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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2021 8:30am-9:00am CEST

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tracks for people with disabilities. the idea is hold sway to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities stringer how can we protect habitat so we can make a difference the easiest fundamental series again go to sleep on don't hold your hand on mine. today we're going to meet simple people who have intellectual disabilities have signed up for a 3 year program the blue train and the education specialists at the university level. the candidates are being interviewed today institute for inclusive education and.
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through. the program designed to help individuals who have disabilities become more fully integrated into the academic world and to help them meet more independent lives a total of 50 people applied to be admitted to the program. or whatever they there's a lot of competition called the best and i didn't know what to expect to find it very hot it's weird but i'm excited about that because there is institute for it we want to promote inclusion in higher education but i'm getting up there finally let me out i said i'd be like a different sort of professor at you know exactly of the university lecture me out there like that's a lot they don't really ask you for. ok here i am. you were born in iran
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yes i speak 3 languages. kurdish german wow. i suffered from oxygen deficiency early on and that caused some visual impairment in my optic nerve but my disability is not an obstacle for me. wish people would give me more time to say anything busy. if you. have been living with this disability for 28 years now. i've had a lot of ups and downs that normal people haven't gone through but i can get along fine when i have to. most of the candidates have jobs in workshops for people with disabilities don't continue to work there until i find out what to do been accepted for the university training program.
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i have a learning disability so it takes me longer to memorize things i suffered from a lack of oxygen and that destroyed some of my brain cells. it's just something that i have to deal with sometimes i think about it quite a bit and it's not always easy for me to come to terms with it. i munch is blind for a long time he's been looking for a job that's more challenging. i need more workplaces. that sound proofing material coming if you weren't here versus monday february 22nd 2016. so i need more again.
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cheney enjoys her choppiness most a workshop. and them dance now i think is a chance there i've got a chance now to teach people about what life is like for those who have to submit lety sentiment been known name i think that's really exciting find that. florian lives in his own apartment at his mother's house. they used to say that you'd probably never learn to walk. do you recognize these photos. thus far and live that was a lip start in the right before they put you on the ventilator where you were breathing for several days with the help of the machine went. well there and then things slowly started to get better because of. their. oxygen deficiencies among infants can cause serious problems in development florins mother
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has learned to cope with the situation this father has not. i think it was incredibly difficult for his father to accept that florian is the way he is. or was at that time. if they read the ferrari he won the i think he always wanted a son that he could do things with like roller blading or playing football but when florian was growing up that just wasn't possible. how did you deal with. it was tough and very difficult. but i said to myself he's my son it doesn't matter that he has a disability he's my child and i love him just the way he is or don't.
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come when i look at pictures from when he was younger. and then think about all that he's accomplished in his life before yeah it's pretty amazing. come on now start the. start trying to. it's hard for me when i think that a problem i had when i was born can. make such a big difference later on. everything's good c'mere. that's really not ok when i look back on it now it's really just. a thought i think you've done so well flow just
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a few minutes can change your life forever. just a few minutes. week later ministre disappear technical university unclog decided to join a training program. we're very impressed if you sound happy yeah. and i just want to say that i really like to have you on our program i'm so pleased yeah yeah i'm glad that workshop was like jail and i had to get out. and now you can then. dad congratulations. yeah yeah. yeah. yeah yeah. for the last month or so he's been saying that he's the 1st college student in our family. that i kept my fingers crossed that this would happen and
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now it has clicked the. mayor come out. right in that i wanted to say that we were very impressed with you and we think that you'd make a good education specialist and we'd like you to join us. i have a training position yet. 2 to most foods the trainees have attended special schools but not a university like the educational opportunities he seems limited but that's going to change soon. of the gangs and in this whole way we have classrooms on the right and left if you cannot get off of it you know how to put in some cases the professors conduct seminars the can last up to 90 minutes or before. is that what
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we're going to do you. don't have we had a lecture like that in the 3rd semester in a room like you see here at the from my office open from my pile out that is so we stand up in front of the class and teach right after 14 with. you because. the 2 students will face a number of the challenges in this program one. that i think you have 3 years to learn the road course it'll go by quickly that. i have tons of questions that i can make this may be the longest job title in the building by the social worker and social education specialist i would have to say and this means master right. master of science i do with the master of disaster
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when i am asked and my brain shuts down. if the place not to get this exercise is aimed at helping you to get to know each other better now it's called the triangle of common ground light them. no one fighting. the group begins by sharing their likes and dislikes like the world would work for something that was. it simply they have much in common. was it that's great a friend of mine does that new music get it right but then of music it is night who i like everything and i feel i like writing. it more than for the right there's doubt then tried i don't like writing i do we mean either. good that. and we can also write about what she went happy i'm having common advice dave and what should i write that we
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both have muscle spasms both post more so than let's do it like this keep it simple . to do no offense but there is some things that i don't like to talk about. though i do worry. as much you can talk to me normally it's just a few of their. children in fact being quickly find out that they have a lot in common and not just a disability. now discovered. 2 months later the training program is moving model who wouldn't know. they've been here i'm the university instructor here. i'm doug my bros i. want us
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and over there other students with their little shy. the students start by introducing themselves to one another and wait a month where are you from indonesia i am happy to. have this very common and i love a farm so welcome everyone i'm really glad that you're here today for our joint seminar toward. supported decision making. is a. campfire and we'd like you to tell us a bit about herself so. if you want to know for example whether you'd like to start a family as it is shown by my top priority right now is my career at. the laos is done and once you get a job and then figure out how to do it for 3 years how to and vice versa can be a lot of fun. so i'm ready for anything with which i was awful.
