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tv   Quarks  Deutsche Welle  June 1, 2021 10:30pm-11:16pm CEST

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against correct rulers and dictatorship, the whole more security, more freedom and more dignity have their hopes been fulfilled. 10 years after the heiress spring, rebellion starts june 7th on d. w. israel is out for national elections in the last 2 years as we speak. this man. yeah, and the p is making calls and making promises to try and put together a coalition of political parties that dislike the current prime minister benjamin netanyahu more than they dislike each other. mr. pete has until midnight on wednesday to achieve this. but even if he does, how stable can such a coalition be? i'm fil, gail in berlin and this is the day oh,
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the country we divided into many pieces and we need to change. so we'll get once and for all a government who actually cares for the people of prime minister and the government in which we can believe and we can trust. and i think that what we needed israel, a role model of civility, the drum and the visited maybe very live yelling like the magician. you know, and i don't know. what can you do also on the day faced with expels from the french open world. number 2, now me a soccer. quit the tournament, describing the obligation to speak to journalists while competing is bad for her
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mental health, tennis stuff like 70 williams. i empathizing with her decision, you know, you just have to let her handle it the way she wants to, and the best way that she think she can. and that's the only thing i can say. i think she's doing the best she can. oh, welcome to the day we because it israel, whereby midnight wednesday night will know whether or not the country is likely to get a new prime minister ending benjamin netanyahu is record breaking time you the man most likely to replace him after the embattled prime minister failed in his latest attempt to form a coalition is the ultra nationalist master bennett. but he let me get the job if centrist leader. yeah, in the paid, conform a coalition with something like 5 other parliamentary factions. and just about the only thing that they all have in common is that they don't trust benjamin netanyahu . so let's hear from the main players in this drama,
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and then find out what the next 24 hours is likely to hold the old. she was in a week's time, the state of israel can usher in a new era. suddenly there could be silence, and ministers will go to work without inciting, lying, or tried to instill, fave into it's over time. left on the call is how much better politically, for political crisis in israel, unprecedented solar, we can have a, your 6 to 10 selection and dismantle our country, brick by brick until the house collapses it on and on. but it is possible to stop this madness and take responsibility will cover you so much fairly but i heard enough tale, bennett. unfortunately, he is again misleading the public. some the same lies the same empty slogan. so hayton division from someone who gives a platform to hatred and division. and also someone who is perpetrating, i must say, the fraud of the century will join us to talk through a 3 dimensional chest that is building a stable coalition in
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a country. that scene for national elections in 2 years is the w. middle east commentator shawnee resigned as welcome shopping. let's start with a general before we get to the specifics. why is these ready politics of volatile at the moment of the country, comments? we choose a government. what one word, nathan, you know, and he became such a polarizing issue that it made the whole political mechanism. we shuffle. it's no longer the traditional right and left division that we used to seeing. and israel, it pro and against the to the campaign in the a guess camp. you have some surprising players who are traditionally would be considered right. wing politicians were very clear stand when it comes very conservative politicians. but then when it comes to nathan, the out there to baby pies in and that what the find them and that what makes them want to do the whole re shuffle. and that's, that's really hard because it's breaking traditional lines of politics in israel.
