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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  May 14, 2021 6:15pm-6:31pm CEST

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i would also go back to what it was like 2 years ago with a few lisp people maybe but it wasn't a massacre like they were saying it was sustainable. use of the debate over the future of tourism in venice is far from over but for now most people here cannot wait for visitors to return. coming up next is my colleague chanelled from along with business you're watching t.v. news.
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it's an ongoing quest for a bit of. the arab spring began in 2000 good. people stood up against corruption and dictatorship. true for security more freedom more dignity of their hopes been fulfilled 10 years and now after the earth spring. valley and starts june 7th w. . darkseid strikes again. launched a cyber attack on an important u.s. pipeline finds new targets. and can green hydrogen be the fuel for your future. business i'm in berlin.
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russian hacker group darkside has been busy days after it shut down the u.s. colonial pipeline with a ransomware attack ireland's health service operator says it's become the group's latest target forcing the health care provider to shut down its entire network and they're not the only ones in dark sides crosshairs japanese electronics maker to chivas says its european businesses have been hit to the hackers targeted toshiba's european branch during the night of may 4th the company says it lost only a minimal amount of work data during the ransomware attack and the hackers have not leaked that data toshiba says darkseid was behind the attack the same russian hacking group that was blamed for crippling a major u.s. pipeline company earlier this week following that hack u.s. president joe biden urged russia to crack down we do not believe in for said we do not believe the russian government was involved in this attack but we do have
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strong reason to believe that the criminals who did the attack are limine in russia ransomware attacks have been increasing in number hackers steal data encrypted and seek payment in crypto currency from its owners to unlock it darkseid lets its confederates hack into targets then it handles the ransom negotiation and the data release. our financial correspondent chelsea delaney is following this for us and sent us this assessment this series of cyber attacks we've seen in recent weeks has shone a light on how vulnerable our digital systems really are cyber attacks have been on the rise for years they've been getting more and more sophisticated more and more aggressive but this really exploded during the pandemic as more people were working remotely companies and institutions had to build out all of these new systems that left a lot of vulnerabilities that criminal groups like darkseid have been able to exploit
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one cyber security firm estimates that the number of ransomware attacks the ones like we've seen on cornell pipeline or a toshiba rose by about 485 percent last year one way that companies are dealing with this it is by taking out somewhere i'm sure and so their insurance company will pay the price of that ransom but there's also more and more pressure on a political level for countries like russia and china and north korea that have. better thought to harbor some of these groups to crack down. as countries all over the world to make their economies more climate friendly there's been increasing talk about the role hydrogen could play in the switch to clean energy hydrogen fuel is important for the likes of steel production oil refinement and agriculture but hydrogen itself can be a clean energy source however 96 percent of the hydrogen used in the european union is manufactured using natural gas emitting up to $100000000.00 tons of c o 2 each year so what's the solution one idea is to import clean hydrogen from
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africa produced using solar and wind energy and then transported to europe via ship or pipeline for more on this i'm joined by case from the center for business and technology in africa at the flensburg university of applied sciences welcome to the show can you please tell us can europe not produce its own green hydrogen. sink you for being here no unfortunately we have not enough space for producing. hydrogen energy by ourselves we have to import gas from other countries to get our goals own shipping green hydrogen all the way from africa itself come with a high carbon carbon footprint ok the carbon footprint is something we have to keep in mind when we want to have sustainable energy but
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the other way we have already ellen g. tanks and ships which can transport is for instance in germany we have and then g. terminal in boone spittle in all industries we call it done and there are also the idea of using pipelines from for example northern africa how far developed are these plants to bring green hydrogen from africa to europe ok we are at the beginning of the poses and for sure one of the goals for instance for the german government is not to get africa out of energy so we have to start on a lower level but some developed countries like south africa maybe able to produce efficient amount of hydrogen in the near future and if i talk about the near future thinking about 3 to 5 years doing all the finance poses and the development what do
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you mean when you say it's important that africa isn't out of energy are you do you mean that europe could be competing with africa for its own energy. yes it is a point that we have to not to use the we knew about energy from africa just good use hydrogen to transport to you oh we have to take in you know mind that africa still needs energy there's not every country who has enough with sources now so 1st the africans must have their own energy and if we have enough we knew about energy there by going out more solar plants more wind energy we can use this for export and we consoles doing the african economy.
