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tv   37 Grad 2  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2021 12:00pm-12:30pm CEST

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this is the deadly news live from bali u.s. president joe biden expresses support for a cease fire between israel and hamas but stopped short of calling for. spicing enters a 9th day and israeli airstrikes continue to pound gaza also on the program at least 14 dead in schools more missing as a deadly cyclon strikes a news coast in the country's navy works to rescue crew members from stricken vessels. afghans fear for their futures as nato troops for the path to leave the
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country for the taliban gravels step up recruiting. job and police achieve a breakthrough in their investigation into a spectacular jewel heist interested 2 years ago. welcome to the program. here's president joe biden has told israel's prime minister that he supports a cease fire between israel and palestinian militants even though washington has repeatedly blocked a u.n. security council statement holding for an immediate end to hostilities israel's jets in the east another barrage of an strikes on gaza overnight and palestinian militant group hamas continued to fire rockets at israeli cities or than $200.00 people mostly palestinians have been killed in more than a week of violence. he says radio strikes hit
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on tuesday morning. it's the 9th day of fighting between israel and hamas militants in gaza the casualties some mounting many of them civilians. hospitals already struggling with a covert $900.00 pandemic a stretch to the limits. this small girl is among the injured. and this boy has lost several members of his family. the bombardments have to strike homes and displaced tens of thousands of people there are many tarion situation is deteriorating and the power supply across gaza has been reduced to 6 to 8 hours per day on average the number of feeder wides not functioning that it turns disrupts the provision of health care in order basic services water hygiene and sanitation israel says it's targeting senior hamas
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militants in the group's tunnel network the military released this footage which says shows as strikes on 5 houses belonging to camas commanders the directive is to continue to strike terror targets the i.d.f. is doing well today it has eliminated and now the senior islamic jihad commander we have hit a hamas novel unit and we continue to strike it underground infrastructure the hamas metro and other targets we will continue to act as necessary to restore peace and security to all residents of israel. the escalation in violence began after clashes between israeli police and protesters over the planned eviction of palestinian families in east jerusalem. since then hamas has kept up a steady stream of rockets some of them make it past israel's iron dome defense system like here in ashdod where residential building was damaged and several
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people were injured. as global calls mount for an end to the blood the white house says president biden told it and yet when a phone call that he supported a cease fire but stopped short of calling for one. a cease fire that is gently needed as the violence on both sides continue to spiro. let's take a closer look at this with the double reporter should he resign this welcome shinee just look now is. how much rocket attacks are slowing the israeli violence israeli israeli retaliation is easing off does this mean that we're we're reaching an end to this violence well we're definitely in a position of stalemate and people both sides are not quite sure how to move forward how to bring you know neither one of them wants to be seen as the weak and they're still looking for this decisive determine it you know determine strike that will show ok now we can go out with a boom in
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a way or not just really figuratively and literally so they're still looking for that what we're seeing is that both sides have already kind of wearing out the media goals that they've had and now they're kind of yeah they need to find a way out and they're stuck this this has taken longer than anybody expected really they've been and this was expected to be available in a couple of there indeed indeed definitely israeli officers in intelligence and so on they were quite surprised with hamas you know sustaining fire for so long and such such. for the hopefully i'm and very you know very ambitious goals into tel aviv into jerusalem and beyond israel's policy has always been to respond massively to a 2 attacks the fact that this is slowing down does this mean that israel thinks he's closer to achieving its goal or is it does he have an eye on domestic and international criticism at that have both a bit of both there is no doubt there is this going on rest in israel there's no schools there was a holiday that was actually israelis have to have spent time you know engine bob's
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shelters so and there's a big fear in israel from what's happening in other fronts what's happening inside israel with arab palestinians that are in israel in the mix it is something that is extremely fragile and tense you know very high volatility these days and there's looking also into the west bank if the west bank flames out west bank flames up and we're seeing there. more and more attempts this morning we've just seen an attempt for a for an attack and have broader than israel know this will be much harder to contain and sustained stop and this is also partially why they're looking for some conclusion some end to at this by the fact that officially few here the chief of staff of the military there saying we still have at least 48 more hours to go it's not quite clear where these 48 hours will lead us in the sense of the dynamics of fighting and retaliation and a small but significant change in the style and so that certainly that the words being used by u.s. president joe biden now saying that he supports
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a cease fire right. which doesn't sort of much what he said in his 1st call to benjamin netanyahu right well he's he's under a lot of pressure within the democratic party the progressive part of the party is being very vocal about how unhappy they are with the stand israel you know and the americans are giving him the by the administration the backing it's giving israel and he sees this pressure bubbling and boiling and he needs to show at least a bit more at least in rhetoric a bit more intention of being involved in this so he has not shown to be too eager to jump into the middle east you know hot hot hot affairs. it's hard for him up however to back off we've seen joe biden the history is as a politician for 50 years he's always been a in israel backer and he's a bit torn here between what where he stands and what his party is trying to get him where his party is trying to get him to go ok but some boys at least in the
