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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  June 15, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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me the news this is see there be news live from berlin, a land log truth that joe biden to europe to repair relations. and it's all about trade, the european union, and the us on the cost of a deal that could result a 17 year long cross. that's the, the dispute lifting that, the rates of billions in punitive terrorist also coming up thousands, turn out to show their support for l g b t q, right in hungry. but putting your price out for public display soon be against the
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law of there. and he's 6000 people have been killed in the philippines as war on drugs. the international criminal court wants to investigate. but how far can a probe get to testing out after the disastrous performance that the bolt, captain, russia, germany, may they be in your a tournament? with a chance for a do over against france. ah, hello, i'm christine window. it's good to have your company. a breakthrough for the european union and the united states, as joe biden, sets up his charm offensive forces say that even the us for close to extending a truce in their long running, facile over across subsidies. now the world's biggest corporate trade,
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it has centered on government payments to plain bakers, a bust in europe and america's boeing. now each side claims that the other unfairly subsidizes april off manufacturing the agreement should've heard the threat of billions and punitive parents in the 17 year to speech. president biden has the meeting. belgium came from the pit biden is using his visit this week to strengthen ties that became strained and the trump administration of the commission president on the line phase. the breakthrough in the a cost aircraft, a space is a welcome development. i recall very well when i had my 1st phone call with president fight and must have been in february. that at that point, we had agreed on finding a solution on this aircraft dispute. and we discussed possibilities. we should not underestimate this is the longest trade dispute in the history of
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w t o. so it's an our common interest to solve it. and i'm very, very positive and convinced that together we will deliver today. okay, and for more on this story, let's talk to database bob available in brussels and al financial correspondent, chelsea delaney is in frankfort. hi ladies, barbara. i'm going to stop with you. so this air bus bowing to speed really goes back almost 2 decades. what's the one about it and what resolution has been reached now? now the resolution that has been reached is a 5 year freeze. that means they're going to put this whole battle aside and promise each other, not going not to move any more for 5 years. this is the time to estimate that the lawyers might need to sit down a very big table and sort out thousands and thousands of legal documents. because this is a highly complicated metric at the car. it is about, as you said, what does count for what, what's an unfair subsidy, the tax break,
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the u. s. has given to boeing or the government loans that you has given to airbus and how are these to be evaluated, and how can they be made legal within the rules of the w t a. so all of this needs to be worked out, but more or less with this long running truth the bathroom is off the table and a solution will be found eventually. ok. so chelsea as a little bit of underlying say, this is a, a significant development. what does it mean now for, for boeing and airbus for billing in air, but this is definitely a huge relief. these tariffs have been a real foreign and their side as since 2019. when the tear of put into place, it's made their planes simply more expensive to their customers. and it comes at a time when aircraft manufacturers can't afford that because it depends make their business has been decimated and they, they can't afford for their plan to be more expensive. the other reason why this is
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relevant now is because china has become a much more aggressive player in the aircraft market. they want to on the boeing and airbus as the, as the do awfully. that's really managing the entire aircraft market. so they have competition from china, they have depend demik effect, but this is also just not relegated to the aircraft vector. these tariffs put in place on a whole range of goods. everything from french wind to italian cheese. so this has been something that's impacted the broader economy here in europe and the truth. now, it's certainly something that will be a major relief for businesses. barbara, can, can we say that, you know, the reaching this, this resolution at this time is part of us president joe biden charm offensive to win back european allies. absolutely, it says main gift as he comes visiting europe because it's not enough to tell your
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p o you my best friend. you are our closest allies, know you have to give something and all these to protect battles that have been raging now for so long between the european union and do you have really poisoned the waters to have a real, to restart? you somehow need to get rid of some of these irritant, and the boeing air bus battle to put it aside. that is the 1st step. of course that is more in this in this area because what both sides realize that they need to work together more, they need to get work together if they want to send up to china on technology. so there will also be a sort of new technology counsel us and it's tasks are going to be to sort of focus on both sides and common projects that make them competitive world wide. and so there is going to be a totally new focus within trade. and within a competition for the 2 sides,
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the united states and the european union chelsea house that's true is going to affect trans atlantic trade more more broadly. i think it sets the tone for the u. s. relationship going forward. the u. s. is clearly willing to, to bargain with you on some of these issues. but trade experts have also said that these boeing air. but terrorists are really the low hanging fruit for negotiation to. there are a lot more difficult negotiations and more difficult topics that you in the u. s. are going to have to tackle going forward, including the aluminum and steel tariffs with the trump administration, put on on the european metals. so those are still in place. we haven't heard much at all about when they plan to discuss those as well. there's going to be the broader question of, of china. as barbara mentioned, many in europe are still quite hesitant to become much more aggressive towards trying to because of how dependent europe still is on the chinese market. so that's
