tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle May 29, 2021 11:30am-12:01pm CEST
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oh, you say it is as good as soon as you need to be in ah the welcome to in good shape coming up, giving birth by this area. what are the pros and cons plus breast feeding? why many young mothers struggle? hello and welcome to in good shape. my topic today is about one of the most fascinating events in our life. we've all gone through and talking about this
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worldwide on average, women has 2.6 babies, my wife and i have 2 kids. it's interesting to see whether we're pregnant is derived from different cultures in florida. languages, pregnant is connected with word burden in china. however, being pregnant means being lucky. and i'm lucky to because i am going to meet dr. nancy stared, she's a midwife, and she helped to deliver more than $1200.00 babies over the years. and she's taking care of families from more than 60 different countries. hello, dr. nice to meet you. i mean, you were born in the us. you came to berlin 24 years ago in your midwife since 2001 again. yes. so how is it being in the life of the thrilling? it's absolutely amazing. i love every day that i go to work. every birth is different. every woman is different. very unique, every family is different and being a birth is something that makes my joy grow more and more the moment when the baby
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is born and then it really feels room. and as you can see yesterday i had an amazing birth and i'm still walking on clouds wowza even after all those years. it's still amazing. absolutely. i think nearly everybody of us knows how to get pregnant. but and when does a pregnancy start actually? pregnancy can be different for a woman than what her doctor says. the doctor would say, pregnancy starts when you see that the heart beating an embryo for a woman, it could be that she feels pregnant before then that she knows that she's pregnant because her body is changing. some women actually only feel pregnant when they feel the baby move them. they are certain that are pregnant. what actually happens in the room during pregnancy? when do the pat, shoulders, knees and toes develop in the embryo and stage? let's take a look at what is hidden from our eyes. this is one of the smallest human cells, and this is the biggest,
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a female over or excel is even visible to the naked eye. male sperm cells, however, are tiny, though they can still travel hundreds of times their own length and only a minute. over a 1000000000 sperm cells can be released during a single jackie lation, but only the fastest will fertilize the egg. when a sperm entered the oven, they combine to form the basis for a new human being. by the time 30 hours have elapsed, the fertilized bank has divided into 2 cells. inside 3 days, there are 16, and they keep on dividing. as soon as the ball shaped blast assist attaches itself to the woman's uterus membrane. she releases hormones which condition her body for pregnancy. they insure for instance, that no more eggs, right? but in the meantime, that's why a mist period can be the 1st clear sign of pregnancy. but the hormonal readjustments can also cause nausea, me in the early weeks,
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the press center and ability quote, form connecting the embryo with a mother's circulation and metabolism until birth. it's now high time to drop habits harmful to the child, like drinking alcohol and smoking. next, the initial signs of a brain and spinal marrow appear, the heart begins beating, but form which grow into limbs and digits. the fetus gradually takes shape with the 1st 12 weeks. are the most critical and a pregnancy during which 80 percent of all miscarriages take place. usually because the fetus doesn't develop correctly, growth accelerates from week 13 on the fetus takes up more space, leaving less room for the mother's organs. she may suffer shortness of breath or back as a result. survival rates for premature babies increased dramatically from the
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24th week on the children. born at this stage, have a lot of catching up to do. the fetus still weighs less than half the average child born at full term. but that changes rapidly around 4 weeks before birth, the baby inverts its position in the womb to head down. the signal for birth is thought to come from the child. as soon as its lungs are fully developed, the combination of proteins and the mother's hormones trigger the powerful spasms of labor. then it's only a matter of hours before a brand new human being emerges into the light of its 1st new day. when women announce that they are pregnant, they got a lot of advice from friends, but not every advice hold true. there are a lot of miss. so that's asking professional about all this miss is miss number one pregnant women have to eat for 2. this is an old wives tale. ok,
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this isn't true. women should not eat for to during pregnancy. they should think for to they should be fruits that are healthier. what they shouldn't eat for 2. in the 1st 3 months of pregnancy, they should only need $100.00 calories more per day. in the last 3 months of pregnancy, only $400.00 more calories per day. miss number 2, if the mother to be has a round belly, it will be a girl. if she has appointed belly, it will be your boy, is this true or not true? a woman who is smaller, she doesn't have as much space between her diaphragm and between her pelvis. so her bell is going to be more here more forward, more in front of her for a woman who's taller, it could be that her belly looks a little bit smaller even though her baby is bigger than the belly of the woman who smaller myth number 3, in some cultures, people believe that the baby is dirty after birth. is there any truth about this? this is absolutely a myth. babies are not dirty when they're born. they're born out of