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this is why we've seen the country going to 4 cycles of election in a 2 years. every time trying to hope that the cards will re shuffle in a better way for each of the side. never having achieve that and the country is basically split in the middle. and this is a debt, the strength of feeling about a prime minister who has had to goes at this job and has been in that job longer than pretty much anyone else. so why did he, nathan, yahoo, is that what is this? the hatred of him is that why he fails to, to form a government and his 1st attempt? well, he was always quite content. i mean the left he never liked him, but within the right wing ranks what we've seen in last years is 1st of all he's under, he's now on trying for forced to medications of fraud and that making his his position very shaky in the way the scene outside, also among the people within the right. right. mean,
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can't that are not too happy about his position fighting and continue to be a prime minister under while going on trial. that's one aspect of it, but the 2nd is that he has broken each and every promise he made to any of his allies. in the last years he managed throughout the years to l. e. n. a. so many of the people that we are now seeing coming together in a very weird and unexpected mix of coalition against him, many of them were close allies. many of them were either working in his own office, people of taliban and people like lieberman, who were his right right hand for some time. and now i just cannot believe any of his promise. mostly after the recent one that he broke. after having promised pentagon, who is now the defense minister, former chief of staff of the israeli army, he promised him they will have a rotation on the position of prime minister in israel. he broke the promise for thing israel to go for the 4th round election and load. behold,
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now that he's been trying to form a coalition again, nobody believes him. he will stick to his word to make the rotation work. and that's why his attempt has failed. so far to start a coalition on all right, let's just see if we can get the line back. no, that's unfortunate. looks like we have lost. all right. you know, it looks like it looks like you're over. you're back with us. shot it. yeah. so the job now falls benjamin netanyahu having, having failed the job now falls to yale, appeared to build a coalition. so tell us who he is. well, he is another one of these people that antonio managed to alienate. he used to be new to now the minister of finance. he started his career as a, as an actor and then a journalist. he had the century, he's the one trying to talk about unity, bring everybody together. and he managed to do that. he's in a unique position that he managed to bring everybody together in
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a way that before didn't happen. he's been eyeing this position of prime minister for a long time. he's been doing very calculated efforts in the last campaign. stepping back, she's saying in the sake of the country and the sake of unity for what our country needs and willing to even give up the position. it's prime minister, which is what he's willing to do now and offering necessarily bennett. and that in a way has helped him build himself up as the responsible adult. ready and right to be the next prime minister. and so you better tell us about natalie bennett's the most likely then to become israel next prime minister. i looks like it looks like we've so yeah, you that shot. tell us about and i'll tell you about it. i am i'm yes, i'm here. so natalie bennett, as i quickly mentioned before,
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he used to be met in y'all's right. right hand. and he was great believer and he loved and admired nathan, you know, and he was heartbroken. by the way, he was kind of chased away from that to me. immediate search and looks like some political way he does. he has, has, has, has played a cruel game with us. we'll leave it that shot, shot on the river side. so much the is one of the most modern cities in the world, shanghai with it's 24000000 residents. but in all of our tarion state, that also means a lot of people to manage. and one of the best ways to keep an eye on them be through video surveillance. of course, that's not how chinese political leaders of selling it. they say shanghai is the 21st century smart city using facial recognition and big data and the hope to
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expand the system across the country. the w matthews building gain special access to the core of the monitoring system. it is called a brain and it has hundreds of thousands of eyes. and please of this surveillance center called city brain in shanghai, put on district, have direct control over cameras that cover almost every corner of the district. in the background, artificial intelligence scans the footage for rule breakers. on this construction site, it has identified a worker was not wearing his helmet besides camera footage. this is to also collect data from the city administration and property management. the government wants to create a powerful tool to govern the city and its citizens. so don don is one of the designers at the system that has been operating since 201800. and she said that they were tested on the law by c nickel for us citizens in the city. the system had to
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providing a secure, orderly, and clean environment. the government doesn't mean to govern the city more efficiently due until financial mclaughlin county hall. john, they go to the city brains, employees have access to more than 290000 cameras. and this is just one hop of what the government envisioned as a nationwide network. the goal is 100 percent camera coverage at all important places like train stations, crossroads, palms. in berlin. scala, geico all back has studied these efforts for many years. she says she has downloaded millions of tenders for surveillance systems from government websites that often spell out the goal of the surveillance explicitly comes from the machine, doesn't want to mention
