tv Frag den Lesch Deutsche Welle June 10, 2021 4:00pm-4:15pm CEST
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perio, absolutely not the future wars, june tenths on w ah was, ah, it says database news lies from the lin. joe biden says he's ready to confront russia. the us president promises a tough response if russia democracies, he's in the united kingdom to meet with world latest on his 1st trip since taking office. also coming up hope frances rejects the resignation of a senior german church later. cardinal reinhardt marks had offered to quit as
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archbishop of munich over the handling of fix abuse scandals. the pope says he must stay and the earth, moon, and sun a line, and an amazing annual or eclipse people in the northern hemisphere at treated to the red, astronomical events, will bring you some of the highlights. ah, ah, i'm rebecca richard. welcome to the program. joe biden is kicking off his 1st international tour as us president today in the united kingdom, where he'll meet with prime minister barak johnson. will hear more about his agenda from our correspondence in the u. k. in just a moment. but 1st, here's how bob began his trip with a message of support for his allies and a warning for russia. touching down on the u. k. on emission
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to reset the american relations with the world on its 1st trip abroad since taking office. president joe biden has a pact itinerary. the g 7 summit is followed by a nato meeting you talks and a face to face with russian president vladimir putin. from america 1st to ladies, 1st, the president set himself apart from his predecessor, even before stepping up to the microphone or his wife, joe, giving the opening remarks to the us troops stationed at the base as the daughter of a navy signalman in world war 2. and a mother of a major who was in the delaware army national guard and served a year in iraq. and now as your 1st lady, i was so proud to be here with all of you to begin our 1st overseas trip. went by and did eventually speak, his message was clear at every point along the way. we're going to make it clear
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that united states is back and democracies of the world are standing together to tackle the tougher challenges and the issues that matter most to our future that were committed. the lady was strength, defending our values and delivery for our people. the president had strong words the potent to head into the g 7, then the nato ministerial and then to meet with mr. to let him know what i want him to know. yeah, trump had been unwilling to stand up to russia and was accused of pandering to autocrats biden left little doubt that those days are over. united, united states will respond in a robust and meaningful way when the russian government engages in harmful
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activities. we've already demonstrated that i'm going to communicate that there are consequences relying for violating the sovereignty of democracies in the united states in europe and elsewhere. having laid down a marker at the start of his whirlwind tour, biden has left both allies and adversary's with little doubt of what to expect. a london correspondent, big mouth is covering, but visit, and joins us now from saint ives in cornwall, where the g 7 ladies will be meeting tomorrow, but big it 1st, the us president, if meeting with british prime minister bars johnson, one of the main issues the leaders will discuss well here in cornwall level, as johnson went on holiday as a child quite often. so it's an area close to his heart. he is going to discuss another issue which is close to his heart and this is the u. s. u k. relations because of course,
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these 2 countries are historic allies and they are to be signing a so called atlantic charter. and that is in the tradition of churchill andrews world, how they envisioned the post world order when they signed a shot, the 1st in 1941. so it's very much about these relation, these, these relations. however, what goes on really between the leaders, what sort of chemistry? i don't know one kid speculate that might be a little bit nervous because president biden had one had about 2 boys, johnson that he reminds him of, i don't know, trump and a physical and emotional clone even off the on the trump said, maybe just, you know, it's head of tension in the ad that but so both leaders, this g 7 sum it needs to be a success. so one can speculate the will make amends and will be on best behavior. so u. s. u k relations high on the agenda for today. what about buttons priority for the g 7 summit welded priorities for, for president biden,
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very much to reset the us as it is a global world power. there's going to be met many issues on the agenda, foreign policy issues, russia and china. but the really big key key big ones are also about fighting the corona pandemic, about distribution production of vaccines and climate change, which is an area also that the prime minister, both johnson is very much putting on the forefront of the summit. now as we heard that report barton delivered some pointed remarks at the start of his career, which will include meetings not only with the g 7, but also with nato late is the you and president putin of russia. what sort of expectations has he raised? well he as well as the u. k. really want to make the case for liberal democracies.
