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tv   Tsunamis  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2021 11:15am-12:01pm CEST

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sees fire between israel and habits. millison bombings have continued from both sides. was more israeli, as strikes and broken fire from garza in israel. the stay tuned for a documentary film looking at these in the hidden dangers of the nami konami's. thanks so much for watching the w news. ah infinity species and explanation, look into the language of we'll help your research team to the pacific and job whales start june boy on dw i
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i soon on these deadly waves that have the power to destroy entire cities. in a matter of moments, there was little public awareness about them until december 26th, 2004. that with the day, a gigantic synonymy in the indian ocean killed more than 230000 people. images illustrating the full service natural phenomenon shocked the world. 7 years later, in 2011 the nuclear power plant in scuse me, a japan exploded after being engulfed by an earthquake generated army. these tragedies, scientists rush to the theme redoubling efforts to determine what causes these killer ways. because that knowledge lines,
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it's clear that soon armies can strike any region of the planet. verbalization has made coastal communities even more vulnerable. tends to nami, research protects them the 09 on friday, september 28th, 2018. an earthquake followed by a synonymy, devastated an area of the bay of par lou on the indonesian island is too low ac. within minutes 4000 people lost their lives. 79000, others had to be evacuated. how could this new disaster in indonesia occur after
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the devastating 2004 to non to, to nami, specialists were commissioned by unit go in the international authorities to investigate cost us, you know, locus of the university of southern california and herman fritz of the georgia institute of technology have arrived to conduct field research quite impressive to see the devastation there. now, 3 weeks after the event here, we can get to see why it's important to come up as quickly as possible. or at least once the emergencies over. because a lot of bulldozing in this area are ready. so a lot of evidence is very last. the researchers will be combing the debris for traces of the wave time is of the essence cleanup operations of all ready raised valuable evidence. and the monsoon rains that you to start soon,
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all the working as a non scientist is very much like being. and it actually practicing there's multiple murders taking place. you really have to piece like in the puzzle, the sequence of events that unami she'd 1st and this made houses collapse or where did they collapse because of the earthquake and this phenomena finished them off? what were the people doing? why is it that some people died and some people, the, well i, the to research is want to determine how the disaster unfolded. they go to trace that scene army back to the event, the trigger, the wave cost us, you know, lock has goes to meet survivors. in the small fishing town of one when the waste heat pump, duleigh teeth was on his boat,
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100 meters from the shore boat go to a bar when the 1st wave came in, there was a big tremor. and when my dad got pop, could you see the trimmers on the boat out? yeah. just got the whole boat was rocking because the water level had dropped. the boat had run aground, up on what it could go, that she stayed with the boat of the why did you stay on the boat you went about did upon the my thing i forgot to hold onto the nation. ok. and then i saw the wave approaching and distance it to jump up. sally was very fast to can the added to reach the boat in no time at all and pushed us on the land grown. my daughter without but you know, roughly how high was it that the sympathy i could see my house was almost at the same height as the boat had said,
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i don't know was your house or there have you the way was about 5 to 6 meter high i think it is my how about thinking? i didn't know who made me cost a lot because he's puzzled. how could have somebody meet a high wave have crashed on to the shore here in a bay that up until now had not been seen as a thing on the hazards owing 20 kilometers south of one. e. herman fritz is conducting research in par lou. tucked away at the back of the bay, the town is home to 350000 residents. thousands of people lost their lives here. accompanied by 2 indonesian colleagues, herman's fritz drives to the parking lot of the shopping center overlooking the bay . he's investigation into the dynamics of the wave relies heavily on videos from
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mobile phones, the exact spot that we saw on the field. you can see the bill bar. yes. and the way it's coming, people running away super language. and that's the 2nd way located side one. so now we can basically see how high the water is. almost in the billboard the wave reached a high to more than 4 meters. more the to determine the cause of the synonymy and then freed needs to create a computer model with the devastating wave. so this he has to determine its height
