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tv   Shattered Dreams  Deutsche Welle  June 21, 2021 11:15am-12:00pm CEST

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simply committed, but her selection is still controversial. critics claims she has numerous physical advantages having computed as a man in the past zealand government backs for inclusion. up next doc film looks at the young moroccan migrants who made it to europe only to have their dreams of a better life. awarded a micro local here at the w as in berlin will see at the top of the hour with when he's on the green. you feel worried about the planet? i'm the host of the on the green fence clear remains to change. join me for the size of the green transformation for me, for you, for the plan. ah,
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ah, the me when you or you cross the border, you think that everything here is going to be easier. you can get a jobs or money will get married and a lot more loss true. but once you get here, you'll see that it's really scary, has also to them what you guys have been here for a while. and they're 16 years old or so. and they're living on the street, they don't have
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a job and their legal status is uncertain. but you still believe that you can make your dream come true. auto bought that has been and yeah, the soon as i said about arguments, it should be very well, we'll hold it. okay. so what was new? i know what i want much can you give me your new? when was the last time we talked that she was a hold it up in a little bit. so i live alone with the shawn. i'm logged in. okay, good. it always been moment. but
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i mean like i think the other model but the thing is we want to
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set up, the police said we attack some kid someone stole their money and passports and the cops day, we did it the well, i'm going to bed now. i sleep in a different place every night and sometimes on a cardboard box on a street corner on more next to a trash container on night. i'll sleep in the parking lot at the harbor. there are some abandoned cars and vans over there. sometimes will sleep in a big delivery van that we call the harbor hotel. it took connecticut. how did i get
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here is our 7 star hotel i. ready i like to update on it as it has in within the bus even though the limitations it will be here we go
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all go with them on hold, but i can give them all know his head and hell know how to do so right so. so my mother had a little jo, have down on the sofa bed and the
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how about $5.00 a month that maybe i could spend the holiday in morocco. if only i could get some money. i don't know what to do. a lot of what my mom wants to see me, but i don't want to go, but still i could spend the holiday there, god willing, and then come back here and try it again. it was beautiful. come the printed off another. spain has lots of regulations. it's funny that i have to stop over in spain to qualify for residence papers from some of them. sure. that actually i'd like to go to canada, god willing or norway that should, that i'm anywhere in the world. canada, norway, sweden, belgium, france, at all. for me on the spain is only a stop over comb, auto to call and to see if,
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if any country falls, spain, italy, france, bigger, small. any country is better than a morocco and it's not a good place to live. there's a lot of poverty there for people steel, so there's a lot of violence and the more, and then there's the king which will be just a dangerous place. a bit of the the we were at the beach for a long time earlier today. then we got hungry and came here to try to find something to eat my knuckles over them at the bottom. we've been here for 2 hours and we haven't found anything yet. maybe we'll get lucky and someone will give us
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a little food is all you have mentioned in the canoe. i saw the metal was good at what i heard some guys screaming at each other, get in. they were on drugs and fighting issue. you can blame the drugs for that. one. does all of the marvelous. i don't know why they were fighting. nothing important. i'm sure amanda life on the streets is not a solution. it can really screw you over and cause all kinds of trouble. it can make you do things that you wouldn't normally do. it's a tough life and a lot can happen out of the physical abuse thought of fast disease. and other stuff
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with me. ah, ah the in the know that there are people who are financially well off. they have houses,
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don't they collect rent? they cause and was, why did they put their children at risk like that going up under people who have money ascending that they see where they, they pay for this, but they didn't think about the consequences anyway. i was why i from they have a good life here, a little room on those boats for the kids may not even have to care and they're the ones who need help. no one seems to realize rich and on the brink and i know some people at work who demanded that kids spend the money for rent, wherever children going to get that money. and i said the parents forcing their kids to deal drugs deal. they have the
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the, this kid is one of us. yeah. his family came and picked him up. she was. so give him something to eat and then they'll drop him off at the harbor again. i'm really a family if i mean what kind of family that he's their son familiar with that a member who had a mis news had i hope i can make my dream come true and get to spain. ability and
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either like this number or by paying was if i want to go to spain, you my favorite cities are bill bow alone, a lot of them in catalonia, you can get your residence permit quickly and there are generous people who will help you on that there are mom and john that if someone sees your praying there, they'll help you find a job in the placement who look you know what they help you with everything with who i know you're in a now do you take the bus came with me was that or did i did in the humidity? oh no no no. oh. 6 no, no,