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good where you guys can explore different options out of them you can say i'll do this seminar and then this one and this one all the way we can do that too but because of our disability our choices are limited if i have to fit on the produce fruit for what was posted groups have learned a lot dang why are. they for the seminar i was a bit nervous i hadn't had a lot of contact with people with disabilities not even at school. understand that said was unusual. what everyone like the seminar. for talks to us openly and that was really impressive of if i will give you the shift that i think we were a little shy at 1st we just stood in the corner. and then they started asking us all kinds of questions. i thought the seminar was great and we got a lot out of it. going on. the program participants had to get used to
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experiences that include speaking to a group today actress and performance coach you really do need to help them develop their skills when you get back up to a month or so cern as it's good to have you folks here i'm pleased to be here. and i really don't looking forward to this. let me tell you this go ahead now what are some of the things you can do to make a good impression on your audience in the you know in perth you have to present yourself with all foresty. what do you mean by authority over all of. this well you've got to show people that you want to tell them something it's like you're saying to the audience hey look at me i've got something important to tell you. both yeah this is my so you draw attention to yourself as right ok very good what else has parts not. all this punch but now you
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need to be a bit spontaneous and teach people in a way that's not boring and make someone to interact with you and act he. committed also can we say that you should try to make the best impression possible. sighting worth something like that. as a script that well there's no right way or wrong way to talk to an audience i use a lot of different techniques and the 3 each of us here today will do it in their own way and it would really be a shame if we all sounded the same that wouldn't be interesting and no one would listen life is pretty high laws and so on and as long as there's also now i'd like you to tense up some of your muscles but keep breathing naturally don't make it too tense out ok ok let's do the biceps 1st tense the muscles and keep holding it for
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15 seconds if there is a call on your mark get set go. on hand release that does get them kept breathing normally right. that's a good exercise isn't it now. each of the might to 1st presentation in front of the group. there's a fair amount of for all that people need is freedom but you can't find that freedom with me. we laughed a lot together and did a lot of stupid stuff. but in the future the word we has no meaning for you. i often go out and look for a place that belongs only to us where no one can disturb us the time i spent with
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you was wonderful but that's over now and it has no place in my future. i'll wait for you at the next traffic light the next red light. and i won't start my car without you thank you. that sounded natural that could not be exactly as well done that's the way to do it . was powerful stuff i found that really powerful. you can set up the lectern anywhere you want it raise it or lower it so that you feel comfortable when you speak. you don't want to keep looking down 1st of all that's important for proper breathing and 2nd you can make better eye contact with the audience feel and what i want to tell you florian and this is important for all
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of you to set things up before you get started. and be is in. high. whately they can't even see you yet the 1st week ok they're standing by the door because they try to make this you've just come in so now all guide you over there ok ok if when because i was a good. start you told your. mother. leave her. to her. mother put up. here you know move. haha not how i was. oh. yes.
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i am. married and amounts of money check the fact take months now to become friends tonight a man she wants to and she said tease me hubby tennis could be shooting pain always work from the center line you can feel it with your feet. this is at the top of the net good you miss it now find the centerline. you miss it step back a bit. oh oh. i'm. not imagining him. live down. here so what do you think to a. great. guy this it to me we have to fill up the lines now conceding . we are going to the middle standing if you're.
