tv Strater Deutsche Welle June 3, 2021 2:00pm-3:01pm CEST
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the me the news . ah, this is the w news lie from berlin, fears of an oil spill throw in 3 lanka as the country's worst marine disaster expand a container ship carrying chemicals and plastics that burned for days and still the cargo is now thinking. we'll get the latest from columbus also coming up benjamin netanyahu time as israel's prime minister, looks like it's drawing to an end as his opponents agreed to form a coalition government the be announced that
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came just before midnight deadline and prevented what could have been israel's 5th election and just over 2 years we'll hear from jerusalem. plus, we're not safe until everyone is safe. german health minister against bon calls for solidarity and the distribution of corona virus vaccines. as g 7, health ministers meet in oxford and india as being the rise of another killer disease that's attacking vulnerable, covert 19 patient. it's called black fungus, and the country is running out of medicine treated. ah, me. i'm see me. so i'm going to thank you for joining us. we started sri lanka, we're a cargo ship carrying tons of chemicals as partly sunk after catching on fire around 2 weeks ago. the environmental disaster is happening off. some of the island nation's most important coastline is
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a capital colombo. much of the m. v. express pearl's dangerous cargo has already fallen overboard with plastic and chemicals spilling into heavily fished waters. an indian coast guard vessel has been drafted into health as authorities prepare for the worst case scenario. a possible oil flick the flames may have been put out. but authorities in sri lanka, the, the worse maybe yet to come there preparing for a possible oil spill from the m. b express po, which is thinking of columbus main hobble may never know if the ship things the oil on the ship will leak to the ocean. and the beach and our fishermen will lose their job. we cannot allow that. you get that in the behind is up then. local residents are ready reeling from the disaster. billions of plastic pellets have washed ashore, prompting a fishing ban and concern for the environment. and i wanted to find out about the
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ship is causing environmental damage in the local area. it's fuel is mixing with the sea water that increases the mercury level in the fish in the water. so we can't really eat the fish. my love will have my having them in the whole car system . he does them in the ocean, it as a living, being planned, fish and caught of lisa had been destroy the vessel which was ablaze. the 12 days had nearly 350 tons of oil in its fuel tanks. tons of toxic nitric acid, was also in its cargo, among other chemicals. a criminal investigation has now been launched into the countries worse maritime environmental disaster. but speak now to jamila, was saying, she's the deputy editor of the daily mirror,
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a newspaper in colombo. hi, jimmy le, we know that authorities have been on stand by for an oil spill, and environmentalist or warning about dangerous chemicals leaking as well. bring us up to date on the latest when the latest, what we have from can number is that they know i speak, which has been detected as yet. navy divers are on the see right now, trying to see what the effect has been. and actually that has been filled, we just thought that from underneath the day yet to come back up to surface and get to be deaf. but appreciate the, the navy maintaining that, you know, i feel, but if it happens to be in the coming, i will probably even becoming did the attitude because they have the facilities to contain the content area near the event from being from coming on shore and affecting the night and the marine night that we have the
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latest at the moment. okay. we mentioned that criminal investigation is also been launched into how this could happen. so what information is already known? yeah, so basically the captain of the ship and the crew members who are right now held in a hotel in catholic or colombo. they have been questioned by the criminal investigations department as to what exactly went on and we had a conference by them and so forth. earlier today and he said that assess operation was also on to locate the wage data recorder so that they know exactly the conversation between the captain and the crew members just before and after the highest thought that you know what we do, the more months away investigation is concerned, i feel that there hadn't been a need from one of the containers when he's in the columbus court. but at that time,
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did he not know how bad it was? so how would the easy, yes, to be officially announced, but defeated has been a leak from one of the contain it probably the container which was getting the night to get the how is all of this impacting re lumpkins when thousands of families have been affected today? because as you know, she's not going to depend very heavily on their fishing sex officially and, and all right. and on a course 1000 of fishing families who occupy these ends. and within the past 3 days, that has been a temporary band, which is coming all the way from the southern course right up to the west coast. so their lives here and i would actually come to benson and our tourism is also likely to be impacted by the right. now we do have an island wide lockdown in the 19,
