tv Best of Klosterkuche Deutsche Welle May 15, 2021 12:30pm-1:00pm CEST
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. i'm in the northern german state of. the city and the neighboring region are at the center of a tourism pilot project there trying out ways to be cation safely even during the pandemic that is under straight supervision of the authorities and medical experts a huge experiment and me and my negative coven test were part of it. and if you're going to take part in a tourism trial this is definitely the place to do it. we'll also revisit a few highlights from previous check in trips to germany's north sea and baltic coasts. and check out the scene on the southern coast of italy and this week's v mail.
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i was lucky to get a room here and a country since the pilot project kicked off a few weeks ago people have been pouring into the region overnight guests must abide by strict rules upon arrival each person has to show proof of a negative test results and 48 hours and hotels are blind to inforce the rules. in a hotel room it's been so long since i've had the pleasure i almost forgot what it feels like. throw in some sun. happy tourists and an unbeatable view of the harbor what can i say it's perfect. this hotel is run by oliver he's been looking forward to rolling out the red carpet for guests again. what does it mean for you to be part of this model project. because it's naturally we're glad to be part of it but it's also important for the
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hotel industry as a whole it will allow us to get a sense of what is possible in the pre-season and high season and also give guests an idea of what to expect and find out what the rules are which is true for us as well so the project is important for the entire sector who becomes a point but how did you adjust to the special circumstances that. we'd already developed a pretty good concept of last year which we put back in place because we made use of every option available to us. all employees are required to get tested twice a week and we're also required to keep one or 2 rooms available in the event that someone must go into quarantine. any guest wishing to dine indoors must have a negative test we've also set up a test center right on our premises to make things easier we also used to look after and it works well so far. so we're really doing everything we possibly can still type of market. the thought of people all over germany can't wait to go on
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vacation you run a hotel in the only region where that's currently possible are reservations off the charts yes it's been busy. but that's not surprising since we're the only city in germany allowed to offer in an outdoor dining reservations have been coming in from all over we've never experienced anything like it and of course we're sorry that we can't accommodate everyone as much as we'd like to we simply don't have the capacity constraints. at 1st glance there's little to suggest there's a pandemic going on. loads of tourists strolling around as if they haven't got a care in the world but this is something truly out of the ordinary 2nd 3rd and the neighboring sly region are among a limited number of areas included in the model project and all of them are in germany's north along the north sea and the baltic coasts. stefan blog
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money is the managing director of eck unfair to tourism and marketing he hopes his project will serve as a model for safe travel in all of germany. the you have to ask when you wrote the concept for the project did you focus on any particular aspects while developing it if you will we felt it was important to give the tourism sector a perspective in other words we wanted to show that hotels and other holiday accommodations regardless of size as well as restaurants have had code compliant concepts in place since last year and that we're capable of conducting responsible tourism that of course includes a comprehensive testing strategy not only for guests but for locals to the exit of a project is said to run for 4 weeks what happens after they are in. well of course i'd like to see the tourism sector open up all across because time. i hope that our pilot regions will successfully demonstrate ways in which we can. continue
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operating by deploying a testing strategy and that our methods are effective. then they can also be applied in accommodations and restaurants throughout sleighs because. the droid does for you to fly around matters of the project work a little differently here than in the region what are the main differences and what unique challenges do they pose another house for. the. each of the projects varies slightly which is why the testing scheme in the line is a little different than ours our guests are required to do a coke and rapid test at home and then another test here on the 3rd day of their stay and that's it in the shire region visitors have to take a test every other day it's somewhat complicated and there are variations but it has to be that way because plays big and wants to find out which method works best then we can take all the elements that proved most effective and applied those
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methods throughout place because time. testing in econd can be done and over and doesn't centers free of charge. and since i am bound do for one myself i'm getting tested right next to the beach. hundreds of people are tested here every day around 50 an hour which is almost one in minutes the results come in after some 15 minutes of so many rules to follow how do you feel about them. isn't even simply part of the deal and we travel a lot usually abroad but since that's not possible at the moment we're happy to be here at the baltic sea just getting away for a few days is the main thing and i don't mind all the testing oh i know that's not pleasant but you don't have to take one every day but season this opportunity and the testing is part of it that's ok but i've got to know what. i think the rules are. sensible definitely even requiring people to get tested every 48 hours if they
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want to dine in restaurants i mean can you have a good day we're going to the beach and maybe we'll stroll along the pedestrian mall get some ice cream and have a look inside a shocker to what we have a camper van and this was the 1st site we could find with a vacancy as it's wonderful a real holiday it's fantastic. stephon arts heads the city's covert response center . and that's what is the aim of this pilot project the spirit in business and susie in the main goal is to see whether tourism has a significant impact on infection rates in the district or region. that's why we've been planted these pilot projects. to test whether tourism is possible and safe under certain conditions. to fuel this you know how risky is it. they have. these and i'm thinking well with antigen rapid tests we always have
