tv Eco India Deutsche Welle June 9, 2021 10:30am-11:01am CEST
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the future wars w richard walker explores the evolution of digital warfare, making military law more efficient, deadly. those with the algorithms survive, interest scenarios. absolutely not. future wars starts june 10th, on dw, the me the food is the fuel of our existence, nearly $80000000000.00 of us on the planet to be that each of us need food every day. by the way, we get food has been problematic for the last many decades. industrial food
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production go to auction has severely negative impact on our environment. how can we course correction now so that our future generations don't go hungry. that's what we talk about today. hello, welcome to eco india. sun lead start to be as sho in west wing goal here of food production is not just about feeding the population. it's also about giving ruined women a bach out of poverty. a lack of education has often held women back, but a local organization is empowering them for 2nd order mostly businesses. let's see how the the life is hard for 21 year old regina. how good it is for the most of the women and this with the, grew up for mattered young and the forced to turn their back on the education even
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if my father's income was low. so i wasn't able to study beyond class 9 for didn't have all sisters i don't want, but i father's income wasn't enough to support them. that's 5 either or married on it, is it? the women here in chucky invest, been gone, are responsible for the house and the church. they're financially dependent on their husband. when money's tight, the boat funds from private credit for like just like for my b b, she used her vetting jewelry as collateral. all really she never wanted to borrow money into our vehicle while bob, cielo, you're not going, i was when i was in a to financial situation, i did turn off my jewelry and haven't been able to release it. we've also heard of other people around us respond off that you to be and gold, but haven't yet been able to buy it back either. how are you going to wonder how
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they brought in? it is a white the problem in this region, save of the nothing he set up the foundation which is trying to help improve them and live in chocolate. the especially women in school usually give women law and not men. however, the women are mostly and educated and don't know how much they have been learned or how much they need to repay. the because they have not been educated. they aren't able to calculate properly or do any kind of account, click the button. it's kind of exploitation that goes on here. the problem with the exploitation is that the situation changed when they began to reach out to them. the estimates got just one and 5 of them you can read and write. and that's what organizations which is finance primarily to donations and scientific project. zeroes in on remember need in. so we make arrangements for their learning,
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particularly big early language, mathematics and english mathematics, which leads you're going to look at in the 1st age is the education. and then we implement different types of income generating projects and come to national different. but if you could implement, most of these are one such projects. the 0 foundation helps the local set up self help groups. they are then able to leave land from farms. they buy fresh tools to prevent damage and new print loss making yields more reliable. this way, they can also avoid using pesticides in contrast to bigger nurseries in the region . road you know how to now work. in addition to her normal housework boost the been the 1st started, the nose really didn't know much about gardening and how to grow the plans. there was another nursery next to us. so we went back to it and thought ourselves how to care for the plans of them into groups finance activity to micro credit loans from
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a cooperative bank in the region of the lovers foundation helps them gain access to lead to make fun financial transition, their financial transactions are quite transparent to the savings banking and loans done to the cooperative department through the corporate department for ruder. this is a better method plus they won't need external funds betterment that the government already has a lot of funds that we can use here on monday. and they're going to, we don't need money from external agencies fund like the vending. so seedlings of different varieties, of course or indian jews, lemon cochran. and mag, oh, then the sunday young plans to the bigger local work as well. you will income stream to the family f one back.
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i've been able to construct a concrete house with the proper roof gate rules in the window and a bathroom. but i've also been able to buy my sons textbooks on time and enroll him in a private. but i wouldn't be diversity chuckle, a religious located in the brahman foot delta sediment deposit left in the river tributaries makes the soil sufficiently for the climate change is making particularly vulnerable to storm, which are increasing in strength. i cycle on last year had a very serious impact for a coup. few, this is true. i'm friends. zacko and i'm fun. was a serious problem. good and has badly damaged the land and plant blinds were on the 0 foundation donated 200000 rupees and 2200 euros to help with the destruction and future. the women will dick channels between the seedlings to avoid water damage during heavy rain.