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but when we open up towards them is likely to be impacted because there is no one for beaches then right now, which is not accessible because we've had chemicals which have been lost show. we've had plastics and more special, so everything is not create a very looking at probably weeks and even months. everything is jemila. hussein reporting there from colombo, thank you. now could be the end of an era. israel looks at to get a new leader after 12 years with benjamin netanyahu. as prime minister, former opposition leader, a guy or latino from the geisha teeth or future party, has put together a coalition of the parties from across the political spectrum. and the hopes of forming a new government under the deal hard line religious nationalists, natalie bennett, would initially become prime minister. this is the man who might meet israel for the next 2 years. natalie bennett has made his political career with provocative
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statements that establish himself to the right of outgoing pm benjamin netanyahu. this is him last year. you have a whole lot of show we will not allow the israeli government to recognize a palestinian state under any circumstances. we will not allow israel to hand over even a centimeter of land to the arabs. this is what we are here for. to guard the land of israel will ship them either. but bennet is also a generation younger than yahoo has broken with allies on the religious right on the role of religion in public life. he's also comparatively liberal and gay rights and other issues. bennett is the son of american immigrants to israel. he made a fortune in high tech before jumping into politics in 2013, revamping the right wing subtler party jewish home model. he served as secretary of defense, and secretary of education under netanyahu. bennett would bring very little public
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support to the role in 2019 elections. jemina party received no mandates, and in the most recent round in one just 7 out of the 120 seats in the connected. i think it's a bit of a disgrace that someone who has elected with only 7 mandate is the person who decides the fate of the country. i think that it's good for is although i'm from the left side. i believe that the new prime minister will unite israel because it is now divided into many pieces and we need the change. bennett has promised to work for all israelis, not just his supporters and then shallow because of the government like this will succeed only if we work together as a group, not i, we are not, we will bring back. so we was his real secret weapon, the day of its foundation. call on the floor, got with them or not. the candidates, lemon, shallow bennett would have his hands for guiding
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a coalition that spams the entire political spectrum. and israel would have its 1st taste of the post netanyahu era, for as long as it left the w tanya kramer is in jerusalem with the latest ty tonya. let's start with natalie bennett. he's been described as an ultra nationalist. so what would his leadership mean for the direction of the country and resolving the israeli palestinian conflict? well i think that is still too early to say because of the moment the focus is on whether this coalition will actually work and will put an end to the political crisis. this country has seen over the past 2 and a half years before elections, mostly inconclusive. and now trying to form this coalition government also, it will be one of the most diverse and one of the broadest correlations that the country has seen in recent years. which of course, we'll see, you know,
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the hotline is among them. natalie bennett with his him, you know, party religious, national, religious writing hotline as he is known to be pro settlement pro annexation at least in parts of the occupied wes thing and against a palestinian state. other of the smaller i think parties are in the same line, but he has as a leader, he has to put this coalition together and work with the central parties and also with the left parties. in this new coalition or perspective coalition, i have to say and also has the support of an ar party, that is something new that is a 1st this time, which is the political branch of the stomach movement in israel. so the focus is on whether he can make that coalition work. it's been described as a fragile coalition. so what hurdles is it still facing when they can agree on one thing. and i think this is how they came together to
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spend that time yahoo! and to bring something new to bring a change, they cannot agree on many other things, ideologically, they're very far part of the differences are quite extreme in some cases even. and i think what they will trying to do is to leave at 1st the most controversial issues, for example, when it comes to the israeli palestinian conflict aside. if they can afford this this, we cannot say for sure. but they're still also other issues they have to deal with many of the economy, the social economic affairs, also the budget. they have to look at. but even, you know, when you talk about religious affairs or as it to be q issues, there are quite fall apart, but also have to stress, this is not a done deal yet. there is a whole procedure. now ahead of this coalition, they have to undergo a confidence food in the connected and already their reports that there's a lot of know is tens pressure. and some of the writing lawmakers,
