tv Kulturzeit Deutsche Welle May 28, 2021 6:30pm-7:01pm CEST
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300 new people are seeking because no one should have to flee the make up your own line. a w. need for mines. the me. this is the newest, a show coming up today. the question of time. what are the origins of over 19? united states attempts to answer that with a new investigation for china goal that politically motivated, will we ever get to the truth behind corbett? 19 origins and taiwan has per month get the corona virus abate, but the islands, 1st cbs outbreak, has led to a lot on that many thought they would never see the me.
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i'm british bennet welcome to did up the news asia. glad you could join us. china has acute the united states of ignoring science and pursuing political manipulation after president joe biden authorized an investigation into the origins of over 19 biden has given us intelligence agencies 90 days to determine if go over 900 spread from animal to human contact or leaks accidentally from a chinese la body tree. this so called lab leak theory was categorized as extremely unlikely by the world health organization earlier in the chinese officials refer to this finding. as they took aim at the united states for the newly announced prob, may will hear it. there are some in the us who are turning a blind eye to facts and science,
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as well as the questionable study of the origins of covert 19 companies and the box response at home. but have kept clamoring for additional investigation in china. to talk to me, this shows that they don't care about facts or truth, apple. sure, and have 0 interest in a serious science based study of origins. and they're only aim is to use the pandemic to pursue stigmatization and political manipulation to shift the blame please. this is disrespect for science, kosher that was a responsibility for people's lives before the and the destruction of global solidarity and fighting the virus. now, at the center of this contrivance over the origins of covered 19, is this la bought a tree in hon in central china. the hon. institute of biology, which has for years been conducting research around corona viruses that originate in beth the trump administration. last year alleged cobra, 1900 need from this lab,
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and the u. s. intelligence report recently said 3 scientists from this institute fell ill and we went to hospital in november 2019 before the officially acknowledged outbreak in hon. and some on this, i'm joined now by dr. eric federal thing. and if you me all assistant senior fellow at the federation of american scientists in washington, d. c. dr. welcome. i'd like to begin with seeking some clarity 1st, the so called lab leak. terry is taken by some to mean a deliberate leak from the one lab. other say it could have been an accidental leak, and there's also suggestions the chinese scientists were carrying out lab experiments. they shouldn't have been. which theory is the us investigating later having the lovely theory is obviously a very controversial topic previously thought. be a conspiracy theory, but in certain ways, a lively theory. this is the institute ology. it could be
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a complete accident and the accidental leakage of a naturally occurring buyers. that's honestly the most plausible of the lab leak theory. but the last week in itself is not the most possible. the most plausible is just natural infection that to an animal from bad to another animal, to humans that occur naturally, nature is probably the most likely lab leak. it's possible there is not enough evidence. it's just circumstantial evidence. lab technician got 6. 0 little satellite images showed. ready you know, high density of people around the hospital. those are not direct smoking gun in any way. and of course, none of them imply any intentional bioengineering. now the w threats at earlier in the year after visiting this very same institute, the one and you divide, ology, the lab $830.00 was extremely unlikely. do you think that was a premature statement?