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more than $300.00 women in the region belong to a total of 9 self help groups. it might have added to their workload, but owning their own living in the nurseries makes them proud and more independent . as we just saw, the local organic food production that's helping women find their freedom is the exception rather than our default, which is a consistent dependence on industrialized food production has massively decreased the genetic diversity of florida crops genetic we're i to ensure that our planet as a whole tribes can feed bags help and bringing back some of the diversity. let's find out how the earth produces a rich variety of plants adapted to wide range inhabitants around the globe.
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there are around 400000 species known to science. less than 10 percent are edible corn, rice, and we'd account for more than half the global food supply me ever since humans began adopting a sedentary lifestyle. they've collected seeds to plant the 1st crops were cultivated over 10000 years ago by farmers in mesopotamia. now modern day iraq and turkey some 200000 varieties of we alone have developed from that early stock. having a wide range of crops and genetic diversity within each for variety helps to secure our food supply. lose the greater the diversity, the smaller the risk of wheat or some other staple being wiped out worldwide by a single pest or disease. that's why c,
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banks are so important, the oldest isn't st. petersburg and dates back to 894. today the seed bank and god has labor and germany boasts one of the world's most diverse collections. many of the seeds stored here are found nowhere else. these large seed archives have now been established all over the world. mm. they each collect various seeds and plans from different regions. many are then stored at the local sieboldt on the norwegian island of spits berrigan. but out in the fields, the turn is towards less diversity. during the 20th century alone, an estimated 75 percent of crop diversity was lost. according to the food and agriculture organization. the reasons are many and varied. the industrialization of agriculture med crop suddenly had to fulfill different requirements. they have to produce a high yield. all right,
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and at the same time and not suffer damage when being harvested by heavy machinery . our modern globalized trade network means fruit and vegetables now need to stay fresh while being transported over long distances. very few varieties can live up to those demands. the range of produce in our supermarkets is deceiving, the tomatoes and cucumbers may look different, but genetically they're very similar. this genetic poverty is not without risk. in the 1970s. for example, a virus destroyed one quarter of the rice harvest across the whole of asia. it was only through cross breeding the rice, with a wild variety that the crop became resistant to the virus. thus rescuing the world's single most important food stable. for thousands of years, farmers have collected their own seeds and swapped them amongst themselves to
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improve their harvest and develop new varieties. but in recent decades, a steadily declining number of seed companies has been selling an increasingly limited range of sorts. 95 percent of cabbage varieties, for example, have already disappeared. the companies designed their own crops and secure them with a patent they supply 2 thirds of the global market. often farmers are unable to collect seeds and are required to buy certain fertilizers and pesticides. but a growing number of people worldwide are seeking to reverse this trend by increasing crop diversity and distributing seeds without patents. a nonprofit organization in austria called, and noah, or noah's ark, collect seeds of old endangered varieties. it propagates the scenes and then passes them onto a supermarket chain which sells both the seeds and their produce.
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industrialized food production is often synonymous with the use of pesticides. a cocktail of chemical substances used to protect clogs from best. we now know that the substances are detrimental to our health and the health of the environment. our reporter explodes, how feasible it is to produce food without chemical pesticides. the everybody hates a pest. as since the dawn of agriculture, we've been trying to keep them away from all. the ancient greek and the gypsy communities, drain the caps, and even domesticated moses to keep the locust and goodness away from the cereals and fruit crops. ah, some european communities were more inspired. 2 from my pipes,
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the flutes, some tried to keep the gardens and farms and bloom with the right music. ah, but even in the 20th century, we saw ludicrous methods of pest control. like in china, where the entire country declared war on mosquitoes, flies sparrows and rats killing millions of each keeping. that's the way in whatever way possible has been necessary to avoid famines and increase food availability. but best control really blew up in the global north and the post war pesticide, iraq. what chemicals was synthesized from organic compounds and used widely for the 1st time? this will be hugely forward as crop you shot out. and the developing world had its so called green revolution, chemical fertilizers and pesticides flooded the market. and high yielding seeds began to be used across the global south. some estimates say it's saved or
