tv Check-in Deutsche Welle June 19, 2021 9:30am-10:01am CEST
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the ideal place to slow down and relax, check in the next d w. these places in europe are smashing all the record. step into all the venture is the treasure map for modern globetrotters. discover. some of you have to record breaking site on you to know also in book form me ah, ah, ah. one square kilometer of red rock in the middle of the northeast. this is helical land, germany only high seas island. enjoying nature,
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letting the wind blow all around you and relaxing. that's what many people who come here want me to the the journey from hamburg to legal and takes 3 and a half hours that kept him around. takes me there. no other boat is pastor probably already on arrival, the holiday mood cakes in all the passengers initially have the same route. everybody passes the colorful ups the hub and walks along the problem. not somewhere here is my hotel most of the truth to arrive here. go back in the afternoons. there are more or less $3000.00 visitors here every day. but i
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would like to stay overnight, so i have more time and no stress to discover this small island. i a must on helical land is a visit to the seals. ah, if you like, it's allowed you're in for the punk festival. we've been there. it's another holiday video of the week. this time it's from australia. ah, my 1st walk takes me into the countryside all the way up to the overland me. ah, the route along the edge of the rock that form telling a land lease around the island that passed the
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water watcher. as far as the i can see, the mainland, it's 50 kilometers away. i pass the lang, i not that tall anna. this free standing rock is the landmark of helical land. every one hopes that it can withstand the wind and the waves for a long time. and i continue to germany, the smallest nature reserve, the limit says, the rock of the gilmore. it is the nesting ground of many see birds, but it is named after the gillmet. in june, the small feathered bolts take wing amateur photographers wait for them to take their courageous punch. there are not many places in europe where you can get so close to wildlife bird watching isn't the only thing you can do here over there is the doing an offshore island and even smaller than hellig over and germany's largest greenfield colony lives over there. and you can join
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a guided tour to get really close to those animals. ah, some animals that's got it figured out on the beach all day, basking in the sun and cool off now and then with a quick dip in the sea. life and land is generally tranquil and unhurried. the juno island ranger make sure it stays that way. when i try to show you more and more guests are coming to see liquor land and want to benefit from the high seas. but more and more animals are coming as well. some of the deena ranges are here to make sure we can all live together and get along. all right. people can ask me questions and enjoy the beach in harmony. i'm catherine. tilly's area responsibility is just $710.00 to the square kilometer. the island of dune and a couple of dunes is about all it is in your hands in
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a range. is there any found here because this underscore dina and medina range once a week, elegans visitors have an opportunity to tag along with the ranger unexplored, doing the island on an organized nature to very much if you find something and think it looks exciting, pick it up and take it along, it will have a look and i'm sure we can figure out what it is. i'm also somewhat rare and not easy to find is the read. flint doesn't matter. i was in 3 variations, but it's always some shade of red or not rust colored and not orange. you can find it in yellow and several variations of that, but the red flint is what's unique to hello good and i for most of the visitors here, the true stars of the island or this feels over the birth thing season begins around november and almost as soon as a females given birth,
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she's able to me again to me. so 2 weeks later, the 1st bulls are back trying to get at her again when she was cute and harmless. as the seals may look there, not necessarily countries. the gray seal is germany's biggest predator and it can move at 20 kilometers per hour. so it's not a good idea to get too close to them, even if nothing's happened so far. the possibility is always there. i country, there might be a couple of hope, but she chung, the animals monitoring that population is one of her routine tasks along with showing visitors around just see that on the sand and search for man and beast the like the
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although this island is very small it has an incredibly eventful history and you can learn more about it in the legal museum. york. andries is the boss here. he tells me that this island used to be pirates nest, a navy fort and a trading post. in the early 18th century, it was just as important as the international port of hamburg is today, had legal and was once part of denmark, then of great britain. it was not until $890.00 that the island became german, a fiercely contested piece of ground. one was the most dramatic moment in the history of the island to the modest the most dramatic moment was definitely the end of world war 2 and the great bombardment. everybody had to be evacuated and then came the big bang. in april 1947 resulted in the complete destruction of the island buildings. the british occupying forces once tried to destroy all the islands