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a mentalist intact. they are describing how human interaction is the source of any social conflict. conflict is what could cause trouble for the government who is concerned with social stability. so as long as you can cover every aspect of human life with cameras and surveillance, one can react to fuse and calm down the situation. come and listen. conflict rash side is indexing and shaft and on the on commodity middle, who will put on shanghai central business district is but one of many places that have such extensive data and surveillance infrastructure. there is little opposition from the public to the or seeing system put on city brain, not only collect surveillance footage, but also detailed data about each household in the city. in the covert outbreak, its employees were given an additional task. the data is used to ensure citizens are observing their quarantine
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though, i mean, does it go didn't actually, we install interconnect sensors at the apartment door. if somebody leaves the flatten breach of the anti epidemic route, we will get an alarm signal, mental health authority and compound workers would be informed by us and can react swift on us. you can go to the project like to don't city brain show, china's government sees data as a means of control. the pandemic has only advanced these ambitions. the vietnam is one of several countries in se, asia, facing a surgeon cove in 19 infections. it's health minutes. this has a newly discovered very and could be responsible. the country has seen case number's double over the last month, so it still has one of the lowest death rates and the countries ramping up its defenses to keep it that way. the discomforts of the pandemic known to many around
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the world are now coming in vietnam to ortiz, and how many city are ramping up cove at $900.00 testing 1st, focusing on high risk areas, residents around learners, and it fast rides. in case numbers, no worries about the new virus area and where am i more often and also limits meeting other people? coachman, city has been partially shattered. with many businesses closed and public gatherings, restricted. some residents find themselves behind quarantine coordinates, the middle of collab breaks. students are vacating the dormitories to make way for a new hospital in preparation for the worst. the last flights to hanoi have landed, the busy international airport is closing for a week now to be at now recently in the
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discovery of a suspected new variant, possibly emerging types 1st seen in the united kingdom and india. it says it will soon share testosterone for confirmation. vietnam is in a race to vaccinate. so far, only one percent of its population has been inoculated. only weeks ago, vietnam had achieved a month of 0 community transmissions. it's strict arrival quarantine measures and fast lock turns proved effective. but cobit 19 is finding cracks. even in the most cautious countries. russia's current of response, same has not been approved in more than 60 countries from south africa to south america. sputnik bay is being rolled out in countries trying to fight the pandemic . it was the world's 1st registered copays vaccine, even though it was approved by moscow before the final trial results had been released into a country fighting
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a critical 2nd wave is just the latest to take advantage of the russian jap, rushes seconds delivery of sputnik v vaccine arrived at india's hyderabad airport, russia is helping fill the gap left by a vaccine shortage. the vaccine deal help strengthen moscow's ties here, showing that india has alternatives to the west, as it baffles the pandemic. we are very happy to see that the russian lenient during the fight against the coffee 19, which is one of the vital areas of our bilateral cooperation nowadays has firmly student rails and moving forward in europe in the office, the russian vaccine has created friction. sputnik has not been approved by the european madison's agency despite that hungary, via an slovakia, using it, a political issue. as the european union struggles to maintain unity,
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political just thing aside. last month, the un chief said the job could help provide a fair distribution of fact scenes across the globe. we believe that this will make is one of the key elements in being able to address this challenge. and i believe the russian federation has several agreements in perspectives with other countries. in this regard, russian president vladimir putin has opened the play down the vaccine rates as a kind of parallel arms race fight for global influences. and he basically compared to neck, to a famed russian weapon. and he will be up as one of the european expert said, our vaccines are as reliable as a kalashnikov assault rifle. after much collection with much of the world sto desperate for vaccines. many countries are putting geo politics on the back burner . the viruses raging here and now the consequences of accepting russian age can
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come later. the some tennis is trail blazers, voice their support for world number 2. now, me a sock of japan who is pulled down to the french open after announcing that she would not be speaking with the press during the tournament. organize this fine to $15000.00 and threatened to expel her when she failed to attend the news conference . after winning her 1st match, the 23 year old released the statement on wednesday, saying that she intended to skip her baby obligations because of that negative effect on her mental health. tennis legend billie jean king 20 soc is decision was incredibly brave. it was important. she was given the space and time she needed 18 time grand slam singles when martina nebraska posted that she was sad for a soccer and that as athletes were taught to take care of our body, perhaps the mental and emotional aspect gets short shrift back in 2018 now miss aka
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one, the 1st of or 4 majors against the tennis time. serena williams, who had this to say, we have different personalities and people are different. not everyone is the same . i'm thick, you know, other people i said so every one is different and everyone handles things differently. so you know, you just have to let her handle it the way she wants to in the best way that she thinks she can. and that's the only thing i can say, i think she's doing the best she can. let's pick this up, but they collins, there is a performance psychologist and professorial fellow in human performance. science of the university of edinburgh joins is from stratford on, even in england. welcome to d w. let's, let's start with that comment from martina now rossville over there. this idea that the mental and emotional aspect of sports sometimes gets as short shrift is that
