tv The 77 Percent Deutsche Welle June 20, 2021 11:30am-12:01pm CEST
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cars raring to go the red. 60 minute on the w. w. crime fighters are back africa the most successful radio drama theories continues in the all episodes are available online. course you can share and this goes on w, africa, facebook page, and other social media platforms. and fighters tune in now. hello, welcome to the some in the 7 percent the show for you africa use i am mike lety, this edition of the show. it's coming to you from our crop in ghana. yes, what's coming up for? you can wrap up monday, go show us around that dump sites. hold on. dora boxed up, patricia,
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apple of 51 at top through the 5 in pitts income parlor. and in our streets debate would discuss at deadly initiation, right? females den, county police and main topics to be harmful and deadly initiation rights. before we talk about f t m, let's look at what some young men have to go through. the numbers may not be as high, but this grid, mental and physical pain across africa. different cultures, monk, the transition from boyhood to manhood. what initiation rituals in south africa, many young men lose the lies. as a result, we do african close to the fall river early in the morning and these initiation students practice traditional chance. it is a highly secretive process. we're lucky out of 20 students these 5 and that teacher are willing to talk. they perform a cleansing ritual in the river every morning. these schools are infamous for the
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allegedly brutal methods, but this young initiate shows no sign of fear. some guys are scared, but that's only because other people, ex luxury things. so some have this fear. but because this is our culture, i feared nothing. i for, i feel like most of the boys here have to go through it make over when i was in the, the traditional baylor and pay the ethnic groups believe a boy can only become a man if it goes through the rites of passage like chanting stick fighting and hunting, the rite of passage culminates with the circumcision of the students performed in an open field by a traditional healers. while only a nora t of the schools are accused of mistreating their students. many push questionable ideas about masculinity. because when you come from this please, he cannot cry. it's like if someone
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a u. f post. or even if you pay news like here with forming leg tinney a little bit to be as soon as you attitude like this made this young man's experience all the more painful at the age of $18.00 or lani acosta were sent by his father to an initiation school, as soon as he arrived in his cousin was subjected to daily beating colonies, cousin was a proud young man and defied the humiliations. so he was often taken aside and punished repeatedly with further beatings. one evening the eldest took him away once again to teach him a lesson. this time he never returned. my cousin never came back because he was a fighter. you know, was one person that can stand up for himself. they beat him to a plan whereby they killed it and when they realize that they've gotten too far,
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then they just came back and they to lead. and i think the initiation schools on to registered or monitored much like female genital mutilation initiates, can also die as a result of budget circumcisions, traditionally known as, while local or lose one's manhood forever. when kalani asked about the whereabouts of his cousin, one of the eldest threatened him with the same fate. carla knew then that he had to flee for me. i had to choose in terms of her to my mother and my father by being a desert to my mother and my father by being did so i he said and, and thought which one is best alarming opted for life. that night he ran away and never returned, but his decision brought disgrace on his family and these 2 escaped to go back to his community. today. years after the ordeal,
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he still lives far from his village and has no contact with his parents. i've been in a lot of fights and they see the scars know even this one like you. you constantly have to prove yourself as a man, and i don't think that will end. and can i get that confirmation for having an open discussion about the point of initiation rights is almost impossible because the young men are not supposed to talk about their experiences. many who are traumatized carried with them for the rest of their lives. in south africa loan, more than 400 young man has lost their lives in the past 7 years now. the tunnel just freeze by these young men. this multiplied a 1000000 fault when we talk about the young women move phone here to female
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genital mutilation, or of g m. for most young women and girls, it's a blue top bar lation of the physical and mental well being terrorists cause with more the hello there and welcome to the spread a safe space where we get to discuss everything, sex and relationship. so there are 4 types of female genital cutting, also known as female genital mutilation, or s g, m, c. type one is a partial or total removal of the collector is tied to is the partial or total removal of the clearest and the menorah type 3 is the narrowing of the virginal orifice. then fusing the wound shut, they leave a small hole, the size of a pinky finger to your name and for ministration. once she has intercourse for the 1st time, it's up to the man to open her up again, which obviously causes a lot of pain and leading type for includes all of the harmful procedures to the
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female genitalia for non medical purposes. for example, passing banning or incision so many women have and continue to experience both sexual and reproductive health issues. as a result of this, some of the effects could include complications during their ministration, u t. i's hemorrhage and infection so severe they cause death in an effort the end of gmc, there are communities worldwide that are working hard to eradicate the practice. this involves having conversations about the dangers involved. all types of f t m. i still come on in many african countries for the latest addition of our street to be our water. it is money problems to the home of not all in kenya that in can yes, my side region, many young woman, i still expected to undergo this painful, proceed to speak to a young woman about what she went through and consulted mother who force her to
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become the news in the year 2011, kenya passed a law that basically said the female genital mutilation was illegal. despite this, it still being practiced across the country and even she away, we are in narrow county and we want to investigate why. and i'd like to begin with selina, who is actually a member of this community and an activist. i know for a fact that you had said to your mother that you didn't want to undergo this right . and she forced you to i think for me, my mom of course, she wanted me to grow up like a normal my say child, go. because my grandmother that i used to go to watch many girls being sick unsafe . so it was such a mighty experience for me, and i kept telling my mom that it's something i never want to go through. so she didn't think that my visual and my choice counted the she went ahead and save
