling quick story at this. hour of spring began in 2011. people stood up against corrupt troopers and dictatorship. true more security more freedom and more dignity have their hopes been fulfilled 10 years ago after the arab spring. now rebellion starts june 7th on d w. hello everybody and. it's great to have you with us i'm chris celebs in lagos nigeria always we have a lot of interesting stories all the apartment. and offer that is very precise and
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i am so glad to be nobody are coming to you from compiler here in uganda a big hello to everybody today will be taking you on a trip all over you to 4 continents as we investigate some of the many environmental problems that we face here among the topics on the show. how hygiene is what to use. just. how many things to grow. and the house of africa's breast. and people's lives you proved this and. we had to is what what is that you may be asking not everybody knows that is what is the name of swaziland adopted in 2018 the small landlocked country lies between south africa and one of the less than. most of its clinics did not have access to clean water when the corner virus seemed to become more than ever before to remedy
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the situation thanks to an international initiative things are suddenly a lot better. with. anyone wanting to. must 1st have. only a recent development. and in 100 states the water is easy to use and. it's available both for the patients and stuff. they found with a lot of microbes from. so it's best they wash and so. they eliminate most of the bacteria on their hands. in the southern african country office what the average life expectancy is slowly around 59 yes that's
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among the lowest in the wild a lack of clean water is part of the problem livestock agriculture and see which contaminate the water making it's unsafe to drink until now. and it's probably only this water to depend on it comes straight from the river and now his head that it clinics is safe alternative for now when we need water very clean water and water for free we go down to the hospital long queues form outside the clinics each person is allowed one cholesterol clean water a day to make the water have been heated to 90 degrees celsius enough to kill most germs and bacteria. is also here to receive the brush. is becoming an increasing problem because of climate change the water level in the
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reserve was dropped and groundwater has also been affected the station has been set up to monitor the water table we need to understand what to present to our water table. with the new changes and in terms of for the patents and for that it's a sure way it's still safe to extract groundwater sofa 10 such observation sites have been set up across the country a central 7 trucks the status of each aquifer in real time south africa's water management institute as part of the project and keeps a close eye on what the security in the region groundwater. pollution and once you pollute ground what it is not. easy to. purify their trees original state so that is be concerned so we actively have to put in place mechanisms to assess and protect the quality of ground water is well is also
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monitor is have section what's a hit in project was called financed by germany's development bank k f w it's what team is prime minister temba masuk org says improving public health is a major priority for his government and he believes it's key to the country's development and when we put health. we had to build the clinics we had to build infrastructure and in that process all apartments were tapped into that relationship and they said we can come and help you and that is the essence of. development corp the clinic project was implemented by a german australian company 10000 people already have access to safe water every day and soon schools will also be provided with hot water to accompany this
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construct and a large solar plant in is what tina. you can. do it now truest dick deeds by alternately not directly but indirectly you can get a final commission out of that that's good business good sense but also it's being a good corporate citizen as well. meanwhile. says that makes the job easier independent thanks to the new hygiene measures it's also much safer for head and more time has arrived just in time last winter it's now approaching in the swat team. that is great for you what are the sun its energy is just one of the many natural resources we kind of use use y.c. to make the. lives. all next story it's of all protecting the
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lives of wild animals every year 25000 elephants for preach approaches in africa most kenya i don't really consider it a hotspot for poaching there were times people felt they had no other way to make you leave it. so just used to come to the forest of to kill animals now he comes to protect them parts of the forest became a refuge and the poacher has become a ranger he and his colleagues are documenting the traces wildlife leave behind and any destructive human activities now that poachers traps like this one are being removed there are more and loads here again. they look nice and there. is one thing that i've been through with the good.