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it's not a picture that you would recognize. it certainly is, i must say 1st off, but any of your viewers and any body should be, should we say wary, or anybody who passes an opinion about when was a soccer is because of course, no one knows that her that said, in general, i think mental health is getting appropriately stronger billing. whether that's going to change things or not in the short term is another matter. right? and when we think of elite athletes, we can very much, to focus on that performance on, on the field or on the court. all these peripheral bits, like the media interviews, if it's something that you prepare athletes to handle, i mean completely, we will prepare athletes to cope with all aspects of their performance. and as you
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say, talking to the media. in fact, trying to sometimes employ the media for your purposes is part of the game playing that involves my performance. oh yeah, for sure. because, you know, as a, as a, as a manager, as an athlete, i can send messages through the media which other should we say less prepared athletes might, will be influenced by that said the, the idea of coping with mental mental mental challenges, mental pressures is as i said, starting to be recognized as being something that people should be concerned about . athletes face a lot more challenged and than normal people, but they also have an advantage in that they've developed some mental skills to take them to the top. so you end up with athletes having a balance. as many, you know, the percentage of athletes with mental health issues is about the same as the general population. but be offset by the increased pressures the performers go
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under. but the also increased set of skills that they probably got to get there in the 1st place. i think by the, by the, this is such an established part of what you do because i think we can see that the obvious examples in something like boxing. when there is that the pre, the pre match interviews and you can see the very obvious signals that are being a sense that yeah, i'll swear though with it. so i suppose away from the non contact sports. you say that is, but he's still very much going on. oh for sure. i mean, it's my, my job. any good for foreman psychologist job is to try and get every legal advantage i can get with, with my, with my athletes. if i'm competing against some, i mean it's it, let's go back to tennis. years ago it was new that john
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mcenroe liked to play quickly. so as it's, it's recorded the b and would slow down. he would take as long as he possibly could between points to bright, the rhythm. you see that in smoker, where you've got a player who has a natural quick rhythm and this is a little bit old now, but somewhat, how can he get this? so another player like to re griffin will slow things down. you look at your opponent when you go, what can i do to discombobulated? great word, good scrabble score, my opponent. all right, so now we a soccer tweeted, i'm quoting here, i've also felt that people have no regard for athletes, mental health, and this rings very true whenever i see a press conference or partake in one. so i wonder professor between media writes and sponsorship play the various, lots of money at stake in the sports. so is there a sports that you could point out as a, as an example of good practice where they do consider athletes at people rather
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than asset. so do, as i told the short answer is no, because i think the mental health issues have always been there and catering for them, allowing for them showing the kindness. and the regard, the means that you look after someone is i don't think it's a sport or an organization issue. i think its a personal issue. if i was going to hold up a sport as being one of the leaders in starting to look at it, i'd actually look at rugby lake, which despite its reputation as being and it is a very, very macro sport, was doing stuff ah, looking at the mental health issues and the challenges years and years ago. so it's almost like it's a, it's an old combination of immensely metro support, but also immensely consider a sport. if indeed, there is any one sport that is, consider, let's look at it from the, from the, the other side of this,
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we live at 24 hour media age. so as journalists, we want immediate reaction. how do you feel about losing that race? what did you do wrong? can these actually how pack leads to perhaps i don't know, analyze that performance mostly know. you know, the last thing i want having just last, you know, i mean we just, we've just had the chelsea men, city champions got final. the last thing i want is a microphone onto my know, saying, oh, you just lost, you know, you missed that go. how do you feel? well, i, i think dreadful would be you. however, as you say, it's part of it's part of the responsibility. it's part of the duty, so probably you would censor be prepare people. what if this happens? what if this happens and you'd go through so i would routinely get get, for example, an athlete doing a really, really tiring session. and then i would practice of stick
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a camera under the nose and say now on system questions like i say a professor dave calling from the university of algebra. thank you so much for joining us. absolute pleasure. have a good evening and that was the day as ever the conversation continues online. you'll find this on twitter, the w. two's the news. the news,
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the news, the, the the, the ah, the climate change, the africa for, for the people who what ideas do they have for their future? d, w dot com, african megacity. the thing to do is click and enter the
