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tv   Kulturzeit  Deutsche Welle  June 9, 2021 12:30am-1:01am CEST

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military law more efficient, the lease is to share those with the best algorithms survive interest scenario. as future wars starts to test being w o. o, bringing new life into the world during a global pandemic. some countries like mexico vaccinate pregnant women against covet 19 a relief for anxious mothers to be that i was desperate to get a job. i was very nervous and excited yesterday i hardly slept, but now i'm calm and peaceful and i feel very happy with other countries like brazil read about side effect. at least one expectant mother has
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died to getting vaccinated, leaving many to wonder how best to protect the next generation. welcome to the $900.00 special. i'm going to jones ville in good to have you with us and to those expecting a baby. congratulations. now i'm sure you could do without the extra worry about the pandemic. some clear guidance would help, but authorities including human germany, a still undecided who are you hung up the info mit earth? i don't think it's evelyn kern is one of the exceptions and not the norm among pregnant women in germany. she's about to be vaccinated against coded 19 i heard that it is now possible for pregnant women to be vaccinated, and i want to have as much protection as possible so that i don't catch the virus
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after roll and then put myself or my child in danger germany has yet to issue a nationwide recommendation on inoculating pregnant women. but last month's the vaccination commission and the eastern stay of sex me did with emma renee vaccine such as madonna and biotech, pfizer from the 20th week of pregnancy. in the we can see that pregnant women don't experience more side effects and the unborn children don't have a higher rate than without the vaccination. but we can also see that pregnant women with carver 1920 times more likely to die from it. and the commission use data from israel, the u. k. and the us for its decision gynecologist cornelia herman has been inundated with requests. the principal principal went doing the vaccinations in our free time. we just can't manage it during our consultation hours, and patients are coming not only from life, so going around sex and a but from other states to like today, for example,
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from north ryan with failure on many people are no longer prepared to wait for a recommendation from germany's national vaccine commission, nadine gazer has travelled from saxon these neighboring state of tilda and you can for me, it's just very important that i protect myself as much as possible. and for me that the vaccination, some doctors in saxony holding off on vaccinating pregnant women until the recommendation is approved nationwide. but the only thing hindering gynecologist cornelia husband at the moment is the sluggish arrival of doses. for laura, i'm joined by as my colleague professor at the hutto mix in unit of saint george's university hospitals in london. good to have you with us. this is a very, very uncertain time for everyone, especially for pregnant women is the reason why pregnant women should not get vaccinated where the short answer is and no,
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and there is no reason for them not to be vaccinated. and it is true that the initial quote would vaccine at trial, does not include pregnant women. having said that, now we have data from the cdc on more than 100 miles in norman, received the scene and there were no safety signals concerns either to them jobs or the babies. well, that is an important point, because what do we know about the vaccines efficacy in pregnant women? basically because the job is given not just to one, but to 2 people. well, despite the fact we don't have the same quality of evidence as what we have on call, big faxing and non pregnant individuals. but the data that we have suggests that are likely to react to the vaccine similar to non pregnant women. it seems that we developed similar antibodies, and it seems that this angie bodies cross the blue and the baby get this anti
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bodies and we the protection and also this antibodies go in breast milk, so you know, but then she use for, for the pregnant woman and and the baby it's, it'll be interesting to see how that develops. if the baby is basically already innoculated in the mother's womb, whether it will develop some sort of immunity even at a later stage, once it's been born. any speculation on that already? well we did that, we have our on that what we call the m r n a seems this od pfizer and my burner. and they have this morning which is unlikely actually that the baby gets exposed to the, to the virus or to that even the mom a. but what we know that it seems that antibodies and the mother produces seems to cross the placenta within shitty. and my protect,
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you mentioned the m r n a vaccine, because the latest recommendation from the joint commission vaccination immunization is that koby 19 vaccines should be offered to women and ideally, m r n a vaccines. why is that? why not vector vaccines or other kinds? i will, it is true that the current advisor, guidance is i am to offer the m, r on a vaccines to bring a woman that's fine. and the dana and the reason behind that is the fact that the beta that we have up to the, from the cdc, where on the m r n. e vaccines, the pfizer and the madame job there to rec, seeing where you are offered in the united states. i know for because we have safety data on the spectrums, the current guidance accommodations is that for break norman to receive one of these 2 actions. you mentioned already that pregnant women were not part of any vax