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it for me, leaving planned as a surprise ceremony. and upon coming home from visiting my uncle and everything was said. and i found a group of women and they just locked me in and close to me. so my mother possibly just heard from your daughter that you forced her to get f g m. why did you do that? key milan now go away on the you know, the number after they move in your area and in the hill you might not even, we're happy. so you mean to tell me that if there was no law against, if jim, you would still practice it? come i said 199, the mo numb's am i say good. then another one. you stem susan items. then i made a mom. how about i guess i can add that they'd as i'm, i don't understand why young doesn't. so let me ask the man in this community,
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we have some very good looking morales here. dody come up. when know me, what you must say when there's a cow, a modem can buy. i had to cut off when i was stuck with muscular that they've had to cook most entered my day. but idea we're talking about harmful practice here. what are the long term effects of f d m? what have you had to contend with psychologically? if jim is not something that ends with the day you are caught, it's something that follows you for a lifetime. 2 hours after the cut, you start shivering, you start feeling fever, your body temperatures, right? so you can construct infections, but those other short thumbs after you are no mature, even the minutes is coming out is a challenge. another thing is that when you're mattered, again, you go through a process called the relation. it's another, the opening. then when you are, you want to give back and in our community we give,
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but as long as we can. so that means after every bus you have to be cut for you to pass this the child. yes. alright, but also hearing from all these women who've undergone f, g m that it does cause complications that is harmful. so do you want another one of your daughters to go through that? right now, my son who he now my mother went missing. and i mean, my boss and noon with you guys, how gonna it, i mean you could buy the chief here. you are. somebody comes to the police station and says of just been forced to go through the gym and we've read some instances where the police officers ask them for photos of the thing happening. this is not realistic. what make these guys not report? at the time they go there that being nasa seminar on the lewis, a b demo was stigmatized this day. yeah. that is that that is should be because
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most of the stations don't predict him send most of this to him at that time. maybe that's about that go to the to put the police station. so, but isn't, that's why we have so many layers of administration. so that if the police, if you, as a chief is not able to come to this community, should you be able to send people to survey i send people just have to check. and i mean if we're saying that the people being circumcised or you know, going through g m a 9 or 10. what, how will they know to come to report to you what we do, and that i've had a lot, we collaborate to the churches, philadelphia as, and the community added at large. okay, but to, to be fair, chief, we already know that that's not working. it's not really working entirely, so let's talk about arrests. have there been any people arrested in network? yes, i for many even the kids. ok, so i do not agree with you,
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but i want to come to selina 1st because is this ringing to to you? do you feel like you can trust the police officers to enforce the law festival? we don't have any police this morning. my chief we're being told you don't even have a police station here. the where would you even begin? in fact, we have a she said she thing and most mostly in fact that is no. so how do you enforce a law when the forces are not there? we do we try ok. so speaking of stakeholders, kaz, what more can we do as women to work with the women who are still going through this? how can we be more active stakeholders? i feel like we really need to be able to understand the ways in which different communities are able to absorb information and then use that and take that and find ways to educate women and make more precise question is, how do we begin to change the mindset of mama who is old and very certain how,
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how do we begin to educate or to have conversations with in a way that she can have a ha moment where she's like actually we need to stop that. ok. education is something that you're very keen on. is this the way for her to stop after him? do you think we have a center in mostly ro, it's more of a rescue center now because guess i fling into that institution is getting married . and if jim, so creating sets, if this isn't guess a new kitchen would be a huge being that can solve this issue of if jim. okay, said you know what is your proposal moving forward? how do we finally get rid of this? we need to have county and community based approaches from a community may be engaging, the religious leaders will walk for the mass. i may be alternative right, right of passage because these people have values attached to it. so how do
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we link if jim, from religion, how do we link if jim, from culture, what other political leadership doing about our female politicians to begin with? you're talking about changes right from the top all the way to the bottom. this is where we have to call it her up. they've been fantastic solutions, which have been suggested. i really hope the people who can implement them listening to speaking to you. chief, thank you for watching. in the reason awareness is the best way to cause last name change and in i, because that is exactly what some young people are doing. they've created a radio program, and on this program, they discussed all manner of topics like rape abortion, and f g m. 18 year old greece has been a junior reports for 6 years. she lives to not be shown the capital of the ivory
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coast. it has society, women do not have the same right, as men on certain topics like female genital mutilation. simply not talked about, but grades that the same way from top topics. today's radio report is about abortion. why the people didn't talk about it. the things they seem to keep secret from the families, which cues a lot of young groups are going to be complicated to talk to people about abolition . but i do my best to convince the toppy we have to interrupt. and 774 on the subject is terrible in the ivory coast because many people consider it all interference with god's will many abortions take place in secret without medical support and under hygiene italy unsafe conditions. greece wants to open the conversation level and we noticed that more and more you would have an abortion, i would like to know. what do you think about risky? the girl could die become infer,
