tv Bares fur Rares Deutsche Welle June 13, 2021 7:30pm-8:31pm CEST
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she has no fear, no limit, no mercy rests. on w. b, w, crime fighters are back africa. the most successful radio drama series continues to all episodes are available online course. you can share and discuss on v w africa, facebook page, and other social media platforms. crime fighters tune in now me over the news flying above the water at break next speeds in today's show, we find out how surfers are looking for the ultimate kick.
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hello and welcome to another edition of your max. we meet your host megan late and here's a look at what else we've got coming up. a russian photographer and her unique take on unconventional beauty. and your max reporter deanna can yet goes on safari in germany. it's always been a man's dream to fly and a fast growing trend in the surfing world is bringing us closer to that dream. it's called hydro foil surfing. now this is when the surf board is equipped with a special blade that lifts the surfer completely out of the water to get a closer look at how it works. we went to southern spain, where conditions are perfect for some high speed surfing action. the hydra oil surfing off the atlantic coast in spain. the who's,
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who of international surfing have gathered into refund conditions here are ideal for ty, surfers traditional surfers. and when surfers the whole year round, german professional or for nico cream comes here regularly for a few weeks, the practice. he is fascinated by one technique, in particular. just hovering over the water is really the best. it's also known as oil surfing hydra. oil with a front and rear wing is attached to the surf board on the surface hovers about one meter about the water. that's why you could say the foils revolutionized wind searching by just because it creates so which offered left guns country. that means that now we can surf incredibly steep courses into the wind moving very, very little wind and we speeds we never used to be able to. little wind on gives you quite a few more days in the water. that's hard out. the principle was 1st used in ship building around 900100. now it's appeared and sailing as surfing discipline. at
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1st glance, the board looks much the same as a conventional wind surfing board. the key difference is the hydra foil is about $0.32. you want as long on the amount and if you compare it with a hydro foil, you see right away that it's a lot bigger. with a few have a must. it can range anywhere from 80 centimeters to one meter 10. i need that long, and the wings are attached to that toxic. the whole assembly resembles an aeroplane and work much the same way over a front wing and provides lifted while the reeling stabilizes the board just counter and it rises up out of the water. so much for the theory now for the practice surface, pumped the board to get it to rise out of the water. the the of course the for
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a very sharp edge and especially the rear of the razor sharp has to be very careful not to put yourself since the hydro foil is so big right after the normal fins. and i'm not used to that. but if you stay on top of the board in milton can really nico praying has a practice for 4 years to be able to fly over the water like this. the hydro foil enabled him to serve for hours no matter how light or strong the wind, and more and more surfers are discovering the sport. i love it. i love it. everybody should strive. that said, it's amazing. it's like walking on the water. but i don't know how it works, but it's really fun. i think it takes a while to get the principal. if you can, john, i think it looks really enticing and i'd love to try it on the nico cream has achieved success and several other surfing discipline. now he sees
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great potential per boil surfing vital function. 2024 will see the hydro fall for the 1st time, the olympic games. and that will be incredibly exciting because we've never had that before. and it is likely to be the fastest and most exciting discipline on toast. they can really good for windsurfing. and that supports that seems destined to make big waves in the future. as more and more surfers find their wings. the euro 2020 football championship has finally kicked off after being postponed by a year due to the chrome virus pandemic. well, in the fight for the title, the players have to be in top shape. and that calls for an energy pact, diet. but are they aware of what they need to eat to help build a maintain their muscles? well, it's not a former professional football or hunt sockeye has some tips from his own kitchen.
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the former professional football player czar pie is a keen cook. now he has combined his 2 passions and developed the nutrition plan catering to the specific needs of players the electrician plays and extremely important role in competition from like european football championship young's. and because athletes are under intense pressure to perform in a short period, the german diane who lives in cologne has published a cookbook to coincide with the us euro 2020. the nutrients that are especially important for football player are already featured and breakfast recipes like his peanut butter and jelly course craft. luckily, oatmeal has lots of carbohydrate quoted, either one macro and we need more cable hydrates because football players are on the move a lot more than home the that we have sonya milk with protein high rise. why?