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from the center for business and technology in africa at the university of applied sciences and flensburg there for us thank you very much for your time today. thank you to the u.k. now where the country's serious fraud office has launched a probe into the gulf to family group alliance business empire and its financing arrangements with capital the alliance owns hundreds of companies across the world it's the family business of steel tycoon sanjay gupta steel aluminum mining financial services and real estate those are just some of the interests of the companies owned by the group the family group alliance sanjeev gupta empire employs 30 $5000.00 people around the world that accounts annual revenues of $20000000000.00 now it's under investigation by britain serious fraud office charges include suspected fraud and money laundering in connection with invoices
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sent to its major finance or the now bankrupt greensill capital. green says implosion has rocked britain's business and political classes former prime minister david cameron was grilled by lawmakers about his lobbying for the company this week right i said there's a strong argument that having a fool of prime minister you gauge on behalf of any commercial interest no matter how laudable motives and cools can be open to misinterpretation perhaps that's especially so when the communication systems we will use in the heat of responding to a crisis of text. rather than the more formal approach of right now group his empire is facing the heat criminal scrutiny and it still needs to secure financing to replace green still and protect its employees around the world. ella take a look at some other business stories making headlines. in northern japan is now under a state of emergency juta the spread of covert 19 people there won't be able to eat
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out and must avoid nonessential travel to other prefectures also face tighter restrictions. air b.n. b. has posted another big loss but it says bookings are on the rise again the vacation rental company lost $1200000000.00 in the 4th quarter of 2020 air b.n. b. said the high cost of repaying loans taken out during the pandemic was the main reason for the poor results now getting hold of cash in myanmar is becoming increasingly difficult queues start forming outside banks at 4 am where the 1st 30 customers are given plastic tokens that will allow them to enter the bank when it opens at 9 30 am and withdraw cash the others have to queue for hours the central bank is now run by an appointee of the military rulers it has not returned some of the reserves it holds for private banks without giving any reason leaving the banks short of cash. an export boom in construction timber to the
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u.s. is sending temper prices in germany through the roof after canada germany is the 2nd most important supplier of softwood song temper which is used for the construction industry but rising demand means that local carpenters and joiners face enormous price increases. the forests of the heart's region in central germany are bone dry the trees sick and infested with pests for years timber was cheap and in abundance now suddenly it's in short supply prices are rising rapidly . forest to me is not surprised by the increased prices timber is in high demand all over the world china and especially the u.s. are hungry for construction lumber brought boards the bowl reconstruction industry there is room in the thanks to recovery programs wouldn't stand for the americans
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market on the doorstep canada has collapsed because of a pest infestation on millions of hacked is they just can't get any more wood from canada. to safe target the shipping containers come straight into the forest. cut to a length of 11 and a half meters the trees fit exactly into a container ready for sea transport. timber companies in germany are left with the short end of the stick in this carpentry business the last of the wood supplies for a roof frame of being cut when the next delivery will come is unclear the company's making heavy losses because they have to buy timber at 4 times the usual price. company boss carl hofmeister is frustrated medium sized companies like his struggle to get hold of lumber a few large saw mills dominate the market is in a 3 you know largesse was there as of course able to buy up large quantities from
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the market to. their capital strength and they are able to export accordingly in terms of the entire logistics and can therefore redirect products at short notice and bring them to markets where it's possible to earn significantly more sordid mess of id. and that's the usa a handful of sawmills dominate 80 percent of the timber market in germany. they distribute the wood where they can make the most money the german sawmilling and timber industry body says that's the way the market works. lobel demand which is also increased in the last year and months due to regional peculiarities is causing corresponding price effects the higher the demand the higher the value of the products. back in the hearts forest. is happy with the increased revenue but he still worried about attacks from parasites which could threaten the trees planting now they would be ready for harvest for another 70
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years. and the reminder of the top story this hour. the shiba says its european business has been the target of a cyber attack japanese public t.v. says the attack was carried out by darkseid that's the group that u.s. claims for the ransomware attack on colonial pipeline days ago. and that's it from us thanks so much for watching. imagine how many push polls love us right now in the climb a tree isn't off a story this is one place and way from just one week. before it's going to really get. we still have time to i am going.
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to. close it. and you hear me now on here's we're going to tell you and how the last 2 years german chancellor will bring you down come out call as you've never tried to have surprise yourself with what is possible who is medical really what moves. on some who talk to people and follow along the way maurice and critics might join us from apple sauce stocks. this is. coming up today overseas from those away from coal. india out of fear of some colder waters to their country as the problems with the devastating 2nd wave we report on a group of indians in the netherlands who couldn't start by can do nothing. time to talk your preparations bruce ahead despite concerns from the public opposition on
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the grid safety 1st.


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