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they want to send a signal that multilateralism is back on the agenda that the west is standing up is standing up against russia, for example, and also against china, where there are more divergent views within the g 7 of how to deal with china. and we really expect them to, to use the g 7 as a platform to rally those countries together to, to a more common strategy when they get thank you, big mouth database correspondence and i was where the g 77 summit will take place. thanks very much. a pope francis has refused to accept the resignation of one of japanese top catholic bishops over the handling of a sex abuse scandal. cardinal reinhard marks offered his resignation in a letter to the pope. last week. marks, who is the bishop of munich, said he'd shared responsibility for what he called the catastrophe of sexual abuse by clerics. marx is not a case of committing abuse himself. a study found nearly 4000 children,
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mostly boys with sexually harassed by german clergyman between 19462014 date. emily religious affairs analyst mountain gac joins us for more on this story . mom, why has the pope refused cardinal not says resignation? well, the letter that the po issued and respond to march, request her offer of resignation. it's actually really quite enlightening because it shows that essentially thing full agreements are express himself in full agreement with marks and a couple of things that are really quite, quite remarkable. the 1st one is that the analysis and the miracle, i mean, so this sort of contrition and public messages of guilt and you know, self so flagellation, so to say are simply not enough that he says, well, you know, the attitude and the institutional idea of taking refuge in the,
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in the institutional integrity of the church and then saying, yes, we have actually, you know, made mistakes or we have seen a but then pretending that, you know, business can just go on a few, shall it's no longer acceptable. at least the folks response and that it's a matter of fact, you recognize this and merge position. the sense that it is important to put, he actually write the letter in spanish and you've been urgent expression that he's, it is important to put the meat on the grill is what he actually says in this letter. essentially saying that it's important to actually see ways to produce concrete, concrete changes. so i think that, you know, this change is quite a bit the shape of the conversation and what the focus is really saying is that the best place for you to do this remains darcia, darcia beach, a pre and remains noon, can set essentially units. so what's the next step in for the archbishop of munich? he's one of the catholic church, as most senior figures,
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an unknown liberal cleric. very much so. so it's very important to keep in mind that this is a political power house, that america, somebody that has an enormous footprint in current in politics. because he leads some of the most powerful voices in demand for reform and the demand for redress of what he says struck a crisis in the church with the sexual abuse cases. the letter makes it very, very clear that something has to happen going forward. what the letter of the boat doesn't say exactly what that would be. he does say that this should happen. take a said from, from the archbishop, archbishop seeds in munich, but it doesn't say exactly what it should be. however, it is important to underline that there is a, what seems to be a big shift in the pope's position. and how is this going to be dealt with going forward? no longer message is no longer miracle by no longer saying that the church is
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guilty, which is something that in the letter of success, we have done many, many times, but it's just not enough. alright, got, thanks very much for the analysis. you're welcome. let's take a look at some other stories. my. he news around the world this, our gemini authorities say, well disband and late unit in frankfort. police force, after revelations, offices were part of right wing, extremist chat groups, members of the se, case. what came i suspected of sharing content, inciting, racial, hatred and nazi imagery? it's the latest in a string of cases of alleged extremism in german police. the world's largest made processing company, j. b. s says it paid around some of $11000000.00 during a cyber attack. earlier this month, the attack interrupted cattle fluttering at us plants and threatened to disrupt food supply chains. it followed an earlier cyber attack on the colonial gas pipeline. the f. b. i has recovered most of the ramps and pay their
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india's mon things and has begun with a tragedy. at least 11 people, including 8 children, have died after a building collapsed and moved by it's believed. heavy rains undermined the poorly constructed house. india is bracing itself a month in disasters. it's a race against time for these rescue workers. as they search for survivors in the rubble of this apartment, building residents joined firefighters and police officers. as they looked for signs of life, i was the my number. there was an incredibly loud noise and we knew that something terrible had happened. i rushed out my front door and i saw the building and collapsed. i was heavy monsoon rains have pounded more by since wednesday in many parts of the city or on the water. the rainfall could, if we can,
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the buildings, foundations, with deadly consequences. finally got to the incident happened around midnight. it was a building consisting of the ground floor and to levels it fell onto the building in front of it. oh, we have rescued 18 people so far out of which 11 have died and 7 have been injured . police will investigate the accidents and will follow up with whatever legal procedures are required. for family members wait anxiously for news about their loved ones. with more rain expected denise than in central india over the coming weeks. many tried to do will not be the last a lawmakers have approved plans for a new electronic travel document to allow fully vaccinated people to move around the block without quarantining or testing. it'll be up to you countries to
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implement the new passes they were approved during the 1st in person session of the european parliament after a long layoff. the long awaited return to strasburg. after a year of covered 1000 restrictions, members of the european parliament are back at the official h q in the french city for real life plenary city. we have the this mission as a city to represent democracy, but also the diversity of the territories in europe. we're in the met a few colleagues any such a great time to see them. and again, to exchange again, to ask about how is the virus and the society going on in their countries. it's very nice to be back. not everyone shares the sentiment. many fear the return is premature. there are half of any piece of state home living offices in hallways here, empty and doors from the shut. i'm sure that all of us really want to go. i mean,
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we are longing to get everything back to normal, but we can't take risks when we are enough, coven, i think. so we need to be very, very careful. and that's why i'm not. but others are calling for permanent end to these months. the shuttling saturday paperwork between brussels and strasburg once a month cost the 100000000 years per year. not to mention the environmental impact any change. however.
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