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tv   Frag den Lesch  Deutsche Welle  June 4, 2021 2:45pm-3:01pm CEST

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what stains the, do you have a question about nutrition, reproductive health, or any other aspect of your body or health in general? then get in touch. with a bit of luck, we'll have an expert answer your question in one of our future shows. so send us an email ah freaks as an important part of a healthy diet. nutritionists recommend 2 portions a day. it's best to eat them fresh and solid. not as smooth. this keeps your digestive system more active use. what are some other improves? in fact, that phrase whose fresh fruit is so luscious and appealing, you just want to think your teeth into it that this market in frankfurt, germany,
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we're going to test people's general knowledge about fruit. it's often said that fruit should always be washed, is that fact or fiction? my always was set when i'm out and about and have a craving for berries than i don't. nothing's ever happened. why? i wouldn't much raspberries or blackberries. when i don't watch bananas, when he often says joker, when i'm joking in the country, i might pick an apple brother to liter. i don't wash it. however alluring food can be covered in all manner of an appetizing element. viruses, bacteria, plain old dirt, tiny creatures, fly eggs, and funguses a status. most of it can be washed off with water. delicate fruit, like berries, can be placed in a bone. everything else can be rinsed under, running more even fruit that you feel like oranges omega. should be washed
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beforehand to stop impurities being passed to the fruits from the knife or your hands. the hard fruit can also be rubbed thoroughly with a clean tell, but micros aren't the only issue with fruit. chemicals are also a concern. before being picked fruit is often treated with pesticides and fun stuff at going moldy. some of these chemicals breakdown naturally. others i washed off some into the fruit pcp does of food not on pesticides and fungicides are water soluble, many of them are fat soluble to the water has no effect. it just forms pearls on the wax layer and doesn't remove any of the pesticides or fungicides that we wouldn't recommend healing the fruit because all of the most important nutrients are contained in the skin. and just under that, you get to mention quotes and the european union has legal limits, the chemical residue on fruit. but if you want to be sure for organic produce and
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otherwise spread notion is that fruit has few vitamins and it used to stand. i think fruit is still good. i think i haven't, i think it still contains a lot of minerals right. they are cultivating the bigger and bigger varieties and hopefully more nutritious ones to vitamin and mineral levels in fruit vary according to the variety, the soil, and especially the water. that levels can even vary among fruit pick from the same plant or tree. so the vitamins contained in fruit are influenced by many factors, not just the variety from today is not generally better or worse than it was in the fast. but fruit has more to offer such as secondary metabolites, or fight a chemicals that help protect ourselves. skipped take 850000 sequence. there are about 40000 secondary metabolites and most of them we don't know that to about yet. research in that area is still in its infancy. so it's not
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yet possible to say that you have too much of one or not enough of another. c l is not mr. ted. he's been kind of secondary metabolites. also very, according to the weather. it's not always clear what causes them to increase or decrease. and what about the next common belief can influence the efficacy of medication? i don't think. i don't think about the side effects of fruit and vegetables. i just enjoy them. if you can just let me know you're not supposed to eat dairy products for some medication, but that's it. it's in fact true that grapefruit can affect some types of medication even up to 2 days after eating it. medicines along with toxins are broken down in the gun by enzymes, but the flavor, noise, nor engine, which grapefruit is especially rich in inhibits those enzymes are more of the
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active ingredients in certain drugs into the blood from that effectively makes the drug and any side effects stronger feel risk applies to a huge number of drugs. it's generally best not to take any tablets with grapefruit juice. they put off time. so that includes all types of quite fruit and familiars, but not to other citrus fruit. which brings us to another common claim that fruit increases as it production in the stomach. a lot, i do sometimes got heartburn now, but it can give me a tommy eggs or diarrhea. i think you'd have to eat a lot for it to be a problem. i got my country on your body can get used to acidic food oil streak acid in our stomach breaks down the food we eat and eating fruit makes no difference to its level of acidity, but certain foods can cause increase acid production. and that's to be confused
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with excessive acid levels in the body. generally, this isn't we have a congo that would be acid doses, which is a life threatening condition, particularly. so that's when you have excess acid levels in the blood, which you don't get just from confirming acidic foods or drinks pulled here. so fruit is every bit as good as it looks and days every reason to windows. if you're looking for a snack food is a healthy choice, but many of us are much more likely to absorb retreat instead. especially when we're working or studying. reaching for some sweets, chips and chocolate can be a welcome reprieve from the monotony of working from home. instead of gossiping with colleagues or having coffee in the cafeteria, some employees are snacking incessantly. helena rolo works at home and keeps
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falling into the snack trap. and now that it is at work, it's much easier to control your impulses. because there are people watching. we've studied him at home. on the other hand, our inhibitions are much lower. we're more likely to reach the candy bars and shapes, taking in too many calories or eating too much sugar or fat is not healthy, but our fruit and vegetable sticks the on the alternative. customer base nutritionist on yolanda says that's far too boring. as a vendor. if you want to prepare healthy snacks them, fruits and vegetables are a good option. veggies. so the best of something on the side. oh, good. or fruit that pops up a bit by hoops and fishing of pets. prefers chip banana, sushi. it requires 3 ingredients. a banana catherine cream and coconut flakes. peel the banana and cover it in cash or cream. roll it in coconut flakes and slice into pieces. using a tuesday makes it easier to eat. this simple recipe rarely fails. and how does it
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taste? matthew's mom, i really like this combination of flavors, non or nuts. it's right for this new filing load and it's great because the coconut contains a bit of fat. that means the sugar in the bananas spreads throughout the whole day at a much slower, right. not have an impact on blood sugar. uh huh. when the sugar breaks down more slowly, it makes us feel full longer, even after a few bite. the next tip for a healthy snacking cucumber with cream cheese and palmer granite seeds. again just 3 ingredients. cucumber cream, cheese and palmer granite, cut the cucumber into slices and spread cream cheese on them. for the chopping sprinkle on pomegranate seeds. if you want, you can put some ground pepper on them. it looks fantastic, but does it taste good to me?
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i'm a fan. i could 8 this one until i'm really for me shouldn't clotted the cook. you can eat a lot of cucumber because that's actually water. it's great because cucumber a filling and this is even more satisfying because this is not how the fatty ingredients as well. the cream cheese on top said try to push keys, a tall mac. the next step is something savory. parmesan carrot sticks. the ingredients are carrots, parmesan, cheese, bread crumbs, parsley, garlic, a bit of oil and a dash of salt and pepper. 3 the oven to 200 degrees celsius, then peel the carrots and cut them into quarters before dicing, garlic and parsley. mix the carrot sticks with a bit of oil, garlic bread crumbs, parmesan, salt and pepper, and put them on a tray in the oven for approximately 15 minutes, turning them when needed. finally,
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sprinkle a bit of parsley on time as if it, in beating all snack that so easy to prepare. its very tasty legend like carrots, full of minerals, the last one. but you are still free. i missed a couple. so they were a good source of a loss of minerals and i've gotten into the final recipe stuff to dates for an energy boost at your desk. the ingredients date peanuts, chocolate and peanut butter, take dates without seeds and fill them with peanut butter. then cut the chocolate and peanuts into pieces and sprinkle them on top for an added bit of flavor, put a pinch of salt on job to teach should stay in the refrigerator for an hour. there are a nice alternative to candy bars this and that truly,
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these are natural ingredients and i think it's always good to prepare things yourself. you get a lot more pleasure and relaxation from eating something you made yourself then out of processes for you. when you relax and enjoy what you eat, you ends up eating last year. enjoying a healthy snack is easier than you think. the news the news, the news
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3:00 pm
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