tv Kultur.21 Deutsche Welle May 30, 2021 12:30am-1:00am CEST
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the discovery of the world around the news subscribed to the w documentary on you to me the me, the the painting on where you leave the world can feel crowded at times, even out a nature while in some cases, just a little careful planning and coordination can make a big difference in quality of life for all creatures. both big and small. welcome to visit ation of co africa. i'm chris alone. illegals nigeria high the grease
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out. nice to see you again. i am sandra, twin over here in compiler, uganda. and yes, today will be looking out a couple of ways to get low from lace. he's a quick look out what is good for you to on the program. we will see how core points can be used to produce energy, as well as the delicious chocolate lung how forming again that fish together help produce better 3 and visit up and fitness that just seems to changes in mobility. did you know that fresh water mixed up less than 3 percent of us water supply, but at almost half of all fish lead in fresh water lakes, rivers, boons on wetlands. some people think what to neutral attention is paid to these fishes to the detriment or fish diversity of foss report, texas to south africa, where walk is on the way to raise awareness on behalf of local water dwellers
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the on a mission with a wet seed and an underwater camera, marine biologist, jeremy shelton from cape town, wants to bring people closer to the fascinating wall, the fresh fish and warm them of the risk of losing all this. i'm passionate about bringing some of these amazing creatures and these amazing stories that i see unfolding under water into the public. i can lives and interest and why there's funds light up red or why they get these little bumps on there. it's not to spock, a curiosity within south africa, the public about the ecosystems that have remained pretty hidden until recently south africa's cape region is home to many species of fresh fish, half of which are found nowhere else. but the presence of predatory invasive
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species like bath and trout, as well as the use of rhythm irrigation purposes, have placed in main stream on these ecosystems. and the creatures which call them home globally, freshwater fish have become one of the most threatened groups of animals on the planets. a group of organisms that are becoming more and more scarce foster than just about any other on earth. and here in south africa, the situation is no different. according to a recent report, a 3rd of all freshwater fish globally are threatened with extinction. the aim so use of cape nature are trying to save species in the west and pay their talk is to preserve biodiversity throughout the province. they collect and analyze data, as well as work with local landowners. however,
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fresh water environments prevent unique conservation challenge. protecting patient creating rivers is so difficult because they're the long you no longer you know, systems and they've always upstream and downstream. and it's not like the rest of conservation, where you can put up again, things and say, you know, the species who want stays on this side of the veins in ones we don't say on that side. and the inflammation connected by nature and other organizations has not been collated in any way. now the team of jeremy shelton's fresh water research center hopes to improve access to this vital data by a single platform. we've been bringing in data collected by a range of different organizations from across south africa and making those data accessible for decision making for conservation planning. with the end goal of beta conserving afresh. what about every city and ecosystems? but for that to happen, it's necessary to raise awareness of the problem in a small urban car in cape town,
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facilitated from the fresh water research center showing students how to run a basic scientific health check on the river here. water. and it's not just about the face. the project is teaching young people to gauge rivers health by looking for other indicators. species such as dragon flies and cat is flies when i'm not going to take the ideas to show them just how interconnected this species are in this ecosystem generation as a generation that's going to have to be in this world right now. so we have to understand how this stuff works. i have to understand how we can fix it and how we can, i think, doing these kind of things make you like. realize how important is and like, realized how important it is for your mental health and how much you love it. and it just gives you more. dr. task isn't going to get any easier in the future. in addition to all the other threats, global warming could also endanger these ecosystems and lead to the extinction of species before the end of the century. so where we're actually sitting right now
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is one of the last lowland rivers in this part of the world that still has healthy, fresh water, fish population that still has enough clean water in summer to support these fish and its places like that i think are so important because they can remind us what a healthy river looks like, and they can inspire us to promote healthy rivers here in south africa. and throughout the world. as a semi arid country, it is essential for south africa to conserve its fresh water ecosystems. and the unique species within them. all chris is a need adequate space in order to thrive, not just under water button land, but suddenly humans often how be own ideas about what constitutes propel on teams. through through sandra, we're all to see an example of that in kenya. but after what seems like decades of
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commerce, of tons of vision, could it be that the tables are turning elephant traversing humana century. a crucial wildlife corridor close to amble, selling national park. this land is communally owned by local marseilles, rising in the distance. mount kill, men, gyro, africa as highest p. someone, county family has lived here for generations. he and many other messiah support, a local conservation program, a lead feel and to the program. so the elephants can safely follow their establish routes as hers. m a sy benefit by maintaining access the large areas of grazing land for their cattle. but last year, summer size sold their plots to an agri business, specializing an apple cargo cultivation. one was jeremiah lush. it's
