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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2021 11:30pm-12:01am CEST

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they want to know what makes the gen came in love banding thing away. i'm not even allowed to do my own car. and everyone was holding every day, getting you ready to meet the gym and then join me, rachel, you it on d. w. the parents listing around on the international space station looks like a lot of fun, but the life of an extra node is actually strenuous and can take quite a toll on the body. for many, it's a dream job. italian estron or samantha christopher, he tells us why the welcome to tomorrow. today, the science show on d. w i use is
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a key fit. can you run once and cruel? was the best of them? do you have a valid driver's license and work well in the team even in stressful conditions? the would you undergo underwood training with take a parabolic flight? great. if you are also under the age of 50, between one meter 50 and one meter 90 tall and have excellent hearing and i side, you could be in the running to become an astronaut. with the european space agency or isa is wrapping up. it's nicest recruitment drive and hope to see many women among the applicants. the isa is only sent to female astronauts to be up to date. one of them is a month christopher. ah,
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it was a dream come true. rising literally in a new world. ships the house, the house of the silliest camps, fuel into the space station, mice like slipping out of your lungs. mom comes in that you come into this new world have been dismissed. if i had the feeling as i was coming into the space station that it's a whole new way to live. my way of moving around was that everything we learned, some house and the noise and dance? ah, the johnson space center in houston, texas has helped to write space history. ah, this is where nasa over so mission to the moon with concise rockets,
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the era is still considered the heyday of space travel. news, samantha cristo ferretti spent 3 months in preparing for her 2nd mission to the international space station. the launch is scheduled for next spring. the training evolves, knowing how to respond. and then imagine, for example, if a fire breaks out on board. so what helps makes a good astronaut the best you don't have to be a talk to my interest or the best athletes ever. that's not that important when you do need some technical and scientific knowledge, that's a basic prerequisite that you also need to be inquisitive and adventurous and have
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a desire to learn things. and then the work covers a broad spectrum. so you also have to want them and enjoy it. you know miss samantha christopher se is a mechanical engineer and fighter pilots in 2009, the european space agency selected for more than 8400 applicants in november 2014 cheaper gum. her 1st commission she spent $200.00 days at the international space station. at 1st it took her a while to get used to the new environment. i think it's a bit like knowing a house because he visited a model of it. model house not to be rep because of the i ss when
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we train, i need to pick the bare minimum in the in the, our bill. everything is clean and nothing is lying around. but when you really live in a house, everything is lying around. when you open the close, it kinds of things. are there lots of clothing and other things? it's a place that's really lived in the movement shown because you also have to learn how to move around carefully and then otherwise everything flies all over the place . you also have to get to know your surroundings about them. you can give them kind of she says life with 0 gravity with a great experience. everything felt so light and effortless, even if some everyday tasks were more cumbersome and tedious than on a tension can develop quickly and a small team when you're living in such a can space you having
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a sense of humor is key. you really can't overestimated because it really is the case that in such a confined space, there are going to be tensions at times. who more talked over the few that humor can use them straight away. i'm fine and the nice and fun loving the joke. a bit of humor. you can come things down quickly. guess that you have participated in mission society supervising scientific experiments. samantha is keen to inspire the next generation of rocket scientists and astronaut. children love her stories about life in 0 gravity. she has some of her tricks, but them to like if you want to keep your fingernails, you need to do it near the ventilation system that way. nothing flies around. but don't forget to vacuum away your nail clippings afterwards.