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right? we need protein because athletes have greater muscle mass on nothing can't after practices or a much those muscles need to regenerate. and he says the ideal breakfast like this porridge with peanut butter, should contain 50 percent carbohydrates and 25 percent protein. peanut butter contains lots of minerals and fruit provides extra vitamin portion sizes depend on an athlete, body weight and his or her level of physical exertion. thompson, look back on an illustrious career. back in 2011, playing for german teams. shelton newell fear, tv, italian heavy weights in from alon and the champions league. and i'm much floating back. nobody believed us at the end. we scored 5 goals or my it was an intense back and forth. players had filled up on carbs ahead of the match for
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shooting for the quote that i had taken in lots of carbohydrates. we went to practice and had some more pastor of a diet that paid off on the pitch. manuel knew it was a gold keeper and that much against milan, half that exceptional power of his is also a product diet and consummation. and then you can just head to the gym and push weights. because if you build up muscles won't be able to use their full potential that's. that's where a proper diet cause of implant that allows you to bring the full potential to the page with. that's what makes manuel really special. that there's always switch. don't follow that by now. manuel noise is goalkeeper for germany's national slide. an inspiration to many young players, tons who also get soccer lessons, gets everyone together to cook meals, bursting with carbohydrates today,
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they're having macaroni with spanish and cheese for lunch. that was, it gives you more energy. this meal is full and it's tasty. and the mom is cooking. healthy meals should be flavorful and fine after a long day on the pitch, the hons is preparing burgers with grilled vegetables and beef. they pack a protein punch just what the players will need to come out on top at euro 2026 for the long day of exercising your body needs protein status. lake burger with grilled vegetables like this would be ideal for someone like manuel nyak post. much, of course, with the entire team needs to perform well at the tournament, but i'm sure he will do very well. kind of got excellent players in the team and kind of diet. i'm sure they reach the final. with hands are pious,
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healthy meals the skies, the limits staying on the subject of healthy meals. if you'd like to see some more from the world of cuisine and check out our food channel on youtube. here's what you'll find there. i see stories. susie, as of now amazing, the best chef with their best tip, from meat to diet and all the recipe secrets. welcome to my world. europe's diversity is a smorgasbord. subscribe and enjoy d w. food. ah. it's said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. but what does that actually mean?
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who defines the norms of beauty? well, these are just a couple of the questions that russian photographer, christina roxanne, and deals with in her work. she portrays people who do not conform to the typical ideals of beauty, but define it in their own right. we set in on a photo shoot for her latest projects in london. people with disabilities, people with divergent skin, colors, sexual orientation, and cultural backgrounds. diversity of human kind captured on the food by a photo winning this christina robertson, i'm a tucker for, and they work on the project around unconventional shoes in london with monday, palm attendance and june deal both were born with open isms and with me brooms somebody who defines themselves as either male or female. and one of the music for russia photographer, christine, is alexis, hey,
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we're good. i started working with just women. but then realize that this, this whole topic is actually much broader and non binary and transgender people are, they experience very similar issues and their voice system. i've been heard either how we see ourselves and the values that we approach ourselves with can be very different from what the society wants us to, to, to see and to be. she's titled her photo project, the essence of busy in it. she focuses on people who all too often remain. seemed to reveal the beauty hidden behind the stubbornness conventions close to so many voices are suppressed and to be given opportunity to share your story. the thing is really empowering. the models that i have today,
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shandy very important to me is that in a strength that they've been able to understand themselves and find their place in the world and believe in themselves, and love themselves, sat down money, their own uniqueness. christine, as photos have gained international renown, are exhibited in galleries from new york city to moscow. before moving to london in 2019, she worked in the united states for 10 years and took portraits of people such as artist marshal could have shaved head. this self portrayed during the looked and one heard the dutch lands pusher critics choice award for 2020 this same year, she was named silver winner in the british association of photographers awards for her photo titled category. christina flint inspiration,
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not only in different people in architecture, as well as modern buildings designed, multi purpose locations such as the barbican center and its environs east london. it's a complex of apartments and arthur the news she seeks to unlock its unusual beauty . behind me this really interesting example birthways martin, this architecture with a lot of thoughts put into this urban planning. that also brings me back in my memory to my 1st degree in our to section interior design. christina version that keeps her photo studio open to on. she finds a subject on social media in her circle of acquaintances. and through agencies. was deal until monday. com, the tend to have already worked at models i think it's imperative that we have different types of duty and different view,