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ah, ah, the who's this is the w news, one from dun and president by in tulsa, oklahoma. it's a mock a 100 years since one of america's worst incidents of racial 5, the tulsa res. so me justice are so so rick, so grievous, can't be buried. no matter how hard people try. so it is here. all hundreds of black americans were killed over 2 days and june 1920. take your life to tell. also the programs caribbeans learn that country has the worst per
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capita corona virus, death held in the world. after government before more than double kobe death statistics and germany's national football team prepared for a family against denmark on wednesday night and 10 days until the european championships. ah, me feel welcome to the program. us president joe biden is in tulsa, oklahoma to commemorate the centenary of one of the united states. worst incidents of racial violence is the 1st president to motley, tulsa masika in which a white residence backed by police. a national guard units destroyed some 1200 buildings in an upscale black majority district of the city. as many as 300 black residents are believed to have been killed in some of the premises and set the
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ranch we speak of the day, took place 100 years ago. and yet i'm the 1st president in 100 years ever to come to tulsa. and i say that not about me, but to think about it a 100 years and the 1st president to be here during that entire time. and in this place in this ground, to acknowledge the truth. what took place here? let's go to tulsa, where we join d w correspondent, catalina, you're more welcome, catalina. how important is that to a speech from president biden today? it's very important as we just heard to president by to make clear yes, the 1st president not only to travel to, to tell us have because some other presidents have been doing this. but to talk
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about the massacre and to actually call it massacre because we have to know that there is a small group and tells us that still in this this was only a riot. what happened in 1921 and not a massacre. and president bite, and it's the 1st one to call it like the biggest race massacre in the united states . he also held admitted of silence. and afterwards, he got a lot of, of to, you know, a block from, from, from the public there, from the community here in green. what district and tell time. and here we are just over a year since the killing of george floyd by a white policeman fuel the live, the rise rise of the black lives matter movement. so what is the black community there in tulsa, calling for with regards to the massacre? well this has already been a very important step for them, a president to come to tell us to call it a massacre
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a 100 years after this happened. we have to underlay but now they are of course, calling for reparation. because a people they are not only lost family members and friends, it was only a personal loss. it was also a material loss and they want to see some operation for it. and that is what they are calling for. not only the 3 survivors that still live here in tulsa, but also their descendants want to see reparations, and that is what they're calling for now. so what is it about this event, catalina hundreds of black people killed thousands last homeless. why isn't more known about the other generations? didn't talk about it, feel it was difficult for them. they were afraid they were shame. but not only bad politics. also had a big role on that. there was no president that came to town and, and called it like that and also a lot of mayors who didn't give her the importance it should have had like for
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example, we are, we see that a historic center is going to open. and just in a couple of weeks, and we're talking about a massacre that happened 100 years ago. so it is important, and it is very symbolic. the president biden is now here and it's talking about it . and it is also very important for the younger generations. they're the ones who are, who are brave enough to, to call it by its name as a massacre. thank you for that kind of in a to more in tulsa to per brew, which has made a staggering revision to its official covert 19 death toll officials. and now reporting that more than twice as many people have died from the viruses previously estimated from just under 70000 to more than 180000. the country health minister said a new criterion change the count. this means peru now has the world's worst per capita, death rate fighting for life in period hospitals,
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with oxygen shortages and overwhelmed intensive care units, experts had warned officials, but under counting covered 19 death. now the government has announced a new toll using updated criteria accounting victims of the pandemic. bama, i can see for you counting methodology, we will have more exhaustive figures. and figures, such as the health minister said, will be very useful to monitor the pandemic. continue our notes for them in family 30 and we will take the appropriate measures to deal with it and hopefully overcome the pandemic very soon. but on the new criteria has been broadened from those who tested positive. it will now include people who showed corona virus symptoms and those who have been linked to a confirmed case but outside peruse crowded hospitals, the families of the sick or angry, the government's response to the pandemic. they
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should have told the population about this new figure. so that people would really be aware of what was happening because with a figure as low as 60000, i think people felt quite confident. and in some cases, they did not stick to social distancing measures on buckling non, they can also be outrageous that our, sorry, she's our latest, don't do anything because as we know, it is true the vaccines at the moment, but they are not enough. the government purchased additional dices last month, but the vaccine rollout has been slow and hit by allegations of corruption until the vaccine drive speeds up. the new death toll is a devastating reminder of the human cost of the pandemic. will semi entangle, is a british journalist based in lima. i asked him why peru had seen so many covey