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the, the thing she finds most challenging is helping colleagues get ready to space. for me. it takes a full 6 hours until an astronaut is ready to step outside. so you can see for this they need to be prepared. they basically have to be assembled on the astronaut piece by piece. there's a lot to do in the law. and in everything you do because you have to be very careful to not make any mistake, a single mistake. it can be a life threatening. the astronaut who's going out solution, so that was technically demanding and psychologically stressful. but afterwards, when he'd most of the challenge, it was very satisfying me. everyone's favorite spot in the space station is the large window with her head often hanging
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upside down and her feet on the ceiling. samantha christopher se would gaze that the earth and wonder if we don't really have this wide view from one horizon to another. and then out into space and the stars. it's very impressive. oh, it's not enough. can sunrises and sunset. so of course, very moving, but also the northern lights, nighttime views are generally the most beautiful and moving the night on us is also a little more romantic management. sometimes you see this red glimmer, it's the night with the upper atmosphere. and then you notice that the atmosphere is really much higher than the thin blue layer. you normally sell space research also include studying underwater locations here on in 2019,
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samantha let the nasa mission of the coast of florida. her team spent 10 days testing new technology for future exploration of the moon and mars. it was an all women crew. does she think women might be better astronaut? another man's on mentioned. i think you should give people the chance to just be themselves with them. and i think just because you're a woman or a man but doesn't mean you have to be a certain way, such as more masculine, feminine, least because i'm mentally. there are many traits that we might consider to be female to male colleague of mine on the space station might have exhibited. more of them may be good for me up and vice versa. i i think you have to try to get away from the thinking and speaking in those terms and then can read them in march 2021, samantha christopher, etc. fulfilled another dream by being selected for
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a 2nd flight to the international space station next year. and this time she'll take command of the mission. so how did the 1st journey into space change? not only in, i think has become much more calm. i fulfilled my lifelong dream. now i think i have more room in my life. other people man size. i have more time for family and friends, so i have more space for other things you could say by the experience that will no doubt set her well on her 2nd space mission, which she's already looking forward to the we're now d w. social media channels. we asked, what would appeal to you about flying to the i s s r
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l container a way to says what appeals to him is the excitement of the journey and the beautiful view. doctor's diary would hope to gain more insight into astronomy of the things and space and experience 0 gravity 1st hand. you'd also like to see black holes, a supernova, other planets and galaxies, that you would like to look out the window and see if a tenor of us it would be terrifying. she says, but interesting to be experiencing the way his body reacts to being away from other us. that would appeal to donnelly, another feliciano well, catalina, how juno thinks it could benefit others. she would make the trip with people who still believe the flat, then they could see the truth for themselves. that's how your comments
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me looking at it from outer space is an experience. many astronaut rave about samantha christopher, it is of course no exception. but it's just something fascinating about observing planets from a distance. human beings have always gazed in wonder the night skies. but these days, studying celestial bodies isn't always easy to do as an ex report explains who are off to a national park in west, in germany. ah, the night sky above germany's i saw national park this is where a household bought and hug and runs and observatory he'd been watching the night sky getting brighter. then if there were absolutely no light pollution and we really had a natural made sky which no longer exists anywhere in europe, then we'd probably be able to see 3 to 4000 stars from here. but even on
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a good night, you can only see between 182500 stars for not simple enough stana. it's a breathtaking site, thousands of stars. you can even see the milky way from here. baton is used to this turning view but most people in germany can only dream seeing so many stars as almost everywhere. the night sky is simply too bright in cologne. you couldn't see maybe 20 or 30 stars, but only the bright ones. if the weather is clear and there are no clouds in the sky, you have to drive about 40 kilometers outside of cologne just to get away from the artificial light glow and be able to see an even halfway decent night sky on him as o light pollution as the phenomenon is known, is a worldwide problem. fewer and fewer places on earth get dark at night, as artificial light brightens the sky. this is not just
