tv Projekt Zukunft Deutsche Welle June 8, 2021 3:30am-4:00am CEST
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the one day later typhoon car, amman is the head of earthquake risk management for the city. he's faced with a big challenge. the. the city's warning system did not debate during the quake. the equally still new condition. you can say the system works is it should have to mean we have 10 stations at the moment, but we aren't receiving a signal from any of them. not even yesterday. our task now is to build more stations and repair the 10 we already have. so as well as those are turkeys, conservative party rules is symbol for 25 years until the summer of 2019 carmen says the party did not do enough to prepare the city for earthquakes. victim of unfortunately,
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we cannot say that it's done bullies prepared for an earthquake today. and there are still buildings here that are in danger of collapsing. after all, even the 5 point take magnitude quake caused major damage. because the news that the government wants to set new priorities today, carmen hosts representatives from the mag foundation at city hall for about 2 decades. this group of scientists, merchants, and craft people, has been trying to prepare a symbol residence for the next big earthquake traumatized by the 190909 quake. they did not want to leave their fate in the hands of the states alone. our mission that within the 72 hours after like everyone has their own neighborhood up there, we want to train $4.00 to $5.00 volunteers in each district to form
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a civilian disaster rescue team. i the news that he administration months to work together with the foundation for disaster management text. that is an easy pick. this is a ray of hope. god, i did. we have come to the right place. he will support our projects, develop them further. and he also has plans his own that of our the earthquake was a wakeup call. so the whole city as a panel discussion, the foundation mag informs residents about the dangers of earthquakes. there's quite a bit of interest in music. tell them what they must avoid at all. costs is panic. naked mcbride, combating a disaster. the most important asset we have people, but only if those people are prepared and can act reflexively. yeah, even if they are not prepared, then they become a liability. the car, they panic,
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get pointed to them when i get it in front of me, back in germany during the birth 3 tests. site knowledge is marco bone hoss has a breakthrough gigabytes. ado. collecting within a couple of minutes each time he uses various types of stone to stimulate earthquakes, fish and fire in the real world, and there might be $100.00 or 200 years between 2 strong quake. we don't have that time. so instead, we simulate these processes at an accelerated rate when we increase the pressure relatively quickly, and then retrieve the measured values and so we can do our calculations for let's list alternately, we can recreate a complete cycle from one quake to the next, within a few minutes and after boon of tests to town with the sandstone sample. a
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press supplies an enormous amount of pressure to the stone in the machine symbols heinously registers. acoustic signals that reveal what is happening to the stone internally is just before slowly the machine increases, the pressure on the stone. it's 30 trunks with that top on one finger on the surface it appears the stone hasn't changed, but the acoustic signals on the monitor show another story. it's beginning to fracture. so that more and more cracks become visible, like small miniature quakes. and 15 minutes later, the stone breaks. it wasn't marco boon hoff says the same logic can be applied to large scale. earthquake limits is in for the and we're
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seeing all of this for shock activity before the point of fracture and, and since that's similar for all rock samples, we're hopeful that we can apply this method before the looking from so well. the scales many, many quakes to signal a larger earthquake is coming. with this also the case with the september quake stumble 50 hertz, scientists from all over the world, conduct research at the german research center for geo sciences impulse stem. in the hope of predicting when earthquakes will strike, in addition to turkey, greece and italy a to danger zone senior rep. org assessment to do the main trigger is the african plates, which is pressing northwards towards the ration plates in the mediterranean structure . in 2016 an earthquake rattled central italy nearly 300 people died. one issue was the collapse of many old buildings. this is not the case in japan
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which experienced the 9 point one magnitude quake in 2011. the nearly 20000 people died most from the resulting soon know me. that slammed into the northeast and coasted the country. devastating the area ah, research is say, adapting infrastructure is crucial. decision to view up the earthquake that struck japan and 2011 is a good example. indeed, there was a lot of damage related to the through nami, but you know, but the buildings withstood due to compliance with earthquake resistance. standard, denote bosses, me, japan, invest the loss of money in earthquake resistance construction, for example, offering subsidies for buildings with shock absorbing dampers.