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100000000 lives in countries that were on the verge of a food crisis. for a while, economies prospered as more people were fed, it seemed like a magical solution had been found lately. however, this method of farming has seen a lot of critics yield ease getting more per unit of area of any given crop. now you can do that by improving genetic to the crop and then throwing chemical on the ground and for a while that might work in the long term goals. what you end up with is causing all kinds of chemistry problems. and so for example, in punjab, in india right now, in the, at the center of the green revolution use the soil facility. it's one of the things one intrinsic problem is the way in which pesticides work. you have the thing that is called the best a site treadmill. the more passes that you apply, the more you need to apply. it's almost like a junkie you get addicted to it. now the more you take tomorrow is the less
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effective it becomes, and more you need to apply events. the effect has spent her career studying herbivores and pests and how did you react and respond to pesticides? he's like all evolving resistance to, to an answer guy already know if you know you, they are a set these to some extent with then eventually especially you abuse them, then you a ball resistance to, to them the same thing happen, which is they have goals, resistance to the size, so the more you apply, the more resistant the population be calm and mr. sec coating the soil indiscriminately also leads to other species dying off. in the last 30 years, global insect populations around farms have declined by up to 75 percent. and that's not all run off from farm field, revolves with chemicals,
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and when the drain and the ocean, the kill of large populations of wild life from shocks to totals and wales like the gulf of mexico dead zone is not mentioned that spring. pesticides also causes pharma problems from skin rations to long term lung damage. and the residues that remain on produced can cause long term health conditions among the people that eat the fruits and vegetables. that's of negligence. but providence of industrial farming say alternatives either too expensive to scale worldwide, or use too much land, especially as i remaining forest need protection no more than ever me. but is this still true? organic is the umbrella term for anything going without chemical pesticides? regulation for what isn't, isn't organic value by country, but generally fallen line with natural biological systems and protecting water and biodiversity. organic farming methods can include introducing natural predators to
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keep us away. i'm going multiple crops to improve, saw, and help. and even using organic pesticides that are generally less toxic chemicals . this does lead to more lab needed for agriculture and less. overall, the jury still out and where the organic food is actually much more nutritious. but what is thought is that organic vegetables contain far fewer pesticide residues and therefore healthy but that a lot of gray areas, organic funds can be small scale and catered to local communities. or they can be large and industrial, transporting food over large distances, sometimes overseas. so not all organic farms mean local and happy and your which so many if and but how did the to compare? we had looked at 40 years of all the studies then comparing organic with
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conventional farming. regular team found that why conventional farms produced 10 to 20 percent higher yields organic farming is not only better for the environment boss. and more surprisingly, it was more profitable significantly. so and part of that reason is because organic farmers get a premium for their foods. they get more money over that 40 year period between 975-200-2015. the premium average about 30 percent more high prices organic food can be ignored. the eggs cost up to 3 times more in germany where i live. for example, organic milk is doubled the cost of conventional milk. but at the moment of all the farm land around the world, the share of completely organic farms is just 1.5 percent. as this grows,
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the price of organic produce is expected to phone to make organic food, more accessible. effect prices have already larger. you started to fall in the last 10 years around the world. but do we need to cut down more flores? how can organic, you sustain the, was our saw, the show very come, the food convincingly that given the yields that are produced in the, in organic agriculture and the amount of food that is needed to satisfy the demon attrition requirement of the human population. that is possible with organic agriculture to produce enough food. it be by many other studies have come to the same conclusion. but with one major caveat, diet, if people is only reagan food,
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100 percent of the population could be fed on organics using just the land we already farm on. getting them would gives us a 94 percent success rate and a western style may have died. give this a 15 percent chance. there is another big factor as well. inefficiency right now of todd of all the for the produce worldwide gets wasted. and we also basically produce a lot of, i wouldn't call it fluid, but there's a lot of grain that's produced to to feed cars for ethanol or, you know, biofuels. a good example of inefficiency of land use is con, most con, harvested in the u. s. goes directly to feed animals to be boned as fuel and why less than a tenants enter the food system? the entity we could for the was with just organic food,