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no, no, we're going to get your voice new up. i'm lucky which will be more moved. remember the ones who will deal with what? we don't have a lot of room on the bus on call. well, the one going to know the, the
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the the the, the, the, the the me, me, ah, me. i
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just did the job done because we are going to was not found to the emitter was not that good was one of the model been as you know how much what don't do new. busy love up, you know, what does that mean going to go
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oh, let me ah ah, the cable that we have them. what about gala came on the guys who want to leave go to their mom and shed a few tears. my mom, i want to make that crossing or dad i want to go. if the parents are rich,
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they say fine sun image, but just don't sleep on the streets. it gives you it gives you. then they come here and try to find someone with an inflatable or plastic photos that can take them over quickly. and then they have provided, if a poor kid asked parents smack him and then just send them off. and they can't give him any help to commit to. so the poor kids sleep on the streets or they hide out under a bus today, but it takes a long time. okay, but not just minutes, hours or days. machine, michigan, it can take months or even years full of them. so they live on the street. out risky and dangerous ways to get to europe. claim, i mean to pen dot. that is that's the big difference in rich kids, mothers put them into inflatable boats and the poor kids have to risk their lives ready, but they can get sick or be physically abused or even die just so they can get to your who have and that that's the difference where there was never really
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when you hear that a boy has died or was run over. you think it could have been your son? what happened to someone else could happen at the border? you'll see kids are sleeping on couple books says no one helps people just stop and say clear of you, but so our kids are dying, so they're physically abused. they don't have enough to eat. people treat them like there was nothing was over at home. when kids get up in the morning, they see their father beating them, other 2 euros spent on think it's better to die within to live like that. can well with me me me. me.
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me to do you because i worked in casa blanca for awhile. i slept on the street next to the police station at the harbor in the cold and rain. so i put up with it. it was, i worked at several jobs and i sold fish from a bucket. i told cigarettes. i also worked in a small restaurant, but i didn't like cotton blanca, the famous. there was nothing but trouble. so i left to tell you. i went to mara cash. there weren't many jobs there. i worked at the job market and making jews that have fruit stand. i did that for a week and then i came back to the new deck and stayed a few days of this year. but after that i went to feds. i worked at a tannery there. i didn't learn much, just for euros, or
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a 405060 drams a day. that can be done. the i did again, i spend half my life on the street. i don't know how things are going to turn out. it may end well or it may end badly. good had did in my might even die words out of me. ah ah oh, i actually did it when i got here. so i called my mom to tell her that i was okay a little behind. but she knew that i'd make it because i'm already
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a young man that she'd love to see me again. he has done that. she's waiting for me to come back. and when i do, she'll say my son acted like a real man. me a long day and a lot of my relatives have called me to find out how far i've gotten, how they'll start calling again soon. and i'll tell them that i'm headed for madrid . god willing me ah ah
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ah ah, ah, the better for this when i got off the bus yesterday, i had no idea where i should go. i found the moroccans and they helped me. i do need, i got something to eat. and then i went to the juvenile center, just need some friends. and they gave me a few clothes from that. and then we walked around the city. if you will just its going. today i went to a police station to register and sign up for a place at the juvenile center. i have relatives in monica that are gonna when he'd ola and quarter by quarter, but i don't want them to come here because of me 11. i don't want to ask them for help you not do laughing god,
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i can take care of myself. he bought them off and how it's a man's game. there are, but he's here who will help you take you everywhere and by you close all the best of the guys who have managed to leave like radar and these my ah ah, the kids came here to raise. in this case, we risked our lives to come to this country. and now some people call this thieves and foreigners. and we have to sleep on the streets for months before we get any help. you also need someone to do any more lovable mohammed or profit talked about here, which means migration the mac. cuz if you can't make it in one place,
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you move to another person. i traveled by bus from deal bow to son sebastian. and then to and from england to france, to this i'm a lot more afraid now than before. when i tried to get to europe as a stowaway, now i can be arrested and deported. so i'd have to start from scratch again. just so i hope that god will stay with me as the saying goes, make god, make us good people in a moment. there are no arabs on this bus here. you must have to find an era who can give you an address some place to go. someone who can help you and show you what to do. so i'm in gods hands now.