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of the ice. thanks. to nathan is still. contending with. the documentation he works on enables inferences about which species live in the only pony endangered species refuge. for once a month he replaces the batteries in the camera traps. the photos will help with the creation of a more detailed census of the forests inhabitants. the total slippery frog which only lived in this region is one of several species here that are critically endangered but its population is growing much to the delight of the ngos founder when we talk about is just basically like where you live when you're. destroyed you cannot survive another common if you are doing to this for so
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this is how we resolve it one with campaigns to reduce the consumption of this for us food and the 2nd we've done so very well one will supervise holes sources of water for their people so that they don't need to come in and wash a used this stream in the month. of the flood. the endangered species refuge has recently been expanded by an area the size of $16000.00 soccer fields thanks to neighboring landowners and churches a significant achievement considering that ghana has lost 20 percent of its forest cover over the past 2 decades. thank you so we've already heard the balls using energy from the sun to prove. our next report is about harnessing the winds to generate electricity in germany the country is the time me to leave that's a cool. nuclear reactors behind and produce energy in
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a clean way that is quite a challenge to supply a lot and lots of energy hungry factories are part of the answer is to build ever bigger and taller vines this huge ring of concrete is just one small part of an incredibly hour that's going up near munster in western germany. it will support a wind turbine the segments are so big they have to be put together on site. we're going to. begin with the 1st prototype in 2010 since then we've built in erected more than 2000 wind turbines we even built the world's tallest in 2017 with a hub height of 178 meters. at the moment 13 wind turbines are being built here the energy they'll deliver will be needed especially once germany's last coal power plant shuts down in 2038 but the expansion of wind energy is not going fast
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enough in many parts of the country says. he's managing director of the company that operates this wind farm which faced pushback from locals that's part of why it can take 10 years for a project to be approved banners like these are one sign of local resistance some people in the region complain that wind turbines are a blot on the landscape. this village is home to an active citizens initiative makes childe is already annoyed that her house is surrounded by wind turbines now they'll be joined by more less than a kilometer away from her farm. you have who i don't talk you can hear the wind turbines from a kilometer and a half away you hear them turning it's annoying when i'm fucking. other residents feel less disturbed. as a minister they don't bother me i don't have any nearby and i only see them in the
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distance. that i work in a green job myself so i can relate. it's good that we're working toward renewable energy. and bidding good bye to fossil fuels and i can foresee also vital 5 c there are ways to get communities on board beat on each get talked to residents beforehand and had a good experience on this project he offered them a share in the wind farms profits this year mom is this because i what we do is raise the capital for the project from local residents essential to give us a loan and we give them back interest at a fixed rate i'm dollar. that could be 5 percent maybe 6 percent less in money for food with that much money that's quite a lot compared to the interest rates of banks offer nowadays and there are few. and experts say the environmental impacts especially on animals are less than many assume. if. strikes are not such
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a big problem compared to the number of birds killed on highways or killed by cats . if we really wanted to do something for birds we should consider the impact of domestic cats or the speed limits on the highway that would probably make a much bigger difference. nevertheless the industry is working to improve the turbines so they're more environmentally friendly even with blades over 80 meters in length as a valid one and that's on a mission to make the turbines quieter we use less that help reduce turbulence and reduce noise to help protect the environment we have sensors that register any bats flying nearby. then the turbines shut down automatically. if all the older when parks in germany were replaced with more efficient ones like these the country could meet all its current electricity needs but not for long because these needs might soon double with more electric vehicles on the road and
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further digitalisation of the economy would have. been called wind along with solar and biomass are the renewable energy sources of the future. but every winter buying is an intrusion into nature so this electricity comes at a cost. and that cost is much more than a certain number of cents per kilowatt hour. so this power must be used sparingly. electric cars shouldn't consume 20 kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers if we can get that number down below 10 and we can. it's technically entirely possible. of course it should be standard practice to use energy want to sleep and without waste in industry on the roads and at home soon this winter park will deliver green power to $40000.00 households. white sun the beaches of beautiful. well the it's always us clean house to look
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a study found that many bitches in all those side for us are highly contaminated with micro plus they also in juice of all decided to take action against states for the sake of the island's future. and paradise. cyprus is a jewel in the eastern mediterranean boasting greek and roman ruins dating back to ancient material. used for beaches and a lot of trash where it doesn't belong in the natural surroundings island residents are cleaning up eco after he looks at any of the inspirational initiatives say feel good cleaning up beaches and neighborhoods. this am check here he wasn't left by the residents it's amazing all the rubbish that can be found
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in the natural areas. to volunteer garbage here is pick up the waste that others have left behind a good deal that's not so fun and will hopefully inspire others to follow suit. but organize events every weekend for those who wish to join us with the cleanup and help achieve our goals. cans for kids recycling for a good cool. on the minium is a valuable material volunteers are collecting drink cans and sending them in the form of crest and the minium dumps the proceeds go to buy medical equipment for a children's ward at a no good hospital. so far we've given them very close to 300000 euros from recycling argument we always say to pay for. don't let.
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refills cypress reduce plastic pollution. the idea is simple people can fill up their own bottles from public water taps financed by donations rather than buying daughter in plastic bottles 3 ideas one goal getting garbage under control through proper disposal recycling or just avoiding it completely to ensure cyprus remains what it is and it did a mediterranean on. let's get some women here in our cheerio who are following a very useful practical way to harness nature for a good cause they help indeed creates what they're doing is good for public health good for the soil and a way to save money it looks like a real when we win situation.
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the. chemical pesticides are still the main weapon for many farmers in nigeria. they may be affordable and fast acting but they're harmful for the soil in the long run. there are alternatives. and marie shows female farmers one solution that uses the seams and leaves of the name tree. is actually everywhere in your new board and. you can easily produce it for your farm. in terms of help it's a very healthy risk free. the leaves are pounded and soaked in hot water for 24 hours and then strained. the resulting brew provides nutrients for the plants and helps to keep parasites and wane. when dry the sink.