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and trials. and i mean, i'm not surprised to hear that. nevertheless, we know that those trials unnecessary because it does take tie him in order to find out if a vaccine has any side effects or if there is any long term damage to be expected. so what's the j c v i recommendation for pregnant women right now based on i will the current recommendation is that bring on can i get the then they called it back seen so far we don't have any safety concerns and there is no reason not to offer it to pregnant women, you're absolutely right that we need to get evidence. and then the last half started. so there are a number of trials including pfizer vaccine and pregnant women and a number of centers in the all over the world are back to speaking and picking. barton is trials but will take time. it will take will be
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a year or 2 before we actually get any data on the development of this babies or the children at the age of 2, for example. so, but meanwhile, we need to make sure that we protect break nolan and, and offer them vaccines. and if they want him and just briefly, what is the ideal week when should a pregnant woman get vaccinated? is there a specific window of opportunity there was, according to the, the current guidance. it is no specific. when do we tell women to get seen or not to get the vaccine? having said that, the common advisors will be wait until the 12 week out of town scan, just to make sure that there are no problems with the pregnancy, and then you can get the vaccine. and it's really important that we will make sure that this woman is protected before the letter said as a pregnancy, we call it the search on my stuff, because this is a time, but we know that it's more risky for pregnant women. if she gets a cobit,
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she's more likely to need an admission to intensive care unit or become critical. and therefore, we want to make sure that she's protected before the life of the pregnancy. absolutely. professor kelly from the fetal medicine unit of st. georgia university hospital in london. thank you so much for your time. thank you for having me and time for more of your questions now over to derrick. oh, what are the recommendations for breast feeding? mothers who contract coolard 19 o studies have shown that baby is born to mothers infected with source covey to very rarely become severely l themselves according to the world health organization. even if infants do contract over at 19, it generally takes a quite mild or, or a symptomatic course. but in the panoramic,
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babies have often been separated from their infected mothers in an attempt to prevent the child from getting it as well for newborns. however, both breast milk and skin to skin contact are crucial components of healthy early development. and the evidence indicates pretty convincingly that the virus can't spread through breast milk directly. the recommendation is therefore clear that whenever possible mothers should continue to breast feed their babies. but even though the risks to the ends and if it does catch cove in 1900 from its mother are quite low. they weren't 0, which is why both the w h o and the cdc. also recommend taking some well known simple measures that can help to minimize them. the 1st is to practice good respiratory hygiene. so where a medical mass when within 2 meters,
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if your child or while breastfeeding. the 2nd is to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before picking up your baby. you can also use disinfectants, clean, frequently touched surfaces as well. if you have a severe case of the disease or have more serious complications, then you can consider pumping. so your baby can be fed by a caregiver. if you do that though, both of you should continue to take the same precautions during that procedure that you take when breast feeding directly in. before we leave some good news for school kids in the tech republic starting today, they don't have to wear face masks during lessons anymore. the taking it off. when do with the
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new infection, the numbers going down there, the government decided to end the requirement to wear mosques in classrooms during breaks between classes must do remain compulsory. however, very slowly step by step back toward analogy. now that brings us to the end of this edition of cobit 19 special. thanks for watching. safe ah green. you feel worried about the planet? i'm neil of the on the green fence. we need to change join made for the green transformations for me to use many post her. now in the world climate conference stores,
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this is more or less the way from just one week. how much less can really get we still have time to go. i'm doing all the me. ah me. me because you're isn't in the small small no, no. i
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the me the welcome to arts and culture coming up, a village divided the documentary, a black jesus by director luc hello case. he follows an italian town devoted to a black sculpture of jesus, yet struggling to accept black refugees. no more on that film in a moment, but 1st, a major new exhibition here in berlin, celebrating contemporary art from all over europe. german president, frank writer stein my unveiled,