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a problem for astronomers and amateur stargazers. artificial light causes us to sleep at night and it has a negative impact on our health ah, and for nocturnal insects, who rely on the stars for their sense of direction. bright sources of artificial light can have deadly consequences. light pollution is one of the key contributors to insect a decline. bird can lose their sense of direction due to light pollution as well. they get lost or crashed into brightly lit buildings. barton that completely eliminating artificial light, especially at nighttime, is out of the question. but he isn't willing to sit idly by so he drives to the city each night on the lookout for unnatural light and opportunities for improvement. with the aid of a special camera, he measures how dark this guy is,
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and more importantly, how bright. it's no surprise that industrial areas are bright and still much of the excess light could be avoided in. a big portion of this area is eliminated by spotlights that rest on high poles. and they're not covered. that means the light shines in practically all directions and a lot of it goes upward it to the side where it's not even useful. it was to get off says i with the help of the right blinders, metal one. so as well as metal covers, like could be directed to the spot where it's actually helpful. would you like to? eventually i thought i was making sure that street lights only direct light where it's actually needed is one good way to improve the situation. another important tool in the fight against light pollution, completely avoiding artificial light at night in selected places such as the eiffel national park. since 2014, it's been recognized as an official dark sky park,
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one of 4 in germany, and a waste of darkness that's garnered the nickname, star park, button hock, and played a key role in these efforts. down part a star park is a region that's designated as such for for filling particular criteria, such as the visibility of the milky way. it's unlikely that our cities will ever be as dark as the eye for national park again. but perhaps the light pollution can at least be reduced. the power button will keep fighting. so, but in the future, more people will again be able to see the milky ways. incidentally, insects aren't the only ones that are being impacted by light pollution. a recent study shows rodents are no longer as active in searching for food that stop singing earlier in the morning. and marine turnover not running into the sea to hatching,
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but moving inland instead affecting their breathing and feeding pat him. but it's not just light that filled the air sufficient. lee in the us had a question about something else. where does just come from? it seems to be everywhere. no matter how thoroughly clean more soon appears, but not all jobs. just create particulate matter that can remain suspended in the air for an extended period of time is often referred to as dust airborne particles . measuring between 2.5 and 10 microns in diameter are known as course particles. for comparison, the human hair is between 20 and 80 microns cross. particle smaller than $2.00 microns are considered to be fine particles because they're so small. airborne particles can even make their way into our lungs,
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which can affect our health. but how does all this dust form in cities the primary sources of dust are anthropogenic, in other words generated by human activity? industrial emissions are the biggest culprit by traffic also generates huge amount . so exhaust fumes and tire abrasion. but more than 80 percent of airborne particles floating in the earth's atmosphere come from nature. deserts and sees contribute heavily to the creation of dust. during sandstorms, these particles can be carried is highest 10 kilometers into the stratosphere and transported over incredibly long distances. as ocean one revamp or age it releases sea salt aerosols, up to 1500000000 tons of them a year. the amount of dust emitted by chemical russian can be
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enough to interrupt air traffic. the ash released in these geological elements can steam the atmosphere for as much as 3 years. the tiny particles also reflect sunlight away from the ground. this has a cooling effect on our planet. such right scattering caused by dust high in the atmosphere, also enhances the red part of the sun spectrum. which can result in spectacular sunsets. ah, a little red. why? science question. you'd like us to send it to us of the videos, text voicemail. if we feature it on the show, you'll get a little surprised from us as a thank you. the come on, just don't use. you can find more fascinating stories from the world of science on our website or on twitter. the
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modern museums or anything but dusty displays of objects, references that belinda natural history museum are using the world's 1st 3 d insect scanner to digitize their most collection. all of the museums, 30000000 exhibits are to be catalogued in digital form over the next decade. digitalization is pending museums into the 21st century. it's also being used for archaeological fines and object savant. trading shine palace this home to a 500 year old salt cellar made of ivory. today it's being removed from the cabinet to create a 3 dimensional twin. it's one of more than a 1000000 objects at the palace come museum in the german city of gota. the huge number of treasures is being digitally catalogued as part of a massive project corner line. it doesn't. the corona virus is speeding up the
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project immensely off. this place and there are no more questions about why we are doing this project or whether it's necessary for whether it has to be so large and so well funded. in the digitalization process gets underway. in 20 minutes, 9 cameras capture every tiny detail of the salt container. the cameras are positioned on 3 levels because the salt salary is placed on a table that rotates, it can be photographed from all sides. different camera types record, different details. in darkened conditions, project has been structured light onto the object, allowing the outer cameras to capture its geometric shape. when the light is on the middle cameras then photograph the surface of the objects. this combination of 2 imaging processes is unique. it's even enabled scans of very optically challenging