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a certain margin of error we can't completely rule out. because. the testing concept has been conceived to compensate for this uncertainty by way of increased frequency. and the. desired to us if the project proves successful how likely is it that other regions inside germany or elsewhere will implement similar ones. and. i'm absolutely convinced that this system could be set up in any other region of germany or europe and while we do enjoy certain advantages in terms of wind weather and climate i still think this concept would work well in other regions too. since my latest test was also negative i can stay
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a while so i'm going to treat myself to some time at the beach. the coastal regions of the north sea and the baltic sea are some of germany's most popular tourist destination my colleague locals and i have actually been here several times for you guys already so let's take a look back. at the north sea island of hell ego land lines about 50 kilometers off the german coast and it's home to some $1300.00 residents. when my colleague lucas stego went for a visit here arrived on the island after a pleasant 3 hour ferry ride. many visitors come here to hike along the bright red sandstone clubs in the north of the island. most are on their way
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to the long haul and a 47 metre high freestanding sandstone column these rocky cliffs serves as a breeding ground for thousands of birds. but there are plenty of day trippers who come to hell eagle land to shop things to the island's tax exempt status many people make the journey to purchase things like tobacco and alcoholic beverages. another popular summer holiday destination is always a dog an island in the baltic sea part of it belongs to germany and part of it to poland. vacationers flock to the dom's beaches and it tends to be completely booked up months in advance during peak season.
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and those seeking a bit more peace and quiet might want to venture into the island's interior and go on a horseback riding track. bottom india is a seaside resort town also on the baltic sea close to the port city of los stuck. in the city's famous lighthouse was built over 120 years ago and it still works. some 5 kilometers long and spanning up to 100 meters and breath the beach here is the widest in the state of mechlin book for parma.
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the wotton sea along the north sea is a world heritage site visitors are encouraged to take a guided tour across the much less. i was fascinated by the rich diversity of marine life why i especially like the lug earth sand worms. twice a day in the month flats are completely submerged by the tide but over time the people here came up with a few inventive ways to get from place to place without getting wet. and whether you choose the baltic or north sea no trip to the coast is complete without a fish or a shrimp sandwich. and then it's time for
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a little action. on the beats and sounds pizza. if you ask me the best thing about this experiment is that allows indoor dining that has been banned in germany since november of 2020 so here i'm extra happy to show my test result. dannielle am on has been running this restaurant for the past 7 years and specialty fish of course . but what should i have. suggest to try our salmon burger with the potato fritter smoked salmon and. it's very popular we made it once just for fun but now it's
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a real hit from just to something. no joke one is about to land on my plate i'll take it isn't it is it like a trip back in time when you come in and see the place full of happy diners yes the 1st few days we didn't really notice how much things had picked up but now it's nonstop all day long it's always packed for the i think that's how has this pilot affected your day to day business and your customers are they keen to come in or are they a little has attend. the noida you notice the people are hungry to go out there friendlier more patient. 0 as they don't complain there's no moaning and groaning there really polite phone go on through. now if i just had some cutlery. i mean privacy with this guy so why don't you take a hike a real one among chile's volcanoes in this week's new local we'll catch up with
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ruben pryor live even and then search for a guy but these days he doesn't have all that much to do because in the south american country the pandemic has also badly damaged the tourism sector. well no my name is ruben paella i'm an adventure tourism guide and i live in the beautiful city of behind me you can see a famous landmark the view of ok no the most active volcano in my city is considered the capital of adventure tourism and come with me i'll show you around. for lake and great mountain landscapes on its surroundings have to offer there are a lot of things to do here. if you see the bone visit in moscow to one of the
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our carrier forests we are here on the trail of the humvee and the goods that see what we can find come on follow me. what i wanted to show you something magical this is something really magical funny that we encounter specifically in this region in the sauna our carriers had a unique to our region or they can be over a 1000 years old and our carriers as old as 1400 years have been found where you needed me to look what i came across what could be better than hugging a fowls and your old friend. anything during this beautiful hike besides the our carriers in the lakes that you can also admire this beautiful volcano that is the biggest folk i know in the south with a high. 3776 meters. have
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been hit hard by the current corona situation i have know how to drop in the tourism sector since march last year we had great hopes that the situation would improve this summer unfortunately has not and we now have to go into complete quarantine for the time being what is it about that. as a native of this region i recommend you climb the fear eco volcano this is because there are a few volcanoes in the world where you can see a lake of lava and climbing view is quite easy so i invite you all to come here and climb the very core volcano. time to explore this like it's an inlet of the baltic sea that stretches 42 kilometers into the mainland this region is also included in the tourism project.