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mom, i just don't want to be sent back to morocco. his name monday to me on monday the day and san sebastian. i couldn't because i'm not a minor when i was on the phone 6, you can live on the street here, and there's no reception center for adult muslim. let's say if i were a minor, i have no problem with god willing, i'll go to france or hall and love. if i have to, i'll pretend to be a minor. so i won't have to live on the streets unless
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i this river forms the border between france and main. here's the border. conform, but don't confuse it with this line. if you come from this direction, you'll see it all river to keep empathy, but it's not the border. the police patrol this area here, but they don't check the buses all that much. they're looking for black people, not moroccans. it's been on the level. can i just
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have that much but they could be smaller mulch up when they get on with know what's going on go to the job that he's going to do with the dinner on the football level. put him open with football. i'll put on
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with him is do lose is a lot of civil like the was born issues to do i was in jail for 6 or 7 hours. said he,
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when the police said they were holding me because i wanted to leave spain, but i don't have any documents on so she'll want to be live. we should. the french police took me into custody and handed me over to the spanish police. finally, went out and she went on, so i'll try to get to france again. i won't give up. the people here are very different on the kids. they respect your rights. when you speak french, they get a french interpreter. if you speak spanish, they get a spanish interpreter. same with arabic speakers, they try to bring in someone who understands you know, honey, enough, range for a lawyer, even though i have no money. he came all the way from san sebastian and we're in iran and she was late, but she got there. she did her job and defended me. then thanks to god, they let me go. leo, proponents come do love or love
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. let's update the full on it. so that i mean even as we move here, me just demo with them. i think some the, some of the a blog or low roof,
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a few room to get the the the content even when i got out of the ship because i had to move stuff in. i was going to come out of the finish, wants to come to your husband if you want to come, we didn't go to look for because know that, cuz i think i should have dentist had a deal that i would say i would have a guy who is a molly funny. she said i will hold you,
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but i do not want to miss you need me. michel never got a shot. i'm not going to watch. and when i phone at all i'm, i don't go into something that's really sad and they're going to put the john to mama, mama up. the machine will see if they can look at it. the amount of these kids, they sometimes tell us that they have they are in contact with their families. i mean, i've been working with this 7 years, but i still don't understand always the reason why they are in europe. some people tell me that it's a cultural or cultural thing, but it's difficult 1st understand because a lot of these kids come, they say some of them only stay a few days since day one, some 3 months. then
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a friend from another country coast. and so that they live in that country is much better of them both when they live in they haven't all their friends activities going to school. they have a lot of the social services that they are. and when everything comes, a lot of problems they start thinking about things like things, but they're being they feel that they are so much just being kids. these kids, i believe a lot of them never had been able to be just kids
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normalize kids? i think a good solution would be for the countries for europe to try to help them in morocco. really know what way is for them. i use the use
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of a thought i had learned a little funny going to be honest when i see facebook videos of my friends who have emigrated because they seem healthier. how that was and they were great and what shows how they dress well and live well suzanne, asian thought i had learned a new question. i'm not jealous of them, but i'm frustrated in the snow because i wish i was like them on their level. and of course for my home, i want to be with them. and we will have to, she said i had learned to has some is just the truth is that i missed them a lot only when i think of that my heart a leak and the, and i went through a lot with those people. it says just that when you see that your friends are going well and you're not know how you feel like you're wasting your time in the hollow. so. but if i had my high limits, did she? does she don't shy, feel so sad that it makes me sick? it's got to go to gal, who am i? i have nothing left that has any value. hey,
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it's just my dream to go to europe and be with my friend. this is just so you them, the people have gone through so much with jim. i must have seen them missed me. ah, ah me all right. there we don't know what i know the
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meadow now that we get under a lot of money when i let you know what will be my my life that i have a man, i'll be so. okay. now do you have any book that other money you think when i, when money was like, i'm a good thing with the how, what is it that i do not have any guiding because my my name from the,
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you know, the over the, you know, we're not making the game i know ah, me, ah, the
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in the linda the nasa the log you have to do
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when it moves in the on the thing is zoom. did you better be the better
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because i lose the
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the the the ah, we see them. but they are, they're in our street. water. even now we're here. unseat about the threats you're facing. and the heroes taking the stand to stop them. the minutes on d. w. we've got some hot tips for your bucket. let the
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magic corner check for food and some great cultural memorials. to double your travels off we go, it's about billions. it's about power. it's about the foundation of the new world order. the new silk road. china wants to expand its influence with this trading network also in europe. china is promises partners rich in europe, there's a sharp warning you or whoever accepts money from the news for power will be dependent on the shyness gateway. year starts july 1st on d, w. ah
12:00 pm
ah, this d w news lies from berlin trying to hipaa governments of bella roof, where it hurts the you expand sanction to target full sectors of the risky and economy to tighten the thumbs. cruise on leader, alexander and shank could these finally loosen his iron grip on power. also coming up armine as prime minister, nickle pushing and parties secures another term and office after snap election. if they results that is likely to surprise many.


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