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east hundreds acknowledged because we live in a world for the different diverse people. so it's important to have that massive discussion about females and classes being a woman and need to change the office 2021. it's time for a change the and the little more with this changed the christina, rec center, the room that photos being able to understand people can be different. they can feel different about themselves. you know, we need only the reminder of that. so i think just having that presence, some diversity is really, really important. christine, is, alexis goal is to make portrays of 30 people for her new projects for future. ah,
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me. time now to go on safari, but not in africa. in fact, we are staying close to home and heading to the serengeti park in northern germany . it boasts around 1500 animals with some of them, roaming around in huge, open enclosures. now our own euro, max report, or deanna opinion, took on the task of working at the park for a day. and she got up close with some of the animal kingdoms largest predators. so let's see how she got on with a walk on the wild side sheets us. brian knows me, buffaloes, an elephant, big life. they are not in that regard. but right here in germany, the high, i'm going up in years from do you have a new, your max and today i am the largest of 30 park in europe. i'm going to work for the
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1st time as i saw a keeper. let's go sit and get the pipe was founded in 1974 by just the family in clothing, hug, and in the northern germans state of lower sex. whatever kind is responsible for the welfare of down most, depart. she has been working here for almost 20 years. the 1st goal is to bring a piece of africa to europe, an open source unexperienced somewhere between national dark enough food. my 1st stop is at the lions. the home is why is it so important to keep down? the msc upsetting gets barsha sticks to the living in nature. lions, sleep 22 hours a day and hunt for one hour. and so we created an alternative my hanging the meat so that they need to target ice. they need a bit of daily activity. i'm in action, i'm dot com. we move on to the elephant. taking care of their feet is very important because they're working a v
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t in the park is needed in comparison to do while today, i'm going to be on elephant up in the queue for the 1st time. yes, apply a little more pressure, little hardly any nail chip. so a little more pressure. okay. okay. alright. how often should be done? last month's death with to check every day about the nails account every 3 to 6 months, depending on the elephants. now growth and the skin grow from the cells of their feet and back too much. yeah, good girl. i mean, wow. so be, this is, this piece is nothing for now. and i guess on the chicken, the people i came to elephant told me, and i lay out a new bed off with us already met with who's the one myself sorry to her? i must of course, visit the jobs that are 60 most and one male in the part of
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are not part of the big 5 that is really pressing to have them so close. here's us like for us, i better give them some more leave my next stop with this shooter together with oliver, can we prepare a so called occupational feeding via how we only hear about one kilometer for for sheet. how much me do you need to preserve for all the animals in the park full that we have between $60.00 to $100.00 killers? it depends on how strong the animals are or if any, are on a diet of something. well, so we have to hide mature for different i'm, i'm put in a bad thing. close it up nicely. it's not supposed to be to right
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in the we may go way to the next stop to pay the wrangles of the seat. 51 rhino has already been born in the bar. on my case, oliver oliver, normally rhinos live in africa and a shot in or how do these animals cope with the german? i met him using theme. i have those last, nothin come running relatively well with the german climate, especially the african right off on white ryan as black rhinos even sometimes live on the lower reaches of kilimanjaro, where it gets cold. winter temperature in africa is 10 degrees, so it's not always gentle tropical heat there. and right now it's even like to play in the snow for half an hour in winter. there is no hybrid in phony. our last stop for today is with the buffalo. the main species, congress, 3 meters long,
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sitting at the park is home to a total of 17 buffalo. the animals seem happy, serving clean and fit, which brings my adventures to enter. it was amazing to have the vic 5 so close and i learned a lot about them. one day is differently not enough to get to know the largest park in europe. that's why i'm looking forward to the next one. sitting at the bar is open from march to august. i need never gets boring because new attractions are added every season. and we continue to get up close and personal with animals. but the next ones we are about to encounter are a bit less ferocious than those seen at the safari park. british artist, debbie lawson has a passion for bears, king ruse and other wild animals. but she expresses her love for them through sculpture. she creates her life like creatures from carpets,
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and they often take the viewer by the price, the artwork that have you running your eyes an amazing, a time talk to identify race, sometimes leap out into the room. depending on the perspective in the studio in london, hackney district carpets get a new list of life as wild animal. british artists, debbie lawson began creating lifestyle as carpets, sculptures, some 10 years ago. i usually start with the patio in the middle, which is like a focal point. pull your eye in, and then i carry on the patterns of the legs in quite a sort of symmetrical way and merge the feet into the carpet so that you kind of almost can't see where it's coming out. then i'm left with lots of bits that still needs to be covered and i can just use virtually any sort of little scraps of the same carpet to cover those up on your i'm just pulls all together,