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a sterile environment. it's very important after birth that babies aren't bathed in the 1st 24 hours. we know that from the world health organization, many mothers don't pay their babies for the 1st few days after birth. rate of 80 smell is very important to give the woman cues for breast feeding and for bonding with her baby, especially in the 1st 2 hours after birth, it's very important that the baby is together with another lying skin to skin and has the opportunity to breastfeed with number 4, in some cultures, people want the 1st born child to be a boy and some belief that women are responsible for the child sex. the woman is absolutely not responsible. if it's going to be a boy or if it's going to be a girl, i've heard from some families i've taken care of here in berlin. the women believe that if they pray hard enough, or if they do some kind of purification ritual before they get pregnant, that they can have a boy because that's what their family hopes for them to have. but this isn't true . it's actually the man who's the deciding factor. the sperm either has an x
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chromosome or y chromosomes. do you know which oregon is usually this size. the uterus. the uterus is the place where the embryo and later the fetus develops them today. during this time, this organ is like a busy man working 247 and it has real superpowers. ah, it's pretty remarkable how much can happen in 9 months. in a woman's belly and embryo grows to the size of a baby, and its home grows along with it, the uterus. before pregnancy, the uterus is smaller than a pair and weighs around 60 grams. but it's already please a major role in conception. in the neck of the uterus or service gland to produce what's called cervical mucus. during occupation, the mucus protects burn cells and guides them to the 8th. at the same time the hormones, progesterone and estrogen, cause the mucous membrane of the uterus,
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or endo nutrients to become more viscous. so that a fertilized egg and planted during the following 12 weeks, the percentage develops an independent organ that ensures the developing child's needs are supplied via the umbilical cord. and that waste is removed. in its little chamber, the fetus has its own survival system. as soon as a fertilized egg is attached to the end, dmitri and the uterus begins to grow and grow and grow. hormones like estrogen steer this growth to ensure the b, b has enough space. by the end of a pregnancy, the uterus is almost the size of 2 soccer balls. 20 times larger than before pregnancy. ah, the uterus is active to the very end. during labor, its muscles contract rhythmically to force that out through the vagina, which now functions as the birth canal. after birth,
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the uterus begins shrinking again by about one centimeter, a day list for relaxation after 9 months of hard labor, the pregnancy is a very exciting time, but sometimes a difficult time as well. so, and are there any tips what a women can do to feel accommodated? absolutely. women are very tired in the beginning of pregnancy and also again at the end. and they should definitely get the rest that they need. and this might mean taking a nap in the afternoon or going to bed early. right. and in what can department family do? well, the partner family, friends, they should know that women's emotions are a little bit more than they are when a woman is not pregnant. so maybe if she's angry, she'll seem angry or, or if she's sad, she'll seem sad or she can also be more joyful than she is at other times it's really important that these people who are close to the woman that they don't take her emotions personally and think that they've done something wrong. okay, and are there any professional tips concerning the right nutrition?
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for sure. thrill, important that women get enough to drink during pregnancy and that they especially don't drink drinks that have a lot of sugar in them. coca cola is not good to drink, drink pregnancy, for example. better to drink water, or to drink teams that don't have any sweetener in them. and any absolute strict, no growth and pregnancy that also is problematic for women who smoke, for example, the baby can be a little bit smaller. it's not healthy. if a woman smoking, she also shouldn't take drugs and she shouldn't drink alcohol. i have a great idea. why don't you write to me about health issues and your idea to share in good shape your weekly health show and d, w covers many aspects of health care. we look at what's new and medical treatment, nutrition, fitness and beauty. we discussed the topic in depth with specialists and give you the chance to pose your own question. so do get in touch
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with us. we just talked a lot about pregnancy. let's focus a bit on the birth. so how can women prepare for this big moment? i think it's really important that women read and listen to positive stories about birth. there are many, many more positive stories about good birth than there are these terrible stories. so women should definitely stay away from these terrible stories that they might hear during pregnancy and look for books and maybe even look for friends who had good birth experiences. and what should they actually expect? most women have some fear when they go into labor. they have those 1st contractions and then they're not sure what's going to happen. i always tell women to bring that . sure with them. they should discuss that fear for sure with their midwife or their doctor, whoever is taking care of them at birth. in addition to that, they should expect joy and they should always remember between contractions that giving birth is actually something quite wonderful,