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at different points in the city and measure how far it spread in land. i tried to some details serving years ago to try to get a 43 d scan. and the purpose of that is to get 3 d space. the light stands all the point class and we can see how the wave goes through. it's like you measure how high the wave is, every given instance and how fast the wave of moving across is through the houses washing away the houses and across the street with streets follows the waves traces. after flooding the parking lot, it swept deep into the city. the evidence of the force of the wave can be found in the smoke located just 100 meters from the shore. ah, just one group. we have this grill here and we see this raf that debris inside. so we know that this denali was at least to this height of this rack. and then up here we see the actual primary synonymy line,
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which is this one right here. and we can also see it in the window. if you look at the blue sky, we actually see a mud line going through there. and then we look at that over here. we also see the mud line coming around coming around, coming around. so the sonata, he's coming pretty much at the height of my head through this mosque. and that's also a very difficult height already, because usually when your water is to this height, you cannot stand anymore, you will be thrown to the ground by the waters. so can be difficult to survive. the who, after 3 days of field work, the 2 american researches and their indonesian colleagues can now produce their 1st simulation of the synonymy that hit the bay of pollute. they establish that the strongest wave of pop 300 meters in land. that cost us, you know, luck is at home, and fritz are only at the start of their investigation. they now have to identify
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the events to treat the deadly wave and find out how it could have swept into the bay. su means to port nami, the weight, the weights to destroy the poor. me this word now in universal use. dates from the 17th century. it comes from the place on the planet most frequently affected by synonymy, japan. it was coined by fishermen when returning to sure on a storm free day. they discovered the waves had level their villages to last to nami, to hit japan cause to fukushima, nuclear disaster in 2011. it was triggered by a c quake, measuring 9 point one. on the richter scale,
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the weight killed more than 18000 people. i mean, not all can cause i su nami, has no meteorological cause. that's the primary cause of synonymy is our earthquake and sequence on the vast majority of tsunami usa generated by c quakes, which in turn, triggered by the earth tectonic activity. the earth craft is composed of several large plates. the movement of magma pushes them against one another. a few mill to a few centimeters a year in the oceanic plane slide beneath the continental plates, creating seductions and friction between the plates can cause the formation of the continental plate, which accumulates a gigantic amount of energy. when this energy is released, it can cause a huge undersea earthquake or
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hold on down the earthquake suddenly puts all the water in motion, so that kept them at a depth of 4 kilometers. we have 4000 meters of water moving at the speed of a passenger plane. linear heavy weight slows down near the coast but increases in size. so we don't know that creates weights like we saw in 2011 or 20 to 30 meters high. met going on to me. we cannot separate earth science and synonymous size long but iteration of the earth grade. it's a very during indication of how strong you're basically like a zipper. if you have a smaller break, it's a short or up sure area. and that means a duration. sure. if it's a bigger it's craig labs, tamara, 929 or japan magazine, 9 plots, events. and basically you have
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a very long zipper. that means the shaking will go on for several minutes. jesus christ. why would you be the longer and stronger and under the quake, the more powerful the to know me. it triggers as in the indian ocean. c quake of december 26th 1000 in full me a full located 100 kilometers of thunder. on the indonesian island of sumatra ruptured along the length of 1200 kilometers the massive 9 point one, magnitude undersea quake lasted more than 5 minutes. within 15 minutes, the 1st weighed up to 35 meters high,
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smashed into my truck. while other launch waves rippled across the indian ocean, you know, 230000 people lost their lives. the waves advance with capture for the 1st time on video by hundreds of people caught up in the disaster the world was shocked by this devastating show of natural force, a force little understood at the time. for scientists, it was a wakeup call, energizing research into synonymy, then still in its infancy since 2008 unit has maintained a global phenomena tracker, it's a record of toonami occurrences over the past 3 millennia. to date, researches have identified 1200 the least destructive or in white the most deadly
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in read. each of these dots represents a potential danger for the future. 70 percent of synonymy, a located along the pacific ring of fire, where most of the earth subduction zones are located. oh, the locust and home and fritz a. continuing their research at su nami, early warning system was set up here after the 2004 disaster. so why would there so many victims in 2018 you on the road? a lot of vendors are selling food. it was really busy, but at 1st we heard a rumble if you gave them, when you get the people started screaming, the waters rising decently witnesses. the crowds in the roads near the beach were caught totally off guard by the wave. no warning founded here.