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going to also be a real tone center for this relationship. all right, that's chelsea delaney and francis and robert able talking to us from brussel. thank you ladies. let's take a look at some other stories making use around the world. a bipartisan group of congressional leaders in washington has hold a moment of silence on the steps of the u. s. capital to remember, be estimated 600000 lives lost in the us to the current and emit on monday, president joe biden acknowledge the milestone and urged more americans to get vaccinated. and students in hon have attended a mass graduation ceremony without loss or social distancing. over $11000.00 people were, at the event, the chinese city was place. and the one of the world strictest loc sounds up to the prone of i was supposed to pick up in 2019 and britain has clinched
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trade deal with australia. it's the 1st the u. k. has negotiated from scratch since at least the european union office, also in london with his counterpart, scott morrison prime minister for his johnson held the deal as a new dawn in relations. well, now thousands of activists have protested in budapest against proposed legislation that would ban any content portray or promoting homosexuality or sex reassignment surgery. it is expected to be approved by the hungarian parliament on tuesday. now it is the latest attempt by prime minister to all. busy bonds, conservative governments to restrict l g b t t writes on telephone shows support for l g b t, right outside hungary prominent whether such public displays will remain legal is now in the hands of lawmakers. a new law expected to be approved on tuesday would ban content deemed to promote homosexuality to children,
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including discussions of l g b, t issues and gender diversity in schools. it's part of a group of bills that proponents save aimed at protecting children, including a law that strictly penalize is pedophilia. campaign is see it as a cynical attempt to link sexuality with sexual deviance. the equating sexual and gender diversity with people. celia strikes that, the very core of the human dignity and humility of l. g b t, people in hungary and poses a real risk of putting them in their safety and well being in danger, lash prime minister, victor. all of them took aim at a children's book. it feature agenda diverse characters saying it had crossed a red line. others on the far right label to have sexual propaganda. under the proposed law, such books as well as advertisement depicting same sex relationships would be banned entirely. when a good marriage, mammy, children have
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a right to know the world they live in. they have a right to know what social reality is, minute or one dash and shaggy of a passionate about it. and now in hungary, social reality is that lesbian, bisexual and transgender people exist. and part of the role of education is to make children fully aware of this idea of us, but the hungary is right. when government has cracked down on l. g b t, right? since it raised to power in 2010 redefining marriage to exclude gay couples, banning them from adopting children and introducing a ban on legally changing ones, gender, l g, b, t, community and their allies. the, this new raft of legislation is just the next step in an erosion of the right. the the chief prosecutors off the international criminal court is seeking to open an
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investigation into the philippines governments war on drugs. president rodrigo detective, regime has killed at least 6000 suspected drug dealers. the i c. c claims this could amount to crimes against humanity. the philippines is not a member of the i. c. c and preventative phase. he will not cooperate with the investigation, calling it felicity motivated. golf and from all i'm joined by agnes telemachus. she is secretary general of amnesty international in london. welcome to d. w admin. so the i c. c says it has reason to believe that crimes against humanity has been committed and in president regal is just hates is worn drugs. amnesty international recently released a report and you seem to national community to to intensify pressure on details. just how bad would you say the situation is where the fact that the i c c as describes the situation of crimes against humanity. the mayor find that the
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icpc is talking about why prayed attack. about 6.2 killed, thousands of people that should give you an idea about the situation that's different from the i t c concept of reporting by germany people. so if you. d take on great to deny. and to report on the math people killing you mentioned 6000. that 3 the me, me a number of even the government acknowledge 7000 people. the beginning of the war was around august 2016 v i c. c goes as far as talking about 20 to 30000 people healed in the context of one drug. and let me add that the victims i lynch drug use of they usually are very small and active. they are
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extremely poor. the vast majority of both kids leaving slum area are very poor. they are, you know, trustees, david on the a handful of 40 pieces of 3 try right off 3 wireless teen conventional agnes. the philippines withdrew from the i. c. c in 2019, and president. today says already say that he's not going to cooperate with this investigation. so what will a prob achieve when 1st of all, the i to see arbitrary function over the need to on team 20. so he can work on all the crimes committed from 2016 to march 17, 2019, when the government withdrew from the i t c. so that's the 1st, the 2nd the i t c has a lot of expertise and extend to conduct investigation remotely. i can assure you that people are committed to being bringing the evidence to the i. c. c,