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the money for this kind of technology isn't available in a stumble. once you've considered perfecto, 3 factors must be considered pushing 1st. the likelihood an earthquake will strike leaks, 2nd of all, the number of buildings and that's more neutral. and the 3rd is the quality of the construction or how vulnerable the buildings are. so a hot spot, in other words, a place where damage could be particularly great, has these 3 factors. and we see that in istanbul, but also in cities like lima, kito, or mexico city don't come to to mexico. the biggest challenge now in a stumble is limiting the potential damage of a mega earthquake. me. in the southwestern part of the city, the book you could neighborhood is particularly at risk used in easy from the mag
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foundation has worked here for 12 years. as a disaster prevention coordinator. she surveyed the area with was going to do a size more legit give you a lot of the houses here, a very old its imperishable push for change in rebuild after the september quake, 2 buildings were evacuated. all the sanchez significant crack goes by the way that the residents are renowned and up to date. one of the buildings will be rebuilt, but the owners simply cannot agree on what to do with the other one. again,
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i mean if a building is reported to the city is safe, it should be torn down. what is on that? but there's not enough funding to build a new that's why unsafe buildings a still inhabited good study showing them a government only cares about prestige projects. it doesn't care about how people really live. they should they did it from the it's not just about like, i see immediate be terrible, gaskets are fine. be nice by natural gas. there's an ation fuel tank and gasoline and yet there is still no precaution lacey problem. the fire could occur after a quite assemble, young goodness, private amman,
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that we have no time to lose. but our government in ankara prefers to plan and of, or a new canal through its lumber, which we must immediately prepare for a way. but they just aren't listening to us if you at all, you know, as a major city in europe has grown quite as fast in recent decade. what is lacking however earthquake resistance to residential buildings. in recent years, the turkish government has repeatedly tightened building regulations. but the chamber of civil engineers is skeptical of the construction industry. it's chairman jamal, good chest dress. is that just because the building is new? doesn't mean it stay from earthquakes. it's the major. so point energy will
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have man to steady. we're trying to get real out until very recently the inspectors would chosen and paid by the builders themselves. part of that, you know, how independently can you inspect the person who's paying you at least since the 1st of january, 2019 inspectors now selected through an electronic system or not. but even that does not suffice it to me or project or not, because they're often not trained well enough or not. i don't have special certificates. a simple diploma is enough to get the job. we have a serious problem with construction supervision in this country. yet maggie academy, they did. the city is growing rapidly. as a result it is becoming more and more crowded, and the risks of severe consequences from an earthquake are increasing. she's getting sure that the situation wherein right now it's a crime, isn't it? not can one really live in a city like this will not have
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a government is lying these open faces already. my are they sure to be construction here? it can't go on like the city will not quote the meanwhile, the state disaster management or sorry, c r side is raising awareness about the risks posed by earthquakes, with an elaborately produced tv commercial. ah, the me, the message prepare. so does, does your neighborhood stays safe? how's it going about this however, you know, best defined. instead the 30 promises educational campaigns. oh, the reality on is symbol street. there's not as like as the commercial in actuality, there are constant traffic gems. and more and more high rise buildings. the new
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city government knows this all too well. it is seeking solutions and has invited german sized knowledge is marco boone half to is dumble. the scientists from all over the world are joined by local rescue teams and associations to discuss the current situation. phone has delivered the speech, assign of how much his work is appreciated. the current knowledge of the mama hold indicate a maximum expected earthquake magnitude of $7.00. of course, this would not exclude a large event as we have learned so dramatically in japan in 2011. but based on historical data, this is probably a solid measure store over the years. boone, how from team has worked with turkeys, disaster management tool, sorry to set up 7 measuring station in the mama region one and one for most
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quake safety the top priority for the city. new matt, a crumb memo, he is in close discussion with bone half and other international scientists. their research will be incorporated into the new earthquake roadmap for its stumble. the ball. i'm convinced that this is an issue that the whole world must solve together. the buck stumbled near the can do, shouldn't dip them on both the biggest problem when it comes to worth quake is the safety of its buildings. manually 50000 buildings are at risk. even a mild quake can damage it. live in a, put them at this poses a huge threat of the lives of tens of thousands of people. mentioned in the short of the answer is not only to demolish houses and build new ones caught it, but perhaps to strengthen existing buildings as well. that will be not loading, and we must use this time very wisely to find quick and practical solution. so we