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our investigation continues at the c nami monitoring center in the indonesian capital to counter this control tower monitors seismic activity across indonesia, including the bay of palo size molar just here can detect any undersea earthquake in real time. advanced algorithms allow them to simulate the formation of it's in ami and worn coastal communities before the 1st wave hits. since its introduction in 2008, the system has issued 22 alerts, saving countless lives. why then did pollute fail to receive a warning on september 28th, 2018 key and put in a think he was precise, molly, just on duty that night under the earthquake in palo registered,
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a magnitude of 7 for 2 minutes by the den. just afterwards, the magnitude rose to 7.7, bowman jellies. i instantly ran to the table where we stimulate economic in the other major. talk more the links when i me. the center in jakarta registered in earthquake 80 kilometer north of palm bay. early in the evening, the epa center is here. and here is follow. according to the simulation that soon army risk posed by the earthquake was only moderate, nevertheless, and alert with treated within the prescribed time limit 5 minutes after the earthquake. so one went wrong. in
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cost us to no luck as we'll discover the answer with the help of 2 private surveillance cameras. ah. friday, september 28th 6. o 2 pm. the earthquake hits the bay of par lou. it lasts longer than 2 minutes. did you experience the earthquake was incredible. you couldn't stand up. never did the impossible. i was there under camera 2. i was hanging onto the gate, then it calm down and i went out. did it cross his mind? had asked him here quick because he's so close to the water perhaps from me we come they've always said a base of a dozen has to know me. something doesn't mean that it's in the open sea where they occur level and yet it happens here. and these images
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provide the research is with key evidence on the chronology of events. the time on the ccb footage reveals that barely 2 minutes elapsed between the end of the earthquake and the onset of synonymy. such rapid succession had never been recorded before. the c nami warning issued in jakarta, went out after the wave hit pollute. when all of its communication systems were already down. what is very alarming to me is that here the earthquake, 3 good. this will not meet very quickly. so we need to understand how this happens and also what is the timing?
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how quickly after the earthquake kits mitchell normally comes in? according to the jakarta center simulations, it should have taken a wave generated near the epi center, 80 kilometers north of the bay, about 15 minutes to reach pi lou. how is it possible for this wave to advance with such speed and force on the bay of pollute? the find down says the researchers take to the air the 16 in order to have the burns. i view this by being up from the air helicopter. it allows us to see how this way and see the extend innovation. the scientists are struck by what they see. there are alternating areas of devastation and intact. but that's not all figured
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outside of the bay wave is appears very quickly, and you're looking at very beautiful indonesian beach data ready to can find a zone where to look for further for the sources to inside debate. to waive the devastated lou had formed out in the open sea. the entire coast would have been effected term in france and cost us in a loc as doubt the deadly way generated at the epi center identified by the jakarta warning center. they believe the source of the tsunami must have lain inside the pay itself or herman fruits and his indonesian colleague, parasitic, return to the west coast to gauge how it's an army could have originated in these sheltered area. gig parasitic has received new footage that was filmed near by the bargain still over there. and so then you can see on the big on of these events
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and then this is rendered started the fight. yeah, local landslide. those guys, next buddy are great. you have a small semi circular way that you haven't even seen the video. i think this is going to be a localized impact landslide tsunami. you have a lot of aluminum materials that wants to shake it and we'll go home and freeze the low intensity of this 1st wave suggests it was triggered by a coast landslide. but that alone doesn't explain. what cool is that to nami, that devastated the bay? here we have evidence because we have a coastal car. okay. this car actually is along the shoreline. the land went into the ocean. and so we have a coast landslide. i don't think there's localized. anom is big enough to be the main source of the denominator, wiped away follow,
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or vonny on the other side of the bay. surveying the entire bay research is discovered several other similar landslides. all of them could have triggered minutes in armies. but it's only when the team looks further inland that it finds the missing piece of the puzzle. in a lot of acid look, this is remarkable. this is the trench my behind now. with that i'm tremors opened it and closed it and opened it again. the one that called me a few 100 meters further on a 2nd witness points out the extent of the destruction was i'm wondering if the entire row of houses collapsing some on how does collapse at the same time from south to north. as you can see by the slope of that house, there might a deep, full line opened up, cutting clear through the town,
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causing the buildings to collapse. it continues on into the bay for many more kilometers. finally, researchers have the answer. is this full line that caused the parlor toonami after 5 days out in the field and months of data analysis, the sequence of events because at last been pieced together on september 28th, 2018 at 6 o 2 p n. a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck 80 kilometer north of par lou. the epi center correctly identified by that's the nami monitoring center in jakarta, did not directly triggered the tsunami. the seismic waves travelled through the earth cross at the extremely high speed of 900 kilometers per hour, generating a fault that opened up across the entire bay. that triggered land flies all along the coast, which in turn generated
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a series of minutes to nami. the energy of all these many toonami is accumulated in the depression of the bay, combining to form a powerful wave that swept across the town. herman fritz then cost us in luck as investigation, has come to an end. the reconstruction of the bay of pollute to nami will help improve warning systems all over the world. we used to think that synonymous only that i can areas where you have some ducks in 0, so we now know just like what's happening here. so now i'm going to strike pretty much any place where you're going to have another weight. we are very concerned about face because similar earthquakes could take place in seattle that will take place in the southern california. and they will take place in the going to be in, and they will take place in the meantime. me what needs of water, what, when?