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our right to move funding on, instead of leasing this agricultural land to because of people because they think how can the possible echoes of lung by you are going to be paid and printed out and you have a funding. i want to get you to kind of get another nest of human music. and so if you agriculture, you can make a lot of money. but i will go to farming requires a huge amount of water critics. one, it could upset the balance of the local ecosystem and deprived them aside the lifestyle and wildlife of the water. they rely on getting more stuff. i do work with a crop farming with only benefit a few people. it will only benefit which companies like why that worth billions and they can afford to purchase a car to be worth $20000000.00 kenyans. shuttling unlike them, a sigh. who can bally afford a poor kenya's?
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environmental agency has since intervened and pulled the agree businesses license. and while the company has challenge with decision conservation fakes, that's cultivation could be devastating. danger of having this is that we had a place in that there's another family come up with the shape. and the woman that called it was closed. we just count 11 institution for when you can. but it may never come to that. the company is lawsuit has been rejected relief for the conservation of holding. and holding that in the ministry show us what you put on this is a way to refrain national one left. not the same way people, but it because in the funds we find that they move from that you lose to say me
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to do mind got caught up in work and we have a few a few investors within the area. we're really willing told him not sending and we have potentially the ruling protects not only the future b elephant and the messiah herders. it also proves that active conservation programs can both stand up to and win against economic interests. now that certainly encouraging and not just for the elephants, there are plenty of people will also tend to keep pop was open and fluid in cities to the believe about mobility could be more efficient, more sustainable, certainly held them on. this report comes from the german capital berlin. their vehicles may vary in form and color, but these multi wheels demonstrators in berlin have a common goal. they're calling for more car free cycling routes,
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more pedestrian zones, and generally fewer cars in the city. it's been for that i think there's enough infrastructure for motorized transport and that's what we need is to make more provision for cycling. we need to fight for a greener berlin. we know that in that the berlin government has adopted some new transport policies in recent years, adding cycle lanes and converting some streets into bike and pedestrian zones. c with some activists say, it's not enough to improve the quality of air and life. they organized a petition to allow berliners themselves to decide the future of city center traffic in a referendum. you can't, and all the 10s of thousands of people who live here could have a st. developments. and in addition to things being much quieter and greener was more what, it would also be
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a public space that people could use and not jammed full of harness in which the dentist to stay with them. in many parts of the world, urban centers are already being transformed. the increase in online shopping in recent years has led to a drop in business for many retail stores. a trend exacerbated by the pandemic. a lot of commercial space and parking lot now stand empty. that's prompted architecture to reimagine urban planning and mobility. life cited most of those lines. it's important to cater to both living and working in the city. i'm get done. that's the only way to reduce the amount of commuter traffic and pen. if a cat this former to hartman store in the center of one german city was converted into an apartment building with shops, comprising a pedestrian friendly zone. and in berlin. this building was
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likewise designed for people who don't used cars. it has shops, studios for artists, apartments, and offices to all designed for living and working under one roof. passers by can see inside flower beds are also an intentional feature. cities like copenhagen have shown it's possible to exclude cars from city centers, reserving them for pedestrians and cyclists. only in the times square portion of new york's broadway has been converted into a traffic free zone. with st cafes designed by danish city planners. and paris wants to plant hundreds of trees on the shore and around the arctic homes while also taming traffic. and there's still a long way to go for berlin, but activists there do have some clear goals. what we want to do is we want to
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create the world's largest auto reduced area in the world. so that's 85 square kilometers. and really it's about asking people what they want to do. environmentalists are also fighting plans for a highway running through the city to be extended because that would take the city a step backwards rather than forwards. thinking with realty cos sharon was held up a step in the right direction when it was 1st introduced on the largest scale not so very long ago. now a group of people in another german city have picked up the idea taken 8 to one, even more eco friend level. here is this week's doing your big the shield to emissions from cars are one of the major drivers of
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climate change. so finding alternative means of transport is vital for our planning people from the germany initiative, transition town by doing just that the provide cargo bikes to any one free of charge. most of the bikes work with them, like motor people reserve. the bikes via an online platform, and can pick them up at 6 different locations. and kind of for me, it's a small way to help combat climate change to have an alternative to buses, trains, and cars. people always talk about how hard it is to do something for the climate. but with this project it's actually really easy. people use the cargo bikes instead of cars when they go shopping or need to transport larger items. the members of the initiative are all volunteers and the bikes are mainly funded through donations. the 3 wheelers are now much seen and love sight in the city.
