tv Frag den Lesch Deutsche Welle June 11, 2021 6:15pm-6:30pm CEST
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into poor countries, move aims to address criticism. a wealthy nation has secured the vast majority of doses for their own collection. headline face our stay phase, we will bring you the business news for a short break. stay tuned for that way. back at the top of the out. i'm rebecca. thanks for watching the news. the news . we don't want to see them, but they are, there are street. our our here. you are relies to be seen that were new global 3000 series.
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about the threats we are facing, the heroes taking a stance. it's not them. i want to know the global 3000 series starts june 21st on d, w. the leaders of the world's richest democracy gather in england. can they find solutions to help lead the world out of a deadly pandemic and into a shared economic recovery? we'll look at 2 african nations trying to get their recoveries under way, but short on the key ingredients of money and vaccines. and we'll look at a groundbreaking supply chain law pass today in germany. it aims to hold large companies accountable for abuses by their suppliers. how far does it really go?
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hello, welcome to the show. i'm steven beardsley, in berlin. the leaders of the world 7 wealth is democracies, are gathering, and cornwall, england for the 1st in person g 7 summit. since the beginning of the pandemic stakes are high as the rest of the world looks for leadership out of the coven, 1900 crisis g. some numbers are expected to announce a plant, and jointly donate 1000000000 vaccines to 4 countries. a number that pales in comparison to total need. meanwhile, they're expected to ignore a proposal before the w t. o. to suspend patent rights on corona virus vaccines which would in theory allow poor countries to manufacture their own supplies. a proponent of that patent suspension plan in south africa, which is desperate to jumpstart its own recovery. an economic stimulus package has done little so far, or correspondent adria increased. dennis, this report from cape town, green market square in the center of cape town, used to be a popular spot for tourists buying $7200.00 traitors from across the continent at
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their stole. c. a before the pandemic, now in less than 50 remade colon in denver. had been selling necklaces and bracelets here for more than 20 years. he says, business has never been so bad before he was a court business, but for now, nothing is missing and everyone is still in his place. from despite us we don't re business, you know, tories not good in any government. people know we never get there government. never most traders, he say the same, the only official help and good was a discount on their trading firm. it south africa announced a stimulus package. of 25000000000 euros when the country went in lockdown last year, one of the biggest ones on the continents, it was meant to supplement an existing social safety nets, but it quickly reached its boundaries. introduce it economists, david would says the government promised much more than it's delivered. one of the,
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because mentions that have been placed was i get indeed fund a government getting the fund with smaller companies to borrow money from the banks . but that was competes probably by the small amount of money, was actually bought it about the smaller company. so actually viewed the real amounts of money that was spent by the state go down and go to other countries in the world. so that's the stimulus package was actually what time one in 3 south africans is unemployed. last year the government's implemented a covert 19 relief grants for unemployed people of 20 years per month. almost 10000000 south efforts to play a mid rising depth. the grant was dropped in april. the government ardently need to cap expenditure. i. economy has taken a battery and our expenses on our expenditure on a number of funds have gone up. covered 19 has not come cheap for us.
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back at green market square colon in dent was picking up for the day. he's only told to bracelets and made about 5 years. he's given up hope that the government will help. what keeps him going is the hope that the tourist will one day come back to cape town. south africa is far from alone and looking for financial help. and you gone to debt payments are threatening to eat the country alive. finance minister recently thing. the 20 percent of the state's new budget will go to debt servicing, a compiler and international money funds. monetary fund rather have now agreed on a 3 year 1000000000 dollar program under a so called extended credit facility. this is, you got a 2nd, i am a loan. since the outbreak of the coven, 1900 pandemic country borrowing $492000000.00 under the rapid credit facility. the goal is to help regain its financial footing and pull back from a current account deficit that's been expanding quarter to quarter. as you can see here, a low turn numbers and shrinking remittances. have you gone to?