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party initially resent honest thank you so much thanks phil. well take a look now at some of the other news making headlines around the world the u.s. treasuries impose sanctions on 16 of me and most military leaders and their families of the deadly attacks on civilians following a military following the military coup the army seize power in february claiming that the elections had been rigged. it's killed at least $800.00 people in attacks on pro-democracy supporters during widespread protests. the u.s. supreme court has agreed to consider a major challenge to bush and wright says the state of mississippi it seeks to most abortions from the 15th week of pregnancy a court ruling in favor would overturn decades of legal precedent i decision is expected next year. more than 40000 people have been placed in the home quarantine in china is that leo leo kneeing province due to a surge in cope with 19 cases of arches are the measures will help prevent large
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scale outbreaks providing supply stone to people in 98 quarantine neighborhoods. and to india where at least 14 people have been killed after a powerful cycling hit the country's west coast cyclists on a top 10 and left a trail of destruction with heavy rains and storm surges going to structures talking trees and power lines around $200000.00 people were evacuated from low lying areas to storm shelters countries navy searching for dozens of people missing at sea after the storm sank one vessel and made another lose. let's go to d.w. correspondent many rich country in delhi welcome many are let's start with this seeing rescue mission what's happening that well this vessel that sound or what i didn't even wear on hold just because i was at one of the best you all 90 times to be missing and just to be sat by the meeting well well and
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back on land with 200000 evacuated to storm shelters there have to be fears now that the coronavirus pandemic is going to get even further out of control. leon that doesn't that mean you have will not let let's just let the guy actually left because of the cycle and he got this i think to be of help to you guys again and all is well it'll be like you know receipts chat rooms and i read this and get that. and how well is the government being seen to handle this disaster on top of its perceived mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic. legible didn't actually go into that and looking into those a lot of the stations all the political statements have been robbed by this but you know thank you the things that have to be the center of the business to have all of the schools is to provide all of us can do little to get us to go on it's.
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does look like we've lost the line to mira challenge ringback in delhi. let's let's move on apologies for technical glitch there will instead we'll look at some more developments in the corona virus a pandemic will start in the us where the number of weekly deaths from kovi 19 has fallen through to the lowest level for the 14 months with new cases declining 5 weeks in a row chinese biotech company clover says a new version of its corona virus vaccine has shown a strong response against the original virus strain and some variants during testing on mice and australia's government is resisting calls to open up overseas travel camera plans to keep its borders closed to most international travelers until the middle of next year. and to south africa which has begun to vaccinate citizens of the age of 60 the country has the highest number of coronavirus cases that are in the continent and has so far only vaccinated one percent of its
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population more than a 1000000 south africans over 60 have been registered for the job but there are only 87 vaccination centers across the country. it's the day yes i mean meat has been waiting for for a long time as a diabetic the pandemic changed her life and forced the 65 year olds to avoid contact with friends and family. i need to get a big scene because i can only condition and i can't wait to get it i'm going to the end of the panic but i'm glad i'm here because being because i have left that. it is just a difficult time but the government aims to inoculate more than 5000000 senior citizens by late june if enough vaccine doses are supplied. although south africa ordered civic scenes for 75 percent of its population only a fraction of it has arrived in the country while some nations are debating about
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vaccinating children in south africa people with co-morbidities who are younger than 60 don't even know when they will be able to get their jep we should have been way ahead of where we are right now i think the procurement of vaccines has been a way to slow in south africa i mean that's why we were pushing to try and prepare ourselves as a province which is very very difficult you know i mean a lot of countries trying to prepare so it's been part of what model it is to international markets have been to say you know we notice you've pretty good more than a vaccine for each citizen you know some some countries up to 3 vaccines for each citizen come on you need to you need to help us out political have been calling for local vaccine production but so far no single vaccine in south africa is produced from scratch only a few fill and finish class distribution agreements were made for covert 1000 vic scenes and despite worldwide calls for a waiver of intellectual property rights for covert 1000 vixens leading
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pharmaceutical companies say this won't have an impact on the short term slow time . you know just what you need was a secret and to know you know he's here to. my office to know that she does my sister who should. know does the same i was in the best. of the ones that it was fine to. try to see the results with our ships that we've had on the sofa and was aware that machines. on the. procedure. in the mean time yes mean meat does finally getting her 1st shots of the biotech fi's a vaccine and with its hope for the future. has been difficult for them this basically for as. you don't see
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a conventional then you don't need to use this if you don't need to but others so he says be. they do go forward to train you and i look forward to being together again with everybody nothing again that's as me time and others you know it will be a long time before life can return to normal after 4 months of no infection rates the numbers of you cases have been increasing in the past few days the 3rd wave of infections seems inevitable. now around 5000 migrants have entered sprains north africa on playing for say auto with some swimming almost 2 kilometers along the coastline from neighboring morocco one man drowns during a record one day influx of people into the territory so it is one of 2 populated spanish on claims on mainland africa spanish authorities are sending security are being forced into the area amid worsening relations between spain and morocco.