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and how about you? if you are also doing your best, tell us about this tell website. oh, send us the tweaks hash tag doing your we share yours to raise hers. those cargo blocks loop really robust at a great way to give you legs to work out. the another thing i like about the project is that it is community based and operated. he own a co op rica. we've seen quite a few examples of just how much smoke or pre tease can accomplish. yes, it need crease. one of those in ivory course, the was biggest producer core being. but the reason much profit, actually, that goes to the farmers, although the marketable took place, it will make a woman school party fit to bring more bothers into the business model and the weeping incredible results. happily the environment is profiting to
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typically considered the domain of men. there used to be no role in the cocoa harvest for these women. but now they're farming and producing themselves. juliet glossy founded a cooperative with women in her own village in the southern part of ivory coast. its aim is to produce cocoa being more sustainably and to use them for making more than just chocolate them in that i was in this, is it almost nothing is thrown away? you see that we start with the sticky pulp which is never used in cocoa production . we add flavors and spices to it, which is unusual and innovative. the women use the juice from the palm to make products such as labor, cocoa, beans, and the husks to make tea to 40 local women who have joined the cooperative are now earning an income for themselves and their families.
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our lab, sorry. i used to only work occasionally when i didn't make much money long and that since i joined the co operative that's changed what i can and the equivalent of 4 year olds 50 every day. i'm happy because thanks to the co operative, i'm now independent of them. the majority of ivory coasts 26000000 population work and the agricultural sector. 40 percent of the world's cocoa comes from the west african country. every year, around $25000000.00 tons of shells and bean husks end up in garbage dumps are more, are burned. producing more goods from is good for the environment and enables families in the village to earn more from their harvest ways. because it's, you know, this is key for fairport. i believe we need to increase the value of our cocoa and i want to give it more credibility overall. it's a good fit with my approach. it is the women who are involved in this aspect of
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their inclusion will make a real difference here. they will improve the cocoa value chain. yeah. something that until now was the province of men. julia glossy is making a delivery to a small shop and i'll be sean. that sounds the cooperative products, the flavor, cocoa, beans and spice mixes, and t. the german development agency, g. c, helped to establish the contact among the organizations activities as supporting sustainable initiatives to secure farmers livelihoods across africa. she can be a role model for other women when it comes to expanding that cocoa processing and developing new products. so julia, coffee has an apartment and i'll be shown in the kitchen. she cooks up her products and experiments with new ideas. the inspiration strikes when i'm in my kitchen. when i start one recipe and idea for
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another one pops into my head. i don't know why it just comes naturally and julia quasi is idea of getting more from cocoa pines is catching on. the ivory coast government is in the process of building a bio mass power generation plant that will turn the country's abundance of poker production waste into electricity. now that is what i call efficient, putting organic waste. good. our next report offers another take on how you can accomplish 2 things at once if you put your mind in it. but in this case, it's not about using was produced energy a couple enterprise and people are gonna have formed a way to make something treat even with the help of a simple organism. these mangles, a looking good joyce meant there has been treating her cheese with organic
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fertilizers made from gay. she grows herself the plan, the now less susceptible subject hero, black sport diseases, and their food is tasty to changing their lives as to get water. we see that it is good and it gives us much more food and much more healthy ones because we are no more using the chemicals. many farmers here in south, it's been gone, rely on official fertilizers and pesticides. so did joyce mensa, until she heard about an equal aqua system developed in the voltage region y to west africa and entrepreneurs. each of the $24.00 pools on their farm contains its own small ecosystem. these aquatic plans, our plans that the fish know from nature. so because you're them voraciously and