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if required, or the way to the have. so i'm not worried about the fact that there is no corporation for the purpose of the investigation. i am worried about micro corporation for the purpose of the deeper injustice and for the purpose of putting an end to those sense less heating b i c. c. we've picked time. what is needed now is to acknowledge this must stop now. and how likely is it that president will face challenges over this agnes when very likely, based on really the find collect so far. even b, i c c, any report last i'm interested on president to refer to what you did when you were the mayor of that, how it referred to the very speech. and he has amazing sighting 40 pieces to heal and testing them against try even preferred to the various incitement
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provided by the president in the, in the forms of financial money for full, kidding. so they are not in that pre book that point your finger at the presenting . but i have to say is not the only song to be as presumably, or you know, some until older does the evidence that next in and out of my angel di, digital sets r n p cases in, in the crime against human, not just for him. okay. that's agnes. tell him lodge, nancy, i'm national. excuse me, in london. thank you. thank you. and you watching the news still sedan germany gives up for a much anticipated show down with france in the years. ornaments, will this be the do over the country is hoping for but for the moment, for yes, the german government has, once it's a curb, when it sees as
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a strong foreign influence on its muslim community. the majority of the month, educators outside germany in turkey. now the german city of a brook is opening the 1st islamic college to educate local months. some muslims here see the initiative as an intrusion on the stage, while others believe it will help is low, make learning. so the w went to visit be controversial, new programs and the city knows the koran. well, he's been studying it's lessons and verses for years in arabic, with the german translation. as one of these lemme colleges. first students, he felt lucky to have the chance to take classes taught entirely and german of the mom, oscar don't have mr thing because of and i was excited about the mom training. and the fact that this is happening in germany, that we can have a moms who made in germany is great. it means, but young people who grew up can learn something from the european perspective. and
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then apply that to that was because in mom's from, from my mom and so on, my share and that cheating already gives lessons on the koran in his community in german. those that makes him unusual. and most mosques in germany, teaching, preaching, and praying, takes place, and turkish arabic. the moms come from abroad, but they also get much of that financing. but many muslim families have been in germany for generations. the younger ones prefer to speak and cheating in german school. when the i believe that we're at a turning point in the history of muslims in germany. the need for more german language teaching is growing. when i go into schools, i find that more and more young people prefer to speak german when they talk about their religion. the false lumens,
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the ultimate johnson was the 1st day of school in austin and safety and his fellow students over they have a full program. it's an unusual group, shiites, and so nice women and men, all learning together and exchanging ideas about german religious history. the college aims to create more transparency and this lemon religious teaching. part of the financing comes from the german government. the college rejects the idea that it is restricting religious freedom for the learning how to discuss a critical of the teaching content. and the entire curriculum were developed by colleagues and speakers from the islamic college, and no one from any government agency has ever interfered in these buildings. and the chieftain has a positive impression overall helped off you have learned a lot today. many things that i feel i should have known from
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the college is course of study last 2 years. then he will be in the mountains to football now and 2014 both champions. germany faced the 2018 champions france at the years on tuesday. the german team has put the finishing touches on its preparations before the match in munich. coach, hear him live will be relying on a few of the heroes from the brazil campaign, as they take on the tournament favorites. now it's only the 1st game of the tournament, but as capable of approaches. there is no doubt. the pressure is on germany after its failure at the world cup in russia. the germany's last appearance it a major tournament 3 years ago ended and he is for a nation that's wonderful while cups and 3 european championships, failure hurts
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a lot. the early exits at the 2018 world cup in russia prompted some serious soul searching, especially when success was previously given them a no model bias is usually when you celebrate a lot of victories, that's normal, but it also means your appetite to satisfy. that's human. you lose your hunger, which means others are more driven and you're knocked off your pedestal guys because in the iron management you can be from soccer stores. despite the 2018 tobacco nerve was given time to turn things around, he began to rebuild his scores deciding to focus on youth. but the coaches, shopping and changing, hasn't had the desired effect. a sick snail humiliation at the hands of spain late last year showing this still work to be done. you may tell him we've got tons of highly talented young footballers in germany,
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but everything has to sit together. and i'd say we're still in an experimental phase. father, for the euros experiments have been ditched in favor of the tried and tested thomas mueller has returned to the squad alongside another veteran match who move the can their experience guys, germany back to success. ah. finger show. and i definitely think germany have a chance to reach the semi finals. and from there, anything's possible. the cliche goes that germany performed best at tournaments. the last major success that the 2014 world cup in brazil demonstrate that victory against the tournament favorites, france would go a long way to bringing back the feel good factor in german football.