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quite miraculous. and that in the end, when they have that baby in their arms, that's a very joyful experience to you. very experienced professionals, do you have some special tips for the women? absolutely. i think it's so important that women actually get to know their baby during pregnancy. and when i say that, i don't mean that they get to know their baby by looking at an ultrasound picture or image. they should get to know the actual baby that they're going to give birth to the baby that's going to be their child. so during pregnancy they should take some time every day in the morning in the evening. doesn't matter where they are in the park. they can do this at work or at home, put their hands on their belly, close their eyes, breathe deeply and just feel their baby feel how their baby is moving. this is how they can get to know their baby, and this is how they can best prepare themselves for for pregnancy. and then for birth and for motherhood. about $100.00. $35000000.00 babies born every single year and most of them come virtually every 3rd baby is born via is c section
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called c very infection. in brazil it's every 2nd baby c section, a very important from the medical point. but if you don't meet the medic should think twice about having them because after all, it is a procedure. it is dangerous not only for the mother, but even for the child. a baby is about to be born via c section. the mother's abdomen is cleaned with an antiseptic under surgical drape is put in place. so make sure the regional anesthetic is working. the mother is wide awake. she didn't feel any pain. i was on his lips and we're off. the surgeon makes the incision and a baby girl is born. oh, i live i was not. i mean,
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it's a quick and relatively stress free birth to the child. but when with potential long term consequences to health, more recent studies have been investigating the longer term effects services area and best pediatrician. dominic sing is familiar with the research is taught. firstly, we know that baby is delivered by c 2nd, end up with very different intestinal bacteria compared to children who are delivered by vaginal birth and thus needed us by kinda not enough time to book that comes as no surprise to gynecologist could hasha. he says that when a baby policies through the birth canal it's bathed in the mother's microbes, then i get boil and often released. when babies are born in vaginal delivery, they come into contact with the mothers, natural micro biome, because that's the normal course of things. and then the,
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so they're immune systems are an actual agent in a different way and a fit and under the tree go home and cognition it compared to us is very and a vaginal bass is more stressful for the baby. but that stress is also useful because stress hormones help the newborn adjust to life outside the womb. they help clear the pulmonary l. v o light the little s sacks in the lungs of amniotic fluid, so the newborn can breeze. the stress of labor is also believed to help the liver unlock its energy with which the newborn can drawn. when the umbilical cord is cut, then there are other microbes. the baby encounters in the birth canal which help colonize the baby's gastro intestinal tract. that yes, contact is 1st contact with tyria allows
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a particular micro biome to develop the newborns gosh. newborns have a characteristic of micro biome because you august was on the baby's born by says area and aren't exposed to the birth canal. yes. so they end up with a different micro while. do that? yes, the need along the star almost feared kaiser. in one study, research is analyzed still samples of nearly 600 newborns. they found that babies born by c section tended to lack certain strains of healthy, got bacteria, including back to royalties. the gum subsea section babies were dominated by opportunistic bacteria such as enter a caucus and try back to and club c l a, which circulation hospitals. but the study didn't look at whether these differences affect the child's long term house, but on other things, short wise is what we do suspect. the link between us is arion birth. and what we
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call diseases of civilization does specifically includes diseases linked to gut micro bio, to like intestinal diseases, long diseases, uncertain conditions have which suicide studies have found linked to chronic bronchitis, a d h d under piece a t in the 1st 8 years of a child's knife and to re spirit treat diseases. it's possible other factors explain this might be increased risk. so more research needs to be done this month like why the dam flew by the organization eco view. and we do believe that micro biotech are important for the development of our immune system for this up to be as a team this call us on by because we're spiritual illnesses, an asthma have to do with the immune system. with them appears s t, and it's possible that there's a cold link. fordham, regardless that here i know until i'm hung casala bethune bush leave. a handful
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of clinics have experimented with what is called feeding. trying to give newborns born by c section, some bacteria from the mother to recreate what would normally happen in the birth canal. but so far, no studies have supported this practice. what is clear is that breastfeeding is good for got micro biotech. breastmilk promotes exactly the kind of bacteria that belong in the incense in testing the contact would i can't because the contact between mother and child helps transfer at the micro biome during nursing. breastmilk is not there. and that also transfer some of the mothers micro biotech says ariens can be necessary and even like saving the w h o says that's true for between 10 and 15 percent of best worldwide today. those c section rates to far higher than that in many countries to breast feed