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especially hard for more, i'm joined by the w. corresponded julius montgomery. what from kampala? julius, good to see me. the dep payments are incredibly high for a country. what exactly happened and you got to actually the did situation in uganda was already notes in a very good position even before the pandemic, uganda had borrowed heavily, especially to mid to budget deficits and also to meet infrastructure development projects. you're going to have been building roads, courtesy of chinese loans. but now these lawns come with heavy interest. they come with a lot of hardships. i know there came in corporate 900 and then you gander, imposed one of the tightest quote we'd look downs. the economy was largely looked down with no business is going on. i know you can imagine a country that was already phoned in hardships of paying it's loans. i didn't hit
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by coffee buying team. and now cases are going up. we are seeing the economy being locked up again. it's a very tight situation for you guys. it's going to be very hard for you guys to, to pay back. it's long because some of its lane does to come. so the dates, but that has not yet happened. so it's still a very hard situation for the corner. me too, as we saw there, those current account deficit from quarter to quarter. i'm guessing the prospects aren't so good for turning that around in the near term. i don't think it's going to be easy to conduct around in any time, but you can say that there's a ray of hope if you going to finally get access to the vaccines. if india eventually opened its doors, unexplored vaccine to country like you got into, that means that the chance of looking down the economy will be limited. businesses will be reopen, will be seen schools opening under ben thing, manufacturing going up, the only rail hope right now, it's tons and to climate site because you're gonna have to realize and i,
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because your productivity. so for as long as there's food, that's a sign of hope and coffee production can continue, but as we speak now, you cannot tell me anything that is going to happen because if chris is go up and look down is threatened, then the economy is very hard situation, and i want to add it to tom, at least i want to add their jewelers. you mentioned the supply coming from india, that's part of the theorem institute, where they stop exporting to african nations. once the, the outbreak really got bad there. i want to ask you the, you know, you got to has really look forward in the future towards oil as being an economic savior with hopes of exporting, beginning in 2025. how critical is that for you gone to the future? i think petroleum resources sometimes overrated. you can call oil and gas in uganda, an egg that has not yet hutch. it is hard to count chicken by looking at the number of eggs. it is largely a prospect. the government sees that oil and gas as the capacity of uplifting the
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economy, but we're yet to see that talking about all is to talk about the future. no, talking about the now. so looking at the short term on the medium term, you cannot bank and oil and gusts, but maybe in the long term when you start seeing oil flowing under dollars coming in for now, you can sit up petroleum, the economy, but you cannot tell when he's going to have income, paula: thank you so much. we go back to europe where the german parliament has passed a new supply chain law. it will make large companies punishable for any human rights or environmental abuses by their suppliers. the aim is to make corporations accountable for more of their supply chains. the collapse of the runa plaza textile factory in bangladesh. 8 years ago was the capitalist, more than 1100 people lost their lives, most of them female textile workers stitching clothes in poor conditions for
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western fashioned companies. since then, the german government has been working on a law to prevent it from ever happening again. development minister jeff miller has been fighting for it for a long time. nevi around the plaza. that's about, that's us, but i never again on a plaza. that was the promise to thousands of women who died because basic work safety conditions were not observed. the supply chain laws also intended to eradicate child labor in areas like cocoa and deep plantations, or in mines and stop environmental destruction. the law applies to all suppliers of german companies. german industry leaders were prompt to criticize the move. yeah, we sent to the wrong to respond to a global problem with a national long global a team gauge which i'm nuts and i and it doesn't change the global human rights situation. boughten. got mixed up on the global mention that i slack nissan. of
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want to this is that only creates additional competitive disadvantages for our companies, which are global leaders in terms of standard stop fuel vincent. but those high standards often don't apply in the countries where german companies have their production facilities. the supply chain law will make those companies take responsibility for their suppliers abroad and for decent working conditions. germany and france are leading the charge and an e u wide laws and on far behind. now, another criticism of that law is that it doesn't go far enough down the supply chain. here's the w, chelsea, delaney and frankfurt. the aim of the law is to force german companies to take responsibility for every aspect of their supply chain. so for the moment, metal leads to mine in africa to the moment it goes into a vehicle here in germany. in reality, this law will not actually be that strict require larger driven companies to monitor their direct suppliers. but those below their direct suppliers,
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they won't have to regularly monitor only they receive some sort of complaint about a human rights abuse. this is in part because the critics say would be impossible for a company like timer that has $60000.00 suppliers to monitor every supplier to their supplier. but at the same time, many critics say this really reduces the impact of the supply chain law because many of the human rights abuses we see take place much lower down the supply chain . w financial correspondent, chelsea laney there. alright. a shot, a shining tower in the middle of the desert. it's no mirage. it's latin america's 1st thermo solar power plant and it's in the center of chillies at the comma desert . one of the sun is places on earth. it might as well have been put on mars. this futuristic side is to say, or don't mean that dollar power plant a 1400000000 dollar project that has been developed in a comma desert. more than $10000.00 collectors follow the sun to reflect radiation
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. under the top of a tower, 250 meters high. the heat moves through molten salt into a water producing superheated, steam to the last 210 megawatts enough to power 380000 homes in the country. been out of money when at the opening ceremony, gillian presidents the bus get nearer spoke of the dawn of a new age full by pover sheila yes it would be a poor country when it came to energy sources. we had little oil, a little cold, little gas, but we are immensely rich when it comes to the energy of the future. we have the desert with the highest resolution in the world, as shown by those white colors seen at the top of the tower, which are reflecting the solar radiation still as well as the st. or domain that door power plant is able to store solar energy for hours and even through the night
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. unlike traditional solar plants that only generate output when the sun is shining, the plant is expected to fill the energy gap expected when sheila closes some of its coal plants. it seems a big step towards making sheila carbon neutral a goal, the country's aiming for by 2050 and that's it for me that business team find out more dot com slash business. and thanks for watching. ah, people in trucks injured when trying to see the city center, the more and more refugees are being turned away. the families and straight pieces mean getting 200 people around the world. more than
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300000000 people are speaking with huge because no one should have displayed the make up your own mind. w. need for mines. the date of the news, a show coming up today. join us. we go to spacing, depression, and prosecution. alright, group goals, china's actions against its weaker was the minority crimes against humanity. we look at the evidence for that claim to our own 1st person or false. and can this bo toes village and focused on find a way to survive as the.
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