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what stunned water horrible. earthquake, what a frightening sound, the seed, and the howling of a great people. these woods by the italian poet pit truck. describe a strange storm over the city of naples in the 14th century, 700 years later. vulcan ologist tomorrow. rosie was intrigued by patrons. description rosie has worked on naples emergency plan in case mount vesuvius. the rough most unami that generated by sea quakes and full lines, but they can also be triggered by volcanic eruptions. they've got full testimony audio, the quest of ad shark witnessed and exceptional phenomenon that struck the city of naples no time about false to some other man though he was asleep not far from the east round when he heard such loud, strange noise is that he thought it was an earthquake down the remote or sample i
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don't know for the dr. petra rushed to the harbor like so many other people, though we drove past and saw with his own eyes that it had been completely devastated. the ocoee, left in caribbean, fiona and paul. aside from his descriptions of the destruction, petra also wrote of hundreds of dead and dozens of sunken ship. to morrow, rosie, it's obvious that this strange storm was at synonymy. it's got a level car at that time. petra could not have known that it was a su nami, because it was an unknown phenomenon in the middle ages. all julian, the cool stuff today, we are certain it was a soon on the top of the top. don't want to avoid a repeat of the catastrophe. the vulcan ologist has been searching for the cause of the tsunami that wrecked naples harbour in 1343 record of the 14th century eruption of mount facility,
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as in the gulf of naples. so mal rosie has focused on another volcano, located 200 kilometers from naples. stromboli is one of the most active in the region are in 2002, and erosion caused a flank of the mountain to collapse in a 10 meta high tidal wave rece. the islands the way spread across the terrain in sea and much weakened, reached the bay of naples, who far more powerful eruption of from bowie have triggered the tsunami, described by pet trunk 700 years ago. above the village of san been changed on the slopes of the volcano, archaeologists r levy is excavating the remains of a small church. she's provided maro, rosie with his 1st clues copy. i'm ok every point i mean to dramatically,
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we knew that a dramatic event led to the sudden collapse of the building goes out. probably a powerful earthquake because we found large blocks of stone inside on the church floor. the case of the name in order to date, stromboli, past activity, archeologists examined 3 skeletons found in the remains of the church. the spelling with integrate tests that we've dug through the layer of collapse tiles that fell down when the church collapse. so this person was definitely a witness of the catastrophe, possibly a victim, possibly a survivor. skeleton has been dated by carbon 14, in the middle decades of the 14th century. today to the earthquake that shook the island of bali coincides with the synonymy disaster described by petra. in the bay of naples, when the church collapsed, it was not rebuilt,
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which is surprising and indicates a major change in human occupation. at this location, it is likely that the island was abandoned until the 1600s. the event was so traumatic that the island of stromboli remained uninhabited for 10 generations and more than 200 years. following these revelations, morrow, rosie began his own excavations. he hoped to find clues linking the activity of the volcano to the unami described by pit truck in 1343 more than 4 meters under ground. the vulcan ologist finally discovered an intriguing mix of sedimentary deposits so deposited salami any longer. this unami deposit is by far the largest we found it's a piano, kevin. we dated 821350 as evidence by the materials in
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a cackle. jamel baylock touched the passport. well, not a look at the size of these perfectly round table stone, and i'm interested. they must have come from the be awesome. okay. probably neither . the less be green the, the presence of such a large size elements. proof that this unami was extraordinarily powerful in wilson . i'm the only energy for the vulcan ologist. it all makes sense. the powerful wave that flushed these large pebbles, 200 meters inland from the beach, occurred at precisely the same time as the earthquake that destroyed this small island church. there is a clear link between the erection of the volcano and the tsunami. last shiara del fuko its own this impressive flank that all the volcanic material ejected by stromboli accumulates 700 years ago. and a russian may well have spark landslide. on the shiara del cuoco, the would have hurled many millions of tons of accumulated debris into the sea,