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objects. we might, we took a photo of a glossy white mice and porcelain portion without any texture. and it can only be done if you separate the geometric cameras from the texture camera. some of that's what this scanner does, doesn't stevens for fun, but these are kind of hot. this is the finished digitize version software. use the $1500.00 photos to create precise grid measures at lighting and the digital twin is ready in the next room. a feather head dress from the logical collection is about to be digitized me play center stage and perfectly let the head dress is rotated. in 5 minutes. the camera takes 20 for photos. the 2 turned into a 360 degree video. it's only 2 dimensional,
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but the rotation makes it sophisticated. when i know if i should come up like when, when a surface faces the camera and an object is stationary, it's easier to get the lighting right. when it rotates the angles at which the light hits the objects and is reflected change for also. so you have to adjust the light in advance to make it work for as many objects as possible at different angles. those processes can digitize at high speeds. the entire collection is to be recorded over the next 7 years. it's the largest museum, digitization project in europe, with generous funding from the federal and state governments. ironically, it's taking place that this relatively unknown museum in the center of germany is treasures have largely been eclipsed by higher profile venue. but that's about to change. do you believe in talk to him, there were discussions about how to open up such a huge collection. and if you think about it,
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there are 1200000 objects to catalogue and just, and that takes decade and the easiest and most direct way is to just digitize it all from the start to see the items where accumulated by the man who built the palace, ernest, the 1st to fax casa, beginning in 1650 his descendant branch of the added to the collection. most items are in storage, like the head dress that belonged to a chief of the mendota co tribe in the amazon. and each of these objects will be catalogued by hand during the digitization process. the data from freedom shine palace is stored here at the university library, indiana. turning the 3 d scans into augmented reality feels like a bit of a game. but the benefits are manifold. points within the museum signs are too small to read easily and hang too low. that's what we hear
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again and again. but here i'll be able to use my mobile device to look at an item and animated the figure i see then will give me contextual information on my smartphone. and that tells the story. we know how the object ended up and go to for example. and we know what makes it of interest to research, and i can't capture that in any checks and text. the lockdown has few, the desire for virtual access to collections. but google has been working with museums for the past decade to digitize their inventories. the state of museum in frankfort, for example, has found new fans through its online exhibition. the museums podcasts are popular to but putting items online also makes them available to other experts, allowing museums around the world to do research together. they can lend out exhibits in the form of a 3 d print or perhaps even display them as a hologram. location on the other side of the world.
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that's all for today. thank you for watching. we'll be back next week with another edition of tomorrow today. until then stay healthy and stay cues. the me the news . the
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news the, the me. clean, cleaner, fryeburg use. this can happen if you want to wait in fryeburg, a tv that likes to going to be a leader in ecology and sustainability in germany. floors funny feel chicken use
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me. he was coming to the city people. the really culture has finally returned. long awaited reawakening august 20. 30 minutes on w. o. interest . the global economy. our portfolio w business b on. here's a closer look at the project. our mission. analyze the
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fight for market dominance. versus wes debit head with e w business beyond ah, i think everything challenging 1st and big i'm listening so much different culture between here and there still challenging. i think it was worth it for me to come to germany shop and i got my license to work as a swimming instructor. and now i teach children under don't just just as what's your story take part shares on info migrant? ah, sometimes the seed is all you need to allows big ideas to grow. we're bringing an environmental conservation to life with learning like global ideas. we
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will show you how climate change and mental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for the me the this is d w news and these are our top stories. israel parliament has narrowly voted in favor of a new coalition government as being prime minister benjamin netanyahu, after a rec, or 12 years and office. he's been replaced by enough tally bennett a right wing to wish nationalist hill for preside over an unlikely coalition of 8 different parties than its government. narrowly won a vote of confidence of this.


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