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computing sculpture can take months. debbie lawson usually works in several pieces . similar tediously, almost all of the animals are conditioned. she needs up to 3 fully identical carpets for one school. so i started using real person carpets that they usually seconds or damaged ones already, but i don't really want to cut up the artwork of somebody else. so i'm using copies all the time. in the 1st step, debbie creates a framework for the sculpture from chicken where she then fixes it with several layers of critic until the model becomes firmed firmly. she has carpet to onto the model using hot pieces and then cook the material into shape and quite a quiet, shy, reserved person. and that's sort of, i think that's how i operate. i once become a flushed and disguised and disappearance background. i think that might have been one of the reasons behind making fast because the beds of the talking for me. i can
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hide in the background and enjoy the sation that it's happening with people that are looking at to school or sell for between 13024000 year old. depending on size, efforts involved and carpet quality. debbie had her artistic breakthrough in 2018 or to meet her told red bear sculpture displayed at london's 2018 royal academy. summer exhibition caused quite a stir. everyone seemed to be quite wow by the bad. and it became a bit of a celebrity. everyone really loves animals and everyone likes to be up close to something that they've never might not seen in the wild be find gardening both inspiring and relaxing. she also enjoys making miniature versions of her giant sculptures. is strange how you can also just
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a block of materials. you can kind of create some sort of character in the thing. i'm quite happy to sort of put these creatures out and then have a life of their own. and i'm, i'll enjoy watching them from the, the curtain. debbie lawson carpet creatures are a huge success with firms around the globe. and with that, we come to the end of another show. but before we go, just a quick reminder to check out our website for this week's draw and a chance at receiving this d. w backpack along with some other goodies. and of course, be sure to follow us on facebook from me and the entire your max team here in berlin. as always, thanks for watching. we'll see again the
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world. shift in 15 minutes on d w i. yeah. because with the rising female star the theme. now lou g bow, a donkey, darlene love. her b, m w. a lot of time. she has no fear, no limit, no mercy, read through d w ah, was a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow when bringing environmental conservation to life with learning backs like global ideas. we will show you
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how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for me and how it feels jewish life in europe. that's what film producer, lona and journalist, he's good man, and are exploring, delving into history and the present. i would never have thought they could be live so and so i need to remind myself because i grew up in a different way. broad explorer listed
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jewish senior to port documentary starts july 5th on d, w. i mm. ah, excuse me. this is d w new with a live from berlin. g 7 summit in england. wraps up with some big promises. leaders of the world, the richest country, say they will donate a 1000000000 coven. 19 vaccines take action to curb carbon emissions and challenge china's economic practices will bring you analysis of the final de. also coming up
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on the show, the end of an era in israel. lawmakers there have endorsed a government made up of an unlikely coalition of parties, united by just one goal, ousting benjamin netanyahu after a record 12 years, and ah, hello, i'm claire. richard's been a very warm welcome to the show. leaders of the world's richest nations have wrapped up their summer in england, aimed at addressing the world's biggest challenges. and one of these is, of course the pandemic with the g 7, a pledging to donate a 1000000000 doses of cove in 1900 vaccines to developing countries out of this climate change was also high on the agenda. leaders heard from renowned naturalists and david edinburgh urge them to do more for the planet g 7 bow to bring about a green revolution. and finally meet a funding pledge to help poor nations cobra with the global warming number climate
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activists to criticize the summit of a missed opportunity from it host the u. k. prime minister bores and johnson praise the shared conviction of g 7 nations to leave the fight against global warming. but it will have a prosperous future if we don't work together to tackle climate change. based here in the cochran which will galvanize global action on placing climate and help and create a healthy party for our children and grandchildren. g 7 countries, accounting for 20 percent of carbon emissions. and we will clear this. we actually have to start with us. what in the countries gather here this weekend, but just g 7, but india from south korea, the joining us, i should say in india, i joined virtually not just the results of tackle climate change,
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but also our democratic values. goodman for us just the rest on our laurels and talk about how important values are under this is in devising pay the values on the rest of the world. what we as the correspondent must have been covering that summit hor, from cornwall, england, bigot. so good to see you again. mr. johnson sounding very upbeat there. what did you make of his take on the summit? it was his typical, optimistic mana, and one thing he has achieved really fantastic images here, and cornwell, beautiful beaches, the sunshine, the leaders gathering around the barbecue, meeting up with the queen with 3 generations of all the family. so these images are definitely very, very good for boys johnson because one of the main names of the summit was to present the west as united again and they every lead to has stressed it.