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triggering that synonymy that reached the bay of naples. but as we will maintain, somebody call us who are given. trumbull is current activity. we believe the load of debris presently accumulated on the shattered walk all is comparable to levels at the time of the su nami described by petra. the drug screen the full now row row seat, the landslide caused by the 2019 a russian with just the harbinger of a much more serious disaster to come. the shower adel fuko, he says, could collapse into the sea at any moment. the island of stromboli is under 24 hours surveillance to alert authorities, residents, and tourists in the event of danger. but what consequences would it sooner me have on a city the size of naples portal opposed to the docket?
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you c l. so now me k plus i probably need are, these are the people are completely unaware that is to nami, from somebody could hit naples, seattle. so i mean their quantity phenomena. to me, i know the lyrics in the case of rare natural phenomena. as soon as people tend to believe that there is no imminent danger yet seems pretty cool in a computer generated model tracks the course of the 1343 to nami. it gives an idea of what could be in store for naples on this, on all you would take under 30 minutes for this unami to reach the gulf of naples from stumbling for the now i thought it agreed the devastation would be unimaginable and could easily markets fiona concluded, when all the boats in the harbour behind me would be hurled onto the st. spin, the control is crowded. were locked by, the water would gush into the subway,
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and around all of the passengers he forgot and been wanting to drive the busy streets would be submerged private event. they were able to promote that. they would be a pucker lifting them in the scene. but that's exactly what what happened without an early warning system. and yet visa the quakes, landslide volcanic eruptions, all of these natural phenomena, contribute synonymy. research carried out over the last 15 years, has provided a better understanding of the threat. it's also helped perfect warning systems and better adapt them to the specifics of each risk. the technology is most advanced in japan, a country at the forefront of to non the science research has here feel they know
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exactly what will cause the next disaster. these images from a government to when it's raising campaign broadcast in march 2018, it aim to prepare people for it to nami, that scientists say has an 80 percent probability of occurring within the next 3 decades. the film explains how people should react, but also predicts the likely scale of a disaster with 350000 victims and infrastructural damage impacting the japanese economy for at least 20 years. the cause a rupture of the unkind trough, a 900 kilometer long ocean floor, trench along japan's west coast minister on k trough. the thread of the non car truck is very specific because all the economic centers of japan could mean whether tokyo or soccer, or nagoya, or in areas down to date. there's no technology that can
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predict earthquakes. but japanese scientists have developed a monitoring system to warn the public the moment a seismic wave is registered it says indicative definitely need to be able to detect movements as soon as possible and then issue a warning, well, if or so that's what donors system does is just right outside the bay of soccer. the knit system is the most sophisticated seismic detector in the world 29 small underwater observatories equipped with pressure sensors, size, moments and accelerometers are installed directly on the fault line off the coastal sucker it issues in alert with the very 1st tremor that's in any way quite some unit, it would take 3 to 5 minutes, but the sooner i me to reach the 1st cities with waves 20 to 30 meters high. don't sweep into soccer bay in flood parts of osaka and cobra. but it could be no time to
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clean. it can be artificial islands would be the worst hit. with waves, a 3 to 5 meters after 30 to 45 minutes you saw on the output call to count them to develop effective evacuation plans and test protective walls. the disaster prevention center at kyoto university, simulate the effects of mankind, trough, earthquake pool, collect or mona to the 9. we are almost certain we'd be dealing with the magnitude 9 earthquake. ok. so now and then it would cause us to know me, cause we need to that, don't want us to your hero easy as model the arrival of a wave with an average height of 20 meters. that's the equivalent of a 6 story building in a city directly facing the name control. the walls would weaken the waves impact, but the per these barriers would quickly become submerged under several meters of