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to show at berlin's former temple hoof airport. the building itself has some historic relevance during the cold war. it's where western allies flew in supplies to feed the people of west berlin during his soviet blockade. temple host airport was once a bridge to the free world, located as it was in west berlin, surrounded by the wall. these days the air field was a public park where people from around the world roam across the runway. in 2 of the former hangers an exhibition called diversity united is creating another bridge to the world. it features 90 artists from $34.00 countries and depict a multifaceted of europe bytes. and we have well over 400 pieces, but by no means do we want to say that this is an absolutely comprehensive view of europe? it simply gives an insight into the artistic face. that was our intention. that's what was a head for europe where countries and people are drifting apart,
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where flashpoints are rubbing, and nationalism is thriving. will there be a happy ending? and where do we actually come from? we can now mom took her own origin as a starting point of learning. come germany. oh no, it's not that long ago, but sometimes it feels as far away as the stone age. that's why i found it interesting to combine this idea of the stone age of archaeology and ruins, or rubble that wasn't really cleared in the field tomorrow, the nearest effect on one. this is an east german telephone. i've combined it with an ear piece that looks like it's from the flintstones devil also from the, from a flash drive in the, in the installation. all these pieces of furniture and objects are going to be 2nd to the wall. i've tilted in normal room by 90 degrees, so the ground is no longer beneath our feet, which is my attempt to create
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a visual language to describe what happens when a system ceases to exist from one day to the next to the other than the one i took off and then also to accept. busy busy the loss of the homeland of ground beneath the feet are important themes in the works of many artists from former socialist countries. patrick have eli plays on his recollections of the jewelry, his mother buried during the civil war in yugoslavia. recreated out of war debris in 2007, lucy and jorge or town built a tent village in antarctica. the only place on earth not claimed by any country. they even had passport offices for their utopian state. the kind of duty and this possible to transmit the values, the values are act in favor of sustainable development through simple data acts that we can all do. and the other would be the defense of the lateral environment. and the fact as a global public was off and fight against climate change, gender, human activity, and support human humanitarian actions aiding,
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displace customers of the world. the hope is a driving force for humanity inspired by cymbals of the labor movement. russian painter, a cut arena moran of, of figures are resolute. good artists can build bridges across any political difficulties. that's an important thing we've learned. but the show was supposed to travel to moscow, which now seems unlikely. is it a sign the bridge building isn't working? the wider world which could once be reached from the former airport runways just now even further apart. and for more on this wrinkle with russia, i've got dw reporter, adrian kennedy adrian. this huge exhibition was supposed to unify europe including russia. now it looks like politics has crept in and it's not going there at all. what's going on? it could still happen, but that has been a snag. it's a bit complicated. now the show was supposed to go into france and to russia, alongside the german presence,
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and the french president and the russian leader vladimir putin are all patrons of the exhibitions in the own countries. this has to do with persaco, but putins involvement has raised a few eyebrows due to the situation of office in russia. now the whole thing is supported by the german foreign office and organizations, including the petersburg dialogue, a german russian foreign that promotes understanding between the 2 countries. but so last month, 2 n g o is not involved in this process with the fed, undesirable by moscow. so it makes it hard for them to do the work. now the organizes are saying this moved by or russia is unacceptable. and that's the sho cannot go to moscow until these decisions are revoked. adrian, i didn't know you had a ph. d and your politics. it seems like a shame that because the so itself is really quite spectacular,
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absolutely. top notch show with 400 works from office like all of for s and gilbert. and george and so key for these are important works by major names in a spectacular building. a pre world war 2 port, great historical significance, a place popular with young people and a show which deals with many of the most pressing issues of our age. the show is very ambitious. it's been a claims and it's definitely worth seeing. okay, and it's here in berlin until september 19th, and then it goes to france, but initially not to russia. ok, adrian kennedy, thanks so much. thank you. universal pictures announced it's making the 1st hollywood movie about the harvey weinstein scandal. the script is based on the book, she said about the new york times investigation of the former film executive and