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especially on yeah mena, or whether they will all really support this correlation. it's a re, this and majority of $61.00 seats out of the 100 and 25th. you know, before this government could be sworn in, where does all of this leave benjamin netanyahu? because he is israel, the longest serving prime minister. so what would israel look like without him at the helm? well, i think this is also still to see. i mean, what you understand if this coalition comes together this government, unity, government. then he within the opposition, possibly the opposition leader. but of course, he has been dominating israeli politics for the past 12 years in israel internationally. and he has still a lot of supporters and among the supportive there's a lot of frustration as well. they say he should have been or should have continued as a prime minister, because he has still also the largest party after the last election. his opponents
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would say he has been too long and his post, he also has to face. he stands trial for several corruption charges and he has to be replaced to move the country forward because they say he has polarized the country too much. and it will take a long time to over come those division between the different political comes d, w 10. your kramer reporting from jerusalem, good to talk to you now to some of the stories making headlines around the world. the use tongue court has rebuked germany for failing to clean up the dirty air in the cities. the european court of justice is ruled that between 20102016 germany quote, systematically and persistently violated the maximum permitted level of nitrogen dioxide. berlin is now compelled to take action or could face half define in denmark, parliament is passed a controversial new law that allows the government to relocate asylum seekers to
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another country under the new law so called partner countries would be responsible for processing asylum seekers cases. as well as offering them protection in approved cases. health ministers from the world's leading 7 nations are meeting in oxford, england. it's a symbolic location as researchers that oxford university developed a cobra, 1900 vaccine, together with the pharmaceutical company, astrazeneca the ministers are discussing, the prospect of joint protection against future pen that makes them sharing vaccines with poor country in german health minister against bond is attending, he's called for solidarity in the distribution of corona virus vaccines. what we need is corporation and we want the companies like biotech, pfizer cubic as well as any crowd to cooperate with other companies in india and africa in asia to really make it possible to take transfer to have production site there to. and the 2nd approach is convex, international cooperation,
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the international facility to actually finance vaccine, those us for the rest of the world, $1.00 and $5.00 inoculations on the world financed by germany. and so actually that shows how much we are committed to this go to vaccine in the world. now india seems to be past the peak of its 2nd corona virus waves, but the countries now fighting another crisis, those recovering from cobra. 1900 seemed to be more vulnerable to dangerous fungal infections, the black fungus, a deadly, but once rare disease has now been declared in napa, demick and several indian states. the w namisha ice walls sent us this report from the capital deli sanchez. the hind had spent the last 2 months in an out of hospital when her bed and got the good to know why it was during the worst of india . that can be. she seed up nice desperately looking for oxygen cylinders and hospital,
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but she had to travel some 300 kilometer to get just to find her model. and i see you bit where she spent a few days after returning home. her mother was hospitalized again. this time because of mucus, my commonly known as the black farm i am described, was overdone, with patience with eyes full and sharp faces disfigured by light. steven surgeries made necessary to stop the spread of the fun with a black fungus patient in the same room as her mother bled to death before her eyes . i'm says she cannot allow beth, but time to stop and process the straw. mo, icons explode to even have the luxury to do them and because i have to keep going, have to do whatever it is to keep going. i found it for just gone to december, so i got to forward to behave like a wisdom, like you know, because that's a blessing. the black fungus has been declared an epidemic in dandy and several
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other states in india. it is not a new disease, but it occurred to me that pharmacies did not talk much of the drug through to treat it. we used to receive around 2 or 3 requests for the injection of this and what that if and be a week. but right now, the demand so high that it was more than 100 feet patients a day. and they were many looking for it. unless patients receive an injection regularly for several to meet the fungus can spread rapidly. each vial costs 80 your as the demand has surged, the black market price has quadrupled as price for the answer from title. the government talk, i'll say, is a pharmacy like be now manufacturer, those on imports are supposed to be supplied directly to water. but these supplies will be crucial, as even a thing the miss dawn can be devastating. the more that causes the black fungus