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death it's, it's a comp time of factors. and i don't think there's one personally dancer, but the big picture is the 1st there's a lot of poverty and peru. so there's a lot of families living in crowded, multi generational housing, not without running water. and also some even without fridge is so that people have not been able to form a lot when they happened. they'd have to go out every day to purchase food. so then that's the health care system, which is then just drastically underfunded for the public healthcare. here and then the government evers on top of that, one of them was that after the 1st month of the time they make buy around april, last year there was no contract tracing. and also through use the wrong type of. busy cash that we using antibody to test non test reschedule. someone who has corona virus had coded previously at least a week or 2 previously,
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rather than one that whether they are currently contagious. at the time, the government says that that's all the tests they could get on the international market was the stop and then it there. science spoke to the question, but those were 2 major mistakes that contributed to the high bechtel some intake in lima. but take a look at some of the stores making headlines around the world now. and pope frances is updated the laws of the catholic church and reinforcing penalties through sexually abuse children. the provisions also recognize that adults could also be victimized by priests. it's the most extensive revision of terms more in decades, measures of belong sort by, victims in the advocates belushi journalist who regularly you forts a d. w has been freed from jail after 20 days in detention. alexander border costs that he was subjected to torture and inhumane treatment, one in prison is arrested in may for covering the trial of an opposition. politician. say the european union is demanding the release of
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a prominent russian opposition figure was taken off a plane bound for poland. andre, if ever was arrested at st. petersburg airport, the former director of the kremlin, the critic, a criminal, critical open russian group. is one of several activists arrested over his days. the track down comes ahead of parliamentary elections in september, secretly taken images. if andre people are off let away by police. after being hauled from a plane about to take off moments before his arrest, the activist tweeted a picture of the police boarding the aircraft. i'm just let you some. andre had already turned his phone off. the plane began to take off, but a few minutes later he went back online and wrote me that the plane had been stopped and he saw the police trying to the gangways. after that, andre was escorted from the plain. it alone is somebody with them.
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people f r f was taken to his apartment, which was searched before. he was driven away. he was later spotted in the remote city of cross medina. i'm being taken for questioning now. with the remarkable thing is that there had been no information about this case. earlier. i have been asked to come for questioning. i would have. com. that's why this is all a very big surprise because people are of the rest at st. petersburg airport comes days after his open russia foundation folded its activities to avoid persecution, under russia's repressive laws on opposition groups. but the police did not stop there. on tuesday they rated the offices of opposition politician, dimitri good cove, who was planning to run in upcoming parliamentary elections. for now going to the
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next department. never functional, important before there's 60 people working in our case today, and i'm allowed to speak to everyone. thank you. good cause i was then also arrested and some of his associates taken in for questioning the question, the theme as if this is a personal case, they can opposition figures to pressure them, push them out of politics and prevent them from running an election with with such scenes repeating themselves all over russia to opposition is bracing for a tough time before pulls open in september. if a bull with only 10 days ago before the euro 2020 tournament kicks off, team germany is now i think austrian training camp fairing for wednesdays friendly against denmark. if coach you i came last. team wins in the last major tournament. before he steps down, each player will receive a bonus of $400000.00 euros. so motivation shouldn't be a problem by
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a mere next thomas miller back in the germany team after 2 years. and once again, a leader, just like gorman's mom, hamas, the veteran do, should give the young team stability and the right mentality for the euros, which most damage the voice spotless. so i want to give my all, both as a player and as a person to me and to get myself into the best shape possible before the tournament office. and of course, i hope i can play that role on the templates. i named off 32 year old homo's is expected to show up the defense last year. the team conceded 16 goals in 8 games that won't do at the euro's and marilla with his strategic skills and inventiveness could pose some problems for opponents. coming out by the test be to now we have the friend lease and that should get us going on top line is when
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the players who trained for a week together, who will be out on the pitch yet and already expected to play some good games. good is feel up to the front coach joachim love and his players know that success at euro 2020 will be an uphill climb. now if you are a volcano, infuse yes. this next footage is just for you. this is a drone flight that went more than a little awry. youtube joey hounds released a film taken by his drones. he travelled along a river of lava in iceland and giving us a stunning look at erupt in volcano. suddenly though he did laugh low, the drug crashed into some flying daybreak and tumbled to a hasty, hellish. i read that whole of today's business near say is next with rob watson will have more world news at the top of the good
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news . people are d, w on facebook and twitter up to date and in touch. follow closely. i listen carefully, don't know how to go. i feel the magic.


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