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migrants from africa have been trying to get into europe via the speech for years. but never before have they crossed into. such numbers. at least $5000.00 arrived within a 24 hour period. the largest number in a single day. most were young men from morocco. but there were also significant numbers of women and at least 1000 children some explained why they had decided to attempt the dangerous journey because you end up not because when you have nothing no money to spend you have to pay your rent and you have to take care of your children and parents there is no room for fear as to get out of the hospital. as you see all the young people want to leave the country there's no work. aren't you afraid of the sea no i'm not afraid if i stayed here i would be afraid i have to save myself. if you vote the beach they want to reach is in the spanish
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explained of say water which borders morocco it is in northern africa it is part of the european union and as such has long been a magnet for migrants seeking a better life. most of these new arrivals reach same to by swimming some 2 kilometers along the coast of morocco or using inflatable boats scaling this 10 metre high wall is one of the only other options of getting into saved or spain a wreck to the fence to try to close off the land route. but this is not stop some migrants from trying their luck over the years. madrid say several 100 managed to get into same to each year but many are deported back to where they came from as they have no right to asylum in the e.u. . most of those arriving of the last few days will also be sent back to morocco. some reports suggest moroccan pleas allowed so many to move towards the border in the 1st place because of a diplomatic spat with spain over another issue. but officials in madrid say they
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have already reached an agreement about sending the migrants back and when now we enforcing security to prevent further arrivals. for police here in germany say they've caught a key suspect in a high profile jewelry heist 2019 by van fief stole priceless historical jewels and artefactual the famous green evolved museum in the eastern city of dresden a police raid the latest arrest touring a raid on a flat in berlin on monday night despite searches of more than a dozen locations there's still no sign of the stolen loot. and get more from t.w. political correspondent tom a sparrow in maine. let's start with this arrest what happened. phil this is such an important arrest for german police this is a person a 22 year old man as is being described previously evaded police on various
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occasions one who has been described as the last main suspect directly linked to this heist in november 29th teen police have now arrested 5 people in total who are considered to have a direct link to the to the heist and this person the 22 year old man that was arrested in bali is also a relative of one of those who had been arrested previously there were arrests in november 2020 in december 2020 and now this particular arrest this opens more questions for authorities as they try not only to find out whether further people were involved in the highest but also what happened to the items that were stolen the 22 year old person but also the other 4 that had been arrested are said to belong to a clan in the bud lane that is linked to the criminal underworld right now this green vote heist made headlines around the world just remind us how big a deal this was. absolutely it made headlines around the world when it happened in
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2019 the whole process as well in the next the last few months has also got a lot of headlines here in germany and just such it is certainly one of the most important developments in germany's recent history when it comes to 2 museum heists the green vault in dresden is one of the main touristic sides of the city but it's also described the feel as one of the europe's biggest treasure collections and in 29000 during that heist very important items were stolen items that have been described as of incalculable historical value we're talking here of cufflinks we're talking here of jewelry we're talking here of swords which will be even of a very important white diamond so this gives you an idea of just how important how significant this is and why authorities are particularly interested now in trying to find out what happened to these items because one of the main fears that are authorities have when it comes to these kinds of incidents is that the items are
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then destroyed and sold separately or at least distributed separately because obviously it is impossible to sell assault or a very important diamond that people actually know about so this is important for authorities and it certainly opens up the possibility for them to try and identify some of the biggest clues linked to this very important heist so one suspect in custody where does that leave the investigation. it leaves the investigation with the 2 key questions that i already stressed one exactly what happened to those stolen items and the 2nd important issue whether other people were involved authorities do believe that other people could have been involved in assistive roles or not directly as the the 5 people that i already mentioned but assisting in other ways so this is where authorities are now looking towards and this is what authorities now are trying to resolve to political correspondent tom aspirant thank