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assignment in the environment, but can also be found in ventilators or oxygen cylinders. these will use heavily during india, 2nd. dr. romantic who calls these opportunistic infection. these 2, when venue immunity is compromised, in this case by the good one iris, and the over use of steroids used in its treatment. any misstep in treating the black fungus can be fatal mucus. my causes has a higher mortality rate, especially when patients who don't get diagnosed early enough. so it has more than 50 percent mortality, most of the time. and all surgery which can be disfiguring, especially when to comment about i think that we see, i know sort of a new car where you have to remove the dead tissue from the face. now, in other fungal infection that 3 on beacon immune system is also being watered in the us. good. one of those cases may be falling, but the deadly 2nd being has left housing vulnerable to many more than actually
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earlier i spoke to dr. less a lot, pinto. he's a pulmonologist at the hindu jer hospital in mo, bye. and i asked him why he thinks it's so important to combat the disease quickly . so even though it's a small fraction of the entire population of the entire number of people getting affected right now, since the number of cases is high, that small fraction converts into a very large number. the disease is immensely curable. if it's picked up at an early stage, so i think early detection is extremely important. as is checking your sugar the day you get the cold infection the be you need to check yes. or there's immediately that i need to be used additionally, and with a combination of these measures in if instituted, i think i think we should be able to overcome this. let's get a quick check of some other headlines. now. relatives have gathered to more and a politician from india's willing b j. p. party, after he was shot dead in the disputed region of kashmir. police say on identified
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gun and opened fire on brackish on data. while he was listening the town of authorities, blaine separatist rebels for the attack, a russian court has ruled to keep prominent opposition activists. andre people, bottles in custody for 2 month pending trial. the former head of open russia, a disbanded pro democracy group, was pulled off a plane bound for poland on monday. he is the latest opposition figure to be detained ahead of elections in september. and the french, senegalese rider and academic has won this year, the international booker prize for his novel. at night all blood is black. it tells the story of the cynical leaves who fought for france during world war one. the $50000.00 pounds prize money will be split between the up and the books translator . now it's been called the longest distance migration of wild elephants ever recorded in china. a herd of 15 wandering elephants have embarked on a 500 kilometer journey after string from
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a nature reserve in china southwest. they've now reached the outskirts of cushioning, a city of 7000000 authorities. there are trying to steer them away from populated area. an epic truck through southwest and china destination unknown. no one certain why this heard of 15 wild asian elephant strayed from a peaceful, national nature as in united province. one theory is that their leader lacks experience and lead the group astray. other experts say the journey is the result of human development, and that the elephants are searching for new habitats. whatever. the reason that trek has become the longest distance migration of wild elephants ever recorded in china. that is, that this is the 1st time in history that we've seen anything like this. it's never happened before. so everyone is trying to figure out why it's happening. we need to
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observe the elephant further and study them movements and have the group set out as 16 animals. that 2 turned around and went home and the baby was born during the track. the herd has moved through villages, broken into bonds, trampled crops, and caused more than a $1000000.00 of losses. and wild chinese social media is full of post and videos of citing a task force of $360.00 people. and 9 drones is busy tracking the heard, desperately trying to keep them away from the most populated areas. the in the u. s. c. nfl or national football league has announced it will stop categorizing black players as having a lower cognitive function than white players. the practice is known as race norming. it had been used to work out the amount of compensation of player was due
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for brain injury suffered while playing the sports. the nfl is pledge follows to black players filing a civil rights lawsuits. we have mark meadows from d. w. sports with us for more in the story highmark. this is a pretty shocking story. how did this come about in the 1st place? well, the nfl is said, it basically developed this policy because it wanted to be fairer. now obviously looking at it in 2021 you think, well, how can that be the case? and they have to go approach is very wrong, but they kind of set up this policy with doctors. and originally it was to stop bias in testing not perpetrated, but unfortunate that the, what happened, i mean, they were basically saying that people who have suffered more brain injuries due to playing american football should receive more money. so therefore, they have to set based limits for the players as to what their cognitive function would have been before they started playing and fell, and they set the bar low for black plays and a bit higher for white and hispanic players. obviously,