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well, i would say that their statement, it was unlikely is it's really not based on much data in either direction. and i, you know, i admit that there is not much data that proves one way or the other right now, if these are all circumstantial, and remember we found actually sar is going to be 2 virus in italy near on, in, near milan, back in october. and november 2019. so whenever that happens, mother happened way before in order for that virus picked up in italy back in october 19 at the bottom line is what is likely is what can the data show and right now, biden says they're coming through more data. there is more data intelligence data, they say that they need a couple more weeks and months to come through. and hopefully we'll find something until then everything population that speaking of this data can be data. you told
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me to be to be any truth in china doesn't cooperate and provide data. yeah. you know, asking, trying to cooperate whereby frank did it. obviously, not the most reliable pathway. the data that 5 is referring to is intelligent data collected by us in other agencies. and this is why i think there probably have some additional surveillance data, probably from by aware that we don't know about the end date that will take more time. but in china to provide the data on, on a lab leak or bio engineering is probably not the most likely outcome. anything the most likely to prove one way or another is when we find an animal that is the most intermediate shown between the background of iris and sorrow. calling to find that intermediate animal and the nature,
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then that would actually prove the natural theory way more than anything else. do you think scientifically, we can ever get to the truth behind the origins of covered by team. give him that have been more than a year and a half since the outbreak is difficult, but not impossible. if we find the animal reservoir that intermediate, that before the emergence and about corolla virus. if we find the intermediate that the closest close to jump to the, sorry, go to solve it. in the future, you know, there could be a blood banks somewhere stored somewhere from blood donations. that's how we found that the original october, november 2019 italy sample. it was from a blood samples. and us also had some blood sample. if we find it in blood samples somewhere that could also offer a clue. but right now that is not normal testing and we might have to just cross
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your fingers to find something like that. and hopefully something does come out through the dr. eric final thing. thank you so much for joining us. die one's health minister has revealed that 2 words scuppered a dean for millions of go over 1900 vaccines with germany's by on tech. jen. she's june phase. the company requested taiwan to drop the words all country from a joint press release set for january. the 8th, he said, his government agreed to change the wording to just taiwan the same day. but a week later, biotech put the agreement on hold, due to a court reevaluation of global vaccine supply and adjusted timelines of this explanation comes a day after president sign when directly accused china of blocking taiwan deal with biotech in response to her statement, biotech told, deducted use a show we do not provide information on any potential,
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a possible distribution of our vaccine. our goal of biotech is to make the vaccine available to as many people worldwide as possible. we invite only about one percent of taiwan population has received a vaccination and there's a growing sense of alarm as the island faces its biggest over $900.00 outbreak. yet, after months of keeping the pandemic well under control, the government has ordered a lockdown to cobb infections. it's something that many on the island thought they would never see. as the blues joyce lee reports stuck at home for the 1st time that you have siblings. i still was that change your online learning, as schools in taiwan shut down for the 1st time since the thought of the pandemic. i can't take her today because i've been stuck at home since last monday. it's been a week. i'm so bored. online learning is doing all the things i did at home. i feel
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lazy because there's no one to push me. i do have i missed my classmates now and i spend time with my family. the mother is also struggling, navigating what it means to be a parent, a teacher, and working from home at the same time. she says it has never crossed her mind that this day would come. things like that. in the past year, we watched international news and saw people working from home because of a lockdown. i thought it was funny and unrelated to my life, but now it's happening to us. after more than a year of relative safety, taiwan is battling a spots. major domestic outbreak reporting hundreds of local cases daily as beliefs that airline pilots brought the u. k. f r e n to the island last month after quarantine was short and to just 3 days for crew members. the threat was then
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accelerated through a network of t houses in tie pace, red light district. the authorities have declared a nation wide level, 3 alert meaning a soft lockdown. public events are called of many shops are close to and restaurants can only do a check out. the shopping district, anti pay is spiritually a dose tone, while dozens of people q all over test sites hosted with hosts in greater type. a running out of patients will now be sent to other parts of taiwan for treatment the authorities. i've also taken up several hotels to accommodate those with light on no symptoms. so fall into one has only fascinated around one percent off as 24000000 people. most taiwanese have the infection hesitant before the local outbreak. and how about no, ma'am high up was always afraid of the side effects, but now that there is a community outbreak, i want to get a shot. i want to get vaccinated because vaccines are the most fundamental solution