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on, not to breastfeed, that's always the question. many women love to breast feed out of don't crypt because they can from a medical standpoint. but one thing is clear. breast feeding is great for the baby, and the milk comes pre packed steroids and well temperature it 5 months ago nina gave birth to my 2nd baby. she has experience with breast feeding that everything's going well with henry bus with her 1st son james, who's now 3 years old. it was difficult listings and he started pretty soon after the bus starts with the 1st or 2nd 19 hospital. they kept weighing him and they told me he wasn't putting on enough weight and they needed to keep an eye on that. all the behind i was already breastfeeding. pretty much round the clock on the student. still exhausted from the birth, she quickly felt overwhelmed. the language pronounced,
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i think with tenants and stressful. and when jane started losing weight, they said they'd give him extra food. and that's when we started to wonder what to do. and whether breastfeeding would still work up to some student. but nina was determined to breastfeed and was disappointed by the advice to give her baby bottle . still, she agreed to do it. but then she started to worry that her son wouldn't want to be breast fed at all any more covered and she can make us. i soon noticed that james wasn't drinking as well any more. it happened far from my source. if i want to keep rest feeding, that we need to ensure that things change on the moon the, the signal is not worldwide less than half of all infants under 6 months of breast fed exclusively, which is what the world health organization recommends. that's because it reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. diarrhea. ear infections, overweight and type 2 diabetes for the mother. breast
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feeding reduces the risk of varian, breast, and endo material cancer and cardiovascular disease. at this clinic, a mother gave birth to twins 9 weeks prematurely. one of the babies are still an intensive care. it's especially important that this little guy is breast fed. the pediatrician asks the mother how things are going and whether she's getting enough help at the clinic. yeah, sure what she says she is, but that the staff tend to be pretty busy if you have the amount of support that mothers get is just one factor that determines to what extent breastfeeding is encouraged in any given country. compared internationally, germany is only mediocre on that score. is able to go so much refitting motor shorts for me. very good protection for working mothers,
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better than many other european countries that are going. but there are several areas where we could improve a loss to help with breastfeeding is one of the reasons quote in hospitals and an encouraging more social acceptance to francis phil, which i'm not sure you can do from these types of still difficult for women to breastfeed. in public, it should be a matter of course that mothers can breastfeeding a cafe or subway without getting strange look or this month on the got it. when women give birth prematurely, that breastmilk is often not sufficient during the 1st few days of the baby's life . ready so it's important to have donated milk to fall back on clinics, often have breastmilk banks where mother can donate that surplus milk for use by others to emphasize, honestly, the point we currently giving donated breastmilk to old premature babies that weigh less than a 1000 grams. and are at less than the pregnancy week, we'd love to feed all babies under 1500 grams. that unfortunately current storage
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capacity and donation levels don't allow for that big light. and studies show that the native breast milk is better than commercially produce baby feet, which is usually based on cow's milk ah toughness. and every drop is incredibly precious, and the breast milk bank has made all the stuff very much aware of that. so death image. whenever a mother is unable to produce milk and sand about that everyone is immediately committed to helping and advising these women in the top to bottom and move the staff at the hospital advise new mothers on how to ensure that babies are feeding properly. and they're on hand to answer their questions and want to be extra help in the clinic is having an effect. many more women now managing to breast feed their babies on their own after they go home. doctors here say improved sessional support for breast feeding mothers. and more acceptance in society isn't too much
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to us on such an important matter and could make a huge difference. like it is in today, there's a lot more awareness amongst the general public. the breastfeeding of the good things is doing this. and many women are proud to be able to breastfeed, which they should be from phyllis. we've achieved a lot, but there's still room for more. there are clear steps that we could take to move forward. going on mom. nina says she managed to battle her way through with james, thanks to the help of the breast feeding group. and after the initial difficulties, she really enjoyed it. to have him so close to me. those moments of west and waiting gold. and it's the healthiest option for her children. and what about you today and planning to help them assembly today? i have a day off today, very live stream. fantastic. okay. and that's it for today. so see you next week,
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a difference. knowledge grows through sharing. download it now for 3. 0, a was who's? this is d w. news live from berlin. the united states imposes a fresh sanctions on bell, rose after the forced landing of a passenger plane with a dissident on board. bella ruth, the leader of turns to russia for support in his confrontational with the wes xander. lucas shank goes, says foreign governments are trying to the stabilize his country also and to show president germany pledge more than half a 1000000000 euros to help african nations the ramp of vaccination in the fight
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