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that's quite incredible thing to, to hear in this day and age, but at the time they felt they were actually being fair to play as in general. now obviously there's been a huge backlash, and this has gone to court, and it is kind of bubbling along in the background where the 50000 petitions headed into one court house in philadelphia from nfl family saying, hey, how can this be right in the 21st century and yes, finally they've accepted that this isn't right, it's completely backfired and they will phase out this policy. it really is pretty unbelievable, but it's not the 1st time that the nfl, a face controversies surrounding racism. indeed, i mean, remember calling company the summer cisco 49 as quarterback. he started to take any protests back in 2019 he was the one of the 1st ones to do it. and as recently as 2018, the nfl said no, you mustn't do it. you have to stand during the u. s. national anthem. this is offensive. you see donald trump got involved and said though, you shouldn't be taking a knee. and it was only in 2020 after george for his death and all the protests
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that we sold, the nfl actually change the policy on this and said, no, we were wrong. were wrong, not to listen to the play as concerns. but racism taken is completely acceptable. so this is too massive, you turns from the nfl relatively recently on to huge race racial subjects. and they've been on the wrong side of history and the hope now that people look to move on and say, well, eventually they got to the right position. know right, mark meadows from dw sport, thank you for bringing us that story. let's get a reminder now of our top stories here on d. w. opposition. parties in israel have agreed to form a new coalition government. the alliance include 7 parties from across the political spectrum. if the deal is confirmed by parliament, it could bring an end to prime minister benjamin netanyahu is more than a decade and power and authority centurylink. i say they are preparing for the worst case scenario of a possible oil flick as
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news the news, the news into the conflict with sebastian a faith drive between israel and the militant palestinian remains fragile. my guess is we from garza is that's a name, a spokesman when he finally accepts the targeting israeli civilians violates the international law. but is there anyone left in his group? you still want to talk to conflict on w. o
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from super varied causes put us in to pay the extra some like w dot com slash doors on facebook all in the land germans are free with w me. we are working as much as we love voice, so that if you didn't try to avoid an escalation in one night of violence, you 5 a 1000 rocket. israel, if we have, will make it work once we already talked of this. so this is a change because you will, you've always denied you've always denied war crimes, a face rob between israel and the militant palestinian group. hamas has been holding after the recent surgeon fighting, but it remains fragile. my guess this week from god, that is last name, a spokesman for how much will he finally accept the target in israeli civilians and
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violates international law. and if anyone left in his group who still wants to talk pete the bottom 9, welcome come pick zone hamas claims victory. and the latest round of fighting with israel. tell me how to losing 20 times more lives in the israelis with much of your infrastructure destroyed. how does that constitute victory? thank you very much for having me with them. i have to say be will, who will listen to the same or was to defend that condition. they said plans love to stuff ok. the stand to crush them and to them to raise the life for us as if as long as we are able to resist
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are they can be sure and to defend our people. we consider it relatively, as at the end of the day, yes, we know that it was, we have been a lot of prizes. we have lost a lot, a lot of our beloved people, men and women and children. but there was no choice for seniors other than this, we are living for somebody in more than 15 years and he's given us either to die by lacking medicine boys in mind that the nation or to die by honestly or an american yes. premise and i am, how do you tell the mothers who lost their children, the palestinian mother? 68 of your children, died 270 palestinians in all 12 israelis. how do you tell the mothers of
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palestinian children who lost the love of their life? gone forever, but this was somehow victory, and it was essential what you did. first of all, i have to tell you that i am one of those. some of them will most their son mindy? nothing this around of his condition and previous condition. i lost my son and i know to dream of dignity and freedom, and to look for an independent state. this is expected to have some prizes. it is not an execution. we are working as much as we can avoid, so that is condition. we have given them so much community all johnson to achieve our national goals and ambitions miss. and i was you did try to avoid him. i to avoid an escalation in one night of violence. you $5000.00 rockets, israel knowing that like any other country in the world,