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it's famous for its nature and sustainable tourism. with its 25000 inhabitants is the largest city in the region and the early middle ages it was an important trading hub for the viking. one place we should be sure to visit as the small fishing village of hope. the tourism sector is excited to be a part of the model projects on the lot how's it going so far in mice with most of the businesses appreciate the initiative we've taken with this pilot project and are happy to get on board and there's tremendous demand among the guests as well the region. can accommodate about 19000 visitors at once and were almost completely booked up in may and also while he did in the feedback what kind of feedback have
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you gotten from guests hotels or holiday apartment owners for instance. you know about all from the feedback from tourists and those renting out holiday units has been very positive from the hotels were somewhat reluctant and initially and clearly would have liked to open up more for dining and that continues to be an issue for hotels and restaurants but we're keeping that in mind and it's the next logical step so if we manage to stabilize the incidence rate and 2nd fetta and restaurants don't pose a risk that'll be the next step will be about feeling safe fish that. if you ever make it around this part of the world make sure to check out the smaller towns as well this one for example our nests with its only $250.00 inhabitants is the smallest city in germany.
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in the mean time i've made my way to capital to go for a cruise around the shy after months tied to the docks boats are finally back in action. but what conditions are you required to fulfill in order to be part of this tourism project these are signs of. the 1st 2 everyone must way. mask and passengers have to present proof of a negative test taken within the past 24 hours before they're permitted to board while moving about on the boat they have to keep their masks on but they can take
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them off while seated. what's your take on the project in general is from a so i think it's great that we've been given this opportunity you've got to start somewhere and i think we're the only one in germany that's permitted to do this it's great really wonderful. time for our v mail a look at the world through our viewers' eyes this time we came to takes us to the southern coast of italy. good morning out there today we're. going to.
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go to. let's talk to some campers and find out what it's like for them to be part of such a large scale experiment. the entire german coastline including the sly is popular with campers but during the pandemic even those traveling with their own mobile home had nowhere to go or you would all worried about coming here no not at all as i'm not a bit you know because when you're camping you're out in the fresh air a lot and tend not to spend much time around other people so there's no reason for concern getting. this campsite is fully books but fewer spots are available at the moment due to covert 19 restrictions. is everyone sticking to the rules you're in
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charge of enforcing them but are the campers doing their part. so far we've had nothing but positive experiences. i'm pleasantly surprised by how smooth things are going. people are very respectful of others everyone stays within their own area even in the washrooms they're careful only 5 people are allowed to be in the building at one time masks are being worn tests are being taken after 3 days as required by i see that people register immediately after returning to the premises but it's all going great we couldn't be happier about. the tourism project has raised hopes for having what used to be a typical summer season a shortage of guests will definitely not be a problem. when i check into my hotel and i have a quick chat with the owner. of the pandemic this past year was
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a tough one for the hotel industry how do you envision the upcoming season and the future in general do you have any concerns. and when i look beyond the immediate future i imagine the urge to travel further afield will be great and i don't know what that will mean for us here in the region but in the meantime we have an opportunity to show people who want to change that makes this area so charming. i really enjoyed my time here even with all the testing and the restriction still in place it did feel like a bit of normality and i really hope the pilot a successful and that other regions soon start welcoming visitors as well so fingers crossed so you next time. you know.
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storms. intense plasma home breaks threaten our electricity cation networks. what causes these mysterious phenomena the space probe is meant to find out. solar storms. in 75 minutes on google you. imagine how many polish old loves us right now on the phone right now climate change to fend off a storm. basis watch less leeway from just one week. how much worse can really get. we still have time to act i'm going.
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to flood says. put some scribes like this. people in trucks injured when trying to flee the city center more and more refugees are being turned away or. emily's momentum seems to be. at least going to be looking at demonstrators. people see an extreme degree of. profiling 200 people on. the road limos more than 300000000 people are seeking. municipal laws. because no one should have to flee. make up your own mind. w. . made for mines.
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news live from berlin and more deadly conflict between israel and hamas militants tanks firing on targets in gaza after hamas launches a wave of overnight rockets and an israeli airstrike kills at least 10 palestinians including children. china lands a spacecraft on the red planet for the 1st time the latest.
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