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can save people's lives in some that and john, and of course my engineer i took, nor is also committed to finding solutions. but good to know is not working on predicting if an earthquake will strike days or hours ahead of time. he's focused on the 2nd before the quake, like the malta, 80 live. if we developed an early warning, mobile app that alerted uses about the earthquake in the starting spot, if you need to get off the customers and no much so we proven the app work. i'm now here to get support for it from the city system in niagara. look, you should get a good monday. see i pay goodness appointment with put off until a later date. the, the theory of quake has been propelling him for wood. for years. the stumble doesn't have an early warning system like the one in tokyo or mexico city. so i
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took, took matters into his own hands and developed a mobile app in 2017. and it's designed to send a warning signal to people in the stumble area, a few seconds before a major quake the app can be purchased for the equivalent of around 2 heroes a year. so far, goodner has set up 6 measuring stations in the mama region using his own funds. today he is monitoring his station in the do check mentioned district the sensor registers tiny tremors, 3 meters deep. in the event of an earthquake, it measures the less powerful primary waves of the quake. it sends the signal to appease this 5 to 25 seconds before the stronger and more destructive,
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secondary wave the warning time increases the further you are from the earthquakes api center. i'm trying to respond to. the system has proven itself. but if there's only one station per location, there's a risk of false alarm. all the cost reasons, i've only set up $1.00 system at the source, but it would be better to add one or even 2 stations every 3 kilometers and set up a whole network. but he doesn't have the sun so that each new station costs about 25000 years. currently, about 5000 people have downloaded his mobile only a fraction in comparison to assemble. 15000000 residents but good and i believe what he's doing. every 2nd counts all on you to talk to him
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in 10 seconds. you could take shelter with your children. if you're driving a car, you can park it safely. you mustn't. if you are about to go inside a building or drive through a tunnel, you decide against it on your lot of a visa seconds that save lives. the seconds and not enough, the germans seismologists marco bone house. he wants to be able to warn the population hours before a quake. he is out on the sea of mamma, just exactly where a full stone far below the surface could trigger. the next big quake on the island is b could own office, set up a measuring station to help with his forecast, but the station is hardly sending any signals at that moment. that's the problem.
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this is the largest island off the coast of historical and these are predetermine measurements died because they're closer to the false sound. when it comes the team is headed to the highest points of the island. a summit in the middle of nature with me here seismographs are installed 300 meters deep into the earth and covered with concrete. using acoustic signal, they registered the smallest tremors that do not reach the surface. this way, even many earthquakes of recorded the depths at the sides.
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mcgrath plays a critical role. yes. and 1st we have to try to get beneath the surface because in a metropolitan area like estoppel, there's a lot of background noise from infrastructure wind and whether that's bad for us because we want to measure the signals as cleanly as possible. and that's why we have to go deep below the surface. but drilling deep down is expensive and we have to drill at least a few 100 meters. so in this case, i need the compromise between the cost of drilling and meeting. our requirements is 300 meters, deep meter construction around 300000 euros was financed by the german research center for sciences. the turkey show sorority, our fat and international donors of the gym at sharell, remembers how intensive the process was. you sent him to move on to the drilling here took a total of 9 months on the ground is made from very hard stone message. so drilling into it was very difficult. it's not time. so it was also
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a mammoth task to bring these huge machines to the island. and then the drill heads of the machine kept breaking on it. i think we had to replace on 10 of them. the drilling company hated us by the end of it all, told him the, the data from the science mcgrath to sent in almost real time via the internet to the disaster management tool source he offered in ankara, and to help them what the team is now figure out why the signals of failing to send a u. s. company manufacturers, the census, they are used in earthquake zones, all over the world. technician says valensuela has come all the way from the us to help with maintenance. we have some problems with station seems like this us in the data to the central station. so we try to figure out what the problem seems like. is there around the digitize or has like a ram inside when it gets full,