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israel would be forced into a massive retaliation. and many of your people would die because they always do. but you went ahead and provoked that retaliation anyway. why them? first of all, we are losing our thousands and thousands of people since when it comes to 48 and 55 years when it comes to the 76 and 7. okay. well, all of the rockets on homer africans always where people were on ship points, where our people didn't want to stay with houses. and what beautiful was inside the holiest for them. or where are the locust i'm hammers and she is an executed. this is to, to what what we are doing is only one day. so a continuous integration, we didn't correct on the latest fighting. you clearly provoked it. you have
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a duty to safeguard the security and safety of palestinians. you didn't do that, you put them in directly in israel's line of fire creating maximum danger for them. that's what you did. didn't know, unfortunately, unfortunately this is not true because you don't think, i'm sorry to say that, but i don't think that by talking as if the story started. when does not responded this sort of stuff that at least that i'll just television. i'm talking something when hundreds of our peaceful washer about us enjoy them. and hundreds of our family shows where forcefully expensive for their home. and we are talking about a senior resistance. how much does that distance? well, it's been, it's been changed a lot. angela's them will know us bank in does it, will they for the just the maybe in different way. but i mean we,
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we have those who, who live event or national who didn't big the obligations of the q bank, bought by 4 a little eviction of our b from children are based. ready on a long history of demolition or villages or mr. i am, how secure is the currency spot? i ask because your boss in gaza. ya was sin. why has been threatening new attacks on israel made it 26. he said that israel hom, the alex, a mosque there would be $10000.00 mottoes in the occupied territories. opposition forces have the power to launch hundreds of rockets in a minute. i ask you what you use. does all this big talk serve? do you want to provoke israel in the killing more of the people? i want a witness of a lot of nathan. some have some work with some national media and he didn't see this within this context. that clearly there are
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a lot of long term issues. if you're patient, visual, grandma or alexa, obama, the false will additional people that shows up in an hour. and then a lot of these, all these long term issues are not fixed, but then the national community and then the national community is not able to legislative to door accept and respect its obligation as an acute blank power. this is a matter of time to go for the next generation. we are not. but if you are, you are correct. press one and anyone miss you will pay a lot. let me live. am i just can i just say, you know, you mentioned what you expect the international community to do? yeah, i said, well, he said we have, we're going to turn late a military victory into a diplomatic one. he said it's the job of the international community to make
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diplomatic strides for the palestinian people before it blows up. again, you really think you can fire off thousands of rockets when you feel like it. and then the international community will say, come in and pick up the pieces for you, is that what you expect? no, this is not true. this is a little closer simply because you are insisting on stuff in the story by, by the, by the response from gaza. we are 3 years a q by and we have the enforcement evicted in 1000 our homes. our village is our den. one is a lot of people in law. but our last buddy, our most is, is that that's the only piece for war. we have more than 100, you are in favor of us nothing. these resolutions have implemented us in the national community. men are dealing with is a little bit above the law and giving full immunity and impunity to continuous
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crimes. again, not only but, but against the humanity by listening. well, let's talk about the international law. you raise the issue of international law. you've dismissed suggestions that i'm as committed war crimes by firing rockets indiscriminately into israel. one of your spokesmen has them cast them, said, resistance is legitimate and it comes to defend people. all international laws approve legitimate resistance. they me one law mr. ny aim that holds the right to fire rockets indiscriminately at civilian targets. look, 1st of all, yes, it is part of international law that if you buy people, people on the colonial sentences by all means including honors this not firing, not firing civilian targets indiscriminately. you know that there is no law that allows you to do that on the country. it's outlawed by international need. one,
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letting me to continue on setting or is there is no need to configure the discussion because i cannot assist you. come with this really and. and, and up can you put a block? you can 2nd, we have way come along the last few decades on your assign investigation comedy and we have go, but it did with all of them. what is, what is that if you're under a shifting, allow, i know you investigation comedy is to come to the ground and to the field was to investigate and we are ready to accept any resolution bed or if we have what committed war crimes. we already talked of this, but why didn't the why this place is not until now the fuses to go, but it included the last one for fuel and there's a war when use for the decision and to allow this committee to come to the goal.