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sorry you don't believe him he's not a bit sorry i know he may mean it was. going to ok your op. ed have. to. go in and fabien each little brother without disabilities or they get him quited with them a few days i throw away sounds. great thanks like this some. oh . yeah we know we've still got time on just roll my chant down lance do you know we'll push you. on for but as for this as a what was it like for you guys growing up as twins. because of his disability on the guns i'm going for also someone thing is such a strong powerful i think i had
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a few advantages i think of if you just but in their example it's cool he used to have a lot of problems but our parents always tried to raise us the same way they still do games even know who you're inspired and they made sure that we both did things together for the fish like on vacation after we go way up in the mountains if you could meet a who out of avoid would take him up there whether he wanted to go or not i did so that we could all share the experience socially and of course we had the usual squabbles that all brothers did for often. just like us but it it be boring without . as a. little bit of turf it's completely different for every one. facet of our father more or less favored me over my brother to be honest about it as ever and it's because i didn't have any say in the matter and i didn't ask my father for any special favors or floor. and turned out and that's what he does and it wasn't
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easy to get out of that situation because later our father just wasn't there for us . but i think that this brought fluffy and me closer together. and now we get along just like any other brothers do us a lot of little very small. afterward flowing through to not about that conversation in accounting ali. he now realizes how much he misses his father. he wonders with that he should contact him and tell him about the teacher training program. there were pm a living you know you always wanted me to change some hell or do things differently quote him for me but i want him to see that i've come
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a long way all by myself. had done that wouldn't have happened if i didn't have a disability so it's sort of a blessing in disguise their 1st who they thought might i think if you really love your child then it doesn't matter how he's developed because then you don't say ok now with this program he's had a positive development and if you were still in the workshop for example then i wouldn't regret it then i still would have done everything right that doesn't really change anything but when it's in with his dad could say right now that he regrets leaving us but that doesn't make up for all the years that he was gone and so nobody of this is really. well i just want to see how he'd react to find out whether he still cares about. i needed to have that when i was younger it doesn't matter why he left us i just want to find out whether he still cares. but how would that help you. do you still really need that.
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thank you. is to conduct. a search and now it's getting closer and closer and it's just making me crazy how many miles. of that i'm also really excited and sometimes all that makes me cry. that's how i get the emotion out of my system. but that's a natural reaction. you're not an actress you should just be yourself. it's good to see people as they really young. back after that i don't want to screw up the seminar and we won't because we'll work pretty well together and help each other it'll turn out fine i. cannot in months now this
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group has been trained to become university teachers they've been studying each patient and improving their public speaking skills and. if. i'm doing the introduction tomorrow for for i'd like to read it to you and then you can tell me what i need to fix. for sure thing. i'm taking part in the training program at the institute for inclusive education. this 3 year fulltime program is unique in europe. it's a participant's complete program and pass a final exam they'll be higher education specialists at the university level. to get through here today is the day we're all excited and so you probably less
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than we are. anyway i'm pleased to be able to present to you the 1st in our series of seminars it's called my world sharing our expertise on disability. work. you mention can some people may know this but i'll read what i've written down we are here we are loud and we wanted others steal our rights they think that's important to me and to the rest of us they can take away our rights. to stand up please. i'm right here but don't stand in front of me i won't be able to see the audience. so now we're going to play and get to know your game and i said i'll say my name and make a motion. this is exactly go ahead i'm crazy
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a monch on this and your motion. i'm the loud. and that's your movement. and i'm quiet rude. loud quiet roots brave. and intelligent is that. this show and joe go there and right now i feel like i was hired to do this job well. i still can't get used to hearing the word lecture but i'm working on it i do what good would it. do you think that we're all different from you. not at all this. bit you do a lot more things than i did that. you've got all these hobbies which i don't have
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that's mostly next year and begin teaching courses in social studies medicine or design but when those 1st they want to understand what life is like for us and we can explain that to them. and when you do that it triggers something positive inside you but if i prefer move i'll be. forward to doing this it's a great show for you to come to the burgos thought it up. i think that the students . here that. he patted down often absolutely.
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kicked off. decisions. surprises. and one for the record. things are heating up in the business on the mcmahon stay a memorable season. 30 minutes on t w. i .
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this is news coming to you live from u.s. president joe biden expresses support for a cease fire between israel and hamas. is really. the fighting its 8th day also coming up. to the spanish territory of say would.


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