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multilateralism is back, joe biden is having the u. s. and gauge again with, with its allies. however, we also see that behind it, there is not always unity on every subject. so just look at one issue, brag fits, that has been somehow over shed, doing this summit for boris johnson. some quite sharp exchange of words here, betweens, mostly france and b, u k. there is a conflict over northern ireland and about border checks on the border. and the summit hasn't made these problems go away. so the west is presenting this united image. but of course, there are also cracks. so breaks that overshadowing that show of unity to a degree. do you think that the agreement, the leaders have reached do actually have substance i think if people around the world are looking at it,
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they will be happy. the lead is all coming together and actually working together to so these problem is that all really, you know, they are really problems for the whole of humanity. however, when you speak to campaign us, and there were lots of climate change campaigners here in cornwall that are still aw, very active here over the last days. and they tell me that they're really not happy . it's not enough. for example, the helping developing countries for countries to mitigate the effects of climate change that there's money that they pledge is actually an old class and that they won't see really concrete projects. and they want this money. actually they want it to be spent and not just another pledge. so that's not enough. also, when it comes to the vaccination, the former u. k. prime minister gordon brown said this is more of failure of the west that what they have said, 1000000 doses is just the fraction of what's actually needed. 11000000000 is what
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the world health organization. one say. so really, there is still a gap between what the leaders have been promising and what campaigners are wishing for reporting for as a from a cornell. thank you very much for that update. and in his closing remarks, us president joe biden, praise the group for a green tougher measures on coal burning power plants, even though leaders fail to set a concrete target date for phasing out. cool, let's take a listen to some of what he had to say. we also made historic commit leave to permanently eliminate use of our public finance to support unabated coal projects around the world. and to end to end by this year. the g 7 agreed to that and those are not members, but visiting members who are participating in the g 7 who have coal fired facilities and also agree that they would work in that direction as well. so transitioning the world to cleaner energy sources is urgent. it's essential and i'm
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joined now by bob award a climate analyst at the grantham research institute on climate change at the london school of economics. thank you so much for joining us on the show. we just heard a bite in on a coal. how meaningful of a commitment did g 7 leaders reach on addressing the climate emergency? while it was a restatement on coal of an indication that already been made that the g 7 members will no longer be funding the building in new coal fired power stations and other parts of the world. and that's very significant because it will be a signal that when we're going to be encouraging as rich countries, encouraging countries to be investing of other forms of energy. but of course, the critical part of thought is that the g 7 now have to come forward with investment in those developing countries in alternative forms of power is not just enough to say no more coal, but to provide them with the finance for renewable energy. as we had in the there's
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also a commitment qualitatively, a commitment by the g 7 to faith out in coal, domestic coal power generation. but again, there was no date, no specifics about it. other than recognizing the urgency, i think overall, the general tone of the communique is good on climate, but it lacks specific commitments, which is why i think a lot of back to be so very unhappy about it. and in order to help those developing countries, what specific action would we need to see from the g 7 countries? while the main issue at the moment is that the developed countries committed in 20092012 increase the mobilization of finance for developing countries to reach a 100000000 a year by 2020 but target has not been met. and the target is not met by caulk $26.00 in november,
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the next year in climate summer that it with the stabilizing on demanding the whole of the summit. so we need the g 7 countries to come forward. now they, they pointed out the importance of the, the communicate, but i have to come forward now with specific pledges for how they're going to bridge the gap and encourage the multilateral development by the world bank and others. so how bridge back out because we have to reach the 100000000000 by cop 26 . otherwise i think the developing countries are going to say, well, you haven't kept promising. why should we engage with you? now in addition to mobilizing that 100 that 100000000000, is that, is that really even enough? i mean, is that enough to fund what they have been calling a green revolution? well, we need trillions of dollars worth of investment around the world. over the next 10 years in order to make accelerate the transformation to a clean economy and also to drive the recovery from the pandemic. and it's clear