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this again, this isn't why i don't, i don't speak for israel and nor do you. but the chief un human rights officer, michelle bachelor, condemned israel for its actions. but it had plenty of criticism for hamas indiscriminate strikes from rockets loans by hamas. she said, that's michelle bachelor constituted a clear violation of international humanitarian law. in other words, there is no defense in international law called resistance and you know it, why pretend otherwise. ok again we have, we come the you on interest, the committee form after this meeting to come to you and try to get his deal. do you believe that the money in flaw with a lot of media offices, local and national, just a brief fines attacking of
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a 1000000 rules. do you believe that the house is above the heads of families? one of the out of that what one midnight? it was a bridge size attacking living room. 54 is cause a lot of your heads, but still it is infrastructure. these are clear water, gruff. again, we need to see if i need your and just to get you to the wrong. and we already put it under there for him. and by the way, we did that many times. this is what we can do, but this really has the most sophisticated weapons supported by the u. i and this and they can exactly despise their august for the spite of this they are, they want to see also above the history or not. in the 3 i understand i'm not i'm asking you to justify what you do. i'm not talking about justifying what israel does. we have asked questions to israel. israel will have to accept whatever
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judgements of the international community it makes on its actions. but i have to point out that even the palestinians, most ardent supporter in the u. s. congress elanda, omar said, on may the 19th that you 2 were guilty of war crimes. she said, bombing a school is a war crime bombing a hospital is a war crime. firing rockets at civilians is also a war crime. do you accept that from her? let's look which which civilian. maybe she meant the students to know. did you rockets of blocks of flats and the elevator which is what you did not she, she didn't feel of you, but she said not without the find this. she said fire and look at the rock as indiscriminately. it is all crime ok, but maybe she mean the against the civilians who are present in the biggest open
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air business for 15 years. look, this is ready to allow the civilian to a clear to all the on the camp being in the, in the cars. i think no, this is the problem you are presenting so many of us in the biggest open air based on the on stuff. ok. them you want to do given you are not giving them michelle was survive and then you are talking about the civilian being. but then what's, what's in the, in the crossfire again, we are ready and you, i'm your balance investigation. and we already talked to the judges or based on that because you guys do when we and i was denied all crimes, you've always suggested that your resistance is legitimate. but you are under suspicion also from the international criminal court, where the chief prosecutor said in march, even before this late is fighting, she had reasonable basis to believe that offences has been committed by both you
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and israel. so you're already on the have you have you went through a lot of distribution comment is along the last few years. and have you seen where they have that used by big variations. but i'm not going to know what i'm talking about, probably accurate patients facing how much you speak for her mouth. ok. you don't for israel. the know i'm talking to the fact that legation that had been dogging you for years, especially since the 20 voting conflict. i'm the steel national so you're not 40. you make that you and an assembly. you can talk. what do you want? but the, the most important issue is the investigation committee, which can be to be, to be to the, to the ground. clearly accused. one thing was they didn't used to do so we have given the scene as the light to defend themselves. we have given
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the seniors to defend their rights of dignity and see them. i have to tell you that we are not sure simply not true. you are you and i said, your methods have been under attack. as i pointed you. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court said in march, there was reasonable basis to believe that offences had been committed by both you and israel. you as well as the israel, you are mixed in 2 different issues. we have said yes, ok please. if you believe that there is a ground for what you will say send and i'm going to get this situation. yeah. wrong. and we already put that. why displayed is, will be rejected, but if it is, but it will not, we can depend on this or announcements as you know, or simply what we are accepting is just suggestion here on the go. you
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have never accepted any of your command. those to be held to account for breaching the laws of war, have you or for human rights violations. although over the years you have been accused of many human rights violations. you're really what i, what is, what is the source we have when, when they go with the now and then and then put those in the and when they have all the comments, as you said, we are ready to go over it and we are ready for all that is including being responsible for what we have done. you told human rights watch last year that you'd received 47 complaints of arbitrary arrest and torture during the period from january 2018 to march 2019. not a single case resulted in the conviction of the alleged wrong. do you think that helps your credibility? your perfect. is that what you want the west to believe?