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convicted rapist. now, actress carry mulligan is set to play one of the journalists who exposed allegations against wind, steam, and german filmmaker mother of the netflix series. unorthodox will be taking the director's chair. well, this looks like it could be part of a statue from ancient room. but look a little closer at this foot, and you'll see a lab rat with an ear growing on its back part of british artist damien hearst's exhibition archaeology. now, at rooms galleria bought a gazer per se, started creating the sculptures a decade ago, along with the miss their treasures rescued from a ship wreck. now they can be seen alongside works by some of italy's greatest masters the book of leviticus shared by jews and christians says,
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love thy neighbor as thyself. but what if your neighbor is new from a far away land and has a different skin color? the documentary a black, jesus shows what happened when italian villagers met african asylum seekers in the streets and at church. director luca lu casey made the film in his father's hometown during europe's migration crisis. me so coolly. anna, a village of devout catholics in the south of sicily, in the year 2018. for centuries, the village has had a special depiction of jesus christ. its black holy object worshiped by everyone. here, the news and since 2014, there's been a camp for migrants. real life black figures, but they're viewed with much less reverence. one of them is it was
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a 19 year old from gonna live, you know, i don't know why, you know when you voice, when you knew when he did, when you that way sees it. when your book is israel, stuff neatly. there are daily demonstrations against what's perceived as an invasion. monita was kennedy's office. i know the village is a very warm hearted, open minded and welcoming village gust during that period i went alone to the church and the cooling where this black jesus is gonna vote in 2 years was and i was really surprised to see 4 boys for refugees. who lived in that refugee center who were on their knees before that black jesus, praying and dividing. they were very peaceful while outside. there was a huge demonstration with this. i wanted to understand how that was possible. is
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what the 1st and vital sign can develop. the village, a divided community doubled into the bus will be tell me a month ago about the fall. i know in baby oh no name. go on job. one job. the i'm going to the residence of this little village are also just trying to survive. they've also become poor due to the mafia due to crime and bad political decision. the village has become a ghost town with half of the houses empty. i'm like, it was in the office. so they're defending themselves in away from the always isn't laugh, sent out, sets the time to go and they find strength in their faith carrying the extremely
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heavy jesus figure through the streets once a year is not a burden, but a special on often passed on from father to son, and it's not for outsiders. certainly not for the presented. suppose it invaders like it was when you came to jesus, one of my friends they were due to being when they will give us or put you need to live and there's drivers there. very courageous anyway, that idea, i had to get my head around that at 1st. if you want something that can never happen, i mean, i was convinced he couldn't do it. chafin should do with the support of his language teacher. it was fights doggedly for his dream. he asked the priest for permission to take part in the procession. the documentary, a black, jesus shows how for refugees perform a small miracle. they become part of the community at the edge of europe. in the
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end, a shared religious faith for comes animosity. ah, but this miracle of togetherness only lasts a short time. 10 days later the camp is suddenly closed and the refugees have to leave. just as the village has started opening up to them. a black jesus is a plea for europe to change how it deals with people in desperate situations here where so many are dying simply because they're looking for hope. and people in europe isolate themselves to maintain their wealth. ah, and we've got lots more culture for you on facebook and twitter to search for
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d w culture. you can also find our show on d, w dot com. now for me and the whole crew here in berlin. thanks for watching and see you next time for more arts and culture. here on d, w the me get started. deliver, deliver, deliver. go. good morning when you get ready, log in to pick. you started. deliver, deliver china's food terriers work, 7 days a week. and if they're too low their wages goble, 3030 minute. the
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ah ah, this is dw news life from berlin. a high tech res targets organized crime, gangs, police around the world to make hundreds of arrests off the agent sold encrypted phones to criminals. also coming up un judges hold the coping locks to nice sentence. and his conviction for genocide, crimes against humanity and the international olympic committee selects the team of $29.00 refugee actually to compete at the tokyo game.


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