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that in the haven't communicated with the countries recognize that but that generation of the trillions is something that will have to come from public and private sources. the 100000000 was a very specific commitment made at a previous climate summit. and it is a measure of the commitments that they g 7 of the rich countries make to the process. and if they do not, all of that, then they developed countries will say, well, you cannot be trusted on this. so the under building will not be enough in itself to drive the transformation into developing countries, but it's an important measure of the rich countries commitments. and it's the rich countries cannot keep to that will not honor it. then it calls into question their own actions. and whether developing countries can rely on the rich countries to do that. bet it risks undermining the collective approach to climate change, which is absolutely critical to getting progress,
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but more from the london school of economics. thank you so much for coming on the program. thank you. well, the israeli parliament has voted in a new government ending benjamin netanyahu is record at 12 years as prime minister . and that's it gave a dilemma. vote of confidence of 60 to 59. with one abstention. the new party coalition, which includes an arrow party and ultra nationalist grouping's tech millionaire natalie bennett, becomes prime minister. he is promising israelis a fresh start after 2 years of political stalemate. and let's get straight across to dw correspondent tonya kramer who has been following the story for us from jerusalem, tanya, a slim vote of confidence. how surprising is this result? funny, i'm afraid we're having some trouble hearing you there. i think we're going to try
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to come back to you in a moment, tanya, we're having some trouble with the audio line, but please do stick with us. and we will try to come back to this important story. let's move to sports for now. and the euro 2020 group see got underway on sunday. and austria be to tournament and w tons in north macedonia. $31.00 in bucharest, cor was locked at $11.00 after a tight 1st half, but late and goals from michael. greg. oh, rich and marco are know to rich field the when it for austria. in the 2nd half ended sunday 1st, euro 2020 match england started brightly in front of 20000 fans in wembley, raheem sterling scored. and the only goal in england, one nil victory over croatia. it was revenge for the last match between the 2 sides in the semi final of the last world cup, when crecia one after extra time. and danish football or christian ericsson is in
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stable condition in the hospital after he collapsed on the picture during denmark, european championship match against finland's medical crew gave the midfielder chest compressions and were able to save him and later asked for play to resume. and the teams returned to the field. denmark went on to lose one. know the yeah, that's the way he's been use of his condition for they could do with chance. his name to set the fans united at a time when rivalry and competition, so meaningless movement. saudi, they seem christian ericsson being given cpr on the pitch. distraught teammates forming a rings to protect his privacy. as medics were to save his life and haughty too. i didn't see it myself, but it was pretty clear that he was unconscious. always called my to i'm so when i
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got to him he was on his side. he was breathing and i could feel his pulse. but then suddenly that changed into the plan. does everyone saw scott, we started giving him cpr data happening to the relief of everyone watching ericsson was moving with a pen as he was, stretch it off the pitch while his treatment continued in hospital. so the decision was made to resume the match. the consensus from the danes better to get it over with immediately and come back the next day. they also got erickson's backing from his hospital badge. they're one of the feet, essentially just the footnotes. and shoot, that's at the and, and there's no doubt this is a tough night put in having to leave this way. everything. everything, every single thought is with christian and his family in there. he's one of the
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best players out there below. and i can say that he's and even better person, see you later, a bad side vigil of so outside the hospital where erickson being treated, he said to be in a stable condition and undergoing tests his football career may hang in the balance . but now at least his life does not as your new update, stay tuned for more on israel, the new government coming up in our next be our a there. i'm david and this is climate change briggs, happiness in 3 books. but for you, you'll get smarter for free on your interest in
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the global economy. our portfolio g w business beyond here is a closer look at the project. our mission to analyze the site for market dominance versus west with w business beyond fake passports, trucks and weapons on the dark web. illegal activity is just a click away. why is it so hard to crack down on criminal activity there and can be used for good. the dark whip or topic today on shift the the dark web isn't alternative to the regular internet. it's
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a version that's anonymous and encrypted. this makes it the perfect space to sell illegal goods like weapons. a recent study found that most users engaged in illegal activities on the dark whip, those in the craddick societies. the most common illegal transactions are drugs. experts estimate that drugs make up 2 thirds of transactions on the dark web. so i tried it out. how easy is it to buy, directs on the dark web. at 1st glance, it looks just like a regular online shop with product images and customer reviews. but the products are illegal, heroine and all kinds of weapons. ah, hi schuman is head of the service security analytics and defense department at the falling over institute in dom stats. she shows us where drugs are sold on the dock when looking is legal only buying a crime in germany. the u. r. l's of these websites can be found on the regular internet web. it's better organized than many of the legal marketplaces. there