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you now to afghanistan where heavy fighting has resumed after the passing of a 3 day truce of the muslim holiday of aid that says u.s. and nato continue their withdrawal of troops from the country currently there are around $2500.00 u.s. soldiers in afghanistan that's on top of $7000.00 nato troops in april u.s. president joe biden promised that all u.s. troops would be out by september the 11th to mark the 20th anniversary of the $911.00 attacks that triggered u.s. military involvement there the taliban ruled most of the country before the u.s. led invasion now he is the most groupie seeking to regain control and is recruiting more fighters. a rare glimpse of another world a home visit with the taliban. welcome come on in. this father and his son don't want to tell us their names but they are willing to
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tell us why the son recently decided to join the taliban. i did this for 2 reasons one i have no job and 2 i wanted to do something about our unjust and corrupt government they're oppressing the people of this country. his father welcomes his decision he's proud his son is now on the taliban side. this makes me happy because we are muslims and we should defend islam expect. state allows us to fight infidels we dedicate our lives to it we also want islamic sharia and taliban law to be implemented. many afghans are scared of the taliban's increasing power. ali khan is a truck driver he drives all across afghanistan and has to pay passage fees to the
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taliban on a regular basis just recently he paid the equivalent of $75.00 euros about a quarter of his monthly salary. yet. the taliban are increasing in number and their power is growing. they set up checkpoints and force drivers to pay for safe passage the government can't stop them although the official checkpoints aren't very far away. jannot cool a farmer has had a similar experience he makes his living growing and selling grain from his meager earnings he has to pay the taliban over $100.00 euros on a regular basis the taliban threaten to imprison or even kill him if he didn't pay out he's afraid of what will happen when foreign troops finally leave the country. i would prefer that the soldiers stayed international troops have kept peace here for the past 2 decades if they leave afghanistan the country will go to pieces.
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the taliban are already taking control of more and more places around the country and they make no secret of their ultimate goal. and that we want an islamic state and an islamic government that provides law and order with foreign troops and all infidels must leave the country. nato troops have announced they will withdraw from afghanistan by september at the latest after they're gone the taliban hopes to turn back the clock and return the country to where it was 20 years ago. now it's just 66 days to go before the planned opening of the tokyo lympics athletes are publicly expressing doubts that the games will go ahead australian team members gathered for the launch of the team uniforms in sydney but most won't get to wear them at the opening ceremony as numbers will be severely restricted because of the pandemic and for the same reason some are now
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openly resigned to the possibility of the games being canceled altogether. but i guess with everything we just think that. we're all well aware of what's going on. and. what we. got everyone. being realistic that. happy with that then we have. in football real madrid midfielder toni cruel sister stayed positive for kofi 19 ahead of the spanish leaks of final match day of the season german international will miss game against villa. on saturday club is just 2 points behind madrid which would mean. expected to be germany's national team on the ice in
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the european championships next month. kris kobach i was. just a moment. kickoff
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. decisions. surprises. and one for the record books. things are heating up in the going to sleep on the can ultimately match day of a memorable season. in 60 minutes on t w. w's crime fighters are back to africa's most successful radio
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drama series continues all of this odes are available online if course you can share and discuss on t.w. africa's facebook page and other social media platforms such crime fighter to me and now. the more. i can absolutely be personal war zone love the. ngos lolo smolin. believes lol good news goes. slow news no love for the wicked. doesn't grow your
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work is a good girl. oh chancellor. merkel loves to. come to school. net 0 carbon emissions by 2050 can be done if all future fossil fuel projects get scrapped that's according to a fresh report by the international energy agency or one of the group's leading heads of experts call a knife to the fossil fuel industry also come to india seeking the sharpest spice.


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