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it will stop at positions because is how you design because the science and roster and that it deep underground, they cannot be swapped out. valensuela can only activate them by remote control because they didn't get here on the burn her phone and his colleagues in potsdam to find out if the data has arrived for them. if we repaired the data locker, we know the data arrived in ankara and in 5 minutes will know if it arrived and puts down. but everything looks good. mission accomplished, the data finally arrives in pump stem. me. the meanwhile up develop duke now had found a backer. for his early warning system,
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a renowned is stumble geologist wants to further develop his in charge of the chaos. on the professor gen keanta rack wants to use cell phones to measure the shaking during an earthquake and compare it with the measurement data on site. something like this is not been done before. we want to combine these 2 functions in the their problem until now it's not being possible to measure how each building reacts individually during a quake. but with cell phones lying around the house, we could measure that that a former law much good can meet the geologist. it is symbol technical university. they discuss how the app could be used to estimate damage after a quake. what can be a few years back geologist? chang, he was also working on a warning system to predict quakes. g, yanni,
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yup. that's no longer his priority because he considers it dangerous. yeah. this, as you ought to saw, so that if i could predict now that in 30 hours there will be an earthquake bank a lot. how would they control the money and turkish banks have to catch up? it would flee abroad, but people would storm the banks. they would storm the stores if they would turn on each other way. that bar there is sufficient security forces to prevent something like that. you know, is there a plan in place on, you know, there isn't, i mean a living therefore, even if there was a way to predict earthquakes, our society would not be set up for it. because then you would need to and a half square meters of space outside per person. but there is no space. and if dumble alone, we don't even have $75.00 square centimeters per person. maybe you just go to the city center walking. the streets are 2 and a half meters wide. the houses 6 stories, high apartment. if one house collapses, the whole street is blocked by a fire breaks out in just one house. it spreads to all of them with the building.
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the young thing she said to so guy you only a few months have passed since the not quake and assemble on the 24th of january 2020. another earthquake strikes turkey. this time in the eastern part of the country. the quake is almost 30 times stronger than the september quake in 2019. at least 90 building collapse and 41 people die in the region. the survivors and rescue workers res, as a night, temperatures of minus 8 celsius emergency units travel from if dembo, the rescue work takes days. geophysicist, marco boone half doesn't have much time left. unfortunately, that's exactly what research requires. but he does have new findings. the results
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of the september quake, or in his thesis seems to be correct. i think it's under the sea of mom, for many, many quakes accumulated until the bigger quake with a 5.8 magnitude struck because of the question is whether these fractures of the 4 shots are signs of a larger weight on the research is don't yet know if this is a pattern that can be applied to all quakes, but the indications that growing boone half estimates that it will take another one to 2 years to see if the method is proved, correct. yeah, no, only then will it be possible to develop a reliable, full costing system in best and i love hello, best case scenario would be to put out
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a sort of fever curve game where every day and we could estimate if there's a higher or lower risk of an earthquake residents, we start to adjust to this. it would be like what we see with forecasting extreme weather. this is not yet the case with earthquakes, and there's a long road ahead to get there. but this is what we're aiming for. and we're working to improve this situation in systems of our best on the, in the people of a stumble, only have a real challenge if priorities is that earthquake resistance building the public warning 2nd before a quake and a longer lead forecast. ah, the research his work remains of race again time. ah
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traffickers. countless children, india are working as in health slave. their only chance to be rescued in a raid and handed over to 8 organizations which offer them education instead. the indian child plays even 90 minutes on d w. ah, because they know the police miss they knew that the route is not a solution. they know their flight could be fail. going back. not an option. peace ma,
4:00 am
i'm on and the other day are stuck in the spanish border area. alongside other young people there waiting for a chance that will probably never come. shattered dreams starts june 18th on d. w. the me ah, this is the w news, and these are our top stories. with over 95 percent of the votes counted socialist petro casteel has the head of right twins, wible. keiko would you worry, improves presidential election, offered in rural vote. castillo currently has 50.2 percent to you where it's $49.00 .
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