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time will have consequences to her social life. it could hurt physically, women's empowerment remains the challenge in topic in the country. i veterans are not used to being asked to these questions, especially not by a young woman. breaking the code of silence. this is the goal of the radio show. a young person, a message here, everything will be discussed sexuality, domestic violence, rape or female genital mutilation. the project was launched in 2014 since then greece and her colleagues produce the one our show every saturday. stephanie k is one of the senior to support the junior reporters automatically the. we notice the kids opened up. they express their feelings. they talked about things they would not have talked about before. they got involved last ah, what used to be awkward have become normal for the 18 year old, and that feels gracious and with pride. let's sick. we need to congratulate young girls like grace we take initiative because thanks to them,
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we can move forward. really we need to encourage them our percentage level encouraging young girls to speak up. this is what greece and her program stanfull walkway. fair mystery cut football. yes. because instead of 4000 they've been greece as decided to study journalism. and she's determined to empower of a young girls like hair very difficult to get over. shined is what i encourage my friends, my grandparents, my parents, my brothers and sisters, the people i knew to talk about taboo subjects. but if we don't talk about, no one would do it for us. please wants to continue speaking out for the voiceless, not raising her voice is simply not an option a more speak up. raise your voice. that is the message that i got from the last report. and here was
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another strong voice street on a compiler, ugandan books of patricia apple lot. she's a raymond, well kickboxing come back the to time will try to hold office. she won't calibrate until she defeated sexual harassment in you can done sport. listen, you don't want to mess with me. we're searching titles to him. name patricia a lot. is the reigning, well keep boxing champion in the female lightweight division. it chips a lot. courage to stand up. it takes a lot of courage to make it talk. i never when you make it to the so some people doubt that if you listen to the voices of other people than listening to yourself, you find out you look out yourself from what really you want to be. the 2 i'll take area. she has faith naked, steven, in between the nations. in uganda. kickboxing is considered immense,
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only sport. so patricia rise to the top was an uphill struggle. the people, hon. and that's what i want to change. you either choose to be one or you want to be a champion. why? because when i was a younger i had a lot of bedrooms, don't come easily. so i reached a point where i said, i have followed enough what people are telling me. but what do i have to tell my on the to time world champion isn't just it's half open and in the ring. she also supports female atlas. we have suffered sexual harassment and violence. apollo has a very clear message for the perpetrators people are mentally sick because you have some things to show to the world, but someone is actually limiting your sister, which you want to go. men of the gods with crying about sexual harassment. a lot of
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them. but it never occurred to me because one i showed them what i wanted. no one even ever thought about coming that. hey, patricia, this and this because for me, since my, my school days, i'll bid to hell out of you. to day, patricia upload knows that she can't just let her speak for themselves in her home village. laura, the 29 year old founded a club for mostly young female kickboxing. she believes that hope for a better future. that's with the young generation. especially if leaders also work towards creating a safer environment to further develop the autonomy. we can do this, we can achieve that. we have good that we are actually we at the beginning of every, ah, this year she is focus and defending and well titled he is convinced that he achievements will inspire more african go to stay focused on what was the last time you raise up your voice how did you speak up against
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inequality and your oppression of women? let us know at 7 to 7, d, w dot com all through our community on facebook. now from compiler we had straight tonight will be to meet the wrap up by the goal in her hood of done daughter. significant thing about done today is that it's a slum, built on at dom site. not the kind of place you expect wrapped to be, but i leave you to be the job that introduce in my the goal. and it done dora rock project. my be the see that now you know, we don't remember the most people think that music is done to me continue
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to people say that only men can do it out. so the that i got a new people. but when they moved in, make, i feel like i'm in my own one, in math, in consulting my name, you know, most people know miss lindy, who am i just didn't get a call. we need to visit the vision, dental less than one thing to download or we could do it the next, the largest dumpsite estoppel majority of robin's most of the ends up here. they're not actually done. laura. many people see a crisis we see beyond doubt as the note i c
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t, we are going to change that. it's not let people be to be here. people are just getting on board the in the mean lose the i tell live is to stand out and believe no matter what it is to munitions, the good vision. it's all about making change, talking about issues affecting the community and fighting for the rights of the, the job in the 77 percent. it's all about creating space for the beat and giving voice to the
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voiceless. so my go to this is home. you are super welcome. good bye to you. of us . see you next time. this pandemic. we the to get to have a 5th said more than anyone else. we have last time school. our parents have looked job, but none of us has lost hope. i could have gone to the studio to record that don't mess i decided to do with the getaway. ah oh oh oh oh, i am in
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and raring to go read a c in 30 minutes on w. o. i in many countries, education is still a privilege. hardy is one of the main causes some young children work in my child. instead of going to class can attend classes only and finish working millions of children all over the world can't go to school. the. we ask why? because the education that makes the world more just the make up your own mind. w made for minds. sometimes
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