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turned white and can also be pressed to produce one on and memory about explains how to apply the name extracts by mixing them with water or applying them directly to the meat. mean products need more time to react than chemical maternity leaves but they're more sustainable. then how about you if you're also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet. after day doing your bit. sharing your story of. south africa is home to an incredible range of unwell and the plant species its biodiversity is amazing bata trees it is a big country and husband different landscapes they too are on trees too boring degrees and almost grasslands in the east of the country threatened by mining erosion and grazing and that means the livelihoods over the people also. bought
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this song with projects to help the people and the landscape or you have a. party. that is happy she just sold 3 of her colleagues for the equivalent of a 1000 euros she's a single mother and the mobile council options organized by environmental and rural solutions are a godsend the options are very good for us and very very tough for us because we don't hire transport to take it take to this site they come to us and some sometimes we do negotiated the price if one of such as fights in the past small holders in south africa's grasslands could only buy from and sell to the neighbors the big cattle options were held much too far away. for money around here the mobile auctions have been the only source of income during the pandemic at the guardian or whatever. people organize raise associations ready and we offer the
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auctions as one of the incentives to belong to the association you get a far reduced rate and the people also want to make cash from the cattle their source of the bank the cash cow that the local economy the local trading widget so people people love coming to these auctions the environmental and rural solutions ers organization launched the auctions in 2014 since then 3800 cattle have gone under the hammer for a total of $1700000.00 euros that's benefited more than $500.00 families. the cattle bred here on the grasslands are renowned for their excellent quality. we commercial farmers. but unity for us and for them to get people sold. good careful and to make some money. environmental scientist nicky mcleod and soil scientist live to see my tele founded ers 20 years ago. and how
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the cattle auctions are just one part of a wider scheme to promote sustainable practices in rural areas. much of the grasslands has been badly degraded. to fragile ecosystem has been jeopardized by overgrazing and mismanagement. the grasslands cover 10 percent of south africa but supply 60 percent of the drought stricken countries water needs. against a backdrop of global warming and climate change problems such as overgrazing soil erosion and water security have become more urgent than ever. to keeping this beautiful grassland intact as a water absorber basically the skin on the ground is. giving us grass that is so important for. but tackling the issue of over grazing in
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a region that depends on livestock farming is a challenge. one solution involves reviving an age old herding tradition. started long time ago with our forefathers. 'd the way they used to do it was to pile up some stones and paint them. that way the community knew which side was follow and which side was for grazing it would have been recorded on our market this traditional system of land rotation had been used for a very long time but as more and more people left the area to find work in the cities the practice died out. a lot of fat the young that people are didn't and best tended but if they talked to the address of the community then it trusts easy to have this system more accepted that challenge that we have that is major
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around here isn't livestock theft. here in the grasslands 47 percent of young people are unemployed and crime rates are soaring. but the r.s. has found a solution to that problem as well. in the village of sheep are being to toot so it's clear who they belong to that makes stealing them pointless. the branding is done by eco chaps young people trained by the ers team as veteran repairing medics. they work by themselves distributing medicine and vaccinating livestock on remote farm just. you know really when i didn't really it's a very successful project. you know i don't listen i used to have 12 kegel 5 sheep but now drew to this are so c.h.
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in helping us with. factory near gene and other media zoos well i mean heaven now they're. sheep i'm having green tea kettle due to this. and they came a cloud that convinced many people here in eastern cape province that living in harmony with nature benefits them to help secure their livelihoods. would come to the end of this week's episode of eco africa i hope you've enjoyed our reports on this work mischa teves big project and dedicated people thank you so much for joining us on will be looking forward to seeing you again next week i am standards we no go here in kampala so long by bike. by sandra and goodbye everybody out there i hope to see you all next week in the meantime you can always
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. and ended up in the crosshairs of the secret service. 15 minutes on d w. climate change was the spark that made her take action. cloudy augustine 0 from portugal is suing 33 european countries for forest fires in her homeland for far too common. with a group of other young people she's heading to the european court of human rights. with success. focused on europe. 90 minutes on d w. w's crime fighters are back with africa's most successful radio drama series continues in the all of us odes are available online and of course you can share and discuss
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on w. africa's facebook page and other social media platforms crime fighter 2 now. train jobs. they love flashy wigs and glitter glitter glitter for their fight against prejudice i got called a boy band recognition. a little stores on the big stage. french it starts many 17th on d w. frank food. international gateway to the best connection self in road and rail. located in the heart of europe you are connected to the whole world. experience outstanding shopping and dining offers. and try alice services. biala guest at
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frankfurt airport city managed by from. this is david lee news line from berlin israeli planes and ground troops carry out strikes in gaza as the conflict with the palestinians escalates. between israeli airstrikes on gaza and rockets fired by hamas into israel the diff toll has already topped 100 attempts by egypt and the international community to keep escalate the conflict and so far not going any traction. this is jews and.
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