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they are very healthy. now, it's significant the part about the aquatic plants, because that is what makes the algorithm that we produce unique and powerful. because these aquatic plans provide the bees nutrient from which the algo is quite a veto. civil serve a dual purpose to grow all gave for fertilizer and raise fish for food. and frederick come back, says the waters clean. i really don't have a problem getting concerned about visits if occasion and so degradation in the region. the business partners spent years developing their idea. we have seen that soil be into read it using on wholesome nutrients for, for farming. and it's causing a huge problem. and for the environment as well for the quality of food. but it had
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to be affordable enough to make going are gone, ik attractive to farmers. the fertilizer which sells for 50. there was a roughly $0.70 inexpensive, yet many farmers still need persuaded. if i'm in cooperative in a nearby village has a serious problem with sol degradation, a goal, matthew de, when new, talk to members about the organic method, but many a skeptical. they mentioned the difficulty of transporting heavy canisters to walk to the plant once a week. by the way, new insisted, the prose outweigh the columns like black w. yeah, throw the, come across the wash into our what i'm with the switch off, it's a while, the, the fishing, the, you know what? and also people do doing the thing with that. the living dead by doctor this i
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would so it is having the lots of problems and difficulties in the environment. and we do have selling it with some crops. don't come on top because of the comic house was not far from the farming cooperative marine biologist called yochi, who spent, he has conducted his own research. he believes the al game says eliza has the potential to turn ghana and africa as a whole into a hub for organic agriculture production of argue that is integrated with fish, a very cost effective way of producing cheap and red de, available for laser, for crop reduction ah,
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it could in future the ne, to the constant conventional that lies not this upright. joyce meant is completely sold on the new approach. she started producing mungo juice. since you now have a small and better quality fruit. at the moment, the juices only sold locally, but if all goes well, she hopes to be able to expand her market in the future. i'm afraid the time has come to say goodbye. we hope you had an amazing time with the program. and of course, be sure to join us again next week. for now. i am sandra, twin over here in compiler, uganda, the ticket and the the long sandra. and to all of us out there, if you have any comments or one to find out more about environment issues, take all our social media channels and don't forget to send in your feedback. will always happy to hear from you. this is 1st learn signing off from legal mm
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the the, the the no matter how you do it, no matter where you go, outdoor holidays are becoming increasingly popular. i really looking forward to over nature and swimming into a new kind of state and nicole. so it's where the works is specially, well, venture is guaranteed that we'll work on d w. what keeps up in tape?
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what makes the say and how do we spend, hello? my name is dr. constantly. i talk to me to connect, watch them at work, and they discuss what you can do to improve your stay choose. and let's all try to be in good shape. w o. the news, i think everything's challenging, 1st and big. i'm listening to a much different culture between here and there was a challenge for everything. ah, i think it was worth it for me to come to germany. ah, my god,
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i license to work swimming instructor. and now i teach children don't participate as what's your story take part sharon, on info migrant. ah. the news. it's been ongoing quest for the spring began in 2011. people stood up against correct rulers and dictatorship. the hope for more security, more freedom and more dignity have their hopes been fulfilled. 10 years after the era spring, rebellion starts june 7th on d. w. the
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news . this is g w. news live from berlin, columbia. as president deployed the military in an attempt to restore order, after several more people are killed in anti government demonstrations. protesters are demanding more jobs and economic equality of life to boca top, or the latest. also coming up on the show, one of the world's most dangerous volcanoes, creat.
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