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to control a panoramic. but we're having a vaccine shortage, because i don't want to get the vast majority of the time being because the virus mutates too quickly may not be effective after 2 months, 510000000 doses or 5 themes were rushed by august. but until then, the island is likely to remain under self locked down. the family has stopped steph fridge. they say they're ready for a long battle. a battle that was affordable. in, in this again, kind of one had a whole year to prepare for this and seeing what happened in other countries. we should have been alert, but we didn't bother. so the government didn't take it seriously when all the countries were fighting to get vaccines high, one didn't do much, just sat there and waited for our own vaccines. so now the vaccines are coming soon enough that you can only fight the battle in a passive way. by staying home, you do not become place and a face off and i make it's a lesson learned for taiwanese that's bought by the them. the correspondent joyce
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lee. that's it for today. and this week is, of course, most of it is on our website, the debbie dot com, forward slash asia, and you can follow us on social media as well. we're back at next week at the same time, have a good weekend everyone to see you soon. the news, the green you feel worry to ask me to i'm neil. i would still be on the green protocol and to me it's clear we need to change the solution, go out, but join me for the green transformation to me for the
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me. oh, what people have to say matters to us in that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on dw, the grading from berlin, and welcome to arts and culture. and heading into the weekend, a new video from ballet's bad boy said a gay pruning fees, the ukrainian born star dancing to ravel bolero in the bid to raise awareness for multiple sclerosis and british nigerian designer you type in, laurie celebrates his dual heritage with color, bringing of bonding for 1st positivity to objects and urban spaces. but 1st to
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london, where the victoria and albert museum is pulling out all the stops for a blockbuster returned to culture. the exhibition epic, iran, which opens on saturday, showcases 5 millennial of person culture ranging from the ancient pri islamic times right through to contemporary artists of today illuminating an artistic richness that the curator's hope will add some new own to how iran is seen in the west the with artifact spending 5000 years epic iran hopes to show the continuity of the country's culture and identity as seen in the art and design. the co curator tim stanley was tasked with showcasing the countries millennia long narrative existed for this very long time. people generally don't have this idea that iran is one of the great civilizations of asia,
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which is existed for a very long period. and that's one of the essential messages of exhibition. and of course, telling that long story with only, you know, to say the 300 objects is it's, it's quite a challenge. ah, the exhibitions 10 sections cover the many facets of iran's rich artistic and cultural heritage. from historic costumes to persian rugs illustrated manuscripts, vases and even weaponry and armor. the whole the exhibition offers of dazzling recreation of the walls of percept lists, the ceremonial capital of the 1st persian empire. using modern technology epic iran reimagined historic object. ah,
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one of the interesting things about this exhibition is that recent research about percept, this is shane, not the relief for originally covered. i mean, and they found traces tie the microscopic traces of the pigments they use and say, we've been able to recreate the colorful aspect of the release using projected color. one of the most important object in the exhibition is the cyrus cylinder, moralizing the conquest of babylon by persian king cyrus the great in 539, b. c. it also appears to document king cyrus as support for religious and cultural diversity. policies that were unique in the ancient world. some scholars referred to it as the 1st bill of human rights. the runs long history has also included turbulent relations with the west. going as far back as the persian invasion of
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greece in the 5th century. and continuing to today, ah, the exhibitions organizers hope to offer a different narrative. they include in us or counties and man. his family owns many of the object on show. the exhibition also highlights modern day to run with a selection feature in contemporary iranian art. many of the works here are bold and colorful like this, i catching south portrait by closer hassan's i day, which explores how the world views iranian men by presenting contemporary art from the around today, we really able to challenge prejudices and this name is about what being iranian is today, this room gives an explosion of different artistic voices from artist living in iran, giving an excel and who struggle between the 2. and when you look at it,
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you have photography, film, animation, sculpture, and what else do you have painting? of course oil painting which explore art across media at the very highest level. i think iran shedding light on the richness and diversity of one of the world's great civilizations. well, he's been called the great his dancer of his generation and long been known as the bad boy of ballet, sergey poland, in an all or nothing kind of artist as extreme in his political views as in his approach to life and his career, which has been a roller coaster ever since he became the youngest, ever principal dancer for britain's royal ballet back in 2010. but now the ukranian born phenol is focusing some of his explosive energy on a good cause. it was this video by photographer david lasha power that made sergei pulling in
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a viral internet sensation and shocked the ballet world. in 2015 polonium bared his tattoos and his soul as he vowed to quit classical dance. ah balloon never did quite quit. his latest project together with the farm, a giant mack asks what's it like to have multiple sclerosis, a disease that causes loss of sensation and control over one's own body method. but as i am calling to place someone who finds out that he has m. s and experience is something that other people can't understand. why show how one thing simple finger and hand movement suddenly become difficult or even touching your own nose. i show the struggle is no longer being able to control your own body to new models from until people like no desk chunk of i know 1st hand what that's like. she's one of 2000000 patients living with multiple sclerosis worldwide. for symptom started when