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this is not true. this is what you're told. you're right. you are right. and what not? no, it isn't true that no one there was a company who was held accountable. i'm not the, i'm in this is harmony. if you look, if you ask me now such a was to believe me before, but i would leave the names that use issues and how many of them were listed or both in june for any human rights variations. but to kind of me this now on to give you some them, i have a lot of names of it when they have committed human rights. why you cracking down on people who demonstrate in the gaza during the 15 months period? 2018. 2019. you detained? over 4000 people more than 1000. what detained during the march 2019 demonstrations against the high cost of living. what business? if you've got cracking down on people who are complaining about the lack of freedom,
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why shouldn't they demonstrate when they feel like it? no one has it and if you want to read them, 1st of all, 2nd we have, i can give you a list of 300-4000 piece 11. so this 3 to them is spread against the again, from life less conditions which was not suitable for them to bennett is government officials and all of them were secured by the police. second, if you will have some people, some people who were attacking public institutions will properties like police stations, or when he starts, i think that there will be arrested here in london or the again, it is not my thought of taking some pieces of some news here. are there to for me to accuse it's not talking about reports that we've had some for instance,
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from the palestinian independent commission for human rights. last year they received a 155 complaints of torture and ill treatment by your security personnel up to the 30th of september, and a 138 complaints of arbitrary arrest. again, no indication officials allowed to account for this. i was, i was the municipal for, for iraq in one on one of the few i received more than 5000 complaints from the people to against the facilities. we have investigated and thoroughly in 150 cases of 505000. and we found some miss miss, but it was one that i thought these patients was not respected and we have interest to get to be more thoroughly. and we found that in only 15 cases,
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there was an accountability submitted with those. and we sentence that we have been comfortable for their mistakes and we have taken their punishment. i think you have received a complaint, but do you have the response of the authority here? i am. we've also seen you cracking down on the press last year, the palestinian center for development and media freedoms recorded 61 cases of attacks on journalists in gaza, including arbitrary arrest ill treatment during interrogation, confiscation of equipment, physical assaults, and bands on reporting. are you proud of all that? no one is wrong. i can not wonderful human being and i'm sure no one is left to go on such violations without being comfortable.
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in each case, we have received a complaint from the site. we have take it seriously. we are in this to get to thoroughly, and anyone who committed any violations for human breast. we don't know what the mission have been. he hasn't been punished or have been we have been on him the needed you complain about israelis demolishing palestinian homes. but june the 18th, last year, your security forces assaulted members of the wish, our family and our age refugee camp. they tried to prevent you from demolishing a structure that belonged to their family because he wanted to build a new road according to the mass and center for human rights. your forces injured, how do may wish, who was 90 years old at the time 90, as well as 2 of her daughters,
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all of whom needed hospital treatment. you talk of israeli brutality. your paid thugs assaulted a 90 year old woman who got in their way and then required hospital treatment. have you no shame? long term. i think this is unfair. to tell me that you are going to discuss some political issues and then to take pieces of some even see because i have the end of the story. but to be taught to have to talk on behalf of the defense for to find some excuses for their crimes against people. it is unfair and disposition. thank you very much. it is unfair. i said so. so as such was his mister name is correct in saying we didn't highlight the topic of human rights in our correspondence before the interview. it's always a major issue in our programs. we're sorry he felt the questions were unfair,
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dictatorship. all these moments have left the box and my memory was actually, it was an incredible feeling that people were liberated they had hoped for more security, more freedom, more dignity, have their hopes for 10 years after the arab spring. a rebellion starts june 7th on d, w. we don't want to see them, but they are there also rise to the on the scene. our new global 3000 series about the threats we are facing. and the heroes taking a stand by so over $3000.00 starts june 21st on d,
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w. 2 species in expedition into the secret language of wales. the exciting part of underwater listening. if you're giving you a window into their, their life that you would never, you never see a company, a research team to the pacific to the language of wales starts june 4th on dw hijacking. the news where i go from the news is being hijacked journalism itself and become a scripted the show. it's not just good versus evil,
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versus them black and white in countries like russia, china, turkey, people are told that it's that. and if you're a journalist there and you're trying to get beyond that, you are facing scare tactics, intimidation. and i wonder, is that where we're headed as well? my responsibility as a journalist is to get beyond the smoke and mirrors. it's not just about being fair and balanced or being neutral. it's about being trues. my name is brittany and i work at e, w a . the, the, me,
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3:00 pm
ah the news . this is the w news from berlin. fears of an oil spill grow and 3 long as the countries worse marine disaster expands a container ship carrying chemicals and plastics and burn for days and spilled us cargo is now thinking. we'll get the latest from columbus. also coming up benjamin netanyahu time as israel's prime minister, looks like it is drawing to an end as his opponents agreed to form a coalition government
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