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is much more information, the buyers are much more reliable, the feedback is much better lunch money is involved and also much more is at stake . if you make a mistake, you go to jail. so you have to make sure that it's that it's super secure. with just a few clicks, customers can buy candidates. one of the most popular draws on the dock when it would be sent to the provided address. but that means trusting the vendor to delete it. once the product has been delivered, payment is done in the crypto currency bitcoin, so the customer remains anonymous. but how likely is it for the product to actually arrive in the end? every vendor here has a set of customers and if he doesn't deliver the goods, his reputation will be damage. no one will buy from him for the whole. when doc net is based on reputation, that's why. typically, the service is good. if you order something, it will arrive. the customer is on the dock with are not 100 percent anonymous. so
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they are not completely protected from prosecution. because the location and ip addresses are encrypted, it makes criminal prosecution much harder. another challenge is the lack of national board is on the dock where it says michelle isn't done, we never really know what country the service are actually located. and it's not just a technological challenge. but judicial challenge to the woman who we need to personally cooperate with other law enforcement agencies in town and work across various deals and speciality with them. but it's really a challenge in them under the common form that was in 2019 that was finally successful. working with international investigators with federal criminal police and be spun, was able to prosecute one of the world's largest drug vendors on the dark way of broad street market. the service where then she discovered in this form a german military banker located in a small town in the west of germany. now that's surprising, you never expect to find the servers in
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a place like that. we spoke to somebody who buys drafts on the dark web. he told us that he feels much safer buying drafts on the dark web than on the street. we also asked him whether he's scared of being caught by the police. more on that soon on our youtube channel, on the dark, where users are anonymous. when we surf the internet, we leave traces behind everywhere. even when we use browsers, an incognito mode like firefox, we're not really surfing anonymously. originally, the dark web was created by the us military to help intelligence agencies communicate anonymously. today, anyone can access it and in the middle makes the dark web useful for illegal transactions. but it also allows political activists to move about freely online. all they need is a certain software. here's how it works. the best known way of accessing the dark web is by using the tor project, a worldwide network of servers. the visual coal project is to defend yourself against tracking and surveillance and circumvent censorship. wherever you are in
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the normal internet, your tract and somebody spies on you and talk, tries to try to prevent that. tour, employs a technique called onion routing, which uses multiple layers of encryption like an onion. this ensures the user's anonymity. all search query is run through an extensive network of servers called toward nodes. this way the users ip address, the unique identifier is only shared with the 1st note from them on. it's the note ip address that's used. the more notes the query runs through, the harder it becomes to trace back its origins, which protects the users identity. more than 2000000 people use tore browser every single day, activists like julia's mitten by or on a mission to ensure that the technology behind tour is standard in every browser. so that means anyone could surf the web anonymously. that actually sounds pretty good to me. this is already standard on the dark web. however,
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an image can also protect people engaging in illegal activities like pedophile. in recent years, the german police have discovered several different forms for this. one example was elysium, which was one of the world's largest platforms for images and videos, showing sexual abuse of children. the form we have down in 2017 elysium is a good example of the challenges the dark, where poses for investigators. with 111000 accounts and online forms and 6 different languages, alisium was a space for pedophile from around the world to meet in 2017. have a chat and share exploitative images of children and even babies being sexually abused. the police use undercover investigators to track down these dark websites. really a lot of work, like finding all the pieces of a puzzle. just imagine trying to infiltrate one of these platforms. you'd have to pretty, you're interested in plato. feel like material to start contacting a few people and talk to them. it's not just one or 2 conversations that could take