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she was 18 at 1st she had problem seeing then she found it difficult to walk up the blue. we need to get busty and you could, there were days when i felt like a vegetable, i just lay there. only able to move my eyelids love, i didn't. then i pulled myself together. i got up and kept going crazy. today and shares her experiences with other patients at a self help group in moscow. the focus here is on learning to live with the challenges the disease presents and on setting goals, even if they don't seem attainable at 1st. what would you do it again? i could dance, i believe because dancing means passion, nostril, and when this passion takes hold, of me have to do it. that's. it's the same with m. s. you can control your body again. if you want to was not, will you to achieve the polonium, the youth centered around controlling his body. every muscle, every sinew,
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had one team. he was the youngest principal dancer in the history of britain's royal ballet documentary dancer charts. his rise from a boy in ukraine to a star in london, and his public unraveling amid drug use and psychological struggles. and he continued to so controversy with this tattoo of vladimir putin and with a homophobic rant that caused the paris opera ballet to cancel his guest appearance in 2019 still, the farmer company merrick saw him as the man to help raise awareness of multiple sclerosis. for natasha shank of poland means peace hits close to home. if you do, she knew me. when he was moving slowly, i could see that his muscles were tense. doing that usually helps ease muscle
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spasms when people with m. s. jump around a little, you hardly see their leg sake. you know, because i'm a he like, i want to show that people can be strong and can triumph when they gather their strength and perhaps a new turn for his reputation. pauline is honoring the strength of m. s. patients fighting a disease that still has no cure and that with a view to world m. s day that's coming up on sunday. well, from another generation, italy's leading prima ballerina cadillac for she has died at $84.00, considered one of the celebrated ballerina of the 20th century. she dazzled audiences around the world, dancing with the top male stars of her day, and was best known for her interpretation of the great romantic ballad. most notably, ah,
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over anyone still suffering from about the pandemic blues or blogs, the vibrant world of income louis is a welcome way to kickstart your sense of the british, nigerian designer can spit up just about anything from a french skater park to store windows. at selfridge is in london, and he even has a signature line of home and kitchenware that reflects the joyful spin that he brings to many public spaces. this colorful installation is called implants. we trust the work of british nigeria and designer. laurie can be found in london, mayfair district. it's a veritable urban away since i wanted to talk to chris steak space, place of reflection, meditation using plants and green greenery. so come here, sit down from a commonplace and reflect, read whatever you want to do, but just been around, you know, a green space, the 34 year old london or loves working with bright,
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vibrant colors. not too long ago, you could redesigned a gloomy london underpass. happy street, as his work is titled, it is a sight to behold. the he wants to bring more positivity to urban spaces. when i create an installation in the steelers, it gets my work when it goes into space, long standing what belongs to the people. also it kind of gives people a sense if you know belonging and respectful proud of their environment. you know, he produced countless installations for art galleries and events like this playground for adults at the 21900 can film festival because always bursting with new ideas. the inca launched his design career 10 years ago when he reimagined 2nd hand chairs, giving them a multicolored make over much of his work as inspires by stories from his childhood
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as well as west african fabrics. storytelling is kind of, it's based around that for i am the kid of always full. i was living or 2 lives into coaches in a position where it's here and, and i love both got both with coaches, but how do i celebrate? and i think the best way will thing was to do it through furniture. so take those narratives to i was kind of, you know, told when i was young. and i love trying to, you know, retail the, in my own way. the drums up these crockery designs during the 1st corona virus locked down. my obsession with colors is definitely sometimes been in there. it says to my mom and dad. i was wondering when my mom, but if she get her switched from california, it was oversee from her mom cuz that's been past one too. so my, my friend presents me hello just here. this is something that just makes me for
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positive and good because lively creation, bring some much needed color and positivity to urban environments. illuminating the darkness well, positivity is good. that's all for this time and this week and it's been a blast. so until we meet again, go, well, stay safe and all the best from us. so the feet of the, the me the news the ah will
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make the german. you just love batting thing that way. i'm not going to my own. everyone with little holes and every day getting you ready to meet the gym and then join me. rachel, do it on the w the we're all good to go beyond deals. yes. as we take on the world, we're all about the stories that matter to you by policemen we are yours next to me on fire or minds me
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ah ah, this is the w news lies from berlin, germany admits for the 1st time that it committed genocide during its colonial rule of namibia, up 210-0000 herrera and nom if people were murdered by german imperial forces and incense. it is now ready to apologize and set up a 1000000000 bureau development funds. but not everyone's happy with the deep also on the program. and a roost is leader tends to russia for support in the show down with the european union exam to the present coast. as you sanctions of the false landing of an aircraft.
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