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so it's more on tonight's big match. i'm joined by jonathan crane from d, w, sports gypsy, john ho many are hoping for a better performance than in russia. can they expect that well, company that much right? kind of what happened and it's really been a long, 3 years since then. plenty of option downs in between ways back. i have tried this now to try out some players. different formations found for hope is now finally been able to settle on a winning formula because it doesn't get much more difficult than about champion france. does it for the day to really set to move the rest of the ornament to wayne, be a huge competence based loft. and you know, that could be a sign of things to come at lee with yankee let leaving whatever happens at the end of the treatment process. the pressure is off him a bit and he says he's pretty happy with how the team has been preparing. you know, the p, i need on the inside on that piece and i'm relaxed. i think that we managed to achieve what we set out to these last 14 days. so for the moment, many things the last 2 years haven't been that easy. john's. i, in fact,
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when something's have been difficult for the last 2 weeks, we've done a lot of good work. i had lots of discussion set together and talk if you could feel the coherence getting better and better as the training will not. we're not doing a business based on some boxes. ok, johnson take off isn't a few hours. how do you think the matches were just because france, the favorites, that anything that have it or their own way, i think germany will dominate the possession to take the game. to france, france rolled up to hit me on the counter attack and made use of the paste, the best star strike kelly, and i'm back pay. but you know, what do i know i've, i've not been doing very well ready with the prediction so far. i'm no expert, i think, and you know, there are other people to listen to. maybe we should listen to the story to this is an elephant handbag handle. she hits out front, they're following in the footsteps and other animal oracles. of course they have also ferrets because they forget the pioneer of these younger a pool the up to have the now deceased. i'm afraid our if you're the are struggling
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you can even fill in center basketball skills not too bad and imposing figure. and you know, if the pressure gets too much of this is fix skins. so i think i'll go from there and beat them in the last 5 trips to germany, not to take anything away from elephants. i mean, i know they have good memories. i'm just not sure about their predictions, but there is there. okay, let's this step away from from this game because there's going to be another one hungry game. portugal. what can we expect there? we can expect from the house at the arena in budapest is the only stadium. that's one of the 100 percent capacity authorities there for going so far. distant thing in favor of fans having a mega think random virus test, but he doesn't get a tougher for them than the portugal with christiane. every now though, of course, in the portuguese line up still going strong, $56.00, and maybe this is why just check this out. this happened in the press conference, the other day, coca cola, one of the told him it's bumps as he takes that away off the table and holds up
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a bottle of water insisting that's the best option. now this is a body is, will read, know that he does away with sugary drinks and the junk foods are certainly not gonna push a product. he's not being paid for that and what you a for will make, but i'm sure you can afford any fines that might come his way. yeah, well, that's a john, thanks for that jonathan crane from david. thank you. and a reminder of our top story at this hour, the us president joe biden is in brussel for a series of seminars. and of course just feeling a deal with the e. u of a trade in the us. and you said to expand the truth in a 17 year dispute over subsidies. the agreement should avert billions in tennis, has terre watching t v news when you are up to date. now, business is up next with monica jones. don't forget we're on social media. we used phoenix
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who's who's the news news
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news, the news news ah, kicked the okay. so the last season wasn't all was out partying. course there was still plenty to celebrate. the emotional highlights seasons in the 2nd part of our recap. 60 minutes on d, w. many push to turn out in the world right now,
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the climate change. if any story this is much less the way just one week how much was going to really get we still have time to go. i'm going to subscribe or more like me and above all feels jewish life in europe. that's what film producer, bona and journalist eve, cool, good money are exploring. delving into history and the present. i would never have thought that could be live so open. and so i remind myself
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because i grew up in a completely different way. broad pluralistic jewish in europe. the 2 part documentary starts july 5th on dw. ah, the us and you are getting ready to resolve the world's biggest corporate trade disputes you as president joe biden is in brussels to east re tensions with a blog, including the long standing tariff route between play makers, boeing and airbus. how's coming up? are you ready for the quantum age i b m reveals it's a system one the 1st quantum computing platform in europe. welcome to d w. a business. i'm going to jones ville in good to happy with us. the.


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