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especially with more plants based diet and more efficient farming systems. but do we need to get rid of all best buys? maybe we don't need to be for the article. it might be we live with some of the synthetic chemicals that we use them just to tweak. we use them in very small amounts. we use them more of the last resource around the was more and more farmers are integrating their farms. growing organic crops with pesticides only when needed, targeting certain crops, rather than flooding, feels with chemicals. so the question is, what can we do as conscious consumers, your fresh brothers buy them more locally? know your farmer, they tend to be organic. governments are going to support farmers, they need to incentivize good farming practices and say for growing cover
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crops, they should be supported for longer crop rotations. to help them do it, they should be supported to convert to these more integrated and organic systems. the best thing you can do as an individual is to join a movement. whether that movement is the international type of movement, live your campus, which has hundreds of millions of landless workers, farmers, peasants, and supporters around the world. or whether it's some of the other movements making dramatic calls, the systemic change in the, the way that we operate, the movement to ditch chemicals is growing. and between farmers, consumers understand doing their bit. we could one day make these cheesy happy farms a reality. as we saw earlier in the show, genetic diversity of crops is worth preserving. on the outskirts of bengal, we met
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a man who runs the community garden. and in this age of rapid globalization, he set a lofty goal of growing and promoting traditional regional fees. let's see how he does it. the me typically traditional indian meet drive on bread. so with a better idea of side dishes, each made off a number of ingredients. but as india has urbanized so to has away its people eat meals have become faster, easier and much less diverse. but many ingredients even being flown in from around the world of study found that around a code of what indians eat, come from abroad? addis and god, enough to raise, comma is the force behind a movement to save in the genus food stuff he has founded on revival project called surge up with it. and could i just be boot to grow local and seasonal foods that
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have slowly disappeared from their lives? actually, the recipes didn't change, or the ingredients became very less. so people, when they're made in the peak season, the old adds 15 to 20 kind of hubs and greens in one curry. and i would come to 2 or 3 types, which most of them are buying from the shops and shops are selling what farmers growing and farmers are growing. what the seeds people are selling come out of the community garden on the outskirts of bank a little in the village. fuller gave her leave. it is filled with interest in crops that a hyper local and now rare this squashed, i feel used as a vegetable and cooking is a walking guard. we have to break open the spot now the pressure is inside. it is of the seats. so you see it can do at least 10. what about a high number i think and it can be, i don't like a 5 to 6 kilos. it can feed like to 3 families as well as producing foods with
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a better taste and flavor, heirloom feeds. i talked to produce more nutritious fruits and vegetables. many edible plants once grew around the village, but we'll just have lost the skills to have is them. the current generation doesn't know what is edible and what is not emotional. they can go in for us and we went to the, the michigan, but the landscape is not clean anymore. you see a lot of $3.00, a lot of construction may have a cars moving around and things like that. so that is the reason actually i want to revise them and it's not just learning to forage in past months. at least $15.00, families have been inspired by the project. they have started their own kitchen garden that meet around 50 percent of their daily needs to feed all the people who live on the planet is no small feat. industrialized food production seemed like a great idea inequalities, but now that it's extracted new ideas of the need of our,
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destruction is symbol risk and early warning. 15 minutes on d, w o. the paint and above all, only feels jewish life in europe. what film producer and journalists are exploring, delving into history and the present. i would never have thought that judaism could be lips so open and i want to remind myself because i grew up in a completely different way rod pluralistic
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jewish in europe. the 2 part documentary starts july 5th on d w. sometimes a cd is all you need to allow big ideas to grow. we're bringing environmental conservation to life with learning past like global ideas. we will show you how climate change ended. mental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge and grows through sharing. download it now for the for the young walk in immigrants. they know what the police will stop done. that the road is pollution and their flight could be fatal. but going back is not an option. is ma, i'm on and about a are stuck in the spanish border area. there. they're waiting for
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a chance that will probably never come. shattered dreams starts june 18th on d, w. i. i use this is dw news life from berlin. the world's richest men pay little to nothing in taxes. that is, according to our report on the secret financial files of billionaires, if i'm just phases mosque and others spend years avoiding tax, we look at how the over rich reporting there. well, also coming up, russia attempts to silence its opposition movement election of only the anti
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