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water. the simulations of supplemented by computer models, they've allowed to hear issues teen to predict the part that to nami would take in tokyo bay, the low it's 5 kilometers inland. the district around the olympic stadium could be buried under a 9 meter high ways simulation. why don't i got to you? simulations are carried out to identify hazardous locations, properly bar door. for example. road that would flood quickly is not suitable as an evacuation root can i to be the entrances to many buildings will be blocked by water. so they offer no shelter, not this, and then you get, do i, can i kill to university has used the simulations to create an interactive evacuation plan in an emergency. an app shows the progression of the
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waves and identifies the nearest safe zones. when i do miss ash county, so we get information on our cell phones and on the internet at the deal with the television stations, also broadcast warnings with instructions on what to do to get to safety. what topic saving lives is key that scientists also want to minimize structural damage. mm. the to nami of 2011, once again showed that harvard areas are extremely dangerous places to be during and synonymy, which transforms ships into giant projectiles. for hero town to how she motto of kobe university. the harbor is a priority. evacuations. own want to come in here and conduct the stairs
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or soccer bay is very busy during the day. so i'm just taking a look at any given time. there are 30 to 50 boat sailing there. right, so let me know when we have no guarantee that in the event of a su nami, a situation that many have never experienced. everyone would keep their cool and the ships would evacuate one after another in an orderly fashion. no, i want, i want a money. and so, you know, that's why we're developing an intelligent system to evacuate ships automatically from an awful coin laundry. despite technological advances, japan is seemingly living on borrowed time or soccer. a city of 8000000 inhabitants and the country 2nd largest economic center is built on low lying flat lands. it's surrounded by hundreds of kilometers of protective walls. if i seem to be a sticker problem on the 2011 earthquake weekend,
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all the walls impacting the related parts of the barrier collapses on them. so it wasn't offering effective protection before this unami arrive. if you just need to do that for me to date, even the most sophisticated technologies cannot predict earthquakes. these artificial islands have apartment blocks shopping centers and petrochemical plants in public education and emergency management can reduce the number of fatalities in the event of its synonymy. we often feel like we've tamed nature, but time and again. nature, proofs are wrong around the world. soon ami research has made great strides. but every new disaster puts the technology's device to protect us to a new test. if we build
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a bar by some hospitals, public buildings houses in areas that is a high hazard, we are iving layers, layers of the ability and with time, what we're finding around the world is that our vulnerability from disasters keeps increasing. instead of waterfront living has an enduring appeal, but the uncheck turbine is ation of coastal communities is a recipe for disaster. even with increasingly sophisticated technologies and early warning systems, applying common sense to our understanding of nature is more important than ever. we say this worldwide, if you're near the coast and you feel any kind of ground shaking that last more than 15 seconds, move away from the beach. the
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news, ah, outdated medical infrastructure, overwhelmed, intensive care units in romania, this is lead to hospital fires with deadly consequences. the doctor diana, but she got lost her father in one of them. now she's fighting to improve her countries. health care system focus on euros. 90 minutes. oh,
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the flint against the corona virus pandemic now has the rate of infection in developing what measures are being taken. what does the latest research say? information and context, clues of data spatial? monday to friday on d, w. many pushed out in the world right now. climate change, if any of the stories, this is much less the way from just one week. how much was going to really get we still have time to go. i'm doing all this scribe or more like
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me. ah, ah ah, this is double the news from berlin. germany joins efforts to stop the bombing in garza and israel, or administer high co mass lives in the was those attempting to progress? teach? even if the fighting continues. is raney's parenting jobs medicine to keep up that overnight. the tax also on the program morocco step step security near to discussing people attempting to enter spain, north africa on play, on some of the thousands trying to swim to a new life. opposition to the.


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