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you weeks or months to get useful information. and investigators also need to analyze b, exploitative images and videos depicting sexual violence against children. it's hard to watch, but every detail is important. and could you ask closely, watch the material and you're constantly looking for lead. with this crime committed in germany. perhaps there is a product that only sold in germany to be found somewhere in the background. the water, in the case of alisium in air, in the online forum helped the investigators. the ip address of one of the servers was revealed which led the police to one of the perpetrators on the dark web authority frequently depend on coincidences and errors like these. but maybe that helps us when there are individual cases of humans making errors or the system not being 100 percent reliable. usually once a platform is hosted on the dark web, you can't access any real existing ip addresses anymore. even if the dark web isn't exactly the root of all evil. investigators like usually
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a boost filer are convinced that the distribution of exploitative images and videos of children would be much less widespread without it. the villa we probably wouldn't see it happen on the same scale that we do today, simply because people would run a much higher risk of running into somebody that might actually report them to the police club. and i think this anonymous online exchange helps people encourage each other to pull the teeth pushed apple. another problem for investigators is that in order to access these platforms, new users often need to submit new material. that means the police would have to sure images of children being sexually abused, which is forbidden in many countries, of course, from 2020 onward. however, the german police are allowed to use computer generated images of children that aren't real. when a dark form is shut down, many users simply move on to the next one. that's why it is especially important to prosecutor. you will have both fella to investigate a lot. you may have,
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if we keep breaking up more of these structures, then we might be able to have a large impact by unsettling the users. but when some might even say it's a bit risky, maybe i shouldn't do this anymore. that i think that would give us the upper hand to hide by creating this type of uncertainty and curity that might force people to think twice that the dark whip is also important for this. people protesting for freedom. tor browser is a software helping political activists around the world to surf, the internet anonymously toward which stands for the onion router is a multi layered encryption system, just like an onion. websites that can be accessed on tore, it can be recognized by their u. r. l. extension dot onion. facebook has it as do the new york times and watch it on your website that can be accessed into a browser, which is especially useful in countries where these websites are usually blocked, like china or iran. for the n g o reporters without borders,
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this makes the dark with a to a for more freedom of speech. the documents are more precise usually we talk about the tool, browse that enables people to anonymously research on the internet to access what pages that might be censored in certain countries or to share information or share documents or video material with international news media without giving away that identity and that's quite a critical tool then, especially in less 3 countries don't live. it's also a space that has been used to leak heidi classified information. whistleblowers chelsea manny and it was snowden. use the dark web for their leaks and doing the error screen. people use the dark well to play an awfully protest against the government without fear of prosecution. this has also been used to organize other protest offering protection from somebody who is by intelligence. we
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definitely see both the use of like the p. n technology and the doc net playing a critical role. often reason protests in russia. obviously, both states heavily sense of the use of social media and they take away accreditation of journalists and so communicating through alternative means and circumventing these states. censorship tools has become really critical. i take freedom of speech seriously. journalists rely on the dark web to work and to be protected from state control. for this reason, lisa did my from reporters with border assess that we shouldn't simply think of the dark lip as being just the dark side of the internet. of a document definitely hasn't missed problem the term brain. but the aspect of a sudden technology in a way to say this is about illegal activity online. and it's not just that funded
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mentally. it's an anonymous ation tool. and that enables both legal activity and illegal activity. but it's really critical to general with the flow as around the wells, and therefore we need to talk about the positive aspects much more prominently as well. i think the term dark whip is misleading, were dark, suggests illegal activity, but it's actually just a network that offers more user anonymity. what do you think? does the dark rep just have a bad reputation? could it be the internet of the future? or should it be closely monitored for illegal activity? let us know what do you think on youtube or facebook? bye bye and see as soon the ah ah ah, in the
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the coast with the rising female stars the sea. now g. a donkey. darlene loves her b, m w a lot of time. see no fear, no limit, no mercy, read on d w. future wars see w's. richard walker explores the evolution of digital warfare, making military law more efficient and deadly. those with the best algorithms survive. future scenario.
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