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military facilities were $6.00 killer tons of explosives. never again, should it be used for military purposes. for many years elegant, remained uninhabitable. a few folks to come to the 3rd 1954. the population began returning to the island, and tourism immediately started up here again. on the 1st they slept intense on duty because there was no place at all to stay here on the island. there were no houses or anything, so they stay them this tense and do know the stuff. so whatever they needed to call we could pass true and by little souvenirs that people came and drove to see hellig along again, that's alvin soon tourists came in master, not because of the beautiful nature but to buy duty for liquor and cigarettes on dois would be how did the island that you're there for? i just imagine 10 or 12000 visitors here on this really small island. it was terrible that must be said,
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it was no room between all the people. we just had to pass the shops and through here, shoulder to shoulder. and for that you might see something nice and one of the shops didn't stand a chance of getting to it to buy it. we just pushed on ahead by the crowds until you ended up the back of the ship and at the same home again upon me and how come prices are so cheap on legal end. and previously, that's a privilege we had former time with britain. and it's been preserved through all the changes and rule that was taken on and tracy's. and so we've always hotter judy and texas. we started here now it still exists. but today the tourists come here for the nature almost as it used to be with helical and became a seaside resort in the early 1900 century. at 1st people came here for the good air. it was the beginning of helical land tourism. ah, this island is so small,
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you can easily walk around it and it just takes one or 2 hours. hello, cool. and it's pretty popular with tourists. and we will show your wife hentaker land, stones getting crowded every day around noon. you can almost set your watch by it. that's when the excursion ships arrived from the north sea coast and hamburg. the business is a ferry to learn from the ships in jolly boats known locally of better boats. in 2018 they were listed with unesco, intangible, world heritage. as soon as the month when seaside result was founded here in 1827. we didn't have any harbor, no break quarters or peers. we had nothing at all nuts. and i just went to the 1st passenger ship arrived 2 year later, they had to drop anchor somewhere. and our fishermen and pundits went out in our fishing boat and brought the guests for the 1st time over to land in their birth. both of my brother got home and eventually the harbour was built
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and ferrying passengers was no longer necessary. soon after the ship's put in the pedestrian mall, fill up, the visitors still come to shop duty 3. they generally have 4 hours before they ship sales. again, the tours at time so that the date of his can go long to the bank to bring them some 25 meters deep inside to red cliff. this is where the header land is so chilled her from the bombings. it's the only remainder of a once vast bunker complex running through our head to go down. but the time, the biggest part we're a no, came through all the bombings in and after the war and damaged the last. bombs fell in february 1952. so it's important to us talking to many helical enders, especially the older ones, older lives out because the forbid number you need to know still hurts typical of
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hellig or land that few people know they were built here in the 19 fifties and sixty's as part of a plant city 1st of course the cliff was here and a huge bunker english blew up in 1947. then, as the most led to the formation of the lines now called the middle land plant, us midland, and stun or, and the last the hot saw now essentially a retaining wall for the loose rock. i'll look at the style an architect competition was announced for the reconstruction, 951 over a 1000 architects to pause their task was to find the optimum use of the limited space while orienting the houses favorably to the sun and wind. every detail was thought up down to the paint. it was limited to 14 colors. today,
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indigo land. it's like an open air museum of the 1900 fifties and sixties buildings town. almost every house is listed as historical. a closer look at hellig land quickly reveals that it's full of fascinating stories. and whereas the longest stay or even a return visit ah, ah, i want to do that to get on the boat and go around the island. it takes 45 minutes. the excursion boat only put out if the waves are no higher than 2 meters. thank goodness. in ah, in the slipstream of the island it is still peaceful. but as soon as we
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clear the tip of the island, the rocking stars almost to meet your ways. ah, all you need now is this john stomach and occasionally something to hold on to. ah, nobody get the think we all have our see legs are lot your when and ways. that's what our weekly v mail is about as well. our viewer johan is from singapore, loves traveling just like me. he's been to the other side of the world to australia and heres his holiday video. ah,
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me. almost 1500 people live on the how they go land and to see as part of almost everyone's life. most of them have ancestors who are sailors or fishermen, maybe even pirates. oh, the shanties and sailors, songs are part of the cultural heritage own. i'm here for rehearsal of the head. will in the cockpit shanty wire. does he tell you just saying was that a regular sailor song or a shanty noodle? no, that was actually our theme song. it has nothing to do with either. it can. it was
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in hollander, the fusion dialect and it just means the cock thing cannot great guys, no more than that. you got all the colors and the id, me, sarah, shanties in sailors, songs. what's the difference? you know, they must, doesn't tell you the songs are simply romantic songs. they used to sing, but the shanties with a work songs for the seaman of earlier town. it was hard work on the ships of one of them, a call, the tune and the jobs and the choir would answer the work. the lead singer never had to work and it's just the same with us for thing. i'm with him and they wouldn't just respond to the modem, goes lead singer for today's eating his whole facing. so song often can i sing a shanty like that? or you all? sure we can do that. and like i said, the lead singer's horse, he'll sing the beginning when we jump in thing and you can just sing a line, the thing the thing done i've like. so i've, i'm at, i'm, i a know,
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o, that was really good to those who really want to join the cock, seen, have to meet 3 conditions. be a man, live on legal land, and be able to think they have strict rules, but they are friendly guys. my every screen because i have an important job. they open the punk festival, will put us off here a helical, and with their shanties, 3 days in a row, bands from all over europe gather here on the island. the festival here on. here we go. land, ladies and gentlemen, the kind of thing can, oh,
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me, see shanties, everyone's had the amenities before and likes to sing them over the cheese and punk actually goes together him. me the storm that should see goes face an invasion of odds, but we can get to flocked to dina island for the rock and roll. but how fast, which means something like booth crews june says he's a good weather and better beer. 12 pigs have to be put away and nothing changes faster on lands and the weather. by the time the 1st rays of sun appear on the do you know, restaurants terrace, the 2nd grog disappeared. i . 8
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know they don't have any guns, just gets a bit more bit de, partnership all their own. the had to go. that is hosted. they 1st pung, 1st in 2003 with mixed feelings. as the former mayor recalls, i'm yes at 1st gave the decision makers here in the town hall, a little shock when they heard the words hunk festival. they could see it happening and doing it with the nature reserve new to the people over 70 years old. and then here comes punk rock. how could work? no matter how you do it, it wouldn't work. then a little administrative voice piped up and said, well, we can give it a try. we'll be on the 150 fans at the 1st one quickly grew to over 1000 the bands even played for free just for the atmosphere at the see the applause and what the fans would give. now bands come from all over this end of europe for the rock and roll, but they play and policy till midnight. then the towns will crawl into their tents
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unless the wind has swept them away. in the meantime, i love their house by the harbor are a good place for a smack. these used to be warehouses for the fisherman. today, restaurants have moved in they mainly offer sea food dishes, for example, helical and nico crap pincers. but the cutlery is strange. by the dummy without ever made the hammer. ok. though up we have to break it a little like this. not cracking sound done. com the us here. i think my colleague, the finish with love this all globe throughout us, always tries the local food on his travels all around the world. and this time thief has been to cuba. and here's his new video. john
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ah, is the capital largest city major ports and leading commercial center of cuba? the city has a population of 2100000 inhabitants and attracts over a 1000000 tourists donnelly. our 1st need to go on a tour with a classic car here doing exactly that for 3 hours. going around, going around her being all the old, her on a lab on a va was declared unesco world heritage site in 1980 to the
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a show because every the who's this evening on her legal and i am on the cliff path again. the best place to wait for the sunset. you can only experience that when you stay here overnight. a day trip is nice, but it's better to stay 2 or 3 days on the island that makes it a real difference because then he can experience the perfect deceleration. so just give it a try by, by see next time somewhere else in germany. me
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move mountains, the d. w, the in good shape. the harmful substances inside our homes come from cleaning supplies, cosmetic products, even new furniture. what and dangerous linger within our 4 walls? our expert check it out in good shape. minutes on d, w. o. the against the corona virus pandemic. now has the rate of infection in developing
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what measures are being taken? what does the latest research say? information into context the, the corona virus updates the special monday to friday on d, w. i and above all, kelly fields, jewish life in europe. that's what film producer and journalist good martin are exploring. delving into history and the present. i would never have thought they could believe so. and so i need to remind myself because i grew up in a completely different way. fraud, early jewish in europe. the 2 port documentary
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starts july 5th on d, w. i. i use the w news live from berlin. iran elect a new hard line leader. rivals concede, defeat the ultra conservative abraham right. but many voters stay away as hundreds of moderate candidate abad. from standing on the program, a 3 day travel fan in lisbon, portugal capital